Open Ways
Issue 142
PEn Ways Gateway to the Pagan Communities
Lughnasadh 2009 Lughnasadh 2009
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Open Ways Open Ways Gateway to the Pagan Communities Issue 142—Lughnasadh Open Ways is published eight times a year, on the Quarters and Cross-Quarters, by The Nine Houses of Gaia, Inc. Circulation 3400+. Newsletter Staff Editor — Becca of the Dirty Hippies Distribution Team — Ellie, Rob, Dennis Webmaster: — Becca of the Dirty Hippies Submissions Articles, letters, poetry, artwork, etc., are solicited from the community. We reserve the right to edit for length and content. E-mail or send self-addressed stamped envelope for Writers’ Guidelines. Type-written (single-sided) or word processed manuscripts are welcome, electronic submissions via e-mail preferred. Send submissions to:
Open Ways Editor NEW ADDRESS PO BOX 6283 Vancouver, WA 98668 NEW INFORMATION E-mail: World Wide Web: Please do not send the only copy of your work! Manuscripts unaccompanied by a Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope will not be returned. All submissions will be accepted at our discretion. Advertising Ads must be camera-ready. Payment must accompany ad. No credit card payments. Deadlines (page 3) apply. E-mailed ads and their payments must be received by the deadlines. No black backgrounds please! Email Editor for more info. Rates & Sizes (W x H) $15 for a business card size (3.5’ x 2”) $30 for quarter-page (3.5” x 4”) $60 for half page (7” x 4.5”) $120 for full page (7” x 9”) Discount for one-year, pre-paid ads.
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Open Ways Gateway to the Pagan Communities Open Ways is printed on recycled newsprint, using soy -based ink. Please help to save our forests — recycle! The Open Ways Editor PO Box 14415 Portland, OR 97293-0415
Subscriptions Subscriptions are $8 for one year or $16 for two years. (International subscriptions: Canada, $12/year; elsewhere, $16/year. U.S. funds only.) Please make checks or money orders payable to “Open Ways..” Sample copy $1.00. Please send request and payment to The Nine Houses of Gaia at the above address. Mission Statement The Nine Houses of Gaia is a non-profit organization incorporated in 1992 to sponsor the Northwest Fall Equinox Festival and publish Open Ways. Open Ways serves as an introduction to and an anchor for pagan communities in Oregon and the Pacific Northwest; a forum for the exchange of scholarly, practical, or experiential information, knowledge, and wisdom; a tool for instruction and communication; a “journal” of events, announcements, ideas, poetry, prose, illustration — anything of benefit or interest to pagans, wiccans, or other nature spiritualists. Copyright © 2008 All rights remain the property of contributing authors and artists. For reprint information, please contact Open Ways. Inquiries will be forwarded to appropriate parties. Statement of Confidentiality Open Ways honors the right to privacy. Information regarding our contributors or subscribers will not be made available under any circumstance. Our mailing list is not for sale or trade. Contributors are encouraged to use pseudonyms.
Lughnasadh 2009
Open Ways OPEN WAYS DEADLINES This deadline schedule includes all articles, artwork, announcements, events and Advertisements. Send everything to the Vancouver address for Open Ways on page 2 . Advertising rates are posted on the bottom of page 2. Open Ways Issue
Fall Equinox 2009 Samhain 2009 Yule 2009 Brigid 2010 Spring Equinox 2010 Beltane 2010 Summer Solstice 2010
July 25 August 25 Oct. 25 Dec. 01 Jan 25 March 31 April 25
Sept. 1 Oct. 10 Dec. 1 Jan. 10 Sept. 1 April 10 June 1
Pagan Family Pik-nik July 25, 2009 11:00am to dusk Creston Park 4476 SE Powell blvd. Portland Ritual at 2pm (Pagan standard time) Come display products and wears, flyers etc. Raffle donations for Fall Eq. Come see old friends and make new ones. This is a great networking opportunity. Family friendly! We will have games, live music and prizes! Bring information about your group or organization to share along with a potluck dish, games and musical instruments.
Lughnasadh 2009
Table of Contents
4 - This and That, 2009 NWFEF Menu 5 - Ritual Celebrations, Community events and Announcements 6 - What Laxmi teaches us about Love, Life and Happiness by Sienna Newcastle 7 - The 7 Basic Tenets of Shamanism by Silverstar Red Crow 8 - Advice from the Priesthood by Sienna 9 - Walking in a Wiccan Wonderland by Janice VanCleve 11 - The Art and Practice of Tonglen by Sunnygirlfire 12 - A Magical Place—The Columbia River Gorge by Ansur 15 - Book Reviews from the Community 16 - The Power of the Tooth by Amy K. 17 - Ongoing Activities 19 - Pagan Community Directory 22-23 - NWFEF Registration
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Open Ways This and That After many years of service Paul of Edgewood, our webmaster has retired. He dedicated countless hours of knowledge and time to our 9houses website. I am sure you all join me in expressing gratitude and appreciation for all his hard work. Thank you Paul!! On the same note I would like to invite you to visit our new website: You will find many new and exciting additions on the old format. There is a page for current Ritual Celebrations, which will be updated at each Quarter and Cross-Quarter, current events, which will be updated on a monthly basis as well as ongoing events.. There is a Pagan Community Directory as well, all of which have links available where possible. We are posting the Open Ways on the website along with archived copies to be read at your convenience. There is a section for business to advertise, with links also. So, email if you would like to have an ad on the new website. We now are able to accept paypal for festival tickets. The link is on the website, Thank you all for your ongoing support of the Open Ways.
26th Annual Northwest Fall Equinox Festival Menu Thursday: Dinner: Black Bean soup, ? , Manglorian Chicken Casserole, Fresh Breads, Fresh Salads and Rice Pudding. Late Night Soup: Black Bean Soup, ?
Friday: Breakfast: Continental Breakfast, Bacon/Sausage, Eggs, Country Fried Potatoes Lunch: Curried Apple Pork Roast, Stir Fried Veggies, Indian Rice Pudding, Thai Coconut Soup, Fresh Salads Dinner: Potluck Turkey, Tofurky, Sausage and Sage Cornbread, Apple and Cranberry Stuffing, Stir Fry Veggies, Brown Rice Honey cake (Being put out at 10pm) Late Night Soup: Thai Coconut Soup, Chilled Spinach and Heb Soup
Saturday: Breakfast: Continental Breakfast, Quiches, Bacon/ Sausage, Country Fries Potatoes. Lunch: Indian Wraps with Hummus and Tuna, Chiliyogurt Mushrooms, Vegetable Couscous, Yellow Na’an Dinner: Lamb, Black Bean Chicken Curry, Stir Fry Veggies, Yellow Lentil Soup, Fresh Salads, Carrot Halva, Indian Rice Pudding Late Night Soup: Yellow Lentil, ?
Sunday: Breakfast: Continental Breakfast and Brunch
As always there will be vegetarian and vegan options available at all meals. Cookies, breads, Corrections on the Obamaverse article: fruit, coffee, tea, cocoa, hot apple cider and fruit 1. Kathleen O’Gaea should have been Ash- will be available between meals and late night as leen o’Gaea. well. Our goal is that everyone is well fed and en2. The first volume mentioned of the celebrating joying the harvest so please, if you are hungry let set is Beltane to Mabon not Beltrane to Mabon. the kitchen know! 3. On page 7, the abbreviation ―Trad: … for tradition … came out triad. Friday Night is potluck night. Please bring a dish 4. The name of the coven is Foursight not Fore- to share that requires no preparation other then sight. reheating. Make sure it is labeled with any ingredients that someone may be allergic to.
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Lughnasadh 2009
Open Ways FREE COMMUNITY EVENTS AND RITUAL CELEBRATIONS!!! All events on this page are FREE. Event hosts may accept a small donation. Donations are optional and very much appreciated. No one will be turned away for lack of funds. To have your Events listed here, please make sure they fit these criteria: 1) It is offered at no charge. 2) It is within our geographical area, generally, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Western Montana, Northern California, Nevada, Southern BC and Alberta.
