Celebrate Community 2023
Celebrate Community, a joint initiative of Optimist International and three other major volunteer service organizations, continued this year with a focus on local community service. Events were scheduled for the week of September 10-17, 2023.

The organizations — Kiwanis, Lions Clubs International, Optimist International, and Rotary International — continue to encourage local Clubs to reach out to one another for collaboration on projects that improve and benefit their communities.

A joint project allows community members who are serving in different Clubs to learn more about each other, their organizations, and their combined efforts to help children and adults with environmental or financial difficulties.
Be sure to share the photos taken on social media and use the hashtag #CelebrateCommunity.
Optimist International President Bob McFadyen, Lions International President Dr. Patti Hill, Kiwanis International President Katrina Baranko, and Rotary International President Gordon R. McInally continue to meet to discuss how we can do more for our communities together. Join us as we #CelebrateCommunity during our joint week of service from September 10-17, 2023.MISSION STATEMENT
By providing hope and positive vision, Optimists bring out the best in youth, our communities, and ourselves.
Optimist International will be recognized worldwide as the first volunteer organization that values all children and helps them develop to their full potential.
To develop optimism as a philosophy of life utilizing the tenets of the Optimist Creed; to promote an active interest in good government and civic affairs; to inspire respect for the law; to promote patriotism and work for international agreement and friendship among all people; to aid and encourage the development of youth, in the belief that the giving of one’s self in service to others will advance the well-being of humankind, community life, and the world.
Promise Yourself-
To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.
To talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person you meet.
To make all your friends feel that there is something in them.
To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true.
To think only of the best, to work only for the best, and to expect only the best.
To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own.
To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future.
To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and give every living creature you meet a smile.
To give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others.
To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.
Generous support from the Optimist International Foundation made this publication possible.
© Copyright 2023.
Louis, MO 63108.
Hope Lives Here!
As we approach the end of my tenure as Optimist International President, I want to thank you for being an Optimist. Thank you for empowering children to be all they can be. Thank you for making your communities better places to live. Thank you for bringing out the best in yourselves and in all of us.

First Lady Penny and I also want to thank all the Optimists that welcomed us into their homes, their Clubs and their district meetings this past year. We visited 21 Districts, approximately 40 Clubs and 14 district meetings, and, including those we met at the International Convention, we spoke with more than 2,300 Optimists face to face. We saw firsthand the commitment of our members and the importance of the work they do.
When First Lady Penny and I attended a meeting at the Brookville Optimist Club in Ohio, we met a young man who told us the story of how he went to prison at age 18, before turning his life around behind bars. This young man told us that he had started selling drugs just to be able to afford the basics of life.

He was raised by his grandmother, and one year, she had to choose between buying him a coat or a pair of shoes. He got the shoes.
He said being cold wasn’t the worst part about not having a coat. The worst part was the embarrassment and humiliation of being bullied because of it. This young man told me I had no idea how hopeless he felt.
It is my dream to build a future where every child has hope – because every adult in their life is an Optimist. That dream starts with a new signature program where Optimist Clubs partner with their local elementary schools (or classrooms) to support safe, comfortable and productive learning environments for every elementary school student around the world.
I introduced this program at the International Convention in July. It’s called O.W.L.S. – Optimists Working for Learning Success.
Through O.W.L.S., we will provide children with nutrition, clothing, school supplies, hygiene products, tutoring and mentoring to help them thrive. Many of our Clubs are already doing some of this. By participating in this program, Optimists will help create an environment where all elementary students can develop confidence, self-esteem, and HOPE for their future.
As President, I’ve spoken a lot about the challenges we face as an organization. As daunting as those challenges might seem, as we move forward into a new Optimist year, we have every reason to be hopeful, because OPTIMISM IS HOPE. And who wouldn’t want to be part of an organization that creates an environment of hope for the most vulnerable in our communities. What better purpose to engage others in our organization?
I love this organization and all the people committed to its mission, so I ask all of you to join me in my dream. Let’s show the world that HOPE LIVES HERE!
Calendar of Events
A look at what’s coming up for Optimist International SEPTEMBER
• National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
• International Day of Charity, September 5
• Celebrate Community, September 10-17
• Closing of the 2022-2023 Optimist Year, September 30
• Club Pride Report
• NOW Report
• Junior Optimist Conference Report
• Club Project, Honor Club, and Distinguished Honor Club Awards
• Distinguished Governor Award
Optimist Institute: Make Sure

Have you logged into the Optimist Institute lately? Is your subscription current?

