Southern Cross Catholic College Prospectus

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Southern Cross Catholic College would like to acknowledge the Bindal and Wulgurukaba People, Southern Cross Catholic would like to acknowledge the Bindal and Wulgurukaba People, the Traditional Owners College and Custodians of the land of the grounds of our College. the Traditional Owners and Custodians of the land of the grounds of our College. We pay our respects to Elders, past, present and future. We pay our respects to Elders, past, present and future.

Welcome toto Welcome SOUTHERN CROSS CROSS SOUTHERN Asthe thePrincipal PrincipalofofSouthern SouthernCross CrossCatholic CatholicCollege, College, As welcomeyou youtotoTownsville’s Townsville’snewest newestCatholic CatholicPrimary Primary and II welcome and SecondaryCollege Collegefor forboys boysand andgirls girlsfrom fromPrep PreptotoYear Year 9 in 2016. Secondary 9 in 2016. The College, College,under underthe thepatroness patronessofofMary MaryHelp Help The of Christians is closely aligned with St Joseph of Christians is closely aligned with St Joseph the Worker WorkerParish, Parish,Wulguru Wulguruand andisisadministered administered the by the Townsville Catholic Education Office. by the Townsville Catholic Education Office. We value the education of young people We value the education of young people inina a Catholicenvironment environmentand andare arecommitted committedtoto Catholic providing quality opportunities thatwill willdevelop develop providing quality opportunities that and enhance enhancethe thegifts giftsofofour ourstudents. students. and At At Southern SouthernCross CrossCatholic CatholicCollege Collegewe weare are educating for life-long success. We recognise educating for life-long success. We recognise each eachchild childas asbeing beingunique uniqueand andformed formedinin the image of God. Our aim is to assist the image of God. Our aim is to assistininthe the development developmentofofthe thewhole wholeperson personthrough through fostering fosteringaaschool schoolenvironment environmentininwhich whichstudents students can grow in all aspects of life and become can grow in all aspects of life and becometheir their best best selves. selves. Our Our careful carefulbalance balanceofofacademic, academic,sporting, sporting, cultural and spiritual programs cultural and spiritual programsensure ensurestudents students develop developthe theskills skillsand andattitudes attitudesneeded neededtotolead lead successful successfuland andfulfilling fulfillinglives. lives.

Southern Cross Catholic College a remarkable Southern Cross Catholic College is aisremarkable place where people are valued, standards place where people are valued, standards areare high, learning a lifelong journey, transformation high, learning is is a lifelong journey, transformation is a reality and faith is serious. We provide is a reality and faith is serious. We provide an an affordable, accessible and excellent Catholic affordable, accessible and excellent Catholic education for primary and secondary students education for primary and secondary students who wish to be a part of a school community who wish to be a part of a school community that fosters a friendly and trusting collaboration that fosters a friendly and trusting collaboration between staff, students and their families. between staff, students and their families. With primary and secondary cohorts on on oneone With primary and secondary cohorts campus in easily accessible Annandale, students campus in easily accessible Annandale, students progress seamlessly from Prep to Secondary, progress seamlessly from Prep to Secondary, benefiting from thethe consistent values andand high benefiting from consistent values high expectations of the college community. expectations of the college community. On behalf of of Southern Cross Catholic College On behalf Southern Cross Catholic College I would like to thank you for your interest in our I would like to thank you for your interest in our school. school.

Southern Cross Catholic College is at a crucial Southern Cross Catholic College is at a crucial stage in its development towards becoming a stage in its development towards becoming a leading P-12 school in the Townsville Diocese. leading P-12 school in the Townsville Diocese. Our experienced and dedicated staff nurture and Our experienced and dedicated staff nurture and challenge students to perform to the best of their challenge students to perform to the best of their ability. ability.