Ritual Celebrations
Community Events and Announcements
"Healing the past, by Speaking the Future: The Power of Sacred Voice" Sat. July 18 2009
The Sorcerer‟s Apprentice outdoor play : Performances are being held every Sat. and Sun. from July 11 - August 9 at 5pm in the Volunteer Park Amphitheater, 1247 15th Ave E Seattle, WA. The fantastical
6:00 pm Michelle‟s Meadow on NW 53rd Dr. ½ mi. N. of Cornell Rd. During this ritual we will break the cycle of submission. We will heal our ancestor's and women's voices that have been silenced for decades, in turn opening our throat chakras and creating the future of balance that we desire. Please join us as we share Herstory, Magic, Healing and Renewal! Feel free to bring photos of women for the alter that you would like to send energy to, weather they be in this realm or another. We will also honor feminist activist and women that we cherish. Women and children welcome. Please bring a potluck item. Donations are appreciated:)
Lughnasadh Ritual celebration August 1, 2009 2-8pm. BBQ Potluck, food drive and drum circle. Being held at Liberty Hall 311 N Ivy St, Portland. ―To honor the first harvest and vanquish world hunger‖ Come join Thuri Califia and M.A.G.I.C. in celebrating Lammas. There will be BBQ and beverages for purchase and potluck to share. Bring a potluck dish to share, dry goods for donation and your drum. $5+ donation appreciated but no one turned away. Being held at Liberty Hall 311 N Ivy St, Portland. For more info go to
Public Lughnasadh Ritual August 2, 2009 5pm Being held at 108th Ave SE in Kent This is a potluck event and open to one and all. We will be gathering at 5pm for crafts and other activities. Orientation will begin at 5pm and call to circle will be at 5:55pm. Directions: email More info at or group/bluemooncoven2/. Lughnasadh 2009
story of a young magician with a little bit of knowledge and ambition that outreach his abilities. Watch the apprentices brooms come to life on the Volunteer park stage. Free for the whole family. Play written by Mary Hall Surface, Directed by Julia Griffin.
Wednesday July 8th - Women's Healing Circle, 7pm. Held at the SisterSpirit office, 3430 SE Belmont #102. Topic: Healing with the energies of Water, astrological sign Cancer. All women welcome. Call 503-7363297 for info. $5+ donation appreciated.
Tuesday July 14th - Inner Journeys, 7pm. Held at the SisterSpirit office, 3430 SE Belmont #102. A journal writing circle for women. Bring your journal or come and start a new one. Topic: Journal to listen to the wisdom of our (fifth) throat chakra, heal imbalances, connect with and celebrate the power of voice, story, and creativity. Call 503-7363297 for info. $5+ donations appreciated.
Wednesday July 15th - Natures Magick, 7:30pm. Held at the SisterSpirit office, 3430 SE Belmont #102. All women welcome. Call 503-736-3297 for info. $5+ donation appreciated.
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Open Ways that pushes us to move forward, to take risks, to make moves that result in prosperity. Without the promise and heartbreak of Love we can not be fully human. Without the sacrifice of our fears of sucWhat Laxmi teaches us about Love, Life, and Happiness; cess, we can never prosper. By Sienna Newcastle This is why we worship Laxmi in difficult rituals, chant her The Goddess Laxmi is a prosperity Goddess. As such, she name 108 times, and spend a night in total quiet and darkness. grants us boons, gifts, and good luck in business, home, and These activities make us face our feers. When forced to face our fears, we find that Love is supporting us. love. But how does she do such magick? Laxmi begins with the raw materials that are our negative aspects: Our fears, our lacks, the things we reject about ourselves. These things could be as small as the habit of procrastination or as large as fear of being alone. These are the things we give over to Laxmi for her to transform into their opposite aspects. For example, if I tend to be the type of person surrounded by clutter, I can give up that clutter-creating aspect of myself. Laxmi will take that habit and transform it into a habit of organization. If I fear going into business for myself, Laxmi takes that fear and turns it into the freedom of setting my own schedule and rules.
Shri Laxmi, allow me to let go of the negative. Allow me to embrace the Positive. Shri laxmi, I am ready to be showered with prosperity!
Lughnasadh Join Thuri Califia and M.A.G.I.C. in celebrating Lammas
How does this happen? Like any Magick, it's kinda tricky. It takes a surrender to the process, an allowing of Work (capital W) to be done deep inside your Self (capital S). You must be willing to sacrifice that security of a cluttered environment. You must be willing to give up the security of having an employer. You must make yourself momentarily insecure, step outside your boundaries, go out on the edge of safety. You must challenge the very ego that is your personality. Laxmi is the gentle energy that we must face in order to be secure enough to let go. She does not scare us into dropping our resistance, nor does she appear as threatening, even in her guise as Kali, the destroyer. We know that she is here to help us destroy that which we do not want, thus we can go willingly into the sacrifice that she asks from us. When we open up and surrender our resistant natures to the Magick of Laxmi, we realize that she is about that genuine connecting force we call Love. It is love which transforms these negatives into positive. It is Love that is behind us, ahead of us, and surrounding us as we step into that which scares us. It is the great love of all things, knowledge that we are all One, Page 6
BBQ Potluck ∙ Food Drive Ritual ∙ Drum Circle To honor the first harvest and vanquish world hunger
Saturday, August 1, 2009 2-8pm Liberty Hall, 311 N Ivy St, Portland There will be BBQ and beverages for purchase and potluck to share. Bring: Potluck dish, dry goods to donate, your drum $5+ Suggested donation, no one turned away for lack of funds. Dry & canned goods go to local hunger relief. Monetary proceeds go to Spiral Rhythms Festival 360-693-7349
Lughnasadh 2009
Heaven here on Earth. This basic commitment to the cycles of the Natural World gives an inner strength and knowing that all suffering is transitory and will change, given enough time. With this 1. INTEGRITY CREATES EQUALITY & UNITY OF view of life, the Natural World is respected greatly for its own ALL WORLDS OF CONSCIOUSNESS. The laws of the three worlds of Shamanic practice and awareness: cycles and interference with nature has dyer consequences. The Lower, Middle and Upper Worlds are equal to one another. 4. THERE IS NO CONCEPT OF SIN, REDEEMED BY No world is more important than another. In modern Western ANOTHER’S GREAT SACRIFICE. culture and in Indo-European based religions, we are taught upEach individual takes total responsibility for one’s actions, crimes per, higher or ―Air-based‖ life (or consciousness) is preferable. Even in the myths of these cultures, Olympus for the Greeks, Val- and the breaking of Spirit Bargains or taboos, both personal and halla for the Norse, Heaven for Christians, Nirvana for Buddhists, societal. Natural justice through compensation or deprivation is the result of one’s deeds. One’s deeds, through thought or action, are located high in the mountains or in the sky itself, The Great Cosmic All. The way to these mystical and wondrous domains is reflect on the entire community, society and Natural World, provthrough ascension. Shamanism as a religion or worldview differs ing the concept that all life is connected. An individual cannot pray one’s self out of a tight place; one must take positive action in orbecause all worlds are equal. Inner-Earth is equal to above der to create positive affects. One must be ever vigilant about what ground, above ground is equal to sky. In the human being, all parts of the human are equal and important. The body is equal to she or he is creating, because negativity can come back on the the mind, the mind is equal to the soul and the soul is equal to the individual in the form of disease, bad luck or unhappiness. This I body. All parts make up human consciousness and are invaluable interpret as the Law of Karma, the law of cause and affect. to the whole. Only the whole human can survive, thrive and be 5. HARMONY BETWEEN BLOOD TIES THROUGH productive for the Self and society. This law of integrity is pertiFAMILY, CLAN & TRIBE IS VITALLY IMPORTANT ON nent for the individual, to the society and to altered states of conALL LEVELS. sciousness. The individual is made up from the blood of her/his Ancestors; these are the roots of identity, ego and personality. The family unit 2. INTEGRITY GIVES THE WORLD UNIVERSAL holds the history of the society at large and always must be preLIFE, WHICH IS ABSOLUTE, ETERNAL, ENDLESS & served. There is no charity between members of a family, because DIVERSE. This concept of integrity manifests a total view of the importance energy must be put into individuals from the family to preserve the society. Being responsible for the Self makes us responsible and sacredness in all life-forms and stages of life. People are respected for their life journey, regardless if they are newly born or for our family ties, since we are linked in our destinies through blood. are old, wise and ready for death. Even after death, life goes on and is worthy of respect. This integrity instills in the individual and 6. AN INDIVIDUAL POSSESSES THE POSSIBILITY OF society a need for perfect harmony; the more important the individual, without arrogance, the more valuable the tribe is. All life-- RETURN TO THIS WORLD REALITY, AS A RESULT OF regardless of the species or complexity--serves a greater need for REINCARNATION & KARMA. CONSEQUENTLY, THIS KNOWLEDGE LEADS TO A POSITIVE AND OPTIMISthe workings of life itself. TIC VIEW OF THE WORLD. Through the process of living one’s life filled with the knowing 3. LIFE IS AN ENDLESS CYCLE OF CHANGE. THE WORLD & INDIVIDUALS FLOW WITH THE CHANGES that the Self is responsible for her or his behavior patterns and thoughts and that life is eternal, the individual is left with an overOF THE SEASONS, THE PROCESS OF LIFE & DEATH, whelming optimism. The pressures and dictates of the ―outside‖ CHAOS & ORDER. world are always present, but stress does not diminish one’s posiNothing in life is random or coincidental. There is a flow to the cycles of all life, from the planet itself to every individual life-form tive outlook for long. A side affect of this knowing is patience with life itself, knowing that, eventually, justice will prevail. on or in the planet. There is no escape from the cycles of life (including death, recognizing death is a part of life). For instance, a believer cannot, nor would try; to leave this existence for a better 7. THE INDIVIDUAL’S POSITIVE PERCEPTION OF THE WORLD CREATES POSITIVE ACTION. life in a different realm like Heaven, fore each individual creates (Continued on page 12) by Silverstar Red Crow © 1998/2009
Lughnasadh 2009
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Open Ways Advice from the PriesthoodBy Sienna
factors involved in that decision; financial, magickal, and security, to name a few. When the gates can be closed, it seems to increase the amount of energy that is raised, which tends to stay on the property. The benefits of having closed gates are the same benefits one gets from casting a circle around one's magick; security, a closed-system to 'crank' the energy within, and a bonding between members inside the circle.
