Centacare Annual Report 2012-2013

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Painting created by Ann Whitfield and donated to Centacare.

ANNUAL REPORT 2012 - 2013

Catholic Diocese of Townsville BOWEN | CLONCURRY | MT ISA | NORMANTON | TOWNSVILLE



Centacare extends the social services ministry of the Catholic Church in the Diocese of Townsville to improve the wellbeing of the many communities in which we work. Informed by the Gospel values of dignity, respect and justice for all, Centacare assists, support and strengthens individuals, families and communities.

Practice Principles


Foreword from the Bishop


Director’s / Board Chair’s Report


We embrace cultural diversity and are committed to providing services with compassion, respect and integrity.

Centacare Achievements Children at risk and/or experiencing disadvantage


OUR VISION FOR 2010 – 2013

Adolescents at risk and/or experiencing disadvantage


Improved safety, resilience and well being for all through responsive services.

Adults experiencing disadvantage or difficulties in living fulfilling lives


People with disabilities


Indigenous people


OUR VALUES We maintain a respectful client focus through quality accountable service delivery that is flexible, responsive and inclusive: always learning from one another, our culture and our communities.

Strategic Planning Process Summary 7 8


Remote families & communities 18 Financial Reports 12/13 Financial Summary


Directed by principles of the Catholic Social Teaching such as Human Dignity, The Common Good, Solidarity and Subsidiarity and by the standards of our profession, we are accordingly guided in our actions the following key values:

Centacare Service Index 12/13 Services

• Compassion

• Respect for all

The Story Artwork by Ann Whitfield 25

• Integrity

• Excellence

• Responsiveness

• Stewardship


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Organisation Directory Office Locations and Contacts 23






Centacare Office AYR Service Area


Mt Isa







Palm Island



Townsville Ayr Charters Towers Centacare Office

Cloncurry Service Area

Julia Creek


PRACTICE PRINCIPLES This year the management of Centacare worked with staff to develop a set of Practice Principles to guide staff around creating a positive work place . The practice principles also are reflected in the work our staff do with clients and the community. This exercise was part of the “Find Time Find Balance” advocacy plan for the year and has provided a strong message to staff around how we treat others and expect to be treated. The practice principles are now part of Centacares daily work practices and fit well with the organisation’s ethics and values. 1. Be Yourself Be genuine, authentic, honest, sincere, real, have fun and be yourself. Centacare values you. 2. Be Professional Do no harm, consider professional behaviours, professional boundaries, professional reflection, diligence, integrity, needs-based best practice, duty of care and results-based accountability. 3. Be Inspired Be joyful, passionate, creative, flexible, innovative, adaptable and curious. 4. Be Excellent Be the best you can be. Set high standards. Share your excellence and expertise. Be a mentor.

Bowen Cannonvale Collinsville


Centacare office locations and Service areas.

5. Be Respectful Be tolerant, non-judgemental, courteous and tactful. Be accepting of the individual. 6. Be Considerate Say thank you, be kind, be empathic, manage your emotions, be responsible for your own behaviours. Clean up after yourself. 7. Be An Active Listener Give people your full attention. Listen to what people are really saying Be aware of body language. 8. Be Consistent Consistency in service delivery helps clients. Procedures are there to help you. Be reliable, be punctual. 9. Be Collaborative Everyone’s job has value. Be a cooperative team member. We need to work together to make a difference. 10. Be An Advocate Be fair and just. Social Justice, human rights, equity, diplomacy, human dignity, empowerment—be the voice for those without one.

BISHOP’S FOREWORD If Centacare were not an agency of the Townsville Diocese, we would have to start up one to do the kinds of things that it does. Even though, like all social welfare agencies, Centacare is very dependent upon government grants it does not cease thereby to be a work of the Diocese of Townsville and part of the mission of the Church. As such, it seeks to make present in the lives of people who are struggling in many different ways, the love of God revealed in Jesus Christ. He healed the sick, and drew back into the community those who had been excluded because of their sickness or their disability. He touched those whom others found untouchable and spoke to those with whom others would not converse, and he shared meals with those whose presence at table made him somewhat of an outcast. Fundamentally, he loved them all. The Church has to follow Him and go wherever it sees someone in need in any way, and to try to find within its resources something to help alleviate their situation. Centacare is one of the agencies of the Church which reaches some of these people in need, and this is well recorded in this year’s Annual Report. I am grateful that Centacare enables the Church to carry out its mandate of revealing God’s love to the world in such a tangible way, and thank all those involved in its work in 2012-2013. May God bless Centacare now and into the future.

