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Transport Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO
The Transport Workers Union of America salutes International President Harry Lombardo on receiving the Sons of Italy Foundation 2014 Humanitarian Award at tonight’s 26th Annual National Education & Leadership Awards Gala Transport Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO 501 3rd St. NW, 9th Floor • Washington, DC 20001 • www.TWU.org
26 t h A n n u a l N EL A
46 T h e S o n s
I ta ly F o u n dat i o n
SENATOR CHRIS DODD for being awarded the
On behalf of our member companies and staff MPAA celebrates Senator Dodd’s lifetime of service to our country and the Italian-American community.
b T h e
I ta ly F o u n dat i o n
Arte Italiana
Salutes The Honorable Leon Panetta Former U.S. Secretary of Defense Former Director, CIA Former White House Chief of Staff National Education and Leadership Award LTG Flora D. Darpino 39th Judge Advocate General of the U.S. Army Special Award for Military Justice The Honorable Christopher J. Dodd Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Motion Picture Association of America Former U.S. Senator – Connecticut Lifetime Achievement Award for Public Service Harry Lombardo International President Transport Workers Union of America Humanitarian Award and The 2014 National Scholarship Recipients Joseph J. Nigro General President
Joseph Sellers, Jr. General Secretary-Treasurer
International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers www.smart-union.org
We Are Proud to Support
Orders Sons of Italy in America And Congratulate This Year’s Honorees
Columbus Citizens Foundation
Angelo Vivolo Ralph V. Balzano Michael F. Pedone Lawrence E. Auriana
President Vice President Secretary Treasurer
Board of Governors Frank G. Fusaro
Chairman of the Board
Vincent R. Cappucci Matthew Classi Anthony N. Correra John M. Desiderio Anthony Dolce Anthony F. Giordano Hon. Frank J. Guarini
Christopher Loiacono Frank P. Marzano Marian U. Pardo David A. Pope Stephen J. Squeri Louis A. Tallarini Jason DeSena Trennert
The Columbus Citizens Foundation is best known for organizing New York City’s Columbus Celebration, the largest display honoring Italian and Italian-American culture and pride in the world. While our most public undertaking is the production of the annual Columbus Day Parade on Fifth Avenue, our mission is to provide scholarship assistance to bright students of Italian-American descent who are academically gifted but lack financial means.
Congratulations to HARRY LOMBARDO and all of the Honorees. Jerome Lafragola, President Patrick Reynolds, Vice President Robert Higgins, Treasurer Kim Whitfield, Recording Secretary and all of Local 1400 members
Congratulations The 26th National Education & Leadership Award Gala
Humanitarian Award The Sons of Italy Foundation in honor of
Harry Lombardo International President, Transport Workers Union
I N2006,ANI MPROVI SEDEXPLOSI VEDEVI CE( I ED) LEFTSHANEPARSONSWI THCATASTROPHI CI NJURI ES. T h eg o v e r n me n t h e l p e dr e h a b i l i t a t eSh a n eb a c kt oak i n d e r g a r t e nr e a d i n gl e v e l . T o d a y , Sh a n ei s ® b a c kt owo r kt h a n k st ol o n g t e r ms u p p o r t p r o g r a msf r o mWo u n d e dWa r r i o r Pr o j e c t p r o v i d e da t n oc o s t t oh i mo r h i sf a mi l y–t h ewa yi t s h o u l db e . I nf a c t , t h i sy e a r Wo u n d e dWa r r i o r Pr o j e c t i sc o mmi t t i n g$ 3 0mi l l i o n t oh e l p2 5 0s e v e r e l yi n j u r e ds e r v i c eme mb e r sl i k eSh a n e . He l pu sa d v o c a t ef o r a l l o f t h e mb yp l e d g i n gy o u r s u p p o r t . PLEDGEYOURSUPPORT AT I MEANI TW W P. ORG ©20 1 4Wo u nd edWa r r i o rPr o j ec t ,I nc .Al lRi g ht sRes e r v ed .
The Sons
of I taly
26 th Anniversary National E ducation & Leadership Awards Gala
M ay 22, 2014 G T he N ational B uilding M useum G W ashington , D.C.