Louise Vella-Cox LouisePRINCIPAL Vella-Cox COLLEGE


Charism Charism && MISSION MISSION The college motto The college motto “To “ToLove, Love,To ToServe, Serve,To ToShine”, Shine”, applies to all aspects of school applies to all aspects of school life. life. We find strength in sharing, helping, We find strength in sharing, helping, including, including,nurturing nurturingand andencouraging. encouraging. The Thecollege collegemotto mottoencourages encouragesall allin inthe the community community totogo above and beyond everyday to go above and beyond everyday tonurture nurture aa faith faith that thatstrengthens strengthensour ourcommunity; community;show show love love as as aa gift giftofofsincere sincerecare, care,concern, concern,mateship, mateship, empathy empathy and compassion for others; reach and compassion for others; reachout out in in aa spirit spirit ofofforgiveness, forgiveness,reconciliation reconciliationand andmutual mutual respect; respect; serve servethose thoseininneed; need;and andwitness witnessto tothe the life life of of Christ. Christ. Mary MaryHelp HelpofofChristians Christiansisisthe thepatron patronsaint saint of of Southern SouthernCross CrossCatholic CatholicCollege. College.As Asher her title title suggests, suggests,we wefocus focuson onOur OurLady Ladyas asone one who who assists assistsChristians Christiansas asaacommunity, community,through through our our celebrations celebrationsand andchallenges. challenges.In Insolidarity solidarity with with our our Catholicschool schoolcommunity, community,our ourcharism charism challenges challenges Catholic courageouslyserve servethe thecause causeof of justice justice and and usustotocourageously peace and to bring about a more humane society, peace and to bring about a more humane society, onethat thatrespects respectsthe thedignity dignityof ofeach eachperson. person. one Thesymbolism symbolismofofthe theSouthern SouthernCross Crossfor for our our The Collegeconnects connectstotoour ourCatholic CatholicChristian Christian faith faith College and reminds the school community of God’s and reminds the school community of God’s unconditionallove lovethat thatembraces embracestheir their joys joys and and unconditional sufferings.The Theconstellation constellationofofstars starsraises raises echoes echoes sufferings. of Australian spirituality, both ancient and modern of Australian spirituality, both ancient and modern andhaving havingaaconstellation constellationas asthe thesymbol symbol and and and name of the College reminds us of the wonders of name of the College reminds us of the wonders of creationand andofofthe theancient ancientgreat greatsouthern southern land, land, creation its people and customs upon which the school its people and customs upon which the school wasbuilt builtand andnow nowgrows. grows.The TheSouthern Southern Cross Cross was constellation is found on the Diocesan Crest as it constellation is found on the Diocesan Crest as it represents Mary – Help of Christians: the patroness represents Mary – Help of Christians: the patroness of our Diocese and our college. of our Diocese and our college.

Southern Cross Catholic College Southern Cross Catholic College

Learning Learning ENRICHMENT ENRICHMENT A differentiated curriculum that supports A differentiated curriculum that supports enriched learning experiences is taught in enriched learning experiences is taught in eacheach Learning Area Area (subject). Learning (subject). Students have regular opportunities to extend Students have regular opportunities extend themselves academically during class time, to and themselves academically during class time, are encouraged to participate in extension activities and are encouraged to participate in extension activities throughout the year. These include demonstrating throughout the year. These include demonstrating their talents in annual public speaking and debating their talents in annual public speaking and debating competitions or participating in various club activities.

competitions or participating in various club activities.

The school believes in supported learning suitable to the abilities, needs and goals of individuallearning students.suitable to The school believes in supported Teachers support a differentiated curriculum and students. the abilities, needs and goals of individual develop strategies for students with different learning and Teachers support a differentiated curriculum needs. For students in secondary school, transition develop strategies for students with different learning programs willFor be put in place to assist students to transition needs. students in secondary school, prepare for an independent life beyond school.

programs will be put in place to assist students to prepare for an independent life beyond school.

