Yule 2008

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Issue 135

Open Ways


PEn Ways Gateway to the Pagan Communities

YULE 2008 Yule 2008

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Open Ways Open Ways Gateway to the Pagan Communities Issue 134—Fall Equinox Open Ways is published eight times a year, on the Quarters and Cross-Quarters, by The Nine Houses of Gaia, Inc. Circulation 3400+. Newsletter Staff Editor — Becca Nichols Distribution Team — Ellie, Rob, Dennis Webmaster: — Paul of Edgewood Submissions Articles, letters, poetry, artwork, etc., are solicited from the community. We reserve the right to edit for length and content. E-mail or send self-addressed stamped envelope for Writers’ Guidelines. Type-written (single-sided) or word processed manuscripts are welcome, electronic submissions via e-mail preferred. Send submissions to:

Open Ways Editor NEW ADDRESS PO BOX 6283 Vancouver, WA 98668 E-mail: editor@9houses.org World Wide Web: http://www.9houses.org/OpenWays/ Please do not send the only copy of your work! Manuscripts unaccompanied by a Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope will not be returned. All submissions will be accepted at our discretion. Advertising Ads must be camera-ready. Payment must accompany ad. No credit card payments. Deadlines (page 3) apply. E-mailed ads and their payments must be received by the deadlines. No black backgrounds or jpg’s please! Email Editor for more info. Rates & Sizes (W x H) $15 for a business card size (3.5’ x 2”) $30 for quarter-page (3.5” x 4”) $60 for half page (7” x 4.5”) $120 for full page (7” x 9”) Discount for one-year, pre-paid ads.

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Open Ways Gateway to the Pagan Communities Open Ways is printed on recycled newsprint, using soy -based ink. Please help to save our forests — recycle! The Nine Houses of Gaia, Inc. P.O .Box 14415 Portland, OR 97293-0415

Subscriptions Subscriptions are $8 for one year or $16 for two years. (International subscriptions: Canada, $12/year; elsewhere, $16/year. U.S. funds only.) Please make checks or money orders payable to “Open Ways..” Sample copy $1.00. Please send request and payment to The Nine Houses of Gaia at the above address. Mission Statement The Nine Houses of Gaia is a non-profit organization incorporated in 1992 to sponsor the Northwest Fall Equinox Festival and publish Open Ways. Open Ways serves as an introduction to and an anchor for pagan communities in Oregon and the Pacific Northwest; a forum for the exchange of scholarly, practical, or experiential information, knowledge, and wisdom; a tool for instruction and communication; a “journal” of events, announcements, ideas, poetry, prose, illustration — anything of benefit or interest to pagans, wiccans, or other nature spiritualists. Copyright © 2008 All rights remain the property of contributing authors and artists. For reprint information, please contact Open Ways. Inquiries will be forwarded to appropriate parties. Statement of Confidentiality Open Ways honors the right to privacy. Information regarding our contributors or subscribers will not be made available under any circumstance. Our mailing list is not for sale or trade. Contributors are encouraged to use pseudonyms.

Yule 2008

Open Ways TABLE OF CONTENTS A nice quiet neighborhood Where nice people stood, Admiring the fact that everything’s good. Their yards are perfect, Their houses are clean. Their children are quiet, Their dogs are not mean. Moneys not a problem, Poverties a choice, And every single person has there own voice. Wouldn’t it be great, If it wasn't all fake? If the yards were really perfect, The houses were clean, If the children were quiet, The dogs were not mean. If money wasn't a problem, Poverty was a choice, And every single person had their own voice. Then what would we do? Absolutely nothing.

3 - Poem by Nykole Kessinger 4 - Rituals, announcements and events 5 - Ongoing events 7 - Advice from the priesthood by Sienna 8 - Winter blessings by Staci Elliot 9 - 10 - Drum thee Her heartbeat… awaken His dance by Thuri Calafia 11 - 15 - Do people really shop for Shamans? By Silverstar Red Crow 15 - 19 - The wolves of winter by Rev. Lynn Stanley

By Nykole Kessinger written at age 8

20 - The perils of popularity by Roy 21 - 23 - Community directory OPEN WAYS DEADLINES This deadline schedule includes all articles, artwork, announcements, events and Advertisements. Send everything to the Vancouver address for Open Ways on page 2 . Advertising rates are posted on the bottom of page 2. Open Ways Issue



Brigid 2009 Spring Equinox 2009 Beltane 2009 Summer Solstice 2009 Lughnasadh 2009 Fall Equinox 2009 Samhain 2009

Dec. 13 Jan. 25 Mar. 13 April 25 June 13 July 25 August 25

Jan. 10 March 1 April 10 June 1 July 10 Sept. 1 Oct. 10

Yule 2008

Artwork by Kristin K.

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All events on this page are FREE. Event hosts may accept a small donation. Donations are optional and very much appreciated. No one will be turned away for lack of funds. To have your Events listed here, please make sure they fit these criteria: 1) It is offered at no charge. 2) It is within our geographical area, generally, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Western Montana, Northern California, Nevada, Southern BC and Alberta.

Yule Ritual celebrations

Announcements and events

Tuesday Dec 2nd and Thursday Dec. 11th - Open Meeting’s (WICCA) Come and find out who we are, and what we do. We welcome your interest. Meeting dates and locations are December 2nd in Eugene: at the EWEB building ,500 E 4th ave. at 7PM and December 11th in Clackamas: at the Clackamas Inn , 16010 FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS SE 82nd Drive at 7PM. Women in ConDecember 21 2008 at 6:00 PM at the scious Creative Action PO Box 5296 Sellwood Masonic Lodge 7126 SE Eugene, OR 97405 or 541-495-3654. Milwaukie Ave. Portland OR. Come and join us for a ritual and potluck dinner feast in celebration of the many tra- Tues. Dec. 9th at 7pm - Inner Jourditions that surround the Winter Solstice. neys Call the SisterSpirit office at 503-736-3297 A journal-writing circle for women. Bring for information. $5+ donation gladly acyour dream journal or come and start a cepted. new one. Topic: Inner dialogue. Winter is a CRYSTAL TEMPLE YULE AND HOLIDAY PARTY December 13 2008 at 7PM. 503-2490303 or info@crystaltemple.org Still being planned as of printing so call for info.

time of deep introspection. We will use free write and dialogue techniques to conMAGICS YULE CELEBRATION nect to our inner wise women. All women December 27 2008 at 7Pm. Circle cast welcome. Held at the SisterSpirit office, at 8PM at Liberty Hall 311 N Ivy 3430 SE Belmont #102 Portland, OR . street Portland, OR. Call 503-736-3297 for more information. Come join MAGIC for a Yule to celebrate Donations of $5+ gladly accepted. the ―Rebirth of the King!‖ A tradition based magickal ritual celebrating the cycle of Life, Death, and Rebirth. Bring a potWed. Dec. 10th at 7PM- Women's luck dish to share along with a white elehealing circle Topic: Finding light in the phant gift exchange for after the ritual. darkness, celebrating the Winter Solstice. Call 360-693-7349 or email siWe will also be studying the Goddess enna@spiralrhytms.org for more info. $5 - Etain, the Shining One. Bring any fairies or 10 donation gladly accepted but nobody items for the altar to be blessed. All turned away for lack of funds. Donation women welcome. Held at the SisterSpirit bar drinks available. Kids area will be open office, 3430 SE Belmont #102 Portland, in the basement, parents required to donate OR.. Call 503-736-3297 for more infortime if they use it. mation. Page 4

Fri. Dec. 13th and Sat. Jan. 10th - Open Full Moon Rituals. Open full moon rituals with drumming after until 9PM. Held at Essential Elements 3135 SE Hawthorne Blvd. Portland, OR. Call Essential Elements at 503-231-2831 or Thuri at 503956-7258 or by email tcalafia@gmail.com for mor information. Donations gladly accepted to offset cost. Wed. Dec. 17th at 7:30pm - Magickal Study Group. Held at the SisterSpirit office, 3430 SE Belmont #102 Portland, OR. Call 503-736 -3297 for more information. $5+ donations gladly accepted.Thurs. Dec. 18th Dream Conversations. Come and share your dreams and insights with other women! All women welcome. Held at the SisterSpirit office, 3430 SE Belmont #102 Portland, OR. Call 503-736-3297 for more information. $5+ donations gladly accepted. Thurs. Dec. 26th - Women's writers group. Topic: To be announced.. All women welcome. Held at the SisterSpirit office, 3430 SE Belmont # 102 Portland, OR. Call 503-736-3297 or email patmac31@juno.com for more information.

Yule 2008

Open Ways ONGOING ACTIVITIES 8 Times a year, each Sabbath — Mystic Art Gathering & Information Circle (MAGIC) holds a public ritual and ceremony for the Solstices, Equinoxes, and cross-quarters in between. Typically in Vancouver or North Portland. These gatherings are free to the public, although a donation can will be passed. Families with kids are welcome. Held on the closest Saturday to the actual Sabbath, 7pm. Locations announced in advance if possible. Call 360-693-7349 or see our listing in the community directory under MAGIC as well as on MySpace.

Non-denominational Sunday service Integrate light into your being. Come to receive blessings and an uplifting spiritual Reading to empower and enlighten your soul. held at Crystal Temple 7275 Richmond Ave. For info call 503-249-0303 or by web at crystaltemple.org.

