We’re incr with our mo of work sett
We come in a variety Weofcome shapes in aand variety We come insizes, a variety shapes and inand andoffind comfort sizes, different find comf sizes, and find comfort in different set-ups, so why not set-ups, design so forwhy this not set-ups, sodiversity? why not design fordiversity? this diversity? We come in a variety of sha and find comfort We come in a variety Weofcome shapes insizes, aand variety of shapes andin d set-ups, so why not design sizes, and find comfort sizes,inand different find comfort in different set-ups, so why not set-ups, design so fordiversity? why this not design for this diversity? diversity? 4’6”
We’re with o of wor
® – products designed Smartworking® – products designed for our Smartworking increasingly collaborative and shared forworkspaces. our increasingly co
We’re increasinglyWe’re nomadic, increasingly workingnomadic, working with ournomadic, mobile devices with our across mobile a variety devices across a variety We’re increasingly working of work settings. work settings. with our mobile devices across aofvariety of work settings.
Smartworking® – products designed for our increasingly collaborative and shared workspaces.
We’re more diverse We’re more than diverse ever before than ever We’re more diverse than ever before – ethnically, culturally, – ethnically, generationally culturally, generat – ethnically, culturally, generationally and dimensionally and dimensionally – so it’s hardly – so it’s ha and dimensionally – so it’s hardly surprising wesurprising don’t all like we exactly don’t allthe like exa surprising same we don’t all like exactly the things. same things. same things.
As these modern and more fluid working practises As these are modern embraced, and more we also fluid gain working permission practises to are Start embraced, Active,we Stay alsoActive, gain permission a UK Government to Start publication Active, Stay that is Active, beinga UK periods Government spent watching publication TV, that usingisa being computer, reading, periods travelling spent watching by car,TV, bususing a computer, reading, travelling by car, bus work away from established hierarchies andwork traditional away from tribesestablished for longer periods. hierarchies and traditionalpromoted tribes for by longer the Chief periods. Medical Officers of England, promoted Scotland, by the Wales Chief Medical and Officers or train,ofbut England, doesnʼt Scotland, include sleeping. Wales and Start Active, or train, Stay but Active doesnʼt recommends include sleeping. Start Active, Stay Active recommends Northern Ireland, sets out the case for pushingNorthern towards Ireland, continuous setsactivity out the casebreaking for pushing up long towards periods continuous of sitting activity time with shorter breaking bouts upoflong activity periods for just of sitting time with shorter bouts of activity for just As these modern and more fluid are embraced, we also gain permission Start Active, a UKand Government publication ismoving being behaviour. periods spentintense watching TV, using a one computer, reading, Theworking fact thatpractises organisations are becoming less The systemised fact that organisations andtoprocess-based, areActive, becoming andStay areless moving systemised and process-based, andthat against intense periods ofare sedentary and against periods of sedentary to two behaviour. minutes.travelling by car, bus one to two minutes. DIFFERENTwork away from established hierarchies and traditional tribes for longer periods. promoted by the Chief Medical Officers of England, Scotland, Wales and or train, but doesnʼt include sleeping. Start Active, Stay Active recommends towards a more inclusive, organic and spontaneous towards workplace, a more inclusive, is reflected organic in theand recently spontaneous publishedworkplace, is reflected in the recently published Northern Ireland, sets out the case for pushing towards continuous activity breaking up long periods of sitting time with shorter bouts of activity for just ISO 27500 ‘Organisational Wellness’. ISO 27500 ‘Organisational Wellness’. Sitting for long periods is thought to slow the metabolism, Sitting for long which periods affects is the thought to Fielding slow the tables metabolism, are designed whichtoaffects encourage the the Fielding idea thattables even aare basic designed piece to encourage the idea that even a basic piece The fact that organisations are becoming less systemised and process-based, and are moving and against intense periods of sedentary behaviour. one to two minutes. worktable be usedoftofurniture encourage worktable can be used to encourage us to move body’s ability to regulate blood sugar and blood body’s pressure, ability andtotoregulate break down blood sugar of and furniture bloodsuch pressure, as aand to breakcan down suchusastoa move towards a more inclusive, organic and spontaneous workplace, is reflected in the recently published seven hours adults a day sitting in the UK spend around more thethan officeseven and vary hourshow a day wesitting work and interact around the withoffice our colleagues, and vary how we work and interact with our colleagues, body fat. Many adults in the UK spend more than body fat. Many ISO 27500 ‘Organisational Wellness’. Sitting for long periods is thought to slow the metabolism, which affects the Fielding tables are designed to encourage the idea that even a basic piece or lying, typically increasing with age to 10 hours or lying, or more. typically Thisincreasing includes with becoming age to 10 more hoursmindful or more. of the Thisethos includes of Start Active, becoming Stay more Active. mindful of the ethos of Start Active, Stay Active. body’s ability to regulate blood sugar and blood pressure, and to break down of furniture such as a worktable can be used to encourage us to move around the office and vary how we work and interact with our colleagues, body fat. Many adults in the UK spend more than seven hours a day sitting or lying, typically increasing with age to 10 hours or more. This includes becoming more mindful of the ethos of Start Active, Stay Active.
