Henry break with Rome

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Henry VIII and his break with Rome

Once upon a time, there lived in an enormous and gorgeous castle the most formidable and famous king who ever reigned in England, called Henry, most known as Henry VIII.

This well-known king descended from the Tudor dynasty and he was not only powerful but also an ambitious man.

He was married to a really pretty Spanish princess, called Katherine of Aragon. However, Henry was not in love with her.

In fact, she had been married to his brother Arthur. So, when he died, Henry considered marrying to her important to keep alliances between Spain and England.

Henry had been waiting for a male heir for a long time without success, and he was running out of patience.

One day, he decided to end his marriage in order to get married to Anne Bolein.

As a result, he decided to send a letter to the Pope Clement VII to permission to get divorced. Catherine was a devout Catholic and very close to the Roman Church, so obviously, he refused to annul Henry’s marriage.

Henry became extremely angry because he didn’t want to accept the Pope’s ruling.

As a consequence, he broke up with the Roman Church and proclaimed himself head of the Church of England and he made sure that everyone accepted it by the Act of Supremacy.

By since, his act was a milestone in the history of England.


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