SHILOH Holy Sacrament of Bethlehem

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A collection of seven Holy Spirit meditations from the Royal Order House of David, given to Daniel Wordsmith Praymore by our Lord Jesus and inspired by the lovelabor of saints everywhere in dedication to God our Father and the Assembly of Holy Saints on Earth... 1

Lest I forget Gethsemane, Lest I forget Thine agony, Lest I forget Thine love for me: Lead me, (Lord), to Calvary! Hussey A compilation of seven Holy Spirit meditations, this work is for seekers of internal peace in Yehoshua Ben David Ha’Mash iach Yisrael, our Lord High Priest of the Royal Order of the House of David . As a Breviary, it is a prayer primer dedicated to GOD Almighty and his family, meant to assist anyone who wishes to pray and communicate in holiness. The Lord himself designed thi s work, and intends it for periods of retreat and/or communion; I, Daniel Wordsmith Praymore, am merely a priest of The Royal Order whose duty it is to record and deliver. Special appreciation goes to Joseph McSorley and Casper Miller, my brothers in the L ord, for their tireless contribution to this work. INDEX FIRST MEDITATION






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I My soul is wont to meditate: I thirst for truth! I seek! What did my Lord motivate Earthly birth to take low and meek? Death-sentence unattractive: yet, Lord! You came to give life for sin retroactive: indeed that we might live!

II Philosophic introspection, sinners contradiction: all lies designed to deceive our need for lawful redemption: our hope of truthful exemption among fallen who believe.


III Guile? Jesus, you manifested naught: you the lost and broken sought; mortal man-child were you born to suffer hate and death and scorn; love and truth you dispensed, eternal life for saints commenced: such a debt how to repay? Teach me to obey Godâ€&#x;s will, flesh will self-sacrifice resent mocking thoughts to repent, lusting for sensuality buried in base venality, while honoring integrity perverse: Earthly human nature will holiness disperse!


IV Vanity mistaken for kindness: thus is human blindness.

V Should love be social service: quality of discontent to raise? Nay! but rather God our Father the target to make of glory and praise!


VI Was that child really you, Lord? So hard to understand is your perfect empathy; my innermost hope, dearly I hope not underhand my Lord, your wonderful Calvary my unguarded moments and wickedness will erase.


VII How your humiliation my indignation and miserable guilt indefensible has forgiven (Iâ€&#x;m redeemed!) is incomprehensible; even so, blasphemed are you, Lord, among the heathen, because they cannot conceive it: refuse to believe it and so remain unsaved: yes, depraved!


VIII Should we to ourselves cling, Death through sin will sting, leaving in its wake fallen souls for Hell to take and keep under lock and key till judgment fells iniquity!

IX Emmanuel! Ben David of Bethlehem: builder of New Jerusalem, its Chief Cornerstone, God our Father‟s clone! Over and over and over again do I see you in Mary‟s arms as once I was in my mother‟s.


X Who but you could such miracle invent? Who but you could such pure motive intend? Who will lay down their life for the unlovely or rescue someone base? Who will take up the cause of some motley, sodden welfare-case?

XII Jesus, Lord! Becoming one of us, yet, without sin, you by faith overcame this world wherein we incessantly churled ourselves to save from the grave!


XIII How could you know I would love you? I canâ€&#x;t even show love without you!

XIV Today: the age of violent heroes! life is cheap, values are scarred: children admire violent death throes that keep sentiments charred: Apocalyptic Red Rider Prophecy!


XV Thank you, Jesus, for saving my soul and making me whole, for giving to me salvation: full and free!

VI Lord Jesus! Your advent has made me see how to become a child: stooping from eternity into mortal nature wild, humbling yourself to Adamâ€&#x;s follies whence unbelievers get their jollies: you peace composed and hatred exposed.


XVII Myself I can surrender a vessel to your Holy Spirit, Lord, I declare it! Saints regardless of gender holy light may carry! Our hope of glory: you, Jesus, in us to marry! Regenerated humankind bearer of God‟s Primary Light: the mighty honor Lucifer lost to pride, which is why he chooses to deride Christ‟s Majesty and enjoys infamy.

XVIII Greater love has no one than for a friend to lay down one‟s life: husband-wife, mother-child... you, Lord, for me a sinner: cleansed in blood I surrender, simply serving humility God‟s way!


IXX Hate sin! Love the sinner! Lord! what labor, what suffering to love our neighbor: can I offer obedience without restraint and complaint? In faith, will I follow? Pride, am I willing to swallow? Seven times a just person falls: Godâ€&#x;s right hand upholds, mercy unfolds: self-righteousness is void of empathy! Faith is not merely imitation, but rather Messianic incarnation!


XX To show love and appreciation let me glorify God by deeds: not just contemplation as the common herd, nay! but as doer of his word in this fallen place where everything depends on grace: every breath I draw, my heart‟s every beat, foolish thought and flaw misdirect my feet towards temptation! Lord! Help me let go of myself! to trust God‟s will let me be still, my being renew! Dead flesh stinks, at trespass winks: mortal restriction in dual contradiction born into depravity in gravity: birth-death pendulum, sinful hearts metronome, we physically become animals exploring vanity‟s carnivals: how lonesome is pain of betrayal to carry!


Is there ought gain to denial? Ask Didymus whose embarrassing trial graduated him to meekness, or Fisherman Simon Peter the Rock whoâ€&#x;s human weakness was promptly announced by a crowing cock! Godâ€&#x;s wakeup call for us all, as if to say: what have you done for Jesus today?


