Yule 2009

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Issue 145

Open Ways

PEn Ways Gateway to the Pagan Communities

yule 2009 Yule 2009


Open Ways Open Ways Gateway to the Pagan Communities Issue 144—Samhain Open Ways is published eight times a year, on the Quarters and Cross-Quarters, by The Nine Houses of Gaia, Inc. Circulation 3400+. Newsletter Staff Editor — Becca of the Dirty Hippies Distribution Team — Ellie, Rob, Dennis Webmaster: — Becca of the Dirty Hippies Submissions Articles, letters, poetry, artwork, etc., are solicited from the community. We reserve the right to edit for length and content. E-mail or send self-addressed stamped envelope for Writers’ Guidelines. Type-written (single-sided) or word processed manuscripts are welcome, electronic submissions via e-mail preferred. Send submissions to:

Open Ways Editor NEW ADDRESS PO BOX 6283 Vancouver, WA 98668 NEW INFORMATION E-mail:

editor@ninehouses.org World Wide Web:

http://ninehouses.org Please do not send the only copy of your work! Manuscripts unaccompanied by a Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope will not be returned. All submissions will be accepted at our discretion. Advertising Ads must be camera-ready. Payment must accompany ad. No credit card payments. Deadlines (page 3) apply. E-mailed ads and their payments must be received by the deadlines. No black backgrounds please! Email Editor for more info. Rates & Sizes (W x H) $15 for a business card size (3.5’ x 2”) $30 for quarter-page (3.5” x 4”) $60 for half page (7” x 4.5”) $120 for full page (7” x 9”) Discount for one-year, pre-paid ads.


Open Ways Gateway to the Pagan Communities Open Ways is printed on recycled newsprint, using soy -based ink. Please help to save our forests — recycle! The Open Ways Editor PO Box 14415 Portland, OR 97293-0415

Subscriptions Subscriptions are $8 for one year or $16 for two years. (International subscriptions: Canada, $12/year; elsewhere, $16/year. U.S. funds only.) Please make checks or money orders payable to “Open Ways..” Sample copy $1.00. Please send request and payment to The Nine Houses of Gaia at the above address. Mission Statement The Nine Houses of Gaia is a non-profit organization incorporated in 1992 to sponsor the Northwest Fall Equinox Festival and publish Open Ways. Open Ways serves as an introduction to and an anchor for pagan communities in Oregon and the Pacific Northwest; a forum for the exchange of scholarly, practical, or experiential information, knowledge, and wisdom; a tool for instruction and communication; a “journal” of events, announcements, ideas, poetry, prose, illustration — anything of benefit or interest to pagans, wiccans, or other nature spiritualists. Copyright © 2008 All rights remain the property of contributing authors and artists. For reprint information, please contact Open Ways. Inquiries will be forwarded to appropriate parties. Statement of Confidentiality Open Ways honors the right to privacy. Information regarding our contributors or subscribers will not be made available under any circumstance. Our mailing list is not for sale or trade. Contributors are encouraged to use pseudonyms.

Yule 2009

Open Ways


OPEN WAYS DEADLINES Table of Contents This deadline schedule includes all articles, artwork, announcements, events and Advertisements. Send everything to the Vancouver address for Open Ways on page 4– Ritual Celebrations, Community 2 . Advertising rates are posted on the bottom of page 2. Events, and Announcements Open Ways Issue



5– Opinion

Samhain 2009 Yule 2009 Brigid 2011 Spring Equinox 2011 Beltane 2011 Summer Solstice 2011 Lughnasdah 2011 Fall Equinox 2011

September 10 November 10 December 10 February 10 March 10 May 1 June 10 August 1

October 10 December 1 January 10 March 1 April 10 June 1 July 10 September1

7– Theater and the Pagan Community by Skookum Chuck 8– Selkie Soul mate by JeanMarie Zubia 9– Reduce-Reuse-RecycleRepurpose Resources PDX Metro are by Aleta 11– Devil’s Dung by Ansur

I wish I could show you, when you are lonely or in darkness, the astonishing

11– Rocket Launched in Search of Water on Moon by Esther O’ the Hill 11– Devil’s Dung by Ansur 12– A Poem for the Goddess by Chance G. 13– Family Corner by Mindi 14– Kids (big & small) Word search


15– A Candle in the Dark by Staci E.

of your own


16– What Guardian Spirit? By Janice Van Cleve 18– Ongoing Activities 20– Pagan Community Directory

- Hafiz

23– Magic Scramble Cover art by Karen B. Art on pages 19 & 23 by Liz P.

Yule 2009

Open Ways FREE COMMUNITY EVENTS AND RITUAL CELEBRATIONS!!! All events on this page are FREE. Event hosts may accept a small donation. Donations are optional and very much appreciated. No one will be turned away for lack of funds. To have your Events listed here, please make sure they fit these criteria: 1) It is offered at no charge. 2) It is within our geographical area, generally, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Western Montana, Northern California, Nevada, Southern BC and Alberta.

Ritual Celebrations

Community Events and Announcements

Yule Ritual - Saturday, December 19, 2009 7pm. Come feast and make merry with MAGIC as we return to ancient Rome with a ritual freeing of Saturn! Explore relationships between work and pleasure. Bring a potluck dish that you have put some energy into. $5-10 donation appreciated. Held at Liberty Hall 311 N Ivy St. Portland, OR. For more info: www.spiralrhythms.org.

Esbat Ritual: At Western Oregon University - Happening twice, Tuesday Dec. 1st HSS Room 111 from 6 to8pm, & Thursday Dec. 3rd at Hamersly Library room 205 from Noon to 2pm. Please contact Abeni for more information at pagan.ifa.vodou@gmail.com or visit http:// universalmindsatwou.blogspot.com/ for directions

Public Yule Ritual - Sunday, December 20, 2009 6pm. This is a potluck event and open to one and all. We will be gathering for crafts at 5pm with Ritual at 6pm. Being held at Covenant of the Blue Moon Church, 108th Ave SE Kent For more info: www.convenantofthebluemoon.org.

Tuesday, December 8 - Inner Journeys, 7pm. A journal-writing circle for women. Bring your journal or come and start a new one. Held at the SisterSpirit office, 3430 SE Belmont #102. Call 503-736-3297 for info. $5+ donation appreciated.

Yule Ritual - Monday, December 21, 2009 6pm. Being held by Sacred Wisdom Healing. This is an open ritual and all are welcome. Donations accepted for the space. Being held at Hawthorne Ave in Pacific, WA. For more info: www.sacredwisdomhealing.com. Open Yule Ritual - Tuesday, December , 2009 7:30pm. Being held by Red Cedar Seed group . Come and join us as we turn the wheel and celebrate the return of the light. Please bring poetry, songs, stories etc. to share. Donations appreciated to help pay for the space. Being held at The Wishing Well, NE 28th St. Suite in Vancouver, WA . For more info: 360910-5960. Festival of Lights Celebration for Women, Sunday, Dec e mb er 20 , 2 00 9, 6 p m. Held by SisterSpirit. Being held at 4312 SE Stark, Portland OR . For more info: 503-736-3297.


Wednesday , December 9 - Women's Healing Circle, 7pm. All women welcome. Being held at the SisterSpirit office, 3430 SE Belmont #102. Call 503-736-3297 for info. $5+ donation appreciated. Wednesday, December 16 - Nature’s Magick, 7:30pm. All women welcome. Being held at the SisterSpirit office, 3430 SE Belmont #102. Call 503-736-3297 for info. $5+ donation appreciated. Thursday, December 17 - Dream Conversations, 7pm. Come and share your dreams and insights with other women! All women welcome. Being held at the SisterSpirit office, 3430 SE Belmont #102. Call 503-736-3297 for info. $5+ donation appreciated. Thursday December 24 - Women’s Writer’s Group, 7pm. All women welcome. Being held at the SisterSpirit office, 3430 SE Belmont #102. $5+ donation appreciated. Call 503-736-3297 or email patmac31@juno.com for info.

Yule 2009

Open Ways


Opinion All opinions, letters, etc. in this section are just that, an opinion. The opinions in no way reflect the publication Open Ways.

