Issue 1
Inspired seeds
Inspire each day with a seed of positive thought
Do less, achieve more 3 steps to success Storm ahead
PLUS! Free ‘hear me speak’ webinar accesses
GUIDING B A L A N C E I 7 balancing beliefs Relaxation, appreciation & you
Wellness Recipe Tap into breath, Does the way we breathe influence life? FREE ‘have your perfect day’
Get your spring back
E A S Y Lovin’
P A R E N T I N G Tips
Welcome to Inspired seeds.
Grab a drink, slow down and relax or flick to the article that has the answers to the problems you have right now. Enjoy time to stop, connect and grow, get your spring back. For me wisdom comes with renewal, clarity and knowledge, where I can bring focus to where I am going and let go of where I’ve been. Begin a cycle of life changing moments with positive insight of inspiration and transformation that support you on your parenting journey. I hope you shine… The seed you plant today will grow into the future of tomorrow. Happy Parenting!
Theresa x Do less achieve more………… 3
ARTICLES FOR YOUR Heart: E A S Y Lovin’ Home: Room to Move Health: Wellness Recipe
FREE Webinar Access……….. 5 Relaxation & You…………… 5 Feature – Awareness & U…
Guiding Balance……………… 7 Tap into Breath……………… 8 Your deluxe package………
Discover Your Journey……… 11 FREE Poster…………………… 16 ONLINE NOW – a gallery of simple solutions & strategies
“Don’t worry about being successful but work toward being significant and the success will naturally follow.” - Oprah Winfrey
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Orange Hope Get your SPRING back
Do LESS, achieve MORE! Do you want more time, more space, more money and just more out of life in general? More of everything is within reach and you can start with less! As parents we have souls of the next generation to inspire, with courage, independence, wisdom, resilience and a life of happiness and success. To be the model of this, live each day taking action, show that life delivers the results and work smarter not harder! The 80/20 rule is a well-known, researched and results driven principle; for parenting that has also produced results successfully since it came to light in the 1940’s. The value of this principle is that you can move your focus to what matters and deliver to you the results you want. Now you can solve 80% of your problems instantly. Achieve more in less time; take action on the peek 20% of what matters to you each day. That’s all it takes to give you 80% of the results you will have at the end of the day.
#1 – Ask, Capture Awareness What do you spend most of your time doing each day? What do you spend most of your time thinking about? What result do you want to get? Why do you spend your time doing these things? What do you go to bed thinking about, or wishing you had done?
Storming Ahead Weathering a storm in rough seas can easily set you off course or throw you off balance, when you are skilled up to face the challenge head on, you are ready! Learn the ropes to sail any storm that comes your way.
Page 6
#2 – Create a plan, take action Gather together the results into 5 or 6 categories. Next, give each category a rating from least important to most important. Achieve immediate pleasure each day completing your most important category first.
#3 – Celebrate When your mind wonders and your day gets overloaded remind yourself of what’s most important. Scale down to get the most out of your day, celebrate it
Guiding Balance Outcome focused thinking techniques will guide you to create an easy flow of assessable solutions which guide and support you through your personal transformation.
Page 7
Issue 1
Change your life in a moment
Challenge the misconception that change is difficult
“You change for one of two reasons. Either you learn enough that you want to or you have been hurt enough that you need to.”
“Sometimes a break from your routine is the very thing you need”
“The trick is to enjoy life, don’t wish away your days, waiting for better days ahead”
“Getting over a painful period is much like crossing monkey bars. You have to let go at some point in order to move forward.”
“You decide every moment of every day: who you are and what you believe in. You get a second chance. Every second.”
All quotes on this page are from unknown sources, to these inspirational and wise people, thank you.
