Open Ways
Issue 134
PEn Ways Gateway to the Pagan Communities
Samhain 2008 Samhain 2008
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Open Ways Open Ways Gateway to the Pagan Communities Issue 134—Fall Equinox Open Ways is published eight times a year, on the Quarters and Cross-Quarters, by The Nine Houses of Gaia, Inc. Circulation 3400+. Newsletter Staff Editor — Becca Nichols Distribution Team — Ellie, Rob, Dennis Webmaster: — Paul of Edgewood Submissions Articles, letters, poetry, artwork, etc., are solicited from the community. We reserve the right to edit for length and content. E-mail or send self-addressed stamped envelope for Writers’ Guidelines. Type-written (single-sided) or word processed manuscripts are welcome, electronic submissions via e-mail preferred. Send submissions to:
Open Ways Editor NEW ADDRESS PO BOX 6283 Vancouver, WA 98668 E-mail: World Wide Web: Please do not send the only copy of your work! Manuscripts unaccompanied by a Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope will not be returned. All submissions will be accepted at our discretion. Advertising Ads must be camera-ready. Payment must accompany ad. No credit card payments. Deadlines (page 3) apply. E-mailed ads and their payments must be received by the deadlines. No black backgrounds or jpg’s please! Email Editor for more info. Rates & Sizes (W x H) $15 for a business card size (3.5’ x 2”) $30 for quarter-page (3.5” x 4”) $60 for half page (7” x 4.5”) $120 for full page (7” x 9”) Discount for one-year, pre-paid ads.
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Open Ways Gateway to the Pagan Communities Open Ways is printed on recycled newsprint, using soy -based ink. Please help to save our forests — recycle! The Nine Houses of Gaia, Inc. P.O .Box 14415 Portland, OR 97293-0415
Subscriptions Subscriptions are $8 for one year or $16 for two years. (International subscriptions: Canada, $12/year; elsewhere, $16/year. U.S. funds only.) Please make checks or money orders payable to “Open Ways..” Sample copy $1.00. Please send request and payment to The Nine Houses of Gaia at the above address. Mission Statement The Nine Houses of Gaia is a non-profit organization incorporated in 1992 to sponsor the Northwest Fall Equinox Festival and publish Open Ways. Open Ways serves as an introduction to and an anchor for pagan communities in Oregon and the Pacific Northwest; a forum for the exchange of scholarly, practical, or experiential information, knowledge, and wisdom; a tool for instruction and communication; a “journal” of events, announcements, ideas, poetry, prose, illustration — anything of benefit or interest to pagans, wiccans, or other nature spiritualists. Copyright © 2008 All rights remain the property of contributing authors and artists. For reprint information, please contact Open Ways. Inquiries will be forwarded to appropriate parties. Statement of Confidentiality Open Ways honors the right to privacy. Information regarding our contributors or subscribers will not be made available under any circumstance. Our mailing list is not for sale or trade. Contributors are encouraged to use pseudonyms.
Samhain 2008
Open Ways CONTENTS: 3 - Thank you by Conner 4 - Letters to Editor From our Houses to yours by Becca 5 - Ritual Celebrations and Announcements 7 - into winter by Laura W. 8 Advice from the Priesthood by Sienna 9 - Standing in Still Water By Rev. Lynn Stanley 12 - Celebrating the Final Harvest by Rev. Merrie H. 14 - Souls Harvest by Thuri Open Ways Deadlines This deadline schedule includes all articles, artwork, announcements, events and Advertisements. Send everything to the Vancouver address for Open Ways on page 2 . Advertising rates are posted on the bottom of page 2. OpenWays Issue Yule 2008 Brigid 2009 Spring Equinox 2009 Beltane 2009 Summer Solstice 2009 Lughnasadh 2009 Fall Equinox 2009 Samhain 2009
Samhain 2008
Deadline Oct. 25 Dec. 13 Jan. 25 Mar. 13 April 25 June 13 July 25 August 25
Available Dec. 1 Jan. 10 March 1 April 10 June 1 July 10 Sept. 1 Oct. 10
15 - Grove of the Red Cedars by Cerridwn Danu 18 - Pagan Community Directory 22 - Advertisers
Artwork by Kristen Kuk
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Open Ways Letter’s from readers From our Houses to yours To the Editor: I just want to offer my deep thanks to Michael Agee and everyone from Nine Houses of Gaia and the larger community who produced the Fall Equinox Festival this year. "Awesome" doesn't begin to convey what I feel: perhaps Sumerian has a large enough word? If so, they will know it! I have never been at an event so thoroughly researched, faithfully lived, and deeply felt. It feels like our community has reached a new level of Magick. May Inanna continue to return!!! Blessings, Frodo Okulam, SisterSpirit
Hello folks, First of all, I want to thank you all for putting on such a wonderful Fall Equinox Festival. This was my first time attending, and I was very impressed. The rituals were beautiful and moving, the food was delicious and nourishing, and I met so many kind, lively, authentic, amazing people. Congratulations on creating something so memorable and special. Carrie Antinaro The Seeing Stone Owner
9HOGS would like to thank everyone who helped make this years NWFEF such a success and by far one of the best in a long time. We are all aware Of rising gas and food prices, which have hit us all hard. With that said, to see such a turnout at NWFEF this year was touching and uplifting. The obvious bond this community has is a beautiful sight to behold. Thank you all for finding the money and time to attend and for sharing yourselves so freely. The whole weekend went as smooth as anyone could have hoped for. The community was happy, upbeat and enthusiastic about all aspects of festival. From participating in the many rituals, workshops and events happening throughout the weekend to pitching in where Needed be it washing dishes, cleaning potties, giving rides and giving wonderful loving energy. So, everyone from festival attendees, volunteers. Work exchange and 9HOG'S members give yourself a big pat on the back for a job well done! From our Houses to yours.... thank you for making this years NWFEF one to be remembered for years to come. Last but not least I would like to thank The Seeing Stone store for their financial donation. Every bit helps and we truly appreciated it. Love and light Becca
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Open Ways FREE COMMUNITY EVENTS AND RITUAL CELEBRATIONS!!! All events on this page are FREE. Event hosts may accept a small donation. Donations are optional and very much appreciated. No one will be turned away for lack of funds. To have your Events listed here, please make sure they fit these criteria: 1) It is offered at no charge. 2) It is within our geographical area, generally, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Western Montana, Northern California, Nevada, Southern BC and Alberta.
RITUAL CELEBRATIONS , ANNOUNCEMENTS AND MEETINGs Family Samhain celebration!! Sunday Oct. 19th at 3PM. All families are invited, women, children, men and children. 11493 NW Gales Creek, OR 97117. For more info call 503-3579361 or email
Samhain Celebration!! Saturday October 25th We’moon Estacada 7pm Join SisterSpirit at We’moon land in Estacada to celebrate Samhain. Potluck feast at 5pm and Ritual starts at 7pm. Dress warmly for the outdoor fire circle and please bring something to share for the vegetarian communal feast. Call SisterSpirit at 503-736-3297 for info. Donations of $5+ greatly appreciated. MAGIC’S 15TH annual Hallowmas! Saturday October 25TH 7PM Join MAGIC for “A Journey Into the Spider’s Web”. A night of serious Magickal ritual designed to tune everyone into the energies of the season. Bring a potluck dish to share. Costumes are optional. As always this is a family friendly event, all ages welcome. Doors open at 7pm, circle cast at 8pm. Liberty Hall 311 N Ivy Portland, OR 97227. Call 360-693-7349 for more info. Donations greatly appreciated but no one is ever turned away.