This column is intended to be a format for the general Pagan population to ask anonymous questions regarding anything to do with the pagan lifestyle, from spiritual Earth worship to living in our modern-day society. Questions are answered from the philosophical standpoint of ―Harm none, Do as Ye Will.‖ If you have questions for us, please write to, or send a letter to the editor When the gates are opened, it tends to increase the number of this paper. All questions shall remain anonymous. of participants that can come to the event, because many times people cannot get enough days free for the entire festival. This has the advantage of raising more funds for the Dear Sienna; I have been to many festivals hosted by diverse groups all hosting group. celebrating the same sabbat or equinox. One of the differences is that some festivals have no registration at the gate There are benefits (and disadvantages) to both ways. If you and have closed the gate at a certain point discouraging are more comfortable attending close-gated events, I sugentry or leaving the space. I was told this was to hold the gest the Northwest Fall Equinox Festival, and a few of the energy and keep it a space outside of space, time etc. I agree others that are advertised here in Open Ways. If you like with this. I have been to festivals where people are allowed the come-and-go free-for-all, I suggest any of the events that to come at any time, even registering at the gate and people are "no host" events, such as Spiritual Anarchist Beltane leave to run to town or some only come for the day and do North. Then there are other events, such as Summerstar, not stay. My question is, where does the history lie with this Sunfest, and Spiral Rhythms, where people are able to regissue, what are the reasons behind it, what are the benefits ister at the gate, but security and structure is provided to increase the energy. of closed space? The choice is up to you, but realize that a close-gated event is probably going to be more expensive, because it requires a permanent boundary and some permanent people in Dear Char: The organizers of the events are the ones who make the place. decision whether or not to close the gate. There are many Thanks and hugs, Char
With a new owner and renewed energy, Spirit Feathers invites you to please Come visit and experience this delightful boutique. We have Healers and Readers available for appointments, walk-ins welcome. Workshops and classes scheduled to grow your spirit and sooth your soul.
You will find beautiful gemstone jewelry, sacred statuary and Art, large assortment of unique crystals/rocks, expanded apothecary, books, CD’s, meditation/healing aids, garden art, fairies, angels, candles, incense, bubbling fountains, and much, much more!!! You will also find serenity and peace.
Store Hours: Weds-Fri 11 - 6pm · Sat-Sun 11 - 5pm 7704 SE 13th Portland, OR 97202 · 503-230-2469 Visit our website: Page 8
Av Over
Lughnasadh 2009
Open Ways WALKING IN A WICCAN WONDERLAND by Janice Van Cleve The market is full of all kinds of books on Wicca. They speak of Sabbats and spells, recipes and charms, and a few even go so far as to address correspondences and history. Yet rarely do they really investigate the deeper religion and mindset of Wicca. It is important, therefore, to touch if ever so briefly, on some basic concepts that underpin walking in a Wiccan Wonderland.
Natural religions by and large tolerate diversity because they see diversity all around them in nature and they understand that each person’s experience of nature is different. Supernatural religions, on the other hand, generally do not tolerate diversity because faith in one belief is by definition ―one size fits all‖. It is for this reason that supernatural religions are driven to proselytize or persecute while natural religions live and let live. The caveat should be made here that assigning specific religions totally to either the supernatural or the natural category from their beginnings to the present day would be stretching the point. Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Pagans, and a host of other religions and philosophies have displayed aspects of both categories through history, sometimes even simultaneously. However, as a generalization, understanding these two groupings is a helpful heuristic is finding the Wiccan Wonderland.
The human species, by its inherent nature, seems to have a proclivity for creating religions. There is something about consciousness that wants to connect to the realm of the spirit. Some say that our consciousness remembers a prior existence in a spiritual realm. Others say that our essence is spirit and our consciousness yearns to be freed from its temporary attachment to a material body. Still others say that our consciousness is aware of a spiritual plane beyond the material and that it seeks connection to it. Whatever is the impulse for creating religions, they gener- Wicca is a branch of Western European Paganism, which ally fall into two groups: the supernatural and the natural. is a natural religion. The word ―Wicca‖ is an Anglo-Saxon word meaning wisdom. Wiccans or witches (both come Supernatural religions reach beyond the natural world and from the same root) are the wise ones. They study and fabricate nonsense (literally not of the senses) which can- explore and experience nature to develop their knowledge. not be reached by either sensory or rational means. Su- They may specialize in herb lore, astrology, spells, counpernatural religions are faith based religions because the seling, science, philosophy, or any other branch of knowldoctrines they propose often fly in the face of what our edge. That is why Wicca is sometimes called ―The Craft.‖ senses and reason tell us. The only way one can follow a It is a learned body of knowledge and skills. Wiccans do supernatural religion is by making a leap of faith to believe not ―believe‖ in their religion. They work at it and learn it in things that cannot be proven by natural means. Super- until they know it. The more obscure questions of creation, natural religions often propose a deity and a moral code of the meaning of life, etc., are well outside the Wiccan exbehavior. They often attempt to encompass the whole perience and they are generally content to leave them universe to answer questions such as creation, the mean- there and not to offer any hypotheses about them. ing of life, and life after death and base their beliefs on a sacred scripture. One part, therefore, of walking in a Wiccan Wonderland is the constant thirst for knowledge. For this reason Wiccans Natural religions, on the other hand, remain solidly rooted are not called ―the chosen people‖, ―the elect‖, or ―the in the natural world and they are informed completely by saved‖. Rather they are called ―seekers‖ because they the senses and by mental analysis. Natural religions are continue to seek for knowledge and to perfect their skills. experience based because they depend on individual and Some find satisfaction in accumulating this knowledge for group experiences. For this reason they are often lacking its own sake or in teaching it; but for many Wiccans, the in doctrines, rigid moral codes, and answers to ineffable purpose of knowledge and skills is to use them. questions. Practices and concepts that are similar or held in common are most often based upon mutual agreement Knowledge helps us make informed choices. Living by rather than upon strict hierarchical demands by some au- choice is a significant part of walking in a Wiccan Wonderthority . (Continued on page 10) Lughnasadh 2009
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Open Ways (Continued from page 9) land. It is amazing how many things over which we really have a choice once we think about it. For example: Nobody makes us happy or makes us sad. These reactions are how we choose to respond to a situation. Likewise we don’t have to go to this meeting or that party, eat up all our food, or send a card for a birthday or buy a gift. We can choose not to do these things. All the social rules of etiquette and manners, as well as ethics and morals, are culturally learned behaviors. A Wiccan’s only guide, besides her own experience, is the Wiccan Law which is variously expressed as ―And ye harm none, do what ye will.‖ This does not, to be sure, give Wiccans free license to run riot. Choice bears consequences. We are free to choose not to go in to the office, but the boss is then empowered by our choice to fire us. We are free to drive over the speed limit, but the officer is then empowered by our choice to pull us over. We learn from our mistakes and add the knowledge gained to our experience. Of course we don’t have to reinvent the wheel by learning everything from personal experience. More often than not, we choose to go along with laws, manners, and other culturally learned behaviors because these are usually the result of the learned experience of others or they make rational sense. As children we are conditioned by parents and peers, pastors and professors, to follow a whole laundry list of rules. Later as we grow up and are exposed to a broader set of experiences, we begin to question some of the things we were taught and we begin to make up our own minds. When we decide that something we were taught is not true or no longer serves us, we intentionally get rid of it. Conversely, when we figure out something new that does seem to serve us, we intentionally adopt it. By the same token, when a Wiccan finds a practical application of Wicca in her life that suits her needs, she dumps old mindsets and habits that get in the way and adopts the new application. One of the basic new applications made by Wiccans is the rearrangement of time. Time is an artificial construct. Hours, days, and months are completely arbitrary. The natural structure of time is the seasons. So another part of walking in a Wiccan Wonderland is structuring our lives around the seasonal calendar. This is a tough one because schools, jobs, and modern social institutions are formed around measuring time by clocks and Gregorian Page 10
