What are the office products that we remember the most? Industry peers and the OPI team have been putting their heads together and come up with an eclectic mix of the interesting and iconic – and some best-sellers to boot
Bulldog clip “I have seen many products come and go, but some have been around for centuries and still have a useful purpose. The humble pencil has been around since the 1600s, the stapler since the 1800s and the versatile bulldog clip since the early 1900s. We have many core lines that were pretty much ‘right first time’.” – Tina Russell, Director of Purchasing, Nemo and Office Club
Macintosh Classic “In October 1990, Apple launched the Macintosh Classic, a sub-$1,000 computer. I was working at Björsells (which became Staples and is now part of Lyreco), which was a Macintosh reseller, and thought it was a great opportunity to sell within our industry. Our Mac department and Apple Sweden said this was out of the question. We all know what happened to Apple after this...” – Michael Alfinson, Procurement Manager, AllOffice
Post-it Note What started life as the the humble Press ’n Peel, me co be s ha te No it stPo 3M. a global success for ay tod , 80 19 Launched in 00 4,0 n tha re mo there are . cts du pro it stPo