LA BOHEME program

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Table of CONTENTS 04 Board of Directors 05 From the Board Chairman 07 Welcome from The General Director & President 09 La bohème 11 Cast 12 Synopsis 14 Program Note 16 Artists 20 Orchestra

21 22 24 28 33 34 35 36 37

Chorus The Picture of Giving Leadership Giving Annual Giving Planned Giving Administration Up Next: The Love for Three Oranges 2019-2020 Season O19

Davide Livermore’s production of Puccini’s La bohème returns to the Academy of Music for the f irst time since 2012. Photo by Kelly & Massa.

Onstage Publications, Advertising: 937-424-0529 | 866-503-1966, | This program is published in association with Onstage Publications, 1612 Prossser Avenue, Kettering, OH 45409. This program may not be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission from the publisher. JBI Publishing is a division of Onstage Publications, Inc. Contents © 2019. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.



Peter Leone Chairman of the Board Charles C. Freyer Vice Chair Caroline J. MacKenzie Kennedy Vice Chair Dr. Eugene E. Stark, Jr. Secretary Thomas Mahoney Treasurer David B. Devan* President


Benjamin Alexander Sandra K. Baldino Willo Carey Katherine Christiano Don Cooney Ady L. Djerassi, M.D. Carol S. Eicher Mikael Eliasen Allen R. Freedman Charles C. Freyer Alexander Hankin Frederick P. Huff Caroline J. MacKenzie Kennedy Beverly Lange, M.D. Peter Leone Thomas Mahoney Sarah Marshall Daniel K. Meyer, M.D. Immediate Past Chairman Agnes Mulroney Carolyn Horn Seidle Jonathan H. Sprogell Dr. Eugene E. Stark, Jr. Barbara Augusta Teichert Maria Trafton Donna Wechsler Kelley Wolfington



Dennis Alter H.F. (Gerry) Lenfest † Stephen A. Madva, Esq. Chairman Emeritus Alan B. Miller Alice W. Strine, Esq. Charlotte Watts

*Ex officio †


List as of April 2019

From the BOARD OF DIRECTORS Dear Friends, I want to brag on Opera Philadelphia’s upcoming 2019-2020 season. But first, let me acknowledge the debts our production of La bohème owes to other Philadelphia cultural institutions and to the people who make them run. This production of La bohème, which originated here in 2012 and has since been presented in five different cities in the United States and Europe, evokes the Paris of 1896 using paintings that, when Puccini composed the opera, were regarded as beyond avant-garde. Because Dr. Albert Barnes and other Philadelphia collectors were early adopters of impressionism and post-impressionism, and because the staffs of the Philadelphia Museum of Art and the Barnes Foundation, then led by Timothy Rub (PMA) and Derek Gillman (Barnes), worked hard to obtain for Opera Philadelphia the rights to use images of the works, many of the images featured in the production come from those two museums. As we revisit the production, we salute Mr. Rub and PMA’s Board Chair, Leslie Anne Miller; Executive Director Thom Collins of the Barnes and Joseph Neubauer, its Chair; along with the many others who drive these organizations forward. Bryan Hymel, Rodolfo in the 2012 production, and 2012 cast member Jeremy Milner trained at Philadelphia’s Academy of Vocal Arts—as did Vanessa Vasquez, our 2019 Mimì. Evan LeRoy Johnson, our Rodolfo this time, and Ashley Marie Robillard (Musetta) trained at the Curtis Institute of Music. They could do that because of AVA founder Helen Corning Warden and Curtis founder Mary Louise Curtis Bok, and because teachers and administrators grew and sustained these world-renowned voice programs. Thanks to President K. James McDowell and Music Director Christofer Macatsoris at AVA and its chair Rick Pitcairn, President & CEO Roberto Díaz at Curtis, and Curtis Board Chair Mark Rubenstein. My heartfelt congratulations go to Mikael Eliasen, who, after leading Curtis’ vocal studies program for so many years, is taking on increased responsibility as an artistic adviser to Opera Philadelphia. As Danielle Orlando and Eric Owens take over from Mikael, and as Bryan Hymel settles into his role as AVA Vice President, we look forward to seeing many more representatives of these schools on our stages. Finally, we’re sitting in the Academy of Music thanks to the leadership of President & CEO Anne Ewers and Kimmel Center Board Chair Teresa Bryce Bazemore, who were supporters of this season’s Festival O18 and continue to be tremendous partners. All those kudos leave only a little room to highlight Opera Philadelphia’s 2019-2020 season, which is Maestro Corrado Rovaris’ twentieth with the company. So, I will direct you to pages 35-37 of this program, where our upcoming season is detailed. Of course all of this—the extraordinary season that comes to an end with La bohème and the can’t-wait-for-it season that starts in September—is designed and built by Opera Philadelphia’s own inimitable staff and is brought to you by our many donors, without whom our stage would go dark. I hope you will join them and me in supporting your opera company, and I thank you for your continued enthusiasm and patronage of Opera Philadelphia.

Peter Leone Chairman



From the GENERAL DIRECTOR Dear Friends, It is so fitting to conclude this momentous 2018-2019 Season with a beloved revival of Puccini’s La bohème. The artistic leadership at Opera Philadelphia, featuring myself and Jack Mulroney Music Director Corrado Rovaris along with Vice President of Artistic Operations David Levy, Artistic Administrator Michael Eberhard, New Works Administrator Sarah Williams, and artistic advisors Mikael Eliasen and Lawrence Brownlee, have a great love and respect for the operatic canon. At this time last season, we all gathered for a new production of Bizet’s Carmen that brought a fresh vitality to the Academy stage through director Paul Curran’s vision and an important company debut of tenor Evan LeRoy Johnson as Don José. That excitement for “the classics” is again evident in Davide Livermore’s production of La bohème, which first graced our stage in 2012 and has since enjoyed an international tour and become a staple of the Palau de les Arts “Reina Sofía” in Valencia, Spain. The incredible collections from the Barnes Foundation and the Philadelphia Museum of Art provide a rich patina that combines with the lush melodies of Puccini to create new interactions with both art forms. Evan is back with us as Rodolfo opposite the marvelous soprano Vanessa Vasquez in her company debut as Mimì. While the set and costume designs show off the treasured artworks of the museums, these two talented young singers show off two other Philadelphia institutions, the Curtis Institute of Music (where Evan trained) and the Academy of Vocal Arts, where Vanessa recently completed a fouryear residency. They are joined by an amazing cast of singers including Troy Cook as Marcello, Opera Philadelphia Emerging Artist Ashley Marie Robillard as Musetta, Will Liverman as Schaunard and Peixin Chen as Colline, and Kevin Burdette in the roles of of Benoit and Alcindoro. It is truly an honor to bring these artists together with the creative talents of the Opera Philadelphia Orchestra and Chorus and the Philadelphia Boys and Girls Choirs, in a production that celebrates this incredible art form and our city. Thank all of you for joining us for this performance and for your continued support of opera in Philadelphia.