XXI Political murder is not unheard of, nor the death of a king: not so, Lord, at your cross! In spite of rebellion, Lord, you on your white stallion conquered everything! Lowly in humility on the Hill of the Scull you forgave and thus indicted us all fulfilling the Law: even Satanâ€&#x;s envy turned to awe at your perfect Majesty paying blood to set the guilty free: and now you ever live in me!



I What is there to boast among creatures of the soil whose empty lives coast along roads of pain and toil?

II In God‟s image created, stand I above nature to Christ related, free choice mine to endure: my yes is yes, my no is no, to curse or bless I turn to go whithersoever I will: accountable for motivation, not interpretation! My inner being as sinner seeing God‟s amazing grace!


III How shall I capitulate in all things, Lord, my God, to you? My will I consecrate, my life dedicate: help me wholeheartedly diligent to be in all I am and do: please, Lord! Live in me so fully, one in Christ I become with you.


IV Purplish rosy flaming red distant sunsets send shivers as our Morningstar bloodlets: days are dead each half revolution: deep, deep, deep fathoms of the sea! Spine-chilling mystery of what will be! Unreachable nebulae! Unending fantasy: reality, majestic choice, free will: cause and effect for Godâ€&#x;s elect: prayer in fervent faith by hope abides and fateâ€&#x;s spacetimechartered course overrides!


V Thoughts of promiscuity filter past integrity, mercy rears choice with liability!

VI Lord Jesus, my heart‟s temple is for your residence: Lovelight to hold and cherish in sacred prominence without shame!

VII Obscured destiny: hate and sorrow mirages of envy and fame: lead me, Lord, guide me on the straight and narrow: you are the Way in Jesus‟ name! If we are the ones, as said Isaiah when he spoke of Israel‟s Messiah, “Concerning my sons command ye me…” Lord! Your word let be! 20

VIII When I thought things couldn‟t get much worse, you said, “Trust the source of promise written in my Book!” Earth and Heaven shook!

IX Power divine is mine by grace to wield in grace: representative as heir in Christ of intimate family, a holy child by faith and spirit triunity cleared through sufferance and inspection. Lord! Here am I, a sinner saved by grace, belabored by your Holy Spirit Regeneration for saints‟ perfection!


X To love you, Jesus, is to feed your sheep: but not of myself; hirelings are cheap, yet, true shepherds lead their flocks to you to be fed: we have bled in our war against sin, fighting the wolf within while the hirelings f led.

XI Continue for your name‟s sake to preserve me, Lord; your voice I hear, I rejoice you‟re near: no one can pluck me out of our Father‟s hand! To God‟s will I vow to yield, battling behind my shield of faith clad in armor: truth, righteousness, sa lvation, God‟s word my sword! Shoe me as I confess with shoes of simple willingness.


XII Are we not like gods knowing good and evil? Challenge worldly odds, Greco-Roman drivel: fake piety of modern society!

XIII Ventriloquist theology, academic brainstorms, Holy Spirit blasphemy, cultured legal uniforms, Aronite impersonation, temple cult authentication refuses reconciliation: abomination!

XIV In this world, who wants to be a success? Unprofitable gains and consequence are evidence of enmity with God!


XV Remind me, Lord, whence I fell that my end be not in Hell: I return regardless the cost, to you who found me in sin when lost: I forsake my own merit to share your shame that I may inherit your holy name!

XVI Like a virus invisible is sin in us divisible: death separates from love! Unimaginably small bacteria, friend, is all it takes to kill; disobedience claims consequence: cause and effect: for personal station God has no respect!


XVII Hear ye! Hark! Listen well! Jesus oft repeats: good works in loving faith evil defeats.

XVIII God our Father sees us, I know, wonderful Lord Jesus; Adam‟s breach brought me closer, yet, not within reach of eternity: Calvary had to be that marvelous mercy!

XIX Self-righteous Pharisee religion spreads like ground leaven: their devotees enter God‟s Kingdom last after that the Hound of Heaven backslidden dregs will have gathered in! It‟s wrong to sin: toasting pride‟s desires, pulling the skin off love to ignite lustful fires!


But legally to be holier than thou? Well now, same old story: all come short of Godâ€&#x;s glory! Sin unconfessed is worse than transgressed and will be redressed!


Let me in you myself delight, Satan chasing to flight; not judging by outward appearance, nay but, rather forgiving others with loving forbearance, as I would you should, Lord, do to me in my errors: my neighbor loving as I love myself, not with lawful judicial terrors and seemingly pious self -sacrifice, (which might be very nice), rather with faith worka ble in loving deeds, (which everybody needs); longsuffering is the main matter, endurance through thin and thick: one thing it is just to stick!


XXI Faith overcomes this worldly dual realm: all things work together for good with Jesus at the helm! By our fruits are we known: they without sin let throw the first stone!




Many a virgin has graced our land, many an urging has stirred in man for purity hoping in vain: flesh since birth must needs on Earth lust repeat again and again!

II Nay! Not so friends; Abrahamâ€&#x;s seed does carry progeny of sacred promise: blessed Virgin Mother Mary Holy Spirit filled, two becoming one: Mother -Son! All saints thrilled then as now: more abundant joy be gun in motherhood, who can loathe such good? God and Son merge in most blessed Spirit Virgin!


III Father-Mother-Son: sacred triunity God manifests in two as one: pure divinity one and same different only in name and ministry! Adam and Eve fell, defected: Jesus and Mary God‟s will respected, Humankind perfected!

