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OPTIMAL-LIVINGMAGAZINE.COM november/december 2012

T rue C o nfess i o ns of a Save d M AN
















12 True Confessions of a Saved BROTHER






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OUR STAFF PUBLISHER, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Tanisha R. Hopson ASSISTANT TO THE PUBLISHER Advertisement - Subscriptions - Circulation Christine Davis EDITORS Roberta Shannon Laketa Lewis Media Design Layout RNA PRoMOTIONAL DESIGN CONCEPTS CONTRIBUTORS Alana B. DeLonda Adams Marsha Carroll Kayren Cathcart Dr. Jerrod A. Henderson Rhonda Feimster Christoph Jenkins Hasani Pettiford Wendye Savage Michelle Wilson PHOTOGRAPHERS Natarsha N. Wright KD Bellz Optimal Living Magazine is published six times per year with a mission is to encourage our readers to live the most abundant life possible as it relates to their spirituality, purpose, careers, finances and relationships. Advertisers who offer products, services and events in support of our mission are encouraged to contact our Advertisement Sales Department at 1-888-876-1722 or adsales@optimal-livingmagazine.com. Š Copyright 2012. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, including photocopying, electronic retrieval of publication without written permission of the Publisher.

THE PUBLISHER’S PERSPECTIVE WALKING BY FAITH IS NOT FOR WIMPS One scripture that encourages me to fight the good fight of faith like a champ is: Psalms 37:4. Delight yourself also in the LORD; and he shall give you the desires of your heart. This scripture might sound simple, but it reminds me to put my focus back on God when things “seem” adverse in life.

Courage comes in putting our agenda aside and letting God have His way. Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD. - Psalm 27:14

Nothing that is worth having in this life comes easy. So, I encourage you today to fight the good fight of faith! Believe God for the miraculous; fortify yourself in Him, because walking by faith is not for wimps! God Bless You,

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. ~ Hebrews 11:1


f you are going to have anything that is beyond your scope or reach, you must be willing to surrender ALL, believe & receive it by faith! You must have a certain amount of spiritual and

mental toughness/tenacity to believe God when all of the doors have “been shut in your face” and you feel like totally throwing in the towel.

In these times, you must believe that God loves you, wants the absolute best for you, and is behind the scenes working everything out for your good! If God said it, rest assured that it will come to pass, in due season. However, in between your due season you must learn to walk by faith, be content in all things, and be delighted in Him. For some people this is difficult because we all would like to see the manifestation come to pass quickly. Nevertheless, take heart that quick may not be the will of God. We must all endure the process for our own good.

Tanisha R. Hopson Follow me on Twitter @Olmagazine & Facebook @OptimalLivingMagazine!

“Steal away, steal away, steal away to Jesus! Steal away, steal away home, I ain’t got long to stay here.” Steal Away to Jesus, A Negro Spiritual by James Weldon Johnson and John Rosamond Johnson

Why does it seem so hard for us to pull away from the things we know are keeping us from abiding in true peace? Why do we allow the all-too-familiar speed bump of the status quo to slow us down on the road to progress and success? Could it be that we’re unwilling to make a clean break from what we intellectually know, visibly see, and mentally comprehend with our finite minds? Maybe we subconsciously think, “Well, it’s not that bad, right?” Is it possible there’s something deep down inside of you that desires to hold onto that habit, relationship, behavior, attitude, or memory? Perhaps you have recently found yourself thinking thoughts similar to these: “Nobody else can organize/coordinate/ orchestrate/manage this like I can.” “There just aren’t enough hours in the day to finish all that I have to accomplish!” “I could delegate this task, but it won’t get done the way I want it to be completed.” If so, you need to steal away to Jesus – soon. Why? Because the process will remind you that you’re not indispensable – only He is. You are not a wonderful sensation, or a marvelous phenomenon – you are a vessel that He has selected and chosen for His use. Only when His glory is manifested can you reflect it to this lost and dying world and offer the hope of salvation that comes only through Him. Yet, you are simply a vessel – one that carries the glory of the Almighty God. Always remember that it’s not your glory in the first place. If you are so busy doing for others that you haven’t been replenished in His presence – beware! You’ll be dispensing from your own reserves instead of tapping into Him as the endless Source. And that, my friend, is a recipe for disaster.