Samhain 2008
Tues. Oct. 14 - Inner Journeys, 7pm. A journal writing circle for women. Topic: Exploring our shadows through the journal writing process. All women welcome. SisterSpirit office 3430 SE Belmont #102. Call 503-736-3297 for info. $5+ donation appreciated. Wed. Nov. 19 – Magickal Study Group. 7:30 pm. SisterSpirit Office, 3430 SE Belmont #102. All women welcome. Call 503-7363297 for info. $5+ donation appreciated. Wed. Oct 25th - Magikal Study Group. 7:30pm. SisterSpirit office, 3430 SE Belmont #102. All women welcome. Call 503-736-3297 for info. $5+ donation appreciated. Nov. 11 – Inner Journeys, 7 pm. A journal-writing circle for women. Bring your dream journal or come and start a new one. Topic: Collage Journal, Journal's are not just for writing. Explore visual journal techniques; using art, collage, and symbol to express your thoughts, feelings, and insights. All women welcome. SisterSpirit office, 3430 SE Belmont #102. Call 503-7363297 for info. $5+ donation appreciated.
Wed. Nov.. 12 – Women’s Healing Circle, 7 pm. Topic: This evenings healing circle will focus on healing emotional, sexual or physical abuse. We will call circle, discuss the Goddess Artemis and how she has protected women and Nymphs from abuse in mythology. We will also partake in the Clothesline Project by making shirts that express our "secret" or abuse, therefore releasing them. It is a very powerful program that is sponsored by the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom. Bring a shirt to paint. I will supply decorating materials, you may bring some if you like however. All women welcome. SisterSpirit office, 3430 SE Belmont #102. Call 503-736-3297 info. $5+ donation appreciated. Wed. Nov. 19 – Magickal Study Group. 7:30 pm. SisterSpirit Office, 3430 SE Belmont #102. All women welcome. Call 503-7363297 for info. $5+ donation appreciated. Thurs. Nov. 20 – Dream Conversations. 7:00 pm. SisterSpirit Office, 3430 SE Belmont #102. All women welcome. Come share your dreams and insights with other women! Call 503-736-3297 for info. $5+ donation Page 5
Open Ways ONGOING ACTIVITIES 8 times a year, each Sabbath - Mystic Arts Gathering & Information Circle (MAGIC) holds public ritual and ceremony for the Solstices, Equinoxes, and cross-quarters in between. Typically in Vancouver or North Portland, these gatherings are free to the public, although a donation can will be passes. Families with kids are welcome. Held on the closest Saturday to the actual Sabbath, 7 pm, locations announced in advance if possible. Call 360-693-7349 or see our listing in the Community Directory under MAGIC as well as on Myspace.
Crystal Temple - 11am. Integrate light into your being. Come to receive blessings and an uplifting spiritual reading to empower and enlighten your soul. 7275 Richmond Ave. 503-249 -0303.
4th Sunday‟s: Deandra‟s “dance The Goddess” ritual also at The Guiding Tree in Portland, same address as above.
1st Tuesday - Open Reiki and Healing Circle 9am to 11am. The Celtic Circle Salamander Medicine Lodge dragon- 3717 NW 25th St. Redmond, OR 503-313-6490 Con- 5 0 4 - 4 6 2 7 or email tact: Mark Dragonfly Freeman Sweat Lodge Ceremonies, every 2nd Sunday at the Peace Garden in McMinnville Ore- 1st and 3rd Wed. - Reiki Share Circle gon. 7-person Turtle Lodge. Must RSVP 7pm to 9pm. Sellwood Spirit Feathers, and follow lodge protocol found under 7704 SE 13th. 503-230-0249. All welIntroduction to Red Road Protocol: http:// come., under ALL Witches' Afternoon Teas POSTS. 1st Wed. 7pm - Tarot night - Bring your Once a month, on a Sunday afternoon cards, practice readings, become more from 2pm to 4pm, Thuri Calafia and Car- 1st Sunday Share-apy Always the 1st familiar with your cards and discuss Tarot Sunday (no Share-apy in Aug.) Join us with other readers. Crystal Temple 7525 mella Cook sponsor theme parties deeach first Sunday of the month this sum- N Richmond 503-249-0303 or signed to build community through raising money for various local Pagan organi- mer, at Hands of Freedom Healing for our regular monthly Share-apy, formally 1st zations and charities, on a donation only Sunday healing circle. Activities include basis. All Teas offer free refreshments and readings by volunteers. Each month silent meditation, discussion of healing 2nd Wed. 7pm - Reiki Circle - Receive techniques, individual and group healing healing and develop your skills in a sacred is a different theme, either seasonal or sessions and introduction to healing arts temple surrounded by light beings. Crystal whimsical. Upcoming Tea dates are: practitioners. Everyone is welcome, this is Temple 7525 N Richmond 503-249-0303 10/26, a "Witches' Afternoon Tea and Apple Bobbing Championship"; 11/23, a a Wonderful opportunity to experience or info@crysaltemple.or. healing, provide healing, and meet and "Witches' Afternoon Tea and Book establish new alliances. Location: Hands 3rd Wed, 7pm - Drum Circle - Lets exLaunch Party" to celebrate Thuri's new of Freedom Healing, 8725 NE Broadway, plore rhythms and escape reality in a sabook (she will be reading excerpts from her book and giving away scholarships to Portland 97220 , 1pm -4pm. Donations cred temple. Bring an instrument if you are welcome but not required. Circles Dedicant classes); 12/14, a have one, if not we can share. Crystal "Witches Afternoon Tea and Holiday Temple 7525 N Richmond Party" with much caroling, wassailing, The Goddess Circle: 2nd Sunday from and perhaps a Yule log cake as well! 6;30—8:00pm at the Guiding Tree 4831 SE Division St. An open circle for Thursdays and Sundays - 12pm to 2pm. Attendance is free, but donations to that women and men with a different Goddess Open meditation in the Temple at Crystal month's charity are gladly accepted. focus each time. Contact Deandre @ 503- Temple. 7525 N Richmond. 503-2490303 or For more information, call Essential Ele- 704-6715 or email at deandra Elments at 503-231-2831, or Thuri at 503- lerbe@comcast for more info. Donations 956-7258, or email Thuri at tcala- accepted. Non-denominational Sunday Service @ Page 6
Continued on page 7 Samhain 2008
Open Ways Ongoing events Continued from page 6
into winter
Thursdays - Morris Dancing 7 to 9pm. Join Renegade Rose Morris Dancers, a group of Portland men and woman who perform ancient English folk dances on May Day and other community events. Weâ€&#x;ll teach you the dances. Visit or call Lev at 971-570-3388.
one leaf, mottled bronze and crimson, slips through layers of darkened air
2nd Fridays - Dance night at 7PM. Come and enjoy music from different cultures.. Crystal Temple: 7525 N Richmond.. 2nd Fridays - Bardic Circle and Pot Luck dinner. For poets, storytellers, and musicians 5 to 7:30pm. The Celtic Circle 3717 NW 25th St. Redmond, OR 541504-4627 or email Salamander Circle Last Saturday Reiki Training and Healing Circle. Meets in McMinnville OR every last Saturday of the month, 2 to 5pm. No fee. Reiki Attunements, Reiki Training and Reiki Healing Circle. Must RSVP. Contact Mark Dragonfly Freeman 503-313-6490 or email for more info.
another slides up through darkened water the drifting colors kiss through the ripples of the mirror and lie suspended between elements a chill seeps into the air, infuses the water, sinks into the earth dark branches catch the silver sky, straining light into shadow beside the shaded pool She walks, cloaked in midnight drawing frost from the hem of Her mantle there is no sign of Her passage but an etching of silver upon the fallen leaves By Laura W.
