Open Kitchen Magazine - n°5- June 2012 Web magazine

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n.5 June 2012

Luca Montersino: Gluttonous sins

Green Smoothies

Light! Tasty recipes to get in shape for beach days!


OpenKitchen - n. 5 June 2012

Summary 04 | Contacts 0 8 | S p r i n g p i n k v e lv e t r o u l a d e 12 | Luca Montersino: Gluttonous sins 2 0 | Milkshakes, Smoothies and Juices: the differences! 22 | Green Smoothies 30 | Fruit: what a passion! 32 | Bright Atmospheres: Lanterns 34 | The Enhancement of Simplicity: “Frisella” 3 8 | Ta s t e a n d T r a d i t i o n : A s p a r a g u s 42 | Cheers! 44 | Whole-wheat focaccia: A Healthy Delicacy 4 6 | Va l e n c i a n P a e l l a 51 | Cheers! 52 | In the garden.....barbecue! 60 | Fruity Snack! 62 | Add a caterpillar to the table! 6 4 | “A tasty suntan!” 6 6 | Light! Tasty recipes to get in shape for beach days! 76 | Cinema and Cooking: Ratatouille 8 0 | Food allergies: Pistachio and Hazelnuts Semifreddo 82 | Editorial team 84 | Contributors

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3 | n.5 June 2012

Coordination & creativity CLAUDIA ANNIE CARONE Coordination & revision MONICA ZACCHIA Coordination & translation NICOLETTA PALMAS Graphic and layout ELENA MARIANI Photography DONATELLA SIMEONE ADVERTISING: Do you want to advertise a product, event or a company? Please send an email to:

creativita@openkitchenmagazine​.com Write in the email object “ advert”. We will be happy to talk to you!!!

READERS: You love cooking and you would like to see your original recipes published on OPEN KITCHEN MAGAZINE? Send your recipe to:

creativita@openkitchenmagazine​.com write in the email object “Candidature”: From today open kitchen will give you the chance to see your new recipes and pictures(without signature) published in our new website.


OpenKitchen - n. 5 June 2012

Dear friends, Although summer made us wait, it now seems to have finally arrived. For this glorious season in which we crave the delights of nature and some long-anticipated sunshine, we have prepared several light and delicious recipes for you—a tutorial to create a magical atmosphere for a romantic dinner in the garden. You will also find recipes for colourful shakes and smoothies made with luscious summer fruits and vegetables, an incredible paella, and wine suggestions from our sommelier. The pride of this issue is a conversation with Luca Montersino, who is very generous with his tips and funny stories; this interview is a true milestone and a great example of mastery and sharing for all enthusiasts and professionals interested in the art of patisserie. Our thoughts, however, naturally turn to all those who have suffered heavy losses in the recent traumatic events that have affected Italy. The terrorist attack in Brindisi and the earthquake in Emilia, which are still greatly affecting the areas’ inhabitants, have shocked the entire world with the enormity of their scale. Although living peacefully and without worry is the ideal, life often presents us with an alternative reality, obliterating the dreams and sacrifices of a lifetime. In these moments, we also discover the true value of life and the solidarity that unites us as Italians. We offer our sympathy to the victims and to those who have lost their homes and their daily means of existence. In these situations, we yearn for the much-maligned routine and that which matters most to us: our loved ones, homes and work. The Editorial Team

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Spring pink

velvet roulade

Edited by Antonella Cennamo

Even if it is almost summer, and we can start to feel the heat, we can’t say no to a nice cake. That’s why I want to give you the recipe of something delicious and light, very much in theme with this season. What’s more, with a few simple decorations, you will make a fantastic cake for your next picnic with friends or a dinner with your family. Here what you need:


OpenKitchen - n. 5 June 2012

Difficulty: easy Preparation time: 30 minutes Baking time: 15 minutes Serves 4 Ingredients: Cake: 4 eggs 150g caster sugar 1 tablespoon oil 2 tablespoons buttermilk

1 teaspoon cider vinegar 1 or 2 tablespoons Alchermes liqueur or 1 drop pink food colouring 120g f lour 1 teaspoon baking powder Filling: Whipped cream Strawberries Sugar Lemon

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Method: Cake: Preheat the oven at 180ยบC. Beat eggs with a hand mixer until pale and thick. With the mixer still running add the sugar and oil to the eggs. Slowly continue beating and add the remaining liquid ingredients, the sieved flour and baking powder. Mix until well combined. Pour batter into a parchment lined tray and bake for approximately 15 minutes. Filling: Wash the strawberries, chop them and season with sugar and lemon. Let rest in the fridge. You can prepare the strawberries in advance so to use the sauce to moisten the cake. Whip cream, remember it should be very cold! When the cake is ready let cool down for a few minutes. Moist the cake with the strawberries juice, spread all over the surface the cream and sprinkle with the strawberries. Roll cake tightly and once completely cold dust with icing sugar.


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DECORATION Equipment: Rolling pin, flower cutter, ball tool, petal frill tool Pink, brown, white sugar paste Photo no. 1 : Roll out the pink sugar paste and cut small flowers of different sizes. Photo no. 2: With the ball tool gently ruffle each petal. Photo no. 3: Use the petal frill tool, or simply a toothpick, to vein each petal. Photo no. 4: Still with the ball tool gently ruffle the edge of each petal, giving a sort of movement to the petals. It will be useful to do this in a flower sponge to avoid to break the sugar paste. Photo no.5: Create a support to let the flowers dry. I used espresso cups and aluminium paper. Photo no.6: Brush the centre of the flower with the magenta colour and add a tiny ball made with the white sugar paste. Photo no.7: Create the branches of the flowers with the brown sugar paste and place them into the roulade. When flowers are dried place them along the branches and decorate with sugar pearls.


Luca Montersino:

Gluttonous sins Edited by Monica Zacchia

If I had to summarise the interview with Luca Montersino in one short phrase, I would without a doubt choose that of Steve Jobs, which Luca himself quotes here: “Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish”. This certainly expresses much of Luca’s spirit, as precise as his knowledge, and as crazy as the daring experiments that led him to be what he is today. For those few individuals who still may not know of him, Luca Montersino is an internationallyrenownedchefandpastry chef who has shown since childhood the unmistakable signs of great passion and determination. Beginning at the age of thirteen, his urge to approach the world of cooking led him to peek at it through the portholes. At the age of only fifteen, he made his cooking début in a hotel on the island of Elba, where he was responsible for the full guest menu whilst substituting for the chef and his teacher, Pierfranco Dallacà. Luca was so good that the hotel’s manager made special mention of him. With the money he earnt, he built his first professional kitchen in the basement of his parents’ home. From that point onwards, his career was to be full of change. He travelled to America and later returned to Italy, where he studied laboratory techniques, ingredients and chemical substitutes to create a new type of pastry that is healthy and at 12

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the same time as good and enjoyable as the traditional variety. Whilst he honed his natural talents, he became a more experienced professional and opened his company Golosi di Salute (“Connoisseurs of Health”) at Alba, which now has branches in Tokyo and New York. He has become a consultant for companies and for Eataly, a food manager and the deputy director of Boscolo Etoile. He is a diligent teacher for professionals, who regard him as an incomparable point of reference. The general public may know him through his publications and broadcasts, such the extraordinary Prova del Cuoco (the Italian version of Ready Steady Cook) on Rai1 and Peccati di Gola (“Food Sins”) on Alice TV. He is the perfect link between professional confectionary production and whoever wishes to make sweets at home, be that person an enthusiast, a homemaker, a blogger or an aspiring pastry chef—anyone who enjoys saying “I made it!”. In his programmes, which are really lessons, Luca explains every little step, leaving no stone unturned. So, we will let him speak, as he has kindly made himself available to satisfy our endless curiosity.

