Summer solstice 2014

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Open Ways

Issue 174

PEN WAYS Gateway to the Pagan Communities

Summer Solstice 2014 Summer Solstice 2014

Open Ways Open Ways

Open Ways Gateway to the Pagan Communities Issue 174 - Summer Solstice Open Ways is published online eight times a year, on the Quarters and Cross-Quarters, by The Nine Houses of Gaia, Inc. Circulation 3400+. Newsletter Staff Editor— Angel (Blue Capucian) Webmaster — Angel Advertising— Angel Proofreaders— Kate / Ali E-media—Ali Submissions Articles, letters, poetry, artwork, etc., are solicited from the community. We reserve the right to edit for length and content. Email or send self-addressed stamped envelope for Writers’ Guidelines. Type-written (single-sided) or word processed manuscripts are welcome, electronic submissions via e-mail preferred. Send submissions to: Open Ways Editor PO BOX 33182 Portland, OR 97292 E-mail: World Wide Web: Please do not send the original copy of your work! Manuscripts unaccompanied by a Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope will not be returned. All submissions will be accepted at our discretion. Advertising Ads must be camera-ready. Payment must accompany ad. No credit card payments. Deadlines (page 3) apply. E-mailed ads and their payments must be received by the deadlines. No black backgrounds please! Email Editor for more info. Rates & Sizes (W x H) $15 for a business card size (3.5’ x 2”) $30 for quarter-page (3.5” x 4”) $60 for half page (7” x 4.5”) $120 for full page (7” x 9”) Discount for one-year, pre-paid ads. $10.00 for business name and phone number or email address in Directory for 1 year.


Our Mission Statement The Nine Houses of Gaia is a non-profit organization incorporated in 1992 to sponsor the Northwest Fall Equinox Festival and publish Open Ways. Open Ways serves as an introduction to, and, an anchor for pagan communities in Oregon and the Pacific Northwest; a forum for the exchange of scholarly, practical, or experiential information, knowledge, and wisdom; a tool for instruction and communication; a “journal” of events, announcements, ideas, poetry, prose, illustration — anything of benefit or interest to Pagans, Wiccans, or other Nature Spiritualists. Copyright © 2011 All rights remain the property of contributing authors and artists. For reprint information, please contact Open Ways. Inquiries will be forwarded to appropriate parties. Statement of Confidentiality Open Ways honors the right to privacy. Information regarding our contributors or subscribers will not be made available under any circumstance. Our mailing lists and email lists are not for sale or trade. Contributors are encouraged to use pseudonyms. Open Ways and The Nine Houses of Gaia are not responsible for any content on other sites.

Cover Art: By Back page Art: By Chad Fenlon

Summer Solstice 2014

Open Ways OPEN WAYS DEADLINES This deadline schedule includes all articles, artwork, announcements, events and advertisements. Send everything to the Portland address for Open Ways on page 2 . Advertising rates are posted on the bottom of page 2.

Open Ways Issue Brigid Spring Equinox Beltane Summer Solstice Lughnasadh Fall Equinox Samhain Yule

Submission Deadline January 5 February 21 April 3 May 23 July 4 August 23 October 1 November 21

Available By January 19 March 6 April 17 June 6 July 18 September 6 October 14 December 8

Submission deadlines are 4 weeks before the Sabbats and publication dates are 2 weeks before the Sabbats.

Table of Contents Page





Letter from the Editor


Community Recipes

5 6

Call for Submissions Advertising in Open Ways


Coloring Page

7 8

North West Fall Equinox Festival Information Chakra Workshops

24 26

Ongoing Activities Ongoing Festivals


The Hero's Journey


Pagan Community Directory


Pagan Serenity Prayer


Pagan Bussiness Directory


The Right Stuff


Chakra Workshop Schedule


Midsummer Night Dream


North West Fall Equinox

Carving 19

Festival Registration Information

Summer Solstice Cross Word Puzzle


Moebius-Night Migration

Picture Summer Solstice 2014


Open Ways Letter from the Editor Ah Midsummer! The Summer Solstice is here again. Camping, cook outs and friends adventuring together! The Open Ways Newsletter was recently gifted with 100 back issues. This bounty of past art and articles was provided by Bruce. Thank you Bruce for giving such a large piece of the Open Ways Newsletters history back to our community. (For those who do not know, when I took over as editor of the newsletter there were only the last few issues created by the previous editors. The long history of this publication had been lost). Blessed Be, Angel

It Takes a Village to Raise... a Village Do you have knowledge and spiritual gifts to share with your community? Volunteer to present a workshop at the Northwest Fall Equinox Festival 2014! Please email a description of the workshop you wish to present to Be sure to include the length of the workshop and any preferred accommodations it might entail.

Do you have BIG MAGICK to share with your community? We are accepting proposals for NWFEF 2015 main ritual! The purpose of NWFEF is to celebrate the harvest. The main theme, ritual, and workshops differ from year to year depending on selection from proposals submitted by community members (you!). Your ritual proposal must have a complete outline; please contact to request "Tips and Tricks", a "rubric" to assist you in composing your proposal. Ritual proposal submission may be emailed to or mailed to PO Box 33182, Portland, OR 97292.

Share the Magick!!!


