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Inclusive Materials for LGBTI and Family Diversity © K aty Pallàs ALL EQUAL, ALL DIFFERENT, ALL THE SAME Material d’aula adreçat als docents que volen implementar i/o pilotar programes sobre diversitat afectiva-sexual i familiar a centres educatius de primaria i secundaria, des d’una metodologia comunicativa, per tasques o projectes i des del punt de vista de la co-educació. Grup de Creació de Materials
Març, 2015 Se’n permet còpia, distribució i comunicació pública sense ús comercial, sempre que se n’esmenti l’autoria i la distribució de les possibles obres derivades es faci amb una llicència igual que la que regula l’obra original. La llicència completa es pot consultar a http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/es/deed.ca
The Team: Katy Pallàs i Picó (cpallas@xtec.cat), English teacher Holds a degree in English and a Master's in Linguistics and SLA. She currently works at the public school “Ins Can Peixauet” as Head of English Dept. and as Coordinator of the GEP (Grup Experimental Plurilingüe) developed by the Departament d’Ensenyament de la Generalitat de Catalunya. She used to be an instructor of Bilingual Programmes and develops educational materials for English learners. She has published CLIL materials in different professional journals and university publications and she is a published author of LGBT children's stories. Nowadays she is also training teachers in the use of LGBT learning materials, giving talks and raising awareness on visibility and the importance of dealing with LGBT matters.
Eliseo Picó Mas (eliseopic@hotmail.com), English teacher Holds a BA and an MA from the University of Barcelona. He has worked in several secondary schools and at the Escola Oficial d'Idiomes de Santa Coloma. He has been Education Advisor at the Embassy of Spain - Education Office in Washington DC. He has taught graduate and post-graduate courses at the University of Barcelona and the Polytechnic University of Barcelona. His areas of interest include Second Language Acquisition, Testing and Evaluation, Technology, and Materials Development. He has given many lectures and presentations. He is retired at the moment.
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Ten tips for learning success
▪ Brainstorm ideas about your background knowledge about equality and human Rights ▪ Understand what the video entitled “Kids React” is communicating in order to focus on ideas people believe about gay and lesbian people. ▪ Relate information and ideas concerning Human Rights for LGBTI people to your own opinions and beliefs. ▪ Learn specific facts about gay and lesbian people and their history. ▪ Work in pairs and in small groups in order to discuss equality and Social Rights with the aim to develop critical thinking relating the information to their own opinion. ▪ Interpret feelings and ways to express them in English. ▪ Analyse the three most important Civil Rights movements in order to widen your view on Civil Rights for freedom and how important they still are in present society. ▪ Use English as much as possible in your team discussions and present your Human Rights Campaign for our school. ▪ Use research to widen your knowledge about human rights and LGBTI people. ▪ Work in teams providing, organizing ideas and putting forward a school campaign.
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Kids React to gay marriage This episode of Kids React will discuss the sensitive subject of same-sex marriage which continues to be an issue not just in the United States, but around the world. The opinions of children about these issues can give incredibly valuable insights into where our society currently stands and where we are headed as people. It’s important to discuss these topics openly in hopes of a better tomorrow through dialogue and conversation. We interviewed 13 children between the ages of 5 and 13 from California, all of whom are featured in the following episode.
Activities 1. Recalling 1. Teacher guides students using the following questions to brainstorm ideas about what they know about Civil Rights: Do you know what Civil Rights are? Do you think we all have the same rights? How do you feel you are different from the rest? (You may expect answer such as: coming from a different country, the colour of your skin, the way you are, your physical appearance …..) 2. Students will watch a short video, called “Kids React” where some kids a faced with a social issue and they react to it. They will be shown a flash mob where a guy proposes to 4 Els continguts d’aquesta publicació estan subjectes a una llicència de Reconeixement-No comercial-Compartir 3.0 de Creative Commons.
a guy and another one where a girl proposes to a girl. Kids are faced to gay marriage. Students watch the video up to 5:14 m and check whether kids reactions from the video are GOD or BAD. KIDS REACTING
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3. Watch the video from minute 5.14 up to 10.01. Say whether these statements are true (T), false (F) or don’t know (DK) according to what you have learned from the video and/or your own thoughts about the topic. CIRCLE YOUR OPINION. STATEMENTS 1. Same-sex relationships have always existed
2. Marriage is a civil right T F DK 3. Gay people live in occidental culture only T F DK 4. More than 10% of the population is gay T F DK 5. Being gay is a choice T F DK 6. In the USA only in 14 states are you allowed to get married if you are gay
7. Ancient Indians called gay people “two spirit” T F DK 1. It used to be illegal for a black person to marry a white person. T F DK 8. They have the same rights in our country. T F DK 9.