Rebuttal to Grant Tittsworth, Bend Oregon Dear Readers: The last issue of Open Ways (Samhain 2009) included a letter that challenged my answer to a question that appeared in the issue before, (Fall Equinox, 2009). The issue at hand is psychopharmaceutical drugs, and apparently, a Mr. Grant Tittsworth from Bend disagreed with my advice. I'll ask the interested readers to find the background of this for themselves in back issues, with the information provided above. Dear Mr. Tittsworth:

name here. As someone who works within the GLBTQ community, you know the damage that can come from 'outing' someone unwilling to be outed. I agree that not all psychopharmaceuticals are temporary, but I never said they were. There is a big difference between antidepressants, used to treat depression, and anti-psychotic medications, used to treat schizophrenia. Anti-psychotics, which you seem to know something about, are beneficial for chronic schizoid episodes. However, the writer of the original question, 'Medicated mage' mentioned Wellbutrin and Concerta specifically, which, as a nurse you know are not anti-psychotic medications.

According to the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-IV-TR), Depressive Disorders have a spontaneous remission rate of 10%, and the outcome is significantly better with active treatment (APA, 2000). On the other hand, regarding schizophrenia, they say a complete remission (i.e. a return to full pre-morbid functioning) is uncommon My statements are based on articles with empirical evidence, (APA, 2000). This means that a depressed person is expected to backed by academic organizations, appearing in peer-reviewed recover and transition off meds; a psychotic person is not. journals, and published within the last 24 months. I stand on my knowledge, and need not defend myself by spouting names of It was unnecessary to delve into specific details regarding the difinstitutions to impress you. These same institutions question our ferences between depression and psychosis in this lay-person's pagan practices as quackery, just as you have done by question- publication. I suppose this makes me guilty of an error of omising me personally, rather than putting forth solid arguments to sion, but I stand by my statements that psychopharmaceuticals are support your opinion. This has nothing to do with the psycho- not always needed as a life-long prescription if the person's Will is behind getting off of them. I also stand by my statement that pharmeceutical controversy itself. ADD and depression clients should be treated with counseling as I welcome intelligent debate, especially on controversial issues. well as medication. However, statements such as "I have never heard such bull in my life, and Sienna has no idea what she is saying" are simply non- 'Medicated mage' asked, "What's a person to do who is on meds informational, ad-hominem attacks, and have nothing to do with and can't get their "feelings" back?" She does not ask what does furthering your pro-medication argument. If you have empirical everyone do, she asks for herself. Her Will is to feel again, and scientific research to back up your opinion, please present it, but being on medication is her obstacle. I answered her from the don't bother the readers with insignificant statements, veiled in- standpoint of "harm none, do as ye Will," as the column header sults, and petty negativity. I never stated that there is anything states. As pagans and magickal workers, we know that what we wrong with people taking medications. The vehement tone of believe helps shape our reality. Even the American Mental Health Counseling Association worries about belief in the disease your letter seems to take issue with something that is not there. model of mental health. A recent column in their journal states: You ask "Who are you, Sienna?" My background is a matter of "The psychopharmeceutical industrial complex (PPIC) and its public record, findable on Google, and sufficient for both the pub- adherence to the disease model pervades mainstream culture and lishers of my book, my clientele, and my employer. I will not 'out' greatly impacts psychotherapy. Consequently, the effects of the (Continued on page 6) myself in a pagan publication as you insist by listing my legal I was shocked to read your provoking opinion of my column. Whether or not to medicate mental health patients is one of the biggest controversies in the Mental Health field. Thank you for bringing this debate to light in a lay-person's publication, in language that a lay-person can understand.

Yule 2009

Open Ways (Continued from page 5) PPIC may have resulted in some psychiatric consumers adopting ProQuest Central. (Document ID: 1871850671). disease-model messages in ways similar to cult indoctrination. Meijer, W., Faber, A., van den Ban, E., & Tobi, H. (2009). Curconsumers adopting disease-model messages in ways similar to rent issues around the pharmacotherapy of ADHD in children cult indoctrination. Consumer adoption of the disease model can and adults. Pharmacy World & Science, 31(5), 509-516. Recreate obstacles to treatment when hope is fundamen- trieved October 18, 2009, from ProQuest Central. (Document tal" (Murray, 2009). ID: 1842188771). In a recent article in Pharmacy World & Science admits to the Whitaker, R. "Mad in America," www.madinamerica.com public that there has only been one study conducted of ADD medications with adult clients, and there have been no long-term studies on the affects of these medications with use over a lifetime (Meijer et al, 2009). This means that some of the medications Greetings Open Ways, have no studies to back up their effectiveness on particular populations. Having attended the NW Fall Equinox Festival this year, I want to acknowledge the people who made this gathering For a layperson's introduction into psychopharmeceutical tech- a delight. Sienna, Becca, and Spyder were the most visinology, I'll recommend Robert Whitaker, author of "Mad In ble and did a magnificent job with the rituals offered, I offer America" and the accompanying website, http:// my thanks. www.madinamerica.com. Whitaker gives the history of antipsychotic drugs and evidence that some psychotic patients do The Amazing Kitchen crew needs a round of applause. better without the psychopharmaceuticals. Mr. Whitaker's state- To Ellie and all of her Workers, I want to make certain that ments include detailed reviews of 100 years of empirical re- your many hours of work are appreciated. I was told by search. several volunteers in the kitchen, that Ellie made the work in the kitchen a fun and rewarding experience. Yea for In closing, let me state that credentials do not make the advice or great leadership, Ellie. ideas sound or unsound; rather the results and effectiveness must be considered and weighed. Traditional societies gave their heal- In gratitude, ers respect for their knowledge and their ability, not because they had a piece of paper that said they were qualified, but because Anne Dryad they could prove it with knowledge and skills. Thanks for the lively debate, and the opportunity to educate the readership of Open Ways. Have a great season, Sienna (References:) American Psychiatric Association. (2000). DSM-IV-TR. Arlington, VA: Author. Murray, T. (2009). The Loss of Client Agency into the Psychopharmaceutical-Industrial Complex. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 31(4), 283-308. Retrieved October 18, 2009, from 6

Yule 2009

Open Ways


Theater & the Pagan Community

ages, Brook further elaborates on this same idea in the play's program note:

By "Skookum Chuck"

"Theater exists to reopen all comfortable convictions. It has the best weapons for breaking I find good theater and it's sister art, film, to be deeply taboos and smashing barriers. These are scandal, violence, and transformative and necessary to the cultural health of our commu- ridicule. But not today. Not nities and nation. Moreover, it’s often an opportunity for the Paany longer. The "shock-effect" cannot hold us any more; it is so gan community to communicate and share with one another, as close to daily life that it has well as have our myriad lifeways affirmed within the larger public become quite ordinary. Today, our urgent need is elsewhere, It is to catch glimpses of what sphere. our lives have lost. The theater can give us a fleeting taste of My thoughts about the importance of theater can be best clarified qualities long forgotten."2 by an article in Parabola, a quarterly journal that focuses on Myth

and Tradition. In the Body & Soul issue is a review of a play by Peter Brook, entitled "Tierno Bokar" which is about an early twentieth-century West African Sufi. The theme of the play is Wisdom. Specifically, the author states:

Some of these ―long forgotten qualities‖ can be found in pagan friendly community-based theater like The Revels, (which presents a production centered around the Winter Solstice as it is celebrated in various cultures every December – more informa"His story draws us deep into an Africa is traditional, ani- tion at http://www.portlandrevels.org); other community based organizations like City Repair (which coordinates the Village mist, impregnated with Islam, Building Convergence each Spring and also various Earth Day shaken by colonialism, and torn apart by internal strife. events – more information at http://cityrepair.org), and of course Starting with a tiny disagreement the NW Equinox Fall Festival (more information at http:// over the meaning of the number 11 as opposed to the www.ninehouses.org). Most of these are free, or very low cost number 12, merciless conflicts arise that lead to massacres, to martyrdom. These tragic events and family friendly ; take an hour, or a day, and revitalize your connections to your family, friends, and neighbors. It's good for create a chain that eventually links a small African village to the highest political decisions of the soul! the Second World War."1 1