Luca, how does it feel to be able to enter the hearts of so many people who, until recently, would not have even considered baking a sponge

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cake or a custard? I must admit I’m glad, because it means I was able to convey something beyond the recipe: the passion for this job. Often I receive e-mails, even from doctors and lawyers who write to me “I want to do something else, I want to do this job, I have realised that I love it”. This happens more often and at times it leaves me puzzled, because it is not easy to take on a job like this. It is happening not only by e-mail, but also through the classes taken by amateurs, who express a mad desire to learn. And I’m glad, because I like teaching and I am flattered to have an audience so receptive. You have certainly opened a way by responding to a new market related to allergies which have become increasingly common, but in doing so you also involved aspects of a healthier diet. And in view of this, the physics and chemistry in bakery are clearer and reworked through experimenting to obtain good results from all points of view. How long did it take to “convince” sceptics that your desserts are not only for “intolerant” eaters and that your workplace was not a pharmacy? I applied chemistry and physics to pastry making primarily because I have a passion and a desire to discover the why of things. I do not believe anything until I see it, and I always like to give explanations to everything I see. For example, I do not like mixing chocolate with water to see the reaction and not know what is happening: I want to understand what happens, why the chocolate thickens mixing it with water and why it becomes fluid when you add more water. It makes me curious to do a job and see what happens when 14

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mixing the ingredients. Regarding, however, intolerance, this is a passion where I came to see how you can give pleasure to people eating a cake made in a healthy way and to dispel the myth that desserts are necessarily bad for your health. Even if it all started as a joke, to discover that people liked that dessert, and then to see their amazement and disbelief when they hear it was made without milk, gluten and sugar free. Then, one thing followed another and I decided to make a business from it: GOURMETS OF HEALTH. People at first thought it was a type of a pharmacy that sold sweets only for the sick, and it took time for them to understand that eating healthy is not only necessary for the unwell, but that the choice of a healthy diet is one that is also made when one is healthy. Tell us of someone who has managed to impress you as much as you have us as professionals and enthusiasts. With Boscolo Etoile, I led a major project for healthy pastry: Giving courses in schools, I pursued my passion, and this is certainly an important part of my journey. But if I have to name a person, then it is without doubt Oscar Farinetti, the founder, owner of Eataly (ed: a site dedicated to excellent Italian food with offices in Italy and NY), who has an entrepreneurial vision which I have incorporated into my own company, which it lacked to make it successful. Making beautiful and good pastries is not enough; you also have the entrepreneurial component and proper management of the company, an element only a serious entrepreneur and one as generous as Oscar could give me. We met in 2007, and it was a turning point for me, my fortune; without him, I would never have gone to New York or Tokyo, where I have opened branches

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of Connoisseurs of Health.

stabiliser, it has all the characteristics that an ingredient can have, so it is What is the essential ingredient for irreplaceable. you, which do you consider the most flexible and why? Tell us a funny story that happened to you in your career in the kitchen or on To me, all the ingredients are the TV set. indispensable—some more, some less. Therefore, I would say that what When I record the episodes, it feels to is really essential is passion. Perhaps it me like a direct transmission, and the is a trivial answer and a little romantic. funny thing is that I behave as if it were But to do this job you need passion, and direct. Once after I had already it is an ingredient which I would never recorded some sixty episodes and I had give up, because when I no longer have luckily avoided doing anything a passion for what I do, that would blatantly wrong, something did happen mean I would no longer be capable and I did not know how to react: I put of making good pastries. So, passion the hand-mixer into the chocolate and is more essential than sugar, flour, cream, I turned on the blender and chocolate, which one can do without. blew up everything. I was completely But if I really had to name one, I would covered in chocolate from head to foot say an essential ingredient is eggs: and was standing in front of the They are magic in the bakery. When I cameras, I did not know whether to stop have to remove flour or sugar or dairy or to keep filming. But then I looked at products, I have no problems, but to myself and I said “No! I have to stop�, replace eggs would be very difficult. because I was completely drenched in The egg has numerous properties: It chocolate. is a preservative, binder, emulsifier,


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Every recipe that you propose in your books or on TV is always a guaranteed success. You read about it in blogs, among friends and on social networks. You are defined as a master, a pastry guru. Your winning card lies in the sharing of your knowledge; there are no tricks, it is all very do-able. Do you consider it important to cultivate this aspect, or is it instinctive, a part of your own nature? I have a simple theory, and I am very clear on this point: If you decide to become a teacher and to write books as I have, then there can be no secrets, because teaching in order to just look good (and then passing on a recipe which is wrong or not revealing a secret) is wrong, false, and is not destined to last long. The teaching that lasts is the type which has credibility when you teach, where you do not take anything for granted and you do not keep secrets, where people are motivated to call you to ask for advice because they understand that you have really given them something. And then I have another theory: that the secrets of business success are not made through the recipes but are created by many factors. We do not make Nutella, we do not make Coca-Cola, and therefore we do not produce a mono-product. I do not do business based on Sacher, I do it based on all my products. And the third thing is that I have said that for me the book is only a starting point. When

I publish a book about a subject, I start looking for that something, and from that moment on I open up new horizons for myself. Now, for example, Mondadori have commissioned me to write a book about cake pops in America: I do not produce them in my business, but now I’m studying them and making them for the book, so I am opening up other possibilities for myself. When it comes out, the book will already be old for me, because I will continue the research and improvement of that product. So, whenever someone is greedy or jealous of their recipes, it is because they are professionally poor.

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A donut where you had no success with the hole? The donuts, and not just those, where I have no luck with the hole are those made when you are on the sofa after dinner, you think of a pastry, make a sketch on paper, you build it with a pen by scribbling squiggles, you imagine the decoration, you are satisfied and go into the kitchen, you make it and it turns out the opposite of what you imagined. This happens when you do not do research and teaches you that math and science are very important in baking, although it is not always true that 2 + 2 make 4. Is your daughter just as curious and passionate about cooking? Does she like to make pastries with you? Yes, it is a time of sharing and an important game. At the moment, I’m doing a book for children about marzipan cake pops that has the working title of Marzagiochi (Marzitoys). It will be done with my daughter, and it is the result of an idea I had that Mondadori was very happy to accept, an idea that is at least eight years old and that I had when I was director of the Etoile, but I couldn’t find an editor who believed in it. Now Mondadori, and the popularity of cake design today, have supported me in my argument to allow children to play with marzipan instead of with dough, or das, or worse, as they do today, video games. So, the idea is to have fun with the kids, to learn by playing. I do it occasionally with my daughter. She likes to play with pastries, and she will appear in Marzagiochi. There will be photos in which you will see that a girl of six years can do what I do, albeit a little inaccurately, but with great creativity. The release is scheduled for the fall. 18

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What do you think about this new fashion of Sugar Art? Doesn’t it seem very distant from our cultural taste in sweets? In a context in which the food is, above all, a cultural thing, where it is a habit that is transmitted between generations, is there really a place for these architectures of sugar on our tables? Certainly it is far removed from our tastes, but two aspects can be reconciled: of aesthetic and that of taste. I make sugar art or cake designs in my company, but I make them edible,

because I follow the example of America with regard to aesthetics. It can’t be denied that a wedding cake with five layers and elegant flowers or roses is beautiful; the problem is that often it is inedible. So, I took the American approach and I adjusted it to Italian tastes, working with sugar decoration which is not eaten and placed next to the cake. There is a way to make them so that the cake does not have to support any weight and therefore you are not forced to make a heavy sponge and cream cake. You can also make a meringue cake because the cake does

not have to support the decoration. I don’t like wedding cakes when they concentrate on the decoration and don’t think of the taste. Will you reveal yet another unpublished trick? A trick ... a trick .... mmm. To make pastries, you should be a real sweet tooth. I am; I cannot finish a meal without something sweet. People think that being a pastry chef means that you do not eat sweets because you have had enough of them after working with them all day. Instead, the secret lies in being always greedy and curious about everything around you and remaining a child. “Stay hungry. Stay foolish”. I stole this from Steve Jobs and I believe it completely. What are your next projects, if you don’t mind talking about them? The opening of a bakery in Rome inside Eataly, June 21; the book in collaboration with my daughter: I Marzagiochi for Mondadori. In print I have a book on celiac disease in collaboration with Boscolo Etoile, where there will even be leavened bread, the gluten-free pizza; Mignon Sins, published by Sitcom, and due out in December. Right now, I would like to imitate the policemen in San Diego in the restaurant where Luca worked years ago—who affectionately handcuffed him in order to prevent him from going—and continue to satisfy my curiosity and yours for an art, that of pastry chef, that he has made so accessible to all. But we will let him go and wish him luck! Till the next episode ...