Steal away means to “sneak out, slip out, slip away, exit, leave.” It means to slip away from your regular activities and daily routine to seek His face. Leave whatever you’re doing and get back to the basics – the core essence of your being. Exit the madness and swirling torrents of drama threatening to overtake you. When you spend time in the Lord’s presence, He’ll adjust your perspective and show you what’s really important –His priorities for your life. It makes things much simpler; you don’t have to figure it out after all – just obey His instructions. You’ll realize “I ain’t got long to stay here.” With that focus, you’ll be able to turn your attention to the activities and assignments you were sent to do instead of allowing extraneous things to accumulate on your plate to the point of overwhelming you. Years ago, as I enthusiastically described my first “real” job to my Dad (and the ink on my newly-minted college degree was still wet), he took that precise opportunity to burst my little bubble and give me a heaping dose of reality. With over 20 years of military service and plenty of “real world” life experience under his belt, I consider him to be a pretty trustworthy resource. He looked me straight in the eyes and said, “If you think you’re indispensable to your job – DIE. Then see if they don’t fill your seat with someone else to do your job...while the seat is warm.” My father’s words set me on an early path of learning to balance the demands and expectations of others with taking responsibility for cultivating my own quality of life. For some strange reason, we think we’re supposed to be “super saints” who do it all – 24/7. Not so! Even our supreme example, Jesus, took time away from the crowds,

noise, and hustle and bustle of everyday life. In Matthew 15, he took several opportunities after serving others to “get away from it all” and retreat into the presence of His Father. Depending on where you stand today and the boundaries you’ve set for yourself; “flying under the radar” may seem like a harsh, drastic decision. However, sometimes it’s absolutely necessary. Often, we tell folks too much of our personal business, grant them unlimited access to our innermost thoughts, and expect answers, solutions, and validation that they cannot provide. The intimacy we’re searching for in people must first be secured in our relationship with Christ. So, don’t delay...steal away to Jesus! “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” ( Matthew 11:28-30, NIV ) “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me – watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” ( Matthew 11:28-30, The Message )

Kayren J. Cathcart Articulate, motivated, energetic, and creative, Kayren is dedicated to helping others enhance their personal effectiveness through spiritual growth and leadership development. Kayren and her husband, Gibson Cathcart, are both licensed ministers who reside in Charlotte, North Carolina with their two exuberant children. Kayren is the author of an outstanding inspirational book entitled, Court Etiquette: Approaching the King’s Throne. Her book is available online @ http://www. smashwords.com/books/view/41841. Kayren is also an active Christian Blogger. Visit her blog @ http://kayrencathcart.wordpress.com!


RETIREMENT: GETTING A HEAD START ON THE NEXT PHASE OF YOUR LIFE BY MARSHA CARROLL The Bible does not specifically discuss “retirement” in the context of what we are familiar with today. However; the Bible, which is also known as the instruction manual for life, clearly details the need to plan (Proverbs 21:5), the need to save (Proverbs 21:10 ), and the need for rest ( Mark 6:31 ). Therefore, it is up to us to extrapolate and exercise Godly wisdom from the Word, particularly as we prepare for the winter season of our lives. There is a distinct difference in terms of how we are to go about planning for retirement. We know that tomorrow is not promised, and in fact, Psalms 90:12 tells us to “…number our days, so that we may gain hearts of wisdom”. In the same vain, 2 Timothy 1:7 reminds us that God has not given us a spirit of fear, but rather a heart and mind towards self-discipline. Consequently, we realize that as Christians, we are not to hoard every penny out of a fear of the unknown. With this prudence in mind, here are some options for retirement planning that may work well for you. An IRA, also known as an Individual Retirement Account is an investment account. This type of retirement

account allows you to contribute a certain amount of money each year and the benefit of this plan is that the interest earned is tax-deferred. However, one drawback of an IRA is that if you decide to withdraw the funds before age 59 ½ (also known as “premature distribution”), you run the risk of being subjected to at least 10 percent penalties and a host of tax fees on the state, federal, and local levels. Another option is that of a Roth IRA. Roth IRAs allow you to make retirement contributions that have already been taxed; however, one benefit of this plan is that as the monies in this account grow, you will never have to pay taxes on them again. An extra advantage that makes a Roth IRA particularly appealing is that any contributions that have been made to this retirement account can be withdrawn prior to retirement age without penalties. For the most part, employerbacked pensions are unfortunately a thing of the past. Nevertheless, most companies do offer either a 401(K) or a 403(B) retirement savings account. These accounts allow employees to

