Oracle of Investing Growing Wealth for our Partners
Oracle of Investing TM Copyright Š 2013 This information is provided by Oracle of Investing (OI) and is issued solely for informational purposes and does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy securities. Reproduction without written permission is strictly prohibited and will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
Our Strategy The synergy of three perspectives. Highly-selective investments based on global macro, fundamental, and technical analysis.
Our Fund Our flaship fund delivers excess returns. Incentives are more fully aligned than most funds as we win only if you win excess returns.
Performance Growing wealth for our partners with a robust approach to investing. Our aim is to return at least 15% per year on a five-year basis.
How to Join Meet our investment manager. Expect first clas business in a first class way.
Welcome Oracle of Investing’s mission is to return at least fifteen percent per year on a five-year basis in a secure, responsible manner. Do you want to obtain superior returns with
resources is an honor and responsibility we take
peace of mind? You came to the right place.
very seriously and we work every day to exceed our clients’ expectations in every way.
Our mission is to grow the wealth of our partners more than they would grow it using other instru-
We invite you to discover why investors have chosen
ments in a secure and responsible way.
Oracle of Investing.
With Oracle of Investing you can expect first-class business in a first-class way. Integrity and excellence are at the core of our partners’ characters and they expect the same from us. Managing our partners’
Javier Gonzalez, PhD Executive Director
Take a seat 4
How do we produce excess returns for our partners? By being highly selective
in our investments. We only invest in the top 0.1% of securities, thereby vastly increasing our returns while keeping the downside to a minimum. In order to be highly selective, we developed systems that allow us to monitor 10, 000 securities and alert us on the best opportunities at any given time. Want to stay in the top 0.1%?
Wealthier We produce outstanding investment returns by being broad in monitoring scope and highly selective in investment choice.
Why view investing from a narrow point of view? Most funds narrow
To obtain the our investment signals, we assess excess returns
their investment criteria by a single mindset whether
in similar past situations by rigorous and complete
it is buying cheap or fast-growing companies. At
historical precedent analysis. By backtesting we
Oracle of Investing, we select investments which are
estimate the return-risk profile of an investment and
simultaneously selected by three styles of investing.
avoid human biases of being in the moment.
In investing it is as important to be disciplined to follow the previously
There is nothing we love more than producing sizeable profits for our
established plan, as it is to have an outstanding
partners in a responsible way. With the right
plan. At Oracle of Investing, discipline flows naturally
approach we deliver to our partners what they have
from thorough backtesting.
come to expect from us.
Security The best way of minimizing risk is by being thorough in analyizing historical precedent before an investment is made.
efense wins games, but what is the key to investment security? Is it investing in AAA
securities? Or perhaps having tight stops? The best
ur secondary line of defense is diversificationand making sure position limits, levarage, and
short position limits are set at a sensible level. We
security is being able to say no to most investment
limit position size to 40% of equity when initiating a
opportunities; being thorough in researching, and of
position. For leverage and shorts, we limit our posi-
only investing in the highest-quality opportunities.
tions to 25% of equity when initating a position.
f there are a thousand investment opportunities returning 10% and 0% with 50-50 odds, it would tend
to yield 5%. An ooportunity with a 50% and 0% 50-50
oreover, we make sure we have an alternative facility to operate, tip-top compliance
and systems. Our auditors, custodian, and general
odds would be expected to yield 25%. Thus, our first
counsel are top-notch and you can rest assured we
line of defense if being highly selective before mak-
take care of every facet of security, even unexpected,
ing an investment and only investing if an opportuni-
low-probability events.
ty has an expected return of at least 15%.
The market rewards selective attention to high-quality investments.
Philosphy 7
By selecting securities that pass the filters of three investment styles we secure the best opportunities.
We use macroeconomic and
If the business does well, the
Security prices tend to keep
geopolitical input to identify in-
security will eventually follow.
momentum. When a stock price
vestment opportunities accross
We focus on businesses with
is rising and accelerating on
a broad array of asset classes
top operating performance
high and accelerating volume,
and geographies.
with growth and acceleration.
breaking through resistance and
This strategy involves direction-
Companies with a durable com-
new all-time highs, it will tend
al trades and in-depth analyses
petitive advantage, great returns
to continue rising. We monitor
of macro-economic trends to
on assets and equity, healthy
securities for technical factors
formulate investment strategies,
profit margins and accelerating
and when securities pass our
taking positions on the fixed-in-
growth and income bought at
macro, fundamental, and techni-
come, currency and
a fair price will generally have a
cal filters we are poised to reap
equity markets.
high performing stock.
sizeable benefit for our partners.
Performance The challenge of delivering results to our partners drive us to higher performance standards.