Table of Contents A Proclamation from President Barack Obama. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Greetings from Speaker of the House John Boehner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Welcome from the Sons of Italy Foundation (SIF). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 The Italian National Anthem: Lyrics & History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 The 2014 SIF NELA Gala Menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 The 2014 SIF NELA Gala Program. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 SIF Honoree Lt. General Flora D. Darpino. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 SIF Honoree U.S. Senator Christopher Dodd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 SIF Honoree TWU International President Harry Lombardo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 SIF Honoree the Hon. Leon Panetta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 The 2014 National Leadership Grant Recipients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Where Are They Now? Profiles of Past Grant Recipients. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 The 2014 Sons of Italy Foundation Scholarship Sponsors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Special Guest Speaker U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Special Guest Presenter U.S. Army Chief of Staff Gen. Raymond Odierno . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 The 2014 SIF Gala Master of Ceremonies Joe Mantegna. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Sons of Italy Foundation CEO Philip R. Piccigallo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Featured Performer: Sean Harris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 National Anthems: Maria Fassio Pignati. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 The Sons of Italy Foundation & Its Mission. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Highlights from Past NELAs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 SIF Past Honorees (2013-1989). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 The SIF Board and Committees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 The SIF Staff and Volunteers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 The Order Sons of Italy in America. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 The Sons of Italy Commission for Social Justice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 A Special Thanks: Colavita. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 A Special Thanks: Votto Vines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 The Sons of Italy Foundation Acknowledgments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 The 2014 NELA Sponsors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 The 2014 Military Sponsors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Wounded Warrior Project. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
26 t h A n n u a l N EL A
Presidential Proclamation — Columbus Day, 2013 BY TH E P R ES I D ENT OF T H E UN I T ED STAT ES O F A MER I C A
A Proclamation Late in the summer of 1492, Christopher Columbus, a renowned navigator and fearless adventurer, set out with three ships into uncharted waters. He hoped to discover a new route to the east -- opening trade routes for precious spices and paving the way for his patrons, Ferdinand II and Isabella I, to expand their empire. Instead, more than two months later, his crew spotted the Bahamas, and our world was changed forever. A son of Genoa, Italy, Columbus blazed a trail for generations of Italians who followed his path across the Atlantic. As we mark the anniversary of his voyage, our Nation embraces the many ways Italian Americans have enriched our culture and our communities -- as soldiers who defend our Nation in times of war, as leaders and laborers, as educators and entrepreneurs. This deep-rooted heritage has come to define who we are as a Nation, and it has helped us forge an extraordinary transatlantic partnership with the people of Italy. As Christopher Columbus and his crew made landfall, they could not have foreseen the ways in which their journey would shake contemporary understanding of the world, or the lasting mark their arrival would leave on the Native American societies they encountered. So as we celebrate the bold legacy of Christopher Columbus, we also pay tribute to the honorable yet arduous history of Native Americans, with whom the United States will always maintain strong nation-to-nation relationships. As today’s dreamers, explorers, scientists, and engineers set their sights on the next great discovery, may they be inspired by Christopher Columbus’s tale of unbounded courage and unwavering spirit. And as we pursue knowledge and progress, may we never lose sight of our shared humanity. In commemoration of Christopher Columbus’s historic voyage 521 years ago, the Congress, by joint resolution of April 30, 1934, and modified in 1968 (36 U.S.C. 107), as amended, has requested the President proclaim the second Monday of October of each year as “Columbus Day.” NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim October 14, 2013, as Columbus Day. I call upon the people of the United States to observe this day with appropriate ceremonies and activities. I also direct that the flag of the United States be displayed on all public buildings on the appointed day in honor of our diverse history and all who have contributed to shaping this Nation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this eleventh day of October, in the year of our Lord two thousand thirteen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-eighth.
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26 t h A n n u a l N EL A
Welcome From The Sons
of I taly
Foundation Leadership
Anthony J. Baratta, Chairman
Joseph DiTrapani, President
Tonight, we celebrate the achievement of four Americans who have distinguished themselves in their respective fields: Leon Panetta and Christopher Dodd in public service; Flora Darpino in military justice; and Harry Lombardo in labor. All four are leaders whose talents and dedication have made our nation stronger. We are proud of their accomplishments and deeply pleased that you have joined us in honoring them at this our 26th annual NELA Gala. Tonight, we also celebrate the potential of this year’s young SIF scholarship winners, chosen on the basis of their academic performance, school leadership and community service. These outstanding young men and women will be attending some of our nation’s most respected universities with help from the Sons of Italy Foundation and its national scholarship program. And finally, tonight we celebrate the Sons of Italy and its Foundation. Every year, members of the Sons of Italy raise hundreds of thousands of dollars and give it all away. Through the SIF, our members donate to medical research, disaster relief, scholarships and cultural preservation – to date, $128 million. Thank you for being here this evening to salute these present and future leaders and thank you for supporting the Sons of Italy Foundation and its worthy causes.