Open Full Moon Rituals On the Saturday night closest to the full moon, starting at 7pm, with drumming afterward until 9pm. OFMs are held at Essential Elements Herbal Apothecary, 3135 SE Hawthorne Blvd in Portland. Upcoming dates are: 10/11, 11/8, and 12/13. To honor the energy of the upcoming Sabbat, the October ritual will be a formal Crossing Rite, so please come with a story of your beloved Dead to share. All Open Full Moon rituals are free, but donations are gladly accepted to help offset costs. For more information, call Essential Elements at 503231-2831, or Thuri at 503-956-7258, or email Thuri at
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Open Ways Advice from the Priesthood By Sienna
Promotions are the same way: You get the job because you put extra energy into something that was This column is intended to be a format for the gen- already in motion anyway. The person who did not eral Pagan population to ask anonymous questions get the promotion is in the position that he/she was regarding anything to do with the pagan lifestyle, supposed to be in anyway. Again, your spell work from spiritual Earth worship to living in our modern would have no effect on the opposing outcome, sim-day society. Questions are answered from the phi- ply because it was going to happen anyway. losophical standpoint of “Harm none, Do as Ye Will.� If you have questions for us, please write to Yes, magick works. Anything can happen with, or send a letter to the ficient force. However, "sufficient force" for the legal editor of this paper. All questions shall remain system, the corporate system, or the government is anonymous. pretty darn huge. Unless you run a coven of 100 witches, it's not likely you'll have sufficient force for Greetings and Merry Meet. this kind of job. My question is: How does the Rede apply to Magick performed on If, however, you can push a system that big with yourself, when you know the desired effects are in one act of magick, be prepared to lose the next time opposition to another person? you are challenged. Equal energy will be bestowed upon you either way. If you are not prepared to lose For example, performing Magick to bring success to a future challenge of unseen proportions, don't set yourself in a court case, athletic event, or professional that energy in motion. This is what most people promotion, when you know that success will cause imply when they discuss "Karma." another person to lose something. Thank you for your consideration. I hope your summer was golden, and your autumn full of promise. Merry Part and Blessed Be. Matt Dear Matt: This is the reason that not everyone should be learning how to do magick! Sometimes, people fool themselves into thinking they really can 'push' a system that large into going the direction they like. To be honest, one can merely stack the deck--the Universe still deals the cards. Here's what happens with law suits: you do a spell to win, and so you do. The other party looses. Now, the justice system is huge, and there really is no way to put extra energy behind the justice system, all you can really do is give it a boost, and give it a boost in the right direction. Otherwise, you're spell work would have no effect whatsoever. Page 8
A Professionally Trained Counselor with 15 years Experience in Metaphysical Practices. I will guide you using creative ritual to find clarity. Contact info: P.O. Box 641094 L.A., CA 90064.
Initial contact is free.
Samhain 2008
Open Ways cally related, they are similar in appearance, as well as nesting and feeding habits. Both birds stand about three feet high, with wing spans of around six feet. They nest in or near wetlands and marshes, forage while wading in shallow water, and use their beaks to spear fish, amphibians, and small rodents. While the One of the aspects of life in the Pacific Northwest that I find most image we often call to mind of a crane or heron is of the still, pleasing as a Celtic Pagan is the similarity of the landscape here solitary hunter, they are social birds. Cranes mate for life and to the physical and spiritual landscape of the ancient Celts. From migrate in large groups, with the elders showing younger birds the coast to the mountains, the plain to the forest, we can walk on the way. Herons roost in colonies of up to one hundred fifty the memories they left us myths. Have you ever looked out at birds, called a Heronry, and choose mates from within their the mist wreathed islands in Puget Sound and thought of the group. The male and female of both Sandhill Cranes and Blue mysteries of Mona, the adventures of Maelduin, and the Sacred Herons share the feeding and care of their young. Islands of the Otherworld? In this column, I will explore the themes of each passing season through the wisdom of animals Sandhill Cranes migrate down the Pacific Coast from Alaska in that were part of the Celtic spiritual culture, and are part of our two routes known as the Pacific Flyway. The main route is regional landscape today. I have always found that the most inland through British Columbia, passing through Central illuminating path to spirit lies in developing a relationship with Washington and Oregon in late September and mid October enthe natural world, and I hope that this series will enhance your route to wintering grounds in California. A smaller group of own spiritual experience of our land. Canes follows the Pacific coast South, stopping on Sauvie Island from September to November before heading to California. As the year turns again to Samhain, the Pagan community beSome Great Blue Herons migrate to Washington from farther gins to turn our thoughts toward the spirit world. In our celebra- North, but most are year round residents. Great Blue Herons are tions, many of us will welcome those who have crossed over; a such common sight in Portland, where they make their homes we will gaze into the depths of the cauldron for knowledge of the on Ross Island and feed in Oaks Bottom Wildlife Refuge, that coming year, and undertake our own travels to the Otherworld to they were named the official bird of Portland in 1986. seek the wisdom that lies beyond those far shores. To prepare for these seasonal activities, we can look to the wisdom and na- It is easy to understand the symbolism of spiritual transcendence ture of birds who have inhabited our spiritual landscape since the attached to birds. Alone of all creatures, they are able to leave the Celts spread their culture across Europe; birds that now share our earth and soar among the heavens. Watching their flight we home in the Pacific Northwest. In this article we will explore the long to lose the fetters that hold us on the ground, to see with the spiritual associations of Cranes and Herons in Celtic myth and clarity of their elevated view; to feel our bodies lifted, weightless, culture, and examine how we can access this wisdom to aid our on the wind. Yet shorebirds have a more complex spiritual assowork in divination and soul travel. ciation in the Celtic belief system, because they inhabit an environment that is closely linked to death and the entry to the OtherWhen we talk about Cranes as a bird sacred to the ancient Celts, world. Archaeology has shown us that the wetlands were sacred we must first decide exactly what kind of bird is being referred places. Over time, the bogs of Northern Europe and the British to. Members of the Crane family can be found throughout the Isles have given up the bodies of Iron Age people whose reworld, and the Common Crane is found throughout Northern mains give evidence that they were ceremonially sacrificed and Europe and Great Britain. However, the Grey Heron is also interred in wetlands. Perhaps the marshes where land and water referred to as a Crane in many parts of rural England, and they mingled were seen as “in between� places where the Otherworld may indeed have seemed related to a culture whose knowledge was more accessible. Were Cranes seen as sacred because they was based more on personal observation than modern scientific nested and hunted in this sacred environment? If the wetlands classification. In this piece, we will include Great Blue Herons were a doorway to the Otherworld, what deeper meaning does and Sandhill Cranes in our view, birds native to the Pacific that belief give to the still, silent Crane staring into the water? Northwest with close relatives endemic to Europe. Upon visiting the British islands, Caesar reported that eating the flesh of Cranes was taboo, lest the bird should the reincarnation Sandhill Cranes and Great Blue Herons are common large of a human. This could be a slight misunderstanding: perhaps shorebirds in the Pacific Northwest. While they are not scientifiContinued on page 9 Standing in Still Water, Soaring Above the Waves: Scrying and Soul Travel with the Wisdom of Cranes and Herons by Rev. Lynn Stanley