Summer Solstice 2014

Open Ways Submissions for Open Ways ! Open Ways Gateway to the Pagan Communities is a newsletter for the community by the community. We /EED your contributions! Guidelines for All Contributors We welcome articles up to 3,000 words of a scholarly, historical, news/event, or how-to–nature; letters; music; poetry; rituals for group or solo-practitioners; personal experience; interviews; artwork; etc. Please honor plurality and diversity. Address issues of interest to pagans, Wiccan’s, polytheists, Buddhists, or nature spiritualists. Where appropriate, include bibliographic references, sidebars, and graphics. Manuscripts will be accepted in any readable form; however we prefer articles via email if possible. Manuscripts and letters selected for publication may be edited for clarity, brevity, accuracy, or editorial consistency. Always include a self-addressed, stamped envelope if you wish your work returned. Never send your only copy! The editorial staff reserves the right to accept or reject any manuscript or work of art submitted for publication. Contributing Columnists (reoccurring) Column writing offers a lot of flexibility as well as a wide-ranging variety of topics on which to expound. Submit a proposal stating the intention of the column and frequency. Contributors that commit to being a reoccurring contributor to 4 or more issues will be given a complementary business card size advertisement. Contributions may be: • Regular features with the same by-line, title, and/or premise. • Of a subject matter that is by nature practical (how-to), historical, literary, ethical, philosophical, educational, social, moral, political, inspirational, magical, or whatever happens to stoke your bellows. • In a style appropriate for the subject matter, the author’s personal taste, and the editors guidelines of this publication. Book reviews We welcome and encourage your written book reviews. These do not need to be scholarly critiques of the material by someone with a lifetime of experience with the subject matter; often the best, most useful reviews are written by those with whom the readership can identify. The book you are reviewing does not need to be a new release. Readers are interested in your reaction to the book: did you enjoy it? Did it provoke any new ideas or change for you? Was it useful? Artwork Open Ways encourages submissions of all kinds of artwork: Larger pieces for the cover, smaller works for illustration, and even smaller ones to accent and fill in. Please be sure your images are high quality jpeg or tif files with 300dpi. Need help, just ask! Poetry We regularly run poetry in each issue, and plan to continue this as long as we have the poems to do so. Poems should be of reasonable length and on Pagan/Wiccan topics. Ones that reflect your personal thoughts and experiences are preferred. Reporting Open Ways needs your stories of events, speakers, and public festivals in your area to share with our readers. Or maybe you went for a walk in the woods and had an interesting experience. These are stories you would share around the circle.

Send submissions to: World Wide Web: Please DO NOT send the only copy of your work! All submissions will be accepted and/or edited for content at the discretion of the editorial staff.

Summer Solstice 2014


Open Ways Advertising in Open Ways Advertising is a great way to market your business, organization, festival or anything else that you want people to know about. Our rates are extremely affordable and now that we are an online magazine, ads can be full color at no additional charge. Where does Open Ways get seen?  is an incredible flip page viewer that is just like paging through a magazine. This site will also have a library of archived issues.  is our website where we will have both an embedded min-version of the reader as well as a pdf document for those with low-technology computers. Individuals can also embed the publication into their own websites, which we encourage.  Social Networks: acebook, Witchvox etc.  mail – we will send an email to our entire network with a link to view it.  Local Pagan friendly Shops – Posters will be distributed with an announcement of where to find our publication Please follow these guidelines when placing an ad: Please do not use a lot of black background. Payment must accompany ads. Deadlines apply. -mailed ads and their payments must be received by the deadlines. Copyright and Permissions All rights remain the property of the author or artist. Inquiries for reprint information/permission are forwarded to appropriate parties. Rates and Sizes (per Issue) $15.00 for business card size (3.5"x2") $30.00 for quarter-page (3.5"x4") $60 for half page (7"x4.5") $120.00 for full page (7"x9") 25% Discount for one-year, pre-paid ads. $10 for one year Business Name and Phone Number or email address in our Bussiness Directory

OPEN WAYS DEADLINES This deadline schedule includes all articles, artwork, announcements, events and advertisements.

Open Ways Issue Brigid Spring Equinox Beltane Summer Solstice Lughnasadh Fall Equinox Samhain Yule

Submission Deadline January 5 February 21 April 3 May 23 July 4 August 23 October 1 November 21

Available By January 19 March 6 April 17 June 6 July 18 September 6 October 14 December 8

Submission deadlines are 4 weeks before the Sabbats and publication dates are 2 weeks before the Sabbats.


Summer Solstice 2014

Open Ways

NORTHWEST FALL EQUINOX FESTIVAL 2014 THE CHAKRAS: A JOURNEY TO THE SELF When: September 18-21, 2014 Where: Magnificent Forested Setting Fall Equinox festival celebrating the harvest! Event Details: This festival has been happening for over 20 years and continues to evolve and change. The main purpose is celebrating the harvest time. Cabins available... each sleeps 4-8 people, you must bring your own bedding. There will be a Craft corner for parents and their children as well as the young at heart to participate together creating a festival craft. Families are strongly encouraged to come. There will also be some awesome drum circles going on. Please bring your drums and other musical instruments for some wonderful community building time together. If you are interested in being a vendor email with a description of what you will be vending so we can list you in our festival packet. Workshop Proposals: Anyone wishing to present free workshops at the upcoming Fall Equinox Festival please email a description of the workshop you wish to present. Please include the length of the workshop. Email proposals to:

Ritual Proposals for 2016: The purpose of the NWFEF is to celebrate the harvest. The main theme, Ritual and workshops differ from year to year depending on who is doing the main Ritual. We accept Ritual submissions via email to or by mail to PO Box 33182 Portland, OR 97292. The Ritual proposal must have a complete outline, if we feel there is not enough to get a clear picture it will be sent back to you with a request for more refining. Registration information and forms coming soon.

Summer Solstice 2014


Open Ways

The Nine Houses of Gaia presents The 30 Annual Northwest Fall Equinox Festival th

The Chakras: A Journey to the Self Please join us in exploring the Chakras throughout this upcoming year, culminating in the Main Ritual at NWFEF! Event Base Chakra workshop Jan 26/ 5:30-7:30pm Ave, Portland

Description Cost Sexuality/Grounding $10

Location Date/Time Catalyst Art & Cultural Space Sun, 4810 NE Garfield

Survival Chakra workshop Feb 23/5:30-7:30pm

Care for phys body


Catalyst Art & Cultural Space


Fight/Flight Chakra wksp Mar 30/5:30-7:30pm

Reaction to danger


Catalyst Art & Cultural Space


Heart Chakra workshop Apr 27/5:30-7:30pm



Catalyst Art & Cultural Space


Throat Chakra workshop May 25/5:30-7:30pm



Catalyst Art & Cultural Space


Third Eye Chakra wksp June 29/5:30-7:30pm



Catalyst Art & Cultural Space


Crown Chakra workshop July 27/5:30-7:30pm

Connection to divine $10

Catalyst Art & Cultural Space


Kids’ wksp – all chakras



NWFEF – Main Ritual

see reg form/website varies near Silverton, OR


August/TBD Sept 18-21, 2014

For the latest updates and further info, please join our Facebook group “The Chakras: A Journey to the Self” and check out our website at for the NWFEF registration form.


