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Editor’s Letter
The views expressed within this magazine are not representative of Royal Holloway, University of London, or Royal Holloway Student's Union, or any author/editor except the individual who wrote the particular article.
I am, by nature, a dweller. On the past – both things that have happened to me and decisions I have made. On the present – what I should do, what butterfly or domino effect these choices may result in. And on the future – that unknowable beast, shaped by factors both completely outside our control and entirely within it.
When does benign nostalgia dissolve into an unwillingness to leave the past in the past? When does careful consideration become decision paralysis? It’s a fine line, and one I have by no means mastered. Those who know me will tell you – I’m indecisive, and I’m an overthinker. I’m not steeped in the past, but with every decision I make I feel the weight of my future judgement upon my shoulders. I will always be an advocate of finding the balance of heart and mind in decision-making in theory, but at present, my tendency towards mindful consideration leads to nothing more than stalling. Intellectualising my choices will not make them immune to regret in the future.
The fact of the matter is, you can never know what will result from your choices. You never know what will lead to grief and heartache, and you never know whether you could’ve avoided these things. Reflection can be useful for self-discovery, but it will only get you so far.
It has been a great pleasure to edit
The Orbital during the 22/23 session. Reflecting back on the last year – achievement at the SPA awards, four full issues, our newly cohesive design style that made the magazine a recognisable staple – I feel nothing but proud of the work of everyone who has contributed towards a hugely successful ten months.
Hannah and I are also delighted to hand over editorship to two of this year's Editorial Board –and two good friends – Olivia Taylor and Beth McCowen. I simply cannot wait to see what they achieve. The magazine could not be in safer hands.
This is a small, final issue of articles that either fell between issue prompts, or were received after the last full issue of this academic year.
I hope you enjoy.