1st Sunday Sare-apy. Always the first Sunday (no Sare-apy in August). Join us each first Sunday of the month. Activities include silent meditation, discussion of healing techniques, individual and group healing sessions and introduction to healing arts practitioners. Everyone is welcome, this is a wonderful opportunity Full moon rituals - open On the Saturday night closest to the full for healing– receiving and giving, and for moon, starting at 7pm with drumming making new alliances. Held at Hands of afterword until 9pm. OFMs are held at Freedom Healing 8725 NE Broadway, Essential Elements Herbal Apothecary, Portland OR 97220 from 1-4pm. Dona3135 SE Hawthorne blvd. in Portland. For tions appreciated. upcoming dates look in the free ritual celebrations and announcements. All full TUESDAYS moon rituals are free but donations are Open Reiki and healing circle gladly appreciated to help offset costs. For Circle held on the 1rst Tuesday of the more information call Essential Elements month from 9-11am. Held at the Celtic at 503-231-2831 or Thuri at 503-956-7258 Circle 3717 NW 25th St. Redmond, OR. as well as email tcalafia@gmail.com. For info call 541-504-4627 or by email pepsi@bendcable.com. SUNDAYS Witches afternoon teas Witches meetup Once a month, on a Sunday afternoon A social event held on the 4th Tuesday of from 2-4pm, Thuri Calafia and Camella every month. At 7PM. We have no set Cook sponsor theme based parties deagenda or format, just talk and have fun. signed to build community through raising Held at the Guiding Tree 4831 SE Divimoney for various local Pagan organizasion Street. For more info http:// tions and charities, on a donation only ba- www.pagan.meetup.com. sis. All teas offer free refreshments and reading by volunteers. Each month is a different theme, either seasonal or whimsiWEDNESDAYS cal. Look in the free Ritual celebrations and Witches Meetup announcements for coming dates. For A social event held on the 1rst Wed. of more information call Essential Elements every month at 7PM. We have mo set at 503-231-2831 or Thuri at 503-956-7258 agenda or format, just talk and have fun. as well as by email tcalafia@gmail.com for We are a friendly, non-cliquish bunch who coming dates. have been meeting for over five years. Yule 2008

Held at the Irishtown Pub, 11600 NE Mill Plain Blvd. Vancouver WA. Monthly Pagan Meetup A social event held on the 2nd Wed of every month at 7PM. We just get together to talk and have fun. Held at Old Town Pizza (between 2nd and 3rd on NW Davis). For more info go to http:// www.paganmeetup.com. Reiki Share Circle Every 1rst and 3rd Wednesdays at Sellwood Spirit Feathers, 7704 SE 13th. For info call 503-230-0249. All are welcome! Tarot night Every 1rst Wednesday. Bring your cards, practice readings, become more familiar with your card and discuss Tarot with other readers. Held at Crystal Temple, 7525 N Richmond. For info cal 503-249-0303 or on the web at info@crystaltemple.org. Reiki Circle Every 2nd Wednesday come and receive healing and develop your skills in a sacred temple surrounded by light beings. Held at Crystal Temple, 7275 N Richmond. For info 503-249-0303 or on the web at info@crystaltemple.org. Drum circle Every 3rd Wednesday. Lets explore rhythms and escape reality in a sacred temple. Bring an instrument if you have one, if not we can share. not we can share. Held at Crystal Temple 7275 N Richmond. For more info 503-249-0303 or info@crystaltemple.org. THURSDAYS Open Meditation Held every Thursday and Sunday from 12 -2 pm. Open meditation at Crystal Temple Continued on next page Page 5

Open Ways 7275 N Richmond. For info 503-249-0303 or info@crystaltemple.org.

Intro to Tantra With Sienna & Spyder

Morris Dancing Every Thursday join Renegade Rose Morris Dancers, a group of Portland men and women who perform ancient English folk dances on May Day and other community events. We’ll teach you dances. For info call Lev at 971-570-3388 or on the web at www.renegadeerose.org. SATURDAYS Salamander Reiki circle Intense monthly 3 hour reiki circle, meeting each last Saturday of the month. Free attunements and training. Must RSVP one week in advance. Contact info: Mark Dragonfly Freemon 503313-6490 or dragonfly5555@verison.net, http://tribes.tribe.net/ toadlovers.

A series of 6 Sunday classes teaching the basics of Tantra in a sacred, safe, fun, environment. Pranayama, Chakras, Kriyas, Karezza, Kundalini, Puja, Maithuna, and other aspects are explained in plain English to enlighten and expand enjoyment of Sacred Sexuality. Suitable for singles, couples, straight, gay, bi or ? seekers. There is no in-class

nudity, however, we do give out lots of fun homework!

Class begins Jan. 11th, 2009. $25 per class, $150 series

Sponsored by:

360-693-7349 sienna@spiralrhythms.org Come celebrate the rebirth of the King!

Yule Saturday 12.27.2008 Doors open at 7pm, Circle cast at 8pm Liberty Hall 311 N Ivy St. Portland M.A.G.I.C. fundraiser for Spiral Rhythms $5-10 Suggested Donation, No one turned away for lack of funds For further info: 360.693.7349 or sienna@spiralrhythms.org www.myspace.com/vancouvermagic

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Yule 2008

Open Ways Advice from the Priesthood By Sienna This column is intended to be a format for the general Pagan population to ask anonymous questions regarding anything to do with the pagan lifestyle, from spiritual Earth worship to living in our modern-day society. Questions are answered from the philosophical standpoint of “Harm none, Do as Ye Will.� If you have questions for us, please write to Sienna@spiralrhythms.org, or send a letter to the editor of this paper. All questions shall remain anonymous.

The rule is this: if your words fall on deaf ears, don't speak. In other words, if you think the person is going to understand WHERE the information came from, and take it on that level, and not as some spooky pre-cognitive mumbojumbo that's gonna freak 'em out, then speak what you know and how you got that info, but only if the opportunity casually presents itself. Don't seek out people to tell them precognitions. If they are "supposed" to know, then the Universe will make sure that you get to tell them.

Howdy there,

4. What causes these MMs, the numbing sensations and why me? I've been having this experience where I just zone out, my body Uhhh....errr...I can't tell. Not on this limited amount of gets numb, and I speak out loud about things in the future or information. It could be a number of causes, all unique to your things I have no idea. I've been calling these things Mighty Mes- situation. Could be otherwordly entities, could be chakra blocksages because of the force that comes through with them. Ques- ages being freed up, could be a number of things. Again, please tion 1 How do I know for sure that the Mighty Messages are from seek out the services of a high priest or priestess to figure this out. good beings? or from who? I don't care too much who, but it is Just about any of the groups listed in the directory of this publicalike they're using my voice. 2. I tend to shake and cry alittle after- tion have a few good folks hanging about. wards. I am not scared but it is odd and I am not sad. It's like my body is overwhemled or something. Do I ground like I do after 5. I am excited about this gift but don't know where to start with ritual with cakes and ale. 3. How do I know when to share? Espe- it ,do you know of any good books or exercises to help me to focially if it is for someone i know and they didn't ask for this info. 4. cus? What causes these MMs, the numbing sensations and why me? 5. Any book on psychic awareness should be okay. I havn't I am excited about this gift but don't know where to start with it ,do found the best book, but one of the better ones is "Modern you know of any good books or exercises to help me to focus. Magick" by Donald Michael Kraig. Also "Psychic Self Defense" by Dion Fortune, but that's had the title changed on it, so I'm not Love to you, sure what they call it now. Again, though, if you really need the Psychic Coming Out right book for this, go to Powell's and browse the metaphysical section. It will 'call' to you from the shelf. (By the way, book Dear PCO; magick works also on the internet, but everyone has a different method of working it.) I'll go into your questions one by one, So here goes: The most important thing about these messages is that you don't block them. You will expend more energy trying to 1. How do I know for sure that the Mighty Messages are from keep them from surfacing than you will simply postponing their good beings? or from who? emergence until you are in a safe place to express them. If you This is a trial and error thing on one hand, and an instinc- find these messages want to come out while you're driving, cooktual thing on the other hand. There's a way to figure it out via ing, or doing any other dangerous activity, stop it with a forceful guided meditation, but you'll need to find a high priest or priestess "NO!" inside your head, then tell it when it would be convenient to work with who can guide you through it. to attempt another try at the message. So to sum it up, yes it's common, I don't know what 2. Do I ground like I do after ritual with cakes and ale? causes your particular sensations, and there are a lot of good books No, go one better than that; go outside and hug a tree out there that will help. Don't block the energy and learn that you when you're THAT overwhelmed. Don't try to send it through are in control here; they have no outlet at all without you. your feet into the floorboards of a house--at times like that you need to rely directly on Mom...uhm...Mother Earth that is. Good luck! Sienna 3. How do I know when to share? Especially if it is for someone i know and they didn't ask for this info. Yule 2008

