Open Ways
Issue 141
PEn Ways Gateway to the Pagan Communities
Summer solstice 2009 Summer Solstice 2009
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Open Ways Open Ways Gateway to the Pagan Communities Issue 141—Summer Solstice Open Ways is published eight times a year, on the Quarters and Cross-Quarters, by The Nine Houses of Gaia, Inc. Circulation 3400+. Newsletter Staff Editor — Becca of the Dirty Hippies Distribution Team — Ellie, Rob, Dennis Webmaster: — Paul of Edgewood Submissions Articles, letters, poetry, artwork, etc., are solicited from the community. We reserve the right to edit for length and content. E-mail or send self-addressed stamped envelope for Writers’ Guidelines. Type-written (single-sided) or word processed manuscripts are welcome, electronic submissions via e-mail preferred. Send submissions to:
Open Ways Editor NEW ADDRESS PO BOX 6283 Vancouver, WA 98668 E-mail: World Wide Web: Please do not send the only copy of your work! Manuscripts unaccompanied by a Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope will not be returned. All submissions will be accepted at our discretion. Advertising Ads must be camera-ready. Payment must accompany ad. No credit card payments. Deadlines (page 3) apply. E-mailed ads and their payments must be received by the deadlines. No black backgrounds please! Email Editor for more info. Rates & Sizes (W x H) $15 for a business card size (3.5’ x 2”) $30 for quarter-page (3.5” x 4”) $60 for half page (7” x 4.5”) $120 for full page (7” x 9”) Discount for one-year, pre-paid ads.
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Open Ways Gateway to the Pagan Communities Open Ways is printed on recycled newsprint, using soy -based ink. Please help to save our forests — recycle! The Nine Houses of Gaia, Inc. P.O .Box 14415 Portland, OR 97293-0415
Subscriptions Subscriptions are $8 for one year or $16 for two years. (International subscriptions: Canada, $12/year; elsewhere, $16/year. U.S. funds only.) Please make checks or money orders payable to “Open Ways..” Sample copy $1.00. Please send request and payment to The Nine Houses of Gaia at the above address. Mission Statement The Nine Houses of Gaia is a non-profit organization incorporated in 1992 to sponsor the Northwest Fall Equinox Festival and publish Open Ways. Open Ways serves as an introduction to and an anchor for pagan communities in Oregon and the Pacific Northwest; a forum for the exchange of scholarly, practical, or experiential information, knowledge, and wisdom; a tool for instruction and communication; a “journal” of events, announcements, ideas, poetry, prose, illustration — anything of benefit or interest to pagans, wiccans, or other nature spiritualists. Copyright © 2008 All rights remain the property of contributing authors and artists. For reprint information, please contact Open Ways. Inquiries will be forwarded to appropriate parties. Statement of Confidentiality Open Ways honors the right to privacy. Information regarding our contributors or subscribers will not be made available under any circumstance. Our mailing list is not for sale or trade. Contributors are encouraged to use pseudonyms.
Summer Solstice 2009
Open Ways OPEN WAYS DEADLINES Table of Contents This deadline schedule includes all articles, artwork, announcements, events and Advertisements. Send everything to the Vancouver address for Open Ways on page 4 - Ritual Celebrations, Community 2 . Advertising rates are posted on the bottom of page 2. events and Announcements Open Ways Issue
Lughnasadh 2009 Fall Equinox 2009 Samhain 2009 Yule 2009 Brigid 2010 Spring Equinox 2010 Beltane 2010 Summer Solstice 2010
June 13 July 25 August 25 Oct. 25 Dec. 01 Jan 25 March 31 April 25
July 10 Sept. 1 Oct. 10 Dec. 1 Jan. 10 Sept. 1 April 10 June 1
5 - The need for integration of Body, Mind and Spirit by Silverstar Red Crow 6 - Summer Dawns on the Obamaverse: Wiccan Priestess on Obama and the Summer Solstice by Erick Peterson 7 - Festivals: when and contact info 8 - Midnight Wisdom - Back to the Beginning by Victoria Ana. Lightfoot 9 - Laxmi at Fall Eq. Sari - Saree by Ophio Kleitera
Pagan Family Pik-nik July 25, 2009 11:00am to dusk Creston Park 4476 SE Powell blvd. Portland
11 - Letters from the Community 12 - Summer Solstice: Season of the Phoenix by Staci Elliott 13 - Untitled by Rev. Dr. Byron Warren
Ritual at 2pm (Pagan standard time) Come display products and wears, flyers etc. Raffle donations for Fall Eq. Come see old friends and make new ones. This is a great networking opportunity. Family friendly! We will have games, live music and prizes!
13 - What is Spiritual Anarchy? 14 - Advice from the Priesthood by Sienna 15 - Ongoing Activities 16 - Saying God damn and Jesus Christ, why? by AliZara 17 - Pagan Community Directory 20 - Summerstar registration 21 - SunFest registration
Bring information about your group or organization to share along with a potluck dish, games and musical instruments.
22 - NorthWest Fall Eq. registration Artwork provided by Liz P.
Summer Solstice 2009
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Open Ways FREE COMMUNITY EVENTS AND RITUAL CELEBRATIONS!!! All events on this page are FREE. Event hosts may accept a small donation. Donations are optional and very much appreciated. No one will be turned away for lack of funds. To have your Events listed here, please make sure they fit these criteria: 1) It is offered at no charge. 2) It is within our geographical area, generally, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Western Montana, Northern California, Nevada, Southern BC and Alberta.
Ritual Celebrations
Community Events and Announcements
June, 6 2009 Open Full Moon Ritual Starts at 6pm with drumming afterword until 9pm. Held at Essential Elements Herbal Apothecary, 3135 SE Hawthorne blvd. in Portland. All full moon rituals are free but donations are gladly appreciated to help offset costs. For more information call Essential Elements at 503-231-2831 or Thuri at 503-956-7258 as well as email
Tuesday June 9th - Inner Journeys 7pm A journal writing circle for women. Bring your own journal or come start a new one. Topic: Journal exercises to listen to listen to the wisdom of (fourth) heart chakra, heal imbalances, connect with and celebrate the power of love, unity, and compassion for others. All women welcome. Held at the SisterSpirit office, 3430 SE Belmont # 102. Call 503-736-3297 for info. $5 + donation appreciated.
