Omaha Reads of “The Perfume with author Timothy Schaffert followed by a Q & A the audience. S. a discussion exhibition on history followed by a Author Timothy Schaffert in conversation with The Max’s other Omaha
Book Discussions Join us for a discussion
Thief.” Thurs | Sept 8 | 6 pm Wilson & Washburn | 1407 Harney St. Virtual | Tues | Sept 20 | Noon Link is available at Sat | Sept 24 | 10 am Millard Branch | 13214 Westwood Ln. Author Visit Join us for a conversation
the queer culture and
session with
Each year, Omaha Public Library (OPL) encourages the community to vote for and read one book as a way to promote literacy and inspire discussion among Omaha and Douglas County residents. The selection is celebrated with book talks and other related programming. Join us in reading this year’s Omaha Reads selection, “The Perfume Thief,” by Timothy Schaffert.
36th St. Omaha’s Underground Queer Culture: A Panel Discussion Join OPL, The Max and UNO Libraries’ Queer Omaha Archives for
Stosh Moran and
Shaun David Hutchinson Virtual Author Visit Sat | Sept 24 | 2 pm Registration required at
Copies of “The Perfume Thief” will be available for purchase and signing. Sun | Sept 11 | 3 pm Kimpton Cottonwood Hotel’s Schimmel Ballroom | 302
“The Perfume Thief” is a stylish, sexy pageturner set in Paris on the eve of World War II, where Clementine, a queer American ex-pat and notorious thief, is drawn out of retirement and into one last scam when the Nazis invade. Complete with romance, espionage, champagne towers, and haute couture, this full-tilt sensory experience is a dazzling portrait of the underground resistance of 20th-century Paris and a passionate love letter to the power of beauty and community in the face of insidious hate.
of Omaha,
cabaret show.
OPL will host young adult author Shaun David Hutchinson, whose books have frequently been targeted for removal or restriction in libraries and schools, during this annual celebration of the freedom to read. Timothy Schaffert grew up on a farm in rural Nebraska and now lives in Omaha. He is the author of “The Swan Gondola” as well as four previous criticallyacclaimed novels, which have been among Barnes & Noble Discover Great New Writers selections, Indie Next Picks, and New York Times Editor’s Choices. Schaffert teaches creative writing and literature at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. Learn more about the author and his most recent novel at Visit to reserve your copy of “The Perfume Thief,” and for information about additional programs and resources.
LGBTQIA+ influencers. This event is for ages 21+. Sat | Oct 1 | 6 pm | The Max | 1417 Jackson St. News from Omaha Public Library • OPL Foundation • Friends of OPL Volume 29 • Issue 3 • Fall 2022 Connect Banned Books Week September 18–24 Banned Books Week brings together the entire book community — librarians, booksellers, publishers, journalists, teachers and readers of all types — in shared support of the freedom to seek and to express ideas, even those that may be considered unorthodox or unpopular. Visit to learn more.
will join
“This year, our community has selected a rich and entertaining work of historical fiction,” said OPL Executive Director Laura Marlane. “We look forward to presenting programs to help readers explore some of the prominent themes featured in this book.” Get involved with Omaha Reads by checking out the book, participating in a program, and discussing the book with friends, family and neighbors. All programs are free to attend, but registration is required. Learn more and register at

The Libby app is the gateway to all available eBooks and downloadable audiobook titles. Browse all titles or just the items that are currently available to check out. Narrow your search by genre to help you find your next favorite read. New to the Libby app: Magazines! Search dozens of titles available for all ages, everything from Minecraft World Magazine and Raspberry Pi for Kids to The Economist and Taste of Home. Download them to your device and enjoy. If you’re back in school this fall, your library card connects you with all the resources you need to succeed, from live homework help with professional educators through, to learning a new language with Mango Languages. Students preparing for the next level of their education can use LearningExpress to practice for the ACT, SAT, or GRE exams.
Bryan Wilson
During their June 16, 2022, board meeting, the OPL board of trustees reelected board officers. Officers hold their position for one year beginning on July 1, 2022.
President: Mike Kennedy, attorney at Kennedy Law
Bryan Wilson joined OPL’s board of trustees to serve a three-year term beginning July 1, 2022. Wilson is a board member and cofounder of Midwest Technology Partners. Dr. Keith Lutz, retired superintendent of Millard Public Schools, completed his term on the board.
