2 minute read
Fighting Stereotypes
The CSJ Perspective By Robert M. Ferrito, President I hope everyone has kept safe through these difficult times and will continue to do so as things open back up and we slowly return to normalcy. The repercussions that Italian Americans, in particular, have suffered during these times have been quite disheartening, as I’m sure you agree. The at tacks launched on Columbus statues across the United States have targeted both our nation’s rich history and our ethnicity.
We will not stay silent in the face of these attacks and the injustice being ultimately done to Italian Americans!
There are several ways we are mobilizing to protect and preserve our heritage, and we hope that you will join us in these efforts.
T rget Public Offici ls
We are targeting public officials—from state representatives to mayors and city councils—who oversee jurisdictions where Columbus statues have been vandalized or are being threatened with removal. Putting pressure on them is of the utmost importance. We must prevent them from capitulating to those who attack and seek to destroy our heritage.
Follow us on Facebook—the Commission for Social Justice—where Call-to-Action notices will be posted. Also, please alert us if your area’s Columbus statue is under at tack and include contact information for the public officials who should be contacted.
M ke the V nd lism f C lumbus St tues H te Crime It is time to call the vandalism of Columbus statues what it is: A hate crime against Italian Americans. With the leadership of John A. Fratta and the New York State Commission for Social Justice, we have launched a petition to make the vandalism of Columbus Statues a hate crime.
To sign the petition, visit www.change.org. Click on the magnifying glass in the top right and then type “Make van dalism of a Columbus Statue a hate crime” into the search box. This will take you to the petition that you can sign.
Eng ge Medi Outlets
Because the media, for better or worse, has such an effect on public perception, we have engaged a media relations specialist to broaden our reach. Our letters and information to educate the public on the true history of Columbus will now be disseminated to a wider audience.
Broadening our reach has been made possible, in part, by the donations we have received. Please consider mak ing a donation of your own using the donation slip below.
Through these means, we stand united with ItalianAmerican organizations across the country and urge you to take up the cause. We at the Commission for Social Justice are defending history and heritage as strongly as we can, but the only way we will triumph is through the collective action of all Italian Americans.
Sempre Avanti!
YES! I would like to help defend our Columbus Statues.
Please accept my tax-deductible donation to support the Commission for Social Justice’s mission.
To donate online, visit www.osia.org/csj To donate by phone, call the National Office at (202) 547-2900
Charge my credit card for the total amount of: $10 $25 $50 $100 $
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My check for the total amount of $ is enclosed. (Please make check payable to the “Commission for Social Justice”)