NELA Gala Journal 2013

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N a t i o n a l L e a d e r s h i p


May 23, 2013


E d u c a t i o n Aw a r d s


G a l a

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Washington, D.C.

Franco Nuschese and the Georgetown Entertainment Group Are Proud to be Associated With the Excellent Work of the Sons of Italy and The Sons of Italy Foundation b

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The Sons of Italy Foundation 25th Anniversary National Education & Leadership Awards Gala

M ay 23, 2013 G T he N ational B uilding M useum G W ashington , D.C.

Table of Contents

A Proclamation from President Barack Obama. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Greetings from Speaker of the House John Boehner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Welcome from the Sons of Italy Foundation (SIF). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Special Auction of SRT Viper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 The 2013 SIF NELA Gala Menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 The 2013 SIF NELA Gala Program. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 SIF Honoree Robert F. Corrao. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 SIF Honoree Sergio Marchionne. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Wounded Warrior Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 SIF Honoree General Colin L. Powell, USA (Ret.). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 The Gary Sinise Foundation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 SIF Honoree Gary Sinise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 The 2013 National Leadership Grant Recipients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Where Are They Now? Profiles of Past Grant Recipients. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 The 2013 Sons of Italy Foundation Scholarship Sponsors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Special Guest Presenter General Raymond Odierno . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Sons of Italy Foundation CEO Philip R. Piccigallo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Featured Performer: Nova Y. Payton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 National Anthems: Maria Fassio Pignati. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 The 2013 SIF Gala Master of Ceremonies Joe Mantegna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Grand Finale& Featured Performer: Michael Amante. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 The Sons of Italy Foundation & Its Mission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 “Promises Fulfilled” by Philip R. Piccigallo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Highlights from Past NELAs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 In Memoriam: Annette Funicello. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 SIF Past Honorees (2012-1989). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 The SIF Staff and Volunteers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 The SIF Board and Committees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 The Order Sons of Italy in America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 The Sons of Italy Commission for Social Justice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 A Special Thanks: Votto Vines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 The Sons of Italy Foundation Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 The 2013 NELA Sponsors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 The U.S. Armed Forces Medley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 The 2013 Sons of Italy Auction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48


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Presidential Proclamation -- Columbus Day, 2012 BY THE P RE S IDE NT OF T H E U N I T E D S TAT E S OF AME RI CA

A Proclamation

As dawn broke over the Atlantic on October 12, 1492, a perilous 10-week journey across an ocean gave way to encounters and events that would dramatically shape the course of history. Today, we recall the courage and the innovative spirit that carried Christopher Columbus and his crew from a Spanish port to North America, and we celebrate our heritage as a people born of many histories and traditions. When the explorers laid anchor in the Bahamas, they met indigenous peoples who had inhabited the Western hemisphere for millennia. As we reflect on the tragic burdens tribal communities bore in the years that followed, let us commemorate the many contributions they have made to the American experience, and let us continue to strengthen the ties that bind us today. In the centuries since that fateful October day in 1492, countless pioneering Americans have summoned the same spirit of discovery that drove Christopher Columbus when he cast off from Palos, Spain, to pursue the unknown. Engineers and entrepreneurs, sailors and scientists, explorers of the physical world and chroniclers of the human spirit -- all have worked to broaden our understanding of the time and space we live in and who we are as a people. On this 520th anniversary of Columbus’s expedition to the West, let us press forward with renewed determination toward tomorrow’s new frontiers. As a native of Genoa, Italy, Christopher Columbus also inspired generations of Italian immigrants to follow in his footsteps. Today, we take time to celebrate the innumerable contributions that generations of Italian Americans have made to our country. Throughout 2013, Italy will also commemorate this rich heritage and the enduring bonds between our countries with the Year of Italian Culture in the United States, which Americans will join in celebrating. In commemoration of Christopher Columbus’s historic voyage 520 years ago, the Congress, by joint resolution of April 30, 1934, and modified in 1968 (36 U.S.C. 107), as amended, has requested the President proclaim the second Monday of October of each year as “Columbus Day.” NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim October 8, 2012, as Columbus Day. I call upon the people of the United States to observe this day with appropriate ceremonies and activities. I also direct that the flag of the United States be displayed on all public buildings on the appointed day in honor of our diverse history and all who have contributed to shaping this Nation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this fifth day of October, in the year of our Lord two thousand twelve, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-seventh.


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From The Sons of Italy Foundation Leadership

Joseph DiTrapani, Chairman

Vincent Sarno, President

Tonight, as we celebrate the 25th Silver Anniversary of our National Education & Leadership Awards (NELA) Gala, we cannot help be profoundly moved by how far we have come as a national organization dedicated to fraternity and motivated by philanthropy. Twenty five years ago we had no annual event in Washington, D.C. We did not conduct a national fundraising gala that attracted distinguished honorees, special guests, notable speakers and financial sponsors from our own nation and the world. Nor was our national Sons of Italy Foundation the dynamic and well-known institution it is today. We had raised and given money for important causes from its establishment in 1959 but there was no national forum that revealed the organization’s impressive record of philanthropy and generosity. Over the past twenty five years, both the SIF and its NELA Gala have grown substantially and simultaneously. The Gala itself has raised in excess of $30 million; the SIF’s total giving has risen to $125 million. Now U.S. presidents, secretaries of state, speakers of the House, governors, foreign presidents, ambassadors, corporate titans, military leaders and global celebrities join us each spring to salute the Sons of Italy and its Foundation. All told, a truly amazing accomplishment. Thank you for coming here this evening to celebrate our Silver Anniversary with us.


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“The Sons of Italy Foundation sincerely thanks Sergio Marchionne and Chrysler Group LLC for their generous donation of this specially-prepared American-build supercar, the 2013 SRT Viper, which will be auctioned at a future date, and all proceeds will be applied to the SIF’s philanthropic programs.”


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Th e S on s Of I t a l y F o u n d a t io n

2 5 t h A n n i v e r s ary NELA Gal a

M ay 23, 2013 G T he N ational B uilding M useum G W ashington , D.C.


Ho r s d ’ Oe u v r e s Charred Lamb and Fig Chutney in a Phyllo Cup Skewered Sweet and Sour Glazed Shrimp Taleggio Polenta Tartlet with Seasoned Tomatoes and Micro Basil Vegetarian Summer Roll

Salad Strawberry, Baby Spinach, Crisp Julienne Endive, Toasted Almond with a

Local Blue Cheese Vinaigrette Gourmet Bread Display with


Entrée Sliced Roasted Filet of Beef with

Chanterelle Ragout, Pinot Noir Glaze, Parsnip

& Yukon Gold Potato Mash, Herb Roasted Spring Vegetables

V E GE TARI AN E N T RÉ E Herb Leek Quinoa Stuffed Yellow Pepper on

Wilted Spinach

Th is E v e n in g ’ s F e a t u r e d Win e s Banfi Centine Bianco 2011 Banfi Rosso di Toscana 2010

De s s e rt Blueberry Mousse Cheese Cake, Candied Pistachio

F resh Ro a s t e d Co f f e e The wines served at this evening’s receptions were provided by Franco Nuschese and Banfi Vintners. 6

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Th e S on s Of I t a l y F o u n d a t io n 25th An n iversa ry Na t ion a l E d u c a t io n & L e a d e r s h ip Awa r d s Gal a T hursday , M ay 23, 2013GT he N ational B uilding M useum GW ashington , D.C.


Presentation of the Colors D.C. Metropolitan Police Department Ceremonial Honor Guard “Fratelli d’Italia” Maria Fassio Pignati “The Star Spangled Banner” President, Grand Lodge of California, Order Sons of Italy in America

Invocation Rev. Adam Forno National Chaplain, Order Sons of Italy in America Special Presentation The Sons of Italy Foundation: A Triumphant Journey Welcome Joe Mantegna Master of Ceremonies 2013 SIF National Scholarship Presentations

Special Scholarship Presentation General Raymond T. Odierno Chief of Staff, United States Army Dinner Served

Greetings Joseph J. DiTrapani National President, Order Sons of Italy in America Chairman, Sons of Italy Foundation 2013 SIF Award for Gary Sinise Courage & Patriotism Founder, Gary Sinise Foundation Actor, Activist on behalf of Disabled Veterans Presented by: General Peter Pace, USMC (Ret.) 2012 SIF Special Award for Courage & Patriotism Honoree 16th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Stafff 2013 SIF National Education Robert F. Corrao & Leadership Award Chairman & CEO, Ski TV Network Presented by: Dr. Anthony S. Fauci 1992 SIF National Education & Leadership Award Honoree Director, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at NIH

Musical Interlude Nova Y. Payton

2013 SIF Lifetime Achievement Award General Colin L. Powell, USA (Ret.) for Public Service 65th U.S. Secretary of State 12th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Presented by: Sen. Jack Reed (RI) 2011 SIF Lifetime Achievement Award for Public Service Honoree 2013 SIF Award for Excellence Sergio Marchionne in Global Business Chairman & CEO, Chrysler Group LLC CEO, Fiat S.p.A. Introduced by: Philip R. Piccigallo, Ph.D., CEO/National Executive Director, Sons of Italy Foundation Presented by: Joseph J. DiTrapani, Chairman, Sons of Italy Foundation Vincent Sarno, President, Sons of Italy Foundation Grand Finale: Salute to the Michael Amante United States Armed Forces Tenor 7