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Smoothies and Juices:

The Differences! Edited by Agnese Gambini


OpenKitchen - n. 5 June 2012

With the summer season, the bar

offer smoothies, milkshakes, and juices, but often there is confusion between them and we do not know the differences. A shake is the base of each preparation and is made by blending fruit (preferably with the skin, if edible, for its dietary fibre) to which you can add water, milk, liquid yogurt or fruit juice. The ingredients must always be mixed thoroughly prior to drinking to avoid the solid parts settling at the bottom of the glass. The consistency of the shake must be liquid and creamy. It is good to choose ripe fruit with a sweet taste to avoid having to add sugar, which unnecessarily increases your calorie intake. Sugar also undermines the refreshing function of the shake because it attracts water once it reaches your stomach and makes you feel thirsty. The addition of milk and yogurt to a shake enriches the protein and fat content,

and in this case it is better to think of it as a substantial snack or light meal rather than a normal drink. A milkshake is simply a fruit smoothie with ice cream and crushed ice added. You can also add liqueurs, coffee and other flavours such as mint. A smoothie is a drink of mixed fruit or vegetables, often made from frozen fruit and with the addition of crushed ice, frozen yogurt or Greek yogurt. You can add honey, maple syrup, chocolate and spices to the fruit. The texture is similar to that of a milkshake, but it does not contain ice cream and rarely contains milk. To make a juice, you need a juice extractor, which is a machine that separates the juice from the pulp and peel of fruits and vegetables. What remains is a liquid concentrated in vitamins and minerals, lower in fibre than most smoothies, but much more versatile. There are no lumps, and it has the appearance of a smooth juice.

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Light Recipes... Smoothies


OpenKitchen - n. 5 June 2012

Yogurt parfait with strawberries

By Annamaria Villani

Difficulty: easy Preparation time: 10 minutes Cooking time: 10 minutes Rest time: 2 hours Serves 4 Ingredients 400ml semi-skimmed milk Zest and juice of 1 lemon Seeds of a vanilla pod 60g brown sugar 2 tablespoons corn starch 180g Greek yogurt 400g strawberries 12 digestive biscuits

Method Wash, drain and chop strawberries. Sprinkle with 20g of brown sugar, half of the vanilla seeds, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and cook for 3-4 minutes over a medium heat. Remove from heat and allow to cool. Dissolve the corn starch in a bit of cold milk, then add it to the remaining milk. Add the sugar, lemon juice, lemon zest, vanilla seeds and cook over a low heat for 5 minutes stirring until the cream thickens. Allow to cool then add the greek yogurt. Crumble 3 digestive biscuits for each parfait glass. Pour the yogurt cream into glasses and finish with the strawberries. Allow the parfait to set in the fridge for a few hours. Serve cold. n. 5 June 2012 - OpenKitchen


Fresh Smoothie

by Verdiana Calamia

Difficulty: easy Preparation time: 10 minutes Rest time: 1 hour and 30 minutes Ingredients for 2 smoothies: 2 melon slices 2 peaches About 3 tablespoons of crushed ice 2 containers of yogurt 1 tablespoon sugar A pinch of cinnamon Mint 20g grounded walnuts 24

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Method: Cut the melon and peaches into small cubes, transfer into a bowl and freeze for 1 hour/1 hour 30 mins. In a blender put the yogurt, sugar, ice, cinnamon, mint and finally the frozen fruit. Blend quickly until smooth. Pour smoothie into glasses and sprinkle with the walnuts. Decorate with some mint or fresh fruit. That’s it! The smoothie is ready and...fresh!

Ginger Drink

By Laura Cuccato Photo by Michele Maino

Difficulty: easy Ingredients for 3-4 glasses 1 celery stick 3-4 cm fresh ginger root 2 green apples 1 lemon or orange Sparkling water

Method: Blend all the ingredients together. Add as much sparkling water as you like. Serve immediately.

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Lassi plain By Valentina SerenthĂ

Difficulty: easy Preparation time: 10 minutes Rest time: 1 hour in the fridge Serves 4 Ingredients: 500g plain yogurt 400g cold water 2 teaspoons cumin seeds A pinch of salt

Lassi is a traditional

yogurt-based Indian drink. You can enjoy it on its own or at the end of your meal. The basic version is very simple and fresh and has digestive properties thanks to the cumin seeds.

Method: In a pan toast for few minutes the cumin seeds then ground the toasted seeds with a mortar. Blend the yogurt with cold water and salt until frothy . Add the grounded cumin seed and chill for 1 hour. Serve cold.


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Radish and mint Lassi Difficulty: easy Preparation time: 10 minutes Rest time: 1 hour in the fridge Serves 4 Ingredients: 500g plain yogurt 400g cold water 10 radishes Few mint leaves A pinch of salt

Method: This refreshing and slightly spicy lassi version is diuretic, a very good detoxifier and rich in vitamins. Wash and cut in half the radishes. Blend them with the yogurt, cold water, mint leaves and a pinch of salt until frothy. Chill for 1 hour. Serve cold.

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LIGHT Mousse

with yogurt, ricotta and strawberries By Carolina Novello

Difficulty: easy Preparation time: 15minutes Serves 6 Ingredients: 500g strawberries 500g ricotta cheese 125g light yogurt 1 tablespoon lemon juice 2 tablespoons icing sugar Fresh mint

Method: Wash and cut into small pieces the strawberries. Blend them with the lemon juice. Prepare the mousse combining the ricotta cheese, light yogurt and the icing sugar. Pour the blended strawberries into small glass jars, add a few spoons of mousse and decorate with mint leaves. 28

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Edited by Laura Cuccato Photo by Michele Maino

Slimming with lettuce Ingredients:: 500ml water 350g fresh or frozen blackberries 1 small apple 1 small lettuce

Method: Blend water with blackberries until well combined. Add the diced apple and lettuce. Blend until smooth.

Detox Smoothie

Ingredients: 2 cups of green leaves 2 tablespoons herbs: coriander, artichokes leaves, dandelion 2 cups fresh or frozen fruit 1 small apple 3 celery stalks 2 cups of water

Method: Blend the water and fruit. When homogeneous add the chopped celery, the green leaves and herbs. Blend until smooth and creamy. n. 5 June 2012 - OpenKitchen



What a passion!!

Edited by Nana Cea


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Difficulty: easy Preparation time: 10 minutes Baking time: 45 minutes

You will need a 26cm cake tin Ingredients 700g cherries 2 eggs + 2 egg yokes 100g flour 100g sugar 250ml milk 50g burro A pinch of salt 1 teaspoon vanilla essence

Method: Wash the cherries, remove the stems and pits. Preheat oven at 180200ยบC. Grease the cake tin. Melt butter over medium heat. In a bowl beat eggs and egg yokes, gradually add a pinch of salt, the vanilla essence and flour. Keep beating until batter is smooth and frothy. Add melted butter and milk, mix well. Distribute cherries at the bottom of cake tin and pour over the batter. Bake for 45 minutes. Once ready dust with icing sugar. Serve warm. n. 5 June 2012 - OpenKitchen



OpenKitchen - n. 5 June 2012

Cupcakes White chocolate and pineapple Difficulty: easy Preparation time: 10 minutes Baking time: 20 minutes Serves 6 Ingredients: 100g plain flour 70g brown sugar 50ml milk 50g white chocolate 40ml sunflower seed oil 2 slices of pineapple 2 eggs 1 teaspoon baking powder Vanilla icing sugar

Method: Pre-heat oven at 180ยบC. Finely chop the pineapple and set aside. In a bowl beat eggs with milk and oil. Add the sugar, sieved flour and baking powder. Add the white chocolate and 2/3 of the chopped pineapple. Pour batter into muffin moulds. Bake at 180ยบC for 20 minutes. n. 5 June 2012 - OpenKitchen



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Lanterns Edited by Donatella Simeone


OpenKitchen - n. 5 June 2012

The days are getting longer and gradually becoming warmer, warm enough to invite us in the evening to enjoy fresh air in the garden and dream under a sky pierced with stars. Whether you are dining or simply relaxing in a rocking chair, candles are a decorative element essential to creating a magical atmosphere. This time, we will prepare lanterns using recycled materials, as always. You can hang them in the trees to re-create the atmosphere of the one thousand and one nights...