Storm Ahead No one likes being drowned out by the noise, but as humans we are surrounded by noise 24 hours a day 7 days a week, much of this goes unnoticed so it’s no wonder when we want to be heard were not! Imagine now having immediate successful strategies to handle any storm, no matter how loud. A storm creates uncontrollable waves, unsteadiness and haze. Don’t scream above the thunderous noise with your heart racing, seek salvation and face the challenge head on; the only way through a storm is to skill up and hold strong. Build a voice that and way of listening that will step by step allow you overcome any obstacle and be heard. Get your family smooth sailing Hear what others want Understand your children Support and encourage valuable growth and development Recognise & meet your own needs Feel more confident and positive
Within each of us is a way of which we listen and a way in which we are heard. Do you ever wonder why one person truly understands you when it’s like talking to a brick wall with another? Or when you just know that person disagrees with you just by looking at them? Do you know that this can be changed so that you can get what you want with any person, anywhere and be understood 100% of the time? “Hear me speak” is a system to step you into thunderous oceans where you can transform to be heard above any storm.
You can have plenty of time for the conversations that matter most, to inspire others and to bring calm to the wave of life that we all face every day. FREE WEBINAR “Hear me speak” is a free 20min webinar you can down load today and discover 4 step speech system that makes it easy to be heard. TO CONTINUE YOUR JOURNEY VISIT
www.orangehope.comau or phone us today 0412 623 524
Relaxation, Appreciation & You Is your life making you unwell? Do you feel unmotivated, lost, tired and depressed? If you are familiar with days of boredom, frustration and lack then it might simply be a change in your space that’s needed to improve your overall health and wellbeing. CLUTTER affects all of us and blocks the energy from moving cleanly within and around us. Every day we live with the internal clutter of choice, opinion, thought and idea and external clutter of dishes, paperwork, washing, the air we breathe, food we eat and environment we ‘enjoy’. An internal and external clearing through ACTION each day will activate a specific set of neurons that may be all you need to feel rejuvenated and more positive, relaxed and appreciated.
NEUroJuvinate Action will remove blocks and measure specific, realistic and timely results and activate neuro rejuvenation; it can clear a way for you to focus on what is important to you. If you are putting things off, do it first thing in the morning, involve others in your vision and reward yourself when it’s done. Take a minute for a breath of fresh air and put a plant into your space. Swap procrastination for motivation and clear your internal clutter by doing what can be put today aware you will have more time to relax once it’s done and own the space you fill. Motivation comes from action. ”Motivation is doing what needs to be done when it needs to be done when we want to do it. Discipline is doing what needs to be done when it needs to be done when we don’t want to do it “- UNKNOWN
Awareness A
re you always run down, doing everything yourself, trapped or flat out with no time to do what you want to do? Are you an expert of reason, why things can’t be done? Stuck and unable to get the results you want? Left tired, anxious, worried, blaming others and emotionally powerless. At the mercy of others to get the results you want for your life and the life of your family? The worn-out cycle leaves you stuck and can feel pretty rotten, it decreases your body’s resilience, shuts down your problem solving response and has a focus of lack instead of abundance. The more you assume about a problem, the more limited solutions become and lack of choices you have, but being aware of this cycle can significantly reduce stress and improve sleep and this can make a huge difference in your life. When we turn our awareness into understanding change can be driven by desire and not fear and it can be done with love. You can switch off the auto pilot and fly your own plane toward success and happiness, life as you want it.
Be Instinctive Unstick habitual thinking that keeps you doing what you’ve always done, stuck and unable to think your way out? Being pre-set to re-act the way we always have, we ignore the credit for getting to where we are today. As humans we only tend to run from something when we fear the outcome, but when we can be confident with what’s ahead there is nothing to fear we can stand up and battle for what’s right. The problem is the fight or flight response part of our brain, the amygdala, keeps us safe, it’s our survival instinct. It releases adrenaline so we can survive, and sometimes we recognise this as a feeling in our body which doesn’t warrant the situation, like the flutters of a first kiss. In today’s society it can keep us running scared in a place we are safe. We can be hurt by something once a long time ago and never do it again because our heart races and our habitual thinking says stop! It’s not until you look back that you can realise how far you’ve come and what new resources you have
– the
available to you. Doesn’t it make sense that we could get more done and feel good about doing it when we are not stuck doing things the way we always have done?
