Elucidating and interpreting student behavior by deploying student information systems in schools Educational institutions are given an elevated position in our society.They are considered as sanctuaries of knowledge, a place that inspiresand enriches life ignited by understanding, learning, and healthy social exchanges. But the reality is very different. On the contrary, more often than not students are unnerved by the excessive competition they face in these beacons of hope and true learning. Ranking, performance, and the immense pressure to produce extraordinary is good enough to push a young student to the corner. These are often aggravated by the terrifying and impractical expectations of their parents, teachers, and society as a whole. At least, stay at par with your competitors and deliver the deliverables is the normally accepted norm. Actually, this maddening competition continues even in their career and personal life. This constant competitive mindset takes away from the joys of learning and hinders the course of behavioral rectification if at all it is required for the learners. These behavioral disorders can be the result of this stiff competition, sky-high expectations, etc. This is certainly not a blog on our failing education system. That can be dealt with another day.But the most fundamental need of the hour is the presence or immediate deployment of systemslike open source student information systemthat aid in the improvement of a student’s general performance through anall-inclusive assessment of data on his/her strengths and inadequacies. It is easy and very commonplace to criticize a student for the lack of satisfactory performance. Though, it is a challenge to pick themistake with his/ her approach and rectify it. Justreproaching a learner for his/her performance will not lead to enhanced performances. The shortcomings backed by data have to be pointed out in a productive manner to draw his/ her responsiveness. Thenput in force the determination in them to correct their failings and excel in their academics and behavioral aspects. With the arrival of high-tech data management tools and behavioral analysis tools, it is critical to institute such systems to determine the welfare of students to guarantee superior quality academic performance and social behavior from them. Learning management systems (LMS) and open source student management systemhave displayed nascent stagepotential in streamlining academic processes and derive majorimplications out of students’ performances throughout the course of their learning process. But the most significant question is could they be also implemented to check and delve deep forincongruities in student behavior which may be disadvantageous for their academic performance as well as social conduct? Data recorded and generated from