June 20 2009 Summer Solstice Celebration for Women. Journey Up the Pyramid of the Sun. Starts at 12:00 noon. Meet at Michelle‘s Meadow, NW 53rd Drive, 1/2 Mile N of Cornell Road. Call the SisterSpirit office for directions: 503-736 -3297. June 21, 2009 Summer Solstice Gathering, 3-7pm. Join TERRA for a family/dog friendly event at Ft. Steilacoom Park in Lakewood. An awesome huge fenced off-leach dog park, lake, trails and play equipment. Feast, play, get acquainted, and enjoy the advent of summer. Location: 8714 Elwood Drive SW in Lakewood. For info and directions http:// June21 2009 Open Summer Solstice/Alban Hefin Ritual, 3pm. Come and join us as we celebrate the sun at the peak his power, as we turn the wheel of the year once again. Please bring drums or other instruments. You are welcome to share a story, poem etc. $5 donation for the food bank appreciated. Potluck afterwards, so bring a dish to share. Location: 21803 NE Lucia Falls Rd. in Yacolt. For info call 360-910-5960. June 21 2009 Public MidSummer Ritual 5pm. This is a potluck event and open to all. We will be gathering at 5pm for crafts and other activities. Orientation will begin at 5:30pm and call to circle at 5:55pm. Location: 108 Ave SE Kent. For directions email Website: Phone: 253-886-7797. Page 4
Wednesday June 10th - Women‟s Healing Circle, 7pm. Topic: Healing with the properties of Air, astrological sign Gemini. All women welcome. Held at the SisterSpirit office, 3430 SE Belmont # 102. Call 503-736-3297 for info. $5 + donation appreciated. Wednesday June 17th - Nature‟s Magick Group, 7:30pm. All women welcome. Held at the SisterSpirit office, 3430 SE Belmont # 102. Call 503-736-3297 for info. $5 + donation appreciated. Thursday June 18th - Dream Conversations, 7pm. Come and share your dreams and insights with other women! All women welcome. Held at the SisterSpirit office, 3430 SE Belmont # 102.. Call 503-736-3297 for info. $5 + donation appreciated. Thursday June 25 - Women‟s Writers Group, 7pm Held at the SisterSpirit office, 3430 SE Belmont # 102.. Call 503736-3297 or email for information. $5 + donation appreciated. Tuesday July 14 - Inner Journeys, 7pm. A journal writing circle for women. Bring your journal or start a new one. Topic: Journal exercises to listen to your (fifth) throat chakra, heal imbalances, connect with and celebrate the power of voice, story and creativity. All women welcome. Held at the SisterSpirit office, 3430 SE Belmont # 102. Call 503-736-3297 for information. $5 + donation appreciated. Summer Solstice 2009
Open Ways THE NEED FOR INTEGRATION OF BODY, MIND AND SPIRIT By Silverstar Red Crow © 2007/2009 Integration between body, mind and soul is the ―consciousness goal‖ for the Shaman before any specific magickal act is undertaken, whether corporeal or otherworldly. Understanding Shamanism, not just as a specific spiritual calling (Called by the Spirits) or healing process, but as a worldview and way of life is daunting and demands an understanding of the ―Big Picture‖. Full-self integration is the key to shifting perspective, vital for expanding one‘s consciousness enough to see the domino effect of the acts one employs, on any level, at any time. The Big Picture is found in the details first, then the unfolding of the drama of each act of: ACTION +.INTERACTION = REACTION. We, as humans, do not have the luxury of viewing the Big Picture without a steady, disciplined approach to practical life on this planet. When the energy of the physical body is balanced with clarity of mind, married with trust in divinity and of one‘s own place in the Universe, integration occurs. This process does not happen overnight. Spirit does intervene from time to time, but, it isn‘t the general rule, not when it comes to discipline.
worker. Often people ―weighed-down‖ emotionally, seek-out belief structures involving ascension, personal spiritual flight and a connection with an outer-space type of divinity. Many of these individuals are completely separated from their first 3 Chakras, blocking core emotion and ―gut‖ knowing, absolute skills for any true Shamanic Practitioner. Without the gut, we lose our true place in the Universe. Without place, the spiritual traveler is not grounded; consequently, the practitioner‘s protection is not working efficiently. STEP ONE: Get in your body and feel what‟s going on in there: past and present. Stop running away from your body! It is not less-than your mind and soul. Your body is an equal partner; it must be so to offer REAL experiences!
A seeker is often tested physically, emotionally and psychologically at the beginning of one‘s search for inner divinity. Sometimes the rumbles of change are so radical, especially when factoring the trauma of war, for instance. In a violent fright or flight situation, the individual is forced into Core Being change, instantly. Illness and sudden tragic disability also work to shock the individual into whole new perspectives. Near death experience is There are few short-cuts to integration. Discipline, through the another direct approach to profound changes in consciousness, dedication of time and energy are necessary, on all levels, all of the needed to catapult a seeker into the otherworld realities or Spirit time. Personal physical awareness and the ability to stay in one‘s Realms. However, these instances and seeming tragedies cannot body are necessary for having full access to a broad spectrum of be consciously facilitated in order to ―skip the hard work‖. One is emotion. The ability to feel and express uncensored emotion, a in the hands of the Spirit Realms now. To manipulate, fight insteeping stone in achieving emotional vulnerability, is an impor- stead of flowing or freeze, are the worst signs of disrespect to the tant cornerstone of the practice of Indigenous Shamanism With- Spirit Realms possible and stops many further steps to personal out this skill, one is voicing someone else‘s work, channeling, or evolution in this life. going through the motions, while others are in the realm of playing games or entertaining simple curiosities. Silverstar Red Crow is an Indigenous Shamanic Practitioner (Muscogee Creek, Blackfeet, Norwegian), artPhysical fitness can never be ignored in the integration mix; it is a ist and writer. You can view some of her artwork here: must to be healthy enough to manufacture and store energy for ☻ use on all levels. Without a well articulated body, many Shamanic skills cannot be employed. This is a fact of life, one impossible to ignore! Does a Shaman have to be the best vegetarian body builder-triathelete at the optimum weight before skills are obtained? NO! All human beings are works in process and are at differing skill-levels in each area. Using what one already has to the best of one‘s abilities, is the process in a nutshell. Meaning, a seeker desiring mentorship in otherworld thought and travel, needs to be aware and use every bit of one‘s physical body, employing the skills of feeling and intuiting it‘s function. Being grossly unfit is a common pit-fall of the modern energy Summer Solstice 2009
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Open Ways OW: Does this particular Summer Solstice vary from Summer Dawns on the Obamaverse: Wiccan Priestess previous years? on Barack Obama and the Summer Solstice By Erick Peterson When Barack Obama took office in January, people hoped for an era of better government, and Wiccans, in particular, hoped that they would get a president that represented their values more closely than America‘s outgoing leader. Now 6 months into Obama‘s presidency, America still faces economic problems at home and wars abroad. Environmental concerns have not vanished, and energy worries loom. Concerned about the future, but still holding out hope, Wiccans and other Earth-based religious practitioners (at least those without clairvoyance) may wonder what will come. Will the Summer Solstice bring an increase in male energy? How will this affect our nation? And how well does Obama represent this male energy? There are many questions for us to ask, and there are few who can authoritatively answer us. Fortunately, one person who can answer these questions, author and Wiccan Priestess Kathleen O‘Gaea, was available to speak with Open Ways. O‘Gaea, who grew up in the Pacific Northwest, wrote the book on Wiccan seasons, literally. Actually, she wrote two. She penned Celebrating the Seasons of Life: Beltrane to Malbon and Celebrating the Seasons of Life: Samhain to Ostara, as well as other books on Wiccan families, practices, and a yet-to-bepublished account of her prison ministries. In addition, she is cofounder of the Adventure Tradition, which she continues to develop with her partner, Canyondancer. Hardly unbiased, O‘Gaea says that she is a Democrat and that she is a passionate Obama supporter, who switched allegiances from now-Secretary of State Hilary Clinton after the Democratic primaries. She was enthusiastic about the Presidential election results last fall and continues to be proud of her vote. According to O‘Gaea, the new president represents an opportunity to heal our nation, both financially and psychologically. Furthermore, she believes that the Summer Solstice will fit in with this healing. Open Ways (OW): What does the coming Summer Solstice mean for male energy? Ashleen Ogaea (AO): At the Summer Solstice, "male energy" is peaking . . . but let's take a minute to think about what "male energy" means. It's not just violence or chest-beating, or hopping around like beer commercials. Male energy is about manifestation, yes, but it's also about planning and reasoning and considering consequences. It's the integration of those aspects, of thought and action, that really characterizes sacred male energy. Page 6