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Robert F. Corrao


Robert F. Corrao is currently chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Ski TV Network. Ski TV is the ski world’s first and only High Definition out-of-home TV network. Formerly, as chairman and owner of Sports Impact, Inc., a sports publishing corporation, he worked directly with the teams and players of the National Basketball Association and the National Hockey League for 30 years. He grew up in NY, received his BA degree from the University of Notre Dame and his MBA degree from UCLA and Adelphi University. Bob’s family background is quite similar to our group of OSIA members. His father, Joseph was born in Partinico, Sicily and came to America in 1917. Joseph had to wait several years to come to America as his father had come over earlier, as was the custom, to find work and save enough money to bring in the family from Italy. In America, Bob Corrao’s father worked in the furniture business but music was his first love and he eventually played first violin for both the NY Philharmonic and NY Symphony until the start of World War II. Bob’s mother’s family was from Rome and Napoli, but she was born in Brooklyn. Annette LaRocca eventually became known as the “Little Democrat” because she was the personal secretary for another famous Italian-American, Fiorello LaGuardia. As proud Italian Americans, the Corrao family worked hard to send their son, Robert, and daughter, Adrienne to college. It was a proud moment for “Joe” Corrao and his brothers, (all members of OSIA), as well as his sisters, cousins, and other relatives when Bob became the first member of the Corrao family to earn a college degree. Bob Corrao has been married to Margaret “Peggy” for 47 years. They have four children: Robert, Jr. (Notre Dame 1994), Katherine, Jennifer and Christopher. As part of Peggy and Bob’s family tradition, all the children spent one year studying in Italy. Robert Jr. and Katherine studied at the St. Mary’s/Notre Dame program in Rome, Jennifer at the University of Siena and Christopher at John Cabot University in Rome. Today, Peggy and Bob live on the beautiful island of Bermuda. 8

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Sergio Marchionne

Ch a irma n & CE O, Ch ry s l e r Gr o u p L L C. Ch ief E xec u t iv e Of f ic e r , F ia t S .p .A. THE 2013 SONS OF ITALY FOUNDATION AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN GLOBAL BUSINESS

Sergio Marchionne holds many posts: Chairman and CEO of Chrysler Group LLC; CEO of Fiat S.p.A.; and Chairman of Fiat Industrial S.p.A. and CNH Global N.V. As the head of Fiat S.p.A.’s 20-member Group Executive Council, he leads the highest executive decision-making body in Fiat after its Board of Directors. It is responsible for reviewing the operating performance of the businesses; setting performance targets; making key strategic decisions and investments for the Group; and sharing best practices, including the development and deployment of key human resources. Marchionne is a barrister, solicitor and chartered accountant. He earned a Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in philosophy and a minor in economics from Canada’s University of Toronto and a Bachelor of Laws from Osgoode Hall Law School at York University also in Toronto. He also holds a Master of Business Administration and a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Windsor (Canada). He began his career in 1983 as an accountant and tax specialist with Deloitte & Touche. After holding a series of executive positions of increasing responsibility for 20 years, he became a member of the Fiat S.p.A. board in 2003. The following year, he became CEO of the company. In 2009, he became CEO of the newly formed Chrysler Group LLC and two years later became its chairman as well, leading the Company to profitability. Marchionne received an honorary Doctor of Laws from the University of Windsor and an honorary Doctor of Business Administration from the University of Toledo in Ohio. He also has a Masters honoris causa from the CUOA Foundation in Italy; a degree ad honorem in Economics from the University of Cassino in Italy; and a degree ad honorem in Industrial Engineering and Management from the Polytechnic University in Turin, Italy. Marchionne also holds the honor of Cavaliere del Lavoro from the Republic of Italy. He was born in Chieti, Italy, and raised in Canada, allowing him dual Canadian and Italian citizenship.


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Wounded Warrior Project


“Th e grea t est c a s u a l t y is b e in g f o r g o t t e n ® ” Wounded Warrior Project® (WWP) exists to foster the most successful, welladjusted generation of wounded service members in our nation’s history. With a mission to honor and empower Wounded Warriors, WWP raises awareness and enlists the public’s aid for the needs of injured service members; helps injured servicemen and women aid and assist each other; and provides unique, direct programs and services to meet their needs. Wounded Warrior Project began when several veterans and friends, moved by stories of the first wounded service members returning home from Afghanistan and Iraq, took action to help others in need. What started as a desire to provide comfort items to wounded service members at Walter Reed Army Medical Center has grown into a holistic rehabilitative effort to assist warriors with visible and invisible wounds as they recover and transition back to civilian life. Tens of thousands of Wounded Warriors, family members, and caregivers receive support each year through WWP programs. Our 18 programs are specifically structured to engage warriors, nurture their minds and bodies, and encourage their economic empowerment. Warrior families and caregivers are provided comfort, care, and education to help support the recovery of their Wounded Warriors. All programs are provided free of charge for warriors and their families. G et I nvolved

When you support Wounded Warrior Project, you’re supporting an organization whose broad appeal reaches across demographic, geographic, and political boundaries. WWP is an apolitical organization by design – it’s not about the war; it’s about the warrior. We offer a variety of ways to get involved and help support our nation’s heroes and their families. Every little bit helps, and your support can take many forms from spreading the word about the needs of injured veterans to joining our monthly giving program. To learn more, visit


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General Colin L. Powell, USA (Retired) 12 T H



The son of Jamaican immigrants, General Colin L. Powell was born in Harlem; educated in New York City public schools and attended the City College of New York where he earned a B.S. in Geology. After he joined the Army ROTC program at college, he was commissioned as an Army second lieutenant in 1958 where he served for 35 years, retiring as a four-star general. He then launched a second career in public service, serving as President Ronald Reagan’s National Security Advisor; Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff for both President George H.W. Bush and for President Bill Clinton and, under President George W. Bush, the 65th Secretary of State. Among his many U.S. military awards and decorations, he holds the Defense Distinguished Service Medal (with 3 Oak Leaf Clusters), the Army Distinguished Service Medal (with Oak Leaf Cluster), a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart. His civil awards include two Presidential Medals of Freedom, the Congressional Gold Medal and the Secretary of Energy Distinguished Service Medal and awards from over two-dozen countries. General Powell is the founder of the Colin L. Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership at his alma mater, the City College of New York. The School will stand alongside the Sophie Davis School of Biomedical Education, the Bernard and Anne Spitzer School of Architecture and the Grove School of Engineering as CCNY’s premier, named schools. He also is founder and Chairman Emeritus of the America’s Promise Alliance, dedicated to helping children succeed. Currently Powell is a strategic limited partner at Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, the renowned Silicon Valley venture capital firm, and serves on a number of boards that promote education and leadership. He also serves on the board of the Smithsonian Institute’s African American Museum of History and Culture. His autobiography, My American Journey, was a best seller and has been published in more than a dozen different languages. Powell’s second book, the best seller, It Worked for Me, reveals the lessons that shaped his life and career. Powell is married to the former Alma Vivian Johnson of Birmingham, Alabama. They live in McLean, Virginia and have three children and four grandchildren. 11

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A tireless supporter of our troops, veterans, first responders and others for over 30 years, Gary Sinise wanted to do even more. Greatly affected by 9/11 and faced with a new reality about the world in which we now live, soon after the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, Sinise immediately stepped in to help by volunteering his time with the USO. CHALLENGE

Known world-side as an actor, musician and star of the hit television series, CSI: NY, Sinise desired to scale up his own personal efforts and raise additional funds and awareness for his passion of helping our troops, veterans, first responders and others. With many in his family having a military background, this was very personal and yet very public. SOLUTION

The Gary Sinise Foundation brand is respectful of, inspired by, and reminiscent of the audience it supports. At once strong, proud and uniquely American, the brand logo is comprised of an eagle with uplifted wings, rising, ringed by three stars. The eagle is a symbol of our country and those who serve it. The eagle’s outstretched wings signify helping others. The trinity of stars represents Serving, Honor and Need, the foundation’s tagline. A robust website, with numerous content areas, full social media integration, branded merchandise and personalized donation options presents the foundation’s online presence, a fitting working tribute to the sacrifices made by so many. Launched with great fanfare at the National Press Club in Washington D.C. and coupled with a national press tour by Gary Sinise, the foundation is off to a fantastic start—reflective of the founder’s passion.