IV Father God: Omnipresent Lovespirit, Ancient of Days; Mother God: Omniscient Wisdomspirit manifest in Mary; Son of God: Omnipotent Prophecyspirit, Almighty Creator incarnated in Jesus of Beth‟L eḥ em, anointed Holy One of Israel! Only they could Eternity‟s Kingdom establish! As rulers holy saints are deployed, unrepentant must perish: Satan‟s works are destroyed!


V Who among fallen humankind can know it, how wicked is the heart?

VI This world‟s profane, liars, fearful and insane confronted with truth do falter: they‟re deaf and blind, the cursed who cannot find God‟s road to Mercy‟s Altar; without vision, their outlook bleak, they ever seek Falsehood‟s Apothecary to obtain some pills that might cure their ills, using deception as sanctuary!


VII Seems like only yesterday Universal Motherhood in sorrow stood beneath Christ‟s rugged cross: I hear my lonely Master say, “Unsheathe your faith and toss away thoughts of revenge! Stand back! Watch me fight: I will avenge! Wait for some time: I come quickly, vengeance is mine!”

VIII Pugnacious evil children scandalize, ungracious, chastity they vandalize: reflecting reproach on Beth‟Lehem‟s Sacrament, their hearts a berrantly irreverent: with mirth to pleasantry pretending, from birth to deepest Hell descending!


IX O! Sweet, sweet, Blessed Mother Mary! When at times in love Iâ€&#x;m weak, I fear: hate, sloth and greed my wicked heart assail for on pride to feed, logic is to no avail! Your holy confidence I seek! Remembrance reminds: I, like you, must suffer in silence.

X How did it feel, dearest Mother, his tears to dry: to soothe his upset mind when heâ€&#x;d for real in sorrow cry, betrayed by fellow kind?


XI “Thy will be done…” sounds faithful prayer: mother-infant-foundation, heritage‟s inseparable generation endeavors to reach beyond the sacred pages confirming holy thoughts of ancient sages, comfort there to take resting on Jesus‟ bosom where Eden‟s flowers blossom and peace make!

XII May always I revere adoption incumbent through salvation as a gift of grace, not works achievement regardless how sincere! „Twould be a trace of selfish pride from truth running with nowhere to hide!


XIII Not frailty! Or imperfection can motherly love discredit! Ah but, self-absorbing introspection is what misleads so we wonâ€&#x;t admit it: misdeeds infect our pilgrimage defeating our resolve to win this Earthly scrimmage against seasonal sin!

XIV Holy Spirit Motherhood embodiment: gentle, graceful Comforter whose mercy is sought for: She in us dwells, compassion compels: though some be male and some be female, neither are we except by gender: severe mindbender!


XV Holy Spirit within my heart and being, to you in love I turn no more blind, ever seeing grace one cannot earn; let me be a happy donor of what from you I get that it be our God I honor, with others sharing it.

XVI O! take me, Lord! Take me, Spirit! Take! Make me your ow n! Hence the world all may hear it: in my contrite heart eternal life is sown! „Twill grow a fresh, young stem lush by Edenâ€&#x;s crystal river flowing through New Jerusalem fallen souls to deliver!


XVII Immaculate source of holiness radiate from the cross and build in me a temple great that cannot suffer loss; such light and strength as I require let in abundance be! When then at length my hopes aspire our mighty Father‟s face to see, by His right hand may I stand at Jesus‟ Mercy Seat!

XVIII Where‟re in worldly mazes, God‟s spirit, who can escape? Near or far, always you are shining brightly, Morningstar, mutable spirit shape!


XIX Heart transplants need blood transfusion, godliness brings persecution: teller of fables whose lies enables seekers of idols mute God‟s majesty to dispute, spew anti-Christ blasphemy, cursed apostasy; stumbling blocks for saintly steps hope to snare whoever‟s there in Nicolaitan spider webs: academic theology displaces God given prophecy: Lord Jesus‟ testi mony.

XX Living Word! Spirit and truth, Lord, I heard when by name you called me from my youth, I came: hope erases drudgery, faith endures monotony, and love remembers charity: Holy Spirit templates Motherhood, helplessness evaporates: God‟s children, invariably we are family.


XXI “Forbid them not…” Come! Children come! Faith yields reward. Come! Children come! Run the race, win the prize, with Jesus last is first! Take your place, dry your eyes, come, slake your thirst with justice, mercy, rig hteousness: time and space saints shall rule; Christ to gain conquers mortal pain!



I Bread of Heaven take and break, fill your famished souls! Seventy times seven, Christly stake evermore promise holds: merciful healing for all saints weak, compassion dealing tenderly meek.

II Is your spirit blemished or shoddy? Love can bear it in Jesus‟ body: David with showbreads reserved for priests dire hunger fed, wasn‟t the least in transgression; God‟s infinite compassion: holy, blessed Eucharist, communion of Jesus Christ!


III More than manna, life-giving bread, welcome! Welcome to our human wilderness , where the future is dead unless we feed upon you! Son of man! Son of God! We live again, cleansed in your blood: ultimate outpouring for remission of our fallen, sinful condition!

IV Plant and meat, bread and milk, Earth-kind must eat: mortal ilk! Does your spirit feel heavy and dull? Is your wish the taste of fish, do you have your belly full? Will you sit at Jesus‟ feet and feed on God‟s Elixir sweet? To the mountaintop will you follow? Of your heart‟s treasure, what is the measure: full or hollow?


V Have you not known? Was it not shown? From days of old were you not told? Temptation heeded like starvation untreated brings impaired sight, loss of might, final crumbling and death!