Summer Solstice 2014

Open Ways

The Hero’s Journey: The Emperor By Chrissy Lavielle Originally published on Mrs. Lavielle’s Blog OCTOBER28,2010 · 12:55 PM

This is Big Daddy, Big Business, Big Government, The Pentagon, and Science and Industry. All the things we love to hate, but still count on to keep us safe from foreign invasion and common criminals, bring food to our tables, solve problems, distribute Social Security and Medicare, and fix the potholes in the streets.

Moses or The Emperor, Salvador Dali

Summer Solstice 2014


Open Ways The Emperor is the quintessential macho man; the fertile, tough, authority/father figure; The Magician on a double dose of testosterone. He stands for law and order, assertiveness, fairness, strong leadership, use of practical intelligence to guide and support creativity, protection of the weak, and all round studliness. A super hero, you might say. But think again. Super heroes swoop in and right wrongs, uphold law and order, out wit the bad guys, and slap them around. But then they leave. The Emperor stays and deals with the consequences of his actions and takes the flack if he bungles it. That, of course, is the only way to create an empire, rule a country, build a business, or conquer an enemy. And this wreaks havoc with his image. To paraphrase the quote attributed to Abraham Lincoln, “You can [please] some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not [please] all of the people all of the time.”* And then there are the Evil Emperors like Hitler, Nero, Genghis Khan, and G.W. Bush that send people screaming into the streets whenever a strong leader emerges and begins to accumulate power.

The Emperor’s letter is heh or hei, whose image is window. Windows let air and light into a room and let people look out to see what’s coming and decide what to do about it. Looking ahead and thinking clearly are basic Emperor skills.

He is associated with the astrological sign, Ares, the sign of the leader, the pioneer, and the warrior. Ares, the Greek god of war is, of course ruled by the planet Mars, the Roman god of war. Ares’s symbol is the ram. No surprises here. 10

Summer Solstice 2014

Open Ways

Zeus - From the Age of Mythology (I think) The Gods I associate with The Emperor are the top guys in all the pantheons and all the horned gods. It’s easy for us to see The Emperor archetype in Zeus, Jupiter, and Thor, as they sit up on Mt. Olympus or in Asgard tossing down the occasional thunderbolt. Zeus was particularly fond of raping (or seducing, depending on how you look at it) both mortal and immortal women. He had lots of children—Wikipedia lists nearly a hundred. He became a swan and seduced Leda, who later gave birth to the twins, Castor and Pollux, and Helen of Troy. He ate the Titan, Metis, goddess of wisdom and knowledge, who was pregnant with his child, because he was afraid of a prophecy that said her daughter would be greater than he. Metis gave birth to Athena inside Zeus’s body and she grew there until Zeus started getting headaches and called for Hephaestus, the smith of the gods and general fix it man, to split open his head (the original splitting headache). Out burst Athena from his forehead, fully armed with helmet, shield, spear, and lightning bolt. A Jungian patriarchal nightmare if ever there was one!

Thor Summer Solstice 2014


Open Ways We have trouble understanding the horned gods, and the Catholic Church engineered much of this misunderstanding. It worked very hard at

Cernunnos converting pagan Europe to Christianity, and one of its tricks was changing the pagan gods into demons and devils—with horns, of course, because the most important pagan gods had horns. And they had horns because horns represented the physical power and reproductive potency of the animals (who all had horns) that formed the economic basis of the ancient hunting and farming societies. Their phallic shape indicated raw sexuality. In a final masterstroke, the Church’s propaganda machine gave horns to the fool and the cuckold, two of the most laughable figures in medieval society.

Alexander the Great coin, c 310 BCE But to a pagan, horns represent power, virility, wealth, fertility, and kingship. The coinage of Alexander the Great’s empire bore his image wearing rams horns, the symbol of The Emperor.


Summer Solstice 2014

Open Ways The two horned deities that come to mind are the Greek God Pan and the Celtic god Cernunnos, mighty lords of the forest and protectors of nature.

The God Pan, Mosaic, Roman Imperial Era, Turkey They are bawdy, earthy deities, bursting with raw, sexual power. It’s difficult to imagine them addressing the senate, chairing a board meeting, or commanding a battle, but I have no doubt that they could get their “point” across. In a reading, this card means stability, practical intelligence, strong leadership, control, a protector, or an authority figure. If it’s reversed, there’s trouble. Depending on where it is in the reading and the other cards around it, it could be the querent, the querent’s struggle with authority, a protective influence, or a powerful person in the querent’s life. This person may have good intentions, but sometimes the unsubtle, heavy-handed energy of the Emperor is not what is needed to solve a problem

Summer Solstice 2014


Open Ways

Emperor Plapatine, Star Wars In the hero’s journey The Emperor seldom appears as the hero, he’s already made his hero’s journey—several probably. He’s too straightforward to be a shape shifter, and it’s unlikely that such an important person would be a herald, unless he offers a quest to one of his children. He can be a mentor, an ally, a threshold guardian, and/or a trickster. The plot really thickens when he is a shadow. *the correct word is “fool”.


Summer Solstice 2014

Open Ways

Pagan Serenity Prayer

Summer Solstice 2014


Open Ways THE RIGHT STUFF By Ansur

Recently one of my students questioned the use of processed “unnatural” items in magic. It is fun and sometimes adventurous to follow the rules of various magic systems. In some cases, specific systems will resonate with one’s own subconscious or higher self. In addition, at my advanced age, you may find that your ideas of what is proper may have evolved into using many different systems or even combining some. I think that many of the rules of magic have to do with how one is trained or influenced to think about them. Since it is likely that there is no such thing as an ultimate truth, a person may easily become a magical-bigot— one that is blind to other possibilities. So when it comes to not having the proper material—like wood—or not using “artificial things--like plastic, most of the rules may not ring true. Way back in the early 1970’s the only major available periodical on magical topics was FATE Magazine. One time they offered a free crystal ball if one would just subscribe to their magazine for one year. I took them up on the offer and received a small acrylic-plastic ball with a simple wooden stand. I was very disappointed. The bottom of the stand wasn’t even quite level so I glued four common rubber faucet grommets to each corner. That was the only modification I made… A small booklet of simple instructions came with the crystal ball and stand. It said to practice looking into the ball every day for about a half an hour so as to build up to a point where you MIGHT see something in it. It also stated that the first real reaction would likely be the ball would seem to cloud up—but this might take a month or more. More practice would likely lead to actual scenes if a person was successful. And the advanced user might even see things come outside the ball! The first night I looked into the ball, it immediately fogged-up and even the lights in the room, which had been reflected in it before, disappeared! I was startled by this effect and thought that motionless staring at something was probably just hypnotizing. So I got up, looked away, then looked back—the ball was still clouded and it stayed that way even when I walked around to the other side of it. The very next night, the ball yielded me my first scene: A view of a sidewalk restaurant I had visited in Barcelona, Spain. I was amazed and excited about the results I was getting from this cheap plastic ball. The third night, I saw multiple visions of a crescent moon, and these came right out of the ball into the room. I could look away and see them floating all around and even behind me! In other words, I had one of my first major magical experiences with something that I had been told was not “the right thing.” 16