Connect with love, lasting outcomes verified with ecstasy;
Motivation for change
moves you beyond the boundaries into lasting results. Ask yourself 'why do I have this problem?' ‘What do I want?’ build a more specific positive representation of what you are going towards. When we imagine things going exactly the way we want anxiety disappears.
Have you heard of the pain v pleasure principle; it’s a driving force of change. You must want something bad enough to avoid pain or gain pleasure to go for it. For example, when we perceive there is more pain associated with a change we won’t do it. So the key to unlocking this principle is to associate more pleasure, ‘short term pain and a lot of focus on the long term gain’. As parents we sometimes feel the same as our children and this brings up amongst other painful emotions guilt, the pain you perceive your baby will have stops a successful change from happening. The difference is babies live in the now, absolute present moment awareness, with a high instinctive value of survival, adults however transition to a wide scope of focus (past, present, future) and not only that as adults we now have access to skills that supportively create change at any level. Awareness of the pain pleasure outcomes can awaken you to getting what you want, a long term pleasurable gain. Parents want so much for self, child and family - we can be the pivotal connection to getting things on track and feeling better, we able to do and love so much more. The first mindset to master motherhood, awareness is vital focus for your wellbeing, you will be more resilient and less stressed; everyone around you will be grateful. Be the master of your life and you can have mastery of motherhood.
LASTING - long term thinking
OUTCOMES - All change take place first at an unconscious level. We create obstacles like not enough time, support, strategies or desire, with awareness that these are all reasons you can stop saying things like ‘I can’t do this because….’ And ask yourself, ‘How is that a problem?’ Find the person who has the results you want and ask them how they got it, ‘What can be done?’ Decide to have reasons or result, not both.
VERIFY– Sometimes you think you want something until you have it and decide you valued it less than you think, like the ‘Midas touch’ king Midas wanted to turn everything he touched into gold, until he wanted to hold his daughter and when doing so turned her into a cold hard gold statue. Connect and verify your problem with your values by answering ‘Who else is affected?’ ‘I learnt from my problem that....’ ‘If I get what I want, what else in my life will improve?’
ECSTACY - Feeling happy emotions makes moving toward what you want easier. Create motion to know ‘When do I want it?’ ‘How will I know that I have it?’ ‘What resources do I have available to help me?’ These answers will let you know that you have the outcome you want, it’s a test for success and encouragement to keep moving along the way.
1st s t r a t e g y f o r s u c c e s s STOP connect GROW© Be in charge of your results instead of at the mercy of them means that you also have to accept personal responsibility for your own world because you realise that it was your response that caused the problem. Like many parents we’ve helped it can make a massive difference. You can build self-esteem, confidence, ability and power, communicate to stop arguments, acting out, screaming and the blame game and connect to owning actions that prevent issues, grow better results to solve everyday problems knowing what’s possible in the realm of choice Awareness. Everything is either an opportunity to grow or an obstacle to keep you from growing. You get to choose.” Wayne Dyer
EXPAND YOUR SUCCESS Through the ages Newbie - awareness to the present moment enhances happiness, and feels good emotions that make us feel calm, good and connected. When babies wake it’s the best time to connect a baby to the present moment and develop a sense of awareness. During their fuzzy eye opening you can ‘stop’ stay with your child unwrapping them and connecting with a smile and allow the baby to stretch whist still in a comfortable sleeping environment, they are in control of the speed to which they connect to the waking moments and can be confident that you are there with them with a smile. When their little stretch is over you can count 1,2,3 and pick up your baby, setting awareness to when they will be lifted out. As age increases babies will start to engage muscles and learn the strategy of sitting up as soon as you begin to count. If your baby wakes unsettled and you are unable to calmly do the stretch and cuddle exercise you can do this after
your baby settles, connect your gaze and smile during and grow a confident bond.