Here are some of the great things you can access in the Optimist Institute:
• 2023-2024 Club Officer Courses
• Courses for all members! Topics include leadership development skills, technical development skills, and organizational development
• All levels of the PDP
• Recordings of all general sessions from the 2023 Optimist International Convention held in Arlington, VA
Don’t miss the great stuff currently on the Optimist Institute … and there’s tons more coming!
Letter from the Editor
As the summer draws to a close, so does this Optimist year, and I’m reminded about all the reasons we have to celebrate. This summer saw a flurry of activities in our communities, coupled with District Conventions, the International Convention, the JOI Summit, the Junior Golf Championship, and the World Oratorical Championship. Thousands of volunteers and young people took part, and if you had the opportunity to participate in any of these events, I hope you felt as inspired as I did.
But I’m also reminded that many of you, our Members, don’t even know about these opportunities! This year we’ve discovered nearly 60 percent of our Members never receive an email from Optimist International simply because we do not have an accurate (or current) email address for them. Furthermore, nearly 1,000 Members don’t receive a copy of Optimist magazine in their mailbox because we don’t have their current mailing addresses.
We want to be able to keep every Member updated regarding board activities, volunteer opportunities, and the many educational programs available to them, but we can’t do that without the help of our Clubs. We know that Clubs have the most current information, and we need Clubs to update their rosters online annually with Members' email addresses, mailing addresses and birthdays.
It’s our goal to be able to reach every Optimist worldwide and build a global community, and we can’t do that alone. Let’s work together to ensure that we can share the good news of Optimism with everyone we possibly can.
Club Secretaries and Presidents, you can use the directions below to update your Club Roster today!
Thank you for your help!!
CHERYL L. BRENN Executive Director
How to update your Club Roster:
To update your Club roster online go to the Optimist Institute website. Simply choose “Quick Reference Guides” on the left-hand side, scroll down to the fourth and fifth row of modules, and click “View” for the module you need (Completing a Club Roster Adjustment (CRA) Addition Online, Completing a Club Roster Adjustment (CRA) Deletion Online, or Editing a Club Member’s Information Online).
Step Up and Lead