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Open Ways Winter Blessings I am sending out the seeds of my new beginnings. A happy Fool, stepping blindly forward into the wind, looking back over my shoulder at where I have already been. I take time almost every day to be introspective, to gather my awareness's, and hoard my resources as they are slowly used up. I am in Winter—in between the new year and the old. I am lifting the veil between reality and perception, honoring the gifts I receive, enjoying the people who comprise my Spirit-Family. It is a time of wonder and discovery as nurturing traditions are revealed and shared—yet I wonder if my gathered resources will last the winter, keep body and mind together until the next harvest can be reaped. Winter is a season of renewal. It is a time to hibernate, and thank our ancestors and our connection to all that is for the harvest we have gathered to us in warmer seasons. For me, the Solstice and its surrounding family of holidays are an opportunity to honor a year's worth of efforts, and welcome wisdom to our table in the guise of an old friend, a young child, a hungry stranger, or an empty place set for those whom we would like to see again. The chill winds and rushing rains encourage us to stay indoors, drink a mug of tea, and think about all we have done and all we have learned. We rest, and plan our next steps forward into the coming year, when the Earth Circle has turned further toward the light in Her ever-changing spiral of days. In the Medicine Woman Tarot by Carol Bridges, the Death Card presents as Sunset. And Sunset is simply an opportunity to appreciate our immersion into darkness. When our dis-eased aspect falls away, we more fully embrace health and life and joy. We let go of that which has constrained us or is no longer of service in our lives. At sunset, we appreciate how many different colors blend together into light. And after sunset, we see the stars. We draw faintly remembered patterns between these distant bits Page 8

of light, weaving hearth-side tales of ancient tradition, of lessons learned and loves spurned, hopes lost and then renewed. We connect with the reflected light of those who came before, and we thank them for their Knowing Ways. It is a Journey inward rather than onward. Winter and Death, like the setting sun, are opportunities to appreciate a different aspect of our life cycle. Time given to us each year that we may appreciate Earth's constant potential for renewal, and the silence of hope-thoughts just before a birth. Time to appreciate the vital structure of delicate branches behind beautiful leaves, the intense silence beneath everyday sounds, the crisp refreshment of winter air that is cleansed of all but its most basic elements. Without Winter, there is no Spring. Without darkness, we could not fully appreciate the Moon, the stars, the comfort of a Mother's voice whispering hushed lullabies like snowflakes, spiraling gently down to our upturned faces. Without darkness there is no light. Seeing the tired and barren Earth, I learn to look for more than superficial beauty, and I grow in appreciation for Her previous abundance, for her wise and indomitable grace. I welcome Winter. The energy of endings, of goals manifested and wise council given or received. Welcome this quiet, refreshing awareness that with each ending, there is the opportunity for some wonderful and new beginning. At this time of year, I am filled with reverence, with intention, and with respect for Earth's ancient cleansing presence. A goblet of water and a winter apple rest on my hearth to honor all that has been, and welcome all that is yet to come. To give thanks for Fall's harvest, and welcome hope into my home. Joyous blessings of the season to you. I wish you well on your Journey. --Staci .Elliot

Yule 2008

Open Ways

Drum thee Her heartbeat... awaken His dance! It begins in darkness as bright stars twinkle in a cold clear sky. Hundreds of feet shuffle for a secure pathway among the rocks, sometimes stumbling, sending surprised folks careening into the secure arms of their fellows who reach out to stop their fall in the deep black of the waning night. Hushed voices discuss locations for the best view of coming attractions, and old friends squeal with excitement upon gaining the hilltop, when they recognize the shadowed faces of those dear in heart and spirit. Finally, silence falls over the excited group for a suspended moment in time as gods and elemental energies are invited to join the celebration. The sky begins to pale, sweeping the snowy landscape with pink, pale yellow, orange. A deep rumbling sounds from a large frame drum as a lively pitter-pat of a doumbeck sounds in counterpoint, as answer. More drums join in, and more. The rhythm rises, matching the heartbeat of dozens of excited souls as together, they create the waves of sound which match the tides of the earth. High on the air, a flute can be heard, trilling out the joyful emotion of a woman who stands a little further back on the hillside – as she is the first to spy the Bright Lord of the waxing year. As the golden orb that is the Sun God’s chariot slowly slips above the frosty horizon, the palette becomes brighter. Bold strokes of gold, orange, and deep rose turn almost crimson in the clouds above, reflected in the sparkling blanket of snow leading to the awaiting crowd. Those who do not drum, dance. They whirl and dip and bounce to the rhythm, shouting “Awaken! Awaken!” and the drummers pick up the pace. Some people cheer, some wipe joyous tears from their eyes, and all drum louder, harder, more ecstatically as the fiery ball of light gains purchase and climbs the horizon’s starlit stair. A shout of "He comes!" can be heard above the drumming, and the beat reaches its own fiery crescendo. Shouts of joy can be heard; words of praise and welcome to the shiny new Sun God fill the air. All is silent again for just a moment, and then the drumming begins once more. Food is pulled from coolers and backpacks, libations are poured upon the ground in thanks, and folks sway in time to the sweetest of music - the rumbling of drums recalling the Mother's heartbeat as the sun dances his way into the sky. For years upon years, thousands of Wiccans and Pagans around the world have gathered on hilltops, in fields and farmlands, upon the shores of shimmering lake and seaside's on Yule morning to welcome the rebirth of the Sun God. They bring all manner of musical instruments to celebrate the occasion: rattles; small finger symbols called zylls; wooden and silver flutes; even the occasional guitar. Mostly, though, they bring drums. From the large, deep ―boom-boom‖ frame drums to doumbecks, djembes, and everything in between, the rhythm rolls in wave after joyous wave of sound, resonating deep within the heartbeat of the People of The Mother. Continues on page 10 Yule 2008

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Open Ways Drum thee Her heartbeat...Continued from page 9 ―Drumming up the Sun‖ is the preferred way to celebrate Yule morning for a great many Pagans. Some traditions, however, choose quieter celebrations at home, perhaps singing or chanting him up, but most traditions acknowledge the light returning at this time in some special way. Although many Pagan traditions celebrate Samhain as the New Year, many others celebrate Yule as the New Year - for truly, all is reborn at this sacred time, and the days will now grow longer and longer until Litha - the summer solstice. We celebrate the promise of the returning light with candles, twinkly lights, and all manner of shiny and sparkly ornaments, gift giving (which hearkens back to the Saturnalia of ancient Greece), to show our faith that summer and abundance will indeed come again.

brates not only his, but our own bright and sacred fire within. Like the drummers on the hilltop, we can set the rhythm of our own renewal. Like the dancers, we can share in that rhythm, whirling and dipping to the beat, shouting with joy, ―Awaken! Awaken! Awaken His dance!‖ Thuri Calafia is a Wiccan High Priestess of many years standing, and the creator of the Circles System and School. She is the author of DEDICANT: A Witch’s Circle of Fire; A Course of Study in the Old Religion. Calafia is active in the Portland Pagan community, offering various workshops and priestess services, presenting regular Open Full Moon rituals and Witches’ Afternoon Teas, and teaching Circles Dedicant level classes. She is working on the second in the four-book series, INITIATE: A Witch’s Circle of Water. She lives with her beloved Labrador, Miss Alyssa Ramone.

In ancient times, Pagans of many cultures brought an evergreen (symbolic of the god- that-is-ever-reborn), into the house and decorated it with fresh flowers and fruit, handcrafted birds and candles to show their gods the faith they had that the light and warmth would, indeed, return. Today’s Pagans are not so different from the ancients, although many of our decorations are probably more elaborate (and sentimental) in these modern times. The simpler ones still remind us of summer, and the great harvests: blown glass balls represent berries, grapes, cherries, and apples, and the white and golden globes speak of the silvery moon and golden sun. Silvery tinsel looks just like rain, which is of course a fertility symbol, just as the pine cones and acorns that adorn mantles and altars are. Santa Claus, to many of us, is simply a version of the Holly King - the old man aspect of the God Who is Reborn as the Child of Light, who rules the light half of the year. The Sun God is a common archetype in most cultures, whether Celtic (Lugh), pre-Dorian Greek (Helios), Roman (Apollo), or Judeo-Christian (Jesus), and his birth reminds us all that the time for new beginnings is at hand. He is the god we honor as the Light - truth, illumination, poetry and drive are some of his more prominent attributes. As he is reborn, Pagans find renewed energy, brightened dreams of the future, new hope. It’s no wonder people everywhere make ―new year‖ resolutions, for this is the time of renewal - of faith, and hope, and trust. It is a time when we can find that heartbeat both without and within - of the great tides of the earth which resonates and connects us to the All, driving us to quicken our own pulse with love and with faith. We are all, male or female, our own Mother Goddess in this respect, and we can ―drum him up‖, so to speak, from the depths of our own beings, igniting the creative spark of our own rebirth. As we do so, we can remember his blessings, and find the courage to dare... to dance the brilliant, sparkling dance of light which celePage 10

Yule 2008

Open Ways Though always a tough and sometimes bitter road, The Red Road is my way and my GrandMothers and GrandFathers, Sisters and Silverstar Red Crow © 2008 Brothers have let me in and shown me, shared with me and trained me to dance with my people in the Sacred Circle. Most The United States is a capitalist country, which runs on sup- people would be amazed at our varied colors as Indians; as a Norply and demand. The people of this country are hungry—hungry wegian Indian, I am lighter than most. For those of us lucky for everything—especially if it promises success and inner peace enough to have received traditional spiritual training (called Medicine), we are taught to keep our distance from people emotionally, One can buy literally anything in this country; if you have the until we are called-out, first by Great Spirit (or Spirits), then by the money, you can obtain the goods, regardless of legality. Even People (the tribe or community one ministers to) for healing. We enlightenment, lineage and ancestry are bought and sold to the highest bidder. In Indian Country, we call this buying and selling don’t call ourselves ―Shamans‖ or healers or Medicine People; of indigenous blood, worldview and practice, ―Selling Medicine‖. we are not allowed to take a title. We are first named a title by the This can buy a death sentence, or worse, life-long shunning within People, according to need, talent and desire of the community closed Sovereign Nation communities, from coast to coast. You itself. Most of the time, we use the title Spiritual Elder (If one is given special Elder status by the tribe before Tribal Eldership is see, there was a movement born of the raping of Indigenous reached, or one takes the title of ―Tribal Elder‖ at age 55 and waits Medicine in 1974, called The American Indian Movement, to earn the rest.) or more popular in the last decade or so, Indigeknown of course as AIM. AIM is a strong police force, it gets nous Shamanic Practitioner. ―Medicine Person‖ is not a popular things done and has eyes and ears everywhere the words: Shaman, Sacred Herbs, The Pipe, Medicine, Spiritual Elders appear, title, in my experience, not since AIM—too much old bitterness and misunderstanding in the term; no witch doctors in Indian in over 600 active federal and non-federally recognized tribal Country! communities in the continental US.