calendars. But let’s think about it. The most holy Christian holiday is Easter but Roman and Orthodox Catholics celebrate it on two different days. The Jews have Yom Kippur, Hanukkah, Passover and a whole host of other holidays that the mainstream does not. Professions have their own calendars, too. Politicians follow three seasons of the year – legislating, blaming, and fund raising. Accountants have four seasons, which correspond to their quarterly reports. If all these people can rearrange time according to their needs, certainly Wiccans can organize their time around the eight Sabbats of the year. If a Wiccan seriously applies the eight Sabbats to her daily life, she goes a long way toward walking in a Wiccan Wonderland. The eight Sabbats occur in the natural world. We feel the quickening of spring at Candlemas and we see the daffodils at Spring Equinox. We know the warming of Beltane in our hearts and all around us. We experience the long light of Summer Solstice, the late summer flowers at Lammas, and the falling leaves at Autumn Equinox. At Samhain we feel the nip and chill of winter and at Winter Solstice we rest in quiet peace – to the degree we can escape the commercial madness artificially created by the American material culture around us. The natural seasons reflect the accomplishment of our wills – our intentions. We set our intentions each year at Candlemas. Through the year, we grow in our enjoyment of life, our appreciation of new sensations, filling our seeking with new knowledge, and intentionally pursuing ourgoals. Then in autumn we take stock, fulfill our debts, forgive our injuries, and look back in satisfaction at what we accomplished even if we did not complete all the grand plans we made. Then at Samhain we release it all. We die. We surrender to the inevitable ending of all things. We close the book. We put away the score sheet. That tally is done. We empty ourselves and become completely free. In winter we lie in quiet and peace, carrying no baggage from the past nor imposing any requirements on the future. We don’t have to. We know - as opposed to having faith – we know as Wiccans that we will be reborn and that new possibilities and opportunities await us when Candlemas comes round again. We know that we will grow in the Craft from new knowledge and new skills. Christians speak of new life, new zest, and new possibilities when they are ―born again‖ – and they only get born again once! We Pagans get to do it every year! (continued on page 13) Lughnasadh 2009
Open Ways Tonglen: The art and practice of by Sunnygirlfire Tonglen is a TIbetan practice of sending and receiving. Tong means to let go, len means to receive or accept. Tonglen is an intense practice of true compassion and pure love. I will explain in the following article the basic form of Tonglen, ways it can be used, as well as how to awaken love and compassion in yourself. Before you can truly practice Toglen, you have to be able to evoke compassion in yourself. The following exercises will help to open your heart to love and compassion. . These methods are a simple, safe place to begin practicing Tonglen. In this first meditation practice, find a comfortable, quiet place to practice. Awaking Love and Compassion 1. Loving Kindness: Unsealing the Spring: This meditation can last for as long as you feel it needs SisterSpirit Presents Lammas Celebration for Women “Reclaiming the Wisdom of the Ancients” July 31-August 2, 2009 We‟Moon Land in Estacada, Oregon
Come together for three days and nights of rustic camping, community building, workshops and relaxation. Admission is $55 for women, no charge for children under 12. There are some Scholarships or work-trade opportunities available. Please contact Laughingbird at 503-875-5283 or for registration forms. Registrations must be received and paid in full by July 25, 2009.
to. Practice it as often as needed .... it feels wonderful! First begin by taking deep, slow cleansing breaths. Let your breathing find its own natural rhythm. As you breath allow your body to relax and your mind to clear. Once you feel relaxed, and your mind is clear of unwanted thoughts, focus on your heart. Imagine that there is a door to your heart that is closed. Go back in your mind and recreate, a love that someone gave you that really moved you, perhaps in your childhood, perhaps as an adult. Focus on that feeling, let it fill your heart up. Remember that you are a lovable, and loving person. Open that door to your heart now and let that love flow from it, extend that love first to those closest to you, then to those not so close to you, and finally let that love go to those you may be having difficulties with, may have anger towards, and finally let that love go to the whole universe. Allow this love to be boundless, it is never ending. You will find that this practice opens an unending fountain of love. You will realize that you are a loving, compassionate being. 2. Compassion: Considering yourself the same as others: A powerful way to evoke compassion is to think of others as the same as you. If you are having an issue with someone such as your mother, child, friend, etc. Think of them as another you instead of thinking of them in the role you have always seen them in. If you think of those around you as being just the same as you, you will find your perceptions of them shifting and feel more compassion towards them. 3. Compassion: Exchanging Yourself for Others: This is simply the act of putting yourself in someone else's place. We have all heard the saying: "walk a mile in their shoes". That is the basic concept of this. We live in a very ego-based world. To put ourselves truly in someone else's shoes is a powerful experience that leads to greater compassion. If you know of a loved one or even a not so loved one that is suffering physically or emotionally, imagine it being you. How would you feel? What would you want, need, desire? When you practice this you loosen the ego some, and with continued practice you release your ego. (Continued on page 14)
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Open Ways (Continued from page 7) Everyone is the embodiment of The Divine (or Creatrix/Creator), the ―hero‖ and individual savior. Since an individual holds one’s destiny in her or his hands by living a moral life (positive and breaking no taboos both individual & societal), one creates positive reactions to the personal struggle for harmony, on all levels. SOURCES: 1. ―Renaissance of a Culture: How Khakass Shamanism Survived and Flourishes Today‖ 1998 by Larissa Anzhiganova, native Khakass philosopher. Published in Active Voices, The Online Journal of Cultural Survival. All words and definitions are created by Silverstar Red Crow, while the form and basic tenets are the creation of Ms. Anzhiganova’s. 2. Shamanism as a Worldview, Shamanic Syllabus 2007 by Silverstar Red Crow © 2007 3. The Red Witch Tradition by Silverstar Red Crow © 1997/1998
A Magical Place: The Columbia River Gorge By Ansur My second job after I graduated from High School was driving trucks up and down the Columbia River Gorge—from Portland to points east--and back. The Gorge is one of the most beautiful places on Earth and if you travel it, as I did, at all times of the day and night and in all seasons, you will find that its ever changing personality is not only memorial, but sometimes mysterious, magical and at times, even dangerous. Leading off to the south of the Columbia River, on the Oregon side, are many smaller gorges, most of which have waterfalls and creeks that flow into the Columbia River. There are also many trails and if you are really adventurous you can hike cross-country (this is called ―Scrambling‖ by backpackers) and see things that few if any humans have seen before. In the gorge are Indian Ice Caves, Holey Stones, large rock mounds that look artificial, haunted pioneer cemeteries, and places where a strange silence pervades the immediate area. There are abandoned State parks, overgrown trails that predate World War Two, abandoned and cut-off parts of old highways, an 1860 wagon trail, unnamed waterfalls, and enough wilderness to satisfy those of us that love untamed places. Also, you may find larger than human, but human-like footprints left by unknown creatures and Indian Holy places that still retain their power. And at night you may experience the awesome and spinechilling sound of a cougar screaming or contemplate the echoing howl of a pack of coyotes. Finding a deserted, silent piece of the original old highway, with its fading but still visible yellow line, gradually being covered with moss, is magical in its own right. I use to tell my children that perhaps, just around the next curve, we might find a rusted-out automobile, with skeletons inside—the victims of the now cut-off pavement. It was a spooky thing to contemplate and made the hike more interesting for them. Some of the abandoned State Parks still have manmade stone constructions in them. (Continued on page 13)
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Open Ways (Continued from page 10) Wiccans bring home this cycle of the year with daily prayer. Daily prayer is key to walking in a Wiccan Wonderland. We begin by grounding and centering ourselves in alignment with the four elementals – Air, Fire, Water, and Earth – and their corresponding directions – East, South, West, and North. This in itself is a powerful renewing and rewarding practice. It is a statement that we are here and we know where we are. It is a statement that we intentionally take a position in the spiritual realm and in that position we claim access to the forces of spirit that operate there. After grounding and centering, it is useful to express first gratitude for the blessings and accomplishments appropriate to that direction. For example, I am a writer. I thank the East for any writing I accomplished the day before, for ideas that popped into my head, for emails that I wrote, letters to the editor or to legislatures that I sent. In th South,
(Continued from page 12) Then there are the deer trails. If you know how to follow these, you may be led into hidden glades and see the deer -folk up close. There are wonderful camping places at the end of long abandoned hiking trails. Most of them are now known only to Forest Service personnel—some of who were quite annoyed that my children and I had located them! But then we were quite annoyed when they reopened the old trails we had re-discovered since we figured they were our own private accesses to prime wilderness areas. .