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Fratelli D’Italia The Italian National Anthem Il Canto degli Italiani (The Song of the Italians) is the Italian national anthem. It is best known among Italians as Inno di Mameli (Mameli’s Hymn), after the author of the lyrics, or Fratelli d’Italia (Brothers of Italy), from its opening line. The words were written in the autumn of 1847 in Genoa, by a 20-year-old student and patriot Goffredo Mameli, in a climate of popular struggle for unification and independence of Italy which foreshadowed the war against Austria. Two months later, they were set to music in Turin by another Genoese, Michele Novaro. The hymn enjoyed widespread popularity throughout the period of the Risorgimento (Unification of Italy) and in the following decades. Nevertheless, after the Italian Unification in 1861, the adopted national anthem was the Marcia Reale (Royal March), official hymn of the House of Savoy composed in 1831 on the orders of Carlo Alberto di Savoia. After the Second World War, Italy became a republic, and on 12 October 1946, Il Canto degli Italiani was provisionally chosen as the country’s new national anthem. This choice was made official in law only on 23 November 2012.
Fratelli d’Italia L’Italia s’è desta, Dell’elmo di Scipio S’è cinta la testa. Dov’è la Vittoria? Le porga la chioma, Ché schiava di Roma Iddio la creò. Stringiamoci a coorte Siam pronti alla morte Siam pronti alla morte L’Italia chiamò. Stringiamoci a coorte Siam pronti alla morte Siam pronti alla morte L’Italia chiamò. SÌ!
26 t h A n n u a l N EL A
LABORERS’ International Union Of North America
The men and women of the
Laborers’ International Union of North America are proud to join the
Sons of Italy as part of the
26th Annual National Education & Leadership Awards Gala in saluting all of tonight’s honorees. Congratulations!
TERRY O’SULLIVAN General President
ARMAND E. SABITONI General Secretary-Treasurer
The Sons of Italy Grand Lodge of Illinois & Wisconsin
Congratulates the 2014 NELA Honorees & SIF Scholarship Recipients
The Grand Lodge of Massachusetts Order Sons of Italy in America Invites You to Join Us for Our
100 Anniversary Gala Saturday, October 4, 2014 Demetri’s Function Facility Foxboro, MA
For sponsorship, advertising, and ticket information contact the Grand Lodge office at 617-489-5234 or visit our website at osiama.org
The Sons of Italy Grand Lodge of New Jersey
Congratulates the 2014 NELA Honorees & SIF Scholarship Recipients
Transport Workers Union Local 100 New York’s Public Tranit Union
Angel Giboyeaux Administrative VP
John Samuelsen President
Earl Phillips Sec’y Treasurer
Latonya Crisp-Sauray Recording Sec’y
TWU Int’l President Harry Lombardo A Great Labor Leader And Great Italian American
Best Wishes, Harry! The 40,000 Members of
Transport Workers Union Local 100 New York City
Are Proud of You
T h e S o n s O f I ta ly F o u n dat i o n
2 6 t h A nnual NE LA Gala
M ay 22, 2014 G T he N ational B uilding M useum G W ashington , D.C.
Menu Ho r s d ’ O euv r es Boursin Stuffed Date, Spicy Candied Pecan Pepper Grilled Sirloin Bruschetta, Bay Blue Cheese Mousse and Peppadew Sundried Tomato and Wild Mushroom Purse Chesapeake Crab and Grits in Tortilla Shell
Sa l a d Red and Yellow Vine Ripe Tomato, Upland Cress, Mozzarella, Aged Balsamic with
Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Cracked Black Pepper Sweet Potato Bread Display with Butter
En t r ée Roasted Sliced Beef Tenderloin with a Truffle Port Wine Demi-Glace, Mushroom Risotto, Haricot Verte and Glazed Baby Carrots
V EGETA R I A N EN T R ÉE Sweet Corn-Scallion Risotto with
Grilled Spring Squashes, Basil Oil and Micro Greens
Th i s Ev eni n g ’ s F eat u r ed Wi n es Leone d’Oro Chianti Colli Senesi 2012 Leone d’Oro Gavi 2012
D essert Passion Fruit Tart
Fr es h Roa st ed C o f f ee The wines served this evening were provided by Votto Vines and bear the “Figli d’Italia” label, the Sons of Italy’s for-profit corporation.