David B. Devan General Director & President @DDEVAN


LA BOHÈME Production of the Palau de les Arts “Reina Sofía” in Valencia, Spain, in 2012

Music / Giacomo Puccini Libretto / Luigi Illica and Giuseppe Giacosa Conductor / Corrado Rovaris Director / Davide Livermore Revival Director / Alessandra Premoli* Set & Costume Design / Davide Livermore Lighting Design / Drew Billiau Original Costume Design / Palau de les Arts Audiovisual / D-Wok Chorus Master / Elizabeth Braden Wig &Make-up Design / David Zimmerman Stage Manager / Lisa Anderson *Opera Philadelphia debut

Opera at the Academy is underwritten, in part, by Judy and Peter Leone


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CAST Rodolfo / Evan LeRoy Johnson MimĂ­ / Vanessa Vasquez* Marcello / Troy Cook Musetta / Ashley Marie Robillard Schaunard / Will Liverman Colline / Peixin Chen Benoit & Alcindoro / Kevin Burdette Parpignol / Toffer Mihalka Customs House Officer / Jackson Williams Sergeant / Matthew Fleisher Prune Man / George Somerville Child / Chase Shatzman* *Opera Philadelphia debut

La bohème SYNOPSIS

Act I In a Latin Quarter garret on Christmas Eve, Rodolfo, a poet, and Marcello, a painter, burn pages from Rodolfo’s latest manuscript to stay warm. Soon they are joined by Colline, a philosopher, and Schaunard, a musician, who brings food and money earned from his recent brief employment. Their landlord, Benoit, knocks on the door asking for the overdue rent. They invite him in for a drink and, made garrulous by the wine, Benoit boasts of his many conquests. The four friends feign indignation over the exploits of a married man and throw him out. Marcello, Colline, and Schaunard leave for Café Momus, while Rodolfo stays behind to finish writing, promising to join them shortly. There is a knock at the door and Rodolfo opens it to the young seamstress Mimì, who asks for a light for her candle. Seeing that she is weak, Rodolfo ushers her to a chair and offers her wine. As she is leaving, Mimì tells Rodolfo she has lost her key and they search for it 12

together. He tells her about himself and his dreams and Mimì replies with the story of her own modest life as a seamstress. The two realize their love for one another and leave to join his friends. Pause (6 minutes) Act II Rodolfo introduces Mimì to his friends at the Café Momus and they all sit down to dinner. Marcello’s former girlfriend, Musetta, appears with the wealthy and older Alcindoro. Despite Musetta’s and Marcello’s attempt to appear indifferent to each other’s presence, it is plain that they are not. In order to gain his attention, Musetta sings a song boasting about her popularity. Complaining that her shoe is hurting her, she sends Alcindoro off to the cobbler’s. She then is free to join her old friends, leaving Alcindoro to pay everyone’s bill when he returns. Intermission (20 minutes)

Photo by Patrick Berger

Act III Several weeks later, the ailing Mimì seeks out Marcello at the tavern where he is now employed as a mural painter. She tells him that she is afraid Rodolfo’s jealousy will drive them apart. As she starts to leave, Rodolfo comes out of the tavern and Mimì quickly hides. After some prodding from Marcello, Rodolfo admits that his jealous fits hide his real feelings of despair over Mimì’s increasingly serious illness. A coughing fit reveals Mimì’s presence just as Marcello, hearing Musetta’s raucous laughter, rushes back into the tavern to investigate. Mimì tells Rodolfo that they should separate and the lovers exchange memories of their happiness. Marcello and Musetta come out of the tavern in the midst of a heated argument. The two exchange insults and part angrily, while Rodolfo and Mimì agree to stay together until spring.

commiserate over their loneliness. Colline and Schaunard enter, breaking the mood and offering a small meal. They are interrupted when Musetta arrives with the news that Mimì is outside, very ill, and has asked to be brought to Rodolfo. While Rodolfo helps Mimì lie down, Musetta gives her earrings to Marcello, telling him to go buy medicine and send for a doctor. She runs out to buy a muff for Mimì’s cold hands and Colline leaves to sell his coat to get more money. Left alone, Rodolfo and Mimì reminisce about their first meeting and the love that they shared. Soon the others return, bearing medicine and a muff to warm Mimì’s hands. As Mimì succumbs to her illness, it is obvious to everyone but Rodolfo that the help has come too late. He is the last to realize that Mimì has died and he falls on her lifeless body calling her name.

Intermission (20 minutes)

The running time of La bohème is approximately 2 hours and 45 minutes including two 20-minute intermissions.

Act IV Several months later back in their garret, Rodolfo and Marcello


La bohème PROGRAM NOTE As the orchestra plays the first notes of La bohème, the painting of a seascape on a wall of the set emerges into full blue-green color. Suddenly the wave crashes, tossing a spray of white brushstrokes to the swell of the music. When director and designer Davide Livermore conceived of this production in 2012, he chose to set the opera in the time it was written. The Impressionist art of the time became the inspiration for the sets and costumes of La bohème. Rather than a garret, the bohemians would inhabit an abandoned art salon. The paintings on the walls – masterworks by Van Gogh, Renoir, Pissarro – become the work of Marcello, a starving artist who happens to be creating some of the most popular paintings of all time in front of a live audience through the magic of video animation. “In this world that Davide created, the paintings become a character unto themselves,” said David Levy, Vice President of Artistic Operations.


Levy worked with Livermore and Director of Design and Technology Drew Billiau to select the paintings, including some from the Barnes and the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Then D-Wok, an entertainment design group out of Italy, transformed the paintings into compelling scenery, complete with smoking chimneys and twinkling starts, by breaking down highresolution photos and replicating the brushstrokes to create movement. “What I really liked about a lot of this imagery is all the animation is still the style of the art,” Billiau said. “In a sense, it’s as if the artist had that tool available to them, this is what it would have looked like.”