Toddler – Awareness of emotions is huge as toddlers. We all know the terrible twos and tantrums but did you know you can teach awareness of emotions and stop an emotional meltdown. Do this by stoping what you are doing when a meltdown begins and get down low. By immediately getting down to your child’s level it gives them a sense of being understood. Next ask “when you are finished please tell me what’s wrong?” Or if you know you can suggest “you are really tired right now and getting yourself all frustrated an upset, do you want to cuddle on the couch and relax a bit?” or “how about we have a snack to make us feel better and try again” this stops the child’s behaviour and connects them to an emotion that is more empowering and not so overwhelmed, anxious and irritable. Grow this by stepping in before a meltdown occurs and suggesting a snack, new activity or rest, as your child grows so too will their own ability to recognise when each of these things is need on their own and you may even hear the say ‘let’s do something else”. What is necessary to change a person is to change his awareness of himself. Abraham Maslow
Preschool – If a pendulum swings from “I didn’t do it”, “It wasn’t me” behaviour at the other end would be “Sorry, It was an accident”, or more centred “ I did that because”, this is the ideal stopping point because it allows a child to accept the behaviour and easily learn and develop new coping strategies. Bring awareness to this. Stop and ask your child why? Then listen to their response. If it begins with “they” “wasn’t” or “didn’t” you can give them back the power and build confidence and control
by suggesting a new strategy like “Ok, maybe next time you could walk away” “Ask them to stop” “ask for help”. This widens the child’s awareness to the choices they have available and then when you see them being used, celebrate it and say to your child “well done for...” you can also model it when you accidently do something, like dropping a glass, you could say “ops, sorry that was an accident, next time I should hold it tighter”.
School Age - “You’re not listening to me” or “You never let me...” is a key part of a primary schooler’s vocabulary. At this age they are very aware of themselves and of what they want to do and often use the above phrases in the hope to be understood and move into independence and getting what they want. Stop the blame game, stay calm and bring awareness to your child’s ability to solve their own problems (With a little of your help and guidance of course). Ask your child “what’s wrong” this allows your child to be heard and opens the gate to communication, hear them out and after calm consideration you can shift their awareness allowing them to realise that they own the outcome by asking “Whose fault is it that you have that problem? “Or “What can you do differently? “ Or “How could you say it differently so I can understand what you are saying?” These questions put a stop to the blame game and give the child into more resourceful ways to get the outcome they want. Problems become variable and have a choice at being solved, notice the shift when your child’s solves their own problem encourage them and celebrate that “they are great problem solvers!” Then pat yourself on the back for a job well done!
Let us not look back in anger, nor forward in fear, but around in awareness. James Thurber
Discover techniques to capture moments to treasure for a lifetime and inspire your our personal journey of discovery.
Exer-what? 30 minutes, a comfy pair of shoes and some good music may be all you need to meet your daily dose of exercise.
Guiding Balan e Behind the magical illusion of motherhood is hard work, some say it’s the hardest job of them all. Life certainly doesn’t always go our way all of the time, sometimes the house may feel like a circus although there certainly isn’t a buzz in the air like going to one, but could there be?
Mindful Miracles Be present in the moment, be aware of what is going on and be in touch with the wonders of life, our body, emotion and thoughts – Mindfulness in a nutshell.
83% The average awake time a child spends with mum
20% Of your actions gives you 80% of the your results
The most talented circus performers demonstrate balance with perfection. Complete with skills of calm with contagious enthusiasm, fun and excitement on the outside and inside they are an absolute mastermind of skill, focus and strategy healing all with a smile. Experts suggest that a definition of happiness is to have as little separation as possible "between your work and your play” Could your job description be ‘deliver contagious enthusiasm and fun’? Would you clown up your act and un-wrap the magic within you? Here are 3 wiki reasons to help you decide; # 1 when the job gets you down the family
stress rate increases 74%! # 2 stress is a leading mental health issue
that takes up 75% of visits to the GP! FOR MORE INFORMATION
wish to give up their careers so your workload can effectively double! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
or phone us today 0412 623 524
Be inspired as you trapeze through the system one step at a time. STEP 1 - KNOW WHAT MAKES YOU FEEL GOOD Are you an individual over utilized always owing others something before owing yourself? If we spend on average 80% of our time with our children it’s important to spend the remaining time recharging the batteries, before you explode! Feel good with a book, walk, massage or a closed bathroom door and a bit of DIY pampering – time heals all. STEP 2 – LIVE IN THE MOMENT Why put of today what we can do tomorrow and then spend all day thinking about it? What does worrying cost you? Actions speak louder than words and weigh less to. Lighten your load and step into the action of NOW Present moment thinking puts an end to worry & delivers focused calm immediate results.