AO: Well, every year is unique, of course, within the larger context of the Wheel; but yes, I think this year is significantly different. In the Northern Hemisphere, at least, we're looking at a convergence of the year's zenith and our economy's nadir. That produces a rare opportunity to make some important changes, in our personal lives and in our civic life. OW: What is the usefulness of male energy? AO: Apart from the obvious? Changing light bulbs and making babies, isn't that the joke? Male -- masculine, projective -energy is what we use to make humanity's dreams come true. Male energy -- and I'd really rather call it "projective" so that there's no confusion about gender stereotypes -- is what spread human tribes across the planet, and what's taking us into the universes, micro and quantum. It's the "engineering" impulse that so perfectly complements the impulse to speculate. OW: How could this projective male energy aid in healing our nation and our world? AO: One way is to bring a willingness to experiment and explore back into our lives, to lead us away from entrenched attitudes that aren't in tune with any environment, natural or public. OW: How does President Obama rate in terms of projective male energy? AO: I think he's very impressive. He has plans, but they are adaptable to changing circumstances. He's eloquent and easy to understand; he's persuasive without coming off as a know-itall. He's an elegant Everyman, comfortable with all of us, and respectful of everyone, no matter their background and present circumstances. He's not easily distracted from his goals, and he's not defensive -- he'll take the time to hear other people, and explain his own perspectives and decisions. So I'd rate him at least a nine-and-a-half out of ten. OW: How does he compare to his predecessor in this respect? Is it fair to say that George W. Bush‘s machismo was from an overabundance of male energy? And did this lead to many of our nation‘s current problems? AO: The way I understand "male energy" in this context, no, I wouldn't say "W." is over-endowed. I think his problem was immaturity and irresponsibility. In some ways his devotion to trust and loyalty is charming, but it allowed him to be led by people whose agendas he didn't fully understand, or think of questioning. (Continued on page 7) Summer Solstice 2009
Open Ways (Continued from page 6) Festivals: When and contact information We've all heard the theories about his father-issues, and I tend to think those are correct. But what his behavior in office demonSpiral Rhythms Festival : Magick and music for Mother strated was that he's shallow -- a cheerleader with no comprehenEarth sponsored by MAGIC. Usually held on the first sion of the playbook. But yes, his presidency left us in a world of weekend in June. Has not been held due to lack of funding. hurt -- figuratively and literally.
Donations happily accepted. OW: Polling indicates that Wiccans in particular got the
president that they wanted, even though Obama is an evangelical Christian, not of their faith. Why are they so optimistic about the new president? AO: I don't see him as an evangelical Chritian! Canyon dancer and I don't think Obama's politics are based on his understanding of the Bible, like, say, Mike Huckabee. I think he's a rational man -- there's that "male energy" again -- who respects and understands the Constitution he's sworn to uphold, and who would uphold it even if he weren't oath-bound. OW: What is the ―Adventure Tradition‖? AO: Adventure is a relatively new Tradition, but it follows old paths. It challenges strictly regulated experience and "establishment" interpretations; it sets out from doctrine, convention, and ease to make camp in the woods beyond. Literally, as often as we can! A principle business of the Triad is confronting shadow guardians, reclaiming our personal power from ignorance, prejudice, and fear. Adventure Wicca's foundations are a brave heart, a hospitable camp, and the urge -- no, the calling -- to see what's around the next bend. We're a very in-person Triad, focused on living mythically, and we're growing slowly and steadily. Our newest priestesses, Ember and Aria, have just formed a new coven, Foresight, and are trying to fit open-to-thepublic introductory classes into their schedule. (For more information -- we have a couple of brochures -- people can send a #10 SASE to P.O., Box 35962, Tucson, AZ, 85704; or e-mail us at We're on line at -- with some current glitches, so be patient; and my own website is ☻
The Mother Earth Gathering : A ―Green Living‖ celebration - An earth awareness festival. Being held from 6/12/09 - 6/14/09. For info
Pagan Campout :Being held from 6/19/09 - 6/21/09. For info
SunFest : A summer solstice celebration sponsored by OWOW. Being held from 6/25/09 - 6/28/09. For info
Summerstar pagan gathering : A starwood celebration. Being held from 7/16/09
7/19/09. For info
FaerieWords Festival : Celebrating music, art and imagination inspired by the Realm of Faerie. Being held from 7/31/09 - 8/2/09. For info
NorthWest Fall Equinox Festival : A celebration of the harvest. Sponsored by The Nine Houses of Gaia (9HOG‘s) Being held from 9/3/09 - 9/6/09. For info
The Middle Earth Gathering : A Fall Equinox Celebration. And earth awareness. Being held from 9/18/09 9/20/09. For info ☻
Available in Portland, OR Over twenty years of experience
Summer Solstice 2009
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Open Ways Midnight wisdom By Victoria Ana. Lightfoot
scientific advancement. This does not necessarily mean that it will coincide with personal ethics and strong social values. The AGE OF PISCES that is passing away was meant to teach our species that concept. We will have to see Article #1 Back To The Beginning how we ultimately bear that responsibility. It may take us a couple hundred years and many global catastrophes to work Since the dawn of humankind we have looked to the the bugs out of the new system. The data that physical scistars with a sense of awe and humility. We have depended ence is presenting us at this time indicates that these upheavon our sense of stability in our little-known world over the als of change are indeed upon us. many millennia, since the repetitive cycles of the heavens were our one constant in an unpredictable environment. I am an educated physicist, astronomer and astrologer. My graduate work was done in the area of arIt has only been in the last few hundred years that chaeoastronomy: the study of the astronomy/astrology of anAstronomy and Astrology were not considered by educated cient cultures. My research work over the last four years, and individuals to go hand in hand. In the thousands of years prior, currently, is the correlation or solar activity with global geoone learned in one science had to be learned in the other. physical events, such as earthquakes and volcanoes. I have They were the masters of their day. Their wisdom was sought chosen to write a series of articles because I am literally out by the Kings/Queens, Pharaohs, and Caesars. shocked at the indications of the data expected in solar activity Many of those listed in the historical chapters of phys- over the next several years, with the apex and climax of solar ics textbooks of academia today as prominent contributors of storms happening throughout the year 2012. modern physics, were also prolific astrologers of their day. Now in the 21st Century, as never before in history, Among them are Johannes Kepler, famous mathematician solar storms will affect our world on a global scale due to our and father of Kepler’s Law of Planetary Motion; Galilei Gali- recent dependence on technological resources like satellites leo, father of modern physics. that we need that orbit our planet, and the computer systems Yet the university textbooks simply omit and ignore that run our societies. that part of their profound accomplishments as though they This is not simply dismissible as some ―coincidence‖ can be considered famed in one area, yet if acknowledged in that bears no real resemblance to the astrological cycles we the other it would discredit them. In fact, the textbooks have been ―singing‖ about for fifty years. Nor is it a simple suusually mention astrology as a pseudo science in an at- perstition that the year 2012 has been globally predicting for tempt to insure that new physics students understand that hundreds of years as a year of magnificent, if not catastrophic, they will be ridiculed by their scientific peers if they dare to ad- global change. mit to subscribing in such nonsense, based not in fact, but in superstition. In the coming articles over the next year, I hope to bring you the scientific data as it is available so that those of Things are changing. A new grand cycle is upon us. you interested in astrology, Astronomy, and the correlation We literally stand on the precipice of THE AGE OF AQUAR- with world events can interpret for yourselves. astronomy, and IUS. the correlation with worlds astronomy, and the correlation with In the 1960’s the Fifth Dimension wrote and recorded worlds events can interpret for yourselves. a song that launched the beginning of what astrologers I have always stressed to my students to check their termed the ―fifty year orb‖ heralding the arrival of the AGE OF sources and use the finest data available in whatever way AQUARIUS. When there is an astrological aspect that is af- they may need to apply it. As a Wiccan/Pagan I have noticed fecting the world as a long-term change on a global scale, the that we may be lacking in someone presenting us with ORB OF INFLUENCE is wide. This differs from an astrologiQuestions from readers is strongly encouraged. It cal aspect that affects individuals or a shorter-term influence. may take me a week to follow up on any inquiries or comMany of you are aware of the prophesies that have ments, but I will let you know as fast as possible that answers announced the year 2012 as the beginning of massive global are on the way. changes. Ironically, this is also the year labeled in astrology as These articles and current scientific data will be posted the first of the AGE OF AQUARIUS. Aquarius is ruled by the on the website: planet Uranus. This is the planet of sudden change and upYour readership and awareness to this critical current heaval that clears the way for a new structure signified by per- issue is greatly appreciated. ☻ sonal understanding, independent thought, freedom, and
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Summer Solstice 2009
Open Ways Laxmi at Fall Eq Sari ~ Saree by Ophio Kleitera The sari is an artistically crafted unstitched length of fabric and the single foremost popular integral component for upper and lower portions of female attire, and globally recognized as a distinct aspect of the history as well as rich cultural unity of Indian woman, – elite or tribe, urban or rural, rich or poor, young or old, professional or housewife, literate or illiterate, whatever her caste or religion, or hierarchical status, as Buddhist monk, Jain female ascetic, Muslim, Hindu, or Christian nun, whether at home or at ritual in temple, celebrating a birth or marriage or mourning a death, as hostess on an Indian aircraft or hosting a dinner in a family dining hall, as an active politician, official, artist or any world forum, a sari is a woman’s personal style and essential wear, not something prescribed by a code or convention but by choice.