VI Where there is no vision, no place is found to go! Notwithstanding contrition, faith is God‟s condition, which makes a spirit grow.

VII Faith needs no claim, it‟s seen by visible example: whom Jesus calls by name to rescue from worldly shamble come from God‟s presence , filled with holy essence.


VIII Nothing of value can we do, Jesus, without you!

IX Lord, you said “If you love me, feed my sheep…” Blessings reap! We must owe nothing except to be loving and true: righteousness pursue! God‟s Word ingested is Lovelight manifested: making my heart Jesus‟ home, God in flesh has come!

X Wisdom‟s pearls cast not before swine! Saints come together for bread and wine: the sacred body and blood of Jesus, meat and drink indeed finest: fellowship of first fruit harvest!


XI City of Jebus Ha‟Shalom: God‟s mercy come spells peace and reconciliation! Seat of Messiah‟s Royal Order, David‟s throne means humility prone: holy priesthood border where bread and wine repentant hearts twine with Holy Spirit regeneration!

XII Holy Brothers and Sisters: peculiar people called out since time began as a priesthood royal of disciples loyal to serve the Man who bears God‟s Seal of Approval in power of life-renewal: “A new thing will I do!” God said. He raised in Jesus himself from the dead!


XII Communion feast, eternal High Priest, mighty king of Righteousness: Melchi Zedek, his body take and break! God‟s living bread , eat! Like the lepers we too shall be healed! On his way to Calvary Jesus did good; when we drink his blood, never shall we die: as we believe and receive we have against death appealed!

XIV “The last day shall you from death be raised!” Jesus said, “God shall be praised! Those to me by my Father sent , who in truth and spirit repent may come to God my Father; it is only I who gather: my Father in me, Holy Spirit: I in you, three is two become one!”


XV Lord Jesus! Your thoughts I venerate, into mine long to assimilate! Yet, for all to see is groundreality: my speech is crude, vain and rude, the world sees me a wretched failure: unguarded moments galore doing what I abhor! Thank God you were sent as phy sician the lame and deceased to heal and not as a dammed magician with fancy tricks to reveal!

XVI “Give us this day our daily bread…” You taught us to pray: you stood in our stead by zeal and sacrifice consumed!


XVII Grind! Millstone grind! Let not pride ail me. Yield! Ego yield! Die inside daily!

XVIII Wash my eyes, dear Lord, in Siloam‟s water, clear sight may I gain: my ego dies, Babylon‟s daughter no longer mesmerizes my mind or patronizes to bind my heart with pain! Hope tunes clear my vision, I rebuke Satan: Jesus‟ authority serves extradition!


IXX On the night Jesus was betrayed supping the Passover Feast, poor Judas, deeply dismayed by envyâ€&#x;s rising yeast, unable to contain could no longer remain . He left to commit treason, lured by greed as the reason to strike his dirty deal! With the Devil and the Sadducee in Holy Spirit blasphemy he against his friend raised his heel . Like Esau of old who is dead and cold, sold he his holy portion for thirty silver-taels: he now gnashes his teeth and wails, a most despised abortion who fed his body, but starved his own spirit! Living souls, who can hear it? In his house, who can live? Rejecting Jesus, who can forgive?


XX Ever since Cain and Able, siblings foster rivalry disallowed at our Father‟s table that‟s sanctified by Calvary! Only if in God‟s delight lies our deepest desire can we glorified be, seat close to Jesus acquire!

XXI So, come! My friends come! Leave the wayside hedges, come back home! Step away from perdition‟s ledges! One last time are you called afore Lord Jesus‟ second advent . To your heart let him in, confess your sin! Yea, sincerely repent! Partake of Christ‟s Passover Feast: bread and wine, life eternal, wedding of God‟s High Lovelig htpriest! Holy Communion: yours -mine, sweet betrothal!



I Slightly, oh, ever so slightly a stirring realizes. Lightly, oh, ever so lightly hope materializes the fruit of prayer: Lord, my God in Christ is near!

II Daily my walk is ever tougher than what the day before I had to suffer: “This is the way! Stay upon it!” Still small voice from Spirit heard; mud-body clay? Sin has undone it, unless I trust God‟s Living Word!


III Old Saints of yore who went before have shown us a faithful example: so, lest it fades into dark shades and fools clear waters trample, remind me, Lord, how great is this work, your trial of Earthly agony, that through your tears I feel the hurt of anguish forced by Calvary: my own sufferings sense your weeping wounds cleanse my soul by blood to sanctity!

IV Surrender I must my spirit‟s vapid attitudes: measure of pride‟s threadbare platitudes, pleasure derived from sensuous errors of looking in two way mirrors: Mosaic lawful puzzle decrees: „muzzle not the ox…‟ Like Samson treading corn after his hair was shorn: to adjust the balance a paradox for the first resurrection in perfection!


V Adamâ€&#x;s breach God repaired! You, blessed Jesus, stand in the gap while others never cared to sort away the trap Satan laid for all creation: Abomination of Desolation!

VI Perfumed fragrance emanates from crushed flowers, hushed romance moil-entombs secret lovers: it is sufferance brings forth sweetness, infinite completeness! Conquest by faith of empty voids from ice-cold black nothing suspends in souls unborn and must hide behind fear and scorn: there is where to plant Christâ€&#x;s holy Gospel seed with prophecy relevant to pluck up evil weed!