Peter Lamborn Wilon, "Making Room for the Mystery: Peter Brook's Peter Brook is the same playwright/director who preTierno Bokar", pg. 90-91, Parabola, Vol. 30, No. 3, Fall 2005. sented the 5+ hour film The Mahabharata in 1990, (adapted from his 9 hour stage play), which I had the privilege of seeing at Cin- 2 Peter Lamborn Wilon, "Making Room for the Mystery: Peter Brook's ema 21 more than 18 years ago. The Mahabharata is an important Tierno Bokar", pg. 88, Parabola, Vol. 30, No. 3, Fall 2005. epic of classical Hindu literature, forming the basis for Hindu Mythology, (along with the Ramayana) – and since the2009 NW Fall Equinox Festival included the Goddesses of India, (Lakshmi, Kali, Devi, Durga and Parvati), I highly recommend this film to deepen connection to the Divine. Viewing the film may give the pagan practitioner another avenue to continue any personal work begun during the Festival; perhaps inspiring further creative ritual ideas, or providing an intensive meditative opportunity. A 3-hour TV version of The Mahabharata is available on Netflix, and the full version is available on Amazon (for a heart stopping $150+ used or $300 new – The DVD was produced in 2002 and is no longer being manufactured). Unfortunately the proliferation of infotainment news hour sound bites and "reality" TV shows says it all: the post 9/11 public has become bored and oblivious to the increasingly outrageous im-

Yule 2009

Open Ways Selkie SoulMate

I recover from my intense surprise thus encouraged, and I sing, humbly honored. To this ailing creature I sing whatever sweet and gentle songs I know, tying my spirit with his. The sea provides a good chorus for my lyrical tribute and I hold up my hands to Reiki him By JeanMarie Zubia Aug. 31, 2009 too. I sing with all my heart, and everything else drops away. As the Reiki energy circles within him, I realize Sunday morning on a beach flung between Nesko- I am singing to ease his passage. win and Haystack Rock, my bare feet on wet sand, I yawn before my first cup for the day. Early sun licks My campmate returns with news that the ranger will warmth on my upraised arms, instantly drenched by not come. I sing to the bull more softly after hearing the sea spray, and the ocean wind flutters my cotton this, and our magical bond slightly ebbs. I decide to skirt. I pay homage to Aphrodite. It never matters get tea, so I gingerly creep down the rock until I am how cold the water is, I always walk in up to my beside him. His eyes open at my movement and I knees to do this ritual. As the sun rays lilt on the crest- say ―I‘ll be back.‖ He surprises me again. With as ing swells, I ask The Goddess to help me open my much effort as he can muster, this dying sea lion heaves his head off the sand, sways it until it is alheart. most level with my chest, and he plants a whiskered, Five minutes later, one of my campmates ap- wet and grateful kiss on my wrist! proaches me and tells of a beached sea lion not far from our site. I walk towards the rock he points out, While at the campfire, I hear that he dies. I return to with an empty cup in my hand, thinking perhaps to the rock and see his body stretched out and still, his hydrate it. Then I see him: a large, brown bull lion, his tender sweet mouth and nose, which had delivered head thrown back in suppressed agony. Mesmer- thanks with dying breath, in eternal repose. ized by his presence and size, I quietly sit on the rock, facing the ocean where he hunches at the edge of The girls create an altar of driftwood and sea shells. Lovers get married close by and a native brother the shoreline. plays guitar to the stiffening corpse. I caress his pelt, Another observer tells me he just vomited some still wet in places, drying in others. So yielding and green liquid, and I see evidence of this spew coloring smooth is the fur of he who bore Aphrodite‘s answer the sand in jade green rivulets beyond his massive to my prayer. With that single, soulful, selkie kiss, my chest. I watch this sea lion for a few minutes. Fa- heart was cracked open, and I will never be the tigued, he finally lays his coppery head on the same. ground. Moved to comfort him somehow, I hum very softly, unsure of its reception. In a few minutes, I get my answer. (To match with image of painting titled: Selkie Love)

The sea lion grunts, and with much effort, he lifts his head to spot me. He strains his flippers to pull himself up, and then ponderously drags his enormous round mass towards me until he is directly below, and he flops back down. The eye facing sky ward slides open, and with an eloquent liquid brown glance, urges me to continue singing. 8

Yule 2009

Open Ways


Reduce~Reuse~Recycle~Repurpose Resources PDX metro area


Veterans Charities, Inc. accepts working appliances, reusable items in good condition only: furniture (sofas, chairs, Compiled by Aleta ~ Ophio Kleitera ~(A/OK! for YOU!) wood desks), clothing, working small appliances such as blenders, irons, coffee pots; and some bathroom fixtures Numerous local charitable organizations accepting clean (no tubs or toilets). (503) 760-1676 decent items : PAWS, Value Village, Veterans, Goodwill, Salvation Army & Numerous Local Thrift Shops - clothing, toys, books, Vietnam Veterans of America in good working condition only small appliances, current hardback and paperback knick-knacks, household etc. books, small pieces of furniture, clothing, and other houseThe ARC Most household goodies except: WILL NOT hold items. ACCEPT: computers, console televisions, console ste- (800) 775-8387 reos, carpet, waterbeds, sofa beds, king-size beds, baby www.scheduleapickup.com furniture, exercise equipment, microwaves, textbooks, enVolunteers of America good working order for reuse. fully cyclopedias or any gas-powered equipment functional clean reusable items in good working condition, (503) 777-4736 small appliances, some furniture, hide-a-beds, current www.thearcmult.org books, clothing, small household items. (503) 774-0948 Assistance League Thrift Shop www.voaor.org (503) 526-9300 www.portland.assistanceleague.org/ Children's Club simple household items, clothing, furniture, beds (503) 257-8035 Oregon Community Warehouse - furniture, household goods - 503.235.8786 - 2189 NW Wilson St, Portland, OR www.communitywarehouse.org Deseret Industries clothing, household items & furniture (503) 777-3895

William Temple House May accept personal computer equipment, small appliances, portable microwaves in good working order, no older than 3 yrs, Craft items yarn, fabric (no scraps!), notions, zippers, thread and buttons. sheets, blankets, books (NO text books, Readers Digest, current encyclopedias, current National Geographic's or romance novels). Might accept encyclopedias if they are 30-40 years old. art, accessories or collectibles, small throw rugs, kitchen items, dishes, silverware, pots, pans etc. clothing and shoes, stereos & TVs (NO consoles) less than 5 years old. furniture, sofas, chairs, outdoor lawn furniture, holiday ornaments and decorations (503) 222-3328 www.williamtemple.org/review.htm

Francis Center (packaged foods/bread), good reusable clothing, particularly children's and men's; toiletries, bedding, small household items kitchenware, pots and pans, FREE GEEK - computers and techy stuff silverware, etc. -1731 SE 10th Ave, Portland, OR 503.232.9350 (503) 775-6784 www.freegeek.org

Union Gospel Mission Most household goods, good runOregon E-Cycles collection sites and services find a colning vehicles, functioning appliances, clean beds lection site near you to recycle electronics: (503) 639-6488 1-888-5-ECYCLE (532-9253) www.ugmportland.org/thrift.html Value Village most clean, useable household items Yule 2009

(Continued on page 10)

Open Ways (Continued from page 9) http://www.oregonmetro.gov/index.cfm/go/by.web/ id=1383 The ReBuilding Center - building materials, fixtures, and more 3625 N Mississippi Ave, Portland, OR - - 503.331.1877 - and for deconstruction: - (503) 331-9875 www.rebuildingcenter.org Habitat for Humanity ReStore - building materials, tile, and more 66 SE Morrison St, Portland, OR - (503) 283-6247 1478 NE Killingsworth St, Portland, OR - (503) 287-9529 1001 SE Water Ave, Portland, OR - (503) 517-0720 4028 SE 34th Ave, Portland, OR - (503) 249-1194 5000 E Fourth Plain Blvd, Vancouver, WA - (360) 2131313 habitatportlandmetro.org/ (503) 283-6247 www.pdxrestore.org

bedding in good condition. Especially needs donations of children's clothing. No toys. also distributes non-perishable food, packaged dry goods, frozen foods and dairy. (503) 823-2119 www.sunshinedivision.org SCRAP - donate/purchase craft/art supplies 2915 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Portland, OR - (503) 294-0769 http://scrapaction.org/ Free Lists: www.FreeCycle.org groups.yahoo.com/group/freecycleportland/ (need to be a member to post - membership is free) Craigslist - can post for free www.craigslist.org/ portland.craigslist.org/ new online directory for green products: http://www.ecometro.com/portland/directory/default.aspx PLEASE ... PASS IT ON!