Do People really shop for Shamans?

American Indians, that’s what we call ourselves in private, or Native, or First Nation’s People. The brand Native American is used by the dominant society, whether academic or governmental.

Why am I going over this material again, piece by piece? I am illustrating the various forms and titles taken and given in just one community in which the title Shaman appears on a regular basis,


PaganFaire XIX Spring2009

“ Wisdom Reclaimed: Alexandria’s Light Returns” World Forestry Center March 28th, 2009 0 am to 5 pm Ritual at 7 pm

Everyoneis welcome! TherewillbeCraftArtists, Workshops,aFoodVendor, TheMichelle’sHeartDrawing,andPerformers. For informationcallthe SisterSpiritOffice: 503.736.3297 or…

ContactJen atcoordinator@paganfaire.net For information abouttheritual,contactPatatpatmac31@juno.com For information aboutperformingatPaganFaireXIX,contactJamieat hiddenviking@yahoo.com Seeyou this Spring!!

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Open Ways despite being a Tungus word, found on the Asian steppes. I can talk specifics when dealing with the Red Road, because it’s my community, it’s my voice. I am being heard from the inside-out. The rest of this article, I will be speaking in more general There are three basic camps of ―Shamanic Practitioners‖ in this country at present: 1. Indigenous Shamanic Practitioners. This category refers to American Indians, Alaska Natives and Native Hawaiians, as well as other nationalities who bring their indigenous, highly trained, traditional, documented, unfiltered traditions to this country like the Mayan, The Inca, The Greater Amazonian Basin, Buryats and Mongols, Koreans, Nepalese, Benin, Maori, etc. 2. Academic Shamanic Practitioners. Practitioners of ―Core Shamanism‖ as administered by Michael Harner and the Foundation of Shamanic Studies. Many of these practitioners have high-level academic degrees, including psychology, sociology, anthropology and Western medicine. Many off-shoots of the foundation are operating with the help and encouragement of alumni, in the general community, as well as in thriving academic settings. Several large church bodies have been formed by such alumni, especially in the Western states, allowing for hands-on-healing and Shamanic active-trance counseling, which are either widely discouraged or against the law. In my home state of Oregon, hands-on-healing is prohibited by law, unless one is an active minister who is ordained by a legal church body and is approved by the state. In some counties in Oregon, Oracle Work &/or fortune telling is strictly prohibited and has hefty fines attached to the practice. Yes, and Oregon is considered one of the most liberal states in the union; so beware of titles… 3. Self-Proclaimed Shamanic Practitioners. Go to any psychic faire in this country and you will find big flashy signs advertising Shamans/Shamanic Healing/ Living Gateways to the Ancestors, etc. These people are self-taught and practice eclectic forms of visualization techniques and creative trance movements. Unfortunately, many charlatans, wannabees and crooks fall into this category. Yes, indeed, there are those who are brilliant and are truly called to a Life of Service through the Spirit Realms in this category, but, be warned, many are not found on the ―circuit‖. BUYERS BEWARE! SHARING/PUBLISHING/SELLING/BUYING SHAMANIC CEREMONIES Years ago, I was invited to a gathering atop Mt. Shasta, in NorthPage 12

ern California. It is a special holy spot for me and for my first teacher and Elder, so I was truly tempted to make the trip happen. I then discovered for an extra $500, I could, as an Elder, be allowed to join a Sweat Lodge Ceremony and help pray to the Ancestors for their pity and favor, for the success of all gathered. Fortunately for Spirit, the organizers built the lodge at the foot of the mountain, instead of on it—thank the Gods! Was this a traditional Inipi Ceremony? Or even a Celtic Lodge? Fortunately it was not; of course it was not!!! Knowing they were actively Selling Medicine, I could and did pass-on the trip without a second thought, knowing the Medicine would not be clear, bright or sweet. A true seeker of Spirit does not buy her/his favor, either corporally or in the Spirit Realms! The seeker must sacrifice, prove herself worthy to Spirit and be willing to serve without fee. Rite of Passage Ceremonies are just that: rituals of life’s journeys, trips taken, directed by the terms, creating pictures and concepts. Rite of Passage Ceremonies are just that: rituals of life’s journeys, trips taken, directed by the Spirit Realms. These are experiential, visionary and are profound at the core levels of being, for all parties involved. They cannot be bought or sold because of the nature of their power! They include the following types of ceremonies: Birth Rites (separate from Wiccanings or baptisms) Healings of any kind Spiritual Initiations of any kind Transfer of Lineage Titles Blood Rites, either by wound or menses Adoption Ceremonies Sweat Lodge Ceremonies Vision Quest Death Rites, including Death Songs There are more, of course, but this list gives you a good overview of the kind of ceremonies I am speaking of. This list does not include rites such as Naming, Marriages and Give-Aways because these ceremonies usually take a group effort over many months of preparation and the Ritual Facilitator/Shaman must be compensated for time and energy expounded during those trying months. However, compensation might take the form of feeding, clothing Yule 2008

Open Ways and housing the Shaman for that period of time, not hard cold workable tools for all who are motivated to work for them, withcash. Yeah, face it; all people need to pay their car payments, even out giving away any specific Shamanic ceremonies. Shamanism on the rez… is experiential, is ALL about CONTROL and agenda and is based on hours used, literally. If one does not work in altered states Rite of Passage Ceremonies mark the coming together of Divine everyday, one is a poser. It’s all in the earned status, directly with and human as one working whole. These ceremonies are sacred, the Spirit Realms. Believe me; if a seeker intentionally behaves regardless of what language you speak or what color your regalia. badly, Spirit takes care of the situation. Reminding y’all what my mother used to say: ―Vengeance is a waste of time; Karma Man Now, one must use common sense when dealing with ceremoalways gets Her man!‖ nies. For instance, there are many international gatherings of Shamans and healers with VIP speakers, teachers and presenters. LOOKING FOR A SHAMAN AS A HEALER Some of these gatherings are available and open to the general populace for fees. Now, that makes sense because its, once again, Good beginning advice for those in search of a healer who has a a group effort and takes much funding to make it possible. People Shamanic Worldview: travel thousands of miles for major life-changing events such as 1. Find a MSW or a psychiatrist you respect and trust. Ask these; they are wonderful and help all to reach out with respect to this person to do a search, whether on the internet or with each other’s worldviews. Many of these events include rituals and colleagues, and ask for a referral to someone who has the ceremonies, many of the kinds listed above. Here’s the difference: same degree or similar, with a Harner Core-Shamanic the facilitators of these rituals are not paid separately for their spiribackground. That’s an excellent place to start! If you tual services (holy people are not paid to pray, at least generally. I come up short in this regard, contact the Foundation of realize this is a major generalization, but hey, Amma does not Shamanic Studies in Mill City, California and ask for the charge for hugging, ok?); they are compensated for their general closest teacher for their Journey 101 program. Every maservice, sacrifice and time. To add another dimension to this point: jor city or basic region of the country has competent inparticipants of the specific rituals do not pay an extra charge to be structors of the Harner Method. Where there is a class, in or to observe the rituals offered. Okay, for you Pagans out there, there are active practitioners. you have to pay your way to the festival, pay your entrance fee to For those of you without any Native connections, do a local pay for the space, pay for your meals, buy yourself a necklace and search for the nearest Indian tribe in your area. Then call the ofa head scarf, but you do not pay to dance by the fire, to partake in fices and be upfront with them. State your general problem and Sacrament or pray at the temples. ask if they recommend a Native Healer (don’t use the word Shaman) or ask them if they sponsor a powwow. Once at a powThis ―sharing of ceremonies‖ has a trickle down a/effect. Please wow, go to Elder seating and begin offering Honor Bundles to the notice that on my free Tribe site, http://tribes.tribe.net/ Elders, one by one, and ask your question respectfully: ―Excuse stmichaelisknocking, my 2007 Shamanic Syllabus is published. me ma’am, may I ask you a question?‖ Wait quietly for a reply; it Now, look under Initiation Ceremonies and Shamanic Blow-Ins might take some time. Hey, the Elder is checking you out, reading and you will notice there is a whole section on Reiki Attunements. your clothes, smelling what food you eat, reading your eyes for Now, I have, in the past, combined breath work and passed Reiki true respect and courage. Don’t be surprised waiting for quite Attunements while in trance ceremony. I don’t recommend it, in sometime. When the answer finally comes and its NO, don’t take fact, I teach to shut Reiki off during trance work because Reiki has it personally, just move to the next one in line and repeat the quesits own agenda and demands the lack of ego, while Shamanic tion. If an Elder takes your hand to shake it, be sure you return the work is based on self and Spirit generated power—notice the handshake lightly and carefully, opposite from the dominant sociHUGE difference. So, why did I publish the document in this ety. Shaking hands is a sacred trust and one must always treat anform? Two reasons: anybody, given the time and discipline, can other’s hands like you would treat your own heart. Then say: ―I become a competent Reiki Practitioner, unlike Shamanism, peo- am looking for a traditional healer. I’m real sick, my kid is sick. ple do not have to be called by Spirit to practice Reiki. So, by reMy heart says to come here and ask you for help.‖ Hey, you ceiving proper Reiki attunements, guidance and training, one can, might be asked to dinner, be prepared. Now, if an Indian asks you in turn, actually change people’s lives positively through using to dance, to dinner, to talk, she/he will ask only once. If you do not Reiki breath and touch. I have shown all who read and are willing follow through, she will not ask you again and, if seen again, will to get the Reiki and to work it, how to partake in this energy. Now, pretend she des not know you. Of course, this method of informayou are missing my real intention here, however. I have given tion gathering is risky, but to find the real deal takes effort. Spirit Yule 2008