For the first time in two years, free, educational and entertaining programs took place in person at the branches. OPL presented live storytimes at locations “Out & About,” and offered opportunities to meet interesting animals, make creative crafts, solve escape room puzzles, join book clubs, and so much more. Online programming was also available for individuals who preferred to participate from home.
Two young A.V. Sorensen Branch patrons pose with their mini coral reef creations on June 30, 2022.
The 2022 Summer Reading Program (SRP) celebrated the theme “Oceans of Possibilities,” and offered fun stories and fantastic programs featuring the waterrelated theme all summer long! All ages were invited to participate by reading or listening to a book for 10 hours or completing other reading-related activities between June 1 and July 31. Kids and teens received a book just for signing up, and were able to receive additional rewards at OPL branch locations once they completed their goals.
Laura Marlane Executive Director
Director’s Note Fall has always been my favorite time of year. I think it brings out the New Englander in me. I love the crisp, cool air as the evenings draw in, and the world just feels cozier. Of course, it’s also a great time to curl up with something wonderful to read. Though, to be honest, any time of year is a great time to read! OPL has some amazing apps that make access to the library’s collection fast, easy and available 24/7! Access OPL’s online catalog through the MyOPL app. Read reviews from other patrons; place holds on the titles you want and pick them up where it’s most convenient for you; or create a bookshelf of the titles you want to read in the future.
Secretary/Treasurer: Jen Rae Wang, vice president of patient experience and brand management at City + Ventures
Overall, 14,984 people participated in SRP, and more than 50 percent completed their goals. The Omaha Storm Chasers sponsored attendance for kids and teens who completed their goals during two baseball games in August. Thank you to SRP presenting sponsor, the Richard Brooke Foundation, and many other generous sponsors who help make the program possible.
Additional OPL board members include: John R. Barrett, vice president of government affairs at Great Plains Communications Cameron Gales, social economic inclusion lead for Jacobs Engineering Tulani Grundy Meadows, political science/human relations faculty member at Metropolitan Community College Rochelle Mullen, partner with Cline Williams Wright Johnson & Oldfather
Vice President: Keegan Korf, senior account executive at Emspace + Lovgren
OPL is governed by a nine-member board of trustees, appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Council to serve a three-year term. In accordance with the Nebraska Open Meetings Act, OPL board meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month at 5 pm at different library locations. Schedules, agendas and minutes from these meetings can be found at
Whatever you need, OPL is here for you!
OPL Welcomes New Member to Board of Trustees

Since 2001, October has been nationally recognized as Family History Month. This is a time to increase awareness around and encourage people to explore their family history and learn more about their ancestors.
Omaha City Council passed an ordinance on July 26, 2022, approving an agreement between the City of Omaha and Community Information Trust to design and construct a new central library. The City commits $20 million toward the project in this ordinance and its intent to incorporate Do Space into the design.
Due to the closure of W. Dale Clark Main Library, genealogy and local history resources are being relocated to the Library Administrative Branch at 3020 S. 84th Street. This new space will open to the public on October 3.
Researchers will have access to the Nebraska reference collection (closed stacks), government documents dating back to the 1800s, and microfilms and microfiches, including local newspapers and other periodicals, local history records, and census records. Perhaps the greatest resource of all is OPL’s staff who can help to navigate the family research process and advise best practices for getting the answers you seek.
New Fall Titles
Enjoy these titles being added to OPL’s collection September – November 2022.
Over My Dead Body: Unearthing the Hidden History of America’s Cemeteries by Greg Melville
Construction is underway at the new Downtown Branch to be located at 1401 Jones Street. Construction services for this location are provided by Ronco Construction Company. During the initial phases of construction, library staff have worked alongside the City of Omaha, HDR, Margaret Sullivan Studio, and Noddle Companies to design the space. The initial designs strive to pay tribute to the building’s origins as a creamery, its place in the historic Old Market, and the desire of the community to focus on books and reading. The space is anticipated to open to the public on March 1, 2023.