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Gary Sinise

Acto r a n d Activ ist & F o u n d e r o f t h e Ga ry S in is e F o u n d a t io n THE 2013 SONS OF ITALY FOUNDATION AWARD FOR COURAGE & PATRIOTISM

For over thirty years, Gary Sinise’s dedication to our nation’s active duty defenders, veterans and first responders has become a tireless crusade of support, service and gratitude to all those who serve and protect America. His portrayal of Lt. Dan Taylor in the landmark film Forrest Gump formed an enduring connection with servicemen and women throughout the military community. After embarking on USO handshake tours in 2003, Sinise formed the “Lt. Dan Band” which now performs nearly 50 concerts a year for military bases, charities and fundraisers. Sinise serves as spokesperson for the Disabled American Veterans and the American Veterans Disabled for Life Memorial Foundation, and was instrumental in the fundraising efforts of the Pentagon Memorial in Washington, D.C. and The Brooklyn Wall of Remembrance in NYC. He also serves on the board of directors for Snowball Express, executive council for The Medal of Honor Foundation and the USO, and is an advisory board member for Hope for the Warriors. Among his many awards, Sinise has received the Bob Hope Award for Excellence in Entertainment from the Medal of Honor Society, the Presidential Citizens Medal, the Department of Defense’s Spirit of Hope Award, and was named an honorary Chief Petty Officer by the Navy. In 2013, he received the Civic Statesmanship Award from the United States Former Members of Congress and the Easter Seals Advocacy Award. In June 2011, Sinise launched the Gary Sinise Foundation ( as an extension of his individual efforts. Its mission is to serve and honor our nation’s defenders, veterans, first responders, their families and those in need by creating and supporting unique programs designed to entertain, educate, inspire, strengthen and build communities. For more information, please visit “Freedom and security are precious gifts that we, as Americans, should never take for granted,” says Sinise. “We must do all we can to extend our hand in times of need to those who willingly sacrifice each day to provide that freedom and security. While we can never do enough to show our gratitude to our nation’s defenders, we can always do a little more.”


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The 2013 SIF National Leadership Grant Recipients ADRIENNE VISANI

The Frank D. Privitera Family Scholarship Hometown: Denver, CO School: University of Southern California – Los Angeles, CA • University of Southern California Trustee Scholar; National Merit Scholar; U.S. Presidential Scholars candidate • Volunteered with Schools for the Children of the World; helped build schools and assessed special needs children in Honduras • Currently a research assistant at the Laboratory for Neurometric Research at USC’s Department of Psychology

MIA DIRIENZO The Italian Language Scholarship Hometown: Wexford, PA School: Ohio State University-Columbus, OH • A double major in Italian and Music (vocal performance) with a minor in Psychology • Serves as Trustee and Youth Outreach Coordinator for Columbus Order Sons of Italy Scoprimento Lodge #2599 • Plans to enter Master’s Program for Middle Childhood Education at Ohio State in 2014

CHRISTOPHER PAGLIARELLA The National Italian Bar Association/Sons of Italy Foundation Scholarship Hometown: Seymour, CT School: Yale Law School-New Haven, CT Undergraduate Degree from Yale University-New Haven, CT • Graduated magna cum laude from Yale University with a double major in Political Science and African American Studies • As a 2010 Yale President’s Public Service Fellow, designed and taught a free SAT curriculum for underprivileged New Haven students, raising participating students’ scores an average of 360 points • Post-graduation, has worked as a Management Associate at Bridgewater Associates, America’s largest hedge fund

HARRISON BALISTRERI The Frank J. DeSantis Scholarship Hometown: Hartland, WI School: Yale University-New Haven, CT • Earned the rank of Eagle Scout and ran a financial education seminar for underprivileged youth in the Milwaukee public high schools as an Eagle Scout Project • Initiated and organized book drive for urban Milwaukee charter school • Elected class president both junior and senior years and is captain of high school golf team.

ELIZABETH GACCIONE The Henry F. Salvatori Memorial Scholarship Hometown: Groton, CT School: Brown University-Providence, RI • Volunteered in Nicaragua assisting with orphanage construction and volunteering with disabled children through Mustard Seed Communities • Co-founded two charity drives at her school, Operation Gratitude: Trick or Treat for Troops; and the Empty Bowls Hunger Drive • Captain of high school Mock Trial and Cross Country teams and President of the Ambassador Club


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DONATA SECONDO The Banfi Educational Scholarship for a Finer Wine World Hometown: New York, NY School: The London School of Economics-London, England Undergraduate Degree from Brown University-Providence, RI • Graduated magna cum laude with a Bachelor’s Degree in International Development Studies from Brown University in 2010 • Post-graduation has worked to bring participatory budgeting; a practice The New York Times calls “revolutionary civics in action” to the U.S. Her work on the subject has been published in Social Policy Magazine and the Journal of Public Deliberation • Currently volunteering in Ollantaytambo, Peru for Awamaki, an organization that helps impoverished women find new income-generating opportunities

ADAM ZUFALL The Charles Evans Scholarship Hometown: Redding, CA School: University of California at Davis-Davis, CA • Attained rank of Eagle Scout through the Boy Scouts of America. • An AP Scholar with Distinction; scored perfect 5’s on all tests taken • A jazz and concert trombonist, has performed in multiple musicals and events. A member of the Shasta Jazz Ambassadors, has scored “Superior” at numerous Solo & Ensemble Festivals

RAYMOND BARTOLUCCI The 2013 National Education & Leadership Grant Hometown: Poughkeepsie, NY School: Princeton University-Princeton, NJ • National Merit Finalist; AP Scholar with Distinction; and Class Valedictorian • Eagle Scout with bronze and gold palms, 2010 Northeast Region National Eagle Scout Project of the Year award winner • Double bassist with the Vassar College Jazz Ensemble and Symphony Orchestra

LCPL DUSTIN SARGO, U.S. Marine Corps The Wounded Warriors Project/Sons of Italy Foundation Scholarship Hometown: Pittsburgh, PA School: Slippery Rock University-Slippery Rock, PA • Enlisted in the United States Marine Corps in 2007; deployed to Iraq for seven months • Was later deployed to Afghanistan in 2010 where his vehicle was hit by an IED (Improvised Explosive Device). Sustained injuries that included five broken bones in his right foot and a fractured fibula in his left leg • After multiple surgeries and intense physical therapy, he was released and honorably discharged from the United States Marine Corps in June 2011. In the fall of 2013, he will attend Slippery Rock University to major in Safety Management.

THE CHARLES EVANS SCHOLARSHIP For the fourth year, the Sons of Italy Foundation (SIF) is proud to award The Charles Evans Scholarship, a perpetual scholarship funded by an endowment from the Charles Evans Foundation. A successful businessman, U.S. veteran, and philanthropist, Charles Evans co-founded the fashion house Evan-Picone and was executive producer of the Academy Award-winning film, “Tootsie.”

Charles Evans (1926-2007) 15

Mr. Evans crusaded for causes close to his heart, namely fire detection safety and Alzheimer’s disease research, and served as national director of the Alzheimer’s Association. The SIF is grateful to the Charles Evans Foundation for making this perpetual scholarship possible. Th e S on s of Italy Foundati on

Where Are They Now?

Profi les of 10 p a s t S on s of I t a l y F o u n d a t io n S c h o l a r s h ip Re c ip i e n t s

1989 ROB BENEDETTO Education: B.S. in Mathematics from Harvard College (magna cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa). Ph.D. in Mathematics from Brown University in Boston. Career: Associate Professor of Mathematics at Amherst College in Massachusetts. Honors: National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Research Grant at Boston University.

1990 CHRISTINE LATTANZIO Education: B.A. from the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor; a J.D. from the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, and an LL.M. in Taxation from the New York University School of Law. Career: A partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers where she heads leads its New York Metro Real Estate Tax practice and is co-leader of its National Real Estate Tax practice. Also active in company’s mentoring programs for young women and low-income youth.

1993 EDMUND LOPRESTI Education: B.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. Ph.D. in Bioengineering from the University of Pittsburgh. Career: Owner, AT Sciences, a small business dedicated to research, development, and commercialization of technology for people with disabilities. Also teaches at the University of Pittsburgh, matching people with disabilities with appropriate technologies.

1994 AURELIO TELEMAN Education: B.S. in biochemistry from Harvard College (summa cum laude). Ph.D. in developmental biology at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Heidelberg, Germany. Career: Heads a division at the German Cancer Research Center, the largest biomedical research institute in Germany where he studies how normal cells and tumor cells control their growth. Honors: Has received several awards and prizes, including the European Research Council Starting Grant; the EMBO Young Investigator Award and the Walther-Flemming Medal.

1995 DOMINIC A. RICCI Education: B.Sc. in physics from MIT. Ph.D. in physics from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Career: Head of market risk management for emerging market & structured product businesses for HSBC Financial Services in New York.


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1996 Corey Ciocchetti Education: B.A. in Business Administration, University of Denver; M.A. in Religious Studies, University of Denver; Juris Doctorate, Duke University Law School in Durham, N.C. Career: Professor of business ethics at the University of Denver. inspirational speaker on developing life and character.


Honors: Outstanding Professor of the Year, University of Denver

1998 ELISABETH GAMBINO Education: B.A. Hampshire College in Massachusetts with a major in studio arts, writing, and social change; MFA from the Savannah College of Art and Design. Career: Teaches underprivileged youth and severely emotionally disturbed elementary school students in Baltimore by integrating the arts into all subject areas. Now also trains teachers to deliver similar programs and is developing similar curricula for college faculties. Honors: 2011 Elementary Art Teacher of the Year for Baltimore City Public Schools.

1998 MICHELANGELO D’AGOSTINO Education: B.S. in physics from Harvard College. Ph.D. in astroparticle physics from the University of California, Berkeley. Career: Data scientist at Braintree, a Chicago-based startup that processes credit card payments for some of the most exciting web and mobile startups like Uber, Airbnb, and Living Social. Honors: Research expeditions to Antarctica and the South Pole. Co-authored over twenty scientific papers and has written about popular science and technology for the Economist.