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T h e S o n s O f I ta ly F o u n dat i o n
2 6 t h A nnual NE LA Gala
M ay 22, 2014 G T he N ational B uilding M useum G W ashington , D.C.
Presentation of the Colors D.C. Metropolitan Police Department Ceremonial Honor Guard *The National Anthems Maria Fassio Pignati United States National Trustee, Order Sons of Italy in America
of Italy and the
Welcome Joe Mantegna Master of Ceremonies 2014 SIF National Scholarship Presentations Invocation Rev. R. Adam Forno National Chaplain, Order Sons of Italy in America Dinner Served
Greetings Joseph J. DiTrapani President, Sons of Italy Foundation 2014 Special Award Lt. Gen. Flora D. Darpino for Military Justice 39th Judge Advocate General, U.S. Army Presented by: Gen. Raymond T. Odierno Chief of Staff, U.S. Army 2014 SIF Humanitarian Award Harry Lombardo International President, Transport Workers Union Presented by: Robert Scardelletti National President, Transportation Communications Union/IAM 2009 SIF Humanitarian Award Recipient Musical Interlude Sean Harris “Winners” (Frank Sinatra) “You Make Me Feel So Young” (Frank Sinatra) “Che gelida manina” (from La bohème by Giacomo Puccini) “Core ‘Ngrato” (Neapolitan love song) Remarks The Honorable Samuel A. Alito, Jr. Associate Justice, U.S. Supreme Court Introduced by: Anthony J. Baratta Chairman, Sons of Italy Foundation National President, Order Sons of Italy in America 2014 SIF Lifetime Achievement Award The Honorable Christopher J. Dodd for Public Service Chairman & CEO, Motion Picture Association of America Former United States Senator (CT) 2014 SIF National Education The Honorable Leon E. Panetta & Leadership Award Former U.S. Secretary of Defense Former Director, CIA Presented by: Joseph J. DiTrapani President, Sons of Italy Foundation Anthony J. Baratta Chairman, Sons of Italy Foundation National President, Order Sons of Italy in America
*See page 5 for the lyrics to the Italian national anthem 26 t h A n n u a l N EL A
Lieutenant General Flora D. Darpino the Judge advocate general of the U.S. Army
THE 2014 SIF SPECIAL AWARD FOR MILITARY JUSTICE Lieutenant General (LTG) Darpino is the first woman in the Army’s 238-year history to lead its legal services as the 39th Judge Advocate General. As the Army’s top lawyer, she oversees a Corps of nearly 10,000 Judge Advocates, Civilian Attorneys, Legal Administrators, Paralegal Soldiers and Legal Professionals. A 28-year decorated veteran, who served in Iraq, she is married with two daughters, but kept her maiden name to honor her first generation Italian father, who served in WWII. Her father’s family came from the Naples area and her mother’s family is from in and around Rome. All her grandparents immigrated to the United States in the early 1900’s. EDUCATION
• Bachelor of Arts; Gettysburg College, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
• Juris Doctor; Rutgers University – Camden School of Law, Camden, parents
accepted have
said we
would and
better than the generation before us.
a result,
New Jersey • Master of Laws in Military Law; The Judge Advocate General’s Legal Center and School, Charlottesville, Virginia
never backed down
from a challenge because accepting failure was simply not an option.”