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Open Ways The association of wading birds to scrying is a born of the similarities between how they hunt in water, and how we scry into a bowl or cauldron. Watch a Great Blue Heron standing in the water, one leg raised, its head poised to look beneath the surface, utterly still, until its beak darts down to spear its prey . This patience, this poise to wait for a vision in the water, is exactly what we need to scry. We must learn to be quiet and still, just as the With these clues from the past, we can easily conceive ways to Crane must stand without disturbing the water; we must have the bring Cranes into our Samhain practices. If we are welcoming patience of the Crane as we wait for the symbols to swim those who have crossed over during our celebration, we can through our mind, yet maintain the Craneâ€&#x;s vigilance so that we imagine Cranes carrying their spirits from one world to the next, can seize the answer when it comes. We can also liken the symand ask the birds to ferry them safely back to the Otherworld bolic messages we receive when scrying to the symbolism of the when they must depart once again. If we would like to travel in magical treasures of the Crane Bag; a collection that originally spirit to the Otherworld, we can ask Herons to guide us, leading belonged to the Sea God Manannan, and was full or empty with our soul through the veil, and helping us to return. One could the tide. Like the objects in the Crane bag, we must learn the also endeavor to take the spiritual form of a Crane or Heron, thus meaning of the symbolic answers found in scrying, and learn embodying the symbolic soul vessel, and perhaps gaining access how to use what the water has given us. to the wisdom of the birds. In preparation for working with Cranes for spirit travel, we should spend time in a place where The Crane is also a bird of the Goddess; both Great Blue Herons we can see these large birds in flight. We should know how they and Sandhill Cranes have accents of black, white, and red in their move through the sky, the grace of their takeoff, the expanse of plumage, as well as a strong tie to the feminine element of water, their wings. The more closely we can observe these shorebirds, both of which give us a symbolic link to the womb or well like the better we will know them, and being able to create a strong vessels we use for scrying. If we want to work with Herons and spiritual connection is the key to working with sacred animals. Cranes as totems for scrying, we should spend time watching them hunt in the water. We can learn stillness by remaining moHerons and Cranes can also help us with divination, another tionless as long as the bird does; in fact, stillness must be learned activity we engage in at Samhain. There are natural and mytho- to spend any amount of time in bird watching. We can also belogical links to two common forms of divination, scrying and come Crane like ourselves when we scry, imagining ourselves divining with Ogham. We find Cranes linked to letters, and as long billed birds standing in a pool of still water, gazing just spiritual knowledge in several ways. In myth, we find the story beneath the surface; waiting in quiet readiness for the message in that Aoife was turned into a crane for giving the alphabet to hu- the water. mans; that Mercury invented the Greek alphabet after watching the flight of Cranes, and that Palamedes invented the Forfeda in Please be respectful in your interactions with Great Blue Herons the same way. Other sources credit poet and champion Ogma and Sandhill Cranes in nature. Herons and Cranes are easily with the invention of the alphabet, as well as the sacred task of disturbed by human encroachment on their nesting sites, and ferrying souls to the Otherworld; perhaps providing a double link with so little habitat remaining to these birds, it is imperative to to Cranes. The Crane Bag of Celtic myth was a bag of Otherpreserve the sanctity of their homes if we wish to protect the fuworldly treasure belonging to Manannan, made from the skin of ture of these species. If you wish to watch Cranes and Herons, a Crane (which was formerly Aoife). The Crane Bag magically please find a Wildlife Sanctuary that is open to the public, and appears and changes hands in initiatory story cycles, like the long stay on the trail to avoid stepping on nests, disturbing the birds, sought Grail; suggesting that this collection of magical objects is and damaging important vegetation. Several of the links in the an allegory for wisdom and spiritual power. Today the Crane bibliography provide information on wading birds, as well as Bag often refers to a carrying bag for or a full set of Ogham areas where they can be found. If you feel that your work with sticks, or the Feda as a whole. This association with knowledge, Cranes and Herons has been rewarding, and you would like to their links to the clear views of the sky, and the communicative return the favor, please do not feed these wild birds. A better element of air, makes Cranes and Herons excellent totemic offering of thanks would be to donate or volunteer your time to teachers when we are working with Ogham divination. watershed and wetland restoration projects in your community, Continued on page 10 Continued from page 8 Cranes were not to be killed and eaten because they were carrying the souls of humans to (or from) the Otherworld. In Chinese mythology, Cranes conveyed the souls of the deceased to heaven, which was a journey, like that of the Celts, into the West.
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Open Ways Continued from page 9 preserving their habitat for future generations of birds and bird watchers. Bibliography
Sandhill Crane Weit, Susan J. Sandhill Cranes Headed South -A735BB2DFFB5.html Great Blue Heron Anderson, David P, A Field Guide to Oaks Bottom, Audubon Society of Portland 1979 Kinsey Hill, Gail, Portland Celebrates Great Blue Heron Week, Oregonian 2008
CORRECTION: Sources used in the writing of „The Autumn Equinox Through the Wisdom of the Bearâ€&#x; from the Fall Equinox issue. .Carr-Gomm, Phiilip and Stephanie; The Druid Animal Oracle, Fireside, 1994 Kondratiev, Alexei; Celtic Rituals: An Authentic Guide to Celtic Spirituality, The Collins Press, 1998 North American Bear Center, Wikipedia:
Celtic Mythology and Bog Burials Archaeological Institute of America, Bodies of the Bogs, 1997 Archaeology online Blamires, Steve, Celtic Tree Mysteries, Llewellyn 2003 Carr-Gomm, Philip and Stephanie, The Druid Animal Oracle, Fireside, 1994 Cotterell, Arthur, Celtic Mythology, Anness Publishing 1998 Aldhouse-Green, Miranda and Stephen, The Quest for the Shaman, Thames and Hudson 2005 Gregory, Lady Augusta Irish Myths and Legends, Courage Books 1998 Matthews, Caitlin and John, The Encyclopedia of Celtic Wisdom, Element 1994 McCoy, Edain, Celtic Myth and Magick, llewellyn 1998 Nova, The Perfect Corpse: Bog Bodies of the Iron Age,, PBS 2006 Lynn Stanley is the founding Priestess of The Altar of Epona and Herne Healing Ministry ATC, as well as a practicing Energy Healer and Reiki Master, freelance writer, and harpist. She lives with her husband and three children in Portland, Oregon and Lake Ozette, Washington. Her favorite animal is her beloved Queensland Heeler, Sasha.