2001 NICOLE GERARDO Education: Ph.D. in Ecology and Evolutionary biology at the University of Texas at Austin. Completed post-doctoral training at the University of Arizona. Career: Assistant professor at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, where she runs a research lab focusing on the evolution and ecology of insectmicrobe interactions. Honors: Post-doctoral fellowship from the National Institutes of Health

2003 JOE PASQUALICHIO 2003 Education: MBA from Harvard Business School. Career: Employed by a major investment management company in Boston. Honors: President of the Harvard Graduate Student Government, overseeing the 12 Harvard Graduate and Professional Schools (including Law, Business and the Kennedy School of Government.)


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The 2013 SIF National Leadership Grant Donors Th e S on s of It a l y F o u n d a t io n De e p l y T h a n k s t h e S IF P er p e t u a l S c h o l a r s h ip Do n o r s

Giulia Besozzi Scholarship Boncore Family Scholarship Cappellotti Family Scholarship Carlone Family Scholarship Lou Carnesecca Scholarship Esposito Family Scholarship The Charles Evans Foundation Scholarship Simone & Bruno Giuffrida Memorial Scholarship Giovanni & Emilia Glessi Memorial Scholarship George L. Graziadio/SIF Scholarship Polo Family Scholarship Frank D. Privitera Scholarship Henry F. Salvatori Memorial Scholarship Pietro Secchia Scholarship George J. & John G. Spatuzza Scholarship Angelo Tomasso Sr. Scholarship

The SI F t h a n ks t h e don ors o f t h is y e a r ’ s a d d it io n a l s c h o l a r s h i p s :

The Frank J. De Santis Scholarship The Italian Language Scholarship The National Italian American Bar Association/Sons of Italy Foundation Scholarship The Wounded Warrior Project/Sons of Italy Foundation Scholarship

The S IF a l s o a ckn owl e d g e s t h e g e n e r o u s c o n t r ib u t io n s o f

Anthony J. Baratta Joseph J. DiTrapani and Paul S. Polo to The 2013 National Education & Leadership Awards


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General Raymond T. Odierno Chief of Staff of the Army Special Guest Presenter

Gen. Raymond T. Odierno serves as the 38th and current Chief of Staff of the Army. Previously he was commander, U.S. Joint Forces Command (USJFCOM), in Norfolk, Virginia and before that, was the commanding general of U.S. forces in Iraq where he served three tours of duty. Gen. Odierno and his men fought in the Sunni Triangle, north of Baghdad, one of the most violent regions of Iraq. There in December 2003, his troops captured Saddam Hussein. The general is also the deservedly proud father of a past SIF honoree, Capt. Anthony Odierno (U.S. Army Ret.). Gen. Odierno was born and raised in New Jersey and is a 1976 graduate of West Point. He has had a long and distinguished military career and earned many honors. He also holds masters degrees in nuclear effects engineering from North Carolina State University and National security and strategy from the Naval War College. We are honored that he is with us tonight to present the 2013 Wounded Warrior Project/Sons of Italy Foundation scholarship.

Philip R. Piccigallo, Ph.D.

National Executive Director & CEO, The Sons of Italy Foundation & National Executive Director, Order Sons of Italy in America Since 1988, Dr. Piccigallo has led the Sons of Italy in Washington, DC where his efforts have strengthened ties between Italian Americans and leaders in government and public policy. He began the Sons of Italy Foundation’s NELA gala in 1988 and is delighted and honored to see it celebrate its Silver Anniversary this evening. He brought to the Order a background in unions and specifically the American Federation of Teachers, the Seafarers International Union and the Maritime Trades Department, AFL-CIO. Born and raised in New York City, he holds a B.A. in economics; an M.A. in economic history and a Ph.D. in history and international affairs from the City University of New York. He has written two books on U.S. foreign policy, and articles on education, politics and international affairs. He and wife, Rose have two children, Jacqueline and Paul.


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Nova Y. Payton Featured Performer

Washington, D.C. native, Nova Y. Payton is a singer and an actress. She studied at the American Musical and Dramatic Academy in New York City and has since performed with many noted singers, including the legendary Stevie Wonder and toured with Roberta Flack in over 150 cities around the world. Her acting credentials include national tours in 3 mo’ Divas; Smokey Joe’s Café and If This Hat Could Talk. Her talents have been recognized with awards and nominations. In 2012, she received the Helen Hayes Award as the Best Supporting Actress in a Resident Musical for her portrayal of MotorMouth Mabelle in Hairspray. For her performance as Effie White in Dreamgirls during the 2012-2013 season at Signature Theatre, she has been again nominated for the Helen Hayes award. She also sang the national Anthem at the dedication of the Reverend Dr. martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial live as the world watched on C-SPAN in 2011. A cantor and lead vocalist directing her own church choir, Payton also founded Yashim Studios, a musical theater troupe for young people.

Maria Fassio Pignati National Anthems

Performing the American and Italian national anthems for us this evening is soprano Maria Fassio Pignati of San Francisco. She earned a B.A. in Music with a minor in Italian and then studied voice and piano at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music. Ms. Fassio Pignati is a well-known soprano soloist, who regularly performs in various venues and is a member of the “Trio Amore” opera ensemble. She and tenor Peter Girardot have recorded a collection of classic Italian love songs, La Vita Bella, available on CD. Active in the Italian American community for 40 years, Ms. Fassio Pignati is state president of the Sons of Italy’s Grand Lodge of California, which has 61 lodges in California, southern Oregon and western Nevada. She also serves on the boards of several organizations, including the San Francisco Columbus Day Celebration, Italian Community Services and the School of Italian Language and Culture in South San Francisco. For her service to her city’s Italian community, Maria Fassio Pignati was made a knight of the Italian republic with the title, “Cavaliere nell’Ordine della Stella della Solidarietà.” 20

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Joe Mantegna

Master of Ceremonies An American actor, producer, writer and director of Italian heritage, Joe Mantegna’s more than 40 years of performance experience, both on the screen and behind it, recently earned him a star on Hollywood’s Walk of Fame. He is best known for roles in box office hits such as “The Godfather Part III,” “Forget Paris” and “Up Close & Personal,” and he currently stars in the CBS television series “Criminal Minds.” He also received Tony Award recognition for his on-stage role as Richard Roma in the Pulitzer Prize-winning play “Glengarry Glen Ross.” As father of an autistic daughter, Mr. Mantegna has spent many years helping autistic children and families through ACT for Military Families, Easter Seals and Autism Speaks, among others. In 2012, he received the Bob Hope Award for Excellence in Entertainment, conferred on those who have given positive portrayals of the U.S. military in film or literature and have distinguished themselves in the field of entertainment. Past honorees include Robert Duvall, John Voight and Gary Sinise.

Michael Amante Grand Finale

The Sons of Italy Foundation is pleased to welcome tenor Michael Amante back for his ninth performance at its annual National Education & Leadership Awards Gala. He is affectionately known as “the Prince of High C’s” for his ability to hit and hold one of the highest notes of a tenor’s voice. Apart from his high C’s, Mr. Amante’s repertoire showcases his vocal versatility. It includes pieces from The Phantom of the Opera; Puccini’s La Boheme; Rock and Gospel songs; and classic Neapolitan ballads. A classically trained opera performer, Mr. Amante has had leading roles in Madama Butterfly, La Traviata, and La Boheme.

He also has performed in staged

versions of Grease, West Side Story and Jesus Christ, Superstar. Michael Amante’s singing has drawn praise from the late great tenors Luciano Pavarotti and Franco Corelli as well as Tony Bennett, President Bill Clinton and Regis Philbin. He has appeared on national and international television, receiving an Emmy nomination. The New York Times writes, “This swashbuckling Italian tenor exhibits both the voice and the charisma of a crossover star.” 21

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The Sons of Italy Foundation

The Sons of Italy Foundation (SIF) is the philanthropic arm of the Order Sons of Italy in America (OSIA). Established in 1959, the SIF has given $125 million to scholarships, philanthropy, medical research, disaster relief and cultural preservation.


year, the




in scholarships to promising young

Italian Americans at NELA

ME D I C A L RE S E ARCH The SIF supports research to cure Cooley’s anemia, Alzheimer’s disease, Autism, and other serious threats to life and health

DI S AS T E R RE L I EF The SIF donates generously to disaster relief in the U.S. and abroad


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CULTUR A L P R E S E RVAT I ON The SIF’s GaribaldiMeucci Museum is a center of Italian culture on Staten Island, NY

I M M I GRAN T H I S T ORY The SIF contributes to preserving Italian immigrant documents at the Immigration History Research Center in Minnesota and now has partnered with to broaden its impact


supports the establishment and

U.S. monuments, including Liberty, the WWII memorial, the tribute to 9/11 in New York City and the Wounded Warrior Project. restoration of the




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The Sons of Italy Foundation

A History of Giving MEDICAL RESEARCH & SOCIAL SERVICES Alzheimer’s Association American Fund for Dental Health American Italian Cancer Foundation The American Foundation for St. George Hospital, Inc. Annette Funicello Fund for Neurological Disorders Arthritis Foundation Barbara Sinatra Children’s Center Boys Town of Italy CES Foundation Children’s Inn at NIH The W.J. Clinton Foundation Coaches vs. Cancer Cooley’s Anemia Foundation Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America The Daniel Pitino Children’s Health Foundation The Doug Flutie Foundation The Fondazione Il Cireneo Onlus per l’Autismo Fox Chase Cancer Center The Italian Hospital Society Lombardi Cancer Center Lupis Foundation & Elizabeth Fund March of Dimes The Metropolitan DC Police Foundation Michael Bolton Charities For Battered Women Multiple Sclerosis Smile Train Special Olympics St. Joseph’s Indian School St. Jude Research Hospital for Children