also in the personal closets of women across the world. As gift, to a deity as part of ritual offering, expresses devotion, to a mother, reverence and gratitude, to a wife or close friend, intimacy and love, to a daughter, affection and concern, to a house maid or domestic servant, generosity and satisfaction. from: Also : Offers several variations on how to wrap and wear a sari/saree and mentions ―book Saris: An illustrated Guide to the Indian Art of Draping” with 80+ different draping styles! ☻ Pictures of draping directions on following page.
Contrary to tailor made and form fitting costumes, a sari allows the wearer to employ imaginative folding wrapping and draping styles to suit her fancy, and is unique in equally managing bulk or frailness, with an inherent grace and elegance, of divine drapery. (Wear over a tube top, tank top, or cropped French cut T (choli), long half slip or even a pant.) As an ordinarily untailored length, a sari can be expensive or economical, printed or plain, fine or coarse, hand-woven or machine-made, cotton, silk, or synthetic textile, it is truly a large canvas that may portray narratives, myths, customs, themes or specific motifs and unlimited variety of colors, shades, blends, textures and details, or not, which reflect tastes of a person, a people, a land, and nowadays even the artistic expression of a designer. Even with regional varieties of wrapping and folding, the sari is fast emerging as one of the leading fashion-costumes not only on runways, but Summer Solstice 2009
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Open Ways
After you have put on the blouse and the slip; by your left hand at first tuck in the plain horizontal end of the sari in the slip and turn it around your waist line using your hand for your convenience.
Turn sari around your waist and pass underneath the left arm.
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Now gather the plain portion by making pleats with the help of your right hand and tuck top of this gathering in the slip.
Finally, you can hold it in your left hand or rest it on your left shoulder. If you desire to give it per manent restive a safety pin or broach pinned to your blouse will do.
Summer Solstice 2009
Open Ways
CeeCee Samuel (this was at the same time as NoNo and Mark)
was truly invigorating! It poured like a typhoon as their reign came to an end. To the cherished women of OWOW…You are Ladies who know how to mix things up with the joy of sisterhood, empowerment, forgiveness, creativity and above all UNITY through LAUGHTER! To the past Queen’s, cherished May Ma’s your insight warms our souls! It was a blessing to experience the Queen’s retreat/women’s gathering… something new and unexpected with the Beltane traditions. Only one Brother of the Tribe showed up upon chrome stead, with chivalrous intent to make sure we were safe. I believe he was conned by his love into chopping wood to insure a delightful campfire later that night. He was thanked & kissed, and left us to our adventure by the river… We’ve got this. We were safe within our own skins. There were no locals to trouble us; there were no rangers to check our camp passes. We were safe amongst the sisterhood. Each and everyone there played a magical and significant roll in the memories that manifested… Each and everyone of us was blessed by the friendships that will continue to grow.
Lucy Dane (Rose/Keith)
Much love and empowerment,
Ara Curtis (Katerra/Eryn Dreamweaver)
From she who is ever vigil,
Aurora Tiny (Autumn/Toni)
Sasquatch ~ of the foothills of the Cascades
Ember Bill (Gypsy/Feathers)
My sincere thanks, Leanna McDowell
Letters from the community Dear Editor, Thanks for another fine issue. I'm writing to add to your list of Queens and Kings. As I recall after Kris & Willy Two Feathers, and before Kelly and Scott there was Miria & Joe. I remember Miria choosing Joe by being blindfolded and feeling all over the prospective Kings. It was one of my favorite ways. (smile) To add to the list I enclose a list of our Queens and Kings that stem from the same tree. We are sometimes referred to as 'the Southern Beltane'. So, starting from the bottom up we have the same Queens and Kings. Then we branched off after Terry and Ezra. Our first were: Queens Kings
Jean James (Laura/Jamie) Char Bryan (our current reigning couple before most current Southern Beltane).
Mountain Home Biological Warehouse – Catalog Department Manager ☻
Ogg Jen, newly crowned King and Queen Thanks for giving us a view of our history. Love & Bright Blessings, Cleda Dear Editor, I extend my sincere thanks to King Brian & Queen Jen of OWOW ….. The spring time CLEANSING Summer Solstice 2009
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Open Ways Summer Solstice: Season of the Phoenix --by Staci Elliott
In Tarot, the Sun card is 19. The Medicine Woman Tarot Deck calls this card ―Rebirth— The turning toward life that has been made by your individual consciousness.‖ (Bridges. The Medicine Woman Inner Guide Book, p 120.) The Summer Solstice celebrates the Sun, and the turning of the eternal wheel of life. I see it as a time of faith, a time of hope, and a time of charity not only toward others, but also toward ourselves, and the land that supports us so abundantly at this time of year.