Photos by Kelly & Massa

The dedication to detail took time, and all of the pieces didn’t come together until opening night. “It took forever to download,” Levy said, as it took a dedicated computer to transmit all the files from across the Atlantic.

One standout moment is when Van Gogh’s Sunflowers appear on the wall, painted in black and white. “The moment Mimì and Rodolfo kiss, all the sudden it blossoms into color,” Levy said. “It’s simple, but incredibly effective.”

“We’d be down to the last minute, waiting for a piece of artwork, and you wouldn’t see it at the final rehearsal,” Billiau said. But “it all came together,” Billiau said. “It’s just amazing to watch these pieces that you see in static imagery blown up this big and moving and interacting with the singers. There’s just this magic about it that’s really amazing.” 15

La bohème ARTISTS Drew Billiau

2018 Dito & Aeneas

Elizabeth Braden

2019 A Midsummer

Kevin Burdette / Benoit & Alcindoro

2016 The Elixir of Love

Peixin Chen / Colline

2017 The Magic Flute

Troy Cook / Marcello

2018 Lucia di

lighting designer (Rockford, Illinois) 2017 Dito & Aeneas recent: Lighting Designer, Measure for Measure, Lantern Theater; 2012 The Magic Flute Lighting Designer, Samsung CES, Fine Design Associates; (partial listing) Lighting Designer, Desert Botanical Gardens, Klip Collective next: Lighting Designer, Inflatable Space, Edinburg Fringe Festival

chorus master (Easton, Pennsylvania) Night’s Dream recent: Conductor, The Wake World, Opera Philadelphia; 2018 Carmen Chorus Master, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Opera Philadelphia; 2017 The Wake World Chorus Master, Lucia di Lammermoor, Opera Philadelphia (partial listing) next: Chorus Master, The Love for Three Oranges, Opera Philadelphia

bass (Atlanta, Georgia) 2016 Cold Mountain recent: George Benton, Dead Man Walking, Atlanta Opera; 2014 The Barber of Seville Voltaire/Pangloss/Martin/Cacambo, Candide, Gran Teatre de (partial listing) Liceu; Senor Russel, The Exterminating Angel, Metropolitan Opera next: Claggart, Billy Budd, Central City Opera

bass (Hulunbeier, Inner Mongolia, China) recent: Sarastro, The Magic Flute, Metropolitan Opera; Sparafucile, Rigoletto, Lyric Opera of Kansas City; Don Bartolo, Il barbiere di Siviglia, Houston Grand Opera next: Alaska Joe, Aufstieg und Fall der Stadt Mahagonny, Festival D'Aix-en-Provence

baritone (Eminence, Kentucky) recent: Father Palmer, Silent Night, Minnesota Opera; Enrico, Lucia di Lammermoor, Opera Philadelphia; Rodrigo, Don Carlo, Washington National Opera next: Sharpless, Madama Butterfly, Central City Opera 16

Lammermoor 2017 Elizabeth Cree 2015 Don Carlo (partial listing)

Evan LeRoy Johnson / Rodolfo

2018 Carmen

Will Liverman / Schaunard

2015 Charlie Parker’s

Davide Livermore

2012 La bohème

Alessandra Premoli


tenor (Pine Island, Minnesota) recent: Don José, Carmen, Frankfurt Opera; Cassio, Otello, Bayerische Staatsoper; Narraboth, Salome, Zurich Opera next: Prince, Rusalka, Glyndebourne Festival

baritone (Chicago, Illinois) recent: Schaunard, La bohème, Dallas Opera; Malcolm Fleet, Marnie, Metropolitan Opera; Papageno, The Magic Flute, Central City Opera next: Schaunard, La bohème, Santa Fe Opera

original stage direction, scenery, and costume design (Valencia, Spain) recent: Director and Set Designer, Un ballo in maschera, Bolshoi Theatre; Director and Set Designer, Attila, Teatro alla Scala; Director, Lakmé, Royal Opera House Muscat next: Director, Anna Bolena, Sydney Opera


2006 La cenerentola

Philadelphia revival director (Varese, Italy) debut recent: Director, Lucio Silla, Palau de les Arts Reina Sofia; Director, Gli amori d'Apollo e di Dafne, Innsbrucker Festwochen; Assistant Director, Lakmé, Royal Opera House Muscat next: Stage Revival Director, Demetrio e Polibio, Rossini Opera Festival (Pesaro)

Ashley Marie Robillard / Musetta

soprano (Norton, Massachusetts) recent: Donna Elvira, Don Giovanni, Curtis Opera Theatre; Papagena, The Magic Flute, Opera Philadelphia; Tatyana, Eugene Onegin, Curtis Opera Theatre next: Echo, Ariadne auf Naxos, Wolf Trap Opera

2017 The Magic Flute


La bohème ARTISTS cont. Corrado Rovaris

conductor (Bergamo, Italy) recent: Conductor, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Opera Philadelphia; Conductor, Glass Handel, Opera Philadelphia, Conductor, Anna Bolena, Canadian Opera Company next: Conductor, The Love for Three Oranges, Opera Philadelphia

Vanessa Vasquez / Mimì

2019 A Midsummer Night’s Dream 2018 Lucia di Lammermoor 2018 Glass Handel (partial lising)


Philadelphia soprano (Scottsdale, Arizona) debut recent: Violetta, La traviata, Arizona Opera Company; Liù, Turandot, Des Moines Metro Opera; Soprano, Beethoven Choral Fantasy, New York Philharmonic next: Mimì, La bohème, Santa Fe Opera

David Zimmerman

2019 A Midsummer

wig & make-up designer (Mt. Pleasant, Texas) Night's Dream recent: Wig and Make-up Designer, Aida, Washington 2018 L ucia di National Opera; Wig & Make-up Designer, The Shining, Lammermoor Minnesota Opera; Wig and Make-up Designer, Madame 2018 Carmen Butterfly, Lyric Opera of Kansas City (partial listing) next: Wig and Make-up Designer, La traviata, Minnesota Opera


