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for updates on the zine, more solarpunk content, & other random stuff!
instagram.com/optopiazine @optopiazine
twitter.com/Optopia_Zine or @Optopia_Zine
tiktok.com/@optopiazine or @optopiazine
You can submit your solarpunk art and writing to bit.ly/submitToOptopia or by sending it to optopiazine@gmail.com for a chance to be reviewed by the editors and potentially get published in the zine!
The version of this zine you’re currently looking at isn’t accessible to readers who may be visually impaired. We hope to one day make an audio version of this zine. For now, shortly after this version is released, a version that meets contrast and sizing standards will also be made freely available on our issuu.com page.
Unsplash photographers in this issue
pg. 5 @viktortalashuk
pg. 16 @pawel_czerwinski
pg. 18 @zaitsart
pg. 19 @ilferrets
pg. 26 @brandix
pg. 28 @sigmund
pg. 39 @solenfeyissa
pg 40 @oliverneedham
pg. 44 @mak_jp
pg. 46 @whereveriwander
pg. 52 @thejmoore
pg. 54 @serejaris
pg. 55 @easy_emu
pg. 56 @locomonstruo
back @alexloup, @elleflorio

The background for this spread: a field of sunflowers all facing left.
@locomonstruo on Unsplash