Summer is the season of abundance. The land flows with milk and honey, and probably cherry tomatoes and blueberries and faerie frolics, too. The Summer Solstice itself is the longest day of the year—the Sun nurtures living to the fullest through gardening, swimming, camping, laughing, climbing trees, eating fresh produce, drying clean clothes out-of-doors, and hosting community parties on the How are your actions and your voice affecting your back porch. Other names for this celebration include Midcommunity? What steps can you take now, while living is summer’s Eve, and Litha. relatively easy, to build up resources for yourself, your Summer is also the season of healing. Many of our neighborhood, your planet? It is Summer Solstice—a celemost sacred herbs are harvested, and our most energetic bration of courageous living, a fiery testament to the bounty gatherings celebrated in the height of summer. This is the of our Mother Earth and Father Sun. Solstice is the turning time of fulfillment—we see the movement and growth of point—a boundary between dreams and realities. A mothe dreams we planted in the Spring. We understand how ment of change. A time when we experience the most best to nurture positive outcomes and how to support the intense illumination of possibility, knowing that tomorrow there will be a little less. And like all boundaries, it attracts harvest we hope to reap in the Fall. the magic of change, of opportunity and wild unpredictabilThe Goddess Nemesis is also known as Fate, or ity. It draws on a strength outside our own. It carries with it Fortuna. In earlier depictions of the Tarot, She was seen the possibility of creating a new life for ourselves from the holding all four elements—all four Minor Arcana Suits of burned ashes of the old. Tarot—in her hands—a cup, an apple wand, the wheel, and the sword. (Walker. The Woman’s Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets, p 980.) She is the goddess of Harvest, Outcomes and Direction, represented by the Cornucopia of Abundance and the Wheel of Chance, and embodied in the rudders of ocean-faring ships. She is the courage to change, to risk, and to take steps toward right-living, even when we cannot see exactly where those steps will lead us. She is the movement toward balance. When I give a Tarot Reading, I put one card in each of the four directions. Each card is a representation of an element, a time of year, a time of day, a location on the Eternal Wheel, and an aspect of our life journey. The Southern card represents both Summer, and High Noon. It is the fullest, hottest time. The time of Fire, of Courage, and of Action. This card represents both movement and awareness. Through it we learn how our unique voice is perceived by others with whom we are in contact. It is the melding of the social and the spiritual—of wisdom and intuition. It is a time of building, growing, and forging connections. It is the tipping point in the process of change.
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I have always felt overwhelmed by the abundance of life on a hot summer day. The smell of baking leaves and baking berries, the drone of lively insects going about their business, the splash and yell of children releasing their vital energy into the air and the water and the earth, under the fire of a summer sun. Today, the Earth is bursting with possibilities for experiencing Joy. All you have to do is participate. ☻
13th Annual Tarot Retreat Earth Heaven Retreat – Yachats, OR
July 25 & 26 (541) 547-5123
Summer Solstice 2009
Open Ways Untitled
What is Spiritual Anarchy? Taken from a post on Tribe by Ophio K.
by Rev. Dr. Byron Warren
“Spiritual Anarchy: Spiritual does NOT equal “religious” Anarchy does NOT equal “chaos” Spiritual Anarchy is a philosophy of life where all people Believe what you want. I believe that a spell is nothing more then the wish, all else is/are only props. The props defi- are free to choose their own lives and more importantly protect the nitely help with the needed belief that the wish/spell will come freedom of others to do the same.. to pass. They help me, anyway. That means non-interference with anyone else‘s life or Now, add to my belief the astounding things our scien- lifestyle. To each his own. Live and let live. Peace and absolute tists are finding and proving with quantum physics. Omigod- Freedom for all people. pun intended. ☺ Not because a god in the sky tells you to, not because some governmental body forces you to. We are all one thing, not just us, the whole universe. (Everything is nothing but consciousness.) There is no place Just because it is the only way to achieve true peace. where we end and everything else begins. We and everything Coming soon‖ are physically connected. Everything is entangled together. One logical way to put it, but not the only way is: before the "big bang" all there was God, therefore, after the "big Spiritual Anarchy in its true form is a beautiful, and wonderful exbang" all there is God. Yes, the whole universe is "God". You, perience that allows each of us to be true to ourselves and others. me, that rock over there, everything. All is divine. Becca Editor of Open Ways ☻ Okay, death .... when the body stops working, supporting our consciousness, quantum energy dissipates away from the body, remains the same, in a dreamlike state and goes somewhere. Kewl eh? Explains a lot. Also we create our own reality and we are physically addicted to our emotions, the second with only our intention (sometimes utmost intention) we can change. Okay, since we are all entangled, all part of the same one thing and you are seriously supposed to love yourself first would it not be best for ourselves to love others and not judge? Should not we always do the right thing for the best future for all of us? I believe this, and do my best to live accordingly. Life would be best for every- one if everyone did too. Blessed Be! Sources and recommendations: "What The Bleep" "Down The Rabbit Hole" ☻
Summer Solstice 2009
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Open Ways Advice from the Priesthood By Sienna This column is intended to be a format for the general Pagan population to ask anonymous questions regarding anything to do with the pagan lifestyle, from spiritual Earth worship to living in our modern-day society. Questions are answered from the philosophical standpoint of ―Harm none, Do as Ye Will.‖ If you have questions for us, please write to, or send a letter to the editor of this paper. All questions shall remain anonymous.
Dear Sienna; I hear a lot that there are several people in the community that offer Wicca 101 classes. I feel like there is a lot of pressure in the pagan community to take these classes. I have had several friends that have taken them and shared with me the lessons and what the instructor would like the students to know. I do not mean to sound like I know everything because that is most certainly not the case. However I do have quite a bit of knowledge in area's said instructors teach and have come to believe that it wouldn't be that beneficial for me. Is there some secret to these classes that no one is telling me? Do I have to take one or two of them to truly be considered a pagan/wiccan community member? I would like to learn more about specific things, but that shouldn't require me to go through a class only to brush on the topic I want to learn more about, right? Shouldn't I be seeking community members that have in depth knowledge of the "Lesson" I am choosing to learn and ask if they would be willing to tutor or guide me? Acid Rush