ARTISTIC & PRODUCTION STAFF Assistant Director............................................................................Gregory Boyle Principal Pianist..............................................................................Grant Loehnig Chorus Pianist..................................................................................Annie Brooks Assistant Stage Managers..................................................Jen Shaw, Megan Coutts Watchout Programmer.............................................................Peter Vincent Ackens Supertitles Author.....................................................................Christopher Bergen Supertitles Operator..........................................................................Jack Schmieg Assistant Librarian...........................................................................Nathan Lofton Assistant Chorus Master.................................................................Emily May Sung Props Supervision..............................................................Avista Custom Theatrical Assistant Lighting Designer.....................................................................Chris Frey Wardrobe Supervisor........................................................................Elisa Murphy Wigs & Make-up Staff.................................................................Monique Gaffney Head Props.........................................................................................Paul Lodes Head Electrician..................................................................................Terry Smith Assistant Electrician......................................................................Ali Blair Barwick Flyman...........................................................................................Michael Ruffo Cutter/Drapers..................Mark Mariani, Kara Morsaco, Suzie Morris, Althea Unrath First Hands............................................Susie Benitez, Patrick Mulhall, Joy Rampulla Stichers................................................Morgan Porter, members of IATSE Local 799 Supernumeraries......................Felicia Capece, Sarah Brower, Chelsea Marlowe, Brianna Lopez, Kristerpher Henderson, Cris Welti, Lesley Berkowitz-Zak, Bronwyn Sims, Kristin Bailey, Lauren Raske Child Wrangler and Super Captain....................................................Bobb Hawkey

FACILITIES A Commitment to Safety: The safety and comfort of visitors, artists, volunteers, and staff at the Kimmel Center, Academy of Music, and Merriam Theater are of paramount importance. In the event of an emergency, audience members will be advised of appropriate procedures by ushers and security staff. At this time, please take note of the exit nearest you. A red, illuminated EXIT sign should be visible, with an arrow indicating the direction of the exit door. Should an emergency arise, you will be directed to leave the auditorium and further instructions will be provided as to the safest and quickest way to exit the building. Patrons who need special assistance should contact an usher. Smoking is prohibited on the Kimmel Center campus. Accessibility: The Academy of Music is wheelchair accessible from the east lobby entrance on Broad Street. Seating is available on the Parquet and Balcony levels, with accessible restrooms located on the Canteen level. Assistive listening devices are available for loan. A limited number of ADA-compliant parking spaces are available in the Kimmel Center garage. Coat Check & Restrooms: A complimentary coat check is located on the ground floor of the Academy of Music. Restrooms are located on all levels of the Academy of Music. Food and Beverage: Concessions by Chef Jose Garces and Garces Group are available to Academy of Music and Merriam patrons at satellite bars located in the lobbies and upper levels. Water fountains are located on all levels of the Academy of Music.


ORCHESTRA VIOLIN 1 Dayna Hepler, Concertmaster Igor Szwec, Assistant Concertmaster Meichen Liao-Barnes Charles Parker Diane Barnett Elizabeth Kaderabek Donna Grantham Natasha Colkett Gared Crawford Guillaume Combet Samantha Crawford VIOLIN 2 Emma Kummrow, Principal Sarah DuBois Karen Banos Luigi Mazzocchi Yu-Hui Tamae Lee Rebecca Ansel Tess Varley Kristof Richter Jennifer Lee VIOLA Jonathan Kim, Principal Carol Briselli, Assistant Principal Julia DiGaetani Ellen Trainer Elizabeth Jaffe Kathleen Foster Steven Heitlinger CELLO Branson Yeast, Principal Vivian Barton Dozor, Assistant Principal 20

Jennie Lorenzo Brooke Beazley David Moulton Dane Anderson

TROMBONE Bradley Ward, Principal Edward Cascarella Philip McClelland

BASS Miles B. Davis, Principal James Freeman, Assistant Principal Anne Peterson Stephen Groat

TUBA Paul Erion, Principal

FLUTE Adeline Tomasone, Principal Eileen Grycky Kimberly Trolier

TIMPANI Martha Hitchins, Principal

OBOE Geoffrey Deemer, Principal Dorothy Freeman Steven Labiner CLARINET Doris Hall-Gulati, Principal Allison Herz Robert Huebner BASSOON Erik Hรถltje, Principal Emeline Chong FRENCH HORN John David Smith, Principal Angela Cordell Bilger Karen Schubert Ryan Stewart TRUMPET Brian Kuszyk, Principal Thomas Cook Eric Schweingruber

HARP Sophie Bruno Labiner, Principal

PERCUSSION Ralph Sorrentino, Principal Bradley Loudis Christopher Hanning BANDA: TRUMPET Steven Heitzer Frank Ferraro Andrew Kissling Darin Kelly Diana Wensley Lawrence Wright PICCOLO Thomas Meany Eve Friedman PERCUSSION Harvey Price Brent Behrenshausen



Jeffrey R. Smith, Artistic Director and Conductor

SOPRANO Veronica Chapman-Smith Natalie Dewey Noël Graves-Williams Julie-Ann Green Valerie Haber Carole Latimer Jessica Mary Murphy Christine Nass Aimee Pilgermayer Evelyn Santiago Rebecca Siler Amy Spencer

TENOR Corey Don Bonar Sang B. Cho Stephen Dagrossa A. Edward Maddison Fernando Mancillas Toffer Mihalka DonLeroy Morales George Ross Somerville Andrew Skitko Daniel Taylor Cory O’Niell Walker Steven Williamson

ALTO Robin Bier Marissa Chalker Patricia Conrad Joanna Gates Eve Hyzer Megan McFadden Meghan McGinty Maren Montalbano Ellen Grace Peters Paula Rivera-Dantagnan Karina Sweeney Kaitlyn Tierney

BASS Gregory Cantwell Jeff Chapman Lucas DeJesus Matthew Adam Fleisher James Osby Gwathney, Jr. Chris Hodges Mark Malacheksy John David Miles Frank Mitchell Robert Phillips Tim Stopper Jackson Williams

Ivy Adams Jeremy Allen Andrew Blum Cameron Bowden Mia Castro-Diephouse Christine Chandran Karrington Colon Max Ebenreiter Benjamin Favino Leo Gade Dana Geutler Trinity Hobaugh Sarah Huynh Josiah Johnakin Chase Long Janelle Mordi Alexandra Paris Maya Patel Rut Patil Rosie Rockell Gabriela Rockell Chase Shatzman Robert Smith Yiguo Zhang






S TAG E its groundbreaking

F E S T I VA L & SEASONAL LINEUP along with community and educational programs

OPERA PHILADELPHIA relies on annual donations from generous patrons like you. What can you

GIVE T O D AY that will make all the difference tomorrow?