Gay and Lesbian couples cannot have biological children
10. Gay and Lesbian people are afraid sometimes to be bullied
2. Understanding 1. Did you know that... LGBT parenting is when lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people are parents to one or more children, either as biological or non-biological parents. Same-sex male couples face options, which include: "foster care, variations of domestic and international adoption and diverse forms of surrogacy. LGBT parents can also include single people who are parenting; to a lesser extent, the term sometimes refers to families with LGBT children. There is ample evidence to show that children raised by same-gender parents grow and live as well as those raised by heterosexual parents. More than 25 years of research has documented that there is no relationship between parents' sexual orientation and any measure of a child's 6 Els continguts d’aquesta publicació estan subjectes a una llicència de Reconeixement-No comercial-Compartir 3.0 de Creative Commons.
emotional, psychosocial, sexual orientation or behavioural adjustment. Individuals may or may not express their sexual orientation in their behaviours. People in a same-sex relationship may identify as homosexual, bisexual, or even occasionally heterosexual. Equally, not all people with a bisexual or homosexual orientation seek same-sex relationships 2. Students get in pairs and discus about the information you have learned in the statements in activity 3 and the reading above. Teacher will tell students not to be judgemental of the opinions of other students. We live in a free country, and everyone is entitled to an opinion. a- Where do you think does Lucas’ opinion come from? b- Do you agree with the Kids reactions? c- What statements have caught your attention the most? You may use some of the opinions in the box In my opinion …. In my view …….. I don’t think it should …… Not to let them marry is insane ….. That’s what I mean ……. I entirely agree …. I disagree ….. As I see things ....
3. Students work individually. Can you name two gay men, one lesbian woman, one bisexual and one transgender person. ……………………….. …………………………… ……………………. ……………………….. …………………………… ……………………. 4. Students work in small groups. Share your answers from exercise 3 and discuss the following questions. Was it hard to gather those names? Are they seen positively or negatively, in your view? Do all gay men look the same? Do all lesbian women? What about transgender people?
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3. Applying Historically gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender people have lived their affections without any legal protection or respect from heteronormative culture. Civil Rights and legal protection are the rights all citizens should have to live, work and develop in a free, democratic country, regardless of their race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, etc. 1. History of Civil Rights in the USA “Fight for Civil Rights has become the key point for democracy. Modern democratic countries cannot allow inequality for their citizens. Having a voice turns out to be the essential tool to freedom”
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2. PAIR DISCUSSION Students will now work in pairs in order to talk about civil rights using all the information they have got so far. In pairs take the following decisions: 1. 2. 3. 4.
How many civil Rights movements can you see in the pictures? What are their similarities? Have they got their objectives at present time? Name some inequalities that you still can see in the World that surrounds you.
Revision Do the following puzzle. Find the vocabulary related to equal marriage. There are 11 words or expressions.
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Extension You can learn more about this topic just by clicking on these links. Choose one and read through the site. Then get in groups of four and discuss what you have understood. All the information you gather might be very usefull for your final project. KIDS AGAINST BULLYING: Click on the link, you will find some games to help you understand and fight bullying at your school. http://www.pacerkidsagainstbullying.org/kab/ CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT FOR KIDS http://www.neok12.com/vocabulary/Civil-Rights-Movement-01.htm CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT vocabulary games (subscription required) http://www.neok12.com/vocabulary/Civil-Rights-Movement-01.htm WOMEN’S RIGHTS QUIZZ http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/interactive/games/victorian_women/index_embed.shtml
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Step 1 Now is your turn to take action. Important things usually start by a little idea. You can make your school a more inclusive and respectful of the difference just by changing little things such as inclusive language, friendly attitudes towards all people, respect for diversity etc. Slogans become very useful to promote changes in different environments.
ˈsləәʊɡ(əә)n/ noun noun: slogan; plural noun: slogans 1. a short and striking or memorable phrase used in advertising.
SOME CATCHY SLOGANS: I’m lovin’ it (McDonalds) Make someone happy. Vote for (insert name of candidate) For success, choose the best Show you care, lets all be fair. Human Rights for all.
Step 2 Get in groups of three. You will have to work on PROMOTING HUMAN RIGHTS IN YOUR SCHOOL. You will have to develop a campaign to promote knowledge and respect for Human Rights in the context of your school. Each group will deal with a different minority group that have traditionally been discriminated against: women, children, LGBTI people, and Muslim people. Use a slogan to call people’s attention on discrimination. You may use an image or a meme or a poster for your campaign. 12 Els continguts d’aquesta publicació estan subjectes a una llicència de Reconeixement-No comercial-Compartir 3.0 de Creative Commons.
Instructions Snake!