Schoolhouse Supplies - school supplies - 503.249.9933 www.schoolhousesupplies.org Medical Teams International -reusable medical items, new hygiene products, new blankets, new clothing (503) 624-1028 Mercy Corps Accepts sewing machines, generators, tools, vehicles, agricultural, industrial and medical equipment and supplies. (503) 796-6803 www.mercycorps.org Metro Recycling Hotline - If you have something you don‘t know where to take it, these folks will help - 503.234.3000 www.metro-region.org/ find the proper recycler/disposal location: http://www.oregonmetro.gov/index.cfm/go/by.web/ id=1383 Portland Police Sunshine Division Accepts clothing, shoe, 10

Yule 2009

Open Ways


it… If you buy some that doesn‘t smell too bad--it has been heavily diluted with other substances.

By Ansur You want to ward off the Swine Flu? Hang some of this around your neck—although most people and even your pets will likely avoid you. I‘m sure it is capable of warding Asafetida is a resin from the oriental plant Narthex asafoet- off germs and viruses—and anything else! ida, with a bitter flavor and an extremely strong and vile odor. In the 1800‘s and early 1900‘s it was often missed Bibliography: into a stinking paste (diluted), put in a bag, and hung around children‘s necks (Talk about child abuse!) It was Wikipedia supposed to be able to ward off colds, flu, asthma, and bronchitis. It has such an atrocious smell that it is used to The Herb Book by John Lust prevent bandage chewing and as a repellent to dogs and cats! Cunningham‘s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs by Scott Cunningham When I found out it was used in banishing, exorcism, purifications, and protection incenses, I ordered some—along Unfortunate Personal Experience with some other herbs, via mail order. The entire shipment arrived permeated with the smell of this horrible substance and all the other herbs were contaminated even though each was in its own sealed plastic bag!! I don‘t doubt that this substance can repel ANYTHING and would be great in banishing incenses. ASAFETIDA or ASAFOETIDA

"Rocket launched in search of water on moon"

Syrup of Ipecac--which is used to purge poison from the By Esther stomach by inducing vomiting tastes so bad it causes a O' the Hill person to vomit. Well--Asafetida is better since all you have to do is inhale its fragrance and it will induce vomiting—and you won‘t get a lingering taste of Ipecac in your mouth. Ah Mother, they have punctured the skin of your shinning I repackaged the Asafetida in a thicker plastic bag and aired out the other herbs. Much to my surprise, I could still smell it through the plastic bag! So I put it and the bag in a glass jar with a lid. AND I could still smell it! So now, I have the Devil‘s Dung in a plastic bag, inside a jar inside a bigger jar (both sealed), and believe it or not, you can still slightly smell it!

moon in search of water and signs of life. they do not know that as surely as she holds the tides of your Earth in thrall she holds the mystery of life. Ah Mother, as it wounds you it wounds me.

I did some more research on this material and found out Esther that it used Oriental and Middle-Eastern cooking, and in O' the Hill small amounts in sauces and pickles. I found this hard to believe until I found out that if it is cooked in small amounts, the evil smell changes and becomes palatable. In the meantime, I placed the bagged, double jar of this ‗herb‘ on a shelf with some of my other jars of herbs. And I swear it seems like the other jars are moving away from Yule 2009

Open Ways

Yule Ritual Saturday, December 19, 2009 7pm Liberty Hall, 311 N Ivy St, Portland IO Saturnalia! Come feast and make merry with MAGIC as we return to ancient Rome with a ritual freeing of Saturn! Explore the relationship between work and pleasure. Bring a potluck dish that you have put some energy into, and some spare change for our traditional games of chance! Come alive with the spirit of the Season which began...over 3000 years ago! Mead will be flowing $5-10 donation at the door. No one turned away for lack of funds. Donations go toward covering ritual costs, any excess goes to Spiral Rhythms Festival. This is a family friendly event. www.spiralrhytms.org www.myspace.com/vancouvermagic 360-693-7349

A Poem for the Goddesses By Chance G. Age 12 As I ran through the meadow, sun on my face. Galloping slowly, to the one place I know. I'm alone, except for where Inanna still stays. That is the one place I know, where I can go to worship all of the Goddesses. I stay there from sunrise to sunset. Darkness leads the path back home to start a new day.


Yule 2009

Open Ways


Family Corner by Mindi Starting and maintaining traditions within your family circle is a great way to help to create the warm holiday feelings so many of us crave. Repeating those traditions year after year helps to create life long memories and bonds. It can also be fun to spice things up and throw something new into your holiday. Finding pagan activities for your family is just a mouse click away. The following activities were found by a simple google search. Sun Welcoming Center Pieces: Materials: Flat or bowled wicker basket, Evergreen Boughs, Oranges and Apples, Whole Cloves, Walnuts, Hazelnuts, Wheat Stalks, Flour, Red, Green, and Gold Bows or String. Children of all ages will delight in both making and giving these delightful center pieces. Place the basket in the center of the table. Lay a couple of evergreen boughs (can be found at most Christmas tree lots) in bottom of basket so that the tips flow out from all sides. Spike the oranges all the way around with several whole cloves. Arrange the oranges and apples on top of the boughs. Arrange in a couple of the walnuts and hazel nuts. Place a couple of the wheat stalks standing up amidst the fruit. Lightly dust with flour. Tie bows to the handle and outside the basket. ( Tell children about each special part of the centerpiece. Explain that the baskets were used during the harvests during the season before. The evergreen boughs are symbols of immortality, reminding us that the Sun King is not dead, but reappears at Yule each year to lengthen, brighten and warm the days ahead. The oranges and apples are symbols of the Sun King, The nuts symbolize the seeds as they lay sleeping and awaiting the Sun King's return. The wheat stalks symbolize the yearly harvests and the flour represents the triumph of the forces of light and life.)

You can make your nativity scene by scavenging for small dolls, molding them out of clay, or putting them together from a variety of craft materials (pipe cleaners, fabric scraps, Styrofoam spheres, pop sticks, tissue papers, etc.). Of course, you’ll probably want to adapt your nativity scene. Instead of a manger in a stable, how about a scene in a forest setting, under the full moon? Replace Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus, with the triple Goddess– Maiden, Mother and Crone surrounding a small Sun God crowned with a golden glitter wreath of stars. Ditch the wise men and substitute fairies and elves, and don’t forget to surround the scene with all the animals of the forest looking on at the new baby Sun K i n g . http://www.essortment.com/family/paganparenting_sbrc.htmb Retrieved November , 2009 Yule Chant Brightly burns the Yule log tonight Magic dances in firelight Hold my hand and join the song Raise the Sun King bright and strong Dark is giving way to light As brightly burns the Yule log tonight! ---Akasha Solstice Blessing On this night so long, My Lady keep me in your loving care. I await the sunrise, My Lady And the Sun King who will bear Light and Warmth and Love, My Lady As he has in years before. So guide me to the dawn, My Lady This Solstice Night and ever more. ---Akasha

MAKE A NATIVITY SCENE You don’t have to be Christian to have a nativity scene displayed as part of your holiday decor. Remember that long before the birth of Jesus was celehttp://www.wicca.com/celtic/akasha/yulechildren.htm brated in December, Pagan cultures celebrated the Retrieved November 7, 2009 birth of the Sun Lord at Solstice time. Yule 2009


















































































































































































































