You will need: Glass jars Coloured ribbons String Wire (you can recycle the iron caps which help seal wine bottles) Shells Sand Candles

The process is very simple: Take the wire and wind it under the rim of a glass jar so that it locks and does not slip off. Tie the string to the wire as if it were a handle of a bucket, making sure the knots are tight. To make your lantern prettier, wrap the coloured ribbon around the wire and close with a bow. Fill the glass jar halfway with sand and shells and place a candle inside. Repeat this process for each glass jar, and the lanterns are ready. There is nothing more to do except hang them in trees, the gazebo or wherever you prefer. Simply light them on and enjoy the show! n. 5 June 2012 - OpenKitchen


once upon a time

The Enhancement of Simplicity:


Edited by Claudia Annie Carone


OpenKitchen - n. 5 June 2012

Friselle, originally seen as long-

keeping bread, were produced for their long preservation period. They are a valid alternative to fresh bread when the latter is not available. Friselle are typical from the Salento area in Southern Italy. My grandparents used to dip them in warm milk in the morning. Friselle were always on my breakfast table, seasoned with fresh tomatoes, olive oil, salt and oregano. So tasty!

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Difficulty: medium Preparation time: 30 minutes Rest time: 4 hours Baking time: 15 minutes + 1 hour Ingredients for 30 friselle 400g durum wheat 100g f lour (type 0) 15g fresh yeast 10g salt 200ml lukewarm water Seasoning: 7 tomatoes Extra virgin olive oil 1 garlic clove Oregano 4 anchovies Salt 1 teaspoon vinegar Grated mature caciocavallo cheese

Method: Make a well with the two types of sieved flour. In the middle put the fresh yeast, dissolved in lukewarm water. Knead adding the rest of the water a little at the time and the salt. Knead for 20 minutes until you have a smooth dough. Transfer dough in a lightly oiled bowl, cover with a towel and allow to rise for two hours. Divide dough into 1.5 cm high disks and with a 20 cm diameter. Transfer each disk in a well floured surface for 2 more hours, covered with a towel. In the meantime prepare seasoning: chop the tomatoes and anchovies. Transfer them in a bowl and season with extra virgin olive oil, salt, vinegar, oregano e finely chopped garlic. Bake the friselle in a pre-heated oven at 200ยบC for 15 minutes. Take them out of the oven, but do not turn it off. Allow the friselle to cool down, then split them open. Reduce oven to 170ยบC and dry the breads for 30 minutes, then a further 30 minutes at 140ยบC. They should have a nice golden colour. Allow to cool. Dip each bread piece for 5 seconds into a bowl of water (when you want to eat them), drain them and season with the tomato sauce. Sprinkle with grated caciocavallo cheese. 42

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L’angolo di Fogola


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Taste of Italy

Taste and Tradition:

Asparagus Edited by Alessandra Scollo


OpenKitchen - n. 5 June 2012

A sparagus is a perennial herbaceous plant whose name means “bud”. Native to Asia, it has been grown in Italy since ancient times and was long considered a luxury food. Appreciated both for the wealth of vitamins and for its numerous diuretic, depurative and aphrodisiac qualities in particular, asparagus was especially sought after because it was believed—and in Bassano del Grappa it is still believed—that it can cure problems related to infertility and impotence. Several varieties are known in Italy, but the white variety is particularly popular and expensive. Among the species of white asparagus, I would like to reserve special attention to the DOP Bassano del Grappa, which regulates the main features: Shoots must be white-pink, well formed, straight, entire, tight points, must not be hollow, or split (they accepted some transverse cracks that are instead a sign of value), neither peeled nor broken. They must also not be fibrous and should be tender, as the shoots must have no lignification. The average diameter must be a minimum of 10 mm, with a length within the minimum and maximum values of 18 and 22 cm. Their sweet taste / bitter taste is very distinctive and much appreciated”. n. 5 June 2012 - OpenKitchen


Light prawns and asparagus croquettes Difficulty: easy Preparation time: 15 minutes Cooling time: 30 minutes Cooking time: 5 minutes + 20 minutes Ingredients: 250g prawns 250g ricotta cheese 250g asparagus 30g bread crumbs Salt and pepper Poppy seeds Bread crumbs Flaked almonds

Method: Peel and remove the hard stalk from asparagus, chop and boil them in salted boiling water for 5 minutes or until cooked through. Drain the asparagus completely and allow to cool. Remove prawns from shell and cook them in boiling water for 2-3 minutes. Drain and allow to cool. Blend quickly the asparagus, prawns and ricotta cheese, season with salt and pepper. Add the breadcrumbs, about 30g; mixture should be soft but the right consistency to form the croquettes. In three separate bowls put the breadcrumbs with the almonds, breadcrumbs and poppy seeds and just breadcrumbs on other one. Roll the croquettes in one of the breadcrumbs bowls. Transfer them in an oven tray and bake at 180ยบC for approximately 20 minutes or until golden brown. Note: To keep the croquettes moist you could place a bowl of hot water at the bottom of the oven. 48

OpenKitchen - n. 5 June 2012

Eggs and asparagus bake Difficulty: easy Preparation time:10 minutes Baking time: 5 minutes + 10 minutes Ingredients: 4 large eggs 12 asparagus 1 knob of butter Salt and pepper Grated parmesan cheese

Method: Wash the asparagus and remove the hard stalks. Cut them into bite size and cook them in salted boiling water for approximately 5 minutes, or until cooked through. Distribute the asparagus on an oven dish with a few flakes of butter. Break eggs on top of the asparagus, season with salt and pepper and sprinkle with parmesan cheese. Bake in a pre-heated oven at 180ยบC for approximately 10 minutes, or until eggs are cooked. Serve hot. n. 5 June 2012 - OpenKitchen




The sommelier recommended Edited by Federica Christine Marzoli

Federica Christine Marzoli, our Sommelier recommends: Conjunction with preparations of asparagus Sauvignon

Lahn St. Michael Eppan 2009

A true winemaker “engineer”, Hanz Terzer is from the winery in St. Michael Eppan, which produces this SAUVIGNON LAHN ST. MICHAEL EPPAN 2009. Sauvignon grapes from Trentino-Alto Adige provide the intense golden yellow. Aromas range from grass, basil, elderflower to intense vegetable notes, typical of the vineyard and area. It is pleasant to the palate with its fresh taste and with a citrus and persistent ending. This wine elegantly accompanies both asparagus recipes (although the combination with the asparagus is not always easy) during the oven preparation. It softens the pleasantly rich flavour, and in the more creative and aromatic version it does not cover the spices but enhances the delicate ingredients. Serving temperature: 10-12ºC Alcohol: 14% Average price: 14-15 €


OpenKitchen - n. 5 June 2012

n. 5 June 2012 - OpenKitchen


pizza & co.

Whole wheat focaccia:

a healthy delicacy

Edited by Anna Franca Lucarelli Photo by Massimo Vitali

W hen we think about light food, we often choose to avoid carbohydrates. But we could actually enjoy a tasty focaccia without feeling too guilty, even if we are

just thinking about getting in shape for beach days. It was recently discovered that the fibre in cereals helps prevent gaining weight more than fruits and vegetables. That’s why I chose to give you the recipe of this whole-wheat focaccia, which, besides having less calories than refined flour, is also really tasty, especially if eaten with the right ingredients. If we use a sourdough starter instead of yeast, we can improve digestion, eliminating the bloating feeling that we sometimes have after eating a delicious pizza. In this way, we can please the palate with healthy and light food! 52

OpenKitchen - n. 5 June 2012

Difficulty: easy Preparation time: 20 minutes Rising time: 3 hours Baking time: 20 minutes Ingredients: 300g whole-wheat f lour 200g plain f lour type “0� 150g sourdough starter (or 10g fresh yeast) 10g salt 350ml water

Method: In a large bowl combine a bit of water with the yeast stirring slowly. Add the sieved flours, salt and the remaining water. Knead the dough for at least 5 minutes until smooth and soft. Cover the bowl with a clean towel and let dough rise for 3 hours. Divide dough into two parts and stretch them out by hand into two lightly oiled baking trays. Oil the surface and allow to rise for 3 more hours. Sprinkle with oregano and rosemary and bake in a pre-heated oven at 220ÂşC for 20 minutes or until golden brown. Fill the focaccia with any of three following options: 1. Smoked salmon and grilled courgettes seasoned with salt, mint, a few drops of lemon juice and . 2. Buffalo mozzarella, cherry tomatoes, Parma ham, rocket, oil and salt. 3. Steamed mackerel, mustard, grilled vegetables and mozzarella. n. 5 June 2012 - OpenKitchen