are best at learning from books, then any class you take will be unnecessary, and probably more expensive than buying a book on the same subject. The "secret" that you might not be getting about Wicca 101 classes is the bonding that takes place between students. A Wicca 101 class is like a bunch of college roommates, military barracks, or summer camp students. Time spent together in energetically intense situations creates a bond unlike any other, and wicca classmates will always have that bond between them. Perhaps it is this reason that the people around you are pressuring you to join a class? Either way, don't take a class because someone else recommends it; take it because you feel called to study under that teacher for that subject. Inside of you is the right path, and you'll know it when it calls to you. Nobody else can tell you what that path is, all they can do is tell you what has worked for them. The rest is up to you. ☻
SisterSpirit Women’s Harvest Celebration “Reclaiming the Wisdom of the Ancients” July 31- August 2, 2009 We’Moon Land in Estacada, OR
Come together for three days and two nights of rustic camping, community building, workshops and Dear Acid Rush: relaxation on beautiful We’Moon Land Community Classes in Wicca are like classes in anything else--the more you learn, the more you know. However, just as a in Estacada, OR. good chess player can gain tips if he or she takes a chess class, someone practicing at your level could probably gain a few tips if you took a class. However, you don't need to take the class to play chess, nor to practice Wicca. The people around you who are pressuring you to take classes are misunderstanding the purpose of the classes. There are different ways to learn the same thing, and some people cannot learn from books and must have lectures or hands-on materials to make it take root in their brain. Because there are these different ways to learn, it is a good thing that the classes are out there. But truly, if you Page 14
Cost is $55 for women, no charge for children under 12. Some scholarships or work-trade opportunities available. Please contact Laughingbird at 503-875-5248 or for registration forms. Registration must be received and paid in full by July 25, 2009. Summer Solstice 2009
Open Ways ONGOING ACTIVITIES 8 Times a year, each Sabbath — Mystic Art Gathering & Information Circle (MAGIC) holds a public ritual and ceremony for the Solstices, Equinoxes, and cross-quarters in between. Typically in Vancouver or North Portland. These gatherings are free to the public, although a donation can will be passed. Families with kids are welcome. Held on the closest Saturday to the actual Sabbath, 7pm. Locations announced in advance if possible. Call 360-693-7349 or see our listing in the community directory under MAGIC as well as on MySpace. Full moon rituals - open On the Saturday night closest to the full moon, starting at 6pm with drumming afterword until 9pm. OFMs are held at Essential Elements Herbal Apothecary, 3135 SE Hawthorne blvd. in Portland. For upcoming dates look in the free ritual celebrations and announcements. All full moon rituals are free but donations are gladly appreciated to help offset costs. For more information call Essential Elements at 503-231-2831 or Thuri at 503-956-7258 as well as email
and group healing sessions and introduction to healing arts practitioners. Everyone is welcome, this is a wonderful opportunity for healing– receiving and giving, and for making new alliances. Held at Hands of Freedom Healing 8725 NE Broadway, Portland OR 97220 from 1-4pm. Donations appreciated. TUESDAYS Open Reiki and healing circle Circle held on the 1rst Tuesday of the month from 9-11am. Held at the Celtic Circle 3717 NW 25th St. Redmond, OR. For info call 541-504-4627 or by email Witches meetup A social event held on the 4th Tuesday of every month. At 7PM. We have no set agenda or format, just talk and have fun. Held at the Guiding Tree 4831 SE Division Street . For more info http:// WEDNESDAYS
Witches Meetup A social event held on the 1rst Wed. of every month at 7PM. We have no set agenda or format, just talk and have fun. Non-denominational Sunday service Integrate light into your being. Come to We are a friendly, non-cliquish bunch who receive blessings and an uplifting spiritual have been meeting for over five years. Reading to empower and enlighten your Held at the Irishtown Pub, 11600 NE Mill soul. held at Crystal Temple 7275 Rich- Plain Blvd. Vancouver WA. mond Ave. For info call 503-249-0303 or by web at Monthly Pagan Meetup A social event held on the 2nd Wed of every month at 7PM. We just get together 1st Sunday Sare-apy. Always the first Sunday (no Sare-apy in to talk and have fun. Held at Old Town August). Join us each first Sunday of the Pizza (between 2nd and 3rd on NW month. Activities include silent meditation, Davis). For more info go to http:// discussion of healing techniques, individual SUNDAYS
Summer Solstice 2009
Monthly Pagan Meetup A social event held on the 2nd Wed of every month at 7PM. We just get together to talk and have fun. Held at Old Town Pizza (between 2nd and 3rd on NW Davis). For more info go to http:// Reiki Share Circle Every 1rst and 3rd Wednesdays at Sellwood Spirit Feathers, 7704 SE 13th. For info call 503-230-0249. All are welcome! Tarot night Every 1rst Wednesday. Bring your cards, practice readings, become more familiar with your card and discuss Tarot with other readers. Held at Crystal Temple, 7525 N Richmond. For info cal 503-249-0303 or on the web at Reiki Circle Every 2nd Wednesday come and receive healing and develop your skills in a sacred temple surrounded by light beings. Held at Crystal Temple, 7275 N Richmond. For info 503-249-0303 or on the web at Drum circle Every 1rst and 3rd Wednesday. Lets explore rhythms and escape reality in a sacred temple. Bring an instrument if you have one, if not we can share. Held at Crystal Temple 7275 N Richmond. For more info 503-249-0303 or THURSDAYS Open Meditation Held every Thursday and Sunday from 12 -2 pm. Open meditation at Crystal Temple 7275 N Richmond. For info 503-249-0303 or (Continued on page 16) Page 15
Open Ways (Continued from page 15)
Saying God damn and Jesus Christ, why?
Morris Dancing by AliZara Every Thursday join Renegade Rose Morris Dancers, a group of Portland men and women who perform ancient English folk dances on May Day and other community events. We‘ll teach My family and people that I love ask me, ―Why do you you dances. For info call Lev at 971-570-3388 or on the web at take the Christian God and Jesus Christ‘s name in vain?‖. ☻ My first response is habit. I tell them I have used these words for a very long time.
The Northwest Fall Equinox Festival Moon Temple of Parvati will be a sacred space set aside for Meditation, Divination of all sorts, and Dreaming. The Moon Priestesses are looking for Diviners to read within the Temple. If you are interested in reading as a service to the Gods and the community, please contact the Moon Priestess, Luna @ 360-576-5315. Please tell her what type of divination you will be doing and what times you would prefer to work. Space is limited.
They are very annoyed with these words I speak. They have asked ―Why do you curse the Christian God you once believed in?. My defense back was, and currently is habit. I am not cursing ―God‖, it is just a word. I have been asked, ―Why do you curse the Christian God rather than the Gods and Goddess you believe now?‖ What a good question and that has me thinking. I try hard to follow: harm none and do as you will‖. I have harmed a lot of people including myself using these words. I never want to disrespect someone‘s beliefs, especially those I love. If I expect them to respect the choices I have made, then I need to respect theirs and any I come in contact with. These words do not bother everyone. I am sure those who use them do not realize the affect these words have on others. I myself fall victim to these habits. However, I will try very hard not to use these words or words like them. I wish to harm none. I have not heard other God‘s names used in vain, such as ―Buddha damn‖ or ― Oden be damned‖ or any other higher power. I myself do not damn any of the God‘s or Goddess ‗I have learned about and continue to discover. Here is something to think about. Be mindful of those around you no matter what your belief is. You may be offending someone and not even knowing it. Love and Light!