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Open Ways rewards you or denies you, depending on your choices… Go to your local college and ask an anthropology professor if she knows anyone who practices Core Shamanism on campus. Usually, you will have success right away. Then, sign-up for a class. That’s right, you want a Shamanic Healer? It pays to understand what a Shamanic Practitioner does and how she does it. Dive-in and don’t be surprised to glean direction from watching the visions of your first Core Journey. At this point, I would be remiss if I did not mention the basic division between Indigenous and Core Shamanism. Core Shamanism is often experienced in a still, unmoving way, depending on animal guides and vision to mark the crossroads of one’s journey. I feel Core Shamanism tends to dilute the connection with &/to The Divine, while Indigenous Shamanism is fueled by a personal dialogue with the Spirit Realms. Indigenous Shamanism is often practiced in an active, awake state, moving in and out of trance, using varied methods, instruments and tools—quite an opposite approach to much of Core practice. Through my years of practice, I have found my indigenous methods and tools; especially involving self-generated power and dance movement can be frightening to some students, particularly newbie's and can cause temporary emotional paralysis. For these students, it is best to seek out other methods and most probably, find a niche in Core practice. Just remember: don’t wash out the Gods, both old and new, be disciplined and approach the Spirit Realms with respect at all times, regardless of your Shamanic direction!

Principle. This is the Hanged Man in the Tarot; you must learn surrender, humility and trust. The building blocks of magick state one must trust oneself, before faith becomes possible. You must surrender to process; look at the world through your potential teacher’s eyes, with her/his worldview and cosmology. You are surrendering to no human but yourself. If one does not surrender, usually spurred by the lack of trust in Self, one could conceivably work for ten years and learn nothing. In reality, the student never took the first step. You are your finest teacher. Learn from yourself and realize that only by pledging your education to one person’s care at one time (similar or the same as a Year and A Day Pledge), you cannot absorb and surrender enough to learn—to get it! Without flow, you are in competition, trying to remold someone else’s viewpoint to shape into your own—it becomes entirely different than what was actually given. That’s right: it’s ILLUSION! That is not what having a teacher is all about. If you cannot surrender your spiritual education for blocks of time and trust the process, both the seeker and teacher loses. It’s the energy of the thing. So, get in your body and stay there, listen, learn, allow yourself to be guided. Now, you are getting the picture. If something is worthy of this degree of personal commitment and surrender, then, you better have a credible teacher able to keep up with your level of intensity. This is about developing and using INTEGRITY as a living tool; it continues to be abstract if unused!

Second step, start searching responsibly; seek other’s opinions, check-out the foundation’s offerings in your area, ask reputable people you respect in the academic world. It’s a scary world for Why do you feel you want to study Shamanism? Start by asking some, but the most reasonable starting point in this day and age. lots of questions in a humble, yet assertive manner. Self-inventory Point of fact, many Core offerings from the Foundation of Shais the best place to start. Find your inner-teacher, teach yourself to manic Studies sponsor Indigenous Shamans from inside or outlearn, go to therapy with a decent therapist to isolate your true isside of the country for separate workshops, private sessions, etc. sues, stop lying, eat well, exercise, practice yoga and learn to It’s an unbeatable mode of networking with people you can, by breathe, become a Reiki Master, learn the difference between and large, trust—so rare! channeled and self-generated power, get yourself grounded. Once all those things are in place, so what if they take ten years; get Third step, be discerning when you think you have found someyourself together, prioritize your life, clean it up, get clean and one. Check her/him out. Do Google’s, call references, get full sober--see if you need a teacher. Approach spiritual practice of names, detailed backgrounds, a list of their teachers—be thorany kind with a clear direction, initially without drugs of any kind, ough. If not, you are the only one to blame if you end up in a comwith an open heart and mind and a sensitive gut; share your feel- promising position on any level; you have to be responsible--this ings, don’t stash, be authentic and don’t hold back on any level. is your psychic core—you must be careful and yielding, at the That’s what it takes! same time! People call themselves any title to suit their fancy; make sure the person you chose to be your spiritual mentor and f you decide a teacher is your way, you must learn to surrender to guide knows what they are doing and is good at it: garbage-in, your Highest and Greatest Good. The process of Shamanism is to garbage-out… learn psychic control through surrender to the positive dictates of the Spirit Realms and to serve the Highest and Greatest Good Good indigenous teachers are booked, usually a year in advance. SEEKING A TEACHER

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Open Ways Many, me included, take year-long pledges, while others take the minimum of a four-year commitment. In learning Core from a reputable foundation faculty member, expect to take part in a series of weekend intensives; they also offer a three-year program once you have successfully completed all weekend possibilities. Be respectful at all times, receptive, malleable, honest and direct. Ask lots of questions, demand your teacher work for you--that’s their job. If you are not doing well, be open to renegotiation and departure. One must know when too much is too much and have the courage to leave, without causing the teacher further distress.

The Wolves of Winter By Rev. Lynn Stanley

In the folklore of the English language, wolves are a symbol of hard times, fear, and danger; alarmists cry wolf, a friend abandoned to their peril is thrown to the wolves, a wolf in sheep’s clothing is danger in disguise. This winter, as we watch the economy swirl around the bottom of the bowl, two wolf idioms are uncomfortably accurate descriptions of the situation in which many of us find ourselves. For those of us fortunate to find For many, life is for sale. It is up to each individual to put a value enough work to get from one end of the month to another, we are on life, health, happiness, death, success and failure. Never short keeping the wolf at bay; while for those hardest hit by double change the guides in your life. If you do, you are the greatest loser. blow of the recession and the housing crisis, the wolf is at the Religion should not be for sale. People should not be for sale. door. In these expressions, the wolf symbolizes financial ruin, Communication with the Spirits should not be for sale! Sacred homelessness, starvation, disaster; the end of safety and stability Herbs should not be for sale! Pay your way, be conscious of what and hope. The wolf has been cast in our language as the animal you take, give back and the world is yours for the asking!!! equivalent of the Tower card; in our minds, he is the disaster we Mother Blessings to you and yours! fear, a hungry predator waiting with open jaws, watching in the dark, following at our heels. Yet this view belies both the true nature of wolves and Celtic spiritual beliefs about the creature. In this Mid Winter column, we will look at wolves as symbols of resilience in the face of adversity; animals that are marvelously adapted to the harsh weather and scarce resources of the Dark Year, and survive by maintaining cooperative social groups. We will examine how these creatures can help us find our own spiritual strength, develop our resourcefulness, and find the community that will sustain us through hard times. We will also look at wolves as symbols of the harshness of winter, reminders that the season of the crone is necessary for maintaining the balance of life. Most of us live in a world governed more by societal constructs than by the cycles of nature. We have to make a conscious decision to be in tune with the seasons. Understanding the agrarian meaning of the pagan festivals is an intellectual exercise; modern concern about the cold and darkness of winter usually arises as worry about heating and electricity bills. Excepting people with seasonal cycles to their work, such as farmers, fishermen, tourist industries, and some construction trades, most of our society does not experience winter in the way our ancestors knew it. People go to work as usual, many with additional financial pressure from heating bills, but for the most part without the threat of starvation. Mid winter has even become the most important consumer event in our modern economy, holiday spending. In a way, measuring consumer confidence by the amount we spend on holiday presents cuts to the heart of Midwinter, because it measures our faith that the good times of the light year will return. → Yule 2008

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Open Ways (continued from previous page) On the other hand, it is a stark indicator of how far we have moved from a life lived in nature to a life of artificial constructs. Now, with the global economy collapsing, we are all experiencing winter in its truest natural form; a time when meeting our basic needs becomes a challenge, a time when the survival of our family is threatened. The staggering rate of foreclosures has forced many families into the streets at the coldest time of year, others cannot keep up with rising prices for heat, food, and fuel. Most magical pieces about the winter solstice focus on the celebration of light and the gifts of the Crone, but this year we need to resurrect a long disused approach to winter spirituality by focusing on practical survival skills. The gray wolf of the Pacific Northwest is ideally suited to the conditions of winter, and makes an excellent choice for pathworking for survival knowledge. A winter coat two and a half inches thick has two layers to insulate and repel water. Their wide, slightly webbed paws help them move easily in snow, and contain specialized blood vessels to keep their pads from freeing. When resources are scarce, they are equipped to thrive. Wolves can hear small animals moving beneath a thick blanket of snow, and scent prey over a mile away. They can navigate long distances by tracking the scent markers left by glands in their paws, and can maintain a loping pace of six miles per hour over several miles. Wolves can even survive for long periods without any food at all; two weeks without any sustenance will not weaken a wolf’s muscle activity. If their usual food sources are scarce, wolves can learn to adapt their hunting habits to include new prey; although it is a slow process of unlearning the old hunting habits and learning new behavior by trial and error. Wolves in Alaska and Western Canada have adapted to catching salmon, which represents a significant learning shift from the hunting patterns usually employed in catching deer, elk, and small mammals. One wolf pack in Western Canada learned to scavenge for food at the dump, and even learned to time their arrival with the daily appearance of the front end loader delivering new garbage. Wolves can help us to learn habits well suited to the lean times of the ―economic down-