That such a wild and magical place could exist so close to such a major metropolitan areas (Portland/Vancouver/ Hood River/The Dallas) is a wonder. But to really become one with Mother Nature, you need to get off the trails and penetrate the brush and places between the trails— without getting lost! If you need to, take a Mountaineering Course in compass use, and buy topographical maps of I express gratitude for the instances in which I showed the area you are exploring. And if you meet an old friend of courage, where I stood my ground, or for journeys I made mine, who is about 8 feet tall and hairy, say, ―Ansur says safely. In the West, I am thankful for friends and relation- hello!‖—just before you turn and run! ships, for a date the night before, and for nice things people have said to me. In the North, I am thankful for healing of the various aches and pains that my aging body seems to acquire in increasing frequency, for money that has come to me, and for the material things that provide me comfort and enjoyment. Many of these thank you’s are for things I asked for in prayers the day before. After thanking, I ask for things I want this day. Asking – receiving – thanking is a daily loop that helps me remain conscious of the spirit realm while I am working in this material realm. This daily loop also replicates in a micro way the macro pattern of the seasons. In conclusion, walking in a Wiccan Wonderland can be summarized as living intentionally, full in the knowledge of who we are, of what we want, of what we’re doing, and of what is happening around us. Walking in a Wicca Wonderland is making conscious choices and taking full responsibility for them. It is a land of ever renewing seasons – ever knowing, ever growing, ever changing, ever lasting. Blessed Be!
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Open Ways (Continued from page 11) ing and pain. As you feel your heart opening in compasTonglen sion toward that person, imagine their pain coming together into a black mass or another image that works The basic principle of Tonglen is to take on the for you. suffering and pain of others, and give them your happiness, peace and well-being. Tonglens main medium is 3. As you breathe in, see the black mass disof breath. Giving and receiving should be practiced al- solve into your heart. Hold it there surrounding it with ternately. Before practicing Tonglen for others first prac- love, and compassion until you see and feel it transtice on yourself. Before you can truly practice Tonglen form into a brilliant white light. for others you must first heal yourself, rid yourself of any 4. As you breathe out, imagine you are sending anger, resentment, or pain. out that brilliant white light of peace, love and happiness to your friend in pain. As you are sending this light to that Self Tonglen: To practice on yourself find a person, feel with certainty that they are now free of all quiet, comfortable place to sit. Imagine yourself as two suffering. Know that they are left with only joy, peace separate beings. One self (1) is whole, loving and at and happiness. peace. The other self (2) is the self that has been hurt, feels frustrated, angry, has possibly even been abused This process can be practiced as stated above as a child or as an adult. for a living situation you may not be happy with, anger towards someone, the environment, just about anything As you breathe in, imagine that self 1 is opening you might think of. In my practice of Tonglen I find that it his/her heart fully, and compassionately and lovingly is very helpful in ridding myself of resentments, anger, accepts all of self 2's suffering, pain and hurt. As you envy, and hurt. I am able to see people and situations breathe out imagine self 1 sending out to self 2 healing differently when practicing Tonglen, see them in a much love, peace and joy. Practice this often, daily even. more positive and loving way, see the beauty that is in Work on healing yourself, nurturing yourself fully. Once all of us. I will leave you with the following, it is a simple you feel comfortable with this practice, feel full of com- mantra of sorts that can be practiced anywhere: As I passion and love you can move on to practicing Ton- breath in, I am taking on the suffering of my friend or glen for others, the environment, living situations, any- others, and as I breath out, I am giving them happiness thing you feel it would benefit. living situations, anything and peace. So simple yet so powerful. you feel it would benefit. Sources: 1. The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying Main Tonglen Practice: In the Tonglen prac- by Sogyal Rinpoche tice of giving and receiving, we take on, through com- 2. Word Wide Web passion, all kinds of suffering: pain, fear, anger, guilt, sadness etc. We then give them through love, happiness, peace, joy etc. 1.Before beginning, sit quietly and practice your breathing, let your breath find its rhythm, let go, and relax. Then use one of the compassion practices explained above or one that you find works well for you. Meditate deeply on compassion. Let compassion be born and bloom in your heart, let it fill you up. 2.Once ready Imagine in front of you, as vividly as possible, someone you care for who is suffering. Try and imagine how they feel, every aspect of their sufferPage 14
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Open Ways BOOK REVIEWS FROM THE COMMUNITY The Heretic’s Daughter - Review by Silverstar Red Crow (c) 2009 Kathleen Kent The Heretic’s Daughter, Kathleen Kent’s debut novel, is carefully crafted, sensitive and alive with swirling imagery. Kent bends her words lyrically, reaching for the reader’s ear, gingerly toying with inevitabilities. Set in the Massachusetts Bay Colony and greater New England, spanning 100 years of tumultuous history, Kent weaves a story of Puritan subjugation, cruelty and survival. Kent’s own history as a descendant of the unfortunate and brave Martha Carrier, a victim of the Salem Witch Trials, binds both the writer and reader to this tragic tale of religious intolerance, greed and the indisputable lust for power. The Salem Witch Trials continues to be one of the darkest chapters in American history. It is our collective story, one of the reasons why we have separation of church and state in the United States of America at present. Kathleen Kent’s stirring novel reminds us to stay vigilant to inequity as citizens, to never loose our voice, whether independent or collective, and to work for the rights of those more unfortunate than ourselves. Don’t miss this book. It is a must read for 2009! Spirit Herbs: Simple Recipes for Hibachi Herbal Magic & Sacred Space - review by Lupa Amy ―Moonlady‖ Martin Moonlady Media eBook (approximately 70 pages printed out) Lots of pagans use smudge wands at the beginning of a ritual to purify participants and the ritual space. However, there’s much, much more you can do than the usual sage bundle. In this creative text, Martin offers a whole new level of smudging with herbs of all sorts–and all you need is a garden (or barbecue) variety hibachi. Although the subtitle of the book mentioned recipes, there’s more to it than that. Martin offers a wealth of practical information to get you started. From the virtues of different sorts of tools for burning herbs, to what part of the plant has what sort of energy, to why trying to burn a pound of resins at once is a bad idea, she gives us everything we’ll need to safely and effectively use the herbs. While she thankfully avoids stuffing the book with a bunch of spells and rituals, she does offer up some of her favorite herbal blends and gives information for what they’re best used for. She also includes Lughnasadh 2009
a helpful dictionary of a good diversity of herbs. I love the author’s writing voice. While she conveys the information clearly and concisely, she simultaneously slips in a good bit of humor. Neither condescending nor airy-fairy, she’s sensible without boring her readers senseless. This is exactly the kind of book that I want to see more of– not rehashes of the same old stuff, a bunch of reworked Culpeper and Cunningham. In this book, we get an innovative collection of ideas with enough information to effectively put them into practice, but without a bunch of fluff and filler. In short–this is an awesome book, and I can’t recommend it enough. I know I’ll be keeping it for my own use. Five pawprints out of five Eyes of Crow - Review by Lupa Jeri Smith-Ready Luna Books, 2006 474 pages I was first introduced to Jeri Smith-Ready’s Wicked Game, one of the most original vampire novels I’ve had the pleasure of reading. Unbeknownst to me at the time, her earlier publications included a series of novels based around a fantasy world where people bond with their totems in very dramatic and magical ways. Eyes of Crow is the first in the trilogy. A community of people live by the abilities bestowed upon them by their totem creatures. Some are common, others less so. Rhia, our main character, fears that she may be the first Crow woman in a generation, Crow being the harbinger of death. Amid this set of growing pains, she must also navigate love, a potential war, and the loss of those around her. While I was a little worried that this would end up being a long, dragging novel that I couldn’t wait to have over with, it was actually quite a fast and enjoyable read for its size. Smith-Ready is a talented writer who has a firm grasp of both world building and character development. Both the descriptive parts and the dialogue flow smoothly, and they’re well balanced. I thoroughly, thoroughly enjoyed this book, and I would definitely recommend it for anyone looking for a new fantasy series to read. I would also highly suggest that anyone interested in animal totems pick it up, since she does a good job of creating a fictional totemic system. Five pawprints out of five Page 15
