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Community/group Support
Clearly seen within the video stories and resonating throughout the story circles was the importance of engaging with the community and garnering support. This was often catalysed by individual well-wishers with empathy for the circumstances of newly arrived refugees. Sensitisation towards refugees' difficult situations by the community helped with acceptance; information about existing services was passed on to new arrivals Upon joining groups, assistance even with basic needs such as food and clothing, or a place to sleep by group members demonstrated the benefits of combating isolation by joining a group. Empathic group members provided emotional support and comfort to those in distress. There were some accounts of friends within the community providing financial support or loans to help new arrivals get themselves established
Encouragement of peers and community motivators to join the savings groups
Participants described the impact of community members encouraging the formation of saving groups, or of people to join existing saving groups. Through collective saving of small amounts, some return on even tiny investments could bear fruit Witnessing the success of others in the group became a motivator.
The availablity of counselling through informal means (e g friends and well-wishers within the community) and through counselling services was cited as an important enabler, to provide guidance and develop confidence and courage, especially for new refugees arriving at the settlement, or for those who are undergoing difficulties such as mental health problems or family issues.
Training in income generating activities
The skills and professions that refugees held in their homeland are often not transferable to their new situations within the refugee settlements, so many of the participants spoke about the importance of learning about potential income generating activities and new skills, such as agriculture/farming, handcraft skills and tailoring. In the case of tailoring, the storyteller was able to use her pre-existing skills and train others in the community also.