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Open Ways
Celebrating the Final Harvest with the Cailleach By Rev. Merrie Hutchins (Boudicca Andarta) The Cailleach (pronounced COY-luck or CALL-y’ach), is a Celtic Crone goddess linked to the weather, winter, death and corn, as well as the stereotypical modern-day “Halloween Witch”. Like the Morrigan and Brigit, the Cailleach is a Triple Goddess; she can be found in Scotland, Ireland, the Isle of Man and today in America as well. Now a generic Gaelic name for the Crone, “Cailleach” translates to meaning “Old Woman” or “Hag”. Depending on where you find her, she has many names; in the Lowlands she was called Carlin, in the Highlands she was referred to as Hag of the Beare, in Northern Ireland she was known as Cally Berry, on the Isle on Man she went by the name Cailleach ny Groamch and in England they called her Black Annis. There are still other variations of her name including Black Mother, Cailleach Bolus, Cailleach Bheur, Digi No Duineach, Digne, Cailleach Bui, Cailleach Corca Duibhne, Hag of the Mill, Cailleach na Dudain, and Old Woman of the Mill. According to Robert Graves, the Cailleach is another form of the Irish Scathach and the Norse Skadi. Perhaps this goddess is a master of transformation and evolution, changing with the times so that she can live on! Regardless as to where she resided, she usually, but not always, had a bad reputation. Although better known for her “darker side”, she had a “lighter side” as well. Medieval legend turned her into the Black Queen of the Western Paradise (Summerland). In Faerytales she is the Triple Goddess, the hag who dies of old age and is “laid to rest” and then reborn at Imbolc into the body of the young goddess Brigit. The country of Caledonia was named after a derivative of her name and then Page 12
she traveled to America where she is the guardian of wild animals as well as the streams and wells (again, like Brigit). Her “darker side” is linked to the spring storms that are fueled by her rage. It is said that if you make her mad, she will unleash the Faoiltach (wolf storm) which prevents Beltane's warmth from returning to the land. In this aspect, she is not to be tangled with as she is a wild hag with a venomous temper and after being reborn at Imbolc, she leaves by raising the tempests in her wake. Perhaps she got this turbulent reputation by her connection to the seasons and their weather. Her storms are responsible for changing the landscape; as the “Old Woman of the Mill”, the Cailleach regulates the turning of the mill of life and death (in this aspect she is the Gaelic counterpart of the British goddess Arianrhod of the Caer Sidi). It is her job to usher in winter by washing her plaid in the Corryvreckan whirlpool and when she is done, the plaid of Scotland is winter white. Winter is the time of her reign; she is the personification of winter from Samhain to Beltane and the period of time between Hallowmas and Candlemas is known as the “months of little sun” and ruled by the Cailleach. November first, the day after the final harvest of Samhain , is her day, the day of the Reign of the Old Woman Cailleach. Some say that it is better to leave her alone, but actually there is nothing to fear. In fact, she began as a Celtic Earth Goddess of abundant crops. The Corn Dolly isn’t just for Imbolc anymore; it has an association with a practice in Ireland called “snigging the Cailleach”. The Cailleach was known as the Cailleach Bera; a Celtic Corn Spirit of Irish folklore. It was common practice that the final swathe or sward of corn of the last field was plaited in four pieces before being tied and taken to the house that held the harvest feast. The husband and wife of this house would wear the Corn Dolly, Continued on page 12 Samhain 2008
Open Ways Continued from page 11
tried to stomp her out, she simply wouldn’t “give up the ghost”. sometimes decorated with brightly colored ribSo, to that I say, “Happy Halloween”! bons, for a few minutes each while giving Sources: thanks for the harvest and saying prayers for · Celtic Myth and Magick by Edain the harvest to come. Wearing an apron full of McCoy stones, she is described as a wee old woman · Halloween by Silver Ravenwolf who walks by night, when she is said to be · Moon Magick by DJ Conway most active, with a carrion crow on her left · Solitary Witch: the Ultimate Book of shoulder and carrying a walking stick. This Shadows for a New Generation by Silver holly staff is topped with the head of a carrion Ravenwolf crow and whoever is touched by it will die in· Witch’s Guide to Faery Folk by Edain stantly. During the summer while she is dwellMcCoy ing in the Land of Winter, it is buried under a About the author: Rev. Merrie Hutchins tree and then retrieved again after Samhain (Boudicca Andarta) lives in Northern Michigan night. Whoever finds the staff will have power and has been a practicing Witch that follows the over the destiny of human life. Similar to the Wiccan Rede for the past 23 years. Called to Cailleach, the Cailleach Bhuer’s power is great- service by the goddess Artio; besides dedicating est from Samhain to Ostara and she too has a herself to serving the needs of the human comnasty reputation. But it is possible that her ill- munity, she tends to Artemis’ deer and cares for temperament may have its origins in the early abused and neglected cats and dogs. She has Scottish churchmen who worked to stomp out the Old Religion by demonizing the Crone. Join M.A.G.I.C. in a visit to the spider’s lair Ironically, this is how she has survived to our present-day. Some modern-day witches are insulted by the image of the “hag” plastered on windows and doors as Halloween decorations. Until rePotluck ∙ Cash Bar searching the Cailleach, I too was one of them. Music by DJ Rat She has also been described as having a hideSaturday 10.25.2008 ous face of either a black or blue hue with one Doors open at 7pm large eye in the middle of her forehead, a proCircle cast at 8pm nounced dowager’s hump covered by a red or Liberty Hall 311 N Ivy St green cloak, a mess of white hair and carrying a staff. This “evil” Faery who brings death and $5-10 Suggested Donation, winter is the image that has been distorted into no one turned away for lack of funds our modern-day “Halloween Witch”; riding a broomstick instead of carrying a staff, a black YULE! December 20 Mark your calendar! cat in tow instead of a black crow, a green face instead of a blue one and flying high in the clouds instead of residing in the corn. It seems that the Halloween Witch’s cackle is the Cailleach getting the last laugh; although many
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Open Ways Soul’s Harvest by Thuri Calafia The Dark Time is upon us. I can feel it, here in this wildly beautiful but not altogether familiar place, whose rhythms and climate my body hasn‟t totally attuned itself to yet. The shadows are visibly longer these days, and the days are much shorter. The nights demand more blankets on the bed, and my wind chimes on the patio are a cacophony of delight in tribute to the cool sweeping breezes so characteristic of the area. How I love the northwest! Everywhere I look, trees are turning bright, merchants are displaying pumpkins to tempt me, and my heart is gladdened, for I also dearly love autumn and all it brings. To be in this incredible paradise of mountains and ocean and spirit is a true gift. To be growing to know the Pagan community here, as I am now doing, is a tremendous blessing, for Portland‟s people have proven to me to be warm and friendly, wise and dear, no small few of them overwhelmingly kind. I look forward to meeting and enjoying many more new friends and having new adventures, even as the Sacred Wheel‟s place at this time encourages a turn toward introspection. As the darkness