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Foundation Focus

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OSDIA Nation

OSDIA Nation

The Foundation Focus

By Joseph Sciame, President


In times such as these, Order Sons and Daughters of Italy in America (OSDIA) members can be really proud of the Sons of Italy Foundation (SIF) accomplishments in 2021. Our efforts for Giving Tuesday were amazing and bode well for the future, for we are a generous people who give back just as our beloved parents and grandparents did.

As we enter the New Year, the deadline for national scholarship applications—February 28—is nearing (see Page 14), and we look forward to presenting them to another inspirational group of students at our 33rd Annual National Education & Leadership Awards (NELA) Gala this May. Details for NELA are in the formative stages, but we are hoping for and working toward an in-person event.

This year, the SIF will be donating yet another modified van to a wounded veteran through Help Our Military Heroes. Please continue to support our mission to help our nation’s veterans with a donation to the SIF. You can even sponsor a veteran’s attendance at our NELA gala in May!

Once again, our hats are off to those who have established scholarship legacies. These endowments create perpetual scholarships. This can be accomplished by seeking the advice of accountants and tax return preparers. In the months ahead, you will hear more about “Legacy Giving” and how you can make a difference. In making arrangements for your estate, remember the OSDIA and SIF!

This is what Antonio Forcellini, a late OSDIA member, did when he set up his will and designated $100,000 in

Bellissime Italian Notecards!

The Grand Lodge of the Northwest is selling beautifully designed Italian Notecards. Each card is hand-drawn by one of our own members, artist Kathi Butorac. There are two options to choose from. All proceeds go to the National Charities of The Order Sons and Daughters of Italy in America. We would love your support!

To order a set of Italian Notecards, visit https://grandlodge-of-the-northwest.square.site/ unrestricted funds to be bequeathed to the SIF. Because they are unrestricted, we can and will propose at the next SIF Board of Trustees meeting that a special fund be established in his name for the purpose of funding Italian heritage-related grant requests that the SIF receives and/ or special future SIF projects. We have never been able to enjoy such funding, and it will certainly assist us in perpetuity. May Mr. Forcellini rest in peace knowing that his contribution will support Italian heritage for many years to come.

We can never forget what we continue to do biannually for our three National Charities: The Cooley’s Anemia Foundation, The Alzheimer’s Association, and The Doug Flutie, Jr. Foundation for Autism, Inc. COVID-19 did not thwart us (see Page 8), for we were able to raise $110,000 in total for all three charities! Despite the hurdles and challenges, YOU did it through your individual contributions and through the collective efforts of your Local Lodges and Grand Lodges. As we close out what can be considered a grand year for our Sons of Italy Foundation, I want to remind everyone to be as generous as possible when responding to the regular mailings from our mail order program. Every dollar helps, and whether it is the beautiful SIF calendar, a tote bag, a notepad, an ornament, or a set of address labels, please help us keep the momentum going by contributing regularly.

May the year ahead be a blessing for each of us as we pave new roads in our journey of generosity. For indeed, we are living a continued legacy of giving!

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