MOST REV MICHAEL E PUTNEY Bishop of Townsville


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Tony McMahon (Director) and Cris Dall’Osto (Chair).

Director’s and Advisory Board Chair’s Report: Annual Report 2012-2013 Centacare North Queensland’s Vision, as set out in our new Strategic Plan, is ‘to inspire hope, create wellbeing and seek justice’. This is what we have chosen to motivate our work for the next three years; it answers the question of why we are doing what we do. Understanding why we do our work is important to us. After working with us, people should have a better sense of purpose and how to achieve it, a lightness in their step that they didn’t have before. They will be hope full, not hopeless. And we definitely can create wellbeing. We do it every day in our work with individuals, families and communities when we help a person to participate physically, psychologically, socially, spiritually and economically in determining the content of their life. As workers ‘seeking’ justice we work to make sure that our agency, our community, our nation treat people fairly and that the conditions that uphold people’s human dignity are fought for and treasured. And how do we do that? Well, the Gospel of Matthew (25:34-36) gives us a clue. Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, 36 I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’ 34

This Annual Report shows how Centacare staff across North Queensland have worked hard over the year for their impressive results, but we have not done this alone. We thank Bishop Michael for his continued advice and support and the members of the Centacare Advisory Board for the work they have done to support the vulnerable members of our communities. We also thank the staff of the Commonwealth and State Government departments who work with us.

DR. TONY McMAHON CRIS DALL’OSTO Director, Centacare Townsville Chair, Centacare Advisory Board

Centacare Advocacy plan poster “ Find Time Find Balance”.


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Suicide Prevention march – Mount Isa.

OUR STRATEGIC PLAN 2010-2013 The strategic plan identified 6 client populations, their needs and Centacare’s response providing us with focus and guidance for both our client and corporate services. These priority populations and identified outcomes continue to be relevant. The year ahead will see the development of a new strategic plan for 2013- 2016, providing the opportunity to reflect on past achievements and further refine services to ensure we make a difference to the most vulnerable in our diverse communities. • Children at risk and/or experiencing disadvantage • Adolescents at risk and/or experiencing disadvantage • Adults experiencing disadvantage or difficulties in living fulfilling lives • Remote families and communities • People with disabilities • Indigenous people

Centacare Normanton Office.

Centacare’s achievements for 2012-2013 • Centacare provided services to more than 7769 individuals through our various programs and service locations and more than 92 000 hours of support to the community during the year. • We offered 39 programs across the North West Queensland region. • Centacare commenced the process of developing a new Strategic Plan which included staff input. The strategic plan will again focus on key priority populations in the communities we service while providing flexibility to work in an ever changing environment. • In 2013 staff identified a new advocacy plan for 2013. The “Find Time Find Balance” campaign was implemented throughout the organization with a focus on both staff and clients. • Centacare has shown our innovation though development of education and early interventions that support those who are most vulnerable. Our efforts were showcased to a national audience for the 4th consecutive year. These efforts have included our work with Fly in Fly out families in the mining industry through “Digging Deep’ and our latest program development ‘Breaking the Chain’ which will work exclusively with vulnerable women moving out of the prison system to reduce recidivism. • The Normanton Office was officially opened and welcomed by the community and staff. • Centacare entered into a partnership with United Synergies to establish a StandBy Service for the North West for those who have experienced suicide in their family or among their friends. This year we have seen the commencement of the service whose boundaries significantly increase our service area locations across the north and the south of Queensland.


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Centacare Circus Team.