Open Ways The Power of the Tooth
companies problems with our adult teeth. Their is no pain quite like that of a tooth. The throbbing ache puncLife comes with expiration dates for everything. tuated by sharp stabbing pains should anything come Things end, they wear out, they die, or for whatever rea- in contact with the effected tooth. son leave our lives. This is one lesson we learn early One morning this week I woke to find that one of and often. Pets, friends, relatives, all lost. And inevitably my teeth had broken in half and half of it dangling teeth...... loosely in my mouth. I called around to find a dentist We have all experienced the awesome power of who would see me. Unfortunately, I belong to the majorthese relatively small, but hugely necessary, residents of ity who lacks decent coverage. I only found four dentists our mouths. The saga begins in infancy with the pain, who accepted my insurance, and no one could see me slobber, and occasional fever associated with the emer- for at least four days. Being somewhat neurotic, I gence of our first teeth. We spend years acquiring our yanked the tooth out myself. Well, not the whole tooth, baby teeth. And then somehow they all seem to fall out the roots are still in there. in the same week. Suddenly we're back to the same That was on Friday, which happened to be the toothless slobbering grin we started with. same day Nykole lost her tooth. Nykole being deterI remember as a child wiggling my loose teeth minedly Zen about the whole thing kept telling me to unmercifully. My Dad would break out in a devilish grin leave my tooth alone. (When did she become my and offer to pull it out with his pliers. My Mom would al- mother?) Tomorrow I will finally see the dentist. At which ways play the conservative, counseling me to leave it point I will face the inevitable financial choice: Fix or alone and let it come out on it's own. A loose tooth Yank? Fixing it often requires a second mortgage and a never survived long in my mouth, especially with the banker standing by with a certified check. On my somewhat sick promise of a fairy that would buy them budget, it's always yank. back from me. The vast majority of people has little to no dental My daughter (who's sole goal in life is to be any- cove age .For those people something as small as a thing I'm not!) recently had a loose tooth which she toler- tooth can cause considerable concern should it beated for SIX WEEKS, before it fell out in her mashed come infected. Emergency rooms will treat anyone with potatoes this week. Her calm patience was infuriating to a life threatening injury regardless of their ability to pay. me. I found myself pushing and prodding her to "just However they won't treat an abscessed tooth which left wiggle it", or "if you twist it while pulling it will come right untreated can spread to the brain. Hence ‌.. The out!". However, when she looked with her so mature Power of one small Tooth! attitude, her gaze heavy with a condescending pity at my neurotic fascination with her tooth, I sheepishly agreed to let her handle it her own way. by Amy K.
These experiences all seem part of the natural cycle of gaining and losing our teeth. With each tooth we loose comes a little death of our innocence, and the magical birth of a hole just the right size for a straw. :) Unfortunately, as we grow and mature we have a harder time with loss. We cling to possessions, routines, and relationships long after they have outlived their usefulness. This is reflected in the agony that ac Page 16
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Open Ways ONGOING ACTIVITIES 8 Times a year, each Sabbath — Mystic Art Gathering & Information Circle (MAGIC) holds a public ritual and ceremony for the Solstices, Equinoxes, and cross-quarters in between. Typically in Vancouver or North Portland. These gatherings are free to the public, although a donation can will be passed. Families with kids are welcome. Held on the closest Saturday to the actual Sabbath, 7pm. Locations announced in advance if possible. Call 360-693-7349 or see our listing in the community directory under MAGIC as well as on MySpace. SUNDAYS Non-denominational Sunday service Integrate light into your being. Come to receive blessings and an uplifting spiritual Reading to empower and enlighten your soul. After the service has ended there is a guided meditation to bring prosperity into your life. Held at Crystal Temple 7275 Richmond Ave. For info call 503-2490303 or by web at 1st Sunday Sare-apy. Always the first Sunday (no Sare-apy in August). Join us each first Sunday of the month. Activities include silent meditation, discussion of healing techniques, individual and group healing sessions and introduction to healing arts practitioners. Everyone is welcome, this is a wonderful opportunity for healing– receiving and giving, and for making new alliances. Held at Hands of Freedom Healing 8725 NE Broadway, Portland OR 97220 from 1-4pm. Donations appreciated. 1st Sunday Movie Night Featuring a movie or documentary which cultivates spiritual growth.. Held at Crystal Lughnasadh 2009
Temple 7275 Richmond Ave. For info call Plain Blvd. Vancouver WA. 503-249-0303 or by web at Monthly Pagan Meetup A social event held on the 2nd Wed of every month at 7PM. We just get together TUESDAYS to talk and have fun. Held at Old Town Pizza (between 2nd and 3rd on NW Open Reiki and healing circle Circle held on the 1rst Tuesday of the Davis). For more info go to http:// month from 9-11am. Held at the Celtic Circle 3717 NW 25th St. Redmond, OR. For info call 541-504-4627 or by email Monthly Pagan Meetup A social event held on the 2nd Wed of every month at 7PM. We just get together to talk and have fun. Held at Old Town Pizza (between 2nd and 3rd on NW Witches meetup A social event held on the 4th Tuesday of Davis). For more info go to http:// every month. At 7PM. We have no set agenda or format, just talk and have fun. Held at the Guiding Tree 4831 SE Divi- Reiki Share Circle sion Street . For more info http:// Every 1rst and 3rd Wednesdays at wood Spirit Feathers, 7704 SE 13th. For info call 503-230-0249. All are welcome! Green Tara Sadhana Meditation Held every Tuesday at 7pm. Green Tara Tarot night manifests the female energy of transcen- Every 1rst Wednesday. Bring your cards, dent wisdom and enlightened compassion- practice readings, become more familiar ate activity. Prostrations, mandala offering with your card and discuss Tarot with other and hand madras are taught with this prac- readers. Held at Crystal Temple, 7525 N tice. The practice of Green Tara helps to Richmond. For info cal 503-249-0303 or overcome fear and anxiety, and also devel- on the web at ops qualities of love, compassion, wisdom and protection on the path of enlighten- Reiki Circle ment. Held at The Drukpa Mila Center Every 2nd Wednesday come and receive 872 Belmont St. Salem, OR. Info at healing and develop your skills in a sacred temple surrounded by light beings. Held at Crystal Temple, 7275 N Richmond. For info 503-249-0303 or on the web at WEDNESDAYS Witches Meetup A social event held on the 1rst Wed. of Drum circle every month at 7PM. We have no set Every 1rst and 3rd Wednesday at 7pm. agenda or format, just talk and have fun. Lets explore rhythms and escape reality in We are a friendly, non-cliquish bunch who a sacred temple. A joyous monthly, multihave been meeting for over five years. cultural spiritual experience. Using sacred Held at the Irishtown Pub, 11600 NE Mill phrases drawn from the worlds many (Continued on page 16) Page 17
Open Ways (Continued from page 15) religious traditions, with live music and simple devotional movement. Bring an instrument if you have one, if not we can share. Held at Crystal Temple 7275 N Richmond. For more info Chenrrezid Sadhana Meditation Every Wednesday at 7pm. The Buddha of compassion, known as Chenrezig, manifests as enlightened compassionate activity. This meditation practice is taught and practiced, using short sadhana practice. By learning about the nature of compassion and learning his mantra ―Om Mani Padme Hum‖, we can actually become aware of increasing compassion in our own lives. Held at The Drukpa Mila Center, 872 Belmont St. SE Salem, OR. Info at
The Northwest Fall Equinox Festival Moon Temple of Parvati will be a sacred space set aside for Meditation, Divination of all sorts, and Dreaming. The Moon Priestesses are looking for Diviners to read within the Temple. If you are interested in reading as a service to the Gods and the community, please contact the Moon Priestess, Luna @ 360-576-5315. Please tell her what type of divination you will be doing and what times you would prefer to work. Space is limited.