# 3 two thirds of mothers cannot or do not
7 balancing beliefs
Balance is the ability to do what you want in all areas of your life to the extent at which you want to do it. – Theresa Haupt
STEP 3 – BE AS THICK AS THIEVES Find friends in family as well as family in friends and nurture and bond strong relationships. Surround yourself with people who propel you into the person you want to be. If chit chat is to be idle then choose to do it with someone you love and respect and who loves and respects you.
ORANGE HOPE GET YOUR SPRING BACK | Issue 1 STEP 4 – WORK IT OUT Body and Mind are one, In other words you can’t have one without the other. We exist, a cocktail of chemicals operating in balance, designed for equilibrium; a force of stability of emotion, position and state. As motion creates emotion get the energy you want to have moving through you - don’t go to bed angry, walk or talk it out and have purpose in each activity by doing one thing at a time well – use the present of NOW! STEP 5 – IT’S THE THOUGHT THAT COUNTS We often hear the phrase ‘I heard you the first time’ but have you ever stopped to think… Did I really? Words we use make up as little as 5% of what we communicate so what are we not listening to? As picture tells a thousand words before a word is uttered so much more detected. As the receiver of communication interprets the meaning, observe your next conversation and if you are ending peoples sentences or agreeing with ‘I know’ then try swapping it for ‘I wonder’ and waiting for a person to finish.
STEP 6 – HAVE GREAT EXPECTATIONS It’s easy to be down on yourself when things aren’t going well, if you pick up the boundary and move it though things can suddenly seem different. Everything you do move you away from pain - hurt, anger and fear or towards pleasure – love and abundance. If you get more pleasure from a clean home than a healthy diet then that’s where you will see the results and vice versa if you fear tantrums more than difficult communication and boundary setting then that where you will see the results. A simple switch moving of the boundary line, expectations of what’s important to you can line up all the ducks in a row so that the results you get are in all the areas you want them to be, I look forward to sharing the strategy for this a little later. STEP 7 – DO MORE WITH LESS The Pareto principle also known as the 80/20 rule, means that effort expands if it’s placed where it can make the biggest difference; the knock-on effect.
9 IMAGINE making conscious effort to avoid focusing on the 20% that is negative. It’s sort of like applying the ‘glass is half full’ attitude and solving 80% of your problems instantly!! Split your day into 5 tasks, absolutely everything you need to do into only 5 tasks on your to do list. Beneath these 5 key areas of most importance will list the various duties that it takes to complete this key area. When you sort your day this way you are motivated by the core of what inspires you, and you can celebrate doing the do, for example care for kids, includes bathe, feed, and play, teach, discipline, etc…. . And with love your key focus you can get the job done while appreciating all the reasons why you do the duties you do.
Wrap it up! Celebrate the present as you do a skilled performer, heal with a smile. It’s in a moment of decision that our world is shaped and changed forever. Wrap the magic within you and store it as a gift to share at any time.