Blue like the sea

Valencian Edited by Carolina Novello


OpenKitchen - n. 5 June 2012


W hen summer is approaching, our thoughts turn to the sea: long walks on the beach, fine and coralline sand, crystal-clear waters, happy kids playing on the

beach and friends around the dinner table under the warm sunset light. A seafood dish with summer colours could become the star of the table and symbol of conviviality. Paella, a Spanish dish but nowadays considered international, brings different preparation methods, different recipes and alternative presentations. The one I chose for you is one of the most common and perhaps most appreciated versions. It is a fresh summery dish that allows you to bring to your dinner table the colours of the sun and the sea: A “centrepiece� dish! n. 5 June 2012 - OpenKitchen


Difficulty: medium Preparation time: 30 minutes Cooking time: 20 minutes Serves 4 Ingredients: 1 finely chopped onion 1.5l fish stock 500g squid rings 700g mussels 500g clams 4 king prawns Extra virgin olive oil 1 teaspoon paprika 2 sachets saffron 400g rice 1/2 yellow pepper 1/2 red pepper 200g green peas Chopped garlic and parsley 1 garlic clove 200ml dry white wine


OpenKitchen - n. 5 June 2012

Method: Prepare the fish stock. If you use fresh fish add also 1 celery stalk, 1 carrot, lemon zest and parsley. Place clams in a large bowl with cold water and sea salt, they will purge themselves from the sand. If necessary repeat this operation a few times once every hour. Scrub and remove beards from mussels. Cook mussels in a large frying pan with a drizzle of olive oil, 1 garlic clove, chopped parsley and white wine. Allow alcohol to evaporate, cover with the lid and allow mussels to open. Remove garlic and let cool down. Keep on one side a few mussels, the bigger ones, with the shell to garnish the paella and remove shells from the remaining. Wash and peel the prawns. Wash the squids and slice the bodies into thin rings. Deseed and cut the pepper into thin strips. Allow the clams to open in the same way of mussels. In a large paella pan heat the chopped onions with 3 tablespoons of olive oil. Add the squid, peppers and green peas. Add the rice, saffron, paprika and a few glasses of fish stock. Bring to the boil , then reduce the heat to low and simmer until the liquid is almost all absorbed. Continue cooking the rice adding the fish stock as needed. Season with salt if necessary. Add the prawns about 5 minutes before end of cooking. Garnish with the mussels and clams, distribute prawns in the middle. Serve hot.

n. 5 June 2012 - OpenKitchen



OpenKitchen - n. 5 June 2012



The sommelier recommended Edited by Federica Christine Marzoli

Federica Christine Marzoli, our Sommelier recommends: Conjunction with PAELLA Bianco dettori badde nigolosu 2009 Organic White Wine IGT Romangia white wine 100% Vermentino grapes are used for this “natural” wine, whose harvest is done manually, bunch by bunch, and to which yeast, enzymes or other adjuvants of winemaking have not been added. It is unfiltered, not clarified and not barricaded. Warm like the land that gives it its life, the nose is mostly floral with honey and hazelnut notes. The mouth is big and round. It is a great wine with paella or seafood dishes in general; it accompanies elegantly and enhances the salty taste. It is a “natural” wine; therefore, it is recommended to let it rest after transport, to let it breath after opening and to drink it in a tulip glass. Serving temperature: 13-15ºC Alcohol: 14% Average price: 18-20 €

n. 5 June 2012 - OpenKitchen


In the garden..... barbecue!

Chicken bites and hummus Beef and pineapple skewers Grilled vegetables and tomino cheese Grilled courgette with a mint seasoning By Donatella Scatamacchia

By Anna Franca Lucarelli

By Antonella Marconi

By Claudia Annie Carone

Delicate onion sauce for grilled fish By Cinzia Donadini

Raspberries Mayonnaise without eggs By Cinzia Donadini

Photo by Nana Cea 60

OpenKitchen - n. 5 June 2012

Chicken bites and hummus By Donatella Scatamacchia

Difficulty: Easy Preparation time: 20 minutes Rest time: 30 minutes Cooking time: 6 minutes Serves 4 Ingredients: 600g chicken fillet 300g boiled chickpeas 2 garlic cloves 1 lemon A pinch of chilli pepper A pinch of cumin seeds A pinch of salt 2 tablespoons tahini 2 tablespoons olive oil


Peel 1 garlic clove and rub the chicken fillet with it. Place the chicken in a bowl, cover with kitchen foil and let rest for 30 minutes. Trim the chicken into bite-sized pieces and grill the chicken pieces in a grill pan or barbecue. In the meantime prepare the hummus. Combine chickpeas, tahini sauce, lemon juice, crushed garlic, salt, cumin seeds in a blender or food processor. Blend for 30 seconds until thoroughly mixed and smooth, if necessary add some water. Transfer hummus in a bowl and decorate with chilli pepper and a drizzle of olive oil. Serve chicken accompanied by the hummus and a salad. n. 5 June 2012 - OpenKitchen


Beef and pineapple skewers By Anna Franca Lucarelli

Difficulty: easy Preparation time: 10 minutes Serves 4 Ingredients: 4 thin beef steaks (from the tip end of the roast) 3 thick pineapple slices Cyprus black salt 62

OpenKitchen - n. 5 June 2012

Method: Cut the meat into two parts. Divide the pineapple into four. Thread the skewers with a piece of meat and one of pineapple. If the meat is to thin fold the beef slice. Grill the skewers for approximately 5 minutes each side. Season with salt and serve hot.

Grilled vegetables and tomino cheese By Antonella Marconi

Difficulty: easy Preparation time: 30 minutes + grilling time Cooking time: 45 minutes Ingredients: 1 head of Radicchio 1 aubergine 1 courgette 1 large tomato Extra virgin olive oil Salt

Method: Tagliate Cut the aubergine lengthways into 1cm thick slices. Lay the slices on a colander, one on top of each other, and sprinkle them with with salt. Leave them for 30 minutes to draw out some of the bitter moister. Cut the courgettes lengthways into thick slices. Cut the tomato into quite thick slices. Wash and drain the radicchio leaves. Brush lightly the vegetables with olive oil. Heat up a grill pan, and when it is very hot, cook the vegetables and at last also the tomino cheese. Arrange the vegetables in a large plate alternately all around. Or if you prefer you can make some vegetables skewers. n. 5 June 2012 - OpenKitchen


Grilled courgette with a mint seasoning

By Claudia Annie Carone

Difficulty: easy Preparation time: 20 minutes Ingredients: 3 courgettes 1 garlic cove Fresh mint Parsley 4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil 1/2 chilli pepper 2 tablespoons white wine vinegar A pinch of salt

Method: Wash and clean the courgettes and cut them lengthways into thin slices. Heat up a grilling pan and cook them for a few minutes on both sides. In the meantime prepare an emulsion with finely chopped fresh mint leaves, garlic, parsley, chilli pepper, salt, extra virgin olive oil and white wine vinegar. Beat well with a fork and season the grilled courgettes.


OpenKitchen - n. 5 June 2012

Delicate onion sauce for grilled fish

By Cinzia Donadini

Difficulty: Easy Preparation time: 20 minutes Ingredients: 1 white onion 1 egg yoke 60g butter 80ml cider vinegar 150ml dry white wine Salt and pepper Chive

Method: Chop coarsely the onion and cook it in a saucepan. Let reduce the liquids by half, then blend everything in a food processor. When still warm add the butter and egg yolk and combine everything. Season with freshly grated salt and pepper and add some chive. Serve lukewarm. This sauce is great with grilled fish, on a barbecue or grill pan. You can prepare also fish skewers to serve with the sauce or you can wrap in kitchen foil fish fillets and vegetables with a drizzle of olive oil. n. 5 June 2012 - OpenKitchen


Raspberries Mayonnaise without eggs By Cinzia Donadini

Difficulty: easy Preparation time: 20 minutes Ingredients: 160ml rice oil 80g whole milk 2-3 raspberries 2-3 drops cider vinegar 2 drops tabasco sauce Salt Thyme

Method: Blend the milk adding the rice oil a bit at the time. It will become thicker gradually. If too thick add more rice oil. Add the raspberries and vinegar. Season with salt and mix well. Serve cold with fresh thyme. This sauce goes well with grilled meat and fish. You can keep it for a few days in a hermetic jar. 66

OpenKitchen - n. 5 June 2012

n. 5 June 2012 - OpenKitchen


Children’s Snack Time

Fruity snack! Edited by Patrizia de Angelis

In the summer season, when

we start to feel the heat, even the children’s snack should be fresh and light but still tasty. So whats better than an home made fresh juice, easy and quick to make accompanied by a strawberry jam filled roulade? A genuine snack you can prepare with your children in no time!