CULTURAL PRESERVATION & THE ARTS American Italian Historical Association Center for Migration Studies Columbus Citizens Foundation Commission for Social Justice Concordia Language Villages Italian Program Council for the Promotion of Italian Language in American Schools FIERI National Garibaldi-Meucci Museum In Italiano language program Istituto Italiano di Cultura Italian Americana Italian American Cultural Center Italian American Welfare League Italian Cultural Society Italian Musicale John D. Calandra Italian-American Institute The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts SIF Patron of the Arts & Culture program U.S. State Department/American Embassy in Rome Washington Revels


EDUCATION American Institute for Foreign Study & Academic Year in America exchange programs American University of Rome Bard College The Charles Evans Foundation The College Board Advanced Placement Program in Italian Dante School for Children Hoop Dreams Italian Studies Chair at California State University John Cabot University Mentoring and Internships Order Sons of Italy in America National Student Summit Pepperdine University Seton Hall University School of Diplomacy & International Relations The SIF National Leadership Grant Competition

DISASTER RELIEF American Red Cross (Hurricane Andrew relief) Assisi earthquake relief Cassino Memorial Orphanage Rebuilding Catholic Relief Services Ethiopian famine relief Florentine flood relief Haiti Earthquake Relief Katrina Relief Fund Mexican earthquake relief Naples earthquake relief Oklahoma City Bombing SIF/OSIA 911 Disaster Relief Fund Tsunami Relief (Indonesia) L’Aquila Earthquake in Abruzzo, Italy

OTHER SPECIAL PROJECTS Arab American Institute The Business Council for International Understanding Christopher Columbus Catholic Center DC Friends of Ireland DC Metropolitan Police Department Foundation Don Orione Home & Madonna Queen National Shrine Ellis Island Foundation Greater Washington Urban League, Inc. Hoop Dreams of Washington, D.C. Immigration History Research Center The Isaac Hayes Foundation National Football League Players Association National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial National Policy Association National World War II Memorial The Statue of Liberty Restoration Project TF Peace Foundation The World Trade Center Museum and Memorial The Wounded Warrior Project

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The Sons of Italy Foundation

Contribution Highlights

1959 Sons of Italy Foundation (SIF) established as the philanthropic arm of the Order Sons of Italy in America, the nation’s oldest and biggest organization for people of Italian heritage. 1964 Donates $25,000 for flood victims in Belluno, Italy 1966 Donates $200,000 for flood victims in Florence and Venice 1967 Designates March of Dimes as one of its official charities and donates more than $14 million over the next two decades 1968 Raises more than $127,000 for earthquake victims in Sicily 1974 Names Cooley’s Anemia Foundation as an official charity. Donations to date: more than $3 million. 1976 Raises $217,000 for earthquake victims in Friuli, Italy 1981 Donates $3 million in funds and sends medicine and clothing to 97 southern Italian towns devastated by 1980 earthquake. 1985 Contributes to restoration of Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty 1987 Donates $30,000 to earthquake victims in Mexico 1989 Holds first National Education & Leadership Award (NELA) event in Washington, DC 1990 Contributes $50,000 to establish the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial in Washington, DC 1993 Names the Alzheimer’s Association one of its official charities and donates $1 million over the next 10 years. Pledges another $1 million donation by 2015. 1998 Donates $50,000 to Barbara Sinatra Hospital for Abused Children 2003 Contributes $66,000 to help establish an Advanced Placement program in Italian; Gave additional $50,000 in 2010 to re-instate the program. 2004 Donates $100,000 to establish a World War II memorial in Washington, DC 2005 Donates $15,000 to the Tsunami Emergency Relieve effort in Asia 2006 Donates $35,000 for Hurricane Katrina Relief 2007 Pledges $100,000 to the National September 11 Memorial & Museum in NYC 2007 Donates $100,000 to Coaches vs. Cancer 2008 Donates $100,000 over past four years to the Rienzi Foundation to cure deafness through cochlear implants 2009 Collects an estimated $300,000 in relief funds to aid victims of Abruzzi earthquake 2010 The Charles Evans Foundation, formed by Evan-Picone fashion house co-founder Charles Evans, selects the SIF to receive a quarter-million-dollar endowment to establish the perpetual Charles Evans Scholarship. 2010 Donates $100,000 to build the World Trade Center Museum & Memorial in New York City 2010 Gives a special $10,000 scholarship to Medal of Honor recipient Salvatore Giunta 2011 Donates $235,000 to help rebuild the Fondazione Il Cireneo Onlus per L’Autismo, a center for autistic children, destroyed by the 2009 earthquake that struck L’Aquila in Abruzzi. 2011 Makes first gift of $24,600 to newly selected national charity, the Doug Flutie, Jr. Foundation for Autism, Inc. 2011 Pledges a second $2 million contribution to the Alzheimer’s Association 2012 Answers the call of natural disaster victims in Italy and the U.S., launching fund-raising campaigns for Emilia-Romagna earthquake relief and Super Storm Sandy relief 2013 Donates $25,000 to Super Storm Sandy Relief


Donates $15,000 to The Gary Sinise Foundation

Donates $50,000 since 2008 to the Columbus Citizens Foundation Th e S on s of Italy Foundati on

Promises Fulfilled

By P h il ip R. P ic c ig a l l o , P h .D. Sons of Italy Foundation/OSIA CEO

In 1993, we produced “Tomorrow’s Promise,” a short film that revealed efforts by the Sons of Italy and its Foundation to have a positive impact on the future by helping young Italian Americans achieve professional success through higher education. At that time, we had already held five successful National Education & Leadership Award (NELA) Galas. Now, 20 years later, it is difficult not to wax philosophical when assessing a challenging, complex event that this year celebrates its Silver Anniversary, marking twenty-five successful years. But no one should think that we assumed success was a certainty. In fact, the initial attempt to plan and launch such an elaborate event in the national’s capital to raise the public profile of a national organization was conceived amidst great uncertainty. EARLY PROMISE

Dr. Piccigallo escorts President Bill Clinton and U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton to the 2005 SIF NELA GALA

The first NELA was a breakfast in the meeting room of the U.S. House Appropriations Committee in 1988, but it swiftly grew. The NELA became a gala dinner in 1991 held in the U.S. Rayburn House Banquet Rooms, but soon expanded to the U.S. Senate Russell and Dirksen Caucus Rooms. By 1995, we had outgrown the banquet space on Capitol Hill and moved to the National Press Club. When Gala attendance exploded from 450 to 750, we transferred to the Andrew Mellon Auditorium (1996 -97). Eventually the NELA found a home at the National Building Museum, where it is now traditionally celebrated. Today, the NELA Gala attracts an average of 1,000 guests annually. From the start, we sought to avoid overcrowding, even at the risk of generating fewer funds. Elegance has been our hallmark: excellent food and fine wines, usually donated by the most generous of benefactors, such as Banfi Vintners and Franco Nuschese, or our own for-profit company, Figli d’Italia. Guests have been treated to world class performers, from “Mr. Sons of Italy” himself, Tony Bennett (four times), to Vic Damone, Frank Sinatra, Jr., Broadway’s Hugh Panero, “our own tenor,” Michael Amante and this year, Helen Hayes nominee, Nova Y. Payton. Above all else, we have remained true to the NELA Gala’s core objective: Its title speaks to the inextricable bond between the professional achievement of the honorees and their symbolic passing of the torch to the next generation, the National Leadership Grant (NLG) recipients. The Gala was designed to underscore the vast professional and educational accomplishments of Italian Americans in so many disparate fields of endeavor. There have been empirical results during the 25 years as well, notably: • Some 300 students have received grants • Nearly $2.5 million in educational grants have been awarded • NELA has raised more than $30 million for the SIF’s scholarship and philanthropic programs, adding to the SIF’s total giving since 1959 of more than $125 million. FUTURE PROMISE

Of all the positive results emanating from a quarter century of institutional dinners in the nation’s capital, foremost stands the impact NELA has had on individual lives and world conditions. Hence the “philosophy”. In his classic autobiography, The Education of Henry Adams, the renowned journalist and academic observed that “A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.” 26

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And so it has been with the NELA Gala and the incredibly promising scholarship recipients we have fostered over the years : one of the first to receive a NELA grant, Robert Giambrone (’90) has since earned an M.D. ,M.B.A. and Certification in Business and Life Coaching, and for 17 years has worked as an Emergency Physician at Rochester Medical Center and Rochester Institute of Technology, where he also is an Adjunct Professor; Christine Lattanzio won a NLG (’91), attended the University of Michigan, earned a J.D. from the Benjamin Cardoza School of Law, and an LL.M. from NYU School of Law, and has provided tax consultation as a partner at Pricewaterhouse Coopers for 16 years, while serving on many nonprofit boards aimed at mentoring and training young professionals.