Our International Leadership Development Committee is taking this opportunity to ask you to serve your Club and community by stepping up. If you are asked to take a position in your Club next spring, when it is time for Club officer elections, go for it! We promise there will be help available to you on the Optimist Institute powered by Optimist International and at the exciting training sessions at the 2024 convention in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada. Come on out and enjoy, learn, and make new friends.
Wednesday, October 4, 2023
Get to Know the New Club Bylaws
Presented by the 2023-2024 International Governance Committee
Monday, October 9, 2023, 7 p.m.
C.A.R.E. Program Q&A
A new retention program will be launching in 2023/2024, C.A.R.E.. (Celebrate + Address + Recognize = Excel)
Presented by the 2023-2024 International Member Engagement Committee
Monday, November 13, 2023, 7 p.m.
O.W.L.S. (Optimists Working for Learning Success)
Presented by Cheryl Brenn and Bob McFadyen
The Benefits of Building a School Partnership
by Harold Mullins and Joyce MullinsIf your goal is to serve the needs of the youth in your community, building a partnership with your local school system is invaluable. Thanks to the support of Superintendent of Education Dr. Jeff Bearden, the Optimist Clubs in Cumming, Georgia, have just such a partnership with Forsyth County Schools.
Dr. Bearden is always willing to help promote our partnership with his principals and teachers. He attends events when we recognize any of his students, and he often honors us with his attendance and kind words at our awards and installation banquet.
For a few decades, the two Optimist Clubs in Cumming, Georgia, (Forsyth-Cumming Optimist Club and Sawnee Cumming Optimist Club) have had a good working relationship with Forsyth County Schools. As the 5th largest school district in Georgia, Forsyth County Schools serves more than 54,300 students representing 129 countries and 69 languages. In the past decade, the district has grown 40 percent! This school year, the district is home to 42 schools – 23 elementary, 11 middle, and 8 high schools, plus 7 support facilities.
The hallmark of our partnership with the schools is the largest Optimist Oratorical contest in the country, with around 4,500 participants each year. The school system has adopted the Optimist Oratorical contest as
an educational project within their 5th grade classes, and each 5th grader writes and presents a speech.
In addition to the Oratorical contest, the schools support other Optimist programs by promoting them within the district. We have high participation in our Essay Contest, Track and Field, Fishing Derby, Rising Students (Elementary to Middle and Middle to High), Scholarships to Graduating seniors, and Youth of the Month programs. Our “Mentor Me” and JOI Clubs are also vibrant and active.
In turn, the Forsyth-Cumming Club helps the school system by offering mini-grants to meet teacher supply or project needs, contributes to prizes for Teacher of the Year, Donates to the Education Foundation Drive, and participates in the New Educator’s Orientation at the beginning of each school year as a valued vendor.
Dr. Bearden honored ForsythCumming Optimist Club with the “Partners in Education” award in 2020-2021, and he has kindly offered to share with other superintendents the value of such a partnership between Optimists and local school systems.
The attached letter reflects his willingness to be an ambassador for Optimist. I hope other Clubs can grasp the value of such a relationship and use Dr. Bearden’s testimonial to help them with a similar partnership.
O.W.L.S. (Optimists Working for Learning Success) is a new signature program introduced by Optimist International President Bob McFadyen at the International Convention and just approved by the Board of Directors as a pilot program. Through O.W.L.S., Optimist Clubs will partner with local schools or classrooms to provide nutrition, clothing, school supplies, hygiene products, tutoring, and mentoring to help students thrive.
O.W.L.S. will replace and build upon the Partners in Education program and will provide a focus for Clubs searching for an identity and attract new members hoping to improve their communities.
Clubs interested in helping to develop the program or launching a pilot project can fill out an interest form here.
Many Optimist Clubs already work closely with their local schools. For a great example, look no further than two Clubs located in Cumming, Georgia. Forsyth-Cumming Optimist Club Members Harold and Joyce Mullins explain how they built a relationship with their local officials, and they even provide a letter from Forsyth County Schools Superintendent Dr. Jeff Bearden that you can share with your local schools to jumpstart your own partnership.

$15,000 Second Place Sav Jordan Middle America Region
$10,000 Third Place Shad McMillan Southeast Region
2023 Optimist International Oratorical World Championships
The Eighth Annual Optimist International Oratorical World Championships took place at Saint Louis University, July 20-21, 2023. Over 50 contestants from the Caribbean, Canada, and the United States competed in eight World Regions. The Global Region included contestants from Haiti, Nepal, and South Korea.
The nine World Regional winners received $5,000 scholarships and advanced to the World Championshiops. The first, second, and third place World Champions received scholarships of $15,000, $10,000, and $5,000, respectively.
Thank you to all the contestants, judges, volunteers, teachers, coachers, and Optimist Members that helped make this program a success!

Congratulations to our Regional Champions!

All scholarships are funded by the Optimist International Foundation and the Canadian Children’s Optimist Foundation. Their support allows Optimist International to continue this great program since its start in 1928.

There is still time to support your Foundation this Optimist year

for supporting your Foundation
2023 Junior Optimist International JOI Summit
The 31st Annual JOI Summit took place in Arlington, Virginia, July 2-4, 2023!
Some Highlights Included:
• JOI attended the OI Opening Session featuring Keynote Speaker, Amy Downs.
• JOI Yellow & Blue Team Competition

• Movie night featuring the popular Mama Mia!
• Outdoor Group Activities: Yoga, Capture the Flag, Drip Drip Splash
• JOI Keynote Speaker Jessie Brar
o Topic: Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
• Breakout sessions
• International Policy and International Officer Election
• Service Projects
o Attendees made and decorated Veteran cards and handed them out to all Veterans on July 4th. Another project included recycling old T-shirts to make dog toys for local shelters in Arlington.
• Club Project Showcase
• “JOI’s Got Talent” – Talent Show
• Teambuilding Activities: Human Knot, Flip the Tarp, Stranded, Parachute
• JOI attended OI’s July 4 morning session with highlights including remarks from:
o OI President, Fatima Zaidi
o 2021 Oratorical World Champion, Nayana Celine Xavier
o 2022 Oratorical World Champion, Samiksha Gaherwar
o Keynote Speaker, Kelly Shaefer
• JOI Banquet and Dance
• Optional Tour Day to Washington D.C.