APPLE, STRAWBERRY AND ELDERFLOWER JUICE Difficulty: easy Preparation: 10 minutes Ingredients for 200ml of juice 2 apples 80g strawberries 2 teaspoons elderf lower syrup Method: Peel and dice the apples, wash the strawberries and place everything in a food processor and blend. Pour juice in a jar, add the elderflower syrup and stir well. Serve immediately. 68

OpenKitchen - n. 5 June 2012

STRAWBERRY JAM ROULADE Difficulty: medium Preparation time: 10 minutes rest time: 1 hour Baking time: 12 minutes Serves 10 Ingredients 40g plain f lour 10g potato starch 40g sugar 2 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla essence Strawberry jam

Method: With an electric mixer beat egg whites with a pinch of salt until soft peaks form and keep aside. In a separate bowl beat the egg yokes, sugar and vanilla essence until pale and thick. Using a spatula gently fold half of the beaten egg whites to the beaten egg yolks. Add the sieved flour, potato starch and then fold the remaining egg whites in. Spoon batter into a parchment baking tray (29x21cm) and smooth the surface. Bake in a preheated oven at 180ยบC for approximately 12 minutes. Remove from oven, immediately loosen edges of cake from pan and turn cake over onto a wet shit of parchment paper. Carefully roll the cake and seal the edges with the paper. Allow to cool completely. Carefully unroll cooled cake, spread the strawberry jam over the cake. Gently re-roll the cake with the same parchment paper and allow to rest for a few minutes. Cut into 1.5cm slices and serve! n. 5 June 2012 - OpenKitchen



Add a caterpillar

to the table!

Tutorial Edited by Rita Loccisano


is an original idea for arranging stuffed peppers or stuffed tomatoes on a plate or tray. For buffets with several guests, you can make this caterpillar into a millipede by simply adding more tomatoes (or peppers) on the end 70

OpenKitchen - n. 5 June 2012

to make it longer, perhaps passing it across the table between the bottles and glasses. The caterpillar and millipede are very easy to make and require little time, as the head is the only part requiring any decoration.

Preparation time: 5 minutes Ingredients: Stuffed peppers or cherry tomatoes, with any filling, in the desired quantity Green olives A few grains of Venus rice (black rice) as desired Rocket Tools: Melon baller U-shaped carving tool Thai knife or a straw

Procedure: step1: If you use stuffed peppers, remove them from the oil and place them on a rack to drain. If you use cherry tomatoes, cut the crown off of the tomatoes (the end with the stalk). Step 2: Empty them using a melon baller. Step 3: Stuff them with the desired filling and close them. Place them on a plate with the cut end underneath. Step 4: Take a green olive and cut some small circles using a carving tool or a straw. Step 5: Insert a grain of Venus rice in the centre of each circle. Step 6: Make the two antennae from another piece of olive. Step 7: Make an insertion on either side of the head and insert the antennae. Step 8: Drill two small holes using a Thai knife or a straw and insert the eyes. Step 9: Use the carving tool to create a smile. If you wish, you can make two cuts and remove a slither of flesh to make a more open smile. Step 10: Place a tip of rocket leaf beneath each pepper/tomato (optional). The caterpillar is ready! Good visual food! n. 5 June 2012 - OpenKitchen


“A Tasty suntan!� With fruit and vegetables Edited by Teresa Barbera

We know that a suntan begins

with one’s diet. A targeted diet helps produce melanin, a natural hormone that prevents skin ageing. To accelerate the tanning process and maintain healthy skin, you need to keep your skin well 72

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hydrated; therefore, it is a good idea to drink plenty of water and eat foods with a high water content. This should obviously include fruits and vegetables. Would you like to know which ones are best for tanning? Get a pen and paper and write them down.


TOP TEN FOR A HEALTHY SUNTAN Vitamina A (*) 1 Carrots 1200 2 Spinach and Radicchio 500-600 3 Apricots 350-500 4 Chicory and lettuce 220-260 5 Yellow melon 200

6 Celery 200 7 Pepper 100-150 8 Tomatoes 50-100 9 Peaches 100 10 Watermelon and cherries 20-40

(*) in micrograms of vitamin A or equivalent amounts of carotene per 100 grams of edible part. Source: Coldiretti. The following are also worth considering: parsley, chilli peppers, rocket and basil. Fruits and vegetables nourish, provide the right amount of water, replenish minerals lost through perspiration, contain abundant vitamins, are a source of fibre to keep the intestinal tract working properly and counteract the activity of free radicals produced in the body through exposure to the sun, all in the most natural and appetising way possible. So, what should you do this summer? Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables to be more beautiful and healthy. You can take some further steps to obtain a perfect suntan: Expose yourself gradually, avoid the hottest hours of the day (between noon and 3.00 pm) and moisturise your skin with an after-sun cream to keep it supple. Wishing you all a good suntan... n. 5 June 2012 - OpenKitchen



Tasty recipes to get in shape for beach days!


OpenKitchen - n. 5 June 2012


Difficulty: easy Preparation time: 20 minutes Ingredients: 200g lamb’s lettuce or 1 ready to use bag 100g rocket salad or 1 ready to use bag 200g Champignon mushrooms Extra virgin olive oil or lemon juice Balsamic vinegar Salt and pepper

Method: Wash and clean the salads and mushrooms. With a small knife remove the soil , then with a dump cloth clean and slice the mushrooms. Dish up as you like: mixing everything together or place the salad on a plate and top with the sliced mushrooms. Season with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil, balsamic vinegar and freshly grounded black pepper. n. 5 June 2012 - OpenKitchen



A light summer salad to start your

day with, it makes a healthy breakfast option and a great accompaniment to any meal. The salad has a perfect blend of sweetness from mangoes and bell pepper and tangy flavour from orange. Preparation time: 15 minutes Difficulty: easy Serves 2 Ingredients: 1 cup whole-wheat couscous 11/2 cup water 1 small ripe mango 1 small red bell pepper 1 small orange 2 tablespoons chopped walnuts 2 tablespoons Olive oil 1 tablespoon chopped mint leaves 1 teaspoon orange zest Salt as desired Method: Bring one and a half cup of water to boil. Add couscous in it, cover the vessel and turn off the heat. Let stand for 5-10 minutes till all the water is absorbed. Drain and transfer the couscous in a large bowl. Peel the mango and slice it into tiny cubes. Chop bell pepper into small pieces. Grate the orange and get one tsp. of zest, squeeze out the juice the orange. Chop mint leaves and walnuts. Check the couscous and fluff it lightly with a fork. Mix cubed mango pieces, bell pepper, chopped walnuts, orange zest, salt, olive oil and orange juice and whisk together. Pour the above dressing in the cooked couscous and stir it gently. Garnish with chopped mint leaves and serve chilled. Notes: 1. Add cashed black pepper to make the salad spicier. 2. Replace orange juice and orange zest with that of lemon for variation 76

OpenKitchen - n. 5 June 2012


Difficulty: easy Preparation time: 45 minutes Cooking time: 30 minutes Ingredients for 2 baskets: 1 egg per person 1 head curly endive salad 250g diced speck (smoked ham) or bacon ready made puff pastry Stale bread

