JULY 2019
Stories of how YOU help the hurting around the world.
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Catch up with the goings on at Operation Blessing!
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You provided medical care for the sick and struggling in El Salvador
CLEAN WATER FOR SUFFERING SCHOOL CHILDREN OB partners bless a school in Guatemala with safe water
Inside this this issue issue
YOU PROVIDE EXTREME BLESSINGS FOR HURTING HEARTS An extreme blessing home makeover for family hit twice by disaster
You can join our community of world-changers on Pinterest
You blessed fire victims in Peru
You provided career training that will help free Rehana’s family from sickness and poverty | 977 Centerville Turnpike, Virginia Beach, VA 23463 | (800) 730-2537 3
COLOMBIA: Thanks to you, Operation Blessing medical staff examine a small girl at an OB medical brigade for Venezuelan refugees.
HAITI: A boy gets the chance to see a dentist thanks to a dental brigade made possible by Operation Blessing’s faithful friends.
GUATEMALA: Because of your support, children enjoy bowls of fortified cereal as part of a hunger relief program.
TEXAS: Volunteers prepare bags of groceries for those in need at Hill Country Daily Bread, an Operation Blessing food distribution partner.
PERU: With the support of OB’s generous partners, OB Peru staff and community members work to build a new preschool!
BURUNDI: A doctor shakes hands with a young boy being treated for a broken femur as part of Operation Blessing’s Life-Changing Surgeries program.
You provided medical care for the sick and struggling in El Salvador
rancisco works hard every day to provide for his wife and to make an honest living. He grows and harvests maize as a means of income, as well as a source of food to put on the table for his family.
At 85-years old, Francisco suffers from a blood pressure condition that requires
regular medical attention and medicine. Yet he does not live close to a medical clinic, making it difficult to access the proper medications. Francisco regularly travels to the capital in hopes of receiving a consultation at one of the national hospitals. But the journey is never without difficulty. 6 6
“It takes me about two hours to travel there, and the worst thing is going without any food in my stomach,” Francisco said. “Because I spend my money on travel, I do not have money for food and I have to wait to eat until I return home.” This burden of choosing between medical care and hunger is one Francisco carries every day. Matters are made even worse when his journeys to buy medicine prove to be unfruitful. “It is an ugly situation. You make the money you need and spend it on travel, only to be told that they do not have any medicine left or that I have to buy a prescription elsewhere,” Francisco explains. Yet thanks to generous partners like you, Francisco was met with hope and healing when an Operation Blessing medical brigade arrived near his home in El Salvador. His consultation with Operation Blessing doctors and medical volunteers solved the issues that have been burdening him. Francisco was provided with proper medical treatment and the medication he needs for his many health problems, including his blood pressure condition. “I feel so happy and thankful for the attention they have given me and the medicine I need so much,” Francisco said. About Operation Blessing partners like you, he said, “They are a true blessing to all of the poor. God give them the strength to continue to help others!”
C L E AN W AT E R FOR Suffering School Children OB partners bless a school in Guatemala with safe water
lean water was hard to
wooden bridge that crossed the
come by in the northern
creek. “I was very close to falling
Guatemalan community
off the bridge,” Carlos remembers.
of Corozo Milla V, a fact
“Fortunately, I was not alone.”
11-year-old Carlos knew all too
With help from his friends, Carlos
well. Carlos and his friends made
escaped injury that day, but he
daily trips to the local water source
knew that he would have to make
to bring water back to their homes
the trip again soon.
and school. One day when Carlos was on
Even with the children’s hard work and risk, the water they
his way back from the well carrying
brought back was not safe to drink.
two buckets of water he stumbled
Tainted by E. coli bacteria, the
and nearly fell from the rickety old
water caused stomach problems
and diarrhea for the people of Corozo Milla V. Without safe drinking water, the community’s situation seemed dire, with no hope of change. Then, faithful Operation Blessing partners like you stepped in to transform Carlos’ life and the lives of everyone in Corozo Milla V. The Operation Blessing team started by installing a chlorine doser and filter. Next they constructed a pipeline network to distribute the water. Then, a hand-washing station with eight faucets
“ Now we are
safe and the water tastes much better! ” -Carlos
was built at Carlos’ school. Continued on page 10
Continued from page 9
Operation Blessing’s generous friends also provided a SE 200 chlorine generator for the school. The chlorine produced by the SE 200 and added to the water tank will ensure that E. coli and other harmful contaminants will no longer cause suffering for Carlos and his friends. Not only that, Carlos will never have to make the difficult journey to retrieve water again. There are now containers of safe water in every classroom at his school!