Without you, the picture of giving remains incomplete. Curtains remain closed, arias are

unsung, and potential is unrealized. But your generosity kindles a passion for opera so powerful, it reverberates down Philadelphia’s Avenue of the Arts, through every city block.

With YOU the show WILL go on. PICTUREOPERA.ORG

Opera Philadelphia gratefully acknowledges the individuals and institutions whose support allows us to stage our groundbreaking festival and seasonal lineup, and to share programs that encourage civic dialogue and enhance arts education. With you the show will go on.

Opera Philadelphia’s Leadership Circle and Chairman’s Council members are committed to ensuring that the future of opera is right here in Philadelphia. Their collective generosity underwrites more than half of Opera Philadelphia’s artistic expenses each season. Caroline Kennedy, Development Committee Chair

Leadership Circle

Chairman’s Council

$1,000,000+ Mrs. Sandra K. Baldino Judy and Peter Leone Barbara Augusta Teichert The William Penn Foundation Wyncote Foundation

$50,000–$99,999 Mr. Peter A. Benoliel and Ms. Willo Carey Mr. Allen D. Black and Mr. R. Randolph Apgar Ady L. Djerassi, M.D., and Robert Golub, M.D. Allen R. and Judy Brick Freedman Venture Fund for New Opera Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation William Randolph Hearst Foundation Independence Foundation Mazzotti/Kelly Fund-BBH of The Philadelphia Foundation Donald and Gay Kimelman Dr. Beverly Lange and Dr. Renato Baserga OPERA America Pennsylvania Council on the Arts PNC The Presser Foundation Scott F. Richard and Mamie Duff Dr. Renée Rollin William R. Stensrud and Suzanne E. Vaucher Robert L. Turner

$500,000–$999,999 Judith Durkin Freyer and Charles C. Freyer The Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Jean and Gene Stark The Wallace Foundation $200,00–$499,999 Mr. John R. Alchin and Mr. Hal Marryatt Kimmel Center for the Performing Arts John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Dr. Heidi L. Kolberg and Dr. F. Joshua Barnett Mrs. John P. Mulroney Alice and Walter Strine, Esqs. The Leslie Miller and Richard Worley Foundation $100,000–$199,999 Anonymous (2) Katherine and Andrew Christiano David Haas Mr. and Mrs. Frederick P. Huff Karma Agency Dr. David G. Knott and Ms. Françoise Girard The Lenfest Foundation Mr. Thomas Mahoney Sarah and Brad Marshall Carolyn Horn Seidle Per J. Skarstedt

$25,000–$49,999 Cunningham Piano Company Carol S. Eicher Eugene Garfield Foundation Linda and David Glickstein Beth and Gary Glynn The Dorrance H. Hamilton Charitable Lead Trust Hamilton Family Charitable Trust Mark and Helene Hankin Family Nancy and Al Hirsig Feather O. Houstoun Ms. Caroline J. Mackenzie Kennedy Mrs. Sheila Kessler Joel and Sharon Koppelman Estate of Sonja E. Lopatynskyj Jacqueline Badger Mars Mr. Jonathan H. Sprogell and Ms. Kathryn Taylor Ellen Steiner Charlotte and Bob Watts Wells Fargo Foundation

List as of April 2019

For more information, contact Eva James Toia, Director of Major Gifts, at 215.893.5906 or

You complete the Picture of Giving. Members of the General Director’s Council play a pivotal role in the future of Opera Philadelphia. Council members may align their support with areas of special interest, such as sponsoring Emerging Artists, supporting community programming that furthers arts education, or funding Opera Philadelphia’s innovative new works.

General Director’s Council Alice Strine and Don Cooney, Co-Chairs $15,000–$24,999 Anonymous Myron and Sheila S. Bassman Connelly Foundation Dianne and Don Cooney Thomas P. Gallagher Gray Charitable Trust Carol and Howard Lidz The Samuel P. Mandell Foundation Andrew J. Martin-Weber The McLean Contributionship Constance C. Moore The Pew Center for Arts and Heritage David and Susan Rattner Katie Adams Schaeffer and Tony Schaeffer Mr. and Mrs. Steve Sheller Kenneth Swimm Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Wechsler Wells Fargo Private Bank $10,000–$14,999 Anonymous (3) Aaron Copland Fund for Music Lorraine and Ben Alexander Susan Baker and Michael Lynch The Bellevue Hotel Ira Brind and Stacey Spector

David B. Devan and Rev. David A. Dubbeldam Glenmede Trust Company Carole and Dudley Johnson Jeffrey R. Jowett Ms. Dominique Laffont William Lake Leonard, Esq. In honor of Joseph G. Leone Anne Leone and Daniel Ludwig Mr. William A. Loeb Tracy and Pascal Maeter Mr. and Mrs. James M. Matarese Steven and Michèle Pesner Robert V. Taglieri and Timothy J. Moir The Philadelphia Cultural Fund Louise and Alan Reed Mrs. Linda Richardson Mr. and Mrs. John D. Rollins Bud and Betty Shapiro Howard and Sarah D. Solomon Foundation Ms. Linda Wingate and Dr. William Liberi Mrs. Ethel Benson Wister Mrs. Kelly Wolfington In honor of Richard I. Wolfington, Sr. Kelley Wolfington and Richard Wolfington, Jr. List as of April 2019

For more information, contact Rebecca Ackerman, Director of Individual Giving and Advancement Services, at 215.893.5904 or


Clockwise from top: Board member Kathy Christiano and Drew Christiano with Rafael Gomez and Leadership Circle member Frederick Haas; Board member Allen Freedman and Judy Brick Freedman with mezzo-soprano Frederica von Stade; Board member Barbara Teichert with 2018-2019 Emerging Artist Siena Licht Miller and General Director and President David B. Devan; Chairman’s Council Members Joel and Sharon Koppelman and David and Linda Glickstein; Patron Program members Robin and Bruce Herndon

Clockwise from top left: Board member Charles Freyer with baritone Jonathan McCullough; Board members Sandra Baldino and Daniel K. Meyer, M.D.; Jack Trafton and Board member Maria Trafton with Ellen Berman Lee, Board Chairman Peter Leone, and Opera Philadelphia VP of Artistic Operations David Levy; Board members Caroline Mackenzie Kennedy (left) and Eugene Stark (right) with Amy Carroll and Joseph Miller; Patron Program members Wynn Lee and Anne Silvers Lee with soprano Anna Christy; Photos by HughE Dillon, Dave DiRentis, Ashley Magitz, and Sophia Negron


The Patron Program is comprised of committed opera enthusiasts whose collective generosity provides vital support for Opera Philadelphia’s productions and community programs. Patrons enjoy access to VIP benefits in the opera house including champagne intermission receptions and a VIP coat check, as well as invitations to exclusive events throughout the season, and priority ticketing services.