VII How shall I carry my cross? How shall I separate wheat from dross? When I keep my faith in storage, it seems I lose my courage to suffer with my Master: shortcuts donâ€&#x;t make it faster to find love and friends ; who can share burning candles at both ends?

VIII Worldliness: materialist consumer fashion, outrageous warfare; will the New World Order care to share our Lord Jesusâ€&#x; Passion? The cost of love is pain! How oft we lose , yet come again for more love yearning, as old bridges behind us are burning!


IX Can love be occult? No, not ever! It may seem a real result of good and evil, dual nature: saint and devil both are creature!

X Who enjoys to suffer unless by lust perverted? Suffering yields obedience: Godâ€&#x;s majesty is asserted, Jesus is the precedence!

XI Your reward I can see, my Lord: obedience excels! Love fear expels! The only true worthiness : trust Bible promises.


XII As the wages of sin let‟s evil slip in its lawful hold to claim, all that remains, fear of death and chains, leaves fallen souls in shame without a shred of glory: a most gruesome story! Jesus‟ resurrection, the Gospel‟s attraction, gives hope to believe our God: that something new he said he‟d do, was tribulation well priced paid by Christ in those who care his suffering to share!

XIII Salvation‟s joy is God‟s reward: that price none but he could afford! Suffering is merely a means by which one learns and God‟s trust earns.


XIV Jesus! Your heart my sins have bruised, your body broken: blood sweat-drops, comfort spoken, no chance to be confused. Garden of Gethsemane! Holy Mount of Olives! Nerve retching agony! Judas his self deceives: spite and fear of failure, smoldering embers of lust, Son of Perdition downward thrust Jesus, to betray with a kiss of decay!

XV No comfort can be found in fellow man: first must we with God be alone for in Jesusâ€&#x; blood to atone! Solitary anguish! Human plans flounder and languish: not mine, Lord, but your will be done! Your cup to drink is bittersweet love on the brink of near defeat: many are saints afflictions, delivered are we out of them all! Each and every personâ€&#x;s own derelictions determine how and if they fall! 55

XVI How met human life death? Adam our Maker‟s trust severed, did not wait for God to forgive, the disobedience of Eve. Righteousness justice delivered: shifted power to Satan that later inspired Datan, thus, Mosaic Law-letters kill! “I abandon you to the justice of law, otherwise is redemption real? Adam‟s breach must heal!” Said Almighty God to Jesus. “In a surge of anger my face I turn from you, my grace hide with my smile for a short while all law to fulfill: your innocent spirit‟s desolation is to human kind my lovegift of reconciliation!”

XVII Absolute contradiction, paradox of crucifixion: O Mighty Lion of Judah! Holy pure oblation: once for all consecration!


XVIII Into the court of Pilate came Israel‟s apostate before Romans accusing a Jew: they Holy Spirit blasphemed , though they knew Jesus would have them redeemed! Who then was the loser in that decisive hour, when men had to choose for God or Satan‟s power? Innocence was scourged, holiness spat upon, albeit iniquity was purged: God‟s Lamb‟s Communion!

XIX New gift of hope and fortitude breaks all bonds of death and fear: human hearts with Lovelight imbued gain strength to persevere!


XX Land of Zebulon! Land of Naphtali! Israel‟s Holy Anointed One walked the road by yo n sea across the Jordan in Gentile Galilee: Kefar Nahum, village of human hearts where passing in time Jesus stayed and prayed, repentance preached! Are you one he reached with God‟s Kingdom come near? Do you have ears that can hear? Do you sit in darkness and distress shrouded by the shadow of death? Behold God‟s Lovelight: Christ Jesus of Nazareth!

XXI Repent! Turn around! Metanoia: face again your Maker! Come home from the ground where you are law-breaker! Come home! Eyes with repentance abrim give you sight, hence you might, should you choose to follow him whose blood cleanses sin, open your heart and ask Jesus in!



I Salvation one cannot merit: a gift, it is of grace sealed in blood! But suffering, when with Jesus we share it, destines our place to inherit the Kingdom of god!

II How to worship you, Lord, adequatel y? I feel so small, so unworthy: daily we preach heaven to reach is far beyond the Earth ly! Yet, when I remember your death till you come, how Satan‟s distemper put you in Joseph‟s tomb, I suddenly see your purpose: you‟re teaching us how God‟s eternal no w allows for sharing your cross!


III Empathy: sharing love and caring! Bring me to your cross, Lord! Let me look upon your death: permit my eyes your sacrifice behold, Carpenter of Nazareth! Let me be there with you at the consummation to partake of holy transubstantiation, as for sin you pay the price , and with you my body dies! I am the thief , who comes with you to paradise!

IV Your life then ending, to Hell descending, sums up itself to me: both you and Mother Mary all human sorrows carry at Calvary‌


All Jerusalem was afoot! Caiaphas and his father -in-law Annas with their fellow sorcerers and a full Sanhedrin were on hand to savor this moment of supposed victory as our Lord Jesus was nailed to the cross. After a brief but heat ed discussion with the Roman authority concerning a signboard posted on Jesus‟ cross, the High Priesthood fell silent in total awe of our Lord‟s holy majesty, and the crowds who‟d assembled to witness the execution grew silent. In pain and seeming defeat , Jesus prayed to God our Father thus wise:

“Father! Slander have I heard from many, fear is on every side: while they took counsel against me, they devised to take my life! Said I, Lo! I come! In the volume of the book it is written of me. O! My God! I delight to do your will! Yeah, your law is within my heart. Righteousness have I preached in the assembly. Father, I have not refrained my lips, you know; I have not kept your love to myself:


Your faithfulness have I declared and your salvation: loving kindness and truth have I not concealed! My enemies spoke evil of me: „When shall he die and his name perish?â€&#x; When they came to see me they spoke vanity, their hearts gathered iniquity unto themselves; then they went about and told it. All that hate me whispered together to devise my hurt! Because they have no changes, Father, therefore they fear you not!