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turn.‖ Whether we need to stretch our paychecks farther and longer, learn to survive on limited resources, or find a new way to make a living, we can work with wolves to take on their resilience and adaptability. This year is an especially good time to work with wolves on survival issues; for the first time in almost a century, wolves are on the rise in the Pacific Northwest. The first genetically true, reproducing wolf packs in decades were confirmed in Oregon and Washington this summer. Perhaps the reappearance of wolves this year is serendipitous with our cultural need to learn new financial habits for our survival. If we are looking for ways to adapt, we should include the wisdom of wolves in our learning process. Although these shy animals are still too rare, and their survival still too delicate, to try to observe them in the wild, there are several wolf sanctuaries in the region where wolves can be viewed safely and closely. The White Wolf Sanctuary, Howling Acres, and Wolf Haven International are sanctuaries for gray and arctic wolves. All the animals at these facilities have been rescued as injured or abandoned animals, and each facility offers educational tours, events, or camping. To see beautiful photographs, video, and learn more about wolves in your own home, visit the companion website to PBS’s Nature episodes ―In the Valley of the Wolves,‖ which follows the Druid wolf pack in Yellowstone National Park, and ―White Falcon, White Wolf,‖ which follows a family of Arctic wolves in Alaska. Learning about and observing wolves in their natural habitat will help you deepen your understanding of wolf behavior, appearance, and movement, facilitating the development of the emotional connection necessary for productive spiritual work. Once you feel ready, you can undertake meditative experiences working with the archetypal wolf spirit to take on the survival traits you need for surviving the modern winter. Not only are wolves intelligent and adaptable, they are linked in nature to two animals that represent wisdom in the Celtic spiritual tradition, the salmon and the raven. The salmon of wisdom is a recurring motif in myths from Ireland and Wales. In ―How Culhwch Won Olwen‖ from The Mabinogion, the salmon is the final creature in a series of magical beasts queried by Arthur and (continued on page 17)

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Open Ways (continued from previous page) his knights, and the one that leads them to Mabon. The Irish hero Finn Mac Cumhaill gains the knowledge of all things past, present, and future by eating the Salmon of Knowledge (which had gained its own power by ingesting the hazelnuts of wisdom). Wolves are also linked to ravens, although there is no consensus as to whether the canines actually work in tandem with the birds to find prey, or simply identify the scavengers as reliable indicators of a carcass. In Celtic mythology the raven is one of the forms taken by the Morrigan, and is the namesake of Bran; both deities with prophetic power. The raven is a carrion bird, associated with death, and one of the oracular functions of the Morrigan is foretelling death in battle. The severed head of Bran, which is Welsh for raven, was placed upon the ground facing France to warn of invasion (possibly a later, post Norman-invasion addition to his myth cycle.) The Irish King Cormac Mac Art, who is thought to have lived between the second and forth centuries C.E., and to whom many myths have been attached, was suckled by a wolf in his infancy and raised alongside her pups. Cormac is famous for the wise, fair judgments he gave as king, and perhaps the wolf legend surrounding his childhood attempts to explain his wisdom; eating or drinking special foods to obtain knowledge is a common theme in Celtic mythology. The wolf’s association with the salmon, the raven, and Cormac, as well as their own natural intelligence and learning ability, establishes them as animals of wisdom in their own right. Wise and oracular beings often warn of impending danger, or difficult but necessary consequences, like winter following the harvest, or the inevitable bursting of the bubble. In the absence or worse, disregard - of wise council, disaster befalls the hapless. Intriguingly, scientists are now linking wolves to just such a phenomenon in nature. In the early part of the twentieth century, wolves were extirpated in most of the continental United States, including the Pacific Northwest. Viewed as threats to livestock and competition for license buying elk hunters, wolves were wiped out by aggressive bounty hunting and poisoning. The results were dramatic and immediate; the Roosevelt Elk population

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in Olympic National Park exploded. By the 1930s the elk were so numerous, they were dying of starvation. Without the threat of wolf predation, elk drastically changed their grazing habits, moving into the formerly high risk close quarters of stream and river banks throughout the park. There the elk denuded the stream banks of plant matter including grass, berry producing shrubs, and saplings. Without roots to anchor the soil, the stream banks were eroded by water, and the rivers and creeks became shallow, silly, and slow moving. The ecosystem of waterways was so disrupted, many of the streams are no longer home to salmon, or any fish. →Stream banks no longer offer the habitat and food sources for beavers and other wetland birds and mammals, which took a severe toll on their numbers as well. The elk even ate so many saplings that the ―recruitment‖ or maturation rate of deciduous trees like aspen and cottonwood declined to nothing in some areas. Scientists refer to the trickle down effects of removing an apex predator as trophic cascade. Apex predators, in the Northwest wolves and cougars, provide a regular, steady rate of death in the other animals. This keeps their populations at sustainable levels and maintains balance in the eco-system. Although some of the animals will fall to feed the wolves, the rest are ensured an environment that is able to support them. Populations won’t rise to starvation levels, because as the prey increase in number, the predators prosper as well, and predation increases accordingly. As apex predators, wolves represent a consistent event that limits growth and maintains balance, in much the same way as the winter season maintains an overall balance in nature. When wolves, or other apex predators are removed, the consequences of predation are suspended, allowing a brief period of explosive growth among the prey. Soon, however, the population reaches starvation levels, and overgrazing leads to widespread habitat destruction. Trophic cascade is a good analogy for our current economic crisis. Think of wolves as banking regulations and stringent requirements for obtaining credit; they keep the bubble from inflating, and thus prevent the consequences of its inevitable bursting. In terms of personal finance, (continued on page 18)

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Open Ways (Continued from previous page) wolves are the realities that make us cautious. Elk don’t graze by the river bank because it doesn’t offer an easy escape from wolves in the underbrush; we don’t live beyond our means because we need to be prepared for lean times that force us to get by with less. For people with seasonal employment, wolves represent the lesson they learn in order to succeed, the ever present specter of offseason loss that teaches caution and savings in the good times. If we want to learn financial caution, we can work with wolves to help us identify the dangers of living beyond our means, by showing us the cascading consequences of over spending and debt. As we head into the Mid Winter season burdened by hardship and worry, we should remember one of the most uplifting spiritual lessons wolves offer; the importance of community. In the Irish Tain Bo Culaigh, the Morrigan appears to Cuchulain as a beautiful maiden to offer him her aid in the battles he fights alone against Maeve’s forces from Connacht. He spurns her offer of help, realizing her identity only when she transforms into a raven. Then as Cuchulain goes into combat against one of the Connacht warriors, the Morrigan stands against Cuchulain in three forms, hampering his movements and letting his opponent wound him. First she becomes a herd of cattle that blocks his way, then she is a serpent tripping his feet, finally she is a wolf that seizes Cuchulain’s right arm so that he can not strike his opponent. We should take the lesson from this story to heart this winter. Although we may feel like we are fighting the battle against the recession alone, struggling to meet our basic needs of food and shelter, none of us have to bear such weight on only one pair of shoulders. If we listen closely to our friends, family, and clergy, we will see that hands are often being extended in offers of aid that we perhaps do not see, or feel unable to accept. We should remember the lesson of the Morrigan, that it is wise to take help that is freely given; and that to ignore it could be to our peril. This is part of the lesson of wolves; that community is the key to survival, and should be honored, protected, and rejoiced in. Wolves live in small, close knit packs, lead by the parents and composed of adolescents and pups. They share in caring for the young, work together to hunt large game, protect their members and their territory. Wolves communicate to each other about threats to the pack and about resources discovered. This pack and about resources discovered. This is how they thrive in such challenging climates, by working together to improve their chances for survival. Yet like humans, their community is not only a survival strategy, but an important emotional structure. Wolves engage in behavior called a rally, when the members whine, lick muzzles, wag their tails, and rub against each other in a group show of affection and solidarity. Members of a supportive comPage 18

munity will recognize the similarity of a rally to the round of greetings, physical contact, and compliments that a group of people engage in at the beginning of a gathering. Some researchers even believe that howling, the quintessential vocalization of wolves, may be a form of community bonding similar to singing in humans. Howling happens most often before adult wolves depart for the hunt, and upon their return to the group. It is not inconceivable that our own early celebrations centered around the crucial and dangerous task of hunting game; singing to reinforce our community bonds and ask the spirit world for protection and success. Our musical traditions have endured, although we no longer work together to survive. Perhaps this Midwinter is the time to remember the wisdom we may have, originally, learned by watching wolves. When we go to holiday parties, or take our children on a sleigh ride, or go caroling around the neighborhood, we should sing with all the gusto and spirit of howling wolves; rejoicing in the light that shines on in the darkness, our community. When we go to holiday parties, or take our children on a sleigh ride, or go caroling around the neighborhood, we should sing with all the gusto and spirit of howling wolves; rejoicing in the light that shines on in the darkness, our community. To learn more about wolves and conservation efforts, find educational opportunities and sanctuary tours, or participate in Adoptions and other donation programs that directly benefit wolves, please visit: Howling Acres Williams, OR www.howlingacres.orgwolf-sanctuary.com Wolf Haven International Tenino, WA www.wolfhaven.org Lynn Stanley is the founder of The Altar of Epona and Herne Healing Ministry ATC with her husband, Nick Stanley. A practicing Healer, harpist, and, mother of three, she writes regular columns for Open Ways and Panegyria. The Stanleys live in Portland, Oregon and Lake Ozette, Washington. Email Lynn at altar_epona_herne@yahoo.com or join the Altar of Epona and Herne online at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ altarofeponaandherne/ For More Information about Wolves and Celtic Mythology see these sources: Conservation Northwest www.conservationnw.org www.conservationnw.org/wildlife-habitat/graywolf www.conservationnw.org/wolf-pack-confirmed-in-north-centralYule 2008

