1 minute read
Recommendations/areas for improvement
Refugees need start-up capital to enable them to start running their businesses, such as investing in cattle, buying raw materials for craft businesses, purchasing sewing machines.
They need more training in vocational skills.
They need training and guidance on how to operate within the current challenges of crisis in the host country.
They need continuation of the programme, especially financial literacy and business skills training.
There needs to be some improvement on the terms of loans. Loans need to be longer-term, not just two or three months.
Access to loans needs to be made even clearer, for instance re-examining the processing timeline, charges and terms and conditions.
OBUL should investigate how it can serve even those who do not have collateral.
Loan interest needs to be reduced in order to enable more people to be able to apply for them.
Loan amounts need to be increased in order to enable people not only to expand their businesses but also to pay school fees for their children. Medical support should also be included.
Loan recovery should be less harsh.
There should be a reward for any member who has got a loan two or three times and successfully paid it off on time.