• Mount Isa Centacare rose to the challenge through supporting a Rodeo Queen entrant in the Mount Isa Rodeo Queen Quest 2013. Quest entrant Irena Paznikov with the support of Centacare raised $10 000. The money has been targeted to enhance a community park by erecting a shade sail. Irena, a staff member of Centacare did an amazing job in raising the profile of Centacare. • The Centacare Circus was established through one off funding from Department of Communities to focus on raising awareness with children on Palm Island about the impacts of domestic violence. The Centacare Circus has evolved into teaching children in an innovative theatrical way key messages of protective behaviours. • This year has presented some funding challenges for our organization due to changes in government priorities and funding. Centacare has remained strong during this year of uncertainty and has also acquired additional funding in the areas of StandBy and Partners in Recovery. Centacare has continued to focus on service delivery. • This year staff and the Mount Isa community had the opportunity to celebrate the opening of the Short Street building. The building was blessed by the Bishop and all participated in a spectacular smoking ceremony. As Mount Isa has no public transport system, establishment of this office which provides a significant link to vulnerable families and Indigenous people was part of a long term plan to locate services in areas of need. • This year Centacare developed a set of practice principles. The 10 principles were identified by staff to ensure professional work standards were uniformly implemented in every site, ultimately enhancing our clients experience with us.

Staff participating in a Community Connect Day – Mount Isa.

• From a corporate services perspective 2011-2012 saw the attainment of the majority of goals identified in our operational plan including an increase in resources devoted to training and supervision ( which is above industry benchmark), more regular travel between sites and establishment of annual combined management team meetings, new and/or refurbished premises across sites, development and introduction of common IT and case management systems, further development and implementation of the Results Based Accountability framework and improved reporting, finance, payroll administration and HR systems to meet the needs of increasingly complex services in geographically diverse locations.


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Child Protection Week- Mount Isa.

Children at risk and/or experiencing disadvantage • Communities for Children staff continue to work with the Mount Isa community on improving the lives of vulnerable children and families through brokerage of funds to other services for educational and family support programs. • Families have continued to enjoy Communities for Children Mega Playgroups throughout the year. This activity provides positive family experiences while connecting community and agencies. The days have proved to be very popular with more than 500 people participating in the free events. • The ROSA program provided 2 894 counselling sessions to children and families. Feedback included ” ROSA provides an excellent service and we know that ROSA is going to make a difference and offer a quality service” (staff member of Child Safety). • 85% of clients using the Counselling Intervention Service in Mount Isa reported that their knowledge and skills or circumstances had improved. • BRIDGE Townsville and Mount Isa serviced 1 646 clients throughout the year. “BRIDGE helped me to get my family back on track” (BRIDGE client Townsville.) • During Child Protection week the fences of Mount Isa and Camooweal were covered with painted dolls to promote awareness of child protection.

Suicide Prevention March 2013 – Mount Isa.

Adolescents at risk and/or experiencing disadvantage • Centacare continued our long standing relationship with the secondary Catholic Education schools through the provision of the Pathways program. Pathways provide counseling and support to students in Mount Isa, Ingham, Abergowrie and Charters Towers. • “It’s good to know that someone is looking out for them to help them and make changes” (parent of a Pathways client). • The Reconnect team played a significant role in supporting the suicide prevention march in Mount Isa. This annual march provides an opportunity for the community to come together to show strength in relation to suicide prevention. Many young people are involved in this event. • The Reconnect team provided case management services to 55 young people, with a strong focus on providing advocacy. Housing for young people continues to be a significant issue in the Mount Isa region.


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Townsville staff at a program launch.

Adults experiencing disadvantage or difficulties in living fulfilling lives • Our Family Relationship Services Program provided services from Townsville, Mount Isa and surrounding locations to 1,684 people by way of groups and life skills, counselling and family dispute resolution. • This year there was a change in direction and funding within the Gambling Help service. Gambling support, promotion and education continues in both Mount Isa and Townsville with an increase in client enquiry and uptake across both sites. • Centacare’s Employee Assistance Program has continued this year to provide services in counselling, work place mediation and critical incidents. 100% of clients who used this service agreed that they were treated with respect. • The Homelessness Crisis Accommodation service provided a service to 578 people. This service also provides crisis accommodation with a stock of 7 houses for vulnerable families in Mount Isa. • The Centacare Homestay program focuses on assisting families with accommodation stress through an early intervention model. The service provided 1327 support hours to the families of Mount Isa. • Feedback in relation to the Homelessness Program: “ We love Centacare- they can sit in a meeting, make a decision, make a difference right there- that’s great” (Service provider Mount Isa). • Circle of Life is a small program supported by the Townsville Diocese. This service provides support to individuals and families in relation to fertility matters. “I have learnt to accept issues and deal with emotions” (Service user).