Despite huge variation in the Despite population’s huge seated variation in the population’s seated stature, and growing evidence stature, that some andvariety growing in evidence that some variety in Despite huge variation in the population’s seated for health surface height is beneficial surfaceand height wellbeing, is beneficial for health and wellbeing, stature, and growing evidence that some in fixedtable table heights have variety long been at a heights have long been fixed at a surface height is beneficial for health and wellbeing, table heights have long been fixed at a
We come in a variety of sha and find comfort We come in a variety Weofcome shapes insizes, aand variety of shapes andin d set-ups, so why not design sizes, and find comfort sizes,inand different find comfort in different set-ups, so why not set-ups, design so fordiversity? why this not design for this diversity? diversity?
one-size-fits-allone-size-fits-all 740mm. 7 one-size-fits-all 740mm.
International dimensional standards for furniture are International in part being dimensional rewritten to standards remedy for furniture are in this, with European norms on recommended table this, heights, with European for example, norms having on recommended crept table he up from are 720mm 740mm in thetolast couple ofup years. from 720mm to 740mm in the last couple of year International dimensional standards for furniture in parttobeing rewritten remedy
this, with European norms on recommended table heights, for example, having crept The increasingly The increasingly is also helping accepted to ensure Wellthat Building Standard up from 720mm to 740mm in the last couple of years. accepted Well Building Standard shorter users (especially women, who make up the shorter majority users of office (especially workers women, globally) who make up the m areStandard better catered forhelping in the workplace. are better catered for in the workplace. The increasingly accepted Well Building is also to ensure that shorter users (especially women, who make up the majority of office workers globally) are better catered for in the workplace.
We come in a variety Weofcome shapes in aand variety of shapes and We come insizes, a variety shapes and inand andoffind comfort sizes, different find comfort in different sizes, and find comfort in different set-ups, so why not set-ups, design so forwhy this not design for this set-ups, sodiversity? why not design fordiversity? this diversity?
Third Man – small
Third Man – small
Long Stop LongLong Stop Stop medium 1040 x 3000 [8 people] large x 1310 3000 x [83800 people] [10 people] Long Stop medium 1040
Third Man – small
Long Stop medium 1040 x 3000 [8 people]
Third Man – large
Long Sto
large 1310 x 380
large 1310 x 3800 [10 people]
Third Man – large
Third Man – large
4’6” 4’6”
Fly Slip
Fly Slip mediumFly 1290 xSlip 2500 [6 people]
medium 1290 x 2500 [6 people]
Fly Slip
Fly Slip
large medium 1470 1290 x 2870 x 2500 [8 people] [6 people]
large 1470 x 2870 [8 people]
large 1470 x 2870 [8 people]
Short Leg Short Leg small 1800 [6 people]
We’re incr with our mo of work sett
Short Leg Fielding worktables reflect that Fielding worktables reflect that Fielding worktables reflect that
small 1800 [6 people]
Short ShortLeg Leg Short medium small 1800 1980 [6 [6 people] people] Leg
medium 1980 [6 people]
ShortShort Leg Leg medium 1980 large 2380 [6 people] [8 people]
large 2380 [8 people]
it’s a team game,it’s a team game, it’s a team game, not a game for individuals. not a game for individuals. not a game for individuals.