Method: Roll out the puff pastry and transfer it into a large and dip oven pan or on top of a large cup upside down to give a basket shape. Bake in the oven at 180ยบC until golden brown. Wash and drain the salad. Heat up some oil in a frying pan and cook for a few minutes the speck or bacon then keep aside. In the same pan toast the diced bread to make croutons. Bring to the boil a pan of water, add a small glass of white wine vinegar, then reduce the heat. Crack an egg into a small cup, then gently drop the egg into the water. With a slotted spoon, nudge the egg whites closer to their yolks. Cook for a few minutes until egg whites are cooked. Lift eggs out of pan with a slotted spoon. Keep aside. Dish up salad into puff pastry basket, season with oil and salt, add the croutons, crispy bacon and place poached egg on top of the salad. n. 5 June 2012 - OpenKitchen



Difficulty: Easy Preparation time: 1 hour 15 minutes Rest time: 15 minutes Cooking time: 40 minutes Serves 4 Ingredients: 400g pearl barley 250g green beans 40g feta cheese 50g strawberries 25g peeled almonds 400g boneless chicken breast Salt and pepper Mint Extra virgin olive oil Seasoning: Juice of half a lemon Juice of half an orange 1 1/2 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil or sunf lower seeds oil Salt Method: First of all cook the green beans in salted boiling water until tender; then place beans immediately in ice cold water. Cook barley in the green beans cooking water for 20-30 minutes. Drain and cool it down with cold running water. Transfer barley into a bowl and season with a drizzle of oil. Blend in a food processor the green beans with the almonds and 2 tablespoons of oil, season with salt and pepper. Keep a few beans aside. In a non stick pan grill the chicken and season with a pinch of salt. Allow to cool down then slice into long strips. Dish up: Mix the barley with the green beans pesto , add the chopped strawberries, the beans kept aside, the feta cheese and chicken. Before adding the cheese and chicken prepare the seasoning. In a bowl mix oil, lemon and orange juice, salt and pepper and beat well with a fork. Season the salad with the sauce and then add the chicken and feta cheese. Decorate with a few mint leaves and the salad is ready! Fresh and light, ideal for a picnic or a day on the beach! 78

OpenKitchen - n. 5 June 2012


Difficulty: easy Preparation time: 15 minutes Rest time: 1 hour Serves 4 Ingredients: 700g tomatoes 100g cucumber 50g red pepper 30g red onion 200g stale bread 1 thick slice of Parma ham 6 tablespoons olive oil 3 tablespoons vinegar Salt and pepper

Method: The original recipe of Salmorejo has only tomatoes, bread, garlic and vinegar. It is garnished with Serrano ham and hardboiled eggs. This one is an adapted recipe , a lighter version rich in vitamins and perfect for the summer. Soak stale bread into water, after about 10 minutes squeeze it to remove al the water. In the food processor place bread, the diced tomatoes, the peeled cucumber, the deseeded pepper, red onion, oil, vinegar and salt. Blend this all together until you have a smooth and thick sauce. Chill in the fridge for at least 1 hour. Serve Salmorejo cold and garnish the bowl with the ham cut into small cubes and a sprinkle of freshly grounded pepper. n. 5 June 2012 - OpenKitchen



Difficulty: easy Preparation time: 15 minutes Ingredients: 1 head of lettuce 1 carrot 10 olive 6 buffalo cherry mozzarella 30g bran fingers Extra virgin olive oil 1 tablespoon soy sauce 2 tablespoons fresh orange juice Method: Wash well the lettuce, julienne the carrots, pit olives, drain mozzarella from the water and place everything in a bowl. Prepare an emulsion with olive oil, soy sauce and orange juice. Season the salad with the emulsion and serve with the bran fingers. 80

OpenKitchen - n. 5 June 2012


Difficulty: easy Preparation time: 15 minutes Serves 2 Ingredients: Mixed salad 1 williams pear 100g Roquefort Salt Extra virgin olive oil

Method: Wash and drain the salad and place it on a large serving plate. Cut the Roquefort into small cubes. Wash and drain the pear and cut into very thin slices. Place the pear and cheese on top of the salad and season with salt and extra virgin olive oil. Serve with toasted wholewheat bread. n. 5 June 2012 - OpenKitchen



By Laura Cuccato Photo by Michele Maino

Difficulty: Easy Preparation time: 30 minutes

Tahini sauce: 4 tablespoons tahini 2 glasses of water Serves 4 2 tablespoons umeboshi vinegar Ingredients: Grounded nuts: 4 pinches of arame seaweed soaked 1 handful walnuts in cold water A few almonds 4 carrots Soy sauce 1 small celeriac 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 1 red pepper 1 crushed garlic clove (optional) Method: Julienne all vegetables and add them to the drained seaweeds. Season with the tahini sauce and sprinkle with the grounded walnuts. To prepare the tahini sauce: Blend the tahini sauce with the umeboshi vinegar (you can find it on japanese or organic shops), The sauce should be smooth and not to thick. Grounded walnuts: Chop walnuts and almonds with a knife and marinate with the rest of the ingredients for approximately 1 hour. Drain them and sprinkle on top of the salad. 82

OpenKitchen - n. 5 June 2012


Difficulty: easy Preparation time: approximately 30 minutes Cooking time: 10 minutes for the eggs Ingredients: 3 quail eggs 1 head Escarole salad 1 head Roman lettuce 1 head curly endive salad 1 head of radicchio Red and white sour cabbage Extra virgin olive oil Stale bread 1 garlic clove (optional) Grounded black pepper

Method: Cook the eggs in boiling water fro 10 minutes. In the meantime wash and slice the salads. Finely slice the cabbages. Dice and toast the stale bread in a non-stick pan with a drizzle of olive oil and the garlic clove. In a bowl season the salads with a drizzle of olive oil and freshly grounded black pepper. Dish up with the cabbage at the bottom, then the salads, the hard boiled quail eggs and croutons.

n. 5 June 2012 - OpenKitchen


Cinema and Cooking


touille Edited by Stefania Pala Recipe by Monica Zacchia


OpenKitchen - n. 5 June 2012

There are movies that remain in your heart for poetry and simplicity, and

Ratatouille, the animated movie produced by Pixar, is one of those. A traditional narrative from a classic fable, but able of almost “revolutionary” touches, Ratatouille sends a message of hope and democracy: Everyone can cook, even a rat! The movie tells about Remy, a rat who, unlike his peers, doesn’t consider rummaging through the garbage a source of delicious delicacies. He has highly developed senses of smell and taste, like those of a true connoisseur. Remy also has a great admiration for one of the most famous French chefs, Gustave Gusteau, whose restaurant teeters on the edge of bankruptcy after his death and a negative review from the fearsome restaurant critic Anton Ego. In the Parisian restaurant, Remy meets Linguini, the garbage boy who doesn’t understand anything about cooking. However, thanks to Remy’s creative verve and helpful tips, he returns the restaurant to its glory. Dreams are the soul in the Pixar movies, which for years have given us stories of funny characters who have suspended our disbelief and filled us with wonder. Remy is a rat who dreams of becoming a chef, thus demonstrating hope and trust and a world without prejudice. In the climax of the film, Anton Ego enjoys the ratatouille, which, as it turns out, is his Proustian madeleine and triggers his childhood memories. The return to childhood and newfound taste he had lost, forever change his cold heart. When his face turns into an explosion of colours, it is sublime and universal. Ratatouille wisely and intelligently mocks the snooty critics who are coldly analytical and unable to love the spirit of childhood because of their mindless pleasures of the game. So, dive into the tasty flavour and sweet memories of Ratatouille. n. 5 June 2012 - OpenKitchen


Ratatouille The Recipe This

stewed vegetable dish originated in Nice, and the French consider it a vegetable ragout. Originally, the vegetables were cooked separately, but nowadays they are cooked in the same pan and in sequence depending on cooking time.