My own familiar friend, even him in whom I trusted, which did eat of my bread, has lifted up his heel against me! He was not an enemy to reproach me, then could I have borne it: neither was it he that hated me who magnified himself against me, then would I have hid myself from him . 62

But, no! It was that man, my fellow, my disciple, my intimate friend. Sweet counsel we took together, and to your House we walked in company!

Father, he has put forth his hand against such as be at peace with him! His bond of honor, yeah, his covenant he broke! Words of his mouth were smoother that butter, but war was in his heart! They were softer than oil, yet, were they drawn swords! Father, because I have borne reproach for your sake, am I become a stranger to my brethren and an alien unto my Motherâ€&#x;s children! The zeal of Davidâ€&#x;s House has eaten me up! Reproaches of them that reproach you are fallen on me.


When I wept and chastened my soul with fasting that was to my reproach; I made humility my garment and became a proverb unto them: they that sit in the gate speak against me, of drunkards was I the song! Surely for your sake are your saints killed all the day long: counted as sheep for the slaughter! Father! Be not far from me! Trouble is near, there is none to help! Many bulls have compassed me: as raving, roaring lions they gape upon m e with their mouths! I am poured out like water, all my bones are out of joint! My heart is like wax melted in the midst of my bowels: my strength is dried up, my tongue cleaves to my jaws! Father! Into the dust of death have you brought me! Dogs have encircled me: their Wicked Assembly has enclosed me! 64

From prison and judgment they took me, gave me many stripes: I was smitten, put to grief! Look! They‟ve pierced my hands and feet! My bones? I can count them all! They look and stare on me, they part my garments among them and cast lot for my vesture! Father, forgive them: these soldiers know not what they do!”

At this point in time from the sixth hour unto the ninth hour, when the Sun had been hidden out of season and great darkness fell on the land, Jesus paused his prayer , as he saw Mary, his Mother, standing by the cross together with John Zebedee, his beloved disciple, among the women who loved him. He said to them as they wept silently:

“Woman, behold your son! John, behold your Mother!”

Having thus blessed the two, he looked at them tenderly for a short spell and continued his passion prayer thus wise :


“As for me, Father, my prayer is unto you in an acceptable time: O, my God! In the multitude of your mercy hear me, in the truth of salvation!”

Again there was interruption to his communion. The two thieves crucified for robbery and murder on either side of our Lord, had had an exchange of words and recrimination as Death approached to claim its lawful prize; whereunto one thief pleaded with our Lord for mercy and remembrance, while the other mocked and blasphemed God! To the humble and contrite thief Jesus gently said: “Verily I say unto you, today you shall be with me in Paradise!” and then he continued his prayer…

Father! Reproach has broken my heart and I am full of heaviness: I looked for someone to take pity, but there was none! Gall for my food and vinegar for my thirst they gave me; nevertheless, with you, Holy Father, am I continually, by your right hand you hold me.


Your mercy endures forever: you shall stretch forth your hand against the wrath of my enemies, and perfect that which concerns me. Forsake not the works of your own hands, let them be upon the Man of your right hand: upon the Son of Man whom you made strong for yourself! Father! I had rather be a doorkeeper in your house: a day in your courts is better than a thousand dwelt in the tents of wickedness! You, Father, are the Ancient of Days working salvation in the Earth! Thought I walk midst sufferance and trials, you will raise me: by your counsel shall you guide me and afterward receive me to glory! You will not leave my soul in Hell, neither suffer your Holy One to see corruption!


Near the end of the ninth hour, after the great darkness had reached its peak at the full darkness , a universal silence was palpable as all anticipated the grim conclusion of the murder on Golgotha! A cold wind began to stir fier cely as Lucifer himself rode Death to collect his dues for Adam‟s breach and the collective sins of humankind! Even at the main temple -ground and sanctuaries praying ceased: no bird, no animal, nothing made a sound except for the low moaning of the two crucified thieves slowly strangulating on their crosses. Suddenly Jesus cried out in a loud voice:

“Eloi! Eloi! Lama Sabachthani? I thirst!”

Someone dipped a sponge in the jar of vinegar left by the side of the cross, meant exactly for such a purpose and gave Jesus to drink. “He is calling for Elijah!” a foolish devil ventured, but others scoffed and said, “leave him be. Let‟s see if Elijah comes to save him.” however, Jesus ignored them and called out loudly:

“Father! Into your hands I commit my spirit. It is finished!”

Having thus called out, Jesus‟ spirit left his body and followed Satan down into the netherworld of H ell and the kingdom of the dead! Simultaneously a strong earthquake shook the entire region and cold winds with hailstones beg an beating furiously on the land and inhabitants.