Carlos and his classmates also received hygiene training and anti-parasite pills to help them stay healthy. During the inauguration week, Operation Blessing partners brought a medical and dental brigade to the community, providing care to hundreds of people! Thanks to the generosity of friends like you, Carlos’ community has truly been transformed by the power of clean water. “Now we are safe and the water tastes much better,” Carlos exclaimed. “Thank you, Operation Blessing!” 11
It just felt like home when we entered the door. This is a miracle, because now we feel safe. - Divya
An extreme blessing home makeover for family hit twice by disaster 12
ivya, Terry, and their
struck in 2016, the family decided to
12-year-old son lived
repair their home and stay put.
through the heartache of
They felt certain that Matthew had
seeing their home in Lumberton,
been a “once in a hundred years storm.”
N.C., destroyed not once, but twice
They worked hard to get their home
by hurricane flooding. But thanks to
back into shape. Meanwhile, Divya
The Home Depot Foundation and
continued working at her small salon in
Operation Blessing supporters like
town, and Terry as a corrections officer.
you, their tragedy turned to triumph
Both view their jobs as ministries. Divya
through an extreme home makeover
said about her husband, “He wants to
they never imagined.
protect and serve.”
Divya grew up in Lumberton, and
When Hurricane Florence headed
she received her grandmother’s house
their way this year, they heeded the
when she passed away. That place was
warnings to get to higher ground to
very special to her and always takes her
make sure they wouldn’t get trapped.
back to her childhood. She said simply,
And they took all the precautions
“It’s home.” So when Hurricane Matthew
they could to protect their house. Continued on page 14 13
Continued from page 13
It wasn’t until after the worst of the
things work together for the
storm, when a nearby river crested
good of those who love the Lord.’
later that week, that tragedy struck for
So that’s where I’m finding peace.”
a second time. Divya experienced the
As Operation Blessing disaster
heartache of seeing her home destroyed
relief volunteers showed up on the
with contaminated water and mold
scene to help remove soggy flooring,
once again. She said, “For lack of a
molding sheet rock, and damaged
better word, it’s a disaster… I was kind
items from the home, matters began
of numb. You don’t want it to be true.”
to look up for the family. Little did
Facing the devastating floods for the
they suspect the relief they received
second time proved truly challenging
at that time was just the beginning of
for the family. But they managed to
the blessings in store!
maintain their faith. In the midst of it all Divya quoted Romans 8:28: “‘All
On November 27, the couple were invited to attend The Tonight Show, but
Working alongside our faithful partner, The Home Depot Foundation.
they had no idea the surprise waiting
The family, who hadn’t seen any of the
for them there. Jimmy Fallon asked
progress being made, was brought to
them to stand and share a little about
their renovated home unsure what to
their story. Then, to their shock, he
expect. Then, OB semi-trucks pulled
announced that The Home Depot
away, revealing the new home lined
Foundation and Operation Blessing
with smiling, cheering volunteers
had a huge surprise in store for
waving signs and holding brightly
their family.
colored balloons. It was a welcome
Operation Blessing helped the
home unlike any other.
family find a new home in a safer
The family’s expressions were
area away from flooding. Then The
priceless as they toured their house
Home Depot and Operation Blessing
with its fresh paint, new furnishings,
volunteers teams completely renovated
and fully renovated kitchen. Divya said,
it. They painted and provided new
“It just felt like home when we entered
flooring and kitchen cabinets. They
the door. This is a miracle, because
filled the house with new furnishings
now we feel safe.”
and beautifully landscaped the yard.
Because of you, their tragedy has
The team also thoughtfully decorated
turned to triumph and this family with
to make the house feel like a home to
servants’ hearts can finally see purpose
the family.
in it all. “To the donors and sponsors of
Finally, the Extreme Blessing Home Makeover was ready for the big reveal.
Operation Blessing,” Divya said, “thank you from the bottom of my heart.”
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Let’s Strike Out Hunger Operation Blessing 1.0k followers
You are striking out hunger in Guatemala and around the world. Operation Blessing supporters fight hunger every day through food distributions, nutritional support, agricultural programs, small business opportunities and more. Let’s keep putting smiles on the faces of hungry children
Join the OB community of world-changers on Pinterest! Enjoy international recipes, inspiring memes, amazing stories and videos, daily photo prayers, intriguing faces, holiday tips, stunning photography and much more!
May we think of freedom, not as the right to do as we please, but as the opportunity to do what is right. – Peter Marshall
to all of our amazing Operation Blessing supporters who faithfully do what’s right by blessing those in need!
in the fla
magine waking to discover your
the others and rally anyone who
small home and those of all your
could hear to help put out the flames.
neighbors going up in flames. This
But since the homes were made of
was the nightmare that met single mother of three, Berzabeth, along
Berzabeth said, “Suddenly I heard
with many community members
them shouting, ‘Fire, fire!’ I woke up
in the settlement of Luis Guillermo
my children, and they left the house
García Ruiz in Peru.
nervously running. I tried to gather
At 4:00 a.m. one of her neighbors began to cry out desperately to warn
wood, the fire quickly spread.
some clothes, take out my refrigerator that I used in my business, but I
YOU BLESSED FIRE VICTIMS IN PERU couldn’t do anything. The fire was
terrifying story. By the time the
already approaching my room, so I
local firefighters got the blaze
had to go out through the window,
under control, 10 houses had
and I jumped from a height of 4
burned to the ground, leaving
meters, causing a cut in my hand.