Visual Arts Calendar Contest
Optimist International is delighted to announce the winners of its first visual arts calendar contest. We received many creative and beautiful works of art by dozens of talented young artists, and the choice was a difficult one.

The 12 young artists to have their artwork featured in our upcoming calendar are:
1. Jax Chase, Optimist Club of West Lorne, Ontario (cover winner)
2. Ambrie Cotnoir, Optimist Club of Tri-Town of Mechanic Falls
3. Mia Erickson, Optimist Club of Prior Lake-Savage, Minnesota
4. Kaylee Fletcher, Optimist Club of Hickory Flat, Geogia
5. Mila Heggemeyer, Optimist Club of Prior Lake-Savage, Minnesota
6. Jordyn Jones, Optimist Club of Green Valley-Sahuartia, Arizona
7. Kaden Leighty, Optimist Club of New Ulm, Minnesota
8. Kadee McClurg, Optimist Club of Chesterfield, Indiana
9. Amelia Legut-Petersen, Optimist Club of Ausable-Port Franks, Ontario
10. Kennedy Phillips, Optimist Club of Hickory Flat, Georgia
11. Paisley Rennie, Optimist Club of Tillsonburg and Area, Ontario
12. Noriah Womack, Optimist Club of Tuscaloosa County-Metropolitan, Alabama
Please encourage anyone you know 11 years old or under as of Oct. 1, 2023, to submit to next year’s visual arts contest. Click for more details.
Link for purchase coming soon
2023 Optimist Junior Golf Championship
In July, 620 junior golfers representing 28 countries battled it out to see who could take home trophies. Though the heat was brutal, phases 1 and 2 were great tournaments. Phase 3 started as a 54-hole tournament but ended up an 18-hole event.

Mother Nature wasn’t a fan this year, and the safety of the players is always our number one concern. Due to lightning, 250 golfers and their families were evacuated from the three courses roughly twice each day. On day one, not everyone completed 18 holes, so they finished on day two. After all golfers completed their first 18 holes, storms struck again, pulling everyone off
the course. We played until dark, but still not everyone finished their second round.
Day three started with more early morning storms. Our Junior Golf Committee, Doral staff and rules officials recommended numerous scenarios. These men and women know the courses, the evacuation plans, and the weather patterns, and they were willing to try anything to get in at least 36 holes. But it wasn't to be.
We were able to complete 18 holes and crown a champion in each division. A big shout out to all who helped with the evacuations – never an easy task.
Phase 2
Phase 1
Boys 10-11

1st Chun Hin Sze (Hong Kong)
2nd Luke An (Texas, USA)
Boys 12-13

1st Ajalawich Anantasethakul (Thailand)
2nd Hudson Greene (Louisiana, USA)
3rd Enrique Larrain (Chile)
Girls 10-12
1st Thanyanate Bhummabhuti (Thailand)
2nd Scout Fitzgerald Parker (Colorado, USA)
3rd Andrea Lai (Ontario Canada)

= 214
= 223*
Girls 13-14
= 210
= 213
= 213
= 227
= 228
= 234
* Won by Scorecard Playoff ** Won Sudden Death Playoff

Phase 3
Hole in Ones

Congratulations Beau Sahr, age 16, from Idaho, who scored a hole-in-one on the Blue Monster (Hole 4; Par 3; 170 yards).

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
Supported the OI World Oratorical Championship by funding the U.S. and International Regional winners, plus the first and second place winners in the finals totaling $55,000.
Continued to support the ongoing work of Junior Optimist International with $85,000 in funding.
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Remained a strong supporter of the Optimist Junior Golf program with a donation of $7,500.
Assisted 400 Optimists to help 29,287 children and their families by awarding 22 Club Grants.
Paid out $305,346 to Clubs utilizing the Club Campaign program and added an additional $104,447 in interest to the Club Campaign funds.
Awarded $51,024 through the Childhood Health and Wellness program, including Childhood Cancer.
Managed several OI funds for future development, including the JOI Legacy Fund, to ensure specific OI Programs remain strong well into the future.
Assisted Clubs in receiving $273,489 in charitable contributions for their own local programs through the Pass Through Program.
Sent 140 students off to college with Optimist International oratorical, essay and CCDHH scholarships totaling $296,000.
Paid out $124,422 on endowments for community projects and scholarships.
Congratulations to the 2022-2023
Childhood Health & Wellness Winners
The Optimist International Foundation offers up to $1,000 to benefit Childhood Health & Wellness projects in your community. Check the OIF website for ongoing information.