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Summer Solstice 2009
Open Ways Pagan Community Directory Listing various kinds of resources for the Pagan Community, including circles (both open and closed), church groups, meeting places, study groups, and event organizers. Please, no retail outlets. A listing here does not necessarily mean a specific group can or will help you. To be included in this directory, please send information (limit 50 words which includes name and contact information) to Open Ways, PO Box 6283 Vancouver, WA 98668; or email
12 Steps Pagan Style I am a clean Pagan offering support to assist those on the clean path in Wicca and Paganism. I have 17 years of recovery. I am willing to give assistance, support and counsel to those who are concerned with these issues. or ADF Druids of Portland NEW Our study group meets on the last Friday of every month and up to 8 times a year for Public Ritual. Affiliated with ADF (Ar nDraoicht Fein), We are in pursuit of authentic scholarship and modern practices. See our website Announcement Board & Community Directory The Web ―Because folks don't have time to check every website or subject line for current events. Come see what your missing.‖ Post: Rituals, classes, workshops ….. The altar of Epona and Herne Healing Ministry ATC Our vision is to create a well trained, compassionate Priesthood to serve the Pagan Community. We have an online community, monthly distance healing and prayer request list, and provide free healing to vets and their families. For more info The Ancient and Honorable Order of the Sacred Oaks A Druidic order in the Arthurian/Celtic tradition, chartering groves meeting established criteria and dedicated to authentic Druidic principles and traditions. For those Summer Solstice 2009
who aspire to the excellence of Druidry, The Earth Gatherings Inc. in OR and 501(c)3. 503-235-5774 An eclectic spiritual group with frequent get - togethers to discuss various spiritual paths. Sponsors of The Mother Earth Gathering and The Middle Earth Gathering Aquarian Tabernacle Church Serving the PNW since 1979. An interfaith (June and September), Earth Awareness church of Wicca and Earth Religions rec- Festivals, honoring diversity and creating ognized and accredited worldwide. All balance between wilderness and civilizawelcome at Open Circles near Seattle at tion. 503-503-1415 NM & FM. Info and schedule : 360-793 PO Box -1945, classes : 425-821-7246, Pagan 19655 Portland, OR 97280. Youth Group: Spiral Scouts International.360-793-9427. Forces of Nature Metaphysical and Spiritual Center NEW Celebration and cultural preservation of Africana spirituality in the Pacific NorthBrotherhood of the Wooden Chalice We are a group of eclectic Wiccans housed west! We offer events and a online e-list of in Oregon State Penitentiary. We gather events related to Africana spirituality in the once per moon for study, ritual, and mutual greater Seattle area. To join visit http:// support. We have a priest but could use and donations. metaphysical-and-spiritual-center? hl=en. For Info , or call 206-781-3565 or serCedar Mountain Coven We are an eclectic Celtic coven, with some Native American influences. We meet for Sabbaths, Esbats, laughter and support The Hermetic Fellowship throughout the Portland/Vancouver area. Exploring Western Esoteric Tradition: Closed to new members Samhain to Bel- Ancient Mysteries, Wicca/NeoPaganism, tane, we do keep a waiting list for anyone Qubalah, Rosicrucianism, Alchemy, interested. Gnosticism, Theurgy and Grail Quest. Meets monthly, 3rd Thursday. Informal presentations, open discussion, rituals and workshops occasionally. 1st semester of Coven Caer Wy‟east A traditional Gardnerian Coven, sponsors a 2009, special focus on Hermeticism. For non-oath bound, British Traditional Wic- more info call 503-255-7910 or by web can Outer Court for seekers of traditional (preferred) training.. We prefer to work with seekers 30 years or older. New training cycles usually begin each spring. usually begin each Ile LaiLai NEW spring. For more info contact Steward A contemplative ifa-centered spiritual Creace 503-622-1381 or stew- community offering spiritual consultations, divination, and Orisa and Ifa initiations to Page 17
Open Ways sincere seekers in the Pacific Northwest. available at or 206-761-3565 or PO Box 22 Baraboo, WI 53913-0022. Other Worlds of Wonder (OWOW) Indigo Lights Circle online teen group We have gathered around a central purA place for uniquely gifted teens to cele- pose, the purchase of land for the local brate and explore the gifts the :Lord and Pagan community. We honor all positive Lady granted us with. Site address: traditions, and celebrate diversity at our festival, Sunfest. Contact info as follows: 14308 SE River Rd. Milwaukie, OR 97267. or email M.A.G.I.C. A Vancouver/Portland based group that holds four gatherings a year, teaches classes in metaphysics, and provides or- Pacific NW Pagans Yahoo Group daining of clergy, and sponsors the Spiral An online community for Pagans in the Rhythms Festival. Call 360-693-7349 Pacific Northwest, including Oregon, Email and Washington, Idaho, Alaska and British for Columbia. When posting announcements more information. for events in this group, please be sure they're in PNW. http:// Nine Houses of Gaia (9HOGâ€&#x;S) A non-profit organization incorporated to PACT facilitate networking among pagans in the A democratic, eclectic teaching/training Pacific Northwest. Sponsors of Open coven in three parts: A semi-private outer Ways Newsletter as well as Northwest circle - by invitation only, two inner-core Fall Equinox Festival. The NWFEF cele- circles for PACT initiated. Lessons, debrates the great harvest, begun at Lammus grees, and clergy training by PACT univerand ending at Samhain. Contact info for sity. For info and a waiting list: email — Open Ways North American Council of Witches A non-profit organization. Primary goal is protection under the First Amendment of the US Constitution; secondary, lobby-ing for common power, strength in numbers. Request membership and general information at or call 503-228-2192.
PDX Pagan Tribe This tribe is for heathens, pagans and free thinking individuals residing in or around Portland, OR, or other metro areas who want to communicate with other like minded folk. Please no political rants, there are other tribes for that. A person has to sign up with for free in order to join this tribe. The tribe is moderated in Officers of Avalon, Inc A non-profit benevolent organization order to keep out hate mongers and spamrepresenting Wiccans and other Pagans mers. Web address - http:// who work as police officers and other professionals in the emergency services. Membership dues $25/yr for full mem- Polyamory Circle bers $15/yr for associate members. News- A gathering for folks exploring options letter The Dispatch. Registration forms beyond monogamy. Discussions include Page 18
open relationships, extended families, and intentional communities. Everyone interested is welcome to join us. For information and location Laury 503-285-4848. Red Cedar Circle (Church of Si. Si. Wiss) Northwest Coast Medicine Johnny Moses teachings to all. Portland/Vancouver area meetings. For information and location call 503-245-5660 or Red Cedar Grove The Vancouver grove is accepting new members. We are a Celtic group that enjoys fun, spirituality and fellowship as we move through the wheel of the year. We have many years of experience between our five founding members and meet twice a month for ritual and tutorial. Come and grow with us under the Spirit filled Red Cedar. For information contact Serena at or Macha at 360-9363833 or Sacred Oak Grove A Druid Grove in the Arthurian/CelticWiccan tradition. For those seeking a true Druidic path of knowledge, truth, justice, spiritual fellowship, and community service. Esbats, Sabbaths and tutorials. Members commit to both group and individual studies for spiritual growth. Now offering an outer circle. For information call 503-235-5774 or The Saint James Project A Shamanic Arm of the Red Witch Tradition. Includes Indigenous Shamanic training, pilgrimages and extensive herstory/ history from the first century CE to the present. Prerequisite: Reiki 3 and 3 years magickal hands-on experience. Meets at Toad House in McMinnville Oregon. 76 y0Contact info Seattle Goddess Group (Cont. next page) Summer Solstice 2009
Open Ways A new site dedicated to worship of the Seattle based deity (As first seen in the ―Summer of 2008 art book) ―Let your love grow‖ is her prayer. http:// seattle.godess/ or
