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Foundation Focus
The Foundation Focus By Joseph Sciame, President
While we have all been persevering and doing our best as we try to return to normal, I am very happy to report to you some positive news. Al though the Sons of Italy Foundation (SIF) was not able to hold its 32 nd Annual National Education & Leadership Awards (NELA) Gala, we were still able to award our an nual scholarships to ten standout students—some of the most promising that our heritage has to offer. Please take some time to get to know them on page 3 of this issue.
In addition to awarding nearly $70,000 in scholarships during the onset of COVID-19, the SIF also donated yet another van to a military veteran through Help Our Mili tary Heroes. As you will read in the very moving article below, this is the seventh van we have donated—a proud example of where donations to the Sons of Italy Founda tion have been going.
Speaking of donations, I am happy to report that despite these trying times, the SIF Direct Mail Program
This year, the Sons of Italy Foundation (SIF) proudly presented another donation of $20,000 to Help Our Military Heroes (HOMH)—a non-profit organization dedicated to providing fully equipped, adaptive minivans to our country’s most severely wounded, injured, and ill service men and women who sustained their injuries while on active duty.
This year’s donation marks the sixth time in seven years that the SIF has donated at least $20,000 to HOMH. The donation provided a minivan grant for USArmy Col Philip Lee Swinford (ret.), who is an Incomplete Quadriplegic suf
has been doing very well. We have received thousands of donations from donors across the country who wish to support our causes—such as awarding scholarships and helping military veterans—which reflect so highly on our Italian heritage. Giving in the time of difficulty is one of the most beautiful things to see. As the SIF continues to do so at the national level and its donors continue to do so on the individual level, I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge the numerous lodges doing so at the local level. I am so proud of the stories that appear in this issue’s OSDIA Nation section, and of course, I am proud to be a member of one of those lodges!
As we fight to get on the other side of what our great nation has been experiencing, I urge you to continue giving to those in need. No amount of your effort, your time, or your money is too small, as even a small amount
Sons of Italy Foundation Donates Van to USArmy Veteran
can do wonders to raise the morale of those around you.
USArmy Col Philip Lee Swinford (ret.) with his family and the modified van donated to him by the SIF.
fering from Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) due to IEDs on multiple deployments. Prior to COVID-19, he was using the van for things like traveling to Medstar National Rehabilitation Hospital and going out to dinner with his wife. “If I didn’t have a modified van,” Col Swinford said, “I would be stuck at home, relying on a taxi service to get around.”
HOMH was co-founded in 2009 by Laurie (née Serric chio) and Ted Hollander and Marybeth Vandergrift. They have provided 141 adaptive minivans to veterans. Seven of those have been donated by the Sons of Italy Founda tion. “They don’t have to give, but they do give,” Col. Swinford said, referring to the members of the Order Sons and Daughters of Italy in America. “And that is a huge benefit for me and, more importantly, other veterans like me.” Col Swinford with HOMH Co-Founder Ted Hollander.