Optimist – Fall 2022

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Optimist Institute Now a Member Benefit Optimist Institute (originally known as the LMS) was launched last quarter and is now free for all Optimist Members to subscribe to the quickly growing content!

In addition to the annual Club Officer Courses, the Optimist Institute will offer courses in:

The International Board of Directors voted unanimously to waive the Optimist Institute subscription fee of $25 for a 12-month subscription, therefore the Optimist Institute is now available at no cost to all Members! It is renewable annually and anyone that had an account in the LMS, which was rolled over into the Optimist Institute, can log in with your username (which is your email address) and your password. If you have already logged in and added a new subscription to your account, you should now have access to all current content and more that is coming soon.

• Technology (with focus on Microsoft Office products and social media to help your Club!)

If you did not have an account in the LMS, you can register here or go to the website at www.optimist.org, scroll down to the “Leadership Development” section located in the second row/fourth column from the left, click on “Optimist Institute”. There you will find the instructions on “How to Register for the Optimist Institute”. 10 • Optimist

• Leadership Development

• Optimism

• Youth and Sports

• Optimist sponsored Programs • Personal Development Skills • Diversity

It does not end there! You can complete the Optimist Personal Development Program (PDP) through the Optimist Institute. The Optimist Institute also offers video, recorded webinars, and motivational blog posts! The content will continue to grow and serve as a great resource and learning tool for all Optimist Members! Did we mention the fee is now $0 for all Members?!

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