Congratulations to our 2022-2023 winners:
Optimist Club of Santa Paula, CA
Capital Optimist Club of Sacramento, CA
Optimist Club of San Antonio, TX
S.U.C.C.E.S.S Optimist Club of San Diego, CA
Optimist Club of Centerville-South Metro, OH
Surf City Optimist Club of Huntington Beach, CA
Optimist Club of Kettering Noon, OH
Optimist Club of Southfield-Lathrup Village, MI
Westminster-Bloomfield Optimist Club, CO
Sunrise Optimist Club of Lockport INC, NY
Optimist Club of East Dayton, OH
Optimist Club of Festus-Crystal City, MO
Optimist Club of Washington, MO
Optimist Club of Roseburg, OR
The Miami County Optimist Club, IN
Optimist Club of New Ulm, MN
Village Optimist Club of Carlsbad, CA
Optimist Club of Pomona, CA
Optimist Club of Kettering-Dor-Wood, OH
Optimist Club of Los Angeles, CA
Optimist Club of St. Cloud, MN
Optimist Club of Highland, IL
Optimist Club of Festus-Crystal City, MO
The Childhood Cancer Optimist Club, SC
Marana-Foothills Optimist Club, AZ
2022-23 Club Grant Clubs and Projects
The Optimist International Foundation Club Grant Program offers up to $1,000 to help Clubs establish new programs. Look for the 2024 application process next January.
Congratulations to our 2022-2023 winners:
Baby STEPS for Military Families
Share-A-Smile Optimist Club, Narrows Glen, WA
“Hope and Healing” Campaign Optimist Club of San Antonio, TX
Project Smile
The New Challengers Optimist Club of Kingston, Jamaica
Kids In Crisis Project
Optimist Club of Fort Walton Beach, Florida
Urgent Need Buddy Boxes Optimist Club of Blair, NE
Take The Optimist Challenge Reno Special Friends Optimist Club, Nevada
Sheriff’s Youth Activity League Canyon Country Optimist Club, CA
Dolton Academy Enrichment Program
Cousins Empowered Optimist Club, Chicago, IL
Reading Nature, Children’s Nature Optimist Club of Kalamazoo-Breakfast, MI
Literacy Night
Gllmer County Optimist Club, GA
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Arts and Scraps Optimist Club of Metro Riverfront, MI
Establish Boys/Girls Club West Georgia Optimist Club of LaGrange, GA
Journal Club
The Loving Community Optimist Club of Detroit, MI
Cold Hands, Warm Hearts Playa Vista Optimist Club, CA
Blanket Donation Optimist Club of Indianapolis, IN
Celebrating the ABCs of You! Noon Optimist Club of Wapakoneta, OH
Heritage Tour
Yesterday-Today Tri County Optimist Club of Detroit, MI
Families In Need Optimist Club of Lockwood, MT
Youth Bike Education Rally Optimist Club of Madison, WI
Kris Reed New Teacher Program Optimist Club of Highland, IL
International Tournament of Champions will be held November 18-19, 2023, at Mission Inn in Howey-In-The-Hills, Florida. The Tournament of Champions is an invitational junior golf championship for previous participants of Optimist Junior Golf events and other top junior golfers.

Golfers must complete an application to be considered. Submission of this application does not guarantee acceptance into the playing field.

Menomonee Falls Optimist Club Helps Build Vibrant Village Park
It was early on May 3, 2023, when President Bob and First Lady Penny McFadyen headed out on the SWIS All Roads Lead to Optimism Tour to visit the Optimist Club of Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin. Menomonee Falls Club Members and Junior Optimists greeted them cheerfully and filled them in on all the fundraisers, programs and opportunities in the very active Club! Following the meeting, the students headed to class, and the adults went to the playground!
Yes, the playground, where the sunshine was bright, and everyone was able to see the final touches on the incredible Village Park project in Menomonee Falls.