Dr. Piccigallo, then-NIAF President Frank Guarini, and President After receiving the NLG in ’94, Aurelio Teleman went to Harvard College, graduated George W. Bush at the White Summa Cum Laude in Biochemistry, earned a Ph.D. in Developmental Biology at the House on Columbus Day 2001. European Microbiology Laboratory in Heidelberg, Germany, and is a group leader at the German Cancer Research Center; Michael Passante received a ’96 NLG to help send him to Harvard, where he subsequently earned two additional degrees at the JFK School of Government and Harvard Law School, and has since lent his formidable talents to the New Jersey District Attorney’s Office, U.S. Senate Finance and Banking Committee, and currently to HUD Region II Sandy Relief Efforts; Elizabeth Gambino won the Philip Guarascio NLG in ’98, went on to study in Mali and on a Lakota Reservation, taught Creative Writing at Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth, won numerous academic awards, and in 2011 was named Elementary Teacher of the Year for Baltimore City Public Schools; Michelangelo D’Agostino graduated from Harvard College in ’02, completed a Ph.D. in Astroparticle Physics from the University of California, Berkeley in ’09, and works as a data scientist for mobile start-up firms. Obviously, this list could be extended significantly. In essence, virtually all previous NLG recipients have succeeded and made their positive mark on the future. PROMISE FULFILLED

Consider, also, the honorees, where virtually every professional field has been recognized: from Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, to scientists Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, Director of the National Institute for Allergies and Infectious Diseases and the University of Maryland Institute’s of Immunology, Dr. Robert Gallo; to Corporate Titans John Mariani, Joseph Grano, Steve Wynn, and Joseph Plumeri; entertainers Frank Sinatra , Tony Bennett; and Annette Funicello; Sports Legends Andy Granatelli and Mario Andretti; activists Karen Ignani, Fran Visco and Gary Sinise; Patriotic heroes Captain Anthony Odierno, SSGT. Salvatore Giunta, and the Wounded Warrior Project; academics National Endowment of the Arts Director Dana Gioia and Georgetown University President Jack DeGioia, and great Labor Leaders such as Richard Trumka, Robert Georgine, Robert Juliano and Armand Sabatoni. Finally, the SIF’s Lifetime Achievement Award for Public Service was introduced in 2009 to broaden the SIF’s perspective beyond Italian Americans, the U.S. and Italy. By recognizing the remarkable accomplishments of individuals who were not of Italian descent and who have substantively improved world conditions, the SIF expanded its focus to include more global issues. The caliber of honorees speaks to both the SIF’s idealism and the high esteem in which such global leaders hold the SIF/OSIA: Vice President Joseph Biden (2009); President Bill Clinton (2010); Senator Jack Reed (2011); Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton (2012); and former Secretary of State and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Colin L. Powell (ret.). Pardon us, if we extract substantial gratification from the celebration of 25 years of the NELA Gala, all it has meant and done. We have changed lives. We have affected the future. We have fulfilled promises made a quarter century ago. 27

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The Early Years

U.S. House of Representatives Minority Leader Robert Michel (R-IL) at a 1990 NELA Breakfast.

U.S. Senator Bill Bradley (D-NJ) welcomes guests at the 1989 NELA gala.

Legendary Speaker of the House Tip O’Neill (D-MA) addresses the 1992 NELA held on Capitol Hill.

1990 Honoree U.S. Representative Silvio Conte with an early SIF scholarship winner, Jane Cirigliano.


Then-Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell (D-ME) with Joanne Strollo, OSIA’s first woman president, celebrate the 1994 NELA.

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Former FBI Director Louis Freeh, honored in 1994, seen here with U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT). Former Congresswoman Geraldine Ferraro, U.S. Ambassador to Italy Tom Foglietta and SIF CEO Phil Piccigallo at the 1996 NELA at the Andrew Mellon Auditorium.

U.S. Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA) at the 1989 NELA dinner

U.S. Senator Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) greets 1994 NELA guests on Capitol Hill

Leon Panetta, former congressman and later head of the CIA, was a NELA keynote speaker at the 1995 NELA at the National Press Club. 29

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Honorees & Special Guests NELA Highlights

Past NELA M.C. newsman Sam Donaldson (L) and current M.C., the acclaimed actor Joe Mantegna

Then-Vice President Al Gore spoke at the 1994 NELA

President Bill Clinton has attended many NELAs over the years

Then-Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton with former Democratic National Committee chair, Terry McAuliffe at the 2001 NELA. 30

2012 SIF honoree Gen. Peter Pace (ret.) and Anita McBride, past chief of staff to first lady Laura Bush. Th e S on s of Italy Foundati on

President George W. Bush at the 2004 NELA

Racing legend & honoree Mario Andretti with actress Connie Stevens at the 2000 NELA

The NELA 1996 honoree, the legendary Joe Paterno (L) with Senator Bob Dole

Five women trailblazers at the 2007 NELA. (L. to R.): Madeleine Albright; Hillary Rodham Clinton; Geraldine Ferraro; Nancy Pelosi and Mary Landrieu 31

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The legendary Tony Bennett received the SIF Humanitarian Award in 1999

2001 honoree Regis Philbin with actor Tony LoBianco

Television’s Larry King was a NELA Master of Ceremonies in 1999

The NELA ballroom. About 1,000 guests attend annually.


Scientist and AIDS researcher Anthony Fauci, M.D. received the 1992 NELA honor Th e S on s of Italy Foundati on

Baseball’s Tommy Lasorda, a 1997 honoree with singer Vic Damone

The 2012 SIF scholarship winners

U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia received the 1991 NELA honor

SIF CEO Philip Piccigallo greets 2009 SIF honoree, Vice President Joseph Biden 33

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Annette Funicello (1942-2013) The world said “Addio” to the young Italian American girl-next-door, who captured the hearts of millions of teen-age boys in the 1950s and 1960s, when Annette Funicello died April 8, 2013 at age 70 of multiple sclerosis. She was put under contract by Walt Disney in 1955, who created one of the first children’s programs for television, “The Mickey Mouse Club.” Her discovery was the stuff of Hollywood legend. Disney happened to stop by a recital of Swan Lake at a local dance studio and spotted the 13-year-old ballerina. Ms. Funicello was born in Utica, N.Y. to Joseph and Virginia Funicello. He owned an auto repair shop, but moved to southern California when Annette was four years old. She became the most popular “Mouseketeer”

Annette Funicello as a Disney Mouseketeer

and went on to star in movies and record popular songs. Her beauty and modesty made her popular with young girls as well. After her entertainment career ended, she married and raised three children. Stricken with MS when she was about 50 and confined to a wheel chair, she had been unable to speak, read or write and finally fell into a coma which lasted many years. “She’s on her toes, dancing in heaven,” one of her daughters told People Magazine. “No more MS.” During an interview, she once said her fantasy was to have everyone who ever watched her on TV donate one dollar to medical research. Donations in her memory can be sent to the Annette Funicello Research Fund for Neurological Disorders.

Ms. Funicello with U.S. Congressman Bob Michel in 1993 when she became the first woman to receive the Sons of Italy Foundation’s highest award, the National Education & Leadership Award.

The teen-age Annette

Annette and frequent co-star, singer Frankie Avalon 34

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The Sons of Italy Foundation

The SIF Award Recipients 2012 - 1989

The Sons of Italy Foundation (SIF) Awards are given annually at the SIF’s Gala Dinner, held every May in Washington, D.C. 2012 Hillary Rodham Clinton U.S. Secretary of State The SIF Lifetime Achievement Award for Public Service Armand Sabitoni General Secretary, Laborers International Union of North America The SIF Humanitarian Award Claudio Bozzo President, Mediterranean Shipping Company, Inc. The SIF Award for Excellence in Business Gen. Peter Pace, U.S. Marine Corps. (Ret.) 16th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff The SIF Award for Courage & Patriotism 2011 Carmen Policy Founder & Proprietor, Casa Piena Vineyard Former owner & CEO, San Francisco 49ers The National Education & Leadership Award (NELA) Jack Reed U.S. Senator from Rhode Island Veteran, U.S. Army 82nd Airborne Division SIF Lifetime Achievement Award for Public Service Pier F. Guarguaglini Chairman & CEO, Finmeccanica SpA Excellence in Global Business Steven Nardizzi, Esq. Executive Director, Wounded Warrior Project Special Award for Courage & Patriotism 2010 Lewis C. Merletti Former Director, United States Secret Service NELA President Bill Clinton Founder, William J. Clinton Foundation SIF Lifetime Achievement Award for Public Service Capt. Anthony Odierno (U.S. Army, Ret.) Manager, Stadium Operations, NY Yankees SIF Special Award for Courage & Patriotism 2009 Joseph R. Biden, Jr. Vice President of the United States SIF Lifetime Achievement Award for Public Service Arthur J. Gajarsa Federal Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals SIF Lifetime Achievement Award in Jurisprudence Robert A. Scardelletti International President, Transportation Communications Union/IAM SIF Humanitarian Award