Patron Program Donna Wechsler, Chair

$7,500–$9,999 Anonymous (2) Mr. John Aglialoro and Ms. Joan Carter Tom and Jody O'Rourke Virginia Brown Martin Fund of The Philadelphia Foundation Suzanne and Robert Welsh $5,000–$7,499 Anonymous (2) Mrs. Carolyn Aller Alpin J. and Alpin W. Cameron Memorial Fund Ms. Robin Angly and Mr. Miles Smith Drs. Jean and Robert Belasco Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bergen Mr. and Mrs. Julian A. Brodsky Robert Bryan and Julie J. Bryan Mark and Peggy Curchack Deluxe Corporation Foundation Director’s Grant Program of The Barra Foundation Dr. Lamberto and Barbara Donnelly Bentivoglio Drs. Bruce and Toby Eisenstein Dr. Frank F. Furstenberg and Ms. Nina Segre Ms. Mariko Ikehara and Mr. Jeffrey P. Cunard Robert and Elizabeth Legnini Liddy and John Lindsay Dr. and Mrs. Michael B. Love Dr. Stanley Muravchick and Ms. Arlene Olson Mr. and Mrs. R. Anderson Pew Dr. and Mrs. Joel Porter Drs. Richard and Rhonda Soricelli Jill and William Steinberg Mr. and Mrs. James B. Straw 28

Official Sponsor, Patron Program

Mr. Jay H. Tolson Victory Foundation Laura A. Williamson Mr. Robert Zimet $3,500–$4,999 Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Bohn Joan and Frederick Cohen Mr. and Mrs. William A. Graham, IV Bruce and Robin Herndon Ian Kirschemann and Leslie Jones Terri and Thomas Klein Anne Silvers Lee and Wynn Lee Laurie Wagman In memory of Irvin J. Borowsky Carol A. Westfall $2,500-$3,499 Anonymous Drs. Ronald D. and Marcia Abraham Brett and Nan Altman Lydia Alvarez In memory of Isabelle Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. Paul Anderson Eileen Baird Beaty Bock and Jonathan Miller Mr. Michael F. Cade and Mr. Mayron Lizardo Lopez Ruiz Drs. Judith and Jeffrey Carpenter Dr. Frank Craparo Ms. Joan DeJean Tobey and Mark Dichter Mark Duckett and Stan Gaddy Ellis A. Gimbel Charitable Trust Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Fanelli, Jr.

What does the future sound like? Mr. Arthur F. Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. W. Don Gillen, Jr. Stanley Goldfarb, MD Joan and William Goldstein Pauline Gray and Edward Barnes Ms. Carolyn L. Green and Mr. Michael T. Blakeney Dr. and Mrs. Henry J. Greenwood and Ms. Marilyn Greenwood David and Ann Harrison, Esqs. Ms. Rhoda K. Herrold Dr. and Mrs. Leonid Hrebien Edward and Patricia Hymson Ms. Lisa R. Jacobs Dr. and Mrs. Peter M. Joseph Mr. Matthew Karstetter and Ms. Ellen Rosenberg Mr. Kenneth Klothen and Ms. Eve Biskind Abelardo Lechter and Lynne Lechter, Esq. Maribeth and Steven Lerner Fran and Leon L. Levy Harriet and Shelly Margolis †Mr. and Mrs. Norman M. McCausland Susan and Graham McDonald Leonard Mellman and Deborah Glass Ms. Katherine L. Niven Denise and Volker Oakey Dr. Alessandro Pocai Dr. David J. Richards Dr. Joel Rosenbloom Mr. David Sacker and Ms. Darcy Hayes Joyce Seewald Sando

Mr. and Mrs. Curtis E. Sawyer David Schellenberg Dr. and Mrs. Richard N. Taxin Mr. Kim D. Tomlinson and Dr. Laura Stanton Mr. Vince Tseng and Mr. Geoffrey Mainland The Rev. and Mrs. Richard L. Ullman Peter J. Wender Dr. Leah Whipple Mr. Thomas E. Wiener Robert and Christine Winn †Deceased List as of April 2019

For more information, contact Rebecca Ackerman, Director of Individual Giving and Advancement Services, at 215.893.5904 or

Even when every seat in the house sells out, this dazzling blend of theatrical, orchestral, and vocal splendor requires considerable support from within our community. Play an active role in bringing great opera to Philadelphia while enjoying exclusive benefits that enhance your opera experience when you make a membership gift of $100 or more. MEMBERS ENJOY: •

Early access and savings on ticket purchases

Behind-the-scenes events like dress rehearsals and backstage tours

• •

Invitations to member-only recitals and lectures And much more!