In your group choose a minority group.
USE IDEAS SUCH AS inclusive language, friendly attitudes towards all people, respect for diversity
Divide the work so everybody in your group has an important task to do.
Learn about the group you are going to campaign for.
Brainstorm ideas. Think of ways to show how important it is to respect the difference by using a SLOGAN
Prepare your project in a way that it Nits the requirements within the time allowed by your teacher. (Two weeks)
Learn about your environment. Does your school respect diversity? What are the weak points? Make a list
Use a DIN A4 to draw your design as a draft. It must include an image and a slogan.
Follow the links and learn about Human Rights and LGBT Rights. http://www.un.org/en/documents/udhr/ http://www.lgbt-ep.eu http://www.ilga-europe.org http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_rights http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_rights#Sexual_orientation_and_gender_identity
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My project: Promoting Human Rights in my School 4 ☺☺☺☺
3 ☺☺☺
2 ☺☺
Gathering I took information I took information on HR from 3 or information on and resources more sources HR from 1 or 2 sources
I didn’t take any information on HR
Group cooperation
I participated, discussed and agreed in all the creative process of the project together with my group
I didn’t participate, discuss and agree much in the creative process of the project together with my group I find my project similar to other projects
I find my project extremely creative and original The final project The final project We had some The final project was a real success was quite problems with didn’t work successful the final project
I took information on HR only from the sources provided I participated, I participated, discussed and discussed and agreed in most agreed in some of the creative parts of the process of the creative process project together of the project with my group together with my group I find my project I find my project very creative quite creative and original and original
1 "
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4 ☺☺☺☺ Recalling information
You can easily remember and discuss the information in the video “Kids React”
3 ☺☺☺
2 ☺☺
You can easily remember and discuss most of the information in the video “Kids React”
You can remember and talk about some of the information in the video “Kids React” You can understand somewhat the concept of human rights and LGBTI rights You can use some of the information to talk about the importance of human rights and LGBTI rights You participated in some of the aspects of the unit with your group. You have worked well and solved some issues with group members
You can remember and talk very little about the video “Kids React”
You participated in some of the aspects of the campaign project to promote human rights in your school.
You barely participated in the campaign project to promote human rights in your school.
Understandin You can g Information understand very well the concept of human rights and LGBTI rights
You can fairly well understand the concept of human rights and LGBTI rights
Applying Information
You can use most of the information to talk about the importance of human rights and LGBTI rights You participated in most the aspects of the unit with your group. You have worked very well and solved most of the issues with group members You participated in most of the aspects of the campaign project to promote human rights in your school.
Group Work
Campaign Project
You can easily use and apply the information to talk about the importance of human rights and LGBTI rights You participated in all the aspects of the unit with your group. You have worked extremely well and solved issues with group members You participated in all the aspects of the creation of the campaign project to promote human rights in your school.
1 "
You find it difficult to understand the concept of human rights and LGBTI rights You can use little of the information to talk about the importance of human rights and LGBTI rights You barely participated in the unit with your group. You have worked little and solved none of the issues with group members
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Checklist – Circle your opinion In this unit you have… 1. Brainstormed ideas about my background knowledge about equality and Human Rights little 1 2 3 4 5 quite a lot 2. Understood what the video entitled “Kids React” was communicating in order to focus on ideas people believe about gay and lesbian people. little 1
5 quite a lot
3. Related information and ideas concerning Human Rights for LGBTI people to our own opinion and beliefs. little 1 2 3 4 5 quite a lot 4. Learned specific facts about gay and lesbian people and their history. little 1 2 3 4 5 quite a lot 5. Worked in pairs and in small groups in order to discuss about equality and Social Rights with the aim of developing critical thinking relating the information to your own ideas. little 1 2 3 4 6. Interpreted feelings and ways for students to express them in English little 1
5 quite a lot 5 quite a lot
7. Analysed the three most important civils Rights movements in order to widen our view on Civil Rights for freedom and how important they still are in present society. little 1
5 quite a lot
8. Used English as much as possible in our team discussions and when we presented our Human Rights Campaign for our school. little 1 2 3 4 5 quite a lot 9. Used research to widen our knowledge about Human Rights and LGBTI people. little 1 2 3 4 5 quite a lot 10. Worked in teams providing, organizing ideas and putting forward a school campaign little 1
5 quite a lot 16
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Teacher’s notes Applying In this activity there are ten pictures that correspond to the following historical fights for civil rights. 1, 3, 5 & 6 depict scenes from black people’s fight for Civil rights in the EEUU 2, 7 & 9 depict scenes from the women’s movement for equality in the EEUU 4, 8 & 10 depict scenes from the gay rights movement also in the EEUU
Revision Key to the puzzle
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