60 individuals, from babies to
I was able to save my life, but not
the elderly, homeless. The local
my house."
authorities stepped in to feed the
Not only had she lost her home, she lost her small business as well. Nearly every family told a similar
families for a week and to rebuild the lost homes, but the victims still needed so much more help. Continued on page 20
Continued from page 19
Thanks to you, Operation Blessing quickly arrived on the scene with
children have been staying with
disaster relief supplies. As they
relatives nearby, but she and three
reached out to the victims, they
other mothers run the kitchen for
realized that the displaced residents
the community. She said, "I am very
would need a long-term solution for
grateful for all the support you are
feeding their families. And so you
giving my neighbors and my family.
provided an industrial kitchen for
Thanks to this help, we can eat.�
the residents to prepare meals while displaced from their homes. OB teams also provided ongoing moral and emotional support to
"I am very grateful for all the support you are giving my neighbors and my family. Thanks to this help, we can eat.� - Berzabeth
the fire victims. Berzabeth and her
While this community still has a lot of rebuilding in their future, you’ve given them help and hope to get through this fiery trial.
THE OF YOUR LEGACY God’s Word encourages us to fix our eyes on the things that endure. An inheritance is temporary and fades as it’s spent. But, a Legacy is something tangible you place in the hands of others that lives long after you leave this earth. Through a simple beneficiary designation to Operation Blessing in your estate plan, you partner with our mission to provide hope and help to suffering families—answers that permanently transform lives. A planned gift to OB can provide help to desperate parents so they’ll be able to feed their hungry children, emergency relief to those devastated by disaster, medical care and clean water to communities facing disease and drought and much more. Your legacy will not only be about what you leave behind, but more importantly, it could even provide the reward of sharing eternity with those you chose to help. If you’ve included Operation Blessing in your will, trust or other beneficiary designation, please let us know. We want to honor you as one of our Legacy Partners. And more importantly, we want to make sure you’re thanked today and your legacy is honored tomorrow. BENEFICIARY DESIGNATIONS SHOULD MENTION THE FOLLOWING:
Operation Blessing International Relief and Development
Planned Giving, CSB 112 977 Centerville Turnpike Virginia Beach, VA 23463
Tax ID:
For more information, call Planned Giving at 800-730-2537, email, or visit
BREAKING OUT OF POVERTY You provided career training that will help free Rehana’s family from poverty and sickness
ehana, her husband Ijaz, and their two children lived with Ijaz’s parents to help make ends meet. But, unhappy with the small income Ijaz earned as a laborer, his parents criticized and
argued with him constantly—making the young family’s life more difficult. As the situation got worse, Rehana's brother helped set up Rehana, Ijaz, Saira (9), and Abdulla (8) in their own rented home. Their little family struggled to get by, and Rehana longed to add to the family income and help them break free of poverty, dreaming of a better life for her children. They barely managed on Ijaz’s wages. Once they paid for essentials like rent, bills, and the children’s education, there just wasn’t enough left to meet all their needs. Rehana, a diabetic, all too often didn’t have the funds to properly take care of her condition. Then she heard of an amazing opportunity! Thanks to your generous support, Operation Blessing provides for a career training center for women in her area through the Community Advancement Society (CAS). Through CAS, friends like you are offering free programs in cosmetology, sewing, and embroidery, along with classes in computer training and adult literacy. The additional classes help students gain the skills they’ll need to run their own businesses.
Thanks to you, Rehana is supporting her family and properly caring for her health.
Often, young women trying to escape a life bound to the brick yards or trapped as domestic servants sign up for the programs you provide. But Rehana saw it as the perfect way to break her family out of poverty, and she enrolled in the cosmetology course. Due to her health, Rehana took
“I am very grateful to CAS and Operation Blessing for being a strong platform for females to share the burden of their families and find a better place in society.” - Rehana
longer to complete the program, but the instructors encouraged
their families and find a better
her to complete her course work.
place in society.”
During her training, her brother
Today, Rehana’s family
helped her open a small salon
no longer has to rely on her
next to her home. There, she
brother. With her new job, the
diligently practiced everything
family is making it on their own,
she learned on her clients. She did
and Rehana is able to care for
such a great job, that word spread
her health! None of this could
quickly, and her client list grew.
have happened without you.
She said, “I am very grateful
THANK YOU for transforming
to CAS and Operation Blessing
Rehana’s life and helping her
for being a strong platform for
break free from sickness
females to share the burden of
and poverty. 23
CHILDREN IN CRISIS NEED YOUR HELP! Be the answer to their prayers. Visit to help change your world.
977 Centerville Turnpike Virginia Beach, VA 23463 Copyright © 2019 by Operation Blessing
(800) 730-2537