Membership $1,000–$2,499 Anonymous (5) Mr. Thomas Heckman and Mrs. Mary Jo Ashenfelter Heckman Mimi Asplundh Ms. Susan Asplundh Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Bazelon Eugene and Virginia Beier Ms. Ellen S. Berelson, Ph.D. and Mr. Lawrence Franks Alexandra Storm and John Bisignano Drs. Deidre and Michael Blank Mr. Michael Bolton and Mr. Peter Keleher Nancy and George Brodie Elizabeth A. R. and Ralph S. Brown, Jr. Mrs. Elaine Camarda William B. Carey Christian R. and Mary F. Lindback Foundation Mr. Mark Cornish Maureen Craig and Glenn Goldberg Dr. Richard Davidson Anna Marie DeVito Mrs. Ineke M. Dikland Dolfinger-McMahon Foundation Robert and Monica Driver Dave R. Eder

Georgyn G. Fest Stephanie French Jim and Kay Gately Mr. Andrew R. Gelber In memory of Sylvia Gelber Ms. Phyllis S. Gitlin Eduardo Glandt and George Ritchie Deborah E. Glass Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Glauber Mr. Donald A. Hamme, III and Dr. Christina Gregory Eileen Kennedy and Robert Heim Ms. Susan Henry Drs. Christina L. and Richard J. Herring Cheryl Lawson and Jennifer Higdon Mr. Joseph J. Leube, Jr. Laura and Bernard Jacobson Gene Kaufman and Terry Eder-Kaufman Dr. Richard B. Kent Dr. Judith M. LaLonde and Mr. Peter V. Bodine Mr. and Mrs. David Levy Louis N. Cassett Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Lukens Dr. Colin F. MacKay Jeremiah and Leslie Marks Edward and Roberta Martin Mr. John Mastrobattista Dwight and Christina McCawley

Drs. Joseph and Jane McGowan Mr. Joseph A. McNally and Ms. Christine Lindstrom Dr. and Mrs. Michael Naidoff Dr. and Mrs. A. H. Nishikawa Mr. and Mrs. Mario Palumbi Ms. Jane G. Pepper Helen E. Pettit Ms. Jane DiRenzo Pigott Dr. Maya Ponte Mr. and Mrs. Bert Redgrave Eileen Rosenau Lori Laitman and Bruce Rosenblum Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rubenstein The Rev. Canon Dr. Alan K. Salmon Nancy and Barry Sanders Anne Faulkner Schoemaker Susan and Paul Shaman Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Smith Lise Suino Penelope and Thomas Watkins Mr. Thomas C. Woodward Ana-Maria Zaugg and David Anstice

For more information, contact Guest Services at 215.732.8400 or

List as of April 2019

C OR P O R ATE CO U NC IL The Corporate Council generously supports Opera Philadelphia’s artistic and educational programming through contributions and in-kind donations.


Official Hotel

Chairman's Opening Night Dinner

Official Piano Service Provider

Brand Communications Partner

Season Media Partner

Official Sponsor, Patron Program

Season Media Partner

Official Piano

CORPORATE COUNCIL SPONSORS Affairs To Be Remembered, Inc. Ballard Spahr LLP

Center City Film and Video CRW Graphics

Garces Group PECO PNC

Saks Fifth Avenue

Deluxe Corporation Foundation

Termini Bros. Bakery

Exelon Business Services

Universal Health Services

Ernst Brothers - Builders

Tiffany & Co.

The Kimmel Center for the Performing Arts and Opera Philadelphia are collaborative partners in delivering the highest quality opera programs in world class venues for the benefit of regional audiences, international artists, and the broader community. EITC APPROVED The Opera is a recognized Educational Improvement Organization, eligible for EITC

For more information about sponsorship opportunities, EITC contributions, or to join Opera Philadelphia’s Corporate Council, contact Derren A. Mangum, Director of Institutional Giving, at 215.893.5924 or

HOW W I L L Y O U B E R E M EM B ER ED? There are many ways you can help Opera Philadelphia now and in the future. If the Opera has played a significant role in your life, we encourage you to ensure our future by making a gift to Opera Philadelphia in your will or estate plan and joining our Legato Society. Informing us of your intentions allows us to recognize your generosity today as well as plan for the future.

LEGATO SOCIETY Charles C. Freyer, Chair Anonymous (4) Lorraine and Ben Alexander Eleanor M. Allen† Mr. Kenneth H. Barr Myron and Sheila S. Bassman Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bergen Ms. Jane A. Berryman Dr. Claire Boasi Dr. Rita B. Bocher Mrs. Sheila Buckley Constance G. Burton† Dr. and Mrs. Elaine Cassalia† Dr. Maria Elisa Ciavarelli† Miss Lucy Clemens Joan and Frederick Cohen Dianne and Don Cooney Mr.† and Mrs. Arthur Covello Ms. Ginny L. Coyle Mr. W. Kenneth Cressman and Mr. Lloyd Christy Ms. Joan DeJean Ms. Virginia Del Sordo† Robert and Monica Driver Eddie and Rachel Eitches Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Fanelli, Jr. Ms. Joanne D. Fidler† Aron and Joan Fisher† Ms. Harriet Forman† Judith Durkin Freyer and Charles C. Freyer Mr. Timothy V. Gardocki Ms. Sylvia Green† Dr. Mark H. Haller† Mrs. Dorrance H. Hamilton† Gail Hauptfuhrer Stephen T. Janick Jeffrey R. Jowett Mrs. Sheila Kessler Mr. Michael Knight

Mr. Tom Laporta Anne and Wynn Lee Gabriele Lee Marguerite and Gerry† Lenfest Mrs. Renee T. Levin† Karen and Michael Lewis Carol and Howard Lidz Mr. William A. Loeb Sonja E. Lopatynskyj† Mr. Larry Thomas Mahoney Drs. Joseph and Jane McGowan Eugene C. Menegon† Mrs. Lois Meyers Mrs. Ellen Cole Miller† Mr. Siddhartha Misra Constance C. Moore Msgr. Felix M. O'Neill† Helen Pettit Mr. William Reily† Dr. Scott F. Richard Mr. Laurence T. Robbins† Dr. Renée Rollin Jeffrey and Kendell Saunders Mr. and Mrs. Morton F. Steelman† Ms. Lee Steinberg Ms. Ellen Steiner Mr. Kenneth R. Swimm Charlotte Watts Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Wechsler Ester C. Weil† Mr. George P. White† Drs. Anne and Jim Williamson Richard and Kelley Wolfington † Deceased

List as of April 2019

To join or to receive more information, contact Rebecca Ackerman, Director of Individual Giving and Advancement Services, at 215.893.5904 or






A few years ago, Dianne and I, along with our son, Bryce, saw John Adams conduct his opera Nixon in China. Since its 1987 premiere, “Nixon” has been one of my favorites, in a pantheon of works by composers ranging from Monteverdi to Mozart to Mazzoli. We three, however, do not favor the same operas or composers: at that “Nixon” performance, I loved the production, Dianne loved the dancing, and Bryce was “grateful for the experience.” Will our grandchildren enjoy the works of John Adams? I don’t know. But I don’t care to worry about it. The history of opera is littered with forgotten works praised at their premiere and others belittled at their birthing which are now critically acclaimed box office bonanzas.