THURSDAYS Open Meditation Held every Thursday and Sunday from 12-2 pm. Open meditation at Crystal Temple 7275 N Richmond. For info 503-2490303 or Morris Dancing Every Thursday join Renegade Rose Morris Dancers, a group of Portland men and women who perform ancient English folk dances on May Day and other community events. We’ll teach you dances. For info call Lev at 971-570-3388 or on the web at ☻
Art created by Zack L. Age 10
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Open Ways Pagan Community Directory Listing various kinds of resources for the Pagan Community, including circles (both open and closed), church groups, meeting places, study groups, and event organizers. Please, no retail outlets. A listing here does not necessarily mean a specific group can or will help you. To be included in this directory, please send information (limit 50 words which includes name and contact information) to Open Ways, PO Box 6283 Vancouver, WA 98668; or email
12 Steps Pagan Style I am a clean Pagan offering support to assist those on the clean path in Wicca and Paganism. I have 17 years of recovery. I am willing to give assistance, support and counsel to those who are concerned with these issues. or ADF Druids of Portland NEW Our study group meets on the last Friday of every month and up to 8 times a year for Public Ritual. Affiliated with ADF (Ar nDraoicht Fein), We are in pursuit of authentic scholarship and modern practices. See our website Announcement Board & Community Directory The Web ―Because folks don't have time to check every website or subject line for current events. Come see what your missing.‖ Post: Rituals, classes, workshops ….. The altar of Epona and Herne Healing Ministry ATC Our vision is to create a well trained, compassionate Priesthood to serve the Pagan Community. We have an online community, monthly distance healing and prayer request list, and provide free healing to vets and their families. For more info The Ancient and Honorable Order of the Sacred Oaks A Druidic order in the Arthurian/Celtic tradition, chartering groves meeting established criteria and dedicated to authentic Druidic principles and traditions. For those Lughnasadh 2009
who aspire to the excellence of Druidry, The Earth Gatherings Inc. in OR and 501(c)3. 503-235-5774 An eclectic spiritual group with frequent get - togethers to discuss various spiritual paths. Sponsors of The Mother Earth Gathering and The Middle Earth Gathering Aquarian Tabernacle Church Serving the PNW since 1979. An interfaith (June and September), Earth Awareness church of Wicca and Earth Religions rec- Festivals, honoring diversity and creating ognized and accredited worldwide. All balance between wilderness and civilizawelcome at Open Circles near Seattle at tion. 503-503-1415 NM & FM. Info and schedule : 360-793 PO Box -1945, classes : 425-821-7246, Pagan 19655 Portland, OR 97280. Youth Group: Spiral Scouts International.360-793-9427. Forces of Nature Metaphysical and Spiritual Center NEW Celebration and cultural preservation of Africana spirituality in the Pacific NorthBrotherhood of the Wooden Chalice We are a group of eclectic Wiccans housed west! We offer events and a online e-list of in Oregon State Penitentiary. We gather events related to Africana spirituality in the once per moon for study, ritual, and mutual greater Seattle area. To join visit http:// support. We have a priest but could use and donations. metaphysical-and-spiritual-center? hl=en. For Info , or call 206-781-3565 or serCedar Mountain Coven We are an eclectic Celtic coven, with some Native American influences. We meet for Sabbaths, Esbats, laughter and support The Hermetic Fellowship throughout the Portland/Vancouver area. Exploring Western Esoteric Tradition: Closed to new members Samhain to Bel- Ancient Mysteries, Wicca/NeoPaganism, tane, we do keep a waiting list for anyone Qubalah, Rosicrucianism, Alchemy, interested. Gnosticism, Theurgy and Grail Quest. Meets monthly, 3rd Thursday. Informal presentations, open discussion, rituals and workshops occasionally. 1st semester of Coven Caer Wy‟east A traditional Gardnerian Coven, sponsors a 2009, special focus on Hermeticism. For non-oath bound, British Traditional Wic- more info call 503-255-7910 or by web can Outer Court for seekers of traditional (preferred) training.. We prefer to work with seekers 30 years or older. New training cycles usually begin each spring. usually begin each Ile LaiLai NEW spring. For more info contact Steward A contemplative ifa-centered spiritual Creace 503-622-1381 or stew- community offering spiritual consultations, divination, and Orisa and Ifa initiations to Page 19
Open Ways sincere seekers in the Pacific Northwest. available at or 206-761-3565 or PO Box 22 Baraboo, WI 53913-0022. Other Worlds of Wonder (OWOW) Indigo Lights Circle online teen group We have gathered around a central purA place for uniquely gifted teens to cele- pose, the purchase of land for the local brate and explore the gifts the :Lord and Pagan community. We honor all positive Lady granted us with. Site address: traditions, and celebrate diversity at our festival, Sunfest. Contact info as follows: 14308 SE River Rd. Milwaukie, OR 97267. or email M.A.G.I.C. A Vancouver/Portland based group that holds four gatherings a year, teaches classes in metaphysics, and provides or- Pacific NW Pagans Yahoo Group daining of clergy, and sponsors the Spiral An online community for Pagans in the Rhythms Festival. Call 360-693-7349 Pacific Northwest, including Oregon, Email and Washington, Idaho, Alaska and British for Columbia. When posting announcements more information. for events in this group, please be sure they're in PNW. http:// Nine Houses of Gaia (9HOGâ€&#x;S) A non-profit organization incorporated to PACT facilitate networking among pagans in the A democratic, eclectic teaching/training Pacific Northwest. Sponsors of Open coven in three parts: A semi-private outer Ways Newsletter as well as Northwest circle - by invitation only, two inner-core Fall Equinox Festival. The NWFEF cele- circles for PACT initiated. Lessons, debrates the great harvest, begun at Lammus grees, and clergy training by PACT univerand ending at Samhain. Contact info for sity. For info and a waiting list: email — Open Ways North American Council of Witches A non-profit organization. Primary goal is protection under the First Amendment of the US Constitution; secondary, lobbying for common power, strength in numbers. Request membership and general information at or call 503-228-2192.
PDX Pagan Tribe This tribe is for heathens, pagans and free thinking individuals residing in or around Portland, OR, or other metro areas who want to communicate with other like minded folk. Please no political rants, there are other tribes for that. A person has to sign up with for free in order to join this tribe. The tribe is moderated in Officers of Avalon, Inc A non-profit benevolent organization order to keep out hate mongers and spamrepresenting Wiccans and other Pagans mers. Web address - http:// who work as police officers and other professionals in the emergency services. Membership dues $25/yr for full mem- Polyamory Circle bers $15/yr for associate members. News- A gathering for folks exploring options letter The Dispatch. Registration forms beyond monogamy. Discussions include Page 20
open relationships, extended families, and intentional communities. Everyone interested is welcome to join us. For information and location Laury 503-285-4848. Red Cedar Circle (Church of Si. Si. Wiss) Northwest Coast Medicine Johnny Moses teachings to all. Portland/Vancouver area meetings. For information and location call 503-245-5660 or Red Cedar Grove The Vancouver grove is accepting new members. We are a Celtic group that enjoys fun, spirituality and fellowship as we move through the wheel of the year. We have many years of experience between our five founding members and meet twice a month for ritual and tutorial. Come and grow with us under the Spirit filled Red Cedar. For information contact Serena at or Macha at 360-9363833 or Sacred Oak Grove A Druid Grove in the Arthurian/CelticWiccan tradition. For those seeking a true Druidic path of knowledge, truth, justice, spiritual fellowship, and community service. Esbats, Sabbaths and tutorials. Members commit to both group and individual studies for spiritual growth. Now offering an outer circle. For information call 503-235-5774 or The Saint James Project A Shamanic Arm of the Red Witch Tradition. Includes Indigenous Shamanic training, pilgrimages and extensive herstory/ history from the first century CE to the present. Prerequisite: Reiki 3 and 3 years magickal hands-on experience. Meets at Toad House in McMinnville Oregon. 76 y0Contact info Seattle Goddess Group (Cont. next page) Lughnasadh 2009
Open Ways A new site dedicated to worship of the Seattle based deity (As first seen in the ―Summer of 2008 art book) ―Let your love grow‖ is her prayer. http:// seattle.godess/ or