Open Ways (Continued from previous page) Washington Carr-Gomm, Philip and Stephanie, The Druid Animal Oracle, Fireside Press, 1994 Davies, Sioned, translator, The Mabinogion, Oxford University Press, 2007 Donahue, Deb, ―Trophic Cascade: The Case for Wolves‖, WyoFile, July 21, 2008 www.wyofile.com/wyoming_wolf_population.htm International Wolf Center www.wolf.org www.wolf.org/wolves/learn/basic/wolf_types/inter_gray/ rocky.asp Jokinen, Anniina, ―Cormac Mac Art‖, Luminarium, May 20, 2007 www.luminarium.org/mythology/ireland/cormac.htm Milstein, Michael, ―Biologists Confirm Oregon’s First Wolf Pack in Decades‖, Oregonian, July 21, 2008 National Park Service, North Cascades www.nps.gov/archive/noca/wolf.htm Nature: In the Valley of the Wolves www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/episodes/in-the-valley-of-thewolves/introduction/212 Nature: White Falcon, White Wolf www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/episodes/white-falcon-whitewolf/introduction/3323/

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Nugent, Carrie, ―Century Without Wolves Alters Olympic Ecosystem‖, Oregonian, July 30,2008 Rolleston, T.W., editor, The High Deeds of Finn and Other Bardic Romances of Ancient Ireland, GG Hamap & Co, 1910 PSYCHIC & TAROT READINGS By ELAINE (503) 674-6770 Gifted Celtic intuitive, Insightful guidance, Remove blockages, find answers, further your Spiritual journey, heal problems in this realm


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Open Ways The Perils of Popularity

styled spiritual mosquitoes. They leap from group to group, joining in and playing the „jolly-good-fellows.‟ In the fast paced, „I-want-it-yesterday,‟ world of Who would not welcome such enthusiasm? All too soon they begin to challenge the established traditions today, understanding the philosophy and values of an and the authority of the group elders. “Change and ancient philosophy such as Druidry can be a challenge improvement,” become their watchwords, but it is most to many. This is by no means exclusive to Druidry often change without substance and intended for their alone in the pagan community. Many seek a new (or should we say „old‟), more fulfilling path than those that convenience. After draining the lifeblood and essence from the group, they leap away in the hunt for their have devolved into the western traditional norms. In next quarry, leaving a trail of bedlam in their wake.7 doing so, some of these seekers dart about trying this, These are some of the perils of popularity. Inthen that, and then another alternative. Although it escapable perhaps but by no means insurmountable! may ultimately produce satisfactory solutions for them, Druidry, once mastered, can be incredibly fulfilling and it can portend chaos and instability for established rewarding, but it is not an easy journey and is not for groups, their members, and leadership. Druidry is particularly susceptible to these nega- everyone. The aspirant druid must learn patience and tive results because of its very structured nature. While humility as well as a healthy respect for their mentors. it is both a philosophy and a religion, it is also a discipline When members of an order work in harmony together, the results are immeasurably beneficial to them and to in the fundamental sense of the word. It can most all with whom the come into contact. — Roy closely be equated to a monastic order, and indeed is Authors note: While this article is focused most certainly where they originated. Druidic colleges were the paradigm for the earliest European colleges on Druidry, it may be applicable to most Pagan groups, and universities. Whereas modern druidic orders are and indeed to any gatherings of human failing and succonstructed in much the same way as monastic orders, cesses. they do not of course lead the same cloistered existence. For this we pay a price. As a discipline, Druidry necessitates a high degree of dedication, commitment and enthusiasm for study: a thirst for knowledge. These are often anathemas to the impatient seeker. To truly become a druid, one of any substance that is, requires the acquisition of a selfless attitude, and that takes time even for those already that way inclined. Satisfaction and enlightenment derive from service to others. One must learn to trust and respect the knowledge and experience, not only of the order elders, but of all others. Knowledge is not an hierarchical commodity. In recent times numerous groups, both druidic and other traditions, have sprung up in efforts to offer alternatives to the growing throng of spiritual explorers. Many are founded in aged-old, tried and tested practice. Unfortunately, more than a few are flash-in-the-pan concoctions from the imaginations of the hoards of the 503-708-9853 inexperienced; opportunists and self-proclaimed auwww.createyourdesiredpath.com thorities. These „experts‟ suddenly appear on the scene ready and willing to “teach us the right way.” Fortunately most disappear just as quickly as they materialized. But too many linger long enough to queer the pitch for the genuine adepts. Concurrent with this phenomenon are the numbers of spiritual grasshoppers who may be more aptly Page 20

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Open Ways Pagan Community Directory Listing various kinds of resources for the Pagan Community, including circles (both open and closed), church groups, meeting places, study groups, and event organizers. Please, no retail outlets. A listing here does not necessarily mean a specific group can or will help you. To be included in this directory, please send information (limit 50 words which includes name and contact information) to Open Ways, PO Box 6283 Vancouver, WA 98668; or email editor@9houses.org.

12 Steps Pagan Style I am a clean Pagan offering support to assist those on the clean path in Wicca and Paganism. I have 17 years of recovery. I am willing to give assistance, support and counsel to those who are concerned with these issues. midnight_crow@hotmail.com or http://spiralrhythms.org/p12.

welcome at Open Circles near Seattle at NM & FM. Info and schedule : 360-793 -1945, classes : 425-821-7246, Pagan Youth Group: Spiral Scouts International. 360-793-9427. www.spiralscouts.org

usually begin each spring. For more info contact Steward Creace 503-622-1381 or steward_creace@msm.com.

Crystal Cove Coven We are an eclectic coven dedicated to helping those in need. We hold open circles periodically. We are a very positive coven, Brotherhood of the Wooden Chalice We are a group of eclectic Wiccans housed a family. For more info contact Jeffery at in Oregon State Penitentiary. We gather scooby82@jeffandaustin.com or Austin Announcement Board & Community once per moon for study, ritual, and mutual at nexcrawler@hotmail.com. Directory The Web support. We have a priest but could use ―Because folks don't have time to check volunteers and donations. The Earth Gatherings every website or subject line for current An eclectic spiritual group with frequent khabir.taylor@verizon.net events. Come see what your missing.‖ get - togethers to discuss various spiritual Post: Rituals, classes, workshops ….. paths. Sponsors of The Mother Earth GathCedar Mountain Coven http://groups.yahoo.com/groups/TheWe are an eclectic Celtic coven, with some ering and The Middle Earth Gathering Web Native American influences. We meet for (June and September), Earth Awareness Sabbaths, Esbats, laughter and support Festivals, honoring diversity and creating The altar of Epona and Herne Healing throughout the Portland/Vancouver area. balance between wilderness and civilizaMinistry ATC Closed to new members Samhain to Bel- tion. 503-503-1415 bladu@hotmail.com Our vision is to create a well trained, com- tane, we do keep a waiting list for anyone Www.earthgatherings.org PO Box passionate Priesthood to serve the Pagan interested. cedarmountain@gmail.com 19655 Portland, OR 97280. Community. We have an online commu- Www.cedarmountaincoven.com. nity, monthly distance healing and prayer Golden Apple request list, and provide free healing to vets Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pa- We are a Druid grove populated with seekand their families. For more info altarers and teachers of knowledge. We hold gans (CUUPS) epona-herne@yahoo.com. We are a chapter of the Covenant of Uni- open Druidic rituals at various holidays tarian Universalist Pagans, Inc. and affiliduring the year. Please feel free to visit our The Ancient and Honorable Order of ated with the Unitarian Universalist Com- site at www.goldenapplegrove.com or the Sacred Oaks munity Church of Washington County. email goldenapple@gmail.com. AffiliA Druidic order in the Arthurian/Celtic Please visit www.uuccwc.org/groups/ ated with ADF www.adf.org as a protradition, chartering groves meeting estab- cuups.htm. Contact Alana Graham 503 togrove. lished criteria and dedicated to authentic -359-9719 isis23ra@yahoo.com. 22785 Druidic principles and traditions. For those NW Birch St. Hillsboro OR 97124. The Hermetic Fellowship who aspire to the excellence of Druidry, Exploring Western Esoteric Tradition: Inc. in OR and 501(c)3. 503-235-5774 Ancient Mysteries, Wicca/NeoPaganism, Coven Caer Wy’east www.sacred-oak-grove.org. A traditional Gardnerian Coven, sponsors a Kabala, Rosicrucianism, Alchemy, Gnostinon-oath bound, British Traditional Wic- cism, Theurgy and Grail Quest. Meets Aquarian Tabernacle Church can Outer Court for seekers of traditional monthly, 3rd Thursday. Informal presentaServing the PNW since 1979. An interfaith training.. We prefer to work with seekers tions, open discussion, rituals and workchurch of Wicca and Earth Religions rec- 30 years or older. New training cycles usu- shops occasionally. For more info call ognized and accredited worldwide. All ally begin each spring. 503-255-7910 or by web (preferred) Yule 2008