Don and Dianne Cooney with soprano and Opera Philadelphia Emerging Artist Ashley Marie Robillard (Dave DiRentis for Opera Philadelphia)

What I do care about is that our children and grandchildren have a choice of operas to love for their beauty and power, or for their dancing—or just for the experience. That requires supporting the creation and production of opera both now and in the future, to ensure this art form is continuously enriched with a blending of the old and new, the traditional and iconoclastic, the comfortable and discomfiting. This is what Opera Philadelphia does so well—and the reason Dianne and I support it with our giving now and include the company in our estate plans. All operas share in common the fact that not one of them would be seen or heard if they were funded only by ticket sales. We are very grateful to everyone who joins us in giving to make opera a reality right here in Philadelphia. And for the experiences your generosity makes possible—for all of us now, and later for all of our grandchildren.

Don Cooney Opera Philadelphia Board of Directors and Legato Society Member




David B. Devan, General Director & President Corrado Rovaris, Jack Mulroney Music Director Michael Bolton, Vice President of Community Initiatives David Levy, Vice President of Artistic Operations Frank Luzi, Vice President of Marketing & Communications Jeremiah Marks, Chief Financial Officer Rachel McCausland, Vice President of Development Lawrence Brownlee, Artistic Advisor Mikael Eliasen, Artistic Advisor Ken Smith, Chief of Staff

Michael Knight, Director of Guest Services Karina Kacala, Director of Advertising & Promotions Shannon Eblen, Communications Manager Emma Storm, Marketing Associate Siddhartha Misra, Lead Guest Services Associate Catherine Perez, VIP Services Coordinator Marissa Chalker, Rae Rosenbayger, Anthony Sharp Guest Services Associates Katie Kelley, Design Manager Ali Haegele, Graphic Designer Karma Agency, Brand Communications Partner



Michael Eberhard, Artistic Administrator Sarah Williams, New Works Administrator Elizabeth Braden, Chorus Master & Music Administrator J. Robert Loy, Director of Orchestra Personnel & Orchestra Librarian Grant Loehnig, Head of Music Staff Rene Orth, Composer in Residence Emily May Sung, Assistant Chorus Master Nathan Lofton, Assistant Orchestra Librarian

Rebecca Ackerman, Director of Individual Giving & Advancement Services Derren Mangum, Director of Institutional Giving Adele Mustardo, Director of Events Eva James Toia, Director of Major Gifts Aisha Wiley, Director of Research Vanyah Harrigan, Manager of Institutional Giving Rachel Mancini, Development Special Projects Manager EboniJoi McNeill, Development Services Coordinator

PRODUCTION John Toia, Director of Production Drew Billiau, Director of Design & Technology Stephen Dickerson, Technical Director Millie Hiibel, Costume Director Meggie Scache, Production Manager Lisa Anderson, Production Stage Manager Katie Foster, Assistant Costume Director Bridget A. Cook, Artistic Operations Coordinator

COMMUNITY INITIATIVES Steven Humes, Education Manager Veronica Chapman-Smith, Community Initiatives Administrator FINANCE Brian Ramos, Controller Bethany Sellers, HR & Operations Manager COUNSEL Ballard Spahr, LLP, General Counsel



T H E LOVE FOR THREE OR A N G E S September 20-29, 2019 | Academy of Music A longtime favorite of Jack Mulroney Music Director Corrado Rovaris, this musical gem is rarely performed in the United States even though it originally premiered in Chicago in 1921. It’s a fun, fantastical farce, combining opulent stage design, a kingdom of colorful characters, and some of composer Sergei Prokofiev's most energetic, accessible music. The Love for Three Oranges, a seriously funny opera about a melancholic prince and his cursed quest for love, makes its Opera Philadelphia premiere as part of Festival O19 in a “masterful new production” (Opera News) by South African director Alessandro Talevi.

The cast features a wonderful blend of returning favorites and debuting singers. The “agile, fresh-voiced tenor” (Opera News) Jonathan Johnson makes his company debut as the melancholy prince, with soprano Wendy Bryn Harmer, who is featured in the Metropolitan Opera’s DVD recordings of The Magic Flute and Ring cycle, as Fata Morgana, the witch who curses him. Bass Scott Conner brings “sonorous command” (Cleveland Plain-Dealer) to the King of Clubs, the prince’s father; tenor Barry Banks, who boasts “the same combination of tonal sweetness and pinging clarity that made Pavarotti famous” (Telegraph, UK), portrays Truffaldino, the court jester.

Based on a play by Carlos Gozzi, Prokofiev’s Returning are bass-baritone Zachary opera is best known for its iconic “March.” Altman and bass Brent Michael Smith, Thanks to its playful satire and a “score who delighted as two of the Mechanicals [that] bubbles with invention and high in February’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, spirits” (Gramophone), the opera has been a while baritone Will Liverman, currently European staple for almost a century. on stage as Schaunard in La bohème, comes back to the Academy as Pantalone, Talevi’s production “turned out to be the the king’s trusted advisor. real highlight” (Opera News) of Florence’s Maggio Musicale, where it debuted in Prokofiev is perhaps best known for Peter 2014. Featuring an elaborate, trompe l’oeil and the Wolf and his ballet Romeo and proscenium arch and oranges reminiscent Juliet. Don’t miss this rare opportunity to of Fabergé eggs, in Talevi’s hands experience the composer’s operatic triumph. Prokofiev’s comic gem becomes grand opera with a Russian twist.

P L A N Y O U R FA L L R E T U R N T O T H E O P E R A OPERAPHILA.ORG | 215.732.8400

Subscriptions and Ticket Packages On Sale Now

T H I S I S T E N S I O N . T H I S I S A R T. T H I S I S A N E W S E A S O N O F O P E R A .

2019 – 2020 Academy Series A New Kind of Comedy

The Love for Three Oranges September 20–29, 2019 A New Kind of Eulogy

Verdi’s Requiem January 31 & February 2, 2020 A New Kind of Classic

Madame Butterfly April 24–May 3, 2020

For personalized assistance curating your Opera Philadelphia experience, contact Guest Services at 215.732.8400 or visit

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