Seeking to counter the effects of lost membership during and after COVID-19, Myrtle Beach Lodge #2662 decided to hold an aggressive Membership Drive last April. Using their own building—complete with a dining room, bar, kitchen, and bocce courts—to promote the lodge, members launched an advertising campaign utilizing as many etc.— were served buffet style, and free resources as possible. at least one long-term member was A four-person Membership Com- seated at each table. A silent video mittee placed announcements on highlighting the lodge’s many activiCraigslist, put flyers on bulletin boards ties looped on a large television. Each in neighborhood amenity centers, table had a small photo album showposted on their Facebook page and ing lodge members at work and play.
On May 15, 2021, Grand Lodge of the Northwest Immediate State Past President Rosetta Stella Beyersdorf and Jeff D’Amelio were honored with The Rosellini Award, which is presented at the Grand Lodge of the Northwest Convention every two years. The award is named for Governor Rosellini, who served the State of Washington as its 15th Governor from January 14, 1957 – January 13, 1965. He remains the only Italian American to serve in this position.
website, and put weekly announcements on NextDoor.com (a free nationwide social networking service for individual neighborhoods in which posts made to the website are available only to other NextDoor members living in the same neighborhood). They also posted to numerous Myrtle Beachbased websites such as the Chamber of Commerce, local event calendars, etc. The only paid advertising included a $60 Facebook boost for local users and $400 to run several ads in the local newspaper the week of the event. On the day of the Membership Drive, members greeted each visitor and showed them around the building and grounds. Heavy hors d’oeuvres— wings, meatballs, sausages & peppers,
After all attendees had an opportunity to eat, visit, and ask questions, a brief presentation was given. First, the Order Sons and Daughters of Italy in America’s video about the Order’s history—Triumphant Journey—was shown. Then members were assigned to speak briefly about lodge activities and benefits—such as weekly dinners and pasta nights, bocce/dart/golf leagues, fundraising tournaments, special events, and the local and national charities the lodge supports. The event lasted two hours, and by the end of the evening, nearly every visitor in attendance had signed up … 44 new members in one day! In addition to that, about two-dozen people in the following two months came in to join, saying their friends had been in attendance and recommended that they sign up, too. Thanks to the hard work of the Membership Committee and the participation of many volunteers, the Myrtle Beach Lodge gained about 70 new members and surpassed its pre-pandemic numbers!
Myrtle Beach Lodge members host nearly fifty visitors (and now-members) at their Membership Drive last April. FALL 2021
The Rosellini Award was created in 2011 by now-OSDIA National 5th Vice President Tony Anderson. Its very first recipient was John Croce.
Rosetta Stella Beyersdorf and Jeff D’Amelio proudly hold their awards at the Grand Lodge of the Northwest Convention. Have you or your lodge done something remarkable that makes a difference to your community or promotes our heritage and Italian studies? If so, send details including your lodge’s name/ number, a brief write-up, and digital photos of 300 dpi to Editor Miles Fisher at mfisher@osia.org ITALIAN AMERICA