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Optopia Staff
Rosie Albrecht (Editor in Chief) is a writer and graphic designer who spends a lot of time thinking about monsters, science fiction, queer theory, magical girls, horror, humor, and how all of those things intersect. As a child, she was radicalized by watching WALL•E and environmentalist/anti-imperialist Ghibli movies, and now she dreams of one day defeating a physical manifestation of capitalism in hand-tohand combat. You can find her at rosiealbrecht.tumblr.com and see her graphic design work at @rosiesthingfactory on Instagram.
Jeremy Baker (Editor) teaches sociology at 5 colleges and has 2 kids. He is very busy, but his therapist says he is very good at being busy.
Meira Datiya (Staff Writer) is a lunarpunk writer who loves food science, the environment, & the intersect between our lived experience and possible futures.
Rifka Handelman (Layout Director) is an incorporeal, vaguely eldritch being that occasionally occupies a human form. You can find their writing and graphic design at rifkahandelman.wixsite.com/portfolio.
Krystal Washington (Editor) is a disabled, pagan, proofreader, copyeditor, childcare professional, and cat mom. They go by she/they pronouns. She believes that respecting our ecosystem, nature-based spirituality, and caring for the next generation are all interconnected and sacred.
X379496 (Editor) is a graduate student and a labor organizer.

The background image for this page, a field of sunflowers all facing left.
@locomonstruo on Unsplash