The fully inclusive and accessible 12,000+ squarefoot Village Park play area and splash pad were made possible through a fundraising campaign led by the Club which started in 2021. The park is a community destination for family fun and includes a multi-level playground, play hill, a wheelchair-friendly merry-go round, sensory stations and more!
The Village of Menomonee Falls was so appreciative of the hard work and efforts by the Menomonee Falls Optimists that they named the street leading to the park "Optimist Way" and erected a monument at the front of the park for everyone to be greeted with Optimism courtesy of the Optimist Creed.
For nearly 100 years, Village Park has been the central gathering space for Menomonee Falls. Coupled with our revitalized downtown, the park is firmly at the heart of our community — a place for our community to come together, be active, and celebrate.
In 2019, building on the legacy and traditions of community leaders before us, Menomonee Falls moved forward with a plan to redesign Village Park as a hub for our thriving community and a destination for our regional economy.

Our Club recognized the accessible play area at Village Park as a once-in-a-generation opportunity to support children and families in our community. To make the full vision a reality this would be a publicprivate partnership, which means the Village would not need to raise taxes. However, in 2020 the project was paused during the pandemic.
The pandemic only highlighted the critical need for healthy outdoor activities, and the project restarted in 2021. The fully-inclusive destination play area would be the first-of-its-kind in Menomonee Falls and a centerpiece of 13,000-square-foot dedicated play area — nearly five times the size of other area playgrounds. The play area would be a premier destination, welcoming all ages and abilities.
Our club made the first donation to the campaign, a pledge of $50,000 to show we were fully committed to the All-Inclusive Children’s Play Area. Working with the Village, our campaign leadership committee was led by club members: Larry Barbera, Jeanine Dederich, Don Eisenhauer, Cathy Hazzard, Larry Hebbring, Rick Kohl, Dan Schwind and Todd Paulus.
We met weekly and made outreach to hundreds of individuals, businesses and foundations. We shared the story, the need, and told people how to get involved. Within one year of our campaign kickoff, we had raised $1 million dollars with donations ranging from $10 to $200,000!
Construction began in March 2022. The local buzz was extraordinary. In real time the community could see the progress of the all-inclusive play area, splash pad, tennis and pickleball courts and walking trails. Construction finished in the fall.

The project and fundraising campaign continue to receive enthusiastic support with $1.1 million donated and counting. This did not occur by chance. The dedication of generations of families, business, and civic leaders has helped retain small-town qualities and character, exemplified by our club members.
Our Club will celebrate 50 years of service to Menomonee Falls in August 2023. Championing opportunities for youth is our passion — hence the name of our popcorn wagon, Poppin’ for Kids! Our wagon, prominently located in Village Park, is poised to make the most of the fundraising opportunities that come with the redesigned park.
We proudly support the Distinguished Young Women Program, Fishing Derby, college scholarships, and, most visible, the Independence Day Parade, along with many contributions to youth organizations. Our Club is known throughout the community as a “Friend of Youth” — a description we don’t take lightly. This is our calling, truly a mission of the heart.
The redesigned Village Park provides a valuable outlet and gathering space for our community, now and for future generations of families and visitors.”
– Dan Schwind, 2021-22 President, Optimist Club of Menomonee Falls
Hope for the Journey: How
to Embrace Optimism as You Focus on the Future