Yule 2009

Open Ways


A Candle in the Dark

few moments, I watch the moon and stars, and honor Astarte and all Mother Goddesses and Bringers of Light. I By SB Elliott light a candle on the hearth; a prayer that all children find shelter and appreciation on this sacred night. And I slip www.ElliottArts.com something special from Santa into my mother‘s stocking The Wheel has turned yet again, and here we are, in the after she finally goes to bed. depths of winter season. Even here, in the darkness and the cold, we have much to celebrate, and many opportuni- Today, I was reading my copy of Barbara Walker‘s ―The ties to grow our connection with the sacred divine. As a Woman‘s Dictionary of Sacred Symbols and Objects,‖ child with no knowledge of Pagan holidays or ceremonies, looking at each reference to Yule for inspiration. I also I often stayed awake all night on the Winter Solstice, with a wanted to see how others before me have connected lit candle for company, and no idea why I couldn‘t sleep— Yule and Christmas, Solstice and family celebrations. And there it was, on page 124: or why I felt refreshed when morning came. Pagan…interpretations of the candle‘s light formerly honored it as a symbol of Juno Lucina, Mother of the Light, who governed the sun, moon, and stars, and also gave newborn creatures the ―light‖ of their vision. Her festival of lights at the winter solstice became the Christian feast of ―Saint Lucy,‖ …with a maiden wearing a crown of candles. …The Yule candle was especially important as a household omen. It was traditionally set to burn through the night from Christmas Eve to the dawn of Christmas Day. …This custom arose from ceremonial rekindling and encouraging Our tree usually has too many ornaments on it because of the new sun. my mother cannot bear to leave a single memory behind. There are gifts from Santa because my mother gave birth to me, and wanted that magic to extend throughout my The candle, the stars, the newborn child, the longest night childhood—the magic of surprise and of giving and of of the year, and the rekindling of hope. But most imporhappy suspense that she felt on the day I was born. This is tantly, the amazing power of a mother‘s selfless love. And the same night that Christians celebrate another mother— reading back over what I have written, I realize that we are Mary—giving birth to a child who became a Gift to many all children of our Mother, the Earth. It is her selfless love people the world over. A night of stars, of god-ness, of that each day allows us to live, and to thrive. Perhaps it is magic, and of each mother‘s selfless struggle to give our time for us to give her something in return. children a few moments of pure joy. The shining eyes of innocent excitement, of wishes fulfilled, and of hope for the future. It is the night that children learn the power of loving, and of giving, because it is so important that our parents enjoy the gifts we have carefully crafted for them. The one night each year that we pray as a nation for peace on earth, good will toward all, and to all a good night. In my family, we have always celebrated Christmas. We have the eternal evergreen tree, glowing with lights and decorations that remind us of years gone by. We have stockings and sometimes a few special presents from Santa. I have always thought of Christmas Eve— December 24—as a time for my mother to shine. And the past few years, as I‘ve learned and grown to embrace my Pagan awareness of Earth‘s Spiral Path, I‘ve labeled December 24 ―The Night of the Mothers.‖

On the Night of the Mothers, I focus my appreciation accordingly. I take special time and patience to hang each ornament just the way my mother wants it. I take a few moments outside after our fragrant evergreen is decorated, and bells, boughs, and bows (all ancient Pagan symbols of the season) hang on our front door. In those Yule 2009


experience. They have lived life and they have the t-shirt to prove it. This was no help to me, though, because I by Janice Van Cleve Copyright 2009. broke with my FOO (Family Of Origin) a thousand years David Spangler – noted author, lecturer, theosophist, and ago, or so it seems. I have no connections with that past thinker – spoke recently about what he called the ―Second nor am I attached to ideas of ghosts, reincarnation, or an Ecology.‖ By this he meant the spirit world which together afterlife. So much for ancestors. with our physical world makes up the total being we call Gaia. He said that this second ecology is inhabited by spe- Many of my witch friends have a familiar, usually a cat. I cies of spirits which are interactive and collaborative states don‘t have any pets. All I‘ve got are these geraniums. of consciousness. They cannot really be defined by our They seem happy enough, as geraniums go, but I can‘t human language, yet they reflect the energies projected say I have any spiritual connection to them and I certainly onto them. It‘s like the Goethe quote about making a com- don‘t think I could count on them to help me in a pinch. So mitment and the universe seems to respond to it. where‘s a girl to turn for a guardian spirit? Spangler‘s goal is to create harmonious mindfulness beI went to a women‘s conference where a series of worktween the two ecologies. shops was being offered. One workshop was a trance Interesting stuff, until he said he had achieved interaction journey into the Other World to find our guardian spirits. I with one of these spirits and he calls him ―John.‖ That‘s wasn‘t having much luck finding one in this world, so I decided to give it a try. Maybe on a non-intellectual level I where I decided to get off the train. could find a guardian spirit to whom I could feel a genuine Lots of people talk about guardian angels, totem animals, connection. This is what happened, exactly as I wrote it benevolent spirit guides and the like and I am sure they are right after the experience: quite sincere. It‘s none of my business to question their beliefs but the notion of spirits with personalities just doesn‘t There I sat on the carpet, my back up against the concrete fly for me. If I ever did have a guardian angel, she sped off block wall. It was too warm in the art room but it is always too warm in the art room. To my left was a woman I had in leather chaps on her Harley a long time ago. met before, although exactly where I could not recall. To I have not had much luck with totem animals, either. I re- my right was a young woman who seemed very into this member once at a Hecate Sickle festival sponsored by the trance stuff and who talked in husky whispers. There were Aquarian Tabernacle Church, we were assigned to clan other women in the room, maybe twenty in all, sitting up or families. Each family had a totem animal. I was assigned lying on the floor. The trance leader had asked us to get to salamander clan. I really tried to get into salamander. I comfortable and there were few inhibitions in this crowd wondered what a salamander thought about or if it had about doing just that. feelings. I even made ―squiggle, squiggle, squiggle‖ noises with the rest of my clan. It didn‘t work. I knew then that The leader started a slow, rhythmic drumbeat. The drum was a djembe, an hourglass shaped form with a taut salamander was not my guardian spirit. membrane over one end and a hole in the other end. It Butterflies offered a possibility. I am a Gemini and I do flit hung by a strap from her shoulder. She walked around and flutter from one thing to another. I like pretty flowers the room, telling us to breathe in and breath out, keeping and I can leave a very light footprint when I want. I am also time on the djembe. We closed our eyes and I took the a warrior type and in the legends of the Maya and the Az- hand of the woman to my right. We are going on a jourtecs, the souls of warriors who died in battle returned as ney,‖ she said. Yeah, right, I said silently to myself. I‘d butterflies. But I am much more solid and permanent than been to sessions like this before. The only journeys I go on a butterfly and I like the gray and cold. So butterflies didn‘t are through the internet or out to meetings. ―We are crossing the street to enter the park. We come to a large, old work either. unlike a yoni.‖ My mental conversation continued. I said Some folks look to ancestors for their guardian spirits. An- I‘d give this a try, so I guess I can stay here until the (Continued on page17) cestors have the advantage of blood relationship and past 16

Yule 2009


Open Ways

(Continued from page 16) the featured speaker comes in tonight. The woman I am holding hands with is really very attractive. Maybe we can go out for coffee together afterwards. ―We hug the tree and send it our love. The tree groans and opens its lips. We step inside and climb down the ladder to a large room in the tree‘s base. It opens to a dirt path through a sunlit forest.‖ I say to myself that I hope nobody saw me hugging that tree in the park. They‘d think I‘m nuts. This ladder Is muddy with footprints, too. I reach the chamber at the bottom and see the others are already starting down the path. ―Hey, wait for me!‖, I cry out, and suddenly some brain cell in my head tells me that I must have entered the trance a couple of drumbeats back there. Sun flows easily through the alder canopy to the rhododendrons that line the path. We come to a grassy clearing through which twines a bubbling brook. ―As you stand on the bank,‖ the trance leader‘s voice murmurs far off but yet in steady rhythm with the djembe, ―you see guardian spirits emerge from the forest beyond. Some are animals and some are ancestors. When yours comes for you, take its hand and step over the brook. They will guide you and protect you on your journey.‖

talking to those ahead of me but already I begin to see silky filaments stringing from tree to tree. I round a corner and fall backward in shock. There before my eyes is the hungry maw of the Spider Woman‘s whorl. A huge nest of densely woven gauze gobbles up the trail in its funnel. The sticky tunnel is anything but inanimate. It pulses and sucks. It‘s cold breath chills me even as its magnetic attraction draws me in. I am scared and totally alone, but I surrender. I let go my fears and allow myself to be pulled into the black void. It seems to have no end, yet, just as I get to the part where the passage is so tight that I have to stoop to pass through, it opens to a chamber – and there she is! Spider Woman. Arachnid Queen.