At the temple in Jerusalem, which was the epicenter of the quake, buildings crumbled and people were strewn about like ragdolls; the enormous carpet-veil that hung to cover the holiest of holies in the inner sanctum of the temple , where God‟s Shekinah Glory of the Holy Spirit shimmered as it hovered over the ark of the covenant , was torn in half from top to bottom: revealing the sanctuary then empty and dark! Having been thrown helter -skelter and many inju red, the people of Jerusalem were terrified and they remembered what had been said to them concerning our Lord, albeit they understood not. The storm abated and the darkness passed: the Sun reappeared, the clouds dispersed and the air became warm once agai n. Everyone picked themselves and neighbors off the ground in astonishment and great confusion with not a little fear! The roman guard contingent hastened to check on the crucified prisoners, and in order to speed up their death, they broke their legs. Upon seeing that Jesus was already dead, however, they broke not his legs. One of the soldiers instead took his lance and pierced Jesus‟ side thrusting even to his heart, causing water and blood to flow! The centurion and his men were greatly discomforted b y all these events, and he exclaimed: “surely this was a righteous man , the Son of God!” The authorities allowed the family to take the body. Meanwhile, Jesus had descended into Hell where he immediately preached to every one of the spirits waiting there, saying to them to repent and believe that kingdom of god has come! By so doing our Lord atoned for our sins throughout the three days he was there. On the surface of the earth, Jesus‟ dead body was taken by Mother Maria , John Beloved, Mary Magdalene, Salome, Mary Zebedee, Joanna and Nicodemus to be lain in the personal tomb of Joseph Arimathea. Government officers together with the high priests had a gigantic boulder rolled in front of the tomb‟s entry to prevent intruders from desecrating the dead.


The Sadducees of Caiaphas‟ party had the temple priests seal the stone and cave, and insisted the Romans post a strong contingent of Governor Pontius Pilate‟s personal elite commando soldiers to ensure security: resurrection talk had spooked them to take preve ntive measures, as such. Human efforts notwithstanding, at sunrise on Sunday, the third day after Jesus‟ death, a second magnificent earthquake rocked Jerusalem, splitting rocks, breaking the ground and opening graves! The stone sealing Jesus‟ grave was rolled away and the chamber left open! Our Lord with many of the Old Testament saints rose from death and their graves to go throughout Jerusalem proclaiming God‟s glory and resurrection of Yehoshua Ben David, his holy anointed one of Israel!

V Now, my Lord I realize what you said, you did: the many miracles to free our souls keep faith‟s candle lit!

VI For me a sinner you died as for a friend my waywardness to mend: holiness laying low before the universe conquered death and lifted our curse!


VII Love and defeat the Enemy is what you did at Calvary: indisputable victory!

VIII Water-blood-birth-death-resurrection, price for sin legally paid to perfection: ultimate moment in human history: God in Man is offered to God!

IX No more lipservice, remaining unchanged! I was from holiness estranged as an empowered novice where I shouldnâ€&#x;t have been, my nakedness was clearly seen! Clothe me, Lord, with salvationâ€&#x;s spotless linen! Let me follow you for a new beginning!


X Liberated! Beloved Jesus, my bonded soul you‟ve liberated from worldly occupation, and desires whole instigated that share inspiration our Father God to praise and glorify!

XI True disciples walk all the way to Golgotha, God‟s Messianic Law of Love written on the walls of their heart! Holy Bibles personified by saints like Mother Theresa defeat worldly pride that meekness stifles as wickedness sits to reign, where fools absorbed in trifles God‟s grace and mercy disdain!


XII Will of God take full possession: my old sinful self be nailed to Jesusâ€&#x; cross! Chastisement Rod due to past transgression has not prevailed: our Lord fulfilled all Mosaic Laws! I must let go, I must let God through Holy Spirit Regeneration: my old personality take and of me a new person make!

XIII Moments rich in holy thought encourage sacred living: Christ in me has wrought hope of glory and selfless giving, love for neighbors without reservation: immeasurable consecration.


XIV Daily to lay down my life am I ready? Into chalice sweat my blood, earn my crown and hold my ground will I accomplish? The unbeliever shall we inherit: every inch of soil and toil our feet have trod obeying the will of God!

XV Dear Lord, daily to me in Gospel speak! Reminders whisper every hour! Let me humble be and meek, imbued with Holy Spirit power! When then Angelic Silver Trumpets blow and dead arise from dust to meet you in the air, this fallen world to show how your promises to the just is for faith rewarded here: I too may go!


XVI Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! I remember: I remember your sacred Passion Supper, “This is my body, this is my blood…” Breaking bread and drinking cup for adoption‟s privilege to share with our saintly brethren who willingly their crosses bear: Judas Ish-Kirioth having slinked away holy confidence to betray, Saints one became with divinity: perfect holy union century after century!

XVI Yes, Lord! I do remember! I do! I remember the saint, who temptation endures patience acquires and is made you rs, in humility enjoys blissful exaltation: new worlds to conquer secure with faith‟s anchor!


XVIII Strands of worldly history, betrayal grows to infamy: when will we learn to weep? Who will trust the Root of Jesse, Godâ€&#x;s Word and honor keep? Will we forgive one another , lest we as we have sown we also reap?

XIX Religious rite cold and trite stems not Satanic tide: ritual faith lacks when Lucifer attacks, where can fallen souls hide? Evil pay for evil? Do two wrongs make a right? Yet, fools trust the Devil to live by their own armâ€&#x;s strength and might!


XX Dearly Beloved! Don‟t you see: with good, Jesus evil overcame! Love is the key to enter New Jerusalem!

XXI Sin found us out! Let Jesus in: reconciliation! Swirl the joy throughout your battered soul! Upon your heart let write in blood: God‟s Holy Anointed paid repentance toll! Whoever you be, come share Calvary! Messianic legacy: a holy priesthood called out from Earthly nations round about, called by name from the halt and lame wallowing in worldly sinful mess to serve in God‟s Royal Order beyond mortal border!