The schematic design for a potential new central library at 72nd & Dodge streets was presented during a community share out event at The Highlander on June 6. At the event, community members were invited to learn about the concept of the new space and get a sneak peak at artist renderings envisioning the space. Speakers at the event included Mayor Jean Stothert, OPL Executive Director Laura Marlane, Heritage Omaha President Rachel Jacobson, architects from Alley Poyner Macchietto Architecture and HDR, Margaret Sullivan from Margaret Sullivan Studio, and others who have worked on contributing to the design for the new space. At the conclusion of the event, participants were asked to share feedback. At their June 16 board meeting, the OPL board of trustees voted to approve a resolution to establish an 10-member advisory committee charged with making regular reports and recommendations to the library board during construction of the new central library. The full scope of the advisory committee’s role is available at under the June 16 board meeting minutes.
There are resources available to help researchers at all levels, many of which are easily accessible with your library card. Get started by visiting Find online research tools, recommended reading, and even local community resources that may be helpful in constructing your family tree.
Platonic: How the Science of Attachment Can Help You Make— and Keep—Friends by Marisa G. Franco, PhD “Platonic” provides a clear and actionable blueprint for forging strong, lasting connections with others, and for becoming our happiest, most fulfilled selves in the process.
This gripping debut novel is about a survival reality show gone wrong that leaves a group of strangers stranded in the northern wilds. If I Survive You by Jonathan Escoffery This series of short stories follows a Jamaican family striving for more in Miami, and introduces a generational storyteller. The Old Place by Bobby Finger This is a big-hearted and moving debut about a wry decade-oldschoolteacherretiredwhosesecretthreatenstocometo light and send shockwaves through her small Texas town.
Downtown Branch & Library Administrative Branch
Updates provided were current at the time this publication went to print. Due to the accelerated pace of these projects, the status may have changed from what is reported here. The most current information is available at
Small Game by Blair Braverman
Central Library
Facilities Updates
This book explores how, where, and why we bury our dead, and what it really means to memorialize. To request your own customized book list or book bundle, visit and select Find Your Next Read under the Services tab.
October is Family History Month
Because W. Dale Clark Main Library is scheduled for demolition in October 2022, an interim space has been acquired at 1410 Howard Street to provide continuous downtown service for library patrons. The interim branch will offer the same services OPL’s downtown patrons have come to expect and deserve, however, programming and meeting space will not be available at this location. Administrative staff are scheduled to move to the Library Administrative Branch at 3020 S. 84th Street in September.

Access these and other free resources using your library card!
Full-text versions of popular magazine articles, encyclopedia entries, and other resources available to browse by topic area or keyword search.
Experience stories, creative movement, music and more. the early literacy skills of playing, reading, and writing
• Art & Music: Mosaic sticker art. Complete a community art piece by adding stickers to a “color by number” poster.
Celebrate TeenTober with OPL! Every October, libraries nationwide celebrate teens, promote year-round teen services, and fuel passion and innovation for literacy skills in and outside the library.
• Technology & Gaming: Break-in bags. Try to “break-in” to one of our bags by solving puzzles, riddles, and clues.
For more ways to engage in TeenTober, check out OPL’s digital resources at Participate in a virtual escape room, learn more about the OPL zine collection, read an eBook or audiobook on the Libby app, or listen to music via Freegal!
in each storytime. There will be opportunities to take photos. Oct 15 10:30 am Swanson Branch Oct 16 2 pm ........ Abrahams Branch Oct 17 10:30 am Saddlebrook Branch Oct 18 10 am ....... Sorensen Branch Oct 19 6 pm South Omaha Library Oct 20 10:30 am ... Willa Cather Branch Oct 21 10:30 am Elkhorn Branch Oct 22 10:30 am ....... Benson Branch en Español
Click Clack Duck Visits Storytime October 15-22
• Literacy: A bookmark-design challenge! Winning designs will be printed and shared at library events.
Visit the Resource Center at
Visit any branch this October to participate in the month-long celebration! Check out each location’s Teen Space (ages 11-18) for fun program kits with TeenTober themes.
Interactive tutorials, practice tests, eBooks, flashcards and articles for academic skill-building, standardized test preparation, career development and Preparesmore.learners for realistic conversations and strengthens everyday communication skills in over 70 world languages, including English. Fiction and nonfiction reading recommendations matched to the K-8 readers’ interests and reading level. A full-text database providing popular children’s magazines, easy-to-read encyclopedic entries and a vast image Animatedcollection.talking picture books, videos, puzzles and games, and language learning for kids.