contribute a designated portion of their pre-taxed income to be invested for their retirement. The benefits of these accounts are two-fold in that by contributing to a 401(K) or a 403(B), your income taxes are lowered and secondly, many companies are willing to match your contribution either dollar-for-dollar or at least by 6 percent. For this reason, if you are not contributing to your employer-based retirement plan, you may be slighting yourself out of a valuable long term financial benefit. In our current economy, more and more people are venturing out to start their own businesses. If you are a small business owner and your business is proving to be profitable, you may want to consider an SEP IRA. This type of retirement account is also known as a Simplified Employee Pension-Individual Retirement Arrangement (or Account). With no employees (or a very small number of employees) on staff, this account will allow you to contribute a portion of your earnings to your own designated retirement account but most importantly, deduct them from your income taxes. A benefit with this account is that the maximum allowed annual contribution is higher than most other retirement accounts. Regardless of your age and or current income, it is important to plan and put things in place financially, to ensure a level of self-sufficiency during your retirement. As always, seek guidance from a financial advisor in your area in order to make the best financial decisions for your situation.

Marsha Carroll is a freelance writer based in Princeton, NJ. For debt elimination questions,email: harvestmatters@optimal-livingmagazine.com.







here comes a time in everyone’s life when the only option left is to stand. It’s that moment when you realize that everything is completely out of your control and there is nothing you can say or do about it. Some people describe it as “that helpless feeling,” which takes its toll on you mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. It drains all of your energy and makes you weak. You have the urge to lie down --- a constant need to rest. Your mind can’t seem to process one more thought to the point where you no longer hear the noises around you. It’s the moment when you know you’re drowning, but you don’t have the strength to swim. You desperately need a lifeline, someone to rescue you and return you safely to the shore. Well, that someone is God. He, and only He, knows when each of our moments will come and He’s standing there in that place waiting for you to come. Although you may be crawling by the time you reach the crossroads,




He will be there standing tall and proud with arms stretched wide-open, ready to forgive you and welcome you back home. My illness wasn’t the first event in my life that challenged me to stand on my faith, but it was the most profound. My body literally transformed itself inside-out, right before my very eyes. I watched the person that I used to be morph into someone new. Gradually, I lost all of my hair, my skin, and my nails. When I think about the times when I looked in the mirror and saw a skeleton, with a smile, staring back at me I am amazed that I remember smiling. When I think about taking a shower and watching layers of skin wash down the drain, I am astounded that I didn’t have an anxiety attack. And, when I recall the conversations I had with the doctors as they treated me for one side effect after another,

I am grateful that I didn’t go crazy. All of the key ingredients were present to create the perfect recipe for spiritual disaster. It should have been only a matter of time, but God, being a master chef, had a few specialty ingredients to throw into the mix. He reached into His bag of gourmet blessings and pulled out hope, love, mercy, and faith. The only directions He gave me were to stand. In the midst of my greatest trial, He told me to stand on the hope that each new day would find me stronger than the one before. He commanded me to stand on the love that He had showered on me since the day I was born. He asked me to stand on the mercy He’d extended to me every time I’d made a mistake. He defied me to stand on the faith that He promised only had to be the size of a mustard seed. And, so I did. I stood on what I couldn’t see, but believed in my heart. I stood on raw faith and for the first time in my life, I truly felt alive. I was exhilarated by the thought of taking the ultimate journey in faith while walking alongside the only one who loved me more than I had ever learned to love myself. He said that my battle was already won and the only thing I had to do was make an appearance in the presence of my enemy. Satan thought he was going to get the best of me, but what he didn’t know was that my best was yet to come. Joshua, son of Nun and Moses’ aide, was chosen to lead the Israelites to the promised land. God commanded Joshua to cross the Jordan River in order to reach that land. Much like the exodus from Egypt, God stopped the water from flowing so that the Israelites could safely cross the waterway. It was His way of showing them that He intended to keep His promise of deliverance by removing all obstacles that stood in their way. Once they arrived, their next mission was to conquer the city of Jericho by force and get rid of the people who lived there because they were idol-worshippers. Continuing to extend favor to His chosen people, God declared to Joshua that he didn’t have to struggle with devising a strategy as He had already delivered Jericho into their hands. Can you imagine going to battle and not having to develop a plan of attack because your enemy had essentially been conquered even before your arrival? That’s how God operates. He lays out the plan; you just have to follow it. Life could be so much easier, but we choose to make it complicated. All you have to do is stand on what He promised, like Joshua…. When God makes a promise, He totally intends to keep it. We are the ones who renege on our words not only to God, but also to each other. The same disappointment that you feel when it seems as if God has forgotten about your struggles, is the same disappointment He feels when you make all sorts of promises in exchange for Him cleaning up yet another one of your messes. You owe Him more than a handy-man’s position in your life. He deserves a greater role than just fixing what you keep breaking. Standing on His word can be difficult at times because it requires a great deal of patience