Javier Gonzalez, PhD
Oracle of Investing Fund LP
Executive Director, Oracle of Investing
Flagship On-Shore Fund
efore joining Oracle of Investing, Dr. Gonzalez worked as Equity Strategist and Equity Analyst
for Morgan Stanley, integrating fundamental analysis from the market, industry, and company levels. He also worked as a monetary economist at the Bank of Canada, where he worked did global macro.
r. Gonzalez obtained a PhD in economics from the University of Pennsylvania working along-
side world-class economists. Technically, he is gifted having obtained #1 in a national math competition and #3 in a national physics competition. Integrating the three pillars: macro, fundamental, and technical are part of our durable competitive advantage.
racle of Investing Fund LP is our flagship fund. NY-based Wharton Global Capital, whose Exec-
utive Director is Dr. Gonzalez, provides investment management and administration services.
xternal auditing services are provided by Deloitte & Touche. The fund’s general counsel is Tennen-
baum Helpern from Syracuse & Hirschtritt LLP and the custodian is Interactive Brokers LLC.
he fund manages resources for wealthy individuals, partnerships, corporations, LLCs, endow-
ments, pension funds, trusts, employee benefit plans, Keogh plans, and individual retirement plans.
Become a partner JOIN NOW
All you have to do is verify you are an accredited investor and request a set of partner documents at After you receive the forms, please fill and return, send scanned ID and wire the funds. Welcome to our extended family! If you prefer us to assist you just call us at (212) 729-4318 and we will be happy to oblige.
We offer shares in the partnership for every type of investor
2014 CLASS A
Class A shares have a 1% hurdle
Class B shares have a 6% hurdle
Profits gained from the partner-
rate. Their management fee is
rate and no management fee. Its
ship pay no corporate tax. The
1% per year, paid monthly at a
incentive allocation is one fourth
minimum subscription amount
0.0833% rate. Its incentive allo-
of gains, with annual withdraw-
for Class A and Class B shares
cation is one-fifth of gains and
als. The lock-up period is one
is currently $50,000 USD. If you
has quarterly withdrawals. There
year. Since 6% is the average
would like to withdraw funds,
is no lock-up period. However,
return of stocks in the long-term,
please give 60-day notice.
there is a withdrawal fee for the
we do not win unless we deliver
All shareholders receive a quar-
first six months of 5%, and 2%
excess returns. This arrange-
terly report on performance and
for the next twelve months, after
ment was pioneered by Warren
an audited annual report with a
which funds may be withdrawn
Buffet in the partnerships he
letter to shareholders discussing
managed between 1956-1969.
the year’s performance.
Honesty and competence are the foundation of the partnership.
rust in another individual can be grounded in our evaluation of his/her
ability, integrity, and benevolence. That is, the more
ntegrity is the degree to which the trustee adheres to principles that are acceptable to the trustor. This
dimension leads to trust based on consistency of
we observe these characteristics in another person,
past actions, credibility of communication, commit-
our level of trust in that person is likely to grow.
ment to standards of fairness, and the congruence
of the other’s word and deed. bility refers to an assessment of the other’s knowledge, skill, or competency. This dimension
recognizes that trust requires some sense that the other is able to perform in a manner that meets our
nvestment banks have their integrity structurally compromised when their sources of revenue ema-
nate from conflicting objectives such as generating
expectations. How many investment managers can
volume, pleasing corporations to obtain merger
compete in competence with ours?
& acquisition business. At Oracle of Investing we increase your confidence in us by fully aligning our incentives with you.
Make it count 12
We have a significant advantage over other funds. If the funds depend on a
financial conglomerate, the entity might have conflicting interests that might affect their investors. Other funds are very narrowly focused, either in strategy, industry, or country. Why would you let go of the best opportunities in order to do marketing? At Oracle, the are single-mindedly focused on generating alpha with minmal risk. We win if we deliver excess returns. As simple as that.
Results Our systems obtain consistent excess returns in long-term testing with minimal variablity. Robust strategies for robust results.
Our alpha-generating systems can help
in an actual portfolio. The back-tested and real-time
you profit from identifiable market trends,
results are based on taking 100% positions in the
whether up or down. We use it to implement an
specified instruments on a buy or sell signal, and liq-
investment strategy and put the partnership in a
uidating to a 100% cash position on a neutral signal.
position to produce big profits during strong market
The results shown are intended to give an idea of the
model’s effectiveness in identifying market trends
Our backtested results indicate an average
annual return in excess of the median. All results cited are hypothetical and have not been achieved
based on back-tested and real-time hypothetical results.
It’s easy Becoming a partner is easy as 1-2-3-4. We love to partner with like-minded individuals. It is a pleasure to be in business with people like you.
1. The first step is to request an application at We will reply by sending you the necessary documents through
EchoSign. 2. After reading the Private Placement Memorandum and LP Agreement, please sign the Subscription Agreement in pdf, save it, and send it via reply to our email. EchoSign satisfied the E-Sign and UETA, making the signed documents equivalent to mailing the originals*. 3. Send scanned government issued ID to verify your identify. 4. Wire the funds to the Oracle of Investing Fund LP account and enjoy the privileges of being a partner!
esidents of the following countries can send documentation via email: Australia, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Finland, India, Ireland, Japan, New Zealand, Peru, Philippines, Portugal, Singapore,
South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and the United States.
Start today Join the Oracle of Investing partnership and obtain the benefits of membership.
Have any questions? Our associates will be delighted to answer them. Please call us at (212) 729-4318 or email us at and we will gladly
assist you with the process of becoming a partner. You will be glad you did.
Start at
Oracle of Investing 228 Park Ave S New York, NY 10003 Phone
(212) 729-4318
ORACLE of Investing