Safe School Ambassadors
Hello! Who are Safe School Ambassadors? What can SSA do for OPHS?
Climate of Care
1. Research Says...
School Connectedness is the belief by students that adults and peers in the school care about their learning as well as about them as individuals. CDC’s publication, School Connectedness: Strategies for Increasing Protected Factors Among Youth. (2009)
â—? Research has shown that young people who feel
connected to their school are less likely to engage in many risk behaviors, including early sexual initiation, alcohol, tobacco and other drug use, and violence and gang involvement. CDC’s publication, School Connectedness: Strategies for Increasing Protected Factors Among Youth. (2009)
â—? Students who feel connected to their school are also more likely to have better academic achievement, including higher grades and test scores, have better school attendance and stay in school longer. â—? School connectedness is particularly important for young people who are at increased risk for feeling alienated or isolated from others. American Psychological Association Website, School Connectedness (2019)
2. Student surveys Say...
92% Student Survey Response rate Whoa! That’s significant feedback!
No - 123 Responses
Since school started, I have seen or heard... Peers vaping or using drugs Peers drinking alcohol Inappropriate sexual language or actions towards Another person Online name calling or bad things said about someone where others could read it My peers talk or post about weapons that made me fearful I have feared for my safety while at school either because of mistreatment or the chance something bad could happen while at school I feel more comfortable at school than at home I feel more comfortable at home than at school
3. Suggestions from Students to have more positive connections to each other, to Staff, and/or school in general...
Be nice, get to know students, set time aside to check in, focus on student lives to build relationships, create open space to talk, be positive and encouraging and kind, put yourself in students’ shoes, know students’ names.
Have more activities for students to connect - class events/retreats/lunch activities. Encourage students to talk about issues; student support groups; make new students feel more welcome; more peer counselors reaching out to students.
More school assemblies, more education on issues; have “life lesson” days. Address substance abuse/vaping. Teach students about appropriate and respectful language, more cultural awareness/sensitivity. Offer programs on time and stress management. Students need to take more action.
Go over school policies and stricter consequences; better surveillance of bathrooms/parking lot, drug dogs/bag searches, more staff on supervision, take reports more seriously, have security and gates
Pay more attention and address kids in class being disruptive or bullying in class; act less suspicious around "at risk" kids and reach out to them - let them redeem themselves; don't show prejudice against certain students; don't point out student flaws in class for others to hear. Don't jump to conclusions - talk to students.. Address teacher issues/complaints.
Direct students who they can talk to, counselors to be more familiar and accessible - more time given to check in about non-academic issues. Safe/open place for students to gather to talk about issues without getting in trouble. Opportunities for students to give input/feedback to staff.
Less pressure on grades, help students get on track if struggling, , be flexible, reduce competitive atmosphere, help guide students on managing their workload, extend offers to help, have a supportive and engaging 7th period atmosphere.
What sort of activities/information would you like SSA meetings to include? In what ways do you see SSA improving school climate and school connectedness?
THANKS for Being Here! Want to participate in SSA?
Make sure you signed in with current email. Email Ms. Charrett with any questions or input.