Before I can squeal or run, she freezes me to the spot with her multi-eyed gaze. How long I remain transfixed there I cannot say. What I can say is that I felt an overwhelming warmth and love coming from her. Not only does it come from her, but it is directed solely to me and is meant for me. Whatever emptiness I felt alone on the trail outside is more than filled by the pure, fully satisfying love that is pouring One by one I see mountain lions, bears, snakes, owls, into me in that dark queen‘s nest. grandmothers, fairies, and crones emerge from the dark woods beyond the clearing and find the woman for whom When or how I emerged from that place I do not know, but they had come. One by one I see my sisters from the art I do know it is not by the route I took to get in. The first room take the helping hands, or paws, step over the thing I recognize is the field with the brook running through brook, and go together with their guardians into the dark it and I hear the trance leader tell us to bid our guardian woods. I wait. No guardian comes for me. I wait some spirits farewell. The other women are hugging their guardimore. Finally I am the only one left. I realize then, with a ans and waving goodbye. I am in a magical fog all my bit of sadness, that no one would ever come for me. So I own and I notice them only peripherally. I slog through the jump across the brook and walk into the forbidding woods water by myself and march my way back to the rhododenalone. drons. The ladder inside the old tree‘s trunk is still muddy. I am the last one up and the groaning tree seals its openThe trees here are black and bare. What few leaves cling ing behind us as we cross the street. ―Breathe in,‖ to their ragged branches are a cold gray-green metallic coaches the trance leader, ―and breathe out. You may shade and the only light that penetrates at all is a pale olive open your eyes when you are ready.‖ color which casts a pallid hue over everything. The trail twists over and around gnarly roots and muddy puddles. We came back into our bodies with tears rolling down our More than once I think of Bilbo and the dwarves creeping cheeks. First the woman on the left hugged me and then through the matted tangles of Mirkwood. I try to catch up the one whose hand was still in mine. Obviously all of us with the others, but always I trip and fall or, frightened, hesi- had been very much moved by this experience. Even tate before pushing on. ―You have come to the lair of Spi- now as I recall it many years later it is as vivid as if it had (Continued on page 19) der Woman,‖ intones the trance leader. Obviously she is Yule 2009

Open Ways ONGOING ACTIVITIES 8 Times a year, each Sabbath — Mystic Art Gathering & Information Circle (MAGIC) holds a public ritual and ceremony for the Solstices, Equinoxes, and cross-quarters in between. Typically in Vancouver or North Portland. These gatherings are free to the public, although a donation can will be passed. Families with kids are welcome. Held on the closest Saturday to the actual Sabbath, 7pm. Locations announced in advance if possible. Call 360-693-7349 or see our listing in the community directory under MAGIC as well as on MySpace. SUNDAYS Non-denominational Sunday service Integrate light into your being. Come to receive blessings and an uplifting spiritual Reading to empower and enlighten your soul. After the service has ended there is a guided meditation to bring prosperity into your life. Held at Crystal Temple 7275 Richmond Ave. For info call 503-2490303 or by web at crystaltemple.org. 1st Sunday Sare-apy. Always the first Sunday (no Sare-apy in August). Join us each first Sunday of the month. Activities include silent meditation, discussion of healing techniques, individual and group healing sessions and introduction to healing arts practitioners. Everyone is welcome, this is a wonderful opportunity for healing– receiving and giving, and for making new alliances. Held at Hands of Freedom Healing 8725 NE Broadway, Portland OR 97220 from 1-4pm. Donations appreciated. 1st Sunday Movie Night Featuring a movie or documentary which cultivates spiritual growth.. Held at Crystal 18

Temple 7275 Richmond Ave. For info call A social event held on the 1rst Wed. of 503-249-0303 or by web at crystaltemevery month at 7PM. We have no set ple.org. agenda or format, just talk and have fun. We are a friendly, non-cliquish bunch who have been meeting for over five years. TUESDAYS Held at the Irishtown Pub, 11600 NE Mill Plain Blvd. Vancouver WA. Open Reiki and healing circle Circle held on the 1rst Tuesday of the month from 9-11am. Held at the Celtic Monthly Pagan Meetup Circle 3717 NW 25th St. Redmond, OR. A social event held on the 2nd Wed of For info call 541-504-4627 or by email every month at 7PM. We just get together pepsi@bendcable.com. to talk and have fun. Held at Old Town Pizza (between 2nd and 3rd on NW Davis). For more info go to http:// www.paganmeetup.com. Witches meetup A social event held on the 4th Tuesday of every month. At 7PM. We have no set Monthly Pagan Meetup agenda or format, just talk and have fun. A social event held on the 2nd Wed of Held at the Guiding Tree 4831 SE Divi- every month at 7PM. We just get together sion Street . For more info http:// to talk and have fun. Held at Old Town www.pagan.meetup.com. Pizza (between 2nd and 3rd on NW Davis). For more info go to http:// www.paganmeetup.com. Green Tara Sadhana Meditation Held every Tuesday at 7pm. Green Tara manifests the female energy of transcen- Reiki Share Circle dent wisdom and enlightened compassion- Every 1rst and 3rd Wednesdays at Sellate activity. Prostrations, mandala offering wood Spirit Feathers, 7704 SE 13th. For and hand madras are taught with this prac- info call 503-230-0249. All are welcome! tice. The practice of Green Tara helps to overcome fear and anxiety, and also devel- Tarot night ops qualities of love, compassion, wisdom Every 1rst Wednesday. Bring your cards, and protection on the path of enlighten- practice readings, become more familiar ment. Held at The Drukpa Mila Center with your card and discuss Tarot with other 872 Belmont St. Salem, OR. Info at readers. Held at Crystal Temple, 7525 N www.drukpamilacenter.com. Richmond. For info cal 503-249-0303 or on the web at info@crystaltemple.org. Guided Meditation 1rst Tuesday at 7pm. Come and journey Reiki Circle with us. Each months theme will be differ- Every 2nd Wednesday come and receive ent. 1235 Commerce in Longview. 360- healing and develop your skills in a sacred 562-1900 or www.werseekers.com. temple surrounded by light beings. Held at Crystal Temple, 7275 N Richmond. For info 503-249-0303 or on the web at WEDNESDAYS info@crystaltemple.org. (Continued on page 19 ) Witches Meetup Yule 2009

Open Ways

19 (Continued from page 18)

Drum circle Every 1rst and 3rd Wednesday at 7pm. Lets explore rhythms and escape reality in a sacred temple. A joyous monthly, multicultural spiritual experience. Using sacred phrases drawn from the worlds many religious traditions, with live music and simple devotional movement. Bring an instrument if you have one, if not we can share. Held at Crystal Temple 7275 N Richmond. For more info info@crystaltemple.org.

(Continued from page 17) happened. I‘ve often seen that old tree in the park and patted its scabby trunk. It does indeed have a large yoni shaped wound on one side. I thank it for being part of that subliminal exercise so long ago. If that was a spiritual experience – if I did walk in the second ecology for a time – so be it. Yet I walked there alone with no guardian spirit to assist me and I found no personality to which I could attach a name."

Chenrrezid Sadhana Meditation Every Wednesday at 7pm. The Buddha of compassion, known as Chenrezig, manifests as enlightened compassionate activity. This meditation practice is taught and practiced, using short sadhana practice. By learning about the nature of compassion and learning his mantra ―Om Mani Padme Hum‖, we can actually become aware of increasing compassion in our own lives. Held at The Drukpa Mila Center, 872 Belmont St. SE Salem, OR. Info at www.drukpamilacenter.com Healers Circle Second Wednesday of every month at 7pm. Practice , meet or visit with others who are interested in Spiritual healing. 7525 N Richmond Ave. in Portland, OR. For more info call 503-2490303. $5 Donation. THURSDAYS Open Meditation Held every Thursday and Sunday from 12-2 pm. Open meditation at Crystal Temple 7275 N Richmond. For info 503-2490303 or info@crystaltemple.org. Morris Dancing Every Thursday join Renegade Rose Morris Dancers, a group of Portland men and women who perform ancient English folk dances on May Day and other community events. We’ll teach you dances. For info call Lev at 971-570-3388 or on the web at www.renegaderose.com

Yule 2009

May there be peace within. May you trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith in yourself and others. May you use the gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be content with yourself just the way you are. Let this knowledge settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise, and love. It is there for each and every one of us."