Mid Off medium 1280 x 2370 [6 people]
Mid Off – medium
Mid Off – medium
Mid Off mediumFly 1280 xSlip 2370 [6 people]
Fly MidSlip Off
Fly Slip
large medium 1280 1280 x 2770 x 2370 [8 people] [6 people]
large 1280 x 2770 [8 people]
large 1280 x 2770 [8 people]
Mid Off – medium
Cover medium 1200 x 2200 [6 people]
Third Man Short Leg – small
Short Leg – small
Short Leg – small
small 1800 x 1500 [6 people]
Third Man Fly Slip
small 1800 x 1500 [6 people] large 1800 x 2000 [8 people]
Fielding designed Fielding worktables to connect are designed to connect worktables areworktables designed toare connect people in aembodying new way. By people the idea way. By embodying the idea n a new way. By theembodying idea in a new of, ‘look, we’re all different’, of, ‘look, they help we’re instil all different’, a they help instil a we’re all different’, they help instil a mindset,people encouraging mindset, to think encouraging people to think dset,new encouraging to new thinkpeople in fresh ways and do things in fresh differently. ways and do things differently. ways and do things differently.
® ® ® ® Head Office Manufacturing Orangebox Smartworking Orangebox Smartworking London& Manufacturing New York Head Office && Manufacturing Head Orangebox Office &US Manufacturing Inc. Orangebox Smartworking Orangebox Smartworking Head ®Office Orangebox US Inc. artworking Orangebox Limited, Parc Nantgarw, 38 Northampton 5th Avenue, 600, Orangebox Limited, Parc Nantgarw, Orangebox 99320 Monroe Limited, AvenueSuite Parc Northwest Nantgarw, Suite 200, 38 Northampton Road,Orangebox London EC1R 0HU, Northampton Road, London EC1R 0HU, Limited, Parc38Nantgarw, 99 Monroe Avenue Northwest Suite 200, Road, London EC1R 0HU,Road, Cardiff CF15 7QU, United Kingdom. LondonKingdom. EC1R 0HU, United Kingdom. NewCF15 York, NY MI 10001 Cardiff CF15 7QU, Grand Rapids, 7QU, 49503, United United Kingdom. Cardiff CF15 7QU, Grand Rapids, MI 49503, Cardiff T. +44 (0) 1443 816 604 States. T. +44 (0)20 7837 7837 9922 email. nyc@orangebox.com United States. +44(0)20 9922United Kingdom. T. +44(0)20 Kingdom. 7837 9922 Kingdom. United United United 9922 T. email. 7837 sales@orangebox.com email. smartworkinglondon@orangebox.com +1(616)988816 8624 +44(0)20 7837 4441T. +44(0)1443 816 604 F. +44(0)20 T. +44(0)1443 4441 816 604 T.T.+44(0)1443 604 T. +1(616)988 8624 4441 F. +1(866)232816 2149 (Toll Free) email. showroom@orangebox.com showroom@orangebox.com F. +44(0)1443 816 638 F.T.+44(0)1443 638 T. +1(866)232 2149 (Toll Free) @orangebox.com F. +44(0)1443 816 638 email. ® ® Orangebox Smartworking Orangebox Smartworking Huddersfield Dubai F.www.orangebox.com +1(616)828 1967 F. +1(616)828 1967 Bates Mill, Colne Road,Orangebox Middle East Dubai Design District, Building 3 Office 504, Orangebox email. enquiries@orangebox.com Huddersfield Orangebox Orangebox Huddersfield Middle East Middle East email. enquiries@orangebox.com ddersfieldOrangebox Huddersfield HD1 Road, 3AG,Building United Kingdom. PO 333016, Mill, Colne Building Mill,Box Colne 5WB, Road, OfficeDubai, 448 UAE. Building 5WB, Office 448 Road, Bates 5WB, Office 448Bates T. +44 (0)1484HD1 5363AG, 400PO Box 371447, Dubai Airport +971 (0)4770 7900 Airport Free Zone, 1 3AG, Huddersfield Zone, Huddersfield POT:Free Box 371447, HD1 3AG, Dubai PO Box 371447, Dubai Airport Free Zone, email. smartworkinghuddersfield@orangebox.com email. smartworkingdubai@orangebox.com Dubai, United Arab Emirates. United Kingdom. United Dubai, Kingdom. United Arab Emirates. Dubai, United Arab Emirates. 6 400 T. +44(0)1484 536 400T: +971 4260 2460 T. +44(0)1484 T: +971 4260 536 2460 400www.orangebox.com T:www.orangebox.com +971 4260 2460 6 410 F. +44(0)1484 536 410 F. +44(0)1484 536 410
Orangebox US Inc. 99 Monroe Avenue Northwest Suite 200, Grand Rapids, MI 49503, United States. T. +1(616)988 8624 T. +1(866)232 2149 (Toll Free) F. +1(616)828 1967 email. enquiries@orangebox.com
www.orangebox.com Long Stop – large
rrative – Gerard Taylor Graphic Design – Russell Warren-Fisher Photography –Warren-Fisher John Ross Design & Brand Narrative – Gerard Taylor GraphicDesign Design &–Brand RussellNarrative – Gerard Photography Taylor Graphic – John Design Ross– Russell Warren-Fisher
| Photography – John Ross