Summer Solstice 2014

Open Ways I made a fancy box to keep the “crystal” ball and its stand in and I still have it. It remains in its original shiny condition. It is now almost 45 years old! Perhaps Acrylic plastic isn’t such a bad substance after all—or maybe I’m not one that has to follow the rigid rules of magic. BTW, this ball is pictured in the lesson material of my current magic class. (Or if you are able to come to my home, I can show it to you) In conclusion, everything in the universe is NATURAL and even those things that are processed and modified by humans consist of the SAME cosmic materials. Atoms are universal!

Summer Solstice 2014


Open Ways


Summer Solstice 2014

Open Ways Summer Solstice Crossword Puzzle



4. Winged insect.

1. Half way time.

6. Care for self chakra.

2. Warm time.

7. Grounding Chakra.

3. Love chakra.

8. Sleep in woods.

5. Mother Earth.

9. Ecstatic movement.

10. Centers of spiritual power in the body.

11. Horned God.

12. Reaction to danger chakra.

12. Cooking in woods. 13. Connection to divine chakra. 14. Curiosity chakra. 15. Communication. .

Created by Puzzlemaker at Summer Solstice 2014


Open Ways

Moebius-/ight Migration From: Gwyllm Llwydd Facebook page


Summer Solstice 2014

Open Ways

Community Recipes Collard Green Pesto Presented by: Angel I saw this recipe on a Food Channel show. Fresh Collard Greens-blanched Parmesan cheese-grated Calamata Olives – Pitted (black olives) Olive Oil Combine all ingredients in a food processor. Serve with pita or other bread of choice. No amounts were given so just go for it!

Homemade Mosquito Repellent Presented by: Angel Materials: 15 drops lavender oil 3 Tbsp of vanilla extract 10 drops of citronella oil or lemon-eucalyptus oil 1/4 Cup lemon juice Spray bottle Directions: Combine above ingredients in spray bottle. Fill remainder of bottle with water, water/vodka or water/witch hazel mixture. Spray yourself and any objects or areas you wish to keep mosquito free!

Summer Solstice 2014


Open Ways

Coloring Page


Summer Solstice 2014

Open Ways

Summer Solstice 2014


Open Ways

ONGOING ACTIVITIES 8 Times a year, each Sabbath — Mystic Art Gathering & Information Circle (MAGIC) holds a public ritual and ceremony for the Solstices, Equinoxes, and cross-quarters in between. Typically in Vancouver or North Portland. These gatherings are free to the public, although a donation can will be passed. Families with kids are welcome. Held on the closest Saturday to the actual Sabbath, 7pm. Locations announced in advance if possible. Call 360-693-7349 or see our listing in the community directory under MAGIC as well as on My Space. Full moon Celebration — Held on the day of the full moon each month at 6:00pm. Come meet with your community and friends, bang some drums and hang out! Free Free Free and Fun Fun Fun! Held at Essential Elements Apothecary 3135 SE Hawthorne Portland, OR 97214.For more info Open Full & Dark Moon Rituals Hosted monthly at Celestial Awakenings in Vancouver, WA by The House of the Eternal Circle; a local, eclectic, loving, teaching coven. Please check or for dates and times. Suggested $10 donation. Or contact

SATURDAYS 1st Saturday Movie /ight Featuring a movie or documentary which cultivates spiritual growth.. Held at Crystal Temple 7275 Richmond Ave. Portland, OR. For info call 503-249-0303 or by web at 24

OR 97214. Please RSVP via http:/ W w w . m e e t u p . c o m / EssentialElementsHerbalists/ this allows us /on-denominational Sunday Service Integrate light into your being. Come to to make sure we have plenty of room for receive blessings and an uplifting spiritual all. reading to empower and enlighten your soul. After the service has ended there is a TUESDAYS guided meditation to bring prosperity into your life. Held at Crystal Temple 7275 Fairy Seership Richmond Ave. For info call 503-249- Meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month 0303 or by web at from 7-9pm. Held with House of Brigh and Orion Foxwood. Bring a potluck dish to share and a donation if able. Held at 1st Sunday Sare-apy. Always the first Sunday (no Sare-apy in 7036 SE Brooklyn St. Portland, OR. For August). Join us each first Sunday of the more information: or month. Activities include silent meditation, discussion of healing techniques, individual and group healing sessions and introduc- Open Reiki and Healing Circle tion to healing arts practitioners. Everyone Circle held on the 1rst Tuesday of the is welcome, this is a wonderful opportunity month from 9-11am. Held at the Celtic for healing– receiving and giving, and for Circle 3717 NW 25th St. Redmond, OR. making new alliances. Held at Hands of For info call 541-504-4627 or by email Freedom Healing 8725 NE Broadway, Portland OR 97220 from 1-4pm. Donations appreciated. Guided Meditation 1rst Tuesday at 7pm. Come and journey with us. Each months theme will be different. 1235 Commerce in Longview, WA Witches Tea Held the last Sunday of every month at 360-562-1900 or noon. Held at Essential Elements Apothecary and hosted by Raven Greywolf. WED/ESDAYS There will be a different activity/craft each month to enhance your witchy knowledge Witches Meet up and provide a place for community and A social event held on the 4th Tuesday of friends to meet. Usually free but some- every month. At 7PM. We have no set times a small donation is asked for. 3135 agenda or format, just talk and have fun. SE Hawthorne Portland, OR 97214. info at Held at the Guiding Tree 4831 SE Division Street Portland, OR. For more info A social event held on the 1rst Wed. of Herbalism Meet Held the first, second and third Sundays of every month at 7PM. We have no set the month. Learn and discuss the ancient agenda or format, just talk and have fun. art of Herbalism in an actual apothecary. We are a friendly, non-cliquish bunch who Being held at Held at Essential Elements have been meeting for over five years. Apothecary 3135 SE Hawthorne Portland, SU/DAYS