Open Ways Pagan Community Directory Listing various kinds of resources for the Pagan Community, including circles (both open and closed), church groups, meeting places, study groups, and event organizers. Please, no retail outlets. A listing here does not necessarily mean a specific group can or will help you. To be included in this directory, please send information (limit 50 words which includes name and contact information) to Open Ways, PO Box 6283 Vancouver, WA 98668; or email editor@9houses.org.

12 Steps Pagan Style I am a clean Pagan offering support to assist those on the clean path in Wicca and Paganism. I have 17 years of recovery. I am willing to give assistance, support and counsel to those who are concerned with these issues. midnight_crow@hotmail.com or http://spiralrhythms.org/p12. ADF Druids of Portland NEW Our study group meets on the last Friday of every month and up to 8 times a year for Public Ritual. Affiliated with ADF (Ar nDraoicht Fein), adf.org. We are in pursuit of authentic scholarship and modern practices. See our website atpdx-druids.org. Announcement Board & Community Directory The Web ―Because folks don't have time to check every website or subject line for current events. Come see what your missing.‖ Post: Rituals, classes, workshops ….. http://groups.yahoo.com/groups/TheWeb The altar of Epona and Herne Healing Ministry ATC Our vision is to create a well trained, compassionate Priesthood to serve the Pagan Community. We have an online community, monthly distance healing and prayer request list, and provide free healing to vets and their families. For more info altarepona-herne@yahoo.com. The Ancient and Honorable Order of the Sacred Oaks A Druidic order in the Arthurian/Celtic tradition, chartering groves meeting established criteria and dedicated to authentic Druidic principles and traditions. For those 20

who aspire to the excellence of Druidry, Covenant of the Blue Moon Church Inc. in OR and 501(c)3. 503-235-5774 Our approach to Worship is through the application of techniques found in all aswww.sacred-oak-grove.org. pects of Wicca. We follow a Goddess and God centered path. We believe we can Aquarian Tabernacle Church Serving the PNW since 1979. An interfaith make a change in the world by changing church of Wicca and Earth Religions rec- ourselves. Membership is not required to ognized and accredited worldwide. All attend public circles and events. Anyone welcome at Open Circles near Seattle at interested in membership must request NM & FM. Info and schedule : 360-793 membership info from one of our elders in person before or after one of our events. -1945, classes : 425-821-7246, Pagan Www.covenantofthebluemoon.org or Youth Group: Spiral Scouts International.360-793-9427. 253-517-8984. www.spiralscouts.org Christian Wicca (NEW) A Christian Wicca Eclectic online group. I Brotherhood of the Wooden Chalice We are a group of eclectic Wiccans housed have a humble Christian Wicca group on in Oregon State Penitentiary. We gather myspace. All ages and paths are welcome, once per moon for study, ritual, and mutual please come and join us and put in your support. We have a priest but could use thoughts, questions, spells, altar designs or volunteers and donations. class offering etc. Please nothing negative. khabir.taylor@verizon.net h ttp :// grou ps. mys p ace.co m/ christianwicca. Cedar Mountain Coven We are an eclectic Celtic coven, with some The Earth Gatherings Native American influences. We meet for An eclectic spiritual group with frequent Sabbaths, Esbats, laughter and support get - togethers to discuss various spiritual throughout the Portland/Vancouver area. paths. Sponsors of The Mother Earth GathClosed to new members Samhain to Bel- ering and The Middle Earth Gathering tane, we do keep a waiting list for anyone (June and September), Earth Awareness interested. cedarmountain@gmail.com Festivals, honoring diversity and creating balance between wilderness and civilizaWww.cedarmountaincoven.com. tion. 503-503-1415 bladu@hotmail.com Coven Caer Wy’east Www.earthgatherings.org PO Box A traditional Gardnerian Coven, sponsors a 19655 Portland, OR 97280. non-oath bound, British Traditional Wiccan Outer Court for seekers of traditional Fellowship of the Sacred Moon training.. We prefer to work with seekers We are an eclectic Pagan discussion and 30 years or older. New training cycles usu- study group located in the Yakima Valley ally begin each spring. usually begin each dedicated to the continuance of the Old spring. For more info contact Steward Religion. Our studies include basic, interCreace 503-622-1381 or stew- mediate, and advanced Witchcraft. We ard_creace@msm.com. Yule 2009

21 also have a children's group called ―Moon School‖ where the kids get to learn and interact with other Pagan children. For more information or to participate call 509 - 9 4 5 - 6 5 8 6 o r www.sacredmoonchurch.org.

Open Ways

Learn the Craft of the Wise The main purpose of this group is to educate those in search of their path, to support those who are walking their paths, and to provide a common ground for all. In this circle we honor knowledge, power, persistence, commitment , spirit, the eleForces of Nature Metaphysical and ments, and the universe. We have circles Spiritual Center forming in Portland, Salem and a central Celebration and cultural preservation of Circle forming in Tualatin. For more info Africana spirituality in the Pacific Northvisit http://www.meetup.com/ west! We offer events and a online e-list learnthecraftpdx. of events related to Africana spirituality in the greater Seattle area. To join visit http:// M.A.G.I.C. groups.google.com/forces-of-natureA Vancouver/Portland based group that metaphysical-and-spiritual-center? holds four gatherings a year, teaches hl=en. classes in metaphysics, and provides orFor Info www.fonspiritualcenter.org , daining of clergy, and sponsors the Spiral or call 206-781-3565 or serRhythms Festival. Call 360-693-7349 vices@fonspiritualcenter.org. Email sienna@spiralrhythms.org and Www.spiralrhythms.org/magic for The Hermetic Fellowship more information. Exploring Western Esoteric Tradition: Ancient Mysteries, Wicca/NeoPaganism, Nine Houses of Gaia (9HOG’S)A nonQubalah, Rosicrucianism, Alchemy, profit organization incorporated to faciliGnosticism, Theurgy and Grail Quest. tate networking among pagans in the PaMeets monthly, 3rd Thursday. Informal cific Northwest. Sponsors of Open Ways presentations, open discussion, rituals and Newsletter as well as Northwest Fall workshops occasionally. 1st semester of Equinox Festival. The NWFEF celebrates 2009, special focus on Hermeticism. For the great harvest, begun at Lammus and more info call 503-255-7910 or by web ending at Samhain. Contact info for Open ( p r e f e r r e d ) Ways editor@9houses.org. www.hemeticfellowship.org miforrest@hermeticfellowship.org. North American Council of Witches A non-profit organization. Primary goal is Ile LaiLai NEW protection under the First Amendment of A contemplative ifa-centered spiritual the US Constitution; secondary, lobbying community offering spiritual consulta- for common power, strength in numbers. tions, divination, and Orisa and Ifa initia- Request membership and general infortions to sincere seekers in the Pacific mation at NACW@hotmail.com or call Northwest. www.ilelailai.org or 206-761 503-228-2192. -3565 or iya@ileailai.org. Officers of Avalon, Inc Indigo Lights Circle online teen group A non-profit benevolent organization repA place for uniquely gifted teens to cele- resenting Wiccans and other Pagans who brate and explore the gifts the :Lord and work as police officers and other Lady granted us with. Site address: professionals in the emergency services. www.geocities.com/jinksjustjinks/ Membership dues $25/yr for full Yule 2009

members $15/yr for associate members. Newsletter The Dispatch. Registration forms available at www.officersofavalon.com. PO Box 22 Baraboo, WI 53913-0022. Other Worlds of Wonder (OWOW) We have gathered around a central purpose, the purchase of land for the local Pagan community. We honor all positive traditions, and celebrate diversity at our festival, Sunfest. Contact info as follows: 14308 SE River Rd. Milwaukie, OR 97267. http://www.owow.org or email owoworg@gmail.com. Pacific NW Pagans Yahoo Group An online community for Pagans in the Pacific Northwest, including Oregon Washington, Idaho, Alaska and British Columbia. When posting announcements for events in this group, please be sure they're in PNW. http://groups.yahoo.com/ group/pnwpagans. PACT A democratic, eclectic teaching/training coven in three parts: A semi-private outer circle - by invitation only, two inner-core circles for PACT initiated. Lessons, degrees, and clergy training by PACT university. For info and a waiting list: email — lordansurpact@yahoo.com PDX Pagan Tribe This tribe is for heathens, pagans and free thinking individuals residing in or around Portland, OR, or other metro areas who want to communicate with other like minded folk. Please no political rants, there are other tribes for that. A person has to sign up with Tribe.net for free in order to join this tribe. The tribe is moderated in order to keep out hate mongers and spammers. Web address - http://tribes.tribe.net/ pdxpagans.Portland