Tap into breath….. hum Everyone knows how to inhale and exhale; it’s a natural skill most of us take for granted. But tapping into breath not only helps us manage the difficulties in everyday life, it also helps develop our calm and compassion for ourselves and others. Here are 3 quick techniques to let focus on the here and now and let go of fears and frustrations. Mindful breath The object of your mindfulness can be anything. You can look at your child and breathe in and in your mind say, “Breathing in, I’m aware of love.” So you are mindful of love. Love becomes the object of your
mindfulness. Add to this happiness, “Breathing out, I smile to my child.” Movement breath Extend your awareness of breath into your movement. Start in the practice of walking in rhythm with your breath and step, there is no rush, you can keep your steps slow, relaxed and calm. Movement breath can help to bring peace into our body and mind and it can be practiced anywhere, anytime, at home, in nature or in the busy city streets, even in getting dinner on the table or walking into a difficult conversation. Letting go breath Worries fear and anxiety can be released with a letting go breath. First imagine your worry, fear or anxiety onto a leaf, as you do so lengthen and lighten your breath and allow it to lift and float away on an imaginary stream beside you or on a comforting breeze, when the leaf is gone, move your awareness back into an action that serves you.
“If we really live in the moment, our worries and hardships will disappear and we will discover life with all its miracles.” UNKNOWN
www.orangehope.comau or phone us today 0412 623 524
PRAISE ‘Such easy tools to follow, why didn’t I think of it… ’ ..Meg ‘Thank-you! What a great book to have by my side’...Sally ‘Picture perfect inspiration that reminds me how easy it is to transform and feel balanced’ …Amanda ‘Life is perfect, the right information, at the right time in the right amount, now I have more to enjoy my babies’ …Zoe
Orange Hope Transforming your journey one day at a time
Issue 1
Paperback Book Sleep well at night Enjoy the Daylight Webinar Access
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LIVE YOUR Journey We have been conditioned from a young age to be always ready for the next best thing. Waiting patiently for technology to blow our minds and take us into a world we could never have imagined. Lulled into a false sense that external events dictate our lives and our happiness; it’s one of the biggest problems we face today and keeping up can be pretty stressful! With no control of external events things can seem downright impossible, but while we can’t control the pace of the world or the events around us we can control how we respond (once we are aware of course) and choose to edit the beliefs we have that stop us from moving forward. Researchers have found a personal success journal can help you sleep at night and to be more self-aware, more self-confident and gain more self- belief so you can tap into happiness and enjoy the daylight, step forward into a life where you’re not always in the same place, doing the same thing and achieving the same results. Wiring in a journal daily can unclutter and shift the state of what your mind is focusing on. Strengthen your success with goals or detach from experiences and explore ways to work through challenges, clarify negative feelings and the thoughts that cause them releasing pain. It’s with creativity that a problem is solved and greatness is achieved. 'We Can't Solve Problems by Using the Same Kind of Thinking We Used When We Created Them’ - Albert Einstein
As for the health benefits of journaling, they've been scientifically proven research shows the following: Decreases in the symptoms of asthma, arthritis, and other health conditions. Improvement in cognitive functioning.
Journal – Being the best YOU
Strengthening of the immune system, preventing a host of illnesses.
Our ‘HOPE Journal’ will guide you to capture memories of your new and changing world; you will be guided to remember your success and that of your beautiful baby.
Counteraction of the many negative effects of stress. Orange Hope understands the impact a journal can make to you and your family and believes that if you don’t step forward then you always are in the same place. Take the first step to improving your life and use the journaling tool over the next 3 weeks to improve your life. Step into the results you want and deserve. ___________________________________
“It’s with creativity that a problem is solved and greatness is achieved.”
Daily Delights “...A discovery of delight will empower you to transition forward. It will bring awareness to what worked or didn’t work each day so you can move into action to create the best you…”
Explore what makes you tick, what pushes your buttons, good and bad, know your own strengths and weaknesses and what motivates you; develop self-knowledge to celebrate your success. Success leaves clues especially in the eyes of your children because they learn how to be in the world by modeling their parents, monkey see, monkey do, we hope for you to be the best inspiration you can because you are deserving of lasting results and personal resources for change are available to you. Delight yourself daily with our ‘HOPE JOURNAL’ opposite and invest in your transformation - Capture moments of today so that you can catapult into the dreams of tomorrow. ** All facts inspired by
Yearly Success ‘Sleep well at night and enjoy the Daylight’ is the manual of motherhood, inspiring and celebrating your transformation into the balance of motherhood in all its glory one week at a time.