Life can be stressful, but despite difficulties or disappointments, it’s important to remain optimistic, keep going and maintain hope. That is no small challenge, but there are ways to sustain energy and forward momentum. Think of these as protective processes—ways to think and act which can help you tolerate uncertainty and difficulty to keep moving ahead.
by Dr. Tracy Brower, September 6, 2023 Reprinted with authors permission, tracybrower.comWhen times are tough, glossing over challenges is actually less helpful than validating experiences. A study at Ohio State University and another at Penn State found when people felt others had listened and understood their problems, they were better able to stay positive and move forward constructively.
A related study at Case Western Reserve University using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) found when people received compassionate coaching focused on the future, they experienced a positive boost in the parts of their brains responsible for cognitive, perceptual and emotional openness—contributing to better brain function overall. We can do this ourselves as well. Validate your own feelings, be compassionate toward yourself and give yourself permission to be a
little down. It’s natural to feel less than perfect when you face challenges.
In addition to validating your own feelings, it also helps to share them with others. Sometimes just getting something off your chest and feeling the support of a caring friend can be enough to help you move forward. Be careful not to over-emphasize difficulties or bring each other down though. Share, listen, learn from each other and empathize. Then ensure you’re focusing on positives as well. Get support for what’s tough, and also talk about future possibilities and motivate each other.
Empowerment and Action
You can also foster hope by taking action. A feeling of hopelessness often goes along with feelings of being out of control. Remind yourself how much you’ve achieved
so far and how well you’ve been able to cope with challenges you’ve faced previously.
Also consider the small actions you can take from here to help others and yourself. Perhaps you can help a neighbor, tutor a child, learn a new skill or focus on eating healthier. While there is a lot which is outside of your control, you can still create the conditions for happiness and hope. So, empower yourself to take actions that will matter to you and your family, friends and colleagues.
Your Intake
Another way to be more hopeful is to limit the bad news you’re exposed to. Social media—and media in general—can focus on the negative, so getting away can help you keep perspective. Just as a steady diet of junk food can make you feel physically bad, a steady diet of bad news can reduce your positivity. Stay in touch with reality, but be judicious about how much time you spend “doomscrolling” so you don’t overwhelm yourself with negativity.
At the same time you’re reducing the negative, you can also increase positive inputs, and focus on being grateful. When you feel greater gratitude, you also tend to feel happier. So, consider all the elements of your life you appreciate—not just things, but also people, conditions around you and your own capabilities.
Foster gratitude in multiple moments of your day — the sunrise on your drive to work, the great music at
the concert you attended, or the child you saw learning to ride his bike as you pulled into your driveway. Taking pleasure in small moments can increase your overall positivity.

One of the hallmarks of resilience is strong relationships. When you feel a greater level of connection and belonging, chemicals are released in your brain that make you feel happier. Your network can also support you through hard times. Stay in touch with friends, prioritize activities with family and build relationships by investing time and energy caring about others. Talk with hopeful people, seek to learn from those around you and offer support at the same time you’re also seeking support.
Helping others, contributing to your community and using your talents in meaningful ways all have positive effects on your own feelings of hope and optimism.
Meaning and Perspective
Another pathway toward more hope is to look for meaning in the circumstances you’re going through. Perhaps challenges at work made you appreciate your colleagues more or helped you build your creative muscle because you’ve had to solve new problems.
Maybe the loneliness you’ve experienced has ultimately helped you value your relationships and take more time with friends. Consider the way your challenges can help you see the bigger picture and develop a greater understanding of what matters most.
Finally, keep perspective. There is a saying, “Everything will work out in the end. If it hasn’t worked out, it’s not the end yet.” Remind yourself the hard stuff will pass, and you will get through it. Focus on the future and keep the end in mind. Even if you don’t know the comprehensive solutions to your biggest problems, just take the next logical step to keep moving forward.
Empower Hope
Hope can be illusive, and optimism can be a challenge to maintain when the conditions around you are deteriorating. But you can empower yourself to reframe your mindset and think positively, take corrective action and keep contributing to your community. Being strong and optimistic is good for you, and it will do worlds of good for those around you who can learn from you and be inspired by the choices you make.
Dr. Tracy Brower, is a sociologist focused on work-life happiness and fulfillment. She works for Steelcase, and is the author of two books, The Secrets to Happiness at Work and Bring Work to Life by Bringing Life to Work.
Optimist International 105th Annual Convention
Optimists were informed, entertained, had fun, and lots of fellowship!
Some Convention Highlights
• Ribbon Cutting with President Bob McFadyen and First Lady Penny
• General Sessions: Opening, Second, Town Hall, Third, and Annual Business Meeting. Recordings of these general session are available on optimistinstitute.org. Use the Convention link in the blue menu bar on the left side of the screen after logging in.
o President Bob McFadyen’s Remarks
o President Designate Tracy Huxley’s Remarks
o Presentations from two of our past Oratorical World Champions: 2021 Nayana Zavier and 2022
Samiksha Gaherwar
o Not just one but three keynote speakers: Amy Downs, Kelly Schaefer, and Frank Henderson. Thank you to the Optimist International Foundation for their generous donation of funds to support these fantastic presentations. We could not have done it without your support.
• Foundations’ Wm. H Harrison and Donor Receptions and Past International Presidents Breakfast
• Training sessions and workshops
• First Timers Orientation – everyone is looking forward to seeing you next year in Niagara Falls at your second convention!
• Heritage of Optimism Brunch in honor of our Past International Presidents and their Very Important Partners