Open Ways Polyamory Circle A gathering for folks exploring options beyond monogamy. Discussions include open relationships, extended families, and intentional communities. Everyone interested is welcome to join us. For information and location Laury 503-2854848. Red Cedar Circle (Church of Si. Si. Wiss) Northwest Coast Medicine Johnny Moses teachings to all. Portland/Vancouver area meetings. For information and location call 503-245-5660 or rlouis@hctc.com. Red Cedar Grove, O.B.O.D. We are a Celtic group in Vancouver affiliated with the Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids that enjoy a fun, spirituality and fellowship as we move through the Wheel of the year. We meet about twice a month for a Sabbat ritual and a tutorial. Come and grow with us under the Spirit Filled Red Cedar. Serena at serena@aberle.net or Tursachan at tursachan@comcast,net or 360-608-5458. Rowan Tree Pagan Ministries We offer family oriented, open circles for all Full Moon and Pagan Holiday celebrations. The following are also offered: Pagan Seminary Magic School for adults 18 y/o and up. The Magic Wheel: Moons and Holiday rituals and craft projects for children. The TreeHouse: Outdoor program for kids and The Senesha School of Magic: Magic and mythology for children from the ages of reading up to age 12. Please check our website or call about these offerings and the many others. 541-488-5361 or http://www.rowantreecoven.org. 22

Sacred Oak Grove A Druid Grove in the Arthurian/CelticWiccan tradition. For those seeking a true Druidic path of knowledge, truth, justice, spiritual fellowship, and community service. Esbats, Sabbaths and tutorials. Members commit to both group and individual studies for spiritual growth. Now offering an outer circle. For information call 503235-5774 or oakgrove@teleport.com.

Members range from Portland to Hood River and Mt. Hood. Please send letter of intent to HPS Belle Evergreen at belleevergreen@yahoo.com.

Silver Birch Grove, Order of the Sacred Oaks If the bardic arts call to you, and your love of the Goddess and God speaks to you through Celtic and Arthurian-based mythology and lore, come walk our Pagan path with us as we renew our grove. Now in Vancouver, The Saint James Project A Shamanic Arm of the Red Witch Tradi- W A . C o n t a c t silvertion. Includes Indigenous Shamanic train- birchgrove@hotmail.com or (503) 235ing, pilgrimages and extensive herstory/ 5774 or (360) 936-1035. history from the first century CE to the present. Prerequisite: Reiki 3 and 3 years S i l v e r Star Circle magickal hands-on experience. Meets at A Celtic Pagan circle meeting for Sabbats, Toad House in McMinnville Oregon. full and new moons, weekly class and more. 7 6 y 0 C o n t a c t i n f o w o r l d - Located in Battle Ground Additional. Info: email slvrstarcircle@yahoo.com. tree1@verizon.net. Seattle Goddess Group A new site dedicated to worship of the Seattle based deity (As first seen in the ―Summer of 2008 art book) ―Let your love grow‖ is her prayer. http:// groups.yahoo.com/groups/ seattle.godess/ or SeattleGoddess@yahoogroups.com.

SisterSpirit Women's spirituality organization honoring the Divine Feminine and celebrating the Goddess in all Her forms. Featuring ongoing classes, circles, workshops and one monthly ritual. Presenters of the annual PaganFaire. Contact information as follows: PO Box 9246 Portland, OR 97207. 503736-3297. www.paganfaire.com. sisterShadowluz spirit.portland@gmail.com. Eclectic coven that emphasizes increasing www.teleport.com/sisterspirit the power of the individual through strength of our Gestalt, focusing on diver- Sophia Sanctuary Women’s Temple sity in beliefs and the practice of Magick We are a circle of women committed to Members range from Portland to Hood healing, education ritual and service. River and Mt. Hood. Please send letter of (HERS) We celebrate the eight holy days of intent to HPS Belle Evergreen at belleever- the wheel: Solstices and Equinoxes are for all genders and families; Cross quarters are green@yahoo.com. for womyn only. For information: http:// or http:// Silver Birch Grove, Order of the Sacred www.sophiasancuary.org Oaks groups.yahoo.com/group/ If the bardic arts call to you, and your love SophiaSancuary. of the Goddess and God speaks to you through Celtic and Arthurian-based my- The Sorcerers Guild thology and lore, come walk our Pagan Dedicated to the enhancement of Magickal path with us as we renew our grove. Now work within its membership. Yule 2009

23 Public meet-up at the Dancing Beans 1615 SE 12th Ave Portland, OR held monthly. Email thebinder7@yahoo.com for date and time. For more information: http:// sorcerersguild.tribe.net http:www.sorcerersguild.com, or http :// grou ps .mysp ace.com/ sorceryguild. Spellbound teen online group An online community for teen Pagans and Wiccans. Our goal is to offer personal pages, forums, articles, links, and other ways of interacting with teens who have similar interests in Paganism and Wicca. Site address: http:// spellboundtpn.ning.com.

Open Ways www.wiccawomen.org, 541-485-3654 Email: normahp@iglide.net.

Women of African Ceremony atruli — — — — — — We are women who honor the earth and our African heritage through ceremony elpls — — — — — and ritual. We meet monthly. Location is Portland, OR. 503-238-1151 dnwa — — — — Women of the Goddess Women of the Goddess is a Pagan community in the Dianic tradition. Membership is open to women over 18 years old of good intent who sincerely subscribe to our purpose. Location Seattle, WA. Contacts: janicevc@seanet.com or 206-322-2436.

astlcyr — — — — — — — ecricl — — — — — — cagim — — — — — nnteit — — — — — —

World Tree Prayer Network teraun — — — — — — Prayer and emergency energy work at no fee; serving the internet since1994. Post wsodo — — — — — your own requests. Have permission of the energy recipient first; then, include full tsaifew — — — — — — — name, age, basic location including city, state and country along with basic problem. PRAY FOR PEACE! http://tribes.tribe.net/ worldtreeprayernetwork

Peace Garden Peace Garden open from dawn to dusk for quiet prayer and meditation. 20’ lavender peace pole, erected in 2002, PEACE written in thirteen languages. Hard working garden volunteers always needed. Hard working garden volunteers always needed. Write for information. Location: McMinnville OR.www.toadhousepeacegarden.org. http://tribes.tribe.net/ The Well of Diancecht toadlovers.. d a r g o n - Provides free sacred energy healing to veterans, active duty military and their famifly5555@verizon.net. lies. We also list practitioners offering slidWashington County Covenant of Uni- ing scale services to service members, vettarian Universalist Pagans erans and their families. Info at well of di(WCCUUPS - at yahoo groups): Meets ancecht@yahoo.com or altarepona2nd Sunday of the month, 1 - 3 PM for hrne@yahoo.com Pagan Book Group, 22785 NW Birch Street, Hillsboro, near Orenco Station. Witches of Westwick Paranormal SociChildcare available upon request. Also ety meets irregularly for other events. Contact Centered in the beautiful foothills of the Alana at Isis23Ra@yahoo.com for ques- Columbia River Gorge. Specializing in tions. Esoteric research and Theology. Dedicated to tribal rites of passage as well as the Major and Minor Pagan Holidays & Festivals. (WICCA) A women’s church dedicated to the God- We love to explore the enchanted as well dess in Her many forms. Groups, newslet- as the chilling. Contact Leanna at devasdeter, retreats, rituals and classes. Contact light@yahoo.com or 541-490-5718 . info: PO Box 5296 Eugene OR 97405 Yule 2009


Open Ways The Nine Houses of Gaia Open Ways PO Box 14415 Portland, OR 97293-0415 Address Service Requested


Proceeds from the Northwest Fall Equinox Festival go to producing Open Ways Thank you for your support! 24

Yule 2009

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