Capture moments that make memories A perfect day Every day is a new opportunity to get what yesterday you only dreamt of having. To learn from the ouches, expand successes and take a step closer to a perfect day, take a few minutes to answer some questions that will turn your minds awareness toward the actions you need to take to be able to celebrate how truly incredible you are and achieve the results of your dreams. THINK
Did you know positive memories drive human beings at an unconscious level? Positive actions create a neural pathway of positive flow, so that means you can use your past to propel your future.
I smile when I am doing………………..…. And when I am with………………………….……?
I feel loved when I do……………………. Have…………………….and hear………………………….?
I have hope that one day I………in a year I ……in my life..…?
I will ………my children………myself……….my partner…….? (Love, support, teach, encourage, laugh with…..)
I hope I make my family………….today?
If …………..……was no longer a problem I could relax?
Be Specific To achieve better results answer these questions in direct response to that specific area where you have the most struggles; like self, partner, family, wellbeing, wealth…
I will … today, as the 1st step toward making my problem disappear?
My problem would disappear if………………?
Yearly Success What did I run from that I now choose to run towards? Imagine having these results in your life
A year ago I never would have thought I would be … How do you measure the success in your life? How quickly do seconds turn into hours? If you had success for 1 second every hour of the day over one year you would have 8,760 successes to celebrate!
A year from today I will be…. It will feel…. And I will have……
Heart: E A S Y Lovin’ Motherhood can bring along with it a lot of stress and for better or worse its part of the journey, but learning to manage it can make all the difference to the quality of your life and to the lives of your children. Sometimes we get so busy we forget to nurture ourselves and our relationships. The following are some great stress relievers for EASY Lovin’ that you can use each day. Eat a balanced diet and give your body the energy it needs so you don’t run out of power Amuse yourself with stories, bubbles, tickles or giggles to connect with your family, laugh.
Health: Wellness Recipe
Search for and discover where you metaphorically are each day and where you want to be. Pictures or words can allow you to express how you are feeling and create conversation and connection in your home – it’s a great game for kids too, Journal power.
re you chasing the ZZZ’s and praying for a good night’s sleep? Well your wellness depends on it! Sleep is essential for your health and wellbeing and many parents are lacking in it so how can we get more?
Y not do one thing each time you walk into the bathroom, add some lip cream, brush your hair, do a mirror affirmation or shave your legs, love yourself, pamper yourself.
Wind down – write a thankful, if I were to do today again this is how I’d do it. Create a lasting association and only use the bedroom for sleeping (maybe the other thing too!)
Home: Room to Move None of us are born to live life always in one place, stagnant? When we do it brings serious problems. When we are stagnate, stiff, fading, on the uphill battle, not expanding and learning we are on the opposite slope of life, we’re going downhill and we know where that takes us.
A snail carries his home everywhere, moving from place to place, discovering and uncovering new passages, on a personal journey, moving and growing. What if we were as nomadic? Moving with the season, surrounded by our tribe, protected from danger and inspired by tales of the elders?
Eat Well – Snack on serotonin releasing foods that helps the body to relax and release the body's natural sleep hormone. Early to bed, Early to rise celebrate a rejuvenating midday nap if you need it. Get cozy – Cuddles release oxytocin a feel good hormone to enhance relaxation, love, trust and comfort.
Have jugs of water, bottles and cups on hand, nothing looks more inviting than a service tray. Family and friends can help themselves and you will never have to rush to quench your thirst.
Open the freezer and pantry and check you have your “to go” dinners on hand, 5 meals you can prep in 5 mins and be eating in 10.
What would be important to you? What would you pack? What would your home be made up of?