School Clubs:

School Clubs: RUN CLUB





















Pastoral Pastoral Primary CARE CARE CURRICULUM Southern SouthernCross CrossCatholic Catholic College College is is Primary schooling provides foundational committed to developing socially committed to developing socially experiences for learning fostering responsible who become responsiblecitizens citizens whoby become positive relationships between the of productive and members productive andengaged engaged members of our our family, the student and the college local community and society. local community and society. through developing the skills required forcurriculum success. and pastoral care programs support Our

Our curriculum and pastoral care programs support communities communitiesininaacollective collectiveeffort effortto to optimise optimise social, social, emotional, and academic outcomes emotional, academic of young young At Southernand Cross Catholicoutcomes College, of we believe people. through identifying people. Thisisisachieved achieved through identifying social that theThis partnership between teachers and social and emotional capabilities that young people need and emotional capabilities young people need parents has a great impact that on student learning. toWe acquire in order to be successful. Embedding to acquire in aorder to be successful.that Embedding promote culture of excellence supports this experience gives students thisininthe theschool school experience gives students the the students with challenging and stimulating tools to influence their own wellbeing, and learn tools to influence their own wellbeing, and learn learning experiences. Effective teaching good through maintaining positive goodcitizenship citizenship through maintaining positive strategies support the learning strengths and relationships, making contributions to others relationships, making contributions toand others and and needs of students of diverse abilities the thecommunity. community. backgrounds. Ourpeer peer led, experiential learningand program is Our experiential program is While theled, development of learning literacy numeracy skills based and empowers young people to skills empowers young to skillsbased for ourand students from Prep to people Year 6 is eachother otherand contribute positively to to support each contribute positively asupport core component ofand becoming a successful theircommunity. community. This program provides students their This program provides students learner, we are also very passionate about witha asupportive supportive learning environment in which providing opportunities forenvironment our studentsin towhich have with learning to develop the skills, understanding, attitudes to the a broad of experiences that toaccess develop skills,range understanding, attitudes andstrategies strategies improve theirmental, mental, social and and help them to develop as confident and social creative and totoimprove their emotional wellbeing. individuals and active, informed citizens. emotional wellbeing. Ourcollege collegeCode CodeofofBehaviour Behaviourunderpins underpins our our Our approach to building a culture that promotes approach to building a culture that promotes learning.Our OurCode CodeofofBehaviour Behaviouroutlines outlines our our beliefs beliefs learning. andexpectations expectationsaround aroundbehaviour behaviour and and includes includes and key rights and responsibilities. All members of our our key rights and responsibilities. All members of community have the right to feel safe, the right to community have the right to feel safe, the right to learn and the right to feel respected and with these learn and the right to feel respected and with these rights comes independent responsibilities. rights comes independent responsibilities.

“All rights have to be balanced by “All rights have to be balanced by responsibility because we are in a relationship.” responsibility because we are in a relationship.” - Bishop Michael Putney, address to State Parents & Friends Representatives, 4 July 2005. - Bishop Michael Putney, address to State Parents & Friends Representatives, 4 July 2005.

Southern Cross Catholic College Southern SouthernCross CrossCatholic Catholic College College

Our curriculum program and teaching strategies incorporate opportunities appropriate to the developmental needs of each stage, including play experiences in the early years, hands on experiences throughout the years and opportunities to apply academic rigour as learning progresses. Primary students have access to learning in the following subjects aligned with the Australian and Queensland Curriculum:


“The golden goldenrulerule-Do Dofor forothers others “The what you youwant wantthem themtotododofor foryou” you” what -


Primary Primary CURRICULUM CURRICULUM Primary schooling provides foundational Primary schooling provides foundational experiences for learning by fostering experiences for learning by fostering positive relationships between the positive relationships between the family, the student and the college family, the student and the college through developing the skills required through developing the skills required for success. for success. At Southern Cross Catholic College, we believe At Southern Cross Catholic College, weand believe that the partnership between teachers that the partnership parents has a great between impact onteachers student and learning. parents has a great impact on student learning. We promote a culture of excellence that supports We promote culture of excellence that supports students withachallenging and stimulating students with challenging and stimulating learning experiences. Effective teaching learning experiences. teaching and strategies support the Effective learning strengths strategies support the learning strengths needs of students of diverse abilities andand needs of students of diverse abilities and backgrounds. backgrounds. While the development of literacy and numeracy While theour development of literacy numeracy skills for students from Prep toand Year 6 is skills for our students from Prep to Year 6 is a core component of becoming a successful alearner, core component of becoming a successful we are also very passionate about learner, weopportunities are also veryfor passionate about providing our students to have providing students tothat have access to opportunities a broad rangeforofour experiences access to a broad range of experiences that help them to develop as confident and creative help them toand develop confident and creative individuals active,asinformed citizens. individuals and active, informed citizens.

