1 minute read
Why do you need Lasting Power of Attorney?
Loss of mobility or mental capacity can make it difficult to manage your affairs.
What if I am unable to manage my affairs?
There may come a time in your life when you are unable to manage your financial affairs or personal welfare, owing to some form of incapacity and you will need someone to act on your behalf.
Even when we are young, we can find ourselves incapacitated owing to illness or injury and it can be invaluable having a reliable person, who is able to manage your personal affairs and remove the anxiety of having unpaid bills, at a time when you most need peace of mind.
Similarly, as we get older, the need for an attorney increases as we are more prone to illness and injuries.
Don’t leave it too late!
Instead of preparing while we are physically and mentally fit enough, many of us choose to put off dealing with such unwanted eventualities until the inevitable happens and by then it’s too late.
Who can I rely on for sound advice?
When estate planning, it is important that you can rely on the adviser. Countrywide offers a friendly and professional service, including Wills, LPAs, Trusts, Probate and

Funeral Plans. We offer the best possible advice at the time you need it most. We can arrange an informal chat or meeting via zoom/skype at our offices or in the comfort of your own home. Please feel free to contact me on 01277 600966.
What kind of LPA do I need?
There are two types of LPA:
by Clive Rowe, in association with Countrywide SE LLP
Property and Financial LPA - This type gives your attorney the authority to deal with your property, your bills, bank account and investments. This can be used while someone is still capable but has chosen to delegate to their attorney.
Personal Welfare LPA - This can only be used when you have lost capacity and are unable to make decisions for yourself. It gives someone you trust authority to make decisions about where you should live and what medical treatment you should receive.