Summer Solstice 2014

Open Ways Ongoing Activities (continued)

Reiki Circle Every 2nd Wednesday come and receive healing and develop your Held at the Irishtown Pub, 11600 NE Mill Plain Blvd. Vancou- skills in a sacred temple surrounded by light beings. Held at Crystal ver WA. Temple, 7525 N Richmond Portland, OR. For info 503-249-0303 or on the web at Monthly Pagan Meet up A social event held on the 2nd Wed of every month at 7PM. We Drum circle just get together to talk and have fun. Held at Old Town Pizza Every 3rd Wednesday at 7pm. Lets explore rhythms and escape (between 2nd and 3rd on NW Davis) Portland, OR. For more reality in a sacred temple. A joyous monthly, multi-cultural spiritual info go to experience. Using sacred phrases drawn from the worlds many religious traditions, with live music and simple devotional movement. Bring an instrument if you have one, if not we can share. Reiki Share Circle Held at Crystal Temple 7525 N Richmond Portland, OR. For Every 1rst and 3rd Wednesdays at Sellwood Spirit Feathers, m o r e info 7704 SE 13th Portland, OR. For info call 503-230-0249. All are welcome! Healers Circle Second Wednesday of every month at 7pm. Practice , meet or visit Tarot night with others who are interested in Spiritual healing. 7525 N RichEvery 1rst Wednesday. Bring your cards, practice readings, be- mond Ave. in Portland, OR. For more info call 503-249-0303. $5 come more familiar with your card and discuss Tarot with other Donation. â˜ş readers. Held at Crystal Temple, 7525 N Richmond Portland, OR. For info cal 503-249-0303 or on the web at

Summer Solstice 2014


Open Ways

ONGOING FESTIVALS Northwest Fall Equinox Festival: A celebration of the harvest. Sponsored by The Nine Houses of Gaia. September 13-16th 2012. For more information visit Pagan Picnic: A potluck gathering sponsored by The Nine Houses of Gaia. The third Sunday in July. For more information visit Turning of The Wheel: Turning of the wheel is a festival created to take an earth based approach to celebrating the changing of the seasons while empowering and sustaining our diverse and talented community of artists, healers, organizations, and local businesses. We have woven together sacred ritual with entertainment, joyous celebration, abundance, fun, laughter, and love to create a beautiful family friendly festival that we hope to make a seasonal tradition. Our vision: Weaving community, celebrating the earth, and sharing our gifts. Pagan Faire: Now in its 22nd year! It's always in March, on a weekend day close to Spring Equinox, and is an allday merchant faire with entertainment and workshops followed by a Spring Equinox ritual. Open to the whole community, sponsored by SisterSpirit. For more information visit

Spring Mysteries Festival: A recreation of the Eleusinian Mysteries help is April and is presented by Aquarian Tabernacle Church. For more information visit Spiral Rhythms Festival: Magick and music for Mother Earth sponsored by M.A.G.I.C. Usually held in June. For information visit The Mother Earth Gathering: A “green living” celebration – an earth awareness festival, held in June for information visit http:// Pagan Campout: A campout for Pagans! Held in June. For information visit http://www.pagan Sunfest: A summer Solstice celebration sponsored by OWOW, held in June. For more information visit Summerstar Pagan Gathering: A starwood celebration, held in July. For more information visit Faerie Worlds Festival: A celebration of music, art and imagination inspired by the realm of Faerie. Held in July/August. For more information visit Beloved: Open air sacred art and music festival. Held in August. For more information visit The Middle Earth Gathering: A fall Equinox celebration, and earth awareness gathering, held in September. For more information visit Hekates Sickle: Walk the paths between the worlds and meet and Goddess and Gods learning the lessons of your ancestors and interacting with the divine. For more information visit Beltane in the Grove hosted by Spiral Grove Coven For more information visit


Summer Solstice 2014

Open Ways Pagan Community Directory Listing various kinds of resources for the Pagan Community, including circles (both open and closed), church groups, meeting places, study groups, and event organizers. Please, no retail outlets. A listing here does not necessarily mean a specific group can or will help you. To be included in this directory, please send information (limit 50 words which includes name and contact information) to Open Ways, PO Box 11183 Portland, OR 97211 ; or email or

ADF Druids of Portland

Our study group meets on the last Friday of every month at Essential Elements Apothecary and up to 8 times a year for Public Ritual. Affiliated with ADF (Ar nDraoicht Fein), We are in pursuit of authentic scholarship and modern practices. See our website at

Coven Caer Wy’east

Aquarian Tabernacle Church Serving the PNW since 1979. An interfaith church of Wicca and Earth Religions recognized and accredited worldwide. All are welcome at Open Circles near Seattle at NM & FM. Info and schedule : 360-793-1945, classes : 425-821-7246, Pagan Youth Group: Spiral Scouts International.360-793-9427. Black Hat Society Get out of the broom closet and knock off the cobwebs from your hat! The witchy gals in Central Oregon have formed a social network for fun, friendship and support. Many traditions are represented and welcomed. Get on our mailing list or upcoming activities. Cedar Mountain Coven We are an eclectic Celtic coven, with some Native American influences. We meet for Sabbaths, Esbats, laughter and support throughout the Portland/ Vancouver area. Closed to new members Samhain to Beltane, we do keep a waiting list for anyone interested. Summer Solstice 2014

A traditional Gardnerian Coven, sponsors a non-oath bound, British Traditional Wiccan Outer Court for seekers of traditional training.. We prefer to work with seekers 30 years or older. New training cycles usually begin each spring. For more info contact Steward Creace 503-622-1381 or Steward