Free homework help from a live, online tutor 9 am-9 pm, plus thousands of worksheets, tutorials, study guides, practice tests, and more available 24/7.
• Writing: Wreck this journal. Write, create, and share your ideas in a community journal.

The RiverFront
5 Partnership Spotlight:
Further discussions revealed opportunities for Out & About storytimes, a storywalk, and an end of summer concert and party to celebrate the conclusion of the annual Summer Reading Program. Upcoming Out & About storytimes are scheduled in the Gene Leahy Mall on September 13 and October 11 at 10:30 a.m.
Mollner feels that most things in life come “full circle,” and so it would seem, as she ended her career at OPL in the same place she started it. Mollner transferred to Sorensen Branch in October 2021, and retired on May 30, 2022. Mollner had planned to retire at age 65, but at age 68, said she stayed longer because this was a second career for her and she was still having so much fun. Her life is now calling her in a different direction, as she has some family obligations that need more of her time and attention, as well as personal passions, such as storytelling, riding her bike and traveling, that she’d like the freedom to Aspursue.Mollner reflected on her career at OPL, she is most proud of being able to make a difference in the lives of children –something she will undoubtedly continue even after leaving OPL. Her impactful work with children is one of the contributions that her OPL colleagues appreciated most.
“The RiverFront is a gathering place for our community to socialize, explore, and learn,” said Bill Pickett, director of events and programming for The RiverFront. “We appreciate the relationship with OPL and their contributions to our educational Theprogramming,”RiverFrontis a transformation of 72-acres in downtown Omaha, renovating and interconnecting three previously existing city parks: Gene Leahy Mall, Heartland of America Park, and Lewis & Clark Landing. The project spans from the Missouri River westward into the city’s urban core, extending to 13th Street. MECA is managing park construction, activation and maintenance. The RiverFront, which will be a highly-programmed green space, rich with native plantings and permanent amenities, is reopening in phases starting with Gene Leahy Mall, which opened on July 1, 2022. Lewis & Clark Landing and Heartland of America Park will be complete in 2023.
“Mary made the library a fun, safe place to visit for the young and young at heart,” said W. Clarke Swanson Branch Manager Matt Couch. “She ran a lot of wild programs over the years, but her focus was always on the attendees and on making them feel like they “Imatter.”haveloved working with Mary over the years! Her background in social work made her a great resource in dealing with the diverse population that uses the library. Kids at Main Library would come in looking for her, and she developed a faithful group of teens who would meet here for activities,” said Genealogy & Local History Librarian Martha Grenzeback. On behalf of all of those who have had the pleasure of working with Mollner, we wish her all the best for a wonderful retirement.
Having a front-row seat to the transformation that took place in the Gene Leahy Mall from the windows of W. Dale Clark Main Library, OPL staff began to dream of the fun ways they could work with library patrons and park visitors in the new space. The idea of working together was mutual, and a conversation with The RiverFront staff began in April 2021.
Patrons enjoy the end of summer party with Jim Gill at The RiverFront on July 31. Families browse the free book table at the end of summer party at The RiverFront on July 31.
“We are excited about the programming opportunities that a partnership with the Library can offer to our guests and help us with our mission of being an inclusive, culturally enriching space in the heart of downtown Omaha!” said Sue Violi, director of sponsorship and development for the Metropolitan Entertainment & Convention Authority (MECA), in an email to OPL Executive Director Laura Marlane.
Mary RetiresMollner
As a child, Mary Mollner’s family moved a lot. In each town her family lived, the one true constant for Mollner was the public library. She got to know each one inside and out, and though some of them offered limited hours, she visited when she could. When she thought about what she wanted to be when she grew up, Mollner considered becoming a librarian. However, when some of her family and friends said that librarianship might be “boring,” Mollner switched gears because she knew that she wanted to be in a position that allowed her to play. She pursued a degree from the University of Nebraska Omaha in recreation and leisure studies, and became a recreational therapist. In this role, Mollner often worked with students in alternative schools. She served as a pseudo-librarian in some of the schools and often took her students on field trips to the library. In 2005, Mollner pursued her master’s degree in library science. In 2007, she accepted a position as a parttime library specialist at A.V. Sorensen Branch. It wasn’t long before she moved to W. Dale Clark Main Library and acquired a full-time position working with youth. Mollner worked at Main Library for 13 years and worked on a variety of rewarding and impactful projects, including the development of programming with local schools, increasing the level of participation for downtown patrons in the annual Summer Reading Program, and helping to create a designated storytime space.