of the year deepens, many Pagans find their attention drawn inward. For some, the Dark Gods call, and the braver souls among us step up to make the Journey. From the safety of our power places, we can see him - the Green Man, Odin, Cernunnos, Herne - whatever name we call Him, whichever God of this archetype we identify with, he is our Sacred Guardian and Protector, our inner guide to the Mystery, and to the divine feminine both within and without. He stands at the edge of the forest, the Path behind him leading into shadow, and to the realm of the Dark Mother. “You cannot get to Her but through Me,” He says without speaking, yet His voice resonates clearly in your mind. He holds out His hand, His obsidian eyes sparkling with challenge. You rise. He takes your hand, and together, you walk into the forest. On and on, through moonlight and shadow you travel. On and on, the trail twists and turns, dips and gently rises. He never lets go, but urges you onward with his warm, strong hand. You fall into a trance state from the rhythm of the hike, and time passes. The wind around you howls, cats screech, and you swear you can feel the Dead rising up to walk the earth alongside you. The hairs on the back of your neck stand up, but you are brave. You are reminded of the saying, “courage is fear that has said its prayers,” and tell yourself that his sacred promise is that of protection, and besides, you are strong, and capable, certain of your Page 14
place on your Path. Suddenly, you find yourself standing before a small cave. You turn to ask him “what is this place?” only to realize he‟s no longer there. You can sense him near, yet the forest reveals little but a thousand bare branches, black against a moonless black sky. But wait - are those antlers? You peer closer, but they‟ve melted into the inky background. You know now you‟re on your own, and turn to face the cave. You peek tentatively inside, but all you can see is a slightly lighter shade of black toward the back. You step one foot into the entrance, and notice it‟s not so cold in here, at the same time noticing that you‟d been oblivious to the cold before this delicious warmth. It lulls you a bit, but you fight to stay alert, for tonight is Samhain, and anything could happen. The cave is clean and dry, and smells faintly of spice and smoke. You edge toward the back. The lighter shade of black reveals a wall in front of a long passageway, with a faint glow at the other end. You tune in to your intuition, and sense no danger, yet you are apprehensive, knowing Spirit has called you to this place at a sacred and magical time. At the end of the hallway, you enter a large chamber lit by a small fire. You look around you and see all manner of harvest tools and goods arranged around the chamber. Numerous baskets are arranged haphazardly across the floor, heaped with pieces of root and bark cut to dry by the fire. Hanks of herbs of every imaginable kind hang from the ceiling, and several racks are set up nearest the fire, holding meat which is drying into jerky. All seems benign until suddenly, as if from out of the shadows, a figure appears, robed in black. Just as suddenly, you‟re shocked into the realization of two things: One, that she has been standing there the entire time, and two, that the very air is vibrating and crackling with power. Her power. She smiles and nods as this dawns on you, peering at you from underneath a dark hood, eyes darker than the darkest night, wise beyond all imagining. A wisp of hair, sparkling silver mixed with raven black, falls from under the hood. You can feel her size you up in an instant, for of course she knows you. She knows you quite well. She is standing in front of a large loom, weaving a tapestry. The tapestry... of your life. She beckons you near. She begins to speak to you of the impending harvest which cannot wait - of herbs and of meat - for after Samhain, all that remains in field and garden will belong to Her, and those who ignore this simple truth do so at their own peril. She speaks of the Harvest of the Soul, of endings which herald new beginnings, and of the cutting of threads which are no longer needed. She stands between you and the tapestry, holding a pair of scissors out toward you, handle first.
Samhain 2008
Open Ways You don‟t want to take them. You worked hard to cultivate what these threads represent, but you also know that these are things and situations that no longer have a place in your life, and they serve now only to drain you. Still, our habits and patterns cling tightly, however deeply we know when it's time to let go. You shift from foot to foot, and She leans closer, whispering deep truths to you of your own strength and power. You can clearly see in her eyes the vast love and wisdom it takes to be capable of cutting such threads, to be ruthless. You sigh, slide the cool metal from Her hands, and set your jaw. Holding your head high, you step forward, determined. It takes courage to cut those threads. Much more courage than it does to leave them flapping in our own personal tapestries, wreaking havoc in our lives, and making things so much harder. Yet we do it - we put off the inevitable until we, in our human frailty, garner the courage (or take the clue-by-four) from our gods to step up do what needs to be done. Once we do so, we can realize that this harvest is no less sacred than any other, and that working our will to create harmony in our lives by ending things in their proper time is just as crucial to our growth as the shiny new threads we will now have room to weave into place when the Sun God is reborn at Yule. For now, the fields are fallow, as are we. Both empty and full, we can look to this time to rest and gather strength, to put our harvests in order, and to celebrate Death as the necessary precursor to new life. Thuri Calafia is the founder of Circles School and the author of DEDICANT: A Witch‟s Circle of Fire; A Course of Study in the Old Religion, which will be released by Llewellyn Worldwide in November. She is currently teaching Dedicant level classes in the Portland metro area, and is working on the second in the fourbook series, INITIATE: A Witch‟s Circle of Water. She can be reached at 503-956-7258 or at
THE GROVE OF THE RED CEDARS Streams of light emanate from the heavens, playing peek-a-boo among the branches of the trees. Cedar and spruce reach toward the sky, their heads standing proudly tall as their arms point downward toward their mother, the great earth. Sheltered amidst the branches, a small owl watches as I carefully walk along the forest floor. Carpets of moss cushion my footsteps, softening the blow on the vast ecosystem that lays beneath the surface. A fallen tree, victim of a storm many decades past, plays host to a multitude of new life. Shelf fungus, huckleberry bushes, salal, along with newly sprouting cedars, emerging from their mossy nursery. The roots of one tree wrap themselves around the great nurse log. Like so many snakes trying to play twister, they gnarl and intertwine with those of a sister tree nearby as they cling to each other. I ponder the cedar. This is the great spirit tree of the ancients, the tree of life. This tree is large enough that it can indeed be in both realms at once: "as above, so below". This tree is the true giver of life to the native Northwesterners. It provided shelter, transportation, and clothing. It warmed through fire, and called the spirits through drums and whistles. Indeed, the cedar touched life from the beginning to the end. I feel a sense of peace among the cedars. Ever since I was a child, making a playground of the cedars in our small woodland, I have felt at home among cedars. All of my cares, all of my burdens, all of my angers and hurts are brushed away by its sweeping branches. The rich fragrance tantalizes my senses. I sense a presence that is greater than I could imagine. I see another person walking toward me. She is weary and in pain. Her travels along the path have left her beaten and haggard. I instantly know her, although I truly had not known her before. I take her by the hand and lead her to the cedars. Welcome to the Red Cedar Grove. A haven of love, healing, and acceptance. Serena Cerridwyn Danu Bard of the Red Cedars