For more info, or to volunteer, please contact Hermetic Fellowship

Meets 7:30 pm, 3rd Thursday of every month for talks, sometimes ritual, in the Western Esoteric Tradition. We focus on 8 main Paths: Theurgy & Holy Magic, Qabalah, the Ancient Mysteries, Grail Quest, NeoPaganism & Wicca, Alchemy, Gnosticism, and Rosicrucianism. Please email for location and to introduce your“Coven Call” self. email: Small Milwaukee-based coven seeking web: new members, age 18-30 willing to meet bi-monthly. Our group is very eclectic and Indigo Lights Circle Online Teen tends to focus on energy work. Teaching Group available. Please email us for an interview A place for uniquely gifted teens to celeat brate and explore the gifts the :Lord and Lady granted us with. Site address: http:// The Earth Gatherings An eclectic spiritual group with frequent get - together’s to discuss various spiritual Lyceum of Trees paths. Sponsors of The Mother Earth Gathering and The Middle Earth Gathering We are an educational coven located in Portland, Oregon. The group’s humble spark began to glow (June and September), Earth Awareness during Samhain 2000, and caught fire the following Festivals, honoring diversity and creating Yule. Lyceum focuses on classes for people beginbalance between wilderness and civiliza- ning to explore Paganism. Members are encouraged to offer classes and form study groups for deeper tion. 503-503-1415 PO Box 19655 explorations of areas of interest. For more information visit Portland, OR 97280. Oakmist Grove is accepting applications for our Portland training coven.* The Goddess Temple of Ashland is a sanc- Please see our website at tuary for the nurturance of the divine femi- for more infornine in all people. Jackson Wellspring, mation. 2253 Highway 99, Ashland, Oregon. Goddess Temple of Ashland


Open Ways Learn the Craft of the Wise A gathering of heathens, pagans, wiccans, witches, and magickal thinkers in the Portland and Salem areas. This group hosts monthly circles in Portland and Salem, joins in the celebration of the Moon Cycles and the Sabbats, and is a teaching coven. We make it easy for new pagans, providing an open and friendly atmosphere and instruction at the beginning of each gathering. We also offer group classes, private instruction, and an exciting year and a day program. Find us at M.A.G.I.C. A Vancouver/Portland based group that holds four gatherings a year, teaches classes in metaphysics, and provides ordaining of clergy, and sponsors the Spiral Rhythms Festival. Call 360-693-7349 or Email and for more information. /ine Houses of Gaia (9HOG’S) A non-profit organization incorporated to facilitate networking among pagans in the Pacific Northwest. Sponsors of Open Ways Newsletter as well as Northwest Fall Equinox Festival. The NWFEF celebrates the great harvest, begun at Lammas and ending at Samhain. Contact info for Open Ways Officers of Avalon, Inc A non-profit benevolent organization representing Wiccans and other Pagans who work as police officers and other professionals in the emergency services members $15/yr for associate members. Membership dues $25/yr for full Newsletter The Dispatch. Registration forms available at PO Box 22 Baraboo, WI 53913-0022. 28

Open Doors Center for Healing Arts We at Open Doors believe that healing is a collaborative process with practitioner, client and source. We believe that each individual has a journey of healing that is unique. Our goal is to provide assistance for realigning, re-connecting and restoring the natural state of vibrational well being. Our Practitioners are experienced in many varieties of healing modalities that help with this process. Visit for more information about our energy-work and other events.

PDX Pagan Tribe This tribe is for heathens, pagans and free thinking individuals residing in or around Portland, OR, or other metro areas who want to communicate with other like minded folk. Please no political rants, there are other tribes for that. A person has to sign up with for free in order to join this tribe. The tribe is moderated in order to keep out hate mongers and spammers. Web address - pdxpagans.Portland

Pacific /W Pagans Yahoo Group An online community for Pagans in the Pacific Northwest, including Oregon Washington, Idaho, Alaska and British Columbia. When posting announcements for events in this group, please be sure they're in PNW. group/pnwpagans.

Sacred Oak Grove A Druid Grove in the Arthurian/CelticWiccan tradition. For those seeking a true Druidic path of knowledge, truth, justice, spiritual fellowship, and community service. Esbats, Sabbaths and tutorials. Members commit to both group and individual studies for spiritual growth. Now offering an outer circle. For information call 503235-5774 or

Polyamory Circle A gathering for folks exploring options beyond monogamy. Discussions include Other Worlds of Wonder (OWOW) open relationships, extended families, and A corporation organized to operate exclu- intentional communities. Everyone intersively for charitable purposes, including, ested is welcome to join us. For information but not limited to serving the Pagan com- and location Laury 503-285-4848. munity through sponsoring the Sun Fest festival and purchasing land to be held in Red Cedar Circle (Church of Si. Si. Wiss) trust for the Pagan community. Northwest Coast Medicine Johnny Moses Email address: teachings to all. Portland/Vancouver area Website: Address: P.O. Box 68803, Portland, OR meetings. For information and location call 503-245-5660 or 97268

PACT A democratic, eclectic teaching/training coven in three parts: A semi-private outer circle - by invitation only, two inner-core circles for PACT initiated. Lessons, degrees, and clergy training by PACT university. For info and a waiting list: email

Seattle Goddess Group A new site dedicated to worship of the Seattle based deity (As first seen in the “Summer of 2008 art book) “Let your love grow” is her prayer. http:// or

Summer Solstice 2014

Open Ways

Eclectic coven that emphasizes increasing the power of the individual through strength of our Gestalt, focusing on diversity in beliefs and the practice of Magick Members range from Portland to Hood . River and Mt. Hood. Please send letter of intent to HPS Belle Evergreen at

Our order exists to serve the religious, spiritual and educational needs of its members within the Druidic, Wiccan and Pagan We are a circle of women committed to Community. If you are drawn to a Celtic healing, education ritual and service. (HERS) We celebrate the eight holy days path and aspire to study with the Druids, we of the wheel: Solstices and Equinoxes are welcome you. for all genders and families; Cross quarters Contact us at are for women only. For information: or http:// SpiralGrove Coven- an eclectic coven focusing

Silver Star Circle

The Ancient and Honorable Order of the Sacred Oaks


A Celtic Pagan circle meeting for Sabbats, full and new moons, weekly class and more. Located in Battle Ground Additional. info: email

Sister Spirit Eclectic women's spirituality group founded in 1985. Sister Spirit's purpose is to create a place where women of all spiritual backgrounds and traditions can celebrate women’s spirituality. Through female imagery we celebrate our connections with nature. We come together to explore our own spirits, and learn, grow, and expand to fully realize the divinity within. Website: Email/Phone: sisterspirit 503-7363297. Address Mailing: PO Box 9246 Portland, OR 97207. Physical address: 3430 SE Belmont #102, Portland, OR. (Office, library, and small group space)