Make a nest you can sink into, a place in your
If you answered “the memories you make are all that’s left” you’d be among the vast majority of the population. So scale back to the necessities for existence - food, water, shelter and love. Make your house a home and a place to build memories.
them to move so you can become aware of them, learn from them, grow from them and let go of them - what can you keep close and expand, grow with love and connection.
home free of hassles where you can relax.
Express desires, fears and frustrations, allow
“All that matters are people and weather we walk away making them feel better or worse” - Unknown
Issue 1
Connect Why do it alone? Orange Hope is the seed that will produce an entirely new way of parenting that will focus you immediately on the results you want most. Are you seeking an ongoing support network that delivers direct to your inbox parenting and wellness transformation to use whenever you like at a price lower than most families spend a week on milk? Share Orange Hope’s unique parenting toolbox for body, mind and soul expanding success, creativity and understanding so it’s easier to get the results instantly. We believe the most amazing connection is made when parents have hope, remarkable results happen and it injects into family. Children magnify our behavior and model it to sense ultimate love and connection - If we want to be extraordinary parents we need more than just coping strategies we need great life strategies. Why? Because we promise to guide and support you through a journey of transformation so that you can become the best you, understand your child better and support and encourage their valuable growth and development - where you are more confident and positive. For a short time only, you will receive 4 BONUS months of inspiration absolutely F-ree as part of your membership! Because we want to touch-on knowledge already created for our other programs and products, to inspire you, to add value through knowledge, seeds and technique that access more families because we understand fantastic parenting skills are the best way to extend your exchange. Inspired Seeds delivers direct to your inbox resources you can use at a time convenient to you with a 100% money back guarantee and membership you can cancel at any time; Browse Australia’s best monthly parenting eMagazine ‘Inspired Seeds’ in hi resolution
View live webinar recordings and discover what's new and great in parenting and wellness
Download posters and gift cards to step into your vision of passionate parenting
Access Workbooks, Journals, Audios and more to support inspiration and guide process of transformation
With monthly delivery you will have plenty of time to practice all the techniques and add all those special touches that make your parenting journey inspiring. Tap into techniques today that work and continue your journey right now. What opportunities will open for you?
Issue 1
Inspired seeds M2
What to expect M2 to deliver; Scream Free Living – Strategies for listening Align your Spine – Portable ideas for relaxation Getting enough Sleep Affirmation tips and tricks From Disaster to Master – Righting your rhythm
Did you know? Your wellbeing is directly related to your physical health
Research has found taking time out - having a break is vital to your sense of wellbeing
14 The numbers of hour’s kids spend watching TV each week
TOO MUCH ON YOUR PLATE? In M2 we share a BONUS Tips for TIME webinar so you solve the problem of never having enough time. Remember, everything is once new but by learning a few simple steps you can inspire seeds, avoid the terrible times, solve a bunch of problems and connect to the results you want so that at the end of your day growth is easy and rewarding and you have all the time you need.
Less than 5% of babies will have a medical cause for their crying for the other 95% there is hope! PANDA
Download this FREE Poster today, you will discover the simple 5 step system to successfully strategize new ways to Stop, Connect and Grow. Stop all of the reasons of why you can’t get what you want and connect to the results you need. Grow and compound the success, change starts in a moment of decision, you move from all the reasons why you can’t and into the reasons why you can.
KIDS - FROM REASON TO RESULT ”When my baby didn’t sleep, I thought she just was just a bad sleeper because she needed more comfort than other babies now she sleeps through the night with all the comfort she needs” “Mealtimes are dreadful; they don’t like anything and never ate and now we sit together, enjoy each other’s company and have full stomachs” “Tantrums are gone” “Going out alone, you’ve got to be joking I’d need eyes in the back of my head, now I look forward to getting out and having fun, doing what needs to be done together- no surprises”
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Copyright Š 2012 by Theresa Haupt & Orange Hope Publishing Inc.
All rights reserved.
No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Any resemblance between persons described in this document and actual persons, living or dead, in unintentional. This document is not intended to replace appropriate diagnosis and/or treatment, when indicated, by a qualified mental health professional or physician.