5 Common Commercial Laundry Equipment Repairs You Can Make Dealing with malfunctions on commercial laundry equipment is one of the problems you usually encounter with your business. You’ve been operating on it for six years now, and the problem is getting more frequent. No wonder as machines tend to deteriorate with its function along the years of work. Reaching out to a repair company could be too expensive considering the times it shows tantrums. And most of the problems you encounter are basic ones, so hiring expert individuals are not so necessary. It is important that you know these repair techniques to keep your business going especially on busy days. Hence, here are repair hacks which you can do yourself. 1. Installing of new hose. One of the problems you encounter is when water does not fill inside the washer. And yes it has something to do with the hose. Considering that you’ve been using the commercial laundry equipment for years already, leaks can be observed on the inlet tube. You can replace it yourself by first checking the manual of the equipment and reach for the spare hose. 2. Clearing the outlets. You have experienced discharging water takes time. And it's taking hours of its efficiency to finish draining the water. Your commercial laundry equipment might have its outlet clogged with some dirt and adhering residues of soap. What you can do is to check the outlet and remove this dirt and particles before starting again with washing. Article Source: https://storify.com/oplltd/5-common-commerciallaundry-equipment-repairs-you-#publicize Shared by: http://www.opl-ltd.co.uk/