Bethers hopes more people become aware of the resources available to them through OPL and motivates them to help. “The hard part is getting started, but once you do, it is hard to stop,” said Bethers.
Established in 1974, the Friends of OPL is an all-volunteer non-profit organization dedicated to raising money for OPL, providing volunteers, and promoting the library to the greater community. A team of more than 50 volunteers raises funds through book sales and memberships.
“OPL truly benefits from the efforts of its Friends group,” said OPL Executive Director Laura Marlane. “The funds they raise support many of the library services and programs our patrons enjoy.”
Having ancestors that immigrated to Nebraska from Sweden, Austin Bethers has always been interested in his family history and historical records. After moving to Omaha in 2019, Bethers wanted to pursue further research in his Nebraska ancestry. Upon experiencing various roadblocks accessing genealogy resources, he learned about W. Dale Clark Main Library and its extensive genealogy department. Bethers spent some time learning more about this treasure trove of resources and decided to support the department as a Asvolunteer.avolunteer indexer, Bethers works on records that overlap multiple counties and states. He indexes everything from names, gender, marital status, residence, occupation, and cause of death in an effort to make it easier for researchers to find records and help to narrow their search.
From the time she was 12 years old, Evonne Edgington knew she wanted to be a librarian. It struck her when she walked into a library in Aberdeen, South Dakota, that it would be the coolest job, even though she had no idea what a librarian actually did. She didn’t especially care, as long as she got to spend her time in that environment, among the books. After high school and some college classes, Edgington enlisted in the U.S. Air Force. Her service took her to Washington, Illinois, South Carolina and England. She met her husband and started a family during this time. When her enlistment was ending, she extended it just long enough to get a final assignment in Omaha, WhenNebraska.Edgington’s military career concluded, her mind returned to libraries. By this time, she had acquired bachelor’s degrees in history and education, and had worked in some school libraries. She was hired at OPL in July 2001 as a young adult librarian at Milton R. Abrahams Branch. After a few years, she decided to switch to adult services and worked at W. Dale Clark Main Library and W. Clarke Swanson Branch. In 2009, Edgington was promoted to manager at Florence Branch, and went on to serve in that position at Willa Cather and Millard branches. Edgington retired from OPL on August 7, 2022. At a time when OPL is experiencing many changes, she felt like this was a good time for her to end her library career.
“No matter her role at OPL, Evonne’s love of reading and passion for sharing books with others always shines. As a librarian, she excelled at recommending good reads to suit any customer’s taste. As a manager, Evonne never lost her focus on the collection and readers while inspiring tremendous staff loyalty at every branch she managed,” said Jehlik. Edgington’s team made a special effort to let her know how much they appreciate her at a farewell party on August 5.
National Friends of Libraries Week October 16-22
Volunteer Spotlight:
Some highlights from his volunteer work include discovering forgotten moments in Nebraska history – from cities and cemeteries that have no names, to the annexation of South Omaha and Benson.
Friends’ board members include Polly Goecke; Meghan Hope; Mary Gallagher Jansen, MD; Alice Lindsay; Sue Nardi; Barb Nielson; Margaret Pope; Jeanne Spence; Mary Ann Sturek; and Jess Winter.
When asked what she is most proud of, Edgington mentioned the many people who she hired over the years who have advanced their careers at the library and made valuable contributions. Though she looks forward to travel, reading, and working on some house projects, Edgington will miss recommending books to the patrons who she has developed relationships with over the years. She will certainly be missed by patrons and staff. OPL Strategy and Business Intelligence Manager Theresa Jehlik shared what made Edgington special to the people she made connections with through her work.
Please visit to learn more about the Friends.
“It is daunting but gratifying work. Even if you can only provide a small slot of time with consistency, you make a difference. Slowly chipping away at the projects adds up, and it provides a meaningful difference to those in need of the service,” said Bethers.