and persistence. Patience is a must because God delivers on His promises in His own appointed time and persistence is a must because you can never abandon chasing the dream. You have to see it through until the end. If God promised it to you, then it’s there waiting for you. God promised that He would deliver a healing in my life, and He did just that. Am I the same as I was before I got sick? Absolutely not! In fact, I’m better than I was at the onset of the journey. Anything that I’ve lost is certainly overshadowed by what I’ve already gained and will gain in the future. The best is truly yet to come. My story could have had a different ending, and I might never have had the opportunity to spread the word about God’s grace, mercy, and unconditional love. However, He had a plan for me. There are things that He has assigned specifically for me to do. I didn’t lose my teaching position, He just redefined it. I am honored to seize the moment to let others know that STANDING on His promises when there is nothing left to do is the best decision you’ll ever make. Look to the people around you and notice that the ones who appear to be suffering the most are actually the strongest. That’s because they are STANDING on faith that joy will indeed come in the morning. At some point in time, our hearts have been broken, there were no words to be spoken, things didn’t go our way, there were no more moves to play, time seemed to run out, our minds were filled with doubts, and we felt as if we’d done all that we could do. And when all else failed, we had no choice but to STAND. That’s exactly what God wants us to do. He’s wanted us to do that all along. JUST STAND on what He promised you He would do. Like all those who came before us, we are challenged to STAND and watch God deliver. Just know that whatever you’re going through is already done. Be bold and courageous. Put on your faith shoes and walk your journey one glorious step at time. Excerpt from the book titled, “It’s Already Done!”.

Michelle Wilson takes her readers through the intimate accounts of being diagnosed with a series of life-threatening conditions as a result of a severe allergic reaction. Yet through it all she maintained a strong relationship with God, which ultimately strengthened her faith and led to a greater purpose for her life. For more information about her book, visit: www.miraclescometrue.com.




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TRUE CONFESSIONS OF A SAVED MAN To be loved! BY CHRISTOPH JENKINS Exactly four years ago today, I traditionally asked my wife if she would consider being my significant other; my girlfriend. Well, it went something like that. Here’s how it really went down. Shannon and I met on August 6th of ‘08 and we both knew we were interested in one another from the start. We’d go out on dates and hang out. I liked her a lot. However, after learning from past relationships, we both felt it would be wise if we resisted the obvious attraction between us and develop and maintain a friendship that would prove to be a testament of exercising patience. So we continued to just being friends; not expressing the obvious feelings we had for one another. It wasn’t the easiest thing to do, but it was the best thing to do. There was no rush to become anything more than friends. Nine months passed by rather quickly because




we were having so much fun together and because she was in school during this time. March of ‘09 arrived and I had been waiting for a call from an employer; the employer who I currently work for. I finally received a call from them and they told me that I got the job! I was so excited because I had been out of work for a little while due to the failing economy. Shannon and I decided to go out to celebrate a new beginning, career-wise. Little did she know that it would be a new beginning for us, too. We went to Busboys and Poets on 14th St. in North West D.C. It was poetry night. They have poetry night on Tuesdays and Fridays. That was our spot then. We ate and listened to the featured poets. The night was coming to an end. I don’t remember exactly what I

said to preface this, but it was at that moment that I told her that I loved her for the very first time. She was speechless...until she replied with the same. We then shared our very first kiss. We left out of the restaurant and, without warning, I yelled out what Eddie Murphy sang out in “Coming To America” when he kissed Lisa McDowell for the first time. “To be loved...Oh what a feeling!!!” lol. We got in the car and I drove back to my grandmother’s house where we left her car; to drive one car. I walked her to her car and as I turned around to head back to my car, she says, “This does mean we’re girlfriend and boyfriend, right???” I forgot to actually ask her the most important question. Lol. Hilarious! Through this relationship, I learned that I had to move in God’s time. I wanted Shannon to be my girlfriend long before, but it had to be right and in order. So we abstained from sex, strengthened our bond, and created a union God could approve of. Shannon and I let God lead us and we are better off for it.