Mary Ann Esposito Host/Creator, “Ciao Italia” PBS TV SIF Lifetime Achievement Award Culinary Arts 2008 Joseph Plumeri Chairman & CEO, Willis Group NELA Steve Wynn Chairman & CEO, Wynn Resorts SIF Award for Global Vision & Philanthropy Michael Petruzzello Founder & Managing Partner, Qorvis Communications SIF Award Excellence in Business Alfred Rotondaro, PhD Sr. Fellow, Center for American Progress SIF Humanitarian Award 2007 Nicholas Donofrio Executive VP, IBM NELA Geraldine Ferraro Former Congresswoman from New York Lifetime Achievement Award for Public Service Frank Giordano President, Union League of Philadelphia Humanitarian Award The Rienzi Foundation Making A Difference Award 2006 Michael Rienzi President & Founder, Rienzi & Sons NELA Franco Nuschese President, Georgetown Entertainment Group, LLC Excellence in Business Robert E. Juliano Chairman, Robert E. Juliano Associates SIF Humanitarian 2005 Dana Gioia Chairman, National Endowment For the Arts NELA Joseph Battipaglia CIO, Ryan Beck & Co. Business Award Karen Ignagni President & CEO, America’s Health Insurance Plans Lifetime Achievement in Management Th e S on s of Italy Foundati on

Joseph G. Procacci CEO, Procacci Brothers Sales Corp. OSIA Centennial Award 2004 Joseph Grano Chairman, UBS Financial Services NELA Silvio Berlusconi Prime Minister of Italy International Leadership Award John De Gioia President, Georgetown University Excellence in Academia Award Frances Visco President, National Breast Cancer Coalition Humanitarian Award 2003 Charles Gargano Chairman, Empire State Development Corp. NELA Andy Granatelli Automotive designer, driver & engineer Lifetime Achievement Richard L. Trumka Secretary-Treasurer, AFL-CIO Humanitarian Award 2002 Robert Gallo, M.D. AIDS & Cancer researcher NELA Martin J. Maddaloni General President, United Association Humanitarian Award Joe Mantegna Actor Excellence in Media Award 2001 John F. Mariani Chairman, Banfi Vintners NELA Robert A. Georgine Chairman, President & CEO, ULLICO, Inc. Humanitarian Award Regis Philbin Television Host Lifetime Achievement Award 2000 Mario Andretti Racing Legend & Business Entrepreneur NELA Phil Guarascio Former Vice President & General Manager of North American Marketing & Advertising, General Motors Corporation Crystal Lion Recognition Connie Stevens Actress & Businesswoman Humanitarian Award


1999 Andrew A. Giancamilli Former President & General Merchandise Manager, Kmart Corporation NELA Tony Bennett Legendary Entertainer Humanitarian Award 1998 Phil Guarascio Former Vice President & General Manager of North American Marketing & Advertising, General Motors Corporation NELA Frank Sinatra Legendary Entertainer, Producer & Philanthropist Humanitarian Award 1997 Peter F. Secchia Chairman, Universal Forest Products, Inc. & Former U.S. Ambassador to Italy NELA Tommy Lasorda Vice President/Former Manager, LA Dodgers Humanitarian Award 1996 Joe Paterno Head Football Coach, Pennsylvania State University NELA Alfred A. Checchi Former Co-Chairman, Northwest Airlines Corporation NELA 1995 Joseph E. Antonini President, JEA Enterprises, Inc. NELA 1994 The Honorable Louis J. Freeh Senior Vice Chairman of Administrative & Legal Affairs, MBNA America, Inc. NELA 1993 Annette Funicello Entertainer NELA 1992 Dr. Anthony S. Fauci Director, the National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases at the NIH NELA 1991 The Honorable Antonin Scalia U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice NELA 1990 The Honorable Silvio O. Conte U.S. Congressman from Massachusetts NELA 1989 Lou Carnesecca St. John’s University Head Basketball Coach (Ret.) NELA Th e S on s of Italy Foundati on

The Sons of Italy Foundation S ta ff, Con sul t a n t s & N E L A Vo l u n t e e r s




Philip R. Piccigallo, Ph.D. National Executive Director/CEO

Dan Ashwell, Printing Solutions, Inc. Printing

Andrea K. Beach Office Manager

Lynn Kessler, L.K.Producations, LLC Video

Carol Cummings Staff Assistant

Jack H. Lucky, Floral Design, Inc. Flowers

Diane Crespy Director of Development

Steve Baughan, Monumental Affairs Catering

Dona De Sanctis, Ph.D. Editor, NELA Dinner Journal

Carlo Tamburro, Williams/Gerard Productions, Inc. Event Producer

Jessica Abeshouse Jacqueline Adair Sylvia Cacciato Rob D’Onofrio Stephanie Eggleston Ashley Evans Kate Fellin Kevin Fellin Lt. Donald Fletcher Kate Gilbride Megan Gorenflo Beth Greenberg Tara Justice Nick Kelley Neil Kuhn Dan Nabors Margaret O’Rouke Andrew O’Rouke Jackie Piccigallo Brandon Pinto Asmait Twelde Adrienne Ward

Krystyne Hayes Social Media & Communications Coordinator Laura Kelly Administrative Assistant/Scholarship Coordinator

Max Taylor Photography Diane Vincent Graphic Design

Elisa Wilkinson Administrative Assistant to Dr. Piccigallo

The Sons of Italy Foundation’s National Headquarters in Washington, D.C.


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The Sons of Italy Foundation Boa r d a n d Co mmit t e e s


Resource Persons

Joseph J. DiTrapani Chairman

Maria Fassio Pignati James Di Stefano Thom Lupo Michael Creedon Jeannette Restivo Nick Ameli

Vincent Sarno President Anthony J. Baratta Vice President Rita Maletta Robak Recording Secretary Frank J. Panessa Financial Secretary Nancy Di Fiore Quinn Treasurer Presidents Emeriti Robert A. Messa Paul S. Polo Trustees Emeritus Valentino Ciullo


Louis Ambrosio Angelo Bianchi Richard Della Croce Albert De Napoli Salvatore Lanzilotta Carlo Matteucci Michael Polo Philip Privitera Joseph Sciame Joanne Strollo


National Executive Director/CEO Philip R. Piccigallo, Ph.D. 2013 SIF SCHOLARSHIP SELECTION COMMITTEE

Michele Ment, Chair Louis F. Cappelli, Sr. Joseph Facciolo Joanne Strollo 2013 SIF SCHOLARSHIP SELECTION CONSULTANTS

Mark Lindenmeyer Assistant V.P. & Director of Financial Aid Loyola College, Maryland Michelle Arcieri Senior Associate Director, Office of Student Financial Assistance, George Washington University, Washington, DC Lucio D’Andrea President Emeritus, The Abruzzo & Molise Heritage Society Washington, D.C. Edvige D’Andrea The Abruzzo & Molise Heritage Society Washington, D.C.

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The Order Sons of Italy in America

The Order Sons of Italy in America (OSIA) is the oldest and largest national

organization for Italian American men and women in the United States. Founded in 1905 to help the early Italian immigrants, today OSIA is the nation’s leading Italian American service and advocacy organization, with a grass roots network of more than 650 lodges or chapters coast-to-coast. Its programs include: • Italian America Magazine the most widely read quarterly in the U.S. for people of Italian heritage • Passport To Italy OSIA’s travel bureau arranges low-cost group tours to Southern Italy and its cultural patrimony • Scholarships Financial support for young Italian Americans attending college and graduate school • Study Abroad Partnerships Opportunities for students and adults to study, live and work in Italy. • the Sons of Italy National Book Club Promotes fiction and non-fiction works by and about Italian Americans • INTERNSHIPS/MENTORING PROGRAM National Office in Washington, D.C.

The Sons of Italy Commission for Social Justice

• The CSJ was founded in 1979 to fight the stereotyping of Italian

Americans by the entertainment, advertising, and news industries. It also collaborates with other groups to ensure that people of all races, religions and cultures are treated fairly. • The CSJ monitors the entertainment, advertising and news industries, contacts offending parties by letter and/or telephone and encourages other Italian American organizations, e-mail networks and concerned individuals to take action. • Through its Positive Image Program, the CSJ regularly informs the media and general public about Italian American achievements, contributions, history and culture. • As part of its Positive Image Program, the CSJ conducts research, produces studies, teaching tools, pamphlets, exhibits and other materials on the achievements and contributions of Italian Americans.


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Order Sons of Italy in America has partnered with Votto Vines Importing to bring you the Leone D’Oro line of fine Italian wines. Each is hand selected for its quality and elegance and is produced by the finest vineyards in Italy.

Tradition. Value. Excellence.


For more information and to order the Leone d'Oro wines, pleaseThvisit e S on s of Italy Foundati on


The Sons of It a l y F ou n da t io n e x p r e s s e s it s s in c e r e g r a t it u d e t o t h e f o llow i ng i ndividu a ls a n d organ iz a t io n s f o r t h e ir g e n e r o s it y in ma k i n g t h e 25 t h Anni ver s a ry Na tion a l E duc a t io n & L e a d e r s h ip Awa r d s Ga l a a s u c c e s s . Alitalia Airlines

Sergio Marchionne

Judge Fran Allegra

John Mariani & Castello Banfi/Banfi Vintners

Alzheimer’s Association

Lt. Col Matthew McCarville (Ret.)

Michael Amante

Harry Melikian, Vantage Group Services, Inc.

Chrysler Group LLC

Linda Munson, President & The Charles Evans Foundation

Colavita USA Robert F. Corrao Cooley’s Anemia Foundation D.C. Metropolitan Police Department Ceremonial Honor Guard

Franco Nuschese, Café Milano & Georgetown Entertainment General Raymond T. Odierno, USA General Peter Pace, USMC (Ret.)