OPL will celebrate the Friends of OPL as part of the National Friends of Libraries Week.
Volunteering at OPL combines Bethers’ passion for history and research. As a patron, he saw ways that the genealogy department could grow and wanted to provide support in ancestry projects so that others could have easier access to records.
Austin Bethers
National Friends of Libraries Week is coordinated by United for Libraries, a division of the American Library Association with approximately 4,000 personal and group members representing hundreds of thousands of library supporters. United for Libraries supports those who govern, promote, advocate, and fundraise for libraries, and brings together library trustees, advocates, friends, and foundations into a partnership that creates a powerful force for libraries in the 21st century. For more information, visit

The Barbara Bock-Mavis Leadership Award was created in 2017 to recognize longtime service from an OPLF volunteer. Previous honorees include Barbara Bock-Mavis (2017), Jim Kineen (2018), Eileen Wirth (2019), Freddie Gray (2020), and Dick Kelley (2021).
The Pollack Cousins In Honor of Cato French Mary Rose Donahue In Memory of Charles Hays Hilstrom-Hays Household In Memory of Evelyn Kletke
between the lines with Bryan stevenson WednesdaySeptember 28, 2022 6:30
Author Bryan Stevenson is the founder and executive director of the Equal Justice Initiative (EJI), a human rights organization in Montgomery, Alabama. Under his leadership, EJI has won major legal challenges eliminating excessive and unfair sentencing, exonerating innocent death row prisoners, confronting abuse of the incarcerated and the mentally ill, and aiding children prosecuted as adults. During the fundraiser, the 2022 Barbara Bock-Mavis Leadership Award will be presented to Carol Wang. Wang previously served as president of the OPL board of trustees. She is executive director of the Metro Omaha Medical Society, and also serves on the OPLF advisory council.
Event proceeds from Between the Lines with Bryan Stevenson will support OPL programs and services.
SandraRosalynMaryGeraldSusanBarbaraBarbaraAnonymousAndersonFanningFulton&ShirleyKletkeMagstadtPardeTerry Honor of Main Library-Third Floor/Omaha History Hembree In Honor of Wendy Townley Cheri Duryea McPherson St. Leo Church of Omaha In Memory of Jane Wendland
In-person and virtual tickets are now available! Join Us for a Special Evening!
GeraldineCynthiaCraigDebraAnonymousBarnettHilkerLeBaughMorrissey In Honor of Eileen Wirth Eclectic Book Club 7 PM
Previous Between the Lines authors include Margaret Atwood (2014), Wally Lamb (2015), Tobias Wolff (2016), Hope Jahren (2017), Amy Thielen (2018), Angie Thomas (2019), Elaine Weiss (2020), and Yaa Gyasi (2021). For more information or to purchase tickets, please contact the OPLF at or 402.444.4589, or visit
Just Mercy author Bryan Stevenson will headline the 2022 Omaha Public Library Foundation (OPLF) fundraiser. Between the Lines with Bryan Stevenson will be held Wednesday, September 28, on the Creighton University campus.