Long Stop – large
Long Stop – large
Cover Cover
medium 1200 x 2200 [6 people] medium 1200 largex 1400 2200 x[62770 people] [8 people] large 1400 x 2770 [8 people]
Fly Third Slip Man
Fly Slip
large small1800 1800xx2000 1500[8[6people] people]
large 1800 x 2000 [8 people]
Cover Cover Square Leg Deep Square LegDeep
medium 900 x 2200 [6 people]
medium 900 x 2200 [6 people] large 1100 x 2770 [8 people]
large medium 1100 x 900 2770 x 2200 [8 people] [6 people]
Long Leg
Long Leg Fly Slip
FlyLong Slip Leg
Fly Slip
medium 1200 x 2450 [6 people]
medium large 1200 1300 xx 2450 2760 [6 [8 people]
largemedium 1300 x 2760 1200[8xpeople] 2450 [6 people]
large 1300 x 2760 [8 people]
Smartworking® – products designed for our increasingly collaborative and shared workspaces.
Why offer four different fixed heights between sitting and standing, perching within the same product? Height-adjustable surfaces are an increasingly specified solution, but they can’t be the only one. Fielding teamwork/meeting tables are simpler in attitude, creating interest and engagement and contributing to a more comfortable and uncomplicated choice – be it standing, perching or sitting.
Would people enjoy two split heights on the same table? Having two subtly different heights per table adds visual interest and psychologically breaks up the usual seating patterns for larger groups. Longer concentrated work becomes potentially less tiring when the height matches the individual better. Fielding offers physical and mental rewards:
we don’t put up with ill-fitting shoes so why should we put up with ill-fitting tables? Now that the advantages of height adjustable desks are becoming better understood, why not translate a little of this to team meeting and worktables?
Would this cause friction between shorter and taller users? Not if you work within an organisation that champions being a networked culture, not a hierarchical one… Fielding’s different sizes, shapes and heights can contribute to the creation of a culture that embraces diversity, encouraging organisations to work in different ways, and the personality of the tables helps make this an enjoyable and engaging process.
How can we signpost people to work settings that are the best match to them? Fielding’s up-to-date anthropomorphic graphic is designed to make you a little more aware of your own personal physical attributes, and help you recognise the work surface heights that suit you. This human scale encompasses body heights ranging from 4’6” (1350mm) to 6’4” (1900mm), for both men and women. Knowing the workforce demographic, we can assert with some accuracy that within the typical workplace the correct mix of worktop heights will be 710mm and 750mm for the Fielding worktable and 1050mm and 1090mm for the standing/perching tables. This enables more people than ever before to work at a level that suits them.
ENJOYING BEING DIFFERENT Fielding worktables demonstrate that
it’s a network culture, not a hierarchical one. ‘Having two subtly different heights per table
adds visual interest
Long Leg – large
and psychologically breaks up the usual seating patterns for larger groups.’
Fly Slip – large
Fielding’s split tops opens up new and
more energetic specification options. When a table has two tops, why not mix a cool veneer with a decorative pattern?
Short Leg – large
A more diverse workplace is a smarter and more successful workplace.
Long Stop – large
Fly Slip – large
Short Leg – large
Mid Off – large
Cover – large
Third Man – large
Deep Square Leg – large
Long Leg – large
Short Leg – small
Short Leg – small
Short Leg – small
Fielding designed Fielding worktables to connect are designed to connect worktables areworktables designed toare connect people in a new way. By embodying people in a new the idea way. By embodying the idea n a new way. By embodying the idea we’re all different’, of, ‘look, they we’re instil all different’, a they help instil a we’reof, all‘look, different’, they help instil a help new mindset, encouraging new people mindset, to think encouraging people to think dset, encouraging people to think in fresh ways and do things in fresh differently. ways and do things differently. ways and do things differently.