Difficulty: easy Preparation time: 1 hour Serves 6 Ingredients 1/2 glass of extra virgin olive oil 6 small aubergines 3 sweet peppers 6 peeled large tomatoes 6 courgettes (sliced) 2 garlic cloves Fresh herbs ( thyme, bay leafs, parsley and basil) 1 chilli pepper (optional)


OpenKitchen - n. 5 June 2012

Method: Slice the aubergines and cook them in a large pan with extra virgin olive oil. Cook them about 15 minutes then add the sliced courgettes, peppers, the peeled, deseeded tomatoes and cut in big chunks and garlic. Season with salt and pepper and allow to cook for 30 minutes with the lid. Add a few tablespoons of olive oil and continue cooking until all vegetables are soft. n. 5 June 2012 - OpenKitchen


Food Allergies

Pistachio semifreddo

and hazelnuts semifreddo

Edited by Sonia Mancuso


OpenKitchen - n. 5 June 2012

PISTACHIO SEMIFREDDO AND HAZELNUTS SEMIFREDDO The base for semifreddo is the same for both versions. Difficulty: medium Preparation time: 30 minutes Cooling time: 4 hours Serves 6 Ingredients 175g sugar 75g water 200g egg yokes 27g dextrose 450g whipped cream Pistachio version: 125g pistachio paste 2 tablespoons pistachio f lour Hazelnuts version: 100g hazelnuts paste 2 tablespoons praline

Method: Preparate Put sugar in a small saucepan to prepare the syrup. Stir the water into sugar and bring mixture to a 121ยบC temperature over low heat. Beat egg yokes and sieved dextrose with an electric whisker. Pour a little at the time the sugar syrup and continue beating until the mixture is lukewarm and frothy. Divide the semifreddo base into two equal parts. Add pistachios paste and grounded pistachios to one and hazelnuts paste and praline to the other one. Whip cream and fold in half to the pistachio semifreddo and half to the hazelnuts one. Distribute semifreddo into moulds and keep in the freezer for approximately 4 hours. n. 5 June 2012 - OpenKitchen




I was born in the “Salento” region. I breathed for a long time the “home made” fragrances until I was tall enough to spy the art on tiptoe through the table, making sure no one could see me. I’m a singer-songwriter and I’m currently studying music at university. My passion is the culinary art. In Open Kitchen I’m the creative manager, I try to transform the ideas into reality.

Food-blogger, food-writer, pastry chef for passion. I love everything that talks about chocolate, baking and bread making. In Open Kitchen I’m a coordinator and I revise the drafts.

Coordination and revision

coordination, creative & marketing


Coordination and tra


I was born in Sard used to live in Lon where I still work attendant for a Ja At the moment I l and I’m always on between London a Italian food but al In Open Kitchen I’ and the translator version.




D O NAT E L L A SIMEONE photographer


Graphic and Layout

dinia Island, I ndon for 9 years, k as a cabin apanese airline. live nearby Rome n the move and Tokyo. I love lso ethnic food. ’m a coordinator r of the English

I’m from Salerno but I moved in Re gio Emilia 8 years ago. I love cooking since I was very young. I prefer desserts and simple dishes but prepared with care, passion and tradition. One of my passions is also photographing food and much more. In Open Kitchen I’m respons ble for the photography.

I was born and I live in Brianza (in the Lombardy region) in a big and noisy family. The kitchen is for us a very important place where we stay all together, we talk, we cook, we argue and lough. I love cooking and try thousands of recipes; I love to cook for my friends. I’m a professional graphic and a blogger for passion. In Open Kitchen I’m responsible for the graphic and layout of the magazine.

n. 5 June 2012 - OpenKitchen


ontributors 92

OpenKitchen - n. 5 Giugno 2012



ANTONELLA MARCONI I’m from Marche region and I moved in Rome seven years ago. I have a remote past of a quiet life in a small village and a recent past of an hectic life in the city with scenography studies, internal architecture and interior designer. A present with a quiet life in the city with photography studies and a passion for food.

I’m from Naples but I live in Brussels. “Basta un soffio di vento” is a mixture of my passions: good food, photography, my travels and my daughter. My blog is just like me...restless, often ironic, greedy and always curious, sometimes creative and often a bit lazy. I do really hope in my creations and words you will find inspiration, ideas and, why not, even a smile!

I’ve graduated from a music school. I love reading, writing cooking, travelling, taking photographs and going to museums and concerts. In my food blog I write about what I create with passion.




I’m From Sicily but I live in Veneto with my husband from Campania region. I’m 34 and I have 4 children. I used to have a restaurant and at the moment I’m the owner of a take away pizzeria. I love my children, cooking, singing, writing and taking pictures. This new experience will give me the chance to improve my passions and to share them with you.

In my everyday life I’m an interior designer, a wife and a mother of two but they don’t like too much eating. I’ve always loved cooking and I wanted to make cooking my profession. But I choose another path and today I live with pencils and colours between the aromas and flavours of what I talk about in my blog.

My name is Anna Franca, I’m 32 years old and I live in Brindisi. I love cooking since ever. I’m studying Economy at university. My family produces baking products for over 25 years, so I love baking and kneading since I was a child.

n. 5 Giugno 2012 - OpenKitchen



Sicilian, I love the flavours of the past but I’m always looking for the innovative ones. I love confectionery and everything I prepare is for the people I love, and that’s why I gave this name to my blog.

I live in Modena with my two children aged 15 and 16. My passion for aesthetics and presentation of the dishes led me to create the VisualFood ®, good looking and good to eat food. My ideas are posted on my website..


F E D E R I CA C H R I S T I N E A N NA M A R I A V I LLANI MARZOLI From Turin to Milan, from architect to web designer, from omnivorous to Raw food eater. Live food, intense colours, new flavours, mysterious ingredients, Unknown techniques and unexpected textures, for cooking that I love and deserves to be known.


OpenKitchen - n. 5 Giugno 2012

I’ve started making wine with my grandfather, who had a vineyard near Rome. I studied and worked in Ireland, where I learned how to make must and beer. I’ve worked in many pubs and wineries in Dublin, until I’ve decided to come back in Italy where I got my Sommelier diploma. I now work with different wineries and bars.

I have always had a passion for cooking, I like to experiment with new recipes to please the palate of my family, as well as mine. The blog was created for fun and now it has become my personal corner where I store everything that I cook with love.

I was born in the Gargano region (Puglia) but I’ve been living in Rome for a few years now. I love reading, novels and recipes books. The small kitchen in my apartment is full of appliances and cooking moulds of every size. Baking and patisserie are my real passion. There is no recipe, even the most difficult one, that scares me and I would eat all kind of desserts.



Passionate reader, Big lover of movies and buffalo mozzarella. I love traveling, even only with the imagination. I live in Rome but without the sea I’m lost. I love my Southern Italy, soul escape

VA L E N T I NA SERENTHÀ Half from Brianza and half from Romagna region, with a passion for good food and good wine in the blood. I am volcanic and creative. I’ve got thousands of interests but not much time to follow them. I love travelling, I love design, I’m learning to take photographs, I try to paint and draw, but most of all I cook and experiment.

Sanjeeta kk is the author of food blog ‘Lite Bite’ which features vegetarian recipes. Her quest for egg free baking and healthy cooking is extensively shared though all her recipes. She likes to share stories behind the origin of her recipes which are easy and accessible. Homemade, unprocessed and healthy food is what she strives for each day. She defines food as nostalgic, comforting and an important factor to connect with people and make community.

DONATELLA SCATAMACC H I A ciboperlamente. Journalist, globetrotter and good food lover! The result??? A precarious life, but very happy! I don’t live in the same city for more than three months, but I don’t go anywhere without my net book and my set of knifes


NANA CEA - Nana Cea

A little girl grew up with her passion for cooking. Today mum of two children who are actively involved in baking cakes and cooking. A childhood spent in the land of windmills has left me in the heart the love for tulips. Clerck for survival, Cook for passion.

I live in Milan. In my life I realized that “the recipe for happiness” is to follow our own passions. So even if I’m a Psychologist and a manager I spent lots of time cooking. I love cooking! I’m quite good baking cakes, I love to decorate and crate a perfect table in different styles but always following my taste. The most enjoyable work..... the dessert table for my wedding!

n. 5 Giugno 2012 - OpenKitchen


V E R D I A NA CA L A M I A I’m an artist, design is my form of communication but in front of food my inspiration brings me to a world of aromas and flavours that colour my life! My parents are from Sicily, I grew up in Liguria region but now I live in Bologna. How to resist to food?

SONIA MANCUSO I’m 42 years old but the spirit of a 20 years old. About 12 years ago I found out I love cooking and since then I spend most of my time to watch cooking Tv programs and reading recipes. I love to cook home what I eat when I’m away, and thats help me to accept more easily my celiac disease. I love eating and cooking for other.


OpenKitchen - n. 5 Giugno 2012

n. 5 Giugno 2012 - OpenKitchen


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