GiftsFinancial Received July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022 $100,000+ Claire M. Hubbard Foundation The Sherwood Foundation $50,000+ Holland Foundation $30,000+ Richard Brooke Foundation Peter Kiewit Foundation William & Ruth Scott Family Foundation $20,000+ Hawks Foundation Lozier Foundation The Adah & Leon Millard Foundation Sokolof WeitzWebsterFoundationFamilyFoundationFamilyFoundation $15,000+ BaumstarkAnonymousGiving Account Ike & Roz Friedman Foundation Amy L. Scott Family Foundation $10,000+ Lee CollectiveBachandFor Youth FriendshipCox Program Dan & Tina Lonergan Fred & Eve Simon Charitable Foundation Gilbert C. Swanson Foundation Roger & Kate Weitz $5,000+ Clifton B. & Anne Stuart Batchelder BluestemFoundationPrairie Foundation Heritage Services John & Elizabeth Lauritzen Foundation Cline Williams Wright Johnson & Oldfather Richard MichaelKelley&Susan Lebens Allan & Ann Mactier Charitable MetroFoundationOmaha Medical Society MutualFoundationofOmaha Companies Silvia Roffman Jill EileenTenaska,PaulSlosburg-Ackerman&AnnetteSmithInc.M.Wirth $2,000+ AlleyAnonymousPoyner Macchietto Architecture, P.C. Michael & Laura Alley Barbara SpecialHumanitiesHaroldTheJosephJohnCoxMarianneBock-MavisBrunerBusiness&TerriDiesingDrugmandHeiderFamilyFoundation&ClaraHooverNebraskaDonor-AdvisedFundof the Jewish Federation of Omaha Foundation Mike & Susan Lebens Marty Magee Steve Martin & Amy Haddad Mike & Nancy McCarthy Maggie & Michael McMeekin Meza Gardens & Design Nebraska Arts Council Sage Family Fund West O Fitness Dennis & Patricia Wiederholt $1,000+ JeffJackMiltonTheresaDerylGreenSlateGreatMikeJoCarolFriedlandFirstLeilaniJ.StephenMariaBlairBayAtredisMaryJaneAnonymousAlsethJoyAndersonPartnersFamilyFoundationFreemanBrookhouser&AnneBrucknerRichardBurrows&RonCoeNationalBankFamilyFoundationGendlerGiles&WandaGottschalkPlainsCommunications&RamonaHamannJehlik&MarshaKleinberg&StephanieKoraleskiKosse Dave & Vicki Krecek Karen & Jim Linder Gary & Lucie Long Marilyn Marsh Tulani & Othello Meadows David & Jessica Moline Morey & Quinn Wealth Partners Rochelle Mullen Shirley & Daniel Neary Phyllis & Bob Newman Justine Petsch Lewis & Winifred Pinch Sandra Price RBC Wealth Management Anne & David PhilRedJaneDavidRotary-SuburbanRismiller&NolaSchettler&RobertSlezak&JannThomas&NancyWolf $500+ Doug & Cathy Aden Anna Applegate Lynn & Thomas Ashby Zac SandorBobbieBaerCarlson&Rhonda Chomos Julie & Scott Cobb Community Services Fund of Nebraska Maurice & Cora Conner Fund Nancy Darst Roy & Gloria Dinsdale Eventbrite,DMSi Inc. Lynn & Cindy Gray Bill & Ann Hall Traci StephanieHancockIwan Flamme Dawn HowardNoreenJensenJohnson&Gloria Kaslow Dan & Kari Kinsella Roland & Jean Mariucci John & Merrilee Miller Morrissey Engineering Sharee & Murray Newman Fund Susan JohnPaulinePetersenQuinn&Kathleen Ransom Ann Rinne Julie EmilySchroeder&Joshua States Sue SarahSusanStroesserVosburgWatson $250+ Anonymous (5) LuJean AmazonSmileAllen Foundation Amy Armbruster Jim & Gail Binderup Evelyn Bingel Jeffrey RichardBoyum&Carol Britten Thad & Sharon Call William Chaney Lisa & Gary Choquette Tim Davlin & Ann O’Connor Tony & Claudia Deeb Linda & Charles Duckworth Max & Elizabeth Engel Rebecca Evans Mary Ferer Mary Ann & Daren Folchert Thomas & Nancy Gallagher Richard & Melanie Gerbeling Lori RonaldHedstrom&Linda Hospodka Merritt Keiser Emily ErwinKiewitKemp&Elaine Klabunde Marc & Joan Kraft Jane Kugler & Doug Vonderfecht Joseph & Molly Lang Tom AshleyLindaAnnaUnionBillJonVanceDeborahShirleyJosephGregDanielleMrs.DianaMoshmanMarkJamesAndrenaLieferMacLeod&PatriciaManion&DianneMcMillanFamilyFoundationNevinsFrankPartschRozmus&SueRusie&MarySchollSieblerSmith-HowellTaylorTritsch&JoanTruhlsenPacificGiveplusProgramWastellWedberg-Kraft&RobertKraft&BradWedeking Honorariums & Memorials Received April 1 — June 30, 2022 In Honor of McKinnon Carlson Jon Flanagan In Memory of James Richard (Dick) Burrows Moore Colson CPAs & Advisors Roger Ough & Harriott Killebrew Kellye CynthiaRouwVana In Memory of Sharon Drummond Lynette & John Broderick In Memory of the Fourth Graders in Uvalde, TX Anonymous In Memory of Ellen Freeman

celebration during
but it was
Established in 1872, the first Omaha Public Library was recognized as the Omaha Library Association and was located on the second floor of the Simpson Carriage Factory at 14th & Dodge streets. The makeshift library flourished, but was forced to close after five years due to lack of funds. The closing was brought to the attention of the Omaha City Council, which, by virtue of a library ordinance, appointed a board of trustees, levied a tax, and accepted a gift of 4,500 books from the Omaha Library Association. OPL reemerged in 1877.