Our curriculum program and teaching strategies Our curriculum program and teaching to strategies incorporate opportunities appropriate the incorporate opportunities appropriate to the developmental needs of each stage, including developmental needs ofearly eachyears, stage,hands including play experiences in the play experiencesthroughout in the earlythe years, on experiences yearshands and on experiences throughout the years and opportunities to apply academic rigour as opportunities to apply academic rigour as learning progresses. learning progresses. Primary students have access to learning in the Primary access learning in the followingstudents subjectshave aligned withto the Australian following subjectsCurriculum: aligned with the Australian and Queensland and Queensland Curriculum:


Southern Cross Catholic College Southern Cross Catholic College

Secondary CURRICULUM Secondary schooling provides a platform for the future by combining studies with the development of skills and attitudes essential for life beyond school. Our experienced and dedicated staff nurture and challenge students to perform to the best of their ability. Junior secondary years provide a broad foundation to senior studies with students developing knowledge and skills across all key learning areas. Students are encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning and to develop a self-disciplined approach to study. Southern Cross Catholic College provides opportunities that assist our students in developing self-confidence and valuable life skills that prepare them for various roles in the world beyond school. Our excellent facilities and disciplined environment enable students to reach their full potential.

The curriculum is learner-centred and aims to develop each student’s repertoire of skills for life, building their basic competencies and providing a focus on new technologies and active citizenship. Within an atmosphere of high expectations,students experience a diverse range of subjects, allowing them to discover new talents and build on their strengths. Aligned with Australian and Queensland curriculum standards, the subjects on offer include:


Subjects on Rotation THE ARTS Drama, Visual Arts, Music, Media DESIGN & DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES Home Economics, Industrial Design/Manual Arts/ Woodwork, Design & Technology - Graphics, Information Communication Technology HUMANITIES History & Geography, Economics & Business, Civics & Citizenship LOTE Language Other than English


"I"I have you may may have come come in in order order that that you have the full." full." have life life and and have have it it to to the - JOHN 10:10 - JOHN 10:10



The College has a proud history of participation in a wide variety The College has a proud history of participation in a wide variety ofschool schoolsport. sport. of Sport is an important part of education as it promotes an active lifestyle, Sport is an important part of education as it promotes an active lifestyle, develops teamwork and emphasises the importance of the persistence and develops teamwork and emphasises the importance of the persistence and training required to do your best. training required to do your best. Ourstudents studentsenjoy enjoyand andbenefit benefitfrom from having access extensive college Our having access to to extensive college grounds, abundant sporting fields and fully enclosed multi-purpose facilities. grounds, abundant sporting fields and fully enclosed multi-purpose facilities. Weaim aimtotoensure ensurethat, that,through throughregular regular and enjoyable involvement in physical We and enjoyable involvement in physical activities, our students will develop skills and attitudes that will lead to lifelong activities, our students will develop skills and attitudes that will lead to lifelong participationininhealthy healthyrecreational recreational activities and lifestyles. participation activities and lifestyles. Studentsare areassigned assignedtotoone oneofoffour four Pastoral house teams: Castle (Red), Elliot Students Pastoral house teams: Castle (Red), Elliot (Blue), Stuart (Green) or Hervey (Gold). Enthusiasm and team spirit are evident (Blue), Stuart (Green) or Hervey (Gold). Enthusiasm and team spirit are evident theinter-house inter-housesporting sportingevents events where students participate in friendly ininthe where allall students participate in friendly andand inclusiveswimming, swimming,cross crosscountry country and athletics competitions. inclusive and athletics competitions.