Enjoying group work.

People with disabilities • 2012-2013 has seen significant changes to the disability sector with the pending introduction of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and the Queensland State government “Your Life Your Choice” initiative to get all of the community ready for the NDIS. For this period our disability services have continued to provide quality services to our clients in both Townsville and Mount Isa. • Trinity House, Mount Isa provided 19,242 support hours to the residents throughout the year, with a new resident welcomed in February. In May our DiverseAbilities services underwent an external audit and were found to be fully compliant in all areas. In addition Trinity House was recognized for “Leading Practice” in their induction process for new staff. • Feedback from the community visitor program about the Townsville Respite House was “ I was impressed by the way staff interacted with clients and are always engaged” • Centacare volunteer host program has recruited more volunteers who have been successfully matched to a child with a disability. • “Being part of the program has allowed me to spend time with other family members – and has given me a chance to breathe” - Parent. • The Community inclusion program provided 7,170 support hours to individuals and families in Townsville and Mount Isa. Contributing to the community by taking on meaningful roles has been the focus of the program for this year. For example, an individual has been involved in volunteer work which has led to community connections and increased confidence.


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Enjoying group work.

• Centacare successfully launched and facilitated our new early intervention/peer support program for families of children aged from birth to 5. • “My son thoroughly enjoyed the program and so did I- It’s terrific with fantastic staff” (Parent attending the Baby Bridges program). • Centacare manages Penola Place in Townsville which provides accommodation for five women with disabilities.

Staff at Pioneer clean up day.

Indigenous people • A number of Centacare programs target Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander populations such as the Home Interaction Program for Parents and Youngers (HIPPY) and Prosperity in Pioneer (PIP). Other programs by the nature of their location or the resident community have a high percentage of indigenous clients such as the service in Normanton. Centacare is very fortunate to have opportunities to work with Indigenous people and to make a difference in peoples’ lives. • 85% of families graduating from the HIPPY program said that they would recommend the service to other families. • Centacare continues to offer services to Palm Island. The Family Intervention Service travel weekly to provide family support, while the Intensive Family Support service in Mount Isa expanded service delivery to include families in Camooweal and Dajarra. • 100% of the feedback received from service users of the Townsville FIS service noted that Centacare had made a difference in their lives. • Staff in Mount Isa, in conjunction with local services and government departments, participated in the “Pride in our Community day” in the suburb of Pioneer. This project involved supporting residents to remove large amount of waste and rubbish from properties. Engagement from residents was high. • Communities for Children have continued to support a weekly playgroup in Gardiner Park, Mount Isa. This playgroup targets the local residents in the suburb of Pioneer, an area with a large Indigenous population living in social housing and with no access to public transport. Numbers have continued to increase throughout the year. The goal of the program is to provide a positive early learning experience for families who are not in a position to access mainstream services. The rate of school attendance by children supported by the Education program has also increased. AR12/13

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Smoking ceremony - Mount Isa.

• Due to changing state government funding priorities, this year Centacare and the community dealt with the finalization of three employment and training programs which focused on skill development, training and employment of Indigenous people. • “Thanks to Centacare for not giving up on me- they tried to help me for a long time and eventually I got a training course - I couldn’t have done this on my own” (service user - Mount Isa). • Centacare’s Reconcilliation Action plan is in the second year and we remain committed to our vision of reconciliation: “Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islander people have better access to culturally appropriate services, live in safe, sustainable and resilient families and communities and attain an increase in economic status with better access to employment” • Centacare, with the support of the Queensland Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and Multicultural Affairs and Incitec Pivot’s Indigenous Employment Coordinator, celebrated National Reconciliation Day at our Short street office, Mount Isa. A Kup Murri was offered to over 400 community members. This event proved to be very popular and provided an opportunity for the community to come together and recognise this important day.

Walkers Creek.