CHRISTOPH JENKINS (www.christopheducates.com) is a writer, tutor, mentor, and entrepreneur. Christoph is now in the process of writing his first book titled, “Seoul of a Black Man”, chronicling his experiences living and teaching in South Korea. He has also started a new blog titled ChristophWrites. Visit Christoph’s blog at: www.christophwrites.blogspot.com and follow him on twitter @ItsChristophJ.






5 WAYS TO BRING FORTH THE PROVERBS 31 WOMAN IN YOU BY MRS. DELONDA ADAMS Gazing back to the days of being a newly wedded wife, I can remember that I was far from excellent. The words virtuous, Proverbs 31, and excellent were far from my mind. Many women today still have reservations about being or becoming a Proverbs 31 woman. However, time and a great understanding of Proverbs 31: 10 – 31 has helped me tremendously in becoming the wife that my husband is now proud to have. If one truly desires to be an excellent wife, I would highly recommend considering this beautiful description of an excellent wife. The following are five key character traits that are becoming of an excellent wife:

Balanced: An excellent wife maintains a healthy balance in her life by having her priorities aligned. Today we see that many wives struggle because they have no balance. Typically, wives are putting everything and everyone else before God. We must make sure that our priorities come in the proper order; God, you, husband, children, home, and then everything else. The word of God tells us to let all things be done decently and in order (1 Corinthians 14:40). When we restore order in our lives we will start to see more clearly. We also realize that we are in a place of blessing when we align ourselves properly. Good:

Proverbs 31 tells us that her husband’s heart trusts her (Proverbs 31:11). The reason that the husband’s heart safely trusts in her is because she is a good wife. The scripture even goes further to say that she does him good and not evil all the days of her life. This woman is not perfect, but by the grace of God, she walks circumspectly with the help of the Holy spirit. Good also means that:

She makes sure that her husband and children know that they are loved; not only by her words, but also by her actions. She can do this well because of her loving relationship with Our Heavenly Father.

She makes sure that her ultimate source of joy is God. When we try and make our husband and children our ultimate sources of joy, we tend to either smother them and/or overwhelm the relationship with lofty expectations—




neither is good. Make sure to give yourself, husband, and children the space needed to plug into the Source of our joy.

She creates an atmosphere of peace in the home. Her husband is anxiously waiting to get home to her and not dreading the moment when he walks through the door.

She exercises patience in her marriage and knows that everyone has their own walk with the Lord and that includes her husband. She knows her role as a wife and it is not to play the part of the Holy Spirit.

By being a virtuous woman she puts her virtue into action and demonstrates kindness. This verse is the perfect example of seeing goodness in action: “Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil. Cling to what is good. Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another; not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord; rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer; distributing to the needs of the saints, given to hospitality” (Romans 12:913).

God is faithful to us and He expects that from us in our relationship with Him and others. The excellent wife is faithful to her husband and to her position God has given her as a wife and mother.

She is a powerful woman and knows that she can be even more powerful by exercising some constraint and knows that real strength and beauty comes from a gentle and quiet spirit.

An excellent wife has self-control. She does not act strictly based on her emotions, she considers her family and does not just spend money like crazy, and she does not rant to her friends and family and uncover her husband (revealing his secrets and faults). This wife is so good that her husband sees no need to think that the grass is greener on the other side. She walks in the Fruit of the Spirit and produces amazing fruit.

Resourceful: If you take a good look at the Proverbs 31 woman you will see that she is very resourceful. This woman was considering fields, planting vineyards, she was a wholesaler to merchants, and she was making a profit. The excellent wife contributes to the household by making wise choices with the money her husband brings in and creates a profit. She maintains her own business of making and selling linen garments and selling sashes. Her home has multiple streams of income and this is a blessing because it helps in difficult times. As a wife, consider what gifts and talents God has placed within you and see how you can create another source of revenue running through your

home. Nothing is set in stone these days. With the rising trend of companies having no loyalty to their employees, a wise woman has a back-up plan and does not leave the full burden on her husband. She uses the money wisely and does not squander all the profits because she knows hard times will come. God has given us the power to get wealth. Trust God, get wisdom, and don’t sit on your gifts.