Summer Solstice 2014

Sophia Sanctuary Women’s Temple

on the Wheel of The Year as a path of Personal Growth. We circle in the Portland area. We host a festival, Beltaine In The Grove, for the Rites of May. Please see our website, or contact Seanachai at for more information

A Druidic order in the Arthurian/Celtic tradition, chartering groves meeting established criteria and dedicated to authentic Druidic principles and traditions. For those who aspire to the excellence of Druidry, Inc. in OR and 501(c)3. 503-235-5774 The Sorcerers Guild Dedicated to the enhancement of Magickal work within its membership. Public meetup at the Dancing Beans 1615 SE 12th Ave The Saint James Project Portland, OR held monthly. Email theA shamanic Arm of the Red Witch Tradi- for date and time. For tion. Includes Indigenous Shamanic train- m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n : h t t p : / / ing, pilgrimages and extensive her story/ s o r c e r e r s g u i l d . t r i b e . n e t o r history from the first century CE to the pre-, or sent. Prerequisite: Reiki 3 and 3 years of magickal hands-on experience. Meets at Toad House in McMinnville Oregon. Con- The Well of Diancecht tact info is Provides free sacred energy healing to veterans, active duty military and their families. We also list practitioners offering sliding The Sacred Cascade Grove scale services to serve members, veterans and their families. Info: The Sacred Cascade Grove of The Sacred Order of Gnostic Druidism offers a Druidic college in Central Oregon.


Open Ways 2436.

West Hills Covenant of UU Pagans WHCUUPS/ (WICCA) (WHCUUPS ): As a growing, eclectic pagan community, we welcome new members! We meet bimonthly on 2nd and 4th Monday evenings, 6:30-8:00pm during the school year, and 7:30-9:00pm during the summer months), for structured thematic discussions/ activities and socializing. Together we also celebrate all eight Sabbats throughout the year. We also offer a Year and a Day class for aspiring Pagan (esp. Wiccan) Clergy. Contacts for the group are as follows: Rachel Walaskay (Moderator) or (503) 935-7795; Mary McGar (Co moderator) or (971) 242-1321. Feel free to visit our website and join the group to receive updates and information About upcoming events:

Women coming together to celebrate the Goddess in Her many forms. Weekly meetings: Wings-Retreats (called Forwards) Summer Gathering. Rituals email/ phone: 541-4853654. Address, PO Box 5296, Eugene, OR 97405 Women of the Goddess Women of the Goddess is a Pagan community in the Dianic tradition. Our purpose is to mark the eight Sabbats of the year in ritual with like-minded women, to strengthen the Goddess connection within ourselves, to share this connection with others, and to bring wholeness to the world and to our journey in it as the Wheel of the Year turns. Location Seattle, WA. Contacts: or 206-322-

Witches of Westwi ck Paranormal Society Centered in the beautiful foothills of the Columbia River Gorge. Specializing in Esoteric research and Theology. Dedicated to tribal rites of passage as well as the Major and Minor Pagan Holidays & Festivals. We love to explore the enchanted as well as the chilling. Contact Leanna at or 541-490-5718

Want to join the Open Ways Community Directory?

Advertise with Open Ways!

It’s Free!

Visit for details!

Send your information to Or


Summer Solstice 2014

Open Ways

Pagan Business Directory A G Glass Studio LLC (503) 313-8028 Global Mineral If The Broom Fits Inner Compass Tarot

To advertise in our Pagan Business Directory, One year for $10.00, Business name and phone number or website only. Email: Or Mail information and payment to:

The Nine Houses of Gaia Open Ways Advertising PO Box 33182 Portland, OR 972

Alice Jordan Mother Earth’s Gifts and Treasures

Tell them you saw their ad in the Open Ways Newsletter!

Of Earth & Air (503) 693-3600 VC Bath and Body Treats Elan Metamorphosis

Summer Solstice 2014


Open Ways

The Nine Houses of Gaia presents The 30 Annual Northwest Fall Equinox Festival th

The Chakras: A Journey to the Self Please join us in exploring the Chakras throughout this upcoming year, culminating in the Main Ritual at NWFEF! Event Base Chakra workshop Jan 26/ 5:30-7:30pm Ave, Portland

Description Cost Sexuality/Grounding $10

Location Date/Time Catalyst Art & Cultural Space Sun, 4810 NE Garfield

Survival Chakra workshop Feb 23/5:30-7:30pm

Care for phys body


Catalyst Art & Cultural Space


Fight/Flight Chakra wksp Mar 30/5:30-7:30pm

Reaction to danger


Catalyst Art & Cultural Space


Heart Chakra workshop Apr 27/5:30-7:30pm



Catalyst Art & Cultural Space


Throat Chakra workshop May 25/5:30-7:30pm



Catalyst Art & Cultural Space


Third Eye Chakra wksp June 29/5:30-7:30pm



Catalyst Art & Cultural Space


Crown Chakra workshop July 27/5:30-7:30pm

Connection to divine $10

Catalyst Art & Cultural Space


Kids’ wksp – all chakras



NWFEF – Main Ritual

see reg form/website varies near Silverton, OR


August/TBD Sept 18-21, 2014

For the latest updates and further info, please join our Facebook group “The Chakras: A Journey to the Self” and check out our website at for the NWFEF registration form.