® ® ® ® Head Office Manufacturing Orangebox Smartworking Orangebox Smartworking London& Manufacturing New York Head Office && Manufacturing Head Orangebox Office &US Manufacturing Inc. Orangebox Smartworking Orangebox Smartworking Head ®Office Orangebox US Inc. artworking Orangebox Limited, Parc Nantgarw, 38 Northampton 5th Avenue, 600, Orangebox Limited, Parc Nantgarw, Orangebox 99320 Monroe Limited, AvenueSuite Parc Northwest Nantgarw, Suite 200, 38 Northampton Road,Orangebox London EC1R 0HU, Northampton Road, London EC1R 0HU, Limited, Parc38Nantgarw, 99 Monroe Avenue Northwest Suite 200, Road, London EC1R 0HU,Road, Cardiff CF15 7QU, United Kingdom. LondonKingdom. EC1R 0HU, United Kingdom. NewCF15 York, NY MI 10001 Cardiff CF15 7QU, Grand Rapids, 7QU, 49503, United United Kingdom. Cardiff CF15 7QU, Grand Rapids, MI 49503, Cardiff T. +44 (0) 1443 816 604 States. T. +44 (0)20 7837 7837 9922 email. nyc@orangebox.com United States. +44(0)20 9922United Kingdom. T. +44(0)20 Kingdom. 7837 9922 Kingdom. United United United 9922 T. email. 7837 sales@orangebox.com email. smartworkinglondon@orangebox.com +1(616)988816 8624 +44(0)20 7837 4441T. +44(0)1443 816 604 F. +44(0)20 T. +44(0)1443 4441 816 604 T.T.+44(0)1443 604 T. +1(616)988 8624 4441 F. +1(866)232816 2149 (Toll Free) email. showroom@orangebox.com F. +44(0)1443 showroom@orangebox.com 816 638 F.T.+44(0)1443 638 T. +1(866)232 2149 (Toll Free) @orangebox.com F. +44(0)1443 816 638 email. ® Orangebox Smartworking Orangebox Smartworking® Huddersfield Dubai F.www.orangebox.com +1(616)828 1967 F. +1(616)828 1967 Bates Mill, Colne Road,Orangebox Middle East Dubai Design District, Building 3 Office 504, Orangebox email. enquiries@orangebox.com Huddersfield Orangebox Orangebox Huddersfield Middle East Middle East email. enquiries@orangebox.com ddersfieldOrangebox Huddersfield HD1 Road, 3AG,Building United Kingdom. PO 333016, Mill, Colne Building Mill,Box Colne 5WB, Road, OfficeDubai, 448 UAE. Building 5WB, Office 448 Road, Bates 5WB, Office 448Bates T. +44 (0)1484HD1 5363AG, 400PO Box 371447, Dubai Airport +971 (0)4770 7900 Airport Free Zone, 1 3AG, Huddersfield Zone, Huddersfield POT:Free Box 371447, HD1 3AG, Dubai PO Box 371447, Dubai Airport Free Zone, email. smartworkinghuddersfield@orangebox.com email. smartworkingdubai@orangebox.com Dubai, United Arab Emirates. United Kingdom. United Dubai, Kingdom. United Arab Emirates. Dubai, United Arab Emirates. 6 400 T. +44(0)1484 536 400T: +971 4260 2460 T. +44(0)1484 T: +971 4260 536 2460 400www.orangebox.com T:www.orangebox.com +971 4260 2460 6 410 F. +44(0)1484 536 410 F. +44(0)1484 536 410
rrative – Gerard Taylor Graphic Design – Russell Warren-Fisher Photography –Warren-Fisher John Ross Design & Brand Narrative – Gerard Taylor GraphicDesign Design &–Brand RussellNarrative – Gerard Photography Taylor Graphic – John Design Ross– Russell Warren-Fisher
Orangeb 99 Monro Grand Ra United St T. +1(616 T. +1(866 F. +1(616 email. enq
| Photography – John Ross