Strong: She girds herself with strength and strengthens her arms. An excellent wife knows that she must be strong for the tasks ahead of her in taking care of her husband, children, home, and other obligations. Therefore, she must take care of herself both spiritually and physically. If we do not take care of ourselves, then how can we take care of our husbands, children, and those we minister to? We must keep ourselves refreshed in God’s Word, prayer, and fasting. Also, we must not forget ourselves physically. Eating the right foods, exercising, and pampering ourselves are usually the last thing on our list and although we must not obsess over these activities, we must not neglect them either. Watchman: The excellent wife is a woman warrior! She watches over the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. She knows that her husband is king, but she also knows that she is queen of her home. Therefore, she has a natural instinct to nurture and protect. Your home is your domain and you have no time for idleness. A wife watches over her home in spiritual warfare, making sure that her home is filled with peace and love, making sure that her home is stocked with food and toiletries, and making sure that her family is ready in case of emergency. She is a true woman warrior! She prays and watches, and her husband sees all that she does for them and he is honored to protect, serve, provide, and love her like Christ loves the church. Because of these five character traits, her children rise up and bless her and a husband sticks out his chest and says, “Many daughters have done well, but you excel them all.” My prayer is that you are encouraged to make your marriage last, be a blessing to your husband and children, help in hard economic times, and keep a calm spirit throughout your home.


has been married to her husband, Sean Adams for 10 years. Together they parent two great children, Sean Jr. and Sherry. She is the founder of Proverbs 31 Mama Ministries (www. proverbs31mama.org), an innovative women’s ministry. She unpacks the Word of God with relevance and simplicity. Her southern accent and inviting presence instantly engages and provides a sense of familiarity and realness. She has authored a curriculum and hosted successful online and offline studies. Her latest project, Forgetting My Past, will be released later this year.






The first habit of wealthy people is their frugal lifestyle. All too often people assume that frugality is for poor, lowincome people. People assume that only the less fortunate have to worry about such things. Meanwhile, all wealthy people live a life of excess. Unfortunately, society feeds into the Hollywood lifestyles of famous millionaires that are glorified by the media. You know the image: Everyone is gorgeous; they drive fancy cars, dine at the most expensive restaurants, and have beachfront properties to come home to every day. Most wealthy people are not chased down by media outlets because they typically live ordinary lives. Big spenders may get all of the publicity, but they aren’t a good representation of the wealthy. In fact, they are very frugal. Frugal is characterized by our reflecting economy in the use of resources. A frugal person is a tightwad, thrifty, economical, not wasteful, penny-pincher, and a nickel-squeezer. A frugal lifestyle is the cornerstone of wealth-building.




Millionaire Charles A. Coonradt said, “The main principle is my household is frugal, frugal, frugal – so I can save at least 20% of my income.” The truly wealthy live far beneath their means. They avoid big-ticket toys, buy used cars, and are more likely to buy from J.C. Penney than Brooks Brothers. More of them avoid mega-mortgage mansions and live in bluecollar suburbia. Often they didn’t inherit their money or earn professional degrees. Instead, they live a lifestyle of prudent spending and wise savings. Wealthy people aren’t frugal for the sake of being frugal. There is usually a long-term goal attached to their frugality. Steven Silbiger says, “Saving was not an end in itself; it was, rather, a means to another end: to go into business for oneself, or to enable one’s children to go into business or to spend the long years of study needed to enter a profession.” Amassing wealth is more dependent on your spending habits and lifestyle than on the amount of your paycheck. Therefore,

the key to frugality is to live below your means. In other words, spend whatever you have left over after you save, rather than saving what you have left over after you spend. It’s pretty simple. No matter what your salary, you should make it a habit to spend less than you earn. Everyone can reduce their expenditures without making a significant dent in their lifestyle. You need to understand what you are spending on your mortgage, car payments, gas, food, clothing telephone, cellular, cable, Internet, schooling, entertainment, animals and pets, water, gas, electricity, insurances, and other expenses. Never pay retail – wealthy people love to save money buying wholesale, they never like to pay retail for anything. So get the best price - use Ebay, go to auctions, buy second hand, whatever. Then save the money that you save from discounted purchases. In your pursuit of wealth accumulation, ask yourself the following question: What is more important, living comfortably with the threat of financial distress; or, doing without comfort once in a while and having financial security and peace of mind? If having financial security and peace of mind is more important; then, you should make the decision to master the habit of financial frugality. Remember, in order to be wealthy, you must do what wealthy people do.