Summer Solstice 2014

Open Ways The Nine Houses of Gaia Presents:

The Thirtieth Annual Northwest Fall Equinox Festival September 18-21, 2014

Important Information – Please read! REGISTRATIO/: Space is limited! Your BEST CHANCE TO ATTEND FESTIVAL is to REGISTER EARLY, by sending a fully paid registration to the address listed. COMPLETED REGISTRATIO/S MUST BE POSTMARKED /O LATER THA/ MO/DAY 9/1/14! If we are full when we receive your registration, we will return your check with a letter of apology, hoping to see you next year. THIS IS THE ONLY WAY TO KNOW IF WE ARE ACTUALLY FULL! PLEASE DO NOT BELIEVE RUMORS, as only the registrar will know that information, and even she won’t know the exact status at every moment. If you are accepted, a confirmation email will be sent to the Main Registrant soon after receiving the registration. A detailed Festival Program will be emailed to that same registrant a couple weeks before the Festival. It is recommended that you review the E/TIRE packet, as park rules may change year to year and print at least the festival schedule and bring it with you. CA/CELLATIO/S/REFU/DS/EXCHA/GE POLICIES: ANY and ALL CHANGES to your registration must be made through the Registration Goddess! If you need to cancel part or all of your registration, we will issue refunds for cancellations before Wednesday, 9/10/2014. Registrations are NOT exchangeable at the gate! Please contact the registrar about ANY changes or questions immediately, and absolutely no later than midnight Wed., 9/10/14 by email, or mail, PO Box 33182, Portland, OR 97292. WORKSHOPS: Please let us know if you would like to conduct a workshop or mini-ritual by attaching a separate, brief description and appropriate age recommendation with your registration, or emailing . Impromptu workshops are welcome, but advance notice will get you into the Festival Program! VE/DORS: Please email your booth name, wares/services offered, etc. to Be descriptive, as vendors will be listed in the Festival Program! The vending fee is $35 plus an item donated to our raffle. Your raffle item will be collected from you on site. Contact for assistance with registration. Contact for questions/concerns regarding onsite matters. VOLU/TEERI/G: We expect the community to help before, during and after the festival. If you are interested in helping with festival preparations prior to the festival, please contact us via email ( or PO Box. Everyone will be asked on site to contribute at least two hours to help with the many tasks, such as ritual site preparation, clean-up, firewood hauling and especially in the kitchen! When you arrive, we will still be in the process of setting up temples and other activity areas. Please do your part by checking in with coordinators of setup projects to offer your assistance. A community builds a festival. And building it together is part of the experience. CO/TI/UE TO /EXT PAGE FOR MORE---------à

Summer Solstice 2014


Open Ways CHILDRE/’S ACTIVITIES: There will be rituals, workshops, and other fun activities for children. Parents are asked to help out with these events. Ideas and suggestions are welcomed. There will be no child care service provided. Parents are responsible for making any child care arrangements. LOCATIO/: Rustic wooded campsite in the mountains, approximately 1½ hours from Portland. (Specific site information available only to registrants). Cabins available (sleep 4-8: be prepared to share). A few wheelchair accessible accommodations available. A limited number of tent-camping spots are available; you must reserve one with the Registration Goddess pre-festival, preferably with your registration. PETS ARE NOT ALLOWED! Please do not ask for special exceptions! PARKI/G: Park Rules state that no RVs are permitted onsite. Vendors (1 vehicle per booth) and vehicles displaying a valid handicapped parking tag have on-site parking available. Please email if you qualify. Parking onsite for regular attendees is limited. Vehicles over capacity are required by the park to be in a designated offsite parking area. If upon arrival you are notified by a staff member that we have reached vehicle capacity, please follow this procedure: After unloading your vehicle, you will need to return to the gate where a shuttle driver will follow you as you drive to the offsite parking area and drive you back to the site. On Sunday, we will shuttle you back to your car so you can return to the site and load your gear. We have been assured that the offsite lot is secure and patrolled. And, as always, we encourage you to carpool to the Festival. ARRIVAL: Check the festival program for the gate opening time on Thurs. evening, do not expect to enter the grounds before then. Cars lining up outside the gate will not be permitted to do so until a certain time as well, please refer to your festival packet for this time and do not show up before then. Your cooperation will ensure a continuing amicable relationship with the park and its staff. The gate will close on time on both Thursday and Friday nights, and remain closed until Sunday. Please plan your arrival accordingly! T-SHIRTS: Our new fundraiser! Please support Open Ways & NWFEF by purchasing a T-shirt to commemorate your festival experience. Pre-order only. $15.00 each, $3 add’l for sizes XL & greater. Pick up your T-shirt order at the gate when you check in. CO/TACT US: With any food allergies, special accommodation needs, questions, or concerns at or NWFEF PO Box 33182, Portland, OR 97292. Please allow 1-2 day response time for basic registration questions, 3-5 days for issues requiring consultation with other festival departments.


Summer Solstice 2014

Open Ways The /ine Houses of Gaia Presents:

The Thirtieth Annual /orthwest Fall Equinox Festival September 18-21, 2014 Registration Form REGISTRATIO/ FEES:

16 years and older 2-15 8-11 4-7 0-3

years years years years

$ 90 AFTER 3/22 (I/CLUDES ALL MEALS*) 1 $ 60 $ 40 $ 20 $ 0

ADDITIO/AL DO/ATIO/S ARE WELCOMED & APPRECIATED! *MEALS: Our Kitchen staff will provide 8 delicious meals: breakfasts, lunches, & dinners Thursday night thru Sunday, in the dining hall. For our Friday evening potluck. we will provide at least one vegetarian and one meat dish. Please participate in the spirit of harvest by bringing Friday dinner potluck food to share (to serve 6-8 people). Beverages, fruit, and other treats will be available throughout festival. Only the Main Registrant will receive a confirmation email, a .pdf Festival Program, and a .pdf subscription to Open Ways. Please fill out separate registrations for adults with different emails who wish to receive these.

ELECTRO/IC CO/TACT – your emailed confirmation, .pdf Festival Program, and .pdf Open Ways will be sent here :

PHO/E CO/TACT in case we need to reach you quickly about your registration :

/ame: Email:

Day Phone: /ight Phone:

REGISTRA/T(S) (Include age if 0-15)


Reg Fee

T-shirts (preorder only)

You: /ame: /ame:

Adult size: Adult Child Size: Adult Child Size:

/ame: /ame:

Adult Child Size: Adult Child Size:


Adult Child Size: Vending? add $35 fee (plus donated raffle item that will be

Plus $15.00 per T-shirt, $3 add’l each for XL or TOTAL

Please make payment by check or money order I/ FULL to ‘/orthwest Fall Equinox Festival’ and mail it to /ine Houses of Gaia, P.O. Box 33182, Portland, OR 97292.

Summer Solstice 2014


Open Ways The Nine Houses of Gaia Open Ways PO Box 33182 Portland, OR 97292 E-mail: World Wide Web:

Proceeds from the /orth West Fall Equinox Festival go to producing Open Ways Thank you for your support! 36

Summer Solstice 2014

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