Sophia Sanctuary Women‟s Temple We are a circle of women committed to healing, education ritual and service. (HERS) We celebrate the eight holy days of the wheel: Solstices and Equinoxes are for all genders and families; Cross quarters are for womyn only. For information: or Shadowluz Eclectic coven that emphasizes increasing SophiaSancuary. the power of the individual through strength of our Gestalt, focusing on diver- The Sorcerers Guild sity in beliefs and the practice of Magick. Dedicated to the enhancement of Magickal Members range from Portland to Hood work within its membership. Public meetRiver and Mt. Hood. Please send letter of up at the Dancing Beans 1615 SE 12th intent to HPS Belle Evergreen at belleev- Ave Portland, OR held monthly. Email for date and time. For more information: http:// Silver Birch Grove, Order of the Sacred s o r c e r e r s g u i l d . t r i b e . n e t, or Oaks If the bardic arts call to you, and your love http :// grou ps.mysp of the Goddess and God speaks to you sorceryguild. through Celtic and Arthurian-based mythology and lore, come walk our Pagan Spellbound teen online group path with us as we renew our grove. Now An online community for teen Pagans and in Vancouver, WA. Contact silverWiccans. Our goal is to offer personal or (503) 235- pages, forums, articles, links, and other ways of interacting with teens who have 5774 or (360) 936-1035. similar interests in Paganism and Wicca. Site address: http:// Silver Star Circle A Celtic Pagan circle meeting for Sabbats, full and new moons, weekly class and more. Located in Battle Ground AddiToad House and Peace Garden tional. Info: email slvrstarcirPeace Garden open from dawn to dusk for quiet prayer and meditation. 20’ lavender peace pole, erected in 2002, PEACE written in thirteen languages. Hard working garden volunteers always needed. Hard SisterSpirit Women's spirituality organization honor- working garden volunteers always needed. ing the Divine Feminine and celebrating Write for information. Location: McMinnthe Goddess in all Her forms. Featuring on ville OR. Www.toadhouse-going classes, circles, workshops and one monthly ritual. Presenters of the annual toadlovers. Director: Silver Red Crow PaganFaire. Contact information as lows: PO Box 9246 Portland, OR 97207. 503-736-3297. (WICCA) A women’s church dedicated to the sisterdess in Her many forms. Groups, ter, retreats, rituals and classes. Contact Lughnasadh 2009
info: PO Box 5296 Eugene OR 97405, 541-485-3654 Email: Women of African Ceremony We are women who honor the earth and our African heritage through ceremony and ritual. We meet monthly. Location is Portland, OR. 503-238-1151 Women of the Goddess Women of the Goddess is a Pagan community in the Dianic tradition. Membership is open to women over 18 years old of good intent who sincerely subscribe to our purpose. Location Seattle, WA. Contacts: or 206-322-2436. World Tree Prayer Network Prayer and emergency energy work at no fee; serving the internet since1994. Post your own requests. Have permission of the energy recipient first; then, include full name, age, basic location including city, state and country along with basic problem. PRAY FOR PEACE! worldtreeprayernetwork The Well of Diancecht Provides free sacred energy healing to veterans, active duty military and their families. We also list practitioners offering sliding scale services to service members, veterans and their families. Info at well of or Witches of Westwick Paranormal Society NEW Centered in the beautiful foothills of the Columbia River Gorge. Specializing in Esoteric research and Theology. Dedicated to tribal rites of passage as well as the Major and Minor Pagan Holidays & Festivals. We love to explore the enchanted as well as the chilling. Contact Leanna at or 541-490-5718 . Page 21
Open Ways The Nine Houses of Gaia Presents:
The Twenty-Sixth Annual Northwest Fall Equinox Festival September 3-6, 2009 General Information REGISTRATION: Space is limited! Your BEST CHANCE TO ATTEND FESTIVAL is to REGISTER EARLY, by sending a fully paid registration to the address listed. COMPLETED REGISTRATIONS MUST BE POSTMARKED NO LATER THAN MIDNIGHT, SATURDAY 8/16/09! If we are full when we receive your registration, we will return your check with a letter of apology, hoping to see you next year. THIS IS THE ONLY WAY TO KNOW IF WE ARE ACTUALLY FULL! PLEASE DO NOT BELIEVE RUMORS, as only the registrar will know that information, and even she won‟t know the exact status at every moment. If you are accepted, a confirmation email will be sent (NEW!) (or postcard will be mailed if no email provided) to the Main Registrant soon after receiving the registration. A detailed Festival Program will be mailed to that same registrant a couple weeks before the Festival. CANCELLATIONS/REFUNDS/EXCHANGE POLICIES: ANY and ALL CHANGES to your registration must be made through the Registration Goddess! If you need to cancel part or all of your registration, we will issue refunds. Registrations are NOT exchangeable at the gate! Please contact the registrar about ANY changes or questions immediately, and absolutely no later than midnight Monday, 8/25/09 by email, or mail, PO Box 14415, Portland, OR 97293. WORKSHOPS: Please let us know if you would like to conduct a workshop or mini-ritual by attaching a separate, brief description and appropriate age recommendation with your registration. Impromptu workshops are welcome, but advance notice will get you into the Festival Program! VENDORS: Please fill out the space provided on the Registration Form. Be descriptive, as vendors will be listed in the Festival Program! The vending fee is $35. VOLUNTEERING: We expect the community to help before, during and after the festival. If you are interested in helping with festival preparations prior to the festival, please contact us via email (above) or PO Box. Everyone will be asked on site to contribute at least two hours to help with the many tasks, such as ritual site preparation, clean-up, firewood hauling and especially in the kitchen! CHILDREN‟S ACTIVITIES: There will be rituals, workshops, and other fun activities for children. Parents are asked to help out with these events. Ideas and suggestions are welcomed. There will be no child care service provided. Parents are responsible for making any child care arrangements. LOCATION: Rustic wooded campsite in the mountains, approximately 1½ hours from Portland. (Specific site information available only to registrants). Cabins available (sleep 4-8: be prepared to share) with tenting permitted. A few wheelchair accessible accommodations available. No RV hookup, and space limited to only a few RVs. PETS ARE NOT ALLOWED! Please do not ask for special exceptions! PARKING: Due to new site rules, virtually all vehicles are required to park offsite. After unloading your vehicle, you will need to return to the gate, drive to the offsite parking area, and as quickly as we can we will shuttle you back to the site. On Sunday, we will shuttle you back to your car so you can return to the site and load your gear. We have been assured that the offsite lot is secure and patrolled. No RVs permitted onsite! The only exceptions to the parking rule are vendors (1 vehicle per booth) – please email if you are one of these exceptions – bear in mind that space is very limited. And, as always, we encourage you to carpool to the Festival.
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Lughnasadh 2009
Open Ways Twenty-Sixth Annual Northwest Fall Equinox Festival September 3-6, 2009 Registration Form REGISTRATION FEES: (INCLUDES ALL MEALS*)
16 years and older 12-15 years 4-11 years 0-3 years
$ 120 $ 60 $ 30 $ 0
ADDITIONAL DONATIONS ARE WELCOMED & APPRECIATED! *MEALS: Our Kitchen staff will provide 8 delicious meals, Thursday dinner through Sunday breakfast, in the dining hall. For our Friday evening potluck. we will provide at least one vegetarian and one meat dish. Please participate in the spirit of harvest by bringing Friday dinner potluck food to share (to serve 6-8 people). Beverages, fruit, and other treats will be available throughout festival.
Only the Main Registrant will receive a confirmation email (or card), a Festival Program, and a one-year subscription to Open Ways. Please fill out separate registrations for adults with different addresses who wish to receive these. MAILING LABEL - your confirmation card (if no email provided), Festival Program, and Open Ways will be sent here: Name: ________________________________________ Address:________________________________________ ________________________________________ REGISTRANT(S) (Include age if 0-15) You: __________________________________________ Vending? If so .....................................add $35 vending fee Name: __________________________________________ Name: __________________________________________ Name: __________________________________________ Name: __________________________________________ Name: __________________________________________ TOTAL
ELECTRONIC CONTACT - for email confirmation and in case we need to reach you quickly about your registration: Day Phone: ______________________________ Night Phone: ______________________________ Email: ____________________________________ Registration Fee
$_____________ $_____________ $_____________ $_____________ $_____________ $_____________ $_____________
Th_____ Fri______
Check # _________
Th_____ Fri______ Th_____ Fri______ Th_____ Fri______ Th_____ Fri______ Th_____ Fri______
Please make payment IN FULL to „Northwest Fall Equinox Festival‟ and mail it to Nine Houses of Gaia, P.O. Box 14415, Portland, OR 97293-0415. An email (or card if no email provided) will be sent confirming registration ONLY with full payment. Please list any food allergies:_________________________________________________________________ Do you need to park on-site due to a medical condition? ____ If so, please state why (subject to verification): __________________________________________________________________________________________ Vendor Name______________________________________________________________________________
Lughnasadh 2009
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Open Ways The Nine Houses of Gaia Open Ways PO Box 14415 Portland, OR 97293-0415 Address Service Requested
Proceeds from the Northwest Fall Equinox Festival go to producing Open Ways Thank you for your support! Page 24
Lughnasadh 2009