• Trivia Night
o Congratulations to the winning table and to Vernon Price, the winner of the 50/50 drawing, who walked away $1,000 richer.
• The President’s Banquet and Ball/Gala with guests of honor President Bob McFadyen and First Lady Penny. The live band Rock X kept the crowd dancing all the way to the end.
Past International Presidents, front row from left to right, 2013-2014 Ron Huxley, 2011-2012 Jack Creswell, 2010-2011 Danny Rodgers, 2007-2008 Theodore Golding, 2002-2003 William H. Teague, 2000-2001 Robert L. Garner, 1998-1999 James H. Hubbard, back row from left to right, 2014-2015 Ken Garner, 2015-2016 Dave Bruns, 2016-2017 Jim Kondrasuk, 2017-2018 H. Nick Prillaman, 2018-2019 Rebecca Butler Mona, 2021-2022 Patsy Garner. The International Board of Directors met on a day prior to the convention and worked diligently through their agenda. Click here to review the summary of board actions.

17. International Convention Committee Chair Paula Reyling.

18. Keynote Speaker Frank Henderson.
19. The International Board of Directors at the President’s Banquet, front row from left to right, Director Janet Lloyd, Immediate Past President Patsy Garner, First Lady Penny McFadyen, President Designate Tracy Huxley, middle row from left to right, Director-Elect Sandi Schmidt, Director Terry Gorman, President Bob McFadyen, Optimistes Francophones Canadiens President Claire Labrèche, back row from left to right, Executive Director Cheryl Brenn, President-Elect Jan Oord Graves, OI Foundation President Deb Merritt, Director-Elect Rod McKendrick, Director Robert Doyle, and Director Russ Thomas.

20. Elizabeth Duncan poses with the Flat McFadyens.
21. President Bob McFadyen, Past International President Nick Prillaman, International Leadership Chair Deanna Morrow, International Membership Chair and Vice President-Elect Thomas Kendo introduce the race-themed 4th Quarter membership incentive.
22.International Board Director Russ Thomas.

23. Past International President Dave Bruns dressed as Uncle Sam and Dwight Phillps, of Ontario, dressed as a beaver introduce Niagara Falls as next year's convention site.
24. President-Designate Tracy Huxley rolls a barrell during a skit about Niagara Falls.
25. The 2024 International Convention Host Area Committee participate in a skit about Niagara Falls.
A shout out to the international leaders and volunteers that helped make the International Convention in Arlington a huge success.

International Convention Committee, led by Chair Paula Reyling, the Arlington Host Area Committee, led by Tom Wagstaff and Susan Davis, 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 Leadership Development Committees, led by Chairs Deanna Morrow and Elizabeth Christman, Credentials Committee, led by Chair Karen Monville, Governance Committee, led by Chair Steffi Swanson, and the Sergeants, led by Dwight Phillips.
Thank you! It would not have been possible without you.
A look at more than 100 years of Optimist International memories
21st Annual Convention – Richmond, Virginia
Unfortunately, no photograph was taken of the entire group of registrants in attendance at the 21st Annual Convention of Optimist International in Richmond, Virginia. The above photo, taken on the athletic field of William and Mary College, shows a portion of the conventioneers who enjoyed a tour of historic Williamsburg.

An NBC broadcast of Dr. F. Fern Petty, 1938-1939 International President, as he arrived in Richmond to preside over the 21st Annual Convention.


106th Optimist International Convention
Sheraton Fallsview, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
Take in some of the best views of Niagara Falls from your guest room at Sheraton Fallsview Hotel. A stunning $50 million transformation is complete. From the unrivaled location overlooking Niagara Falls, the hotel offers an indoor walkway to Casino Niagara, Fallsview Indoor Waterpark, and top local restaurants, attractions, and shopping nearby. Located moments from Niagara’s Iconic Boat Ride
and Niagara Parks and a short drive to Niagara Wineries. During your stay, indulge in celebrity chef-inspired cuisine at Massimo Italian Fallsview Restaurant, Niagara’s #1 Italian restaurant; relax at Christienne Fallsview Spa, named the #1 Spa in Ontario; or visit Niagara’s only Fallsview rooftop pool and bar.