Hasani Pettiford (www.hasani.com) is an award-winning author and speaker and has an appeal that transcends barriers of age, culture, and occupation. For over a decade he has been a recognized authority on human sexuality, interpersonal relationships, and personal growth and development.


season. However, people are paying more attention to fall décor before blending their Thanksgiving decorating with Christmas decorating. Using auburns and reds make an excellent lead-in for the blended look. Using home accents in brass and gold, even bronze, can ease into any holiday décor. By adding just a few new brass or gold wall hangings, almost any room in the house can become a myriad of Thanksgiving and Christmas blend, which can be perfect for the anxious holiday individual who marks their season’s start with the culmination of Thanksgiving. With a little preplanning, the holiday décor from Thanksgiving can blend right into the Christmas season with only a few minor changes.

SPICING UP THE DÉCOR FOR THE HOLIDAYS! BY PAULA HORNE For most people, Thanksgiving decorating involves turkeys, gourds, and a few well placed fall items such as reeds and even feathers. However, for others the allure of Thanksgiving decorating has gone out of style and replaced with the desire to create something unique, eye-catching, and of course, filled with grace and splendor. The right home accents can give a home that Thanksgiving charm without pulling out the Styrofoam turkey. These days, people are decorating their homes with more subtle hues. That means a few simple changes to the dining room can call out “Thanksgiving” without having to plant the 10-year-old stuffed turkey scene on the table as a centerpiece. Starting with an array of muted browns and oranges for your table setting will be enough to remind everyone why they are gathered around the table. This year, try a simple but elegant fall flower arrangement as your centerpiece. Using off-colored

hues and accents throughout the remainder of your home will give the home that autumn glazed look with an especially subtle appearance that can be appreciated by everyone. Brass home accents can set off the orange hues and the browns with a little flair. Of course, don’t over-do the drab colors. Adding red and burgundy will help tie it all in together. When choosing home accents, remember to keep it simple. If you’re going to use coverings on your end tables and you choose a typical fall color, adding a brass or even a bronze statue, bells, or other decorative pieces that whisper the holiday season rather than screaming it, you can usually draw it all together with a nice even red. Thanksgiving marks the beginning of the holiday season for most people. About 30% of all Americans use Thanksgiving Day to ready themselves for the Christmas

Thanksgiving decorating is a great time to delve into candles of all types. Candles in wall scones can accentuate a busy room just as easily as they can stand alone along a hallway or a staircase. Candles create that perfect holiday ambiance that we all want to share in; they light up a room with more than just a pleasant aroma.

Paula Horne Owner of Interiors Refined by Paula, a Home Staging and Interior Redesign firm in Richmond, Virginia. Born and raised in beautiful, historic Williamsburg, Virginia, she has always had an affinity for elements of structural design and aesthetics. Paula focuses on making the best use of your furnishings and treasures by using creative ideas when decorating and staging a room. She believes it doesn’t have to cost a small fortune to achieve a beautiful home. Her redesign mission is to create rooms that you love, that work for you, and that fit your budget all in one day. Her staging mission is to help you make a great first impression to a perspective buyer. Either way, Interiors Refined by Paula arranges what you already have to create a look that is beautiful, functional, and comfortable. For more information, visit her website www.InteriorsRefinedbyPaula.com.





