2 minute read
Local Sorority Chapter Celebrates Founders Day
The Auburn Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. recently celebrated its 110th Founders Day. Elsie Cooke-Holmes, Delta Sigma Theta national president and

“Opelika is incredibly blessed to have such an amazing school system in our town — one that is thriving, growing and producing impressive and capable adults who are college or career-ready,” Rauch said. “A vote ‘for’ this tax renewal for Opelika City Schools is a vote for Opelika and its strong and prosperous future. And, remember, this is not a new tax, but chair of the National Board of Directors, served as the keynote speaker.
This Founders Day Brunch took place in the Southern Room at Southern Union State Community College. Lisa Ruffin, president of the Auburn Alumnae chapter, welcomed the national president and over 200 a renewal of an existing tax.”
The Opelika Chamber of Commerce will have “Vote FOR Opelika” yard signs and stickers available for pickup starting Monday, Feb. 6, at both the Opelika Chamber (601 Ave. A, Opelika), and at O Town Ice Cream (700 Second Ave., Opelika). If a business is interested in being a pickup point for signs, please call Rauch at 334-745-4861. Signs and stickers will also be available to attendees at Food Truck Friday on guests in attendance.
The theme was “Lighting Our Legacy with Fortitude,” in which the keynote speaker, Cooke-Holmes, delivered a dynamic challenge reminding those in attendance that “the world needs Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. and that we must be the light for all that is going on in
Feb. 3 and 17 in downtown Opelika.
As with all elections, there are some important dates and reminders to be aware of:
• City Clerk,Russell Jones is currently accepting absentee ballot applications. Citizens can visit the Opelika city clerk’s office on the first floor of City Hall, located at 204 S. 7th St. You have the option to vote onsite, early or pick up an absentee application and return it at a later date.
• Thursday, Feb. 23, is this world.” She touched on Delta Sigma Theta’s Five-Point Programmatic Thrust and thanked the Auburn Alumnae Chapter for its service and work in the community in the areas of economic development, educational development, international awareness and involvement, the last day to apply for absentee ballots. Applications must be received by the city clerk by 4:30 p.m.
• Monday, Feb. 27, is the last day for a voter to hand-deliver absentee ballots, which must be delivered to the city clerk by 4:30 p.m. Additionally, if an absentee ballot is returned by mail, it must be postmarked by Feb. 27 and received by Feb. 28.
• Tuesday, Feb. 28, is the day of the election. Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Central physical and mental health, and political awareness and involvement with social action. Some of the key areas of service include assisting students at Valley Haven School, providing supplies for the Domestic Violence Intervention Center, Adopt-AMile in Opelika, voter
Standard Time. Opelika polling locations are listed below.
- Ward 1: Covington Community Center, 213 Carver Ave.,
- Ward 2: Opelika
Learning Center (Old Jeter Primary School), 214 Jeter St.,
- Ward 3: Opelika Community Center, 1102 Denson Drive,
- Ward 4: EAMCEducational Center, 2027 Pepperell Parkway and
- Ward 5: Opelika
SportsPlex and Aquatics Center, 1001 Andrews
PUBLISHER: Michelle Key registration, S.T.E.M. workshops, HBCU college expos, scam and fraud workshops, hygiene packs for high school girls and many more.
The program included a tribute to the 22 founders of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. and a remembrance of the 27th national president, the late Cheryl A. Hickmon.
• On Tuesday, March 7, the city council will meet in the courtroom of the Municipal Court Building to canvass the election results at noon. Should voters have questions about the voting process, we encourage them to contact Opelika’s city clerk at 334-705-5110. For any other questions related to materials and paraphernalia to support the vote, contact the Opelika Chamber at 334745-4861.
LIVE LEE EDITOR: Hannah Lester
SPORTS WRITER: D. Mark Mitchell
STAFF REPORTER: Kendyl Hollingsworth