UK Update Newsletter Autumn 2017

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Photo: Brian Tramontana








SUPPORTING FEMALE FARMERS ESTABLISHING ROOTS OF CHANGE With more than 70% of the world’s poor living in rural areas, improving agricultural and rural livelihoods is essential in the sustainable development of Africa. Access to financial services and training plays a crucial part in supporting this. By empowering farmers to improve their farms and businesses, their incomes increase and they can provide a better future for their families. This Update focuses on how we at Opportunity are addressing the needs of our clients in rural agricultural communities, specifically those of women who are disproportionately disadvantaged. It shows how we are working alongside farmers to develop an effective programme that establishes long-lasting roots of change for the whole community.

Two out of every three African farmers are living in poverty. Despite the huge potential for growth, many farms are under-utilised, operating at less than half of their capacity. For these farmers, there is an enormous need for access: to the right materials, to the right buyers, to the right services. Our agricultural programme goes a long way towards meeting some of these needs. We provide tailored loans, financial training, agricultural expertise and savings accounts that allow farmers to develop and grow their farms. But there is still more we can do. Female farmers are particularly disadvantaged. It is estimated that women represent half the agricultural workforce in Africa – yet their production is 25% less than men. We know that women reinvest over 90% of their earnings

back into their family and community. It is therefore crucial to increase their participation in order to improve yields, increase income levels and deliver sustainable rural development for future generations. Economically empowering women in rural areas leads to multiple long-term economic benefits: farm productivity and incomes increase, people’s dignity and confidence grows and sustainable roots of change are established throughout a community. In 2016, in partnership with the UK government, we conducted an evaluation of our rural financial services for women. Speaking and collaborating with our clients in Mozambique and Ghana, we identified the core barriers that many women still face and discussed the improvements needed to break these down. Here’s what we learned…

Esperance is typical of many of the women we work with – strong, determined and ambitious. Her story, on page 6, illustrates the struggles many women face and how a loan, with financial and agricultural training, helps them work their way out of poverty. I hope you enjoy reading her story.


Photo: Brian Tramontana

Together we are working towards a world where all people can feed their children and provide for their family. Thank you for joining us on this journey.





How Opportunity International will break down these barriers:

Social and Cultural

Raising Awareness

Many rural communities are traditionally patriarchal with men the main decision-makers and landowners. Women traditionally manage the household – such as child care, fetching water and cooking – which restricts their time and mobility.

Our rural programme will engage men and community leaders to discuss the importance of involving women in business. By encouraging household responsibilities to be shared, women can invest time in their farming activities which adds value to the whole household.

Access to Credit

Group Lending

With men owning land and resources, women lack the collateral to secure a loan that would help them increase productivity and improve food security. They are therefore trapped, unable to become independent and invest in their family’s future.

Trust groups will allow female farmers to guarantee for each other, providing group collateral to secure a loan. We will also design female-orientated financial products to encourage and integrate women more into our agriculture programme.

Traditional Farming Knowledge The majority of women in rural communities grow subsistence rather than cash crops. They have limited access to the training and knowledge needed to move from subsistence to cash crop farming.

Lack of Support There are not enough rural financial relationship officers to help clients build confidence in banking and using new technologies. Officers also tend to be male, making it difficult for women due to the cultural gender roles that exist in their communities.

Building Capacity and Knowledge Tailored agricultural training will encourage women to move from subsistence to cash crops, providing them with tools to diversify their crops and increase their yield. They will also receive financial training on budgeting, borrowing and saving, empowering women to make wise financial decisions with their increased income.

Building Trust We will increase the number of local female relationship officers. These officers will build trust amongst female clients, encouraging them to use financial services and new technologies like mobile phone banking.





NEWS IN BRIEF FROM SEEDS TO SUCCESS For the last 3 years our Seeds of Opportunity appeal has provided loans, savings and training to farmers in Ghana and Mozambique. Many farmers have increased their crop 3-fold. They are now sending their children to school, providing regular meals and improving their housing. To date, 28,500 family members have benefited

MEET ESPERANCE FARMING FOR HER FAMILY Esperance is a farmer in Rwanda growing maize and beans. When her husband died, she struggled to send her 7 children to school, and to provide enough food and clothing for them. After being introduced to Opportunity International, Esperance received agricultural and financial training alongside a loan for fertiliser that helped improve her farm’s yield. She now sells her surplus produce at her local market and with the increased income she is able to provide for her children’s education,

KEEPING GIRLS IN SCHOOL We work with parents and schools in Uganda to tackle the high dropout rates amongst girls. To date, 88 schools have used loans to improve their facilities, such as renovating classrooms and building gender specific toilets and dormitories. In addition over 4,000 parents have accessed school fee loans to help them manage their income so they can afford to keep their daughters in school.

clothing and food. Over time, her farm has grown and she now hires people to help on the farm during harvest. Esperance has also joined a cooperative where she receives further support and advice from other farmers. She is motivated to help other smallholders, particularly women, and encourages them to grow their business and join her cooperative.


Esperance hopes to expand her land and to see her children succeed. Photo: Brian Tramontana


On a rainy weekend in July, 20 committed supporters, including Drystone Chambers, endured the gruelling 100 miles Prudential RideLondon cycle. Our riders raised over £11,700 for female entrepreneurs in Malawi. Thanks to all our riders for a fantastic effort and to Prudential for their generous donation of places.

Photos: Helen Manson and Kate Holt

GIVE THE NEXT GENERATION AN OPPORTUNITY Gifts left in Wills are vital to the future of our work. Please remember Opportunity International in your Will. With 98% of loans being repaid and recycled, it is a gift that really does keep on giving. It will last for generations. For more information: Call Jenny on 01865 725304 or visit

Discover more Opportunity International UK Angel Court, 81 St Clements Oxford, OX4 1AW, UK Call us on 01865 725304

Patron: HRH The Princess Royal Opportunity International United Kingdom is registered as a charity in England and Wales (1107713) and in Scotland (SC039692). A company limited by guarantee in England and Wales (05322719).

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