recommended reading lists featuring
The first permanent OPL branch was built between 1891 and 1892 at 1823 Harney Street. This location served as OPL’s Main Library until 1977, at which time the library moved to W. Dale Clark Library at 215 S. 15th Street.
Find these and more
— Nonprofit Org U.S. PermitOmaha,PAIDPostageNENo.1818 HOURS & LOCATIONS
“Much has changed in the way OPL has grown with the City, as well as the way people use libraries, over the past 150 years,” said OPL Executive Director Laura Marlane. “The commitment to service and connecting OPL patrons with collections and resources that they want and need has been and will continue to be a constant.”
October 10 Columbus Day & Indigenous Peoples’ Day (South Omaha Library open) 11 Veterans Day (South Omaha Library open) 24 & 25 Thanksgiving
Hispanic Heritage Month is a time to recognize and celebrate the many contributions, diverse cultures, and histories of the American Latino community. Hispanic Heritage Month was originally observed as Heritage beginning in 1968 under President Lyndon Johnson, later extended to a month-long President Ronald Reagan’s term in 1988. Heritage OPL will offer materials that share of Hispanic Americans. at
215 S. 15th St. Omaha, NE 68102 MONDAY – THURSDAY 9am – 7pm FRIDAY & SATURDAY 9am – 5pm SUNDAY 1 – 5pm (Abrahams, Genealogy, Interim & Millard only) A.V. SORENSEN BRANCH 4808 Cass St. | 402.444.5274 BENSON BRANCH 6015 Binney St. | 402.444.4846 BESS JOHNSON ELKHORN BRANCH 2100 Reading Plz. | 402.289.4367 CHARLES B. WASHINGTON BRANCH 2868 Ames Ave. | 402.444.4849 FLORENCE BRANCH 2920 Bondesson St. | 402.444.5299 GENEALOGY ROOM Opening in October 3020 S. 84th St. | 402.444.4800 INTERIM BRANCH 1410 Howard St. | 402.444.4800 MILLARD BRANCH 13214 Westwood Ln. | 402.444.4848 MILTON R. ABRAHAMS BRANCH 5111 N. 90th St. | 402.444.6284 SADDLEBROOK BRANCH 14850 Laurel Ave. | 402.444.5780 SOUTH OMAHA LIBRARY 2808 Q St. | 402.444.4850 W. CLARKE SWANSON BRANCH 9101 W. Dodge Rd. | 402.444.4852 WILLA CATHER BRANCH 1905 S. 44th St. | 402.444.4851 Hispanic Heritage Month September 15—October 15
In recognition of Hispanic
OPL staff plan to celebrate the library’s 150year anniversary with a commemorative video to share some of the highlights of its history.
November is Native American Heritage Month, a time to pay tribute to the rich ancestry and traditions of Native Americans. What started at the turn of the century as an effort to gain a day of recognition for the significant contributions the first Americans made to the establishment and growth of the U.S., has resulted in a whole month being designated for that purpose.
experiences and cultural viewpoints
OPL celebrates 150 years of service
In this milestone anniversary year, OPL is once again on the precipice of great change. W. Dale Clark Main Library closed permanently on August 28, and downtown service moved to 1410 Howard Street as an interim location. Plans for a new central library at the intersection of 72nd and Dodge streets are being advanced and there is a commitment from the City of Omaha to build a library branch in the southwest part of Douglas County in the near future.
Fall Holiday Closings
September 5 Labor Day
In recognition of Native American Heritage Month, OPL will offer recommended reading lists featuring materials that share experiences and cultural viewpoints of Native Americans. Find these and more at NOVEMBER