10th grade College Advisement

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Sophomore Meeting

OPHS Counselors

OPHS Counselors Ms. Charrett Ms. Ross Mr. McLelland Mrs. Stasiefski Mrs. Svoboda (9th)

College and Career Center Ms. Hawkins ■Room C-6 ■Naviance workshops ■College visits ■Leadership programs ■Test prep ■Career information ■Summer enrichment ■Scholarship and financial aid information ■Student tutors

College Entrance Exams -11th ■PSAT- October ■SAT – Math, reading, writing ■ACT – Science too! ■SAT Subject Area Tests – 10th grade – Biology, Engineering majors – Math, And Science Subject tests Mock Tests and Boot Camps at OPHS

The Big Picture ■What is your goal during high school? ■Attend a top tier university? ■Participate in sports, clubs, music? ■Gain strong social skills, good peer group? ■Build your character and find out who you are? ■Happiness and emotional stability? ■Community College, trade school, mission trip? ■Family priorities? Spirituality? Community?

Who needs sleep??

Well intentioned course load


Too many AP’s can cause many problems

Health problems that arise from taking on too much... Sleep deprivation Health issues - headaches, stomach aches, truancy


Short temper Anxiety and depression Family conflict Drug use

Other debilitating disorders - eating disorders - Self-harm/cutting - suicidal thoughts

Helpful Coping Strategies At School: Short break from class Deep breathing Utilize school counselor Tactile object for comfort Visualization Positive mantra Self-Talk

Helpful Coping Strategies At Home: 20- 30 min walk Deep breathing ( Tactical Breather App) Progressive muscle relaxation (Virtual Hope Box App) Painting, drawing, writing 30 minutes in the sun Play with family pet Listen to music/play instrument Gratitude journal Mindful meditation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvZB5sHZLFE

Sitting with pain/discomfort will not hurt you. It will make you stronger. Running from pain/discomfort can hurt you.

Expect challenges to occur and develop a ‘this too shall pass� perspective.

OPHS Graduation Requirements ■English (4 years)

■Technology (.5 years)

■Social Studies (3.5 years)

■ART (1 year)

■Math (3 years)

■Practical Skill ( .5 year)

■PE /sport/band (2 yrs)

■Health (.5 year)

■Found. of Science (1 year) ■Life Skills (.5 year 12th) ■Biology (1 year) ■Chemistry (1 year)

■General electives

UC/CSU “a-g” Requirements ■a. History (2 years) ■b. English (4 years) ■c. Math (3 years required/4 years recommended) ■d. Lab Science (2/3 years) ■e. Foreign Language (2/3 years) ■f. Visual Performing Arts ( 1 year) ■g. College Prep Elective (1 year) ■Some colleges require one more yr of Sci.

College Prep Academics ■D’s do not count for college or advancement to the next level in math/lang. More details on the website: http://www.oakparkusd.org/site/Default.aspx?P ageID=879

Admission Factors ■Grades ■SAT/ACT scores ■Rigor of curriculum ■Personal Statement/Essay ■extracurricular activities ■Counselor/teacher recommendations ■Focus on a particular interest/passion ■Leadership ■Creativity

11th grade classes English CP/ Honors/ AP US History CP/Honors/AP Chemistry CP/Honors/AP Math - Geom/Alg II (H)/Math Analysis/Calc Electives - Art, Comp practical skills Language Usually done with 20 credits of PE *in college you can’t take 5 AP’s without permission

What 10th graders should focus on: ■Follow your college prep pathway http://www.oakparkusd.org/site/Default.aspx?PageID=4283

■Regulate stress/emotions with coping strategies ■Learn to self advocate – seek help ■Develop solid study skills ■Find a passion – what am I good at? ■Positive peer relations ■Extracurricular activities ■Find a BALANCE

more... ■Manage your time wisely – use a calendar- do homework the day it is assigned ■Get enough sleep, 8-9 hours ■Eat well ■Don’t compare yourself to others – ever!!! ■Plan for down time/ enjoyment/ socialize (face to face) with friends ■Attend 7th period support regularly ■don’t make grades the most important part of high school. ■don’t make poor choices and expect good results


■College and Career Center room C-6 ■Naviance ■www.oakparkusd.org ■www.collegeboard.com: register for SAT ■www.universityofcalifornia.edu: explore campuses ■www.csumentor.edu: explore campuses ■www.act.org: register for ACT ■www.studygs.net: study Skills ■www.fastweb.com: scholarships

Informational Presentations ■Senior College Application Process (Fall) ■Individual College Meetings for Seniors (Fall) ■Career & College Knowledge Night (October) ■Financial Aid Night (Fall) ■College and Course Advisement (9-11) (Spring) ■Individual Course Advisement meetings for students (8-11) (Spring) ■Junior College Application Night (Spring) ■Sophomore Night (Fall) ■Stress/Resilience/ Substance abuse Speakers

Naviance ■ Request classes for next year, and plan all 4 years of high school ■ College search ■ Career search ■ Complete the Naviance Assessments: Do What You Are, the Career Interest Profiler; the Strengths Explorer, the MI Advantage, and the Learning Style Inventory. These tools will help match you to career options, potential college majors, as well as a better understanding of your unique learning style. ■ To login username: Student ID# password: Student “Q” password


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More resources and information below

The Wholehearted Parenting Manifesto by Dr. Brene Brown â– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhXqWB shZwo

Prior Development

Stage of Development

Next Stage of Development

Industry vs Inferiority

Identity vs Role Confusion

Naturally - you may have conflict When you reach an age where you are growing in independence, there will be conflict. Communicate better and learn to compromise and be flexible.

The Power of Your Words https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecGO6Tvq cVA

Options for Higher Education tuition plus room and board ■University of California ($33,600) ■California State Universities ($20,00-27,000) ■Private and out of state universities ($55,000+) ■Community College ($1,200)

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