By the Great White Throne at the end of evil ages when time has flown and Just Law Human guilt gauges from God‟s holy judgmentseat, shall Satan acknowledge utter defeat and be made to crawl his way to the Lake of Fire!

II Brought out shall be for all to see, concerning Earthly transgression, records and books as Jesus looks from God‟s Last Judgment Session for names written in the Book of Life: those not smitten during worldly strife by sin unto death!



Godâ€&#x;s grace holds Saints exempt, our judgment is over: done! However, such as held in contempt mercy from the Holy One, who for their sins paid a princely sum, then stand dumb: before them is laid their sentence!

IV Sinners bid just rebuke to hear from holy lips divine had better fear lest any thought to opine ; Holy Spirit blasphemy justifies not fornicationâ€&#x;s revelry!

V Our world has itself condemned! Godâ€&#x;s Lovelight came to Earth as son of Mary taking birth: we this glorious noon turned into night, compassion and mercy chasing to flight savoring dark deeds of evil conjured by the Devil! 79

VI “I know you not! Depart from me!� Like spittle spat shall the lukewarm be: perversion begets apostasy!

VII Jesus, Lord! Let me my blessings count, my heart let quicken my mind; leave me not dead behind, open up your Holy Mount: forget not to remember I opened my deepest chamber and asked you to come in, not merely as a most holy guest: I am your younger brother longing for your rest!


VIII Of all God‟s blessing showers none are unfair favors: respect of persons with Christ lodges not! Unconditional love reciprocal is essence of Christ‟s being we believe without seeing: in God‟s House are no temple cults where feelings have hope cheated ; from Book of Life deleted will be such as court Holy Spirit blasphemy: each and every devil‟s name destined to suffer lasting shame, that is Life‟s second Death void of love-void of breath!

IX Love and vow, eternal now: our own wickedness shall correct us! God‟s mercy redeems, judges not what seems: holiness forgives as the transgressor believes!


X Eve was by Satan‟s proxy seduced, a corrupt cattle full of lying prattle ! Adam panicked, God‟s grace abused, yet are the two by grace forgiven . Jesus closed the breach according to his mercy absolving each: for his name‟s sake God our Father Earth and Heaven remake!

XI Come, Friends! Come! Obedience predestination achieves. Come! Faithfully assemble! At God‟s holy name tremble! Bow to His Majesty established eternally: God‟s Kingdom come near in our hearts is here!


XII Stonetabletlaw entombed in death‟s jaw Solomon‟s Temple enforced: transgressors enslaved , Hell‟s highway paved! God and his people divorced! Tearwashed view granted the few who truly repent and come back home, to the blind gives sight leading out of the night from burial in the tomb into God‟s marvelous light! Praise, honor, adoration to God and his Lamb, author of salvation‟s story: who in times of old as the prophets told moved with the Shekhinah Glory! Likewise once again, in love just as then, God moves in his children‟s life: Christ paid to atone, rolled away the stone: Jesus reclaims his wife!

XIII Contrite spirits, Lord, you will not despise: purged are they by holy fire! Yet, vanity serves surprise: only one came again of the cleansed lepers ten to obtain his innermost desire!


XIV Greetings with guile, hypocrisy‟s smile, self-righteousness smells of future failure: refusing to be schooled leaves oneself fooled, open to lawful censure! Faith without waver is must regardless of the cost, truth houses not duplicity: wisdom obtained sadly, no matter how badly, in season will give its fruit to overcome evil with good!

XV Loving others: sisters-brothers as loving our own selves: Lord, that‟s the job from bottom to top, none are exempt! Blunders of the mind steer astray, temperament unkind in the way makes us blurt to fellows hurt causing some to stumble, when we‟re not humble! Jesus! Jesus! Lord! Forgive our every stupid fit, we understood not what we did! 84

XVI Done to believers, done to you who lives in us through and through: Christ in residence for all to see: salvation‟s wimple fluttering atop Holy Spirit‟s temple!

VII A living sample corrected in measure, not just a sermon sweet: „How to Love and Forgive on a One Way Street.‟ Evidence of holy treasure shares faith to believe: Jesus you mortal became not merely in name, but subject to all temptation! You suffering taught, sacrifice wrought, High Priesthood earned of God our Father‟s Royal Order as our true Melchi Zedek! Unrepentant become worthy of a suddenly broken neck!


XVIII A faithful steward let me be of God‟s Royal Priestly Trust! Grace by my hand sincerely impart in service to the just: whatever I do, let me do unto you Lord Jesus in them: Holy Saints of New Jerusalem!

XIX Which saints are merciful, trained well in sufferance‟s school, knowing how good to do? Who hesitate not hungry sheep to feed, but minister to their every need as Jesus taught? Succored shall they be by Eden‟s Brook, never be in despair: their names written in the Lamb‟s Book, they may rest Jesus near!


XX Ho! Listen there! Hark! You who still remain bound in dark shadows annoyingly unkind, hostile and rude: Yes, you cruel spotter and fiend! Let me warn you and remind to drop your attitude: Jesus is Master and friend. Remaining time is short: repent and amend or your potential abort!

XXI Good Shepherd Jesus: Shiloh! Holy Sacrament of Beth‟Le ḥ em! Maker and Builder of New Jerusalem: greater are you in us than Satan in this world: Lucifer to Earth is hurled! You, Lord, wrote the Lamb‟s Book of Life and recorded as proof between its sacred covers God our Father‟s eternal will: you and Holy Saints are forever lovers!


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