Terms j Agreement
Final counts a�e due seven (7) days prior to your event. The Fo�estview must be notified o� the number o� guests expected to attend your �unction. The final count is the guaranteed minimum that will be cha�ged �ega�dless o� attendance. I� your attendance is g�eater, you a�e �esponsible �or the total number attended and se��ed. All events require a minimum of 25 guests and billing will reflect that base.
Dep its
Bookings �equi�e the �ollowing deposits to secu�e your specific date and time o� your event - Up to 50 guests - $100, Up to 100 guests - $200, Over 100 guests $300. Rooms a�e not conside�ed booked until a deposit is �eceived.
All menu pricing (including written or quoted) is guaranteed �or cur�ent year. When planning a long term event, we �ese��e the right to inc�ease pricing to cur�ent years prices, due to inc�ease in �ood and labor prices. All events a�e subject to an 18% administrative Cha�ge, which o�fsets operating costs and �ees. The cha�ge is �or the administration o� the banquet and is not purpo�ted to be a gratuity and will not be distributed as gratuities to employees. The Fo�estview does not cha�ge a gratuity or se��ice cha�ge �or its events. The cha�ge is based on the total cost o� the event, including additional event se��ices, and is subjected to state sales tax, which in New Yo�k State is cur�ently 8.75%.
Canceations Payment
In the event o� a cancellation, deposits a�e non-�e�undable.
Final payment must be made in �ull prior to the day o� your �unction. All payments a�e to be made in cash or check. I� paying by check, payments a�e to be made one week prior to event. For tax exempt o�ganizations, Tax exempt ce�tificates must be handed in prior to the day o� the event. Payments must be made with a check that matches the name o� the tax exempt o�ganization. C�edit ca�d payments will have an additional 3% p�ocessor �ee on total bill.
General Rules d Policies
1. The Fo�estview �ese��es the right to cont�ol and inspect all private �unctions. The�e can be no �ood or beverage b�ought into The Fo�estview �or consumption on p�emises (with exceptions o� cakes, wedding or pa�ty cakes, cookies or specific pastries) without authorization by Fo�estview Management. No alcoholic beverages a�e permitted to be b�ought into the banquet �oom ��om outside sou�ces.
2. Bar packages do not include se��ing o� alcohol shots. We do not se��e shots in the banquet �oom and we �ese��e the right to �e�use alcohol to anyone �or the sa�ety o� all guests.
3. All Vendor (DJ, bakers, �lorists) set up and deliveries must be made the day o� the event. All items must be �emoved the night o� the event. Any �avors or gi�ts must be b�ought in the day o� event with specific handwritten inst�uctions. Fo�estview is not �esponsible �or lost, stolen or misplaced items.
4. Host o� event must obtain management app�oval �or any decorations, table centerpieces, etc…No con�etti, bubbles, or rice a�e allowed. Host may have access to banquet �oom 1-2 hours prior to event to place �avors, gi�ts, etc..
5. Vendors such as bands, music, or DJ must end at the same time as your bar. I� you extend your bar, you must extend your music. Fo�estview �ese��es the right to cont�ol music volume. I� you extend your bar, it is based on the total number o� guests, not how many guests a�e �emaining.
6. Specific ent�ees selected by guests must be p�ovided in a seating cha�t to ensu�e p�oper se��ice.
7. A�ternoon and morning �unctions have the use o� the �oom until 3:00pm. 8. We �ese��e the right to alter or substitute �ooms in the event that total number o� guests d�ops considerable below original estimate.
9. The�e is a �oom �ental �ee o� $325 i� not o�dering any �ood or drinks. I� a custom menu is designated the�e is a minimum �oom expenditu�e o� $325 �equi�ed.
4781 Transit Road • Depew, NY • �o�estview�estaurant.com 2.