Our Our CAMPS CAMPS Year annually. YearFour FourtotoYear YearNine Ninestudents studentsattend attendcamp camp annually. Fully opportunity forfor personal growth andand Fullysupervised, supervised,camps campsare area agreat great opportunity personal growth awareness of responsibility for the community and environment. awareness of responsibility for the community and environment. Year 4 Year 4

Gumburu, Mt Spec National Park Gumburu, Mt Spec National Park

2 nights 2 nights

Year 5 Year 5

Apex Camp, Magnetic Island Apex Camp, Magnetic Island

3 nights 3 nights

Year 6 Year 6

Lake Tinaroo, Atherton Lake Tinaroo, Atherton

3 nights 3 nights

Year 7 Year 7

Action Challenge, Mackay Action Challenge, Mackay

3 nights 3 nights

Year 8 Year 8

Echo Creek Adventure Centre, Tully Echo Creek Adventure Centre, Tully

3 nights 3 nights

Year 9 Year 9

Mungalli Falls Outdoor Education, Milaa Milaa Mungalli Falls Outdoor Education, Milaa Milaa

3 nights 3 nights

Information Information

TECHNOLOGY TECHNOLOGY In In partnership with Townsville partnership with TownsvilleCatholic CatholicEducation Educationwe weconstantly constantlymonitor monitor opportunities opportunities andand devices to incorporate technology into the learning environment of our devices to incorporate technology into the learning environment of our students. students. Southern Cross Catholic College overarching Southern Cross Catholic College overarching philosophy is to encompass technology into the philosophy is to encompass technology into the learning space to enhance learning experiences. learning space to enhance learning experiences. TheThe College hashas well equipped classrooms with aa College well equipped classrooms with bank of Chromebook computers available to each bank of Chromebook computers available to each student in Years 4 to 9 to access their own device student in Years 4 to 9 to access their own device during class time. Teaching staff have their own during class time. Teaching staff have their own laptop computers and utilise these forfor curriculum laptop computers and utilise these curriculum planning, teaching, learning and administration planning, teaching, learning and administration purposes. purposes.

Students Studentsare areresponsible responsiblefor forappropriate appropriate and and accessible use of IT devices whilst at school. accessible use of IT devices whilst at school. Cybersafety Cybersafetyisisan anintegral integralpart partof ofthe thecurriculum curriculum and and allallstudents are required to commit annually students are required to commit annually to to an an Acceptable AcceptableUse UseofofTechnology Technologyagreement agreement relating relating totothe devices and the Internet. the devices and the Internet.

Music AND THE THE ARTS ARTS Music Southern Cross Music and and The The Arts Artsare areintegral integraltotoour ourholistic holisticapproach approachtotolearning learningat at Southern Cross Catholic being built onon Catholic College. College.AAdedicated dedicatedArts Artsand andHospitality HospitalityCentre Centreis iscurrently currently being built campus campus and and will will provide providestate stateofofthe theart artfacility facilityfor forour ourstudents. students. All students from Prep to Year 8 participate in All students from Prep to Year 8 participate in curriculum based primary and secondary Music, curriculum based primary and secondary Music, Drama and Visual Arts classes. Drama and Visual Arts classes. Music is a popular elective from Year 9. The college Music is a popular elective from YearProgram 9. The college boasts a comprehensive Instrumental that boasts a comprehensive Instrumental Program offers tuition in Strings, Piano, Woodwind, Guitar, that offers tuition in Strings, Woodwind, Guitar, Brass, Percussion, VoicePiano, and Contemporary Voice. Brass, Percussion, Voice and Contemporary Voice.

Students are encouraged to realise their music Students are encouraged to realise their music potential through performing with the college String potential through performing with the college String Orchestra, Concert Band, Guitar Ensemble and Orchestra, Concert Band, Guitar Ensemble and Choirs. Choirs.

Lead by experienced and dedicated teachers, our Lead byenjoy experienced and dedicated teachers, students Drama and Visual Arts classes thatour students enjoy Drama and Visual Arts classes support a packed curriculum at Southern Cross that support a packed curriculum at Southern Cross Catholic College. Musical productions and events Catholic College. productions and events such as “Arts UnderMusical the Stars” give our students such as “Arts Under the Stars” give our students the opportunity to explore the world of performance the opportunity to explore the world of performance and grow in confidence within their artistic abilities. and grow in confidence within their artistic abilities.


(07) (07)4778 47783444 3444 62-84 62-84Gartrell GartrellDr, Dr,Annandale AnnandaleQLD QLD4814 4814

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