Remote families and communities • This year has seen a huge increase in our geographical service boundaries with the commencement of the Central and North West StandBy service which has a base in Mount Isa. StandBy service boundaries include Mornington Island, Doomadgee, down to Birdsville and across to Alpha. StandBy is a support service for those bereaved by suicide. • Remote Area Integrated Family Support Service (RAIFS) provided 1078 support hours to families in Normanton, Julia Creek, Cloncurry and Richmond. The service has permanent offices in Cloncurry and Normanton. • In collaboration with the Cloncurry Council and other providers a new office location has been identified for the Cloncurry Neighbourhood Community Support Service. This will significantly enhance access to the service in 2014 and it is anticipated that better opportunities for community support and coordination will occur in the new office space. • Community Counselling and Individual Support Service, Bowen continue to facilitate the Cancer support group and the Infant Loss support group as well as providing outreach to the Collinsville community.


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Georgina River.

Financial Summary Report Centacare is funded by: • Department of Communities

- Child Safety

- Disability and Community Care

- Housing and Homelessness

• Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA) • Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation (DEEDI) • Catholic Diocese of Townsville • Xstrata Mining • Brotherhood of St Laurence • Australian Government Attorney-General’s Department (AG)

Staff numbers At 30 June 2013, Centacare Townsville employed 166 staff members of whom 150 were female. 106 staff were full time employees and there were 27 part-time workers and 33 casuals employed.

Centacare’s Rotary Rodeo Queen Quest Entrant.

2010-2011 Income Sources 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 % 0


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2010-2011 Expenditure

Centacare Services Relationship and Family Support Services Family and Relationship Counselling (Est. 1979) ​ The Family and Relationship Counselling Program provides counselling to individuals, couples, children and families with a focus on family and relationship issues. Education and Life Skills Program (Est. 1992) Courses enhance individual quality of life for men, women and children and strengthen family relationships. Life skills courses also include Marriage Preparation (Est. 1992) Bowen Community and Individual Support Service (Est. 1996) Provides counselling to individuals, children and young people. Regional Family Dispute Resolution Service (Est. 2003, Western Region only) Provides information, support counselling and mediation for individuals, couples and children experiencing difficulties or seeking to make decisions regarding separation or divorce. Circle of Life Program (Est. 2004) The Circle of Life Program is a holistic counselling, education and support service which assists individuals, couples and families to work through their pregnancy-related concerns. BRIDGE Program (Est. 2005) Provides counselling and family support to children, young people and their families where harm or risk of harm is present. Family Relationship Centre (Est. 2006) Provides information and support around relationships and family enhancement as well as family dispute resolution for families who want to discuss parenting arrangements.

Family and Children’s Services Family Intervention Service (Est. 1992 in Mt Isa, 2006 in Townsville and Cloncurry and 2012 in Normanton) Supports families to address on-going child protection issues which have impacted on their ability to meet their children’s care and protective needs. Rosa Program (Est. 1994, Townsville) Provides therapeutic counselling to children and young people who have experienced harm. Reconnect (Est. 2001, Mt Isa) Reconnect is a program which helps young people between the ages of 12 and 18 who are homeless or at-risk of homelessness. Pathways Program (Est. 2002 in Townsville and 2004 in Mt Isa) Provides individual counselling for school students, support for parents and carers and resources and/or training for teachers. Counselling Intervention Service (Est. 2006, Mt Isa) Provides counselling and support for families, children and young people, including household management and family therapy. The Home Interaction Program for Parents and Youngsters (HIPPY) (Est. 2010, Mt Isa) HIPPY is a two-year home-based parenting and early childhood enrichment program targeting families with young children. Employee Assistance Services ACCESS (Est. 2001) The ACCESS Program provides a range of services to organisations and their employees. Services include counselling, educational workshops/training, mediation, corporate coaching, professional supervision and Critical Incident Response. Employment Services Job Preparation Program (Est. 2008) The Program is a 12 week work-readiness program that provides participants with basic skills needed to gain employment and/or training.

Participate in Prosperity (Est. 2008) Offers a range of services to increase access to employment including counselling, referral, advocacy, practical support and community based activities.

Communities for Children Initiative (Est. 2005 in Mt Isa) An initiative to support healthy young families, including early learning and care and the provision of community education programs and activities such as playgroups.