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Open Ways
Scheduled for a November release! Thuri Calafia's DEDICANT: A Witch's Circle of Fire; A Course of Study in the Old Religion is a lifeline for the solitary seeker and a fundamental tool for Wiccan teachers. This comprehensive course follows the same curriculum Calafia teaches in her classrooms, which includes both practical and spiritual aspects of Wicca, such as: rituals, spellcasting, devotionals, Witchy etiquette, evoking elements and deities, ethics, historical lore, and following regional energy patterns. Calafia will be signing books, reading excerpts from DEDICANT, and holding a drawing for scholarships to Circles School Dedicant classes at each of the following locations (*no purchase required to enter, simply fill out the quiz provided. All correct quizzes will be entered into the drawing to be held at 6pm at each location): When: What: Where: November 23rd From 2pm to 6pm
Witches' Afternoon Tea and Book Lunch Party
Essential Elements Herbal Apothecary 3135 SE Hawthorne Blvd., Portland, OR
November 29th From 2pm to 6pm
Book Sig ning with reading and drawing
Of Earth and Air 269 E Main St., Hillsboro, OR
November 30th From 2pm to 6pm
Book Signing with reading and drawing
Celestial Awakenings 6001 NE 10th Ave., Vancouver, WA
12 lessons exploring: Psychic Awareness Aura Reading Magickal Tools Altars Spell Casting
Meditation Trance working Tarot Chakras Group Ceremonies
All the info you need to create magickal changes in your life. Talk to our graduates; they’re everywhere! $30 per lesson, discount if prepaid. Weds, November 5th, 7 pm @ Celestial Awakenings 6001 NE 109th Ave. Vancouver 1-888-896-2207 To register, contact 360-693-7349
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Samhain 2008
Open Ways
Past-Life Solutions A systematic approach to completing lessons that remain in progress from previous incarnations. Free orientation sessions are offered two evenings per month in the downtown Portland area. It is necessary to attend an orientation before deciding to proceed with the process. For information on the next available session:
E-mail: Or Call: 503-224-1254
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Open Ways Pagan Community Directory Listing various kinds of resources for the Pagan Community, including circles (both open and closed), church groups, meeting places, study groups, and event organizers. Please, no retail outlets. A listing here does not necessarily mean a specific group can or will help you. To be included in this directory, please send information (limit 50 words which includes name and contact information) to Open Ways, PO Box 17604, Portland, OR 97217; or email
12 Steps, Pagan Style Midnight Crow Vancouver, Washington I am a clean pagan offering support to assist those on the clean path in Wicca and Paganism. I have 17 years of recovery. I am willing to give assistance, support and counsel to those who are concerned with these issues. Announcement Board & Community Directory The-Web ~ Post: Rituals, Classes, Workshops... "Because folks don't have time to check every website or subject line for current events. Come see what yo u 'r e m i s s i n g. " ht t p: / / The Altar of Epona and Herne Healing Ministry ATC Our vision is to create a well trained, compassionate Priesthood to serve the Pagan Community. We have an online community, monthly distance healing and prayer request list, and provide free healing to military, vets & their family. For more info The Ancient and Honorable Order of the Sacred Oaks A Druidic order in the Page 18
Arthurian/Celtic tradition, chartering groves meeting est abli shed crit eria and dedicated to authentic druidic principles and traditions. For those who aspire to the e x c e l l e n c e o f D r u i d r y. Incorporated in Oregon and 501(c)3 503-235-5774 www.sacred -oak Aquarian Tabernacle Church (360) 793-1945 Serving the PNW since 1979. Interfaith church of Wicca and Earth Religions recognized and accredited worldwide. All welcome at Open Circles near Seattle at NM &FM. Info & Schedule: (360) 793-1945; Classes: (425) 821-7246; Pagan Youth group: Spiral Scouts International. (360)793-9427 Brotherhood of the Wooden Chalice We're a group of eclectic Wiccans housed in Oregon State Penitentiary. We gather once per moon for study, ritual, and mutual support. We have a priest, but we could use volunteers and donations. Cedar Mountain Coven An eclectic Celtic coven, with some Native American
influences. We meet for Sabbaths, Esbats, laughter and support throughout the Portland/ Vancouver area. Closed to new members Samhain to Beltaine, we do keep a waiting list for anyone interested. Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans (CUUPS) Washington County,Hillsboro, OR. Alana Graham, 503-359-9719 22785 NW Birch Street, Hillsboro, OR 97124-6599 We are a chapter of the Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans, Inc. and affiliated with the Unitarian Universalist Community Church of Washington County. Please visit http:// cuups.htm Coven Caer Wy’east: A traditional Gardnerian Coven, sponsors a non-oath bound, British Traditional Wiccan Outer Court for Seekers of traditional Wiccan training. We prefer to work with Seekers 30 years of age or older. New training cycles usually begin each spring. Contact: Steward Creace at or 503.622.1381 for more information. (Continued on page 19)
Samhain 2008
Open Ways (Continued from page 18)
Crystal Cove Coven Lincoln County CrystalCoveCoven/ (Jeffery) or (Austin) We are an eclectic coven dedicated to helping those in need. We hold open circles periodically. We are a very positive coven, a family. For more information please feel free to contact us or visit the website. The Earth Gatherings PO. Box 19655 Portland, Oregon 97280 (503) 502-1415 An Eclectic Spiritual Group with frequent get-to-togethers to discuss various spiritual paths. Sponsors of The Mother Earth Gathering and The Middle Earth Gathering (June and September), Earth Awareness Festivals, honoring diversity and creating balance between Wilderness & Civilization. G o l d e n A p p l e We are a Druid grove populated with seekers and teachers of knowledge. We hold Open Druidic rituals at various holidays during the year. Please feel free to visit our site at o r e m a i l u s a t for further information. Golden Apple is affiliated with ADF ( as a protogrove. The Hermetic Fellowship Samhain 2008
( 5 0 3 ) 2 5 5 - 7 9 1 0 miforrest@hermeticfellowship.o rg (preferred) Exploring Western Esoteric Tradition: Ancient Mysteries, Wicca/NeoPaganism, Kabala, Rosicrucianism, Alchemy, Gnosticism, Theurgy, & Grail Quest. Meets monthly, 3rd Thursday; informal presentations, open discussion. Ritual & workshops occasionally. Email for info. 1st semester of 2008, special focus on the Grail Quest. Join us! M.A.G.I.C.: A Vancouver based group that holds gatherings 4 times a year, teaches classes in metaphysics, and provides for ordaining of clergy, and sponsors the Spiral Rhythms Festival. Call 360-693 -7349 for details. Nine Houses of Gaia email: A non-profit organization incorporated to facilitate networking among pagans in the Pacific Northwest. It sponsors: Open Ways Newsletter OpenWays/ Northwest Fall Equinox Festival NWFEF/intro.html The NWFEF celebrates the Great Harvest, begun at Lammas and ending at Samhain. North American Council of Witches A non-profit organization.