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Open Ways miforrest@hermaticfellowship.org. Indigo Lights Circle online teen group A place for uniquely gifted teens to celebrate and explore the gifts the :Lord and Lady granted us with. Site address: www.geocities.com/jinksjustjinks/ M.A.G.I.C. A Vancouver/Portland based group that holds four gatherings a year, teaches classes in metaphysics, and provides ordaining of clergy, and sponsors the Spiral Rhythms Festival. Call 360-693-7349 Email sienna@spiralrhythms.org and Www.spiralrhythms.org/magic for more information.

forms available at www.officersofavalon.com. PO Box 22 Baraboo, WI 53913-0022. Other Worlds of Wonder (OWOW) We have gathered around a central purpose, the purchase of land for the local Pagan community. We honor all positive traditions, and celebrate diversity at our festival, Sunfest. Contact info as follows: 14308 SE River Rd. Milwaukie, OR 97267. http://www.owow.org or email owoworg@gmail.com.

Pacific NW Pagans Yahoo Group An online community for Pagans in the Pacific Northwest, including Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Alaska and British Columbia. When posting announcements Nine Houses of Gaia (9HOG’S) A non-profit organization incorporated to for events in this group, please be sure facilitate networking among pagans in the they're in PNW. http:// Pacific Northwest. Sponsors of Open groups.yahoo.com/group/pnwpagans. Ways Newsletter as well as Northwest Fall Equinox Festival. The NWFEF cele- PACT brates the great harvest, begun at Lammus A democratic, eclectic teaching/training and ending at Samhain. Contact info for coven in three parts: A semi-private outer Open Ways http://www.9houses.org/ circle - by invitation only, two inner-core openways.Contact info for NWFEF circles for PACT initiated. Lessons, degrees, and clergy training by PACT univerwww.9houses.org/9houses/NWFEF/ sity. For info and a waiting list: email — intro.html. ansur@pacifier.com or lordansurNorth American Council of Witches pact@gmail.com. A non-profit organization. Primary goal is protection under the First Amendment of PDX Pagan Tribe the US Constitution; secondary, lobbying This tribe is for heathens, pagans and free for common power, strength in numbers. thinking individuals residing in or around Request membership and general inforPortland, OR, or other metro areas who mation at NACW@hotmail.com or call want to communicate with other like minded folk. Please no political rants, there 503-228-2192. are other tribes for that. A person has to sign up with Tribe.net for free in order to Officers of Avalon, Inc A non-profit benevolent organization join this tribe. The tribe is moderated in representing Wiccans and other Pagans order to keep out hate mongers and spamwho work as police officers and other mers. Web address - http:// professionals in the emergency services. tribes.tribe.net/pdxpagans.Portland Membership dues $25/yr for full members. $15/yr for associate members. Polyamory Circle Newsletter The Dispatch. Registration A gathering for folks exploring options Page 22

beyond monogamy. Discussions include open relationships, extended families, and intentional communities. Everyone interested is welcome to join us. For information and location Laury 503-285-4848. Red Cedar Circle (Church of Si. Si. Wiss) Northwest Coast Medicine Johnny Moses teachings to all. Portland/Vancouver area meetings. For information and location call 503-245-5660 or rlouis@hctc.com. Red Cedar Grove The Vancouver grove is accepting new members. We are a Celtic group that enjoys fun, spirituality and fellowship as we move through the wheel of the year. We have many years of experience between our five founding members and meet twice a month for ritual and tutorial. Come and grow with us under the Spirit filled Red Cedar. For information contact Serena at serena@aberle.net or Macha at 360-9363833 or connieco222@comcast.net. Sacred Oak Grove A Druid Grove in the Arthurian/CelticWiccan tradition. For those seeking a true Druidic path of knowledge, truth, justice, spiritual fellowship, and community service. Esbats, Sabbaths and tutorials. Members commit to both group and individual studies for spiritual growth. Now offering an outer circle. For information call 503235-5774 or oakgrove@teleport.com. The Saint James Project A Shamanic Arm of the Red Witch Tradition. Includes Indigenous Shamanic training, pilgrimages and extensive herstory/ history from the first century CE to the present. Prerequisite: Reiki 3 and 3 years magickal hands-on experience. Meets at Toad House in McMinnville Oregon. Shadowluz Eclectic coven that emphasizes increasing Yule 2008

Open Ways the power of the individual through strength of our Gestalt, focusing on diversity in beliefs and the practice of Magick. Members range from Portland to Hood River and Mt. Hood. Please send letter of intent to HPS Belle Evergreen at belleevergreen@yahoo.com. Sliver Birch Grove A Druid Grove in the Celtic/ArthurianWiccan tradition. For those seeking a true Druid path of knowledge, truth, justice, spiritual fellowship , Esbats, Sabbaths, and tutorials. Members commit to both group and individual studies for spiritual growth. Contact info: 503-235-5774 bethairgead@hotmail.com.

The Sorcerers Guild Dedicated to the enhancement of Magickal work within its membership. Public meetup at the Dancing Beans 1615 SE 12th Ave Portland, OR held monthly. Email thebinder7@yahoo.com for date and time. For more information: http:// sorcerersguild.tribe.net http:www.sorcerersguild.com, or http://groups.myspace.com/ sorceryguild.

Women of the Goddess Women of the Goddess is a Pagan community in the Dianic tradition. Membership is open to women over 18 years old of good intent who sincerely subscribe to our purpose. Location Seattle, WA. Contacts: janicevc@seanet.com or 206-322-2436.

World Tree Prayer Network Prayer and emergency energy work at no fee; serving the internet since1994. Post your own requests. Have permission of the energy recipient first; then, include full Spellbound teen online group An online community for teen Pagans and name, age, basic location including city, Wiccans. Our goal is to offer personal state and country along with basic probpages, forums, articles, links, and other lem. PRAY FOR PEACE! http:// ways of interacting with teens who have tribes.tribe.net/ similar interests in Paganism and Wicca. worldtreeprayernetwork Site address: http:// Silver Star Circle A Celtic Pagan circle meeting for Sabbats, spellboundtpn.ning.com. The Well of Diancecht full and new moons, weekly class and Provides free sacred energy healing to vetmore. Located in Battle Ground. Info: erans, active duty military and their famiToad House and Peace Garden email slvrstarcircle@yahoo.com. Peace Garden open from dawn to dusk for lies. We also list practitioners offering slidquiet prayer and meditation. 20’ lavender ing scale services to service members, vetpeace pole, erected in 2002, PEACE writ- erans and their families. We welcome the SisterSpirit Women's spirituality organization honor- ten in thirteen languages. Hard working military community and healing providers ing the Divine Feminine and celebrating garden volunteers always needed. Hard to join us online at well of dithe Goddess in all Her forms. Featuring on working garden volunteers always needed. ancecht@yahoo.com or contact Rev. -going classes, circles, workshops and one Write for information. Location: McMinn- Lynn Stanley at altar epona herne monthly ritual. Presenters of the annual ville OR. Www.toadhouse@yahoo.com PaganFaire. Contact information as folpeacegarden.org. http://tribes.tribe.net/ lows: PO Box 9246 Portland, OR toadlovers. Director: Silver Red Crow 97207. 503-736-3297. worldtree1@verizon.net. www.paganfaire.com. sisterspirit.portland@gmail.com. Women In Conscious Creative Action www.teleport.com/sisterspirit (WICCA) A women’s church dedicated to the Goddess in Her many forms. Groups, newsletSophia Sanctuary Women’s Temple We are a circle of women committed to ter, retreats, rituals and classes. Contact healing, education ritual and service. info: PO Box 5296 Eugene OR 97405 (HERS) We celebrate the eight holy days www.wiccawomen.org, 541-485of the wheel: Solstices and Equinoxes are 3654 Email: normahp@iglide.net. for all genders and families; Cross quarters are for womyn only. For information: Women of African Ceremony http://www.sophiasancuary.org or We are women who honor rhe earth and our African heritage through ceremony http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ and ritual. We meet monthly. Location is SophiaSancuary. Portland, OR. 503-238-1151 Yule 2008

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Open Ways The Nine Houses of Gaia Open Ways PO Box 14415 Portland, OR 97293-0415


Address Service Requested

Winter Reflection Now Darkness folds tightly around the Noon; Black Velvet pillowing Crystal. Sky of steel and silver rains into night. Daylight slips through cracks in faded grass; Raindrops chase leaves into next year’s rich earth, Wind and Water sing with wintry chill voices Muttering through interlacing twigs and keening. Time wakes in fits and starts. Deep in the vast space of the Earth A Star glimmers. Far in the womb of the Sky A Seed germinates. Now in the silence and the cold, the rain and the dark A Child is born. Laura Wilson

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