DelGrosso Foods

Vincent Panvini

The Embassy of Italy

Tom Paranzino

Dr. Anthony Fauci

Nova Y. Payton

Rev. D. Adam Forno

Maria Fassio Pignati

Ralph Gilles, Chrysler Group LLC

General Colin L. Powell, USA (Ret.)

The Henry Lewis Foundation

Sen. Jack Reed (RI)

Laborers’ International Union of North America (LiUNA!)

International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers

Dan Luria

Gary Sinise

Lufthansa Group

Transportation Communications International Union-IAM

Joe Mantegna

The Wounded Warrior Project

And all the sponsors and guests of the 2013 NELA Gala

An d t o : Jody Trapasso, Chrysler Group LLC · Gina Sacripanti, The Washington Examiner The GI Film Festival · Dan Ashwell, Printing Solutions, Inc. · Steve Baughan, Monumental Affairs · Chris Frame, National Building Museum · Lynn Kessler, LK Productions, LLC Jack Lucky, Jack H. Lucky Floral Designs Inc. · Carlo Tamburro, Williams/Gerard Productions Max Taylor, Photography · Diane Vincent, Graphic Design Wit h specia l th a n k s t o o u r me d ia s p o n s o r : The Washington Examiner


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2013 Gala Sponsors

In keeping with our efforts to be environmentally and fiscally responsible, we have omitted sponsor ads from this journal. However they are available online at Please visit the site to see our supporters’ advertisements and messages.


Cafe Milano –

Chrysler Group, LLC –

Franco Nuschese

Georgetown Entertainment Group

The Henry Lewis Foundation


Alitalia –

Alzheimer’s Association –

Castello Banfi –

Colavita Extra Virgin Olive Oil –

Lufthansa German Airlines –

Perugina Baci – Rosetta Stone – Sullivan & Cromwell LLP – 42

Th e S on s of Italy Foundati on

Gold Columbus Citizens Foundation – Cooley’s Anemia Foundation – Goldman, Sachs & Co. International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers – Robert L. Johnson, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, RLJ Companies Scott D. Miller OSIA New York Grand Lodge Foundation, Inc. – Wieden + Kennedy Wounded Warrior Project –

Silver American-Italian Cancer Foundation – Arab American Institute – Building Hope – S. J. Bruno Business Council for International Understanding (BCIU) Business Roundtable CMS Bank DelGrosso Foods – Mr. and Mrs. Massimo Ferragamo William & Suni Harford International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers – Laborers’ International Union of North America (LIUNA) – Lido Civic Club of Washington, DC – Bob & Carol McBride 43

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Silver MeetingSphere, helping Organizations get the most out of meetings and make better, faster decisions OSIA Ella T. Grasso Lodge #2538 – Hartford, CT OSIA Grand Lodge of Connecticut OSIA Grand Lodge of Maryland – OSIA Grand Lodge of New Jersey – Peduzzi Associates, Ltd. Privitera Family Charitable Foundation Quicken Loans John & Jean Ritacco RLJ McLarty Landers Automotive Holdings, LLC Harvey & Sharon Siegel The New York State Laborers’ Health and Safety Fund and The New York State Laborers’ Employers Cooperation & Education Trust Fund The Washington Examiner, The Weekly Standard & Red Alert Politics – TN Marketing, LLC – Cal Franklin Transportation Communications Union/IAM – Robert A. Scardelletti, National President – UAW-Chrysler National Training Center

Bronze John I. Arena – Educator, in memory D.C. Friends of Ireland 44

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Bronze GI Film Festival – GlobalHUE – Detavio Samuels, President – International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers – International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers – Herman Jacobs, Brian & Katie Jacobs, Lisa & David Boren, Jason & Marcy Jacobs Johnson Controls, Inc. Mediterranean Shipping Company (USA) Inc. Naden/Lean, LLC – Jeff Drake, CPA – National Law Enforcement Officer’s Memorial & Museum – OSIA Grand Lodge of Massachusetts – Charitable and Educational Trust – Benefit Insurance Commission – OSIA National Past Presidents: Philip R. Boncore, Esq.; Frank J. DeSantis; The Hon. Robert A. Messa; Paul S. Polo, Sr.; Albert J. Riccelli, Sr.; Vincent Sarno; Joseph Sciame; John G. Spatuzza; Joanne L. Strollo; Peter R. Zuzolo Stant Corporation The University of Windsor Enzo Viscusi, ENI

Sponsors AFL-CIO Mario Andretti Doner – Joe & Kathy Grano Inserra Shop-Rite Supermarkets Italian Welfare League, Inc. 45

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Sponsors Law Offices of Angelo R. Bianchi, LLC Order Sons of Italy in America – OSIA Grand Lodge of Illinois & Wisconsin OSIA Grand Lodge of Ohio – OSIA National Trustee Joseph LaBanca and Mary LaBanca OSIA National Vice Presidents: Anthony J. Baratta, Joseph A. Russo; Daniel J. Longo; Anthony F. M. Spaziani; Vera Girolami P.G. Ventures, LLC – Phil Guarascio Gail & Carmen Policy – Casa Piena Winery – Lee Rizzuto The Breakers Hotel & Resort – Vizual, Inc. – Votto Vines Importing, Inc. –

Thank you to the following individuals and organizations that have sponsored active members of the armed services, veterans and wounded warriors at this year’s NELA Gala. Balise Toyota/Balise Auto Group Hyatt Hotels and Resorts OSIA Bella Italia Lodge #2808 – Columbia, SC OSIA Grand Lodge of Connecticut OSIA Grand Strand Lodge #2868 – Myrtle Beach, SC OSIA Myrtle Beach Lodge #2662 – Myrtle Beach, SC OSIA Triangle Sons of Italy Lodge #2817 – Raleigh, NC Mr. Joseph A. Russo 46

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The U.S. Armed Forces Medley

Caissons Go Rolling Along

The Marine Corps Hymn

Over hill, over dale We have hit the dusty trail And the Army goes rolling along In and out, hear them shout Counter march and right about And the Army goes rolling along For it’s hi! hi! hee! In the US Army Shout out your numbers loud and strong For where’re you go You will always know That the Army is rolling along

From the Halls of Montezuma To the shores of Tripoli; We fight our country’s battles On the land as on the sea; First to fight for right and freedom And to keep our honor clean; We are proud to claim the title Of United States Marine

Anchors Away Stand Navy, out to sea, Fight our battle cry; We’ll never change our course, So vicious foe steer shy-yy-y Roll out the TNT, Anchors Aweigh… Until we meet once more. Here’s wishing you a happy voyage home

Army Air Corps (Air Force) Song Off we go into the wild blue yonder Climbing high into the sun; Here they come zooming to meet our thunder At ‘em boys, Give ‘er the gun (Give’er the gun now!) Down we dive, sprouting our flame from under Off with one helluva roar! We live in fame or go down in flame. Hey! Nothing’ll stop the Army Air Corps!

America the Beautiful O beautiful for spacious skies, For amber waves of grain, For purple mountain majesties Above the fruited plain! America! America! God shed His grace on thee, And crown thy good with brotherhood From sea to shining sea! O beautiful for heroes proved In liberating strife, Who more than self their country loved, And mercy more than life! America! America! God shed His grace on thee, And crown thy good with brotherhood From sea to shining sea!

Off we go into the wild sky yonder, Keep the wings level and true; If you’d live to be a grey-haired wonder Keep the nose out of the blue! (Out of the blue, boy!) Flying men, guarding the nation’s borders, We’ll be there, followed by more! In echelon we carry on. Hey! Nothing’ll stop the U.S. Air Force!


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Roman Adventure for 2

Exotic Caribbean Cruise for 2

Sicilian Adventure for 2

Trip Highlights:

Trip Highlights:

Trip Highlights:

• 2 Business class round trip tickets from any Lufthansa U.S. gateway city to Italy (courtesy of Lufthansa)

• 7 nights aboard the MSC Divina (courtesy of MSC Cruises)

• 2 Economy class round trip tickets from any Alitalia U.S. gateway city to Italy (courtesy of Alitalia)

• 4 Nights in a premium fourstar hotel in downtown Rome • Privately-guided tour of the Vatican or the Roman Forum & Coliseum with an English-s peaking guide Estimated retail value of this package: over $14,000

• Balcony stateroom accommodations • Choice of 2 itineraries: Eastern or Western Caribbean Estimated retail value of this package: over $3,600

• 4 Nights in a premium fourstar hotel in Giardini Naxos, Sicily • Privately-guided tour of Catania, Syracuse or Mt. Etna with an English-speaking guide Estimated retail value of this package: over $5,000

Thank you to our generous sponsors for helping to make this year’s NELA Gala Auction a success! 48

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and tonight’s honorees.


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Co n g r at u l at i o n s o n 2 5 y e a r s o f h o n o r i n g t h os e w h o’ V e s p e n t a l i f e t i m e g i V i n g.

Chrysler group and fiat s.p.a. would like to congratulate the sons of italy foundation® on 25 years of honoring distinguished leaders who’ve made monumental contributions to their professions and communities. Because of their dedication and hard work, the world is a better place and opportunities abound.

©2013 Chrysler group llC. all rights reserved. Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge, ram, srt and mopar are registered trademarks of Chrysler group llC. fiat is a registered trademark of fiat group marketing & Corporate Communication s.p.a., used under license by Chrysler group llC.


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