Primary goal is protection under the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution; secondary, lobbying for common power, strength in numbers. Request membership and general information at or call 503.228.2192. Officers of Avalon, Inc. is a non-profit benevolent organization representing Wiccans and other Pagans who work as police officers and other professionals in the emergency services. Membership dues: $25/yr for full members. $15/yr for associate members. PO Box 22, Baraboo, WI, 53913-0022.. Newsletter: The Dispatch. Registration forms available: Other Worlds of Wonder 14308 SE River Rd. Milwaukie, OR 97267 503-653-5843 We have gathered around a central purpose: the purchase of land for the local Pagan community. We honor all positive path traditions, and celebrate family and diversity at our festival, Sunfest. Pacific NW Pagans Yahoo Group p n w p a g a n s / An on-line community for P a ga ns i n t h e P a c i fi c Northwest, including Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Alaska, and (Continued on page 20)
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Open Ways (Continued from page 19)
British Columbia. When posting announcements for events in this group, please be sure they're in the PNW. PACT Area: Milwaukie/Greater Portland Vicinity A democratic, eclectic teaching/ training coven in three parts: A semi-private outer circle—by invitation only, two inner-core circles for PACT initiated. Lessons, degrees, and clergy training by PACT University. For information and a Waiting List: email:, or Portland Polyamory Circle is a gathering for folks exploring options beyond monogamy. Di s cus si ons include open relationships, extended families, and intentional communities. Everyone interested is welcome to join us. For information and location Laury (503)-285-4848. Red Cedar Circle (Church of Si.Si.Wiss) Northwest Coast Medicine Johnny Moses Teachings open to all.. Portland/Vancouver area meetings. (503) 245-5660 in OR. The “Red Cedar Grove” of Vancouver is accepting new members. We are a Celtic group that enjoys fun, spirituality and fellowship as we move through the wheel of the year. We have many years of experience between our five founding members and we meet twice a month for a ritual and a tutorial. Come and grow with us under the Spirit filled Red Page 20
Cedar. Please contact Serena @ or Macha @ 360-936-3833, or Sacred Oak Grove (503) 235-5774 A Druid Grove in the Arthurian/ Celtic-Wiccan tradition. For those seeking a true Druidic path of knowledge, truth, justice, spiritual fellowship, and community service. Esbats, Sabbaths and tutorials. Members commit to both group and individual studies for spiritual growth. Now offering an Outer Circle The Saint James Project Contact: Silverstar Red Crow Shamanic Arm of the Red Witch Tradition. Includes Indigenous Shamanic training, pilgrimages and extensive herstory/history from the 1st Century CE to the present. Prerequisite: Reiki 3 and 3 years magickal hands-on experience. Meets at Toad House, McMinnville Oregon. Salamander Circle 503-313-6490 Contact: Mark Dragonfly Freeman Sweat Lodge Ceremonies, every 2nd Sunday at the Peace Garden in McMinnville Oregon. 7-person Turtle Lodge. Must RSVP and follow lodge protocol found under Introduction to Red Road Protocol: http:// , under ALL POSTS. Shadowluz
Location: Members range from Portland to Hood River and Mt. Hood. Eclectic coven that emphasizes increasing the power of the individual through strength of our Gestalt, focusing on diversity in beliefs and the practice of Magick. Please send Letter of Intent to HPS Belle E v e r g r e e n a t + Silver Birch Grove 503-235-5774 A Druid Grove in the Celtic/ Arthurnian - Wiccan tradition. For those seeking a true Druid path of knowledge, truth, justice, spiritual fellowship and tutorials. Members commit to both group and individual studies for spiritual growth. Silver Star Circle Location Battle Ground, WA e m a i l A Celtic Pagan circle meeting for sabbats, full and new moons, weekly class and more. SisterSpirit 3430 SE Belmont #102 Portland, OR 97207 PO Box 9246 Portland, OR 97207. Phone: 503.736.3297 Web: ~ s i s t e r s p / a n d Women's spirituality organization honoring the Divine Feminine and celebrating the Goddess in all Her forms. Featuring on-going classes, (Continued on page 21)
Samhain 2008
Open Ways (Continued from page 20)
circles, workshops and 1 monthly ritual. Presenters of the annual PaganFaire. Sophia Sanctuary Women's Temple We are a circle of women committed to Healing, Education Ritual & Service (HERS). We celebrate the 8 holy days of The Wheel: Solstices & Equinoxes are for all genders & families; Cross Quarters are for womyn only. Sorcerer's Guild, The Dedicated to the enhancement of Magickal Work within its membership. Public meet-up at the Dancing Beans, 1615 SE 12th Ave, Portland, OR held monthly. E-mail for date & time. Info sources:,, Toad House & the Peace Garden McMinnville Oregon, USA Director: Silverstar Red Crow Peace Garden, open dawn to dusk for quiet prayer and meditation. 20â€&#x; lavender Peace Pole, erected in 2002, PEACE written in 13 languages. Hard working garden volunteers always needed. Write for information.
Women Of The Goddess Seattle, WA 206-322-2436 Contact: Janice Women Of The Goddess is a pagan community in the Dianic tradition. Membership is open to women over 18 years old of good intent who sincerely subscribe to our purpose. WorldTree Prayer Network Prayer and emergency energywork at no fee; serving the internet since 1994. Post your own requests. Have permission of the energy recipient first; then, include full name, age, and basic location including city, state and country and basic problem. PRAY FOR PEACE! The Well of Diancecht A circle of the Altar of Epona and Herne Healing Ministries ATC. Providing free sacred energy healing and Reiki to veterans, active duty military and their families. We also list healing practitioners offering sliding scale services to service members, veterans, and their families. We welcome the military community and healing providers to join us online at well of or contact Rev. Lynn Stanley at altar epona
Women In Conscious Creative Action (WICCA) PO Box 5296 Eugene, Oregon 97405 (541) 485-3654. Email: A women's church dedicated to the Goddess in Her many forms. Groups, newsletter, retreats, rituals, classes. Women of African Ceremony Portland, Ore. 503-238-1151 We are women who honor the earth and our African heritage through ceremony and ritual. We meet monthly. Samhain 2008
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Open Ways
A Gallery Of Gifts Jewelry Collectables Clothing
Interest For The Pagan Community 11:00-5:00p Exit 76 From I5 Next To The
Many Items Of
Historic Wolf Creek Tavern Po Box 352 Wolf Creek, Or 97497 541.866.2610
Essential Elements Apothecary & Tea House Healing Center
3135 SEHawthorneBlvd Portland, OR 97214
Liquid Extracts Herbal Detox Over 300 bulk herbs Gemstone Jewelry Incense Ethno-botanicals Books Essential oils Meeting space Forrentbythehourorday
Tarot readings Classes callfordatesandtimes & More
10% off with this coupon Elemental Magick Metaphysical Shoppe downstairs Page 22
Certified Master Herbalist & Proprietress Carmella Cook
503-231-2831 Open 10am– 9pm Daily EnergyHealings ByDonation Olivas, RN
with Sheri
UsuiReikiMaster Level4 HealingTouch™©
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Samhain 2008
Open Ways
ORLEANS CANDLE COMPANY ORLEANS CANDLE CO. is an authentic New Orleans spiritual store owned by two refugees from Hurricane Katrina. Their BOTANICA in New Orleans has been open since 1968, and now they are proud to open a store in North Portland. ALLARE INVITED !
Samhain 2008
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Open Ways The Nine Houses of Gaia Open Ways PO Box 14415 Portland, OR 97293-0415
Address Service Requested
Samhain Welcome By Tillicum Who is this come to visit Me on Samhain Mom? Dad? Cousin? Or is it the Elders Of long ago? No matter, all are Well come Come, Come to my Circle All my Dearly Departed.
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