Diverse Abilities

Homelessness Early Intervention Service (Est. 2006 in Mt Isa) The program provides support, information, referral, advice and case management to families and individuals who are at risk of homelessness.

In Home Program (Est. 1999) Provides flexible and empowering support and respite options to individuals with disabilities and/or families caring for a child or adult with a disability in the community. Respite House (Est. 1990, Townsville) Offers the opportunity for individuals with a disability to experience some time away from home as well as allowing the time for carers to engage in other activities. Trinity House (Est. 2005, Mt Isa) Trinity House provides accommodation and 24hour support in a homelike environment to adults with an intellectual and/or physical disability. Community Services

Family Crisis Accommodation Service (Est. 2006 in Mt Isa) The service provides short term crisis accommodation and a range of supports to enable families to secure long term accommodation and improve their ability to provide a stable home life. StandBy North West Central Queensland Service (Est 2013 based in Mount Isa) The Service provides support and information to people who are bereaved by recent or a past suicide. The service includes 24 hour service response.

Gambling Help Service (Est. 1993 in Townsville and 2002 in Mt Isa) The Gambling Help Service provides counselling and support services for people with problem gambling behaviours, their families and friends. Community Education Programs are available for groups, community organisations, schools or businesses. Remote Area Integrated Support Service (Est. 2002) Provides counselling and support services, with an emphasis on early intervention, to children, young people and their families who are vulnerable and are at risk of family breakdown. Services are provided in Normanton, with extended visits from Mount Isa to Cloncurry, Julia Creek and Richmond. Cloncurry Community Support Service (Est. 2004) Provides information, referral, counselling and support services in Cloncurry.

Celebrating 21 years of service in Mount Isa

Senior Management Team L to R: Paula La Rosa, Lesley Thorne, Marilyn Jacob, Tony McMahon, Catherine Devine, Paula Washington


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ORGANISATION DIRECTORY Townsville Office 410 Ross River Rd, Cranbrook QLD 4814 PO Box 1362, Aitkenvale QLD 4814 P: (07) 4772 9000 F: (07) 4755 0322 E: centacarenq@centacarenq.org.au Mount Isa Offices 80 Short Street, Mount Isa Q 4825 PO Box 1375, Mount Isa QLD 4825 P: (07)4749 8100 F: (07) 474 33184 E: cfs@centacarenq.org.au 5 Miles Street, Mount Isa, QLD 4825 PO Box 1375, Mount Isa QLD 4825 P: (07) 4749 8000 F: (07) 4743 5492 E: cfs@centacarenq.org.au Bowen Office 52 Herbert Street, Bowen QLD 4805 PO Box 826, Bowen QLD 4805 P: (07) 4786 4158 F: (07) 4786 4266 Cloncurry William Presley Place 2/88 Steele Street, Cloncurry QLD 4824 PO BOX 88 Cloncurry QLD 4824 P: (07) 4742 0542 F: (07) 4742 0737 Normanton 26 Dutton Street, Normanton QLD 4890 PO Box 398, Normanton QLD 4890 P: (07) 4745 1586 F: (07) 4745 1093

2012/2013 Annual Report Designed by OracleStudio - www.oraclestudio.com.au

Painting created by Ann Whitfield and donated to Centacare.


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The Story The blue swirls in the background represent the endless sky and the possibilities. The swirls also represent the messiness in peoples’ lives. You may also see glimpses of gold; these are the rays of hope amid the mess. Barely visible, like ghostly shadows over the blue mess of possibilities, are hand prints of some of my young clients; representing hope and growth for the future. White spots radiate out from the center of the picture, symbolising the love that Jesus has for ALL people. The four camps, from left to right, represent Townsville, Cloncurry, Mt Isa and Normanton. The dots going back and forward between these regions, symbolise the sharing of knowledge, learning and compassion between these Centres. Inside the Centacare logo, are links of chain for the professionalism, respect and friendship we share as workmates and with an organisation who reflects our values and principles. The dots surrounding the logo, represents the communities we serve.

‘Caring for our Community’ Thank you to Centacare staff who provided photographs of our region in this years annual report.

Centacare North Queensland cares about the environment and the world we all live in so we choose to distribute our Annual Report publication online which saves on unnecessary usage of paper, printer inks and toners.


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