Sophia Sanctuary Women‟s Temple We are a circle of women committed to healing, education ritual and service. (HERS) We celebrate the eight holy days of the wheel: Solstices and Equinoxes are for all genders and families; Cross quarters are for womyn only. For information: or Shadowluz Eclectic coven that emphasizes increasing the power of the individual through SophiaSancuary. strength of our Gestalt, focusing on diversity in beliefs and the practice of Magick. The Sorcerers Guild Members range from Portland to Hood Dedicated to the enhancement of Magickal River and Mt. Hood. Please send letter of work within its membership. Public meetintent to HPS Belle Evergreen at belleev- up at the Dancing Beans 1615 SE 12th Ave Portland, OR held monthly. Email for date and Silver Birch Grove, Order of the Sacred time. For more information: http:// Oaks If the bardic arts call to you, and your love, or of the Goddess and God speaks to you http :// grou ps.mysp through Celtic and Arthurian-based mysorceryguild. thology and lore, come walk our Pagan path with us as we renew our grove. Now Spellbound teen online group in Vancouver, WA. Contact silverAn online community for teen Pagans and or (503) 235- Wiccans. Our goal is to offer personal pages, forums, articles, links, and other 5774 or (360) 936-1035. ways of interacting with teens who have similar interests in Paganism and Wicca. Silver Star Circle A Celtic Pagan circle meeting for Sabbats, S i t e a d d r e s s : h t t p : / / full and new moons, weekly class and more. Located in Battle Ground Additional. Info: email slvrstarcirToad House and Peace Garden Peace Garden open from dawn to dusk for quiet prayer and meditation. 20‘ lavender peace pole, erected in 2002, PEACE written in thirteen languages. Hard working SisterSpirit Women's spirituality organization honor- garden volunteers always needed. Hard ing the Divine Feminine and celebrating working garden volunteers always needed. the Goddess in all Her forms. Featuring on Write for information. Location: McMinn-going classes, circles, workshops and one ville OR. Www.toadhousemonthly ritual. Presenters of the annual PaganFaire. Contact information as foltoadlovers. Director: Silver Red Crow lows: PO Box 9246 Portland, OR 97207. 503-736-3297. sister(WICCA) A women‘s church dedicated to the dess in Her many forms. Groups, Summer Solstice 2009
ter, retreats, rituals and classes. Contact info: PO Box 5296 Eugene OR 97405, 541-485-3654 Email: Women of African Ceremony We are women who honor the earth and our African heritage through ceremony and ritual. We meet monthly. Location is Portland, OR. 503-238-1151 Women of the Goddess Women of the Goddess is a Pagan community in the Dianic tradition. Membership is open to women over 18 years old of good intent who sincerely subscribe to our purpose. Location Seattle, WA. Contacts: or 206-322-2436. World Tree Prayer Network Prayer and emergency energy work at no fee; serving the internet since1994. Post your own requests. Have permission of the energy recipient first; then, include full name, age, basic location including city, state and country along with basic problem. PRAY FOR PEACE! worldtreeprayernetwork The Well of Diancecht Provides free sacred energy healing to veterans, active duty military and their families. We also list practitioners offering sliding scale services to service members, veterans and their families. Info at well of or Witches of Westwick Paranormal Society NEW Centered in the beautiful foothills of the Columbia River Gorge. Specializing in Esoteric research and Theology. Dedicated to tribal rites of passage as well as the Major and Minor Pagan Holidays & Festivals. We love to explore the enchanted as well as the chilling. Contact Leanna at or 541-490-5718 . Page 19
Open Ways
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Summer Solstice 2009
Open Ways
Summer Solstice 2009
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Open Ways The Nine Houses of Gaia Presents:
The Twenty-Sixth Annual Northwest Fall Equinox Festival September 3-6, 2009 General Information REGISTRATION: Space is limited! Your BEST CHANCE TO ATTEND FESTIVAL is to REGISTER EARLY, by sending a fully paid registration to the address listed. COMPLETED REGISTRATIONS MUST BE POSTMARKED NO LATER THAN MIDNIGHT, SATURDAY 8/16/09! If we are full when we receive your registration, we will return your check with a letter of apology, hoping to see you next year. THIS IS THE ONLY WAY TO KNOW IF WE ARE ACTUALLY FULL! PLEASE DO NOT BELIEVE RUMORS, as only the registrar will know that information, and even she won‟t know the exact status at every moment. If you are accepted, a confirmation email will be sent (NEW!) (or postcard will be mailed if no email provided) to the Main Registrant soon after receiving the registration. A detailed Festival Program will be mailed to that same registrant a couple weeks before the Festival. CANCELLATIONS/REFUNDS/EXCHANGE POLICIES: ANY and ALL CHANGES to your registration must be made through the Registration Goddess! If you need to cancel part or all of your registration, we will issue refunds. Registrations are NOT exchangeable at the gate! Please contact the registrar about ANY changes or questions immediately, and absolutely no later than midnight Monday, 8/25/09 by email, or mail, PO Box 14415, Portland, OR 97293. WORKSHOPS: Please let us know if you would like to conduct a workshop or mini-ritual by attaching a separate, brief description and appropriate age recommendation with your registration. Impromptu workshops are welcome, but advance notice will get you into the Festival Program! VENDORS: Please fill out the space provided on the Registration Form. Be descriptive, as vendors will be listed in the Festival Program! The vending fee is $35. VOLUNTEERING: We expect the community to help before, during and after the festival. If you are interested in helping with festival preparations prior to the festival, please contact us via email (above) or PO Box. Everyone will be asked on site to contribute at least two hours to help with the many tasks, such as ritual site preparation, clean-up, firewood hauling and especially in the kitchen! CHILDREN‟S ACTIVITIES: There will be rituals, workshops, and other fun activities for children. Parents are asked to help out with these events. Ideas and suggestions are welcomed. There will be no child care service provided. Parents are responsible for making any child care arrangements. LOCATION: Rustic wooded campsite in the mountains, approximately 1½ hours from Portland. (Specific site information available only to registrants). Cabins available (sleep 4-8: be prepared to share) with tenting permitted. A few wheelchair accessible accommodations available. No RV hookup, and space limited to only a few RVs. PETS ARE NOT ALLOWED! Please do not ask for special exceptions! PARKING: Due to new site rules, virtually all vehicles are required to park offsite. After unloading your vehicle, you will need to return to the gate, drive to the offsite parking area, and as quickly as we can we will shuttle you back to the site. On Sunday, we will shuttle you back to your car so you can return to the site and load your gear. We have been assured that the offsite lot is secure and patrolled. No RVs permitted onsite! The only exceptions to the parking rule are vendors (1 vehicle per booth) – please email if you are one of these exceptions – bear in mind that space is very limited. And, as always, we encourage you to carpool to the Festival.
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Summer Solstice 2009
Open Ways Twenty-Sixth Annual Northwest Fall Equinox Festival September 3-6, 2009 Registration Form REGISTRATION FEES: (INCLUDES ALL MEALS*)
16 years and older 12-15 years 4-11 years 0-3 years
$ 120 $ 60 $ 30 $ 0
ADDITIONAL DONATIONS ARE WELCOMED & APPRECIATED! *MEALS: Our Kitchen staff will provide 8 delicious meals, Thursday dinner through Sunday breakfast, in the dining hall. For our Friday evening potluck. we will provide at least one vegetarian and one meat dish. Please participate in the spirit of harvest by bringing Friday dinner potluck food to share (to serve 6-8 people). Beverages, fruit, and other treats will be available throughout festival.
Only the Main Registrant will receive a confirmation email (or card), a Festival Program, and a one-year subscription to Open Ways. Please fill out separate registrations for adults with different addresses who wish to receive these. MAILING LABEL - your confirmation card (if no email provided), Festival Program, and Open Ways will be sent here: Name: ________________________________________ Address:________________________________________ ________________________________________ REGISTRANT(S) (Include age if 0-15) You: __________________________________________ Vending? If so .....................................add $35 vending fee Name: __________________________________________ Name: __________________________________________ Name: __________________________________________ Name: __________________________________________ Name: __________________________________________ TOTAL
ELECTRONIC CONTACT - for email confirmation and in case we need to reach you quickly about your registration: Day Phone: ______________________________ Night Phone: ______________________________ Email: ____________________________________ Registration Fee
$_____________ $_____________ $_____________ $_____________ $_____________ $_____________ $_____________
Th_____ Fri______
Check # _________
Th_____ Fri______ Th_____ Fri______ Th_____ Fri______ Th_____ Fri______ Th_____ Fri______
Please make payment IN FULL to „Northwest Fall Equinox Festival‟ and mail it to Nine Houses of Gaia, P.O. Box 14415, Portland, OR 97293-0415. An email (or card if no email provided) will be sent confirming registration ONLY with full payment. Please list any food allergies:_________________________________________________________________ Do you need to park on-site due to a medical condition? ____ If so, please state why (subject to verification): __________________________________________________________________________________________ Vendor Name______________________________________________________________________________
Summer Solstice 2009
Page 23
Open Ways The Nine Houses of Gaia Open Ways PO Box 14415 Portland, OR 97293-0415 Address Service Requested
Proceeds from the Northwest Fall Equinox Festival go to producing Open Ways Thank you for your support! Page 24
Summer Solstice 2009