Part of Our Story... BY Alana B. I’m here to tell the story, of a woman and her glory. Of how she loved with all she had, and ended up hurt and sad. She reached into her being, let the walls fall down. She allowed herself to love again, she wanted him around. Somewhere along the line things began to change, to ever so slightly shift, then somehow rearrange. She failed to see it coming, was caught by surprise, suffered through the pain with tears in her eyes. Then she realized that this too shall pass, there were disappointments before, this would not be the last. She reached into her spirit, having to dig down deep, began to renew - again she was able to sleep. The tears fell no more, no more life through tear stained mist, no more wishing and hoping for what she may have missed. She realized the tears had stopped, much to her surprise, she’d finally gotten to a space, where again she’d rise. Oh her story is powerful, filled with ins and outs, I’m sure you know her, she is you, we are what she’s about. We are the crowning glory, we are sisters... this.. is a part of our story... Alana B. Mother, daughter, friend, and, as she describes herself, “inspirational instrument”. Since 2000, this woman of God has self-published two books, Inspire Me Volumes 1 and 2, which were both treasures to her readers. She also took her poetry to another level by enlisting a group of friends and reciting her poetry over sounds of nature. The CD is available through her producer, Romero Wyatt. You can order your CD by emailing drumtalk39@aol.com. Alana is currently working on a third collection of poetry to share with her readers.





Spicy Salmon with Olive and Lemon Quinoa Preparation:

1. Preheat the oven to 450 degrees. In a small bowl,

Ingredients: 1/2

Cup chopped scallions

11/2 Tbsp. olive oil 2 Ibs. salmon fillet (skin on) 1 Cup quinoa (rinsed and drained) 2 Tbsp. toasted pine nuts 2 Tbsp. chopped black olives (pitted) 1 Tbsp. lemon juice (fresh) 1/2

Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook Time: 35 minutes Total Time: 45 minutes

Tsp. lemon zest (finely grated) pinch of salt & red pepper flakes

combine the scallions and red pepper with the salt and 1/2 tablespoon of the olive oil. 2. Spray a small roasting pan with nonstick cooking spray and lay the salmon in it skin side down. Cover the fish with the scallionand-red-pepper mixture. Roast the salmon in the top third of the oven until it is barely opaque at the center of the thickest part, about 15 minutes. 3. Meanwhile, bring 2 cups of water to a boil in a saucepan. Add the quinoa; cover and cook over low heat until the water is absorbed, about 12 minutes. Transfer to a bowl and add the remaining olive oil and the pine nuts, olives, lemon juice, and lemon zest. Serve the salmon over the quinoa. serves 4




“No weapon that is formed against us shall prosper.”

A TIME OF INTERCESSION Father God in Jesus name, we come before you with thanksgiving in our hearts for all that You are doing in our lives. You are faithful, righteous, true, a mighty protector, omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient, and all together perfect in all Your ways. For these things and much more, we worship You! We surrender to Your will and Your way. In instances where we went the wrong way in our lives, show us how to get back on the right path with You. We pray for all the people who have suffered in the path of Hurricane Sandy on the East Coast of the United States. We pray that you will heal hearts and restore all that was lost. We surrender and ask that You would lead us in the way that You would have us to go. Father, we ask that families and friends would be reunited in this season. We pray that You would touch our hearts. Please renew our minds and keep us in your perfect peace. Remind us to keep our eyes on You for answers and divine guidance, during difficult times and situations. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.





I will always put God first in everything I do!


I will love God & love my neighbor as myself.

Matthew 22: 36-40


I will keep my vow to pay my tithes, give with a cheerful heart and look for opportunities to bless others as God freely blesses me.

Nehemiah 10:37; Malachi 3:10


I will be joyful as I live within my means and not covet my neighbor’s blessings. Deuteronomy 5:12


I will study God’s Word daily and make it come alive by living it every day of my life! Psalm 1: 1-3; Psalm 119:15


I will honor my mother and father all the days of my life.

Exodus 20:12


I will learn to forgive others, as God forgives me.

Ephesians 4: 32


I will strive to be at peace, as much as possible, and treat others with respect and kindness. Galatians 5:22-23


I will be sure to feed and clothe my brother or sister in their time of need. Proverbs 19:17


I will intercede daily for my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, those that have not come to Christ yet, the President of the United States of America and all those in power all over the world.




SPONSORSHIP Rhonda Feimster, Owner An Eye 4 Order

Professional Organizing & Consulting Services www.aneye4order.com

DreamsWork! Join us every Saturday morning for 30 exciting minutes for live discussion about dreams, visions and interpretations from a biblical perspective... Founder, Denise Lewis www.facebook/DreamsWork


Email: DreamsWork2012@yahoo.com

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Dr. Sandy Finklin, CEO & President Divine Purpose Associates Follow her on FB @TheDrButterfly Follow her on Twitter @thedpa2001 Call her: 508-372-0010 Website: www.divinepurpose.org




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