• Staff Judge Advocate, 4th Infantry Division, Fort Hood, Texas and Iraq • Deputy Staff Judge Advocate, III Corps, Fort Hood, Texas • Senior Service College Fellowship, Department of Justice, Washington, DC • Chief, Criminal Law Division, Office of The Judge Advocate General, Washington, DC • Staff Judge Advocate, V Corps, Germany • Staff Judge Advocate, U.S. Forces-Iraq, Baghdad • Commander & Chief Judge, U.S. Army Legal Services Agency, Fort Belvoir, Virginia • Commander & Commandant, The Judge Advocate General’s Legal Center and School, Charlottesville, Virginia • Promoted to Lieutenant General and became the 39th Judge Advocate General of the U.S. Army on September 3, 2013
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Senator Christoper Dodd
Former U.S. Senator & Current Chairman and CEO of the Motion Picture Association of America, Inc .
For 36 years, Senator Dodd represented Connecticut in the United States Congress, first for six years in the U.S. House of Representatives and then for thirty years in the U.S. Senate. He is Connecticut’s youngest and longest serving senator. Nicknamed “The Children’s Senator” for his legislative focus on the needs of children and families, from his decades of public service, Senator Dodd is perhaps known for authoring or coauthoring the Family and Medical Leave Act in 1993; the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act; the Help America Vote Act; and the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. EDUCATION
• Law degree from the University of Louisville in Louisville, KY • B.A. in English from Providence College in Providence, RI
“Throughout public service
my thirty-six years in
have admired greatly
the members of the
I have been privileged represent. Their dedication to
community that to
• Georgetown Preparatory School in Bethesda, MD CAREER Highlights
• Became chairman and CEO of the Motion Picture Association of America, Inc. (MPAA) in 2011. As CEO, his responsibilities
hard work and loving commitment
include protecting the creative freedoms of filmmakers by
to family stand as enduring examples
safeguarding intellectual property rights, advancing technology-
that we should all strive to emulate.”
driven innovation and opening global markets to film • Served as a senior member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and is a recognized expert on Latin America • Elected to U.S. Senate, served from 1981-2011 • Elected to U.S. House of Representatives, served from 1975-1981 • Served in Peace Corps in the Dominican Republic (fluent in Spanish)
26 t h A n n u a l N EL A
Harry Lombardo
International President, Transport Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO
THE 2014 SIF HUMANITARIAN AWARD For over 40 years, Harry Lombardo has worked tirelessly as a labor reformer and advocate for working men and women. As International President of the Transport Workers Union of America (TWU), his leadership is founded on the belief that providing a decent quality of life for every American depends on a strong and resilient labor movement. In addition to being an active union officer, he has been a dynamic force in Philadelphia and Pennsylvania politics, serving as Vice President of the Central Labor Council from 1989 to 1996 and Vice President of the Pennsylvania AFL-CIO from 1989 through the present. EDUCATION
• Community College of Philadelphia CAREER HIGHLIGHTS
“My Italian
heritage has given me
a deep respect for family and community.
In 1972, when I took a job SEPTA, Philadelphia’s public transit system, I saw it as a means of providing for my own family. Later, as president of our local union, I found an avenue to support my fellow workers and their families — by negotiating robust pensions, family care benefits, and wages working for
that provide a good quality of life and a solid footing for the next generation. legacy
value personal
what we leave behind for
our children.
Through my work in I have dedicated
organized labor,
my life to protecting the dignity of working men and women and to fostering strong working families.”
• Served as an AmeriCorps VISTA volunteer to establish a school in Lower Kensington for at-risk youth in 1970 • Became active within his Local union, TWU Local 234, after taking a job as a Car Cleaner for the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA) in 1972 • Elected President of TWU Local 234 in 1989 and served until 1996. During that time he secured significant wage and benefits gains for the Local’s five thousand members and instituted career ladder training programs still in place today to help workers advance more quickly from lower-paid positions • Elected TWU International Executive Vice President in 2006 and began working on the national level to strengthen organized labor through building community alliances in support of all working families • Elected Transport Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO International President in 2013 • Elected AFL-CIO Executive Council Vice President in 2014
10 T h e S o n s
I ta ly F o u n dat i o n
Secretary Leon E. Panetta
Chairman, the Panet ta Institute for Public Policy
Few men have given more of their lives and talents to public service than Leon Panetta. Secretary Panetta served as the 23rd Secretary of Defense and before that, as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, where he oversaw the operation that brought Osama bin Laden to justice. He led the Office of Management and Budget in the Clinton Administration and later became President Clinton’s Chief of Staff. He was a U.S. Congressman, representing his native California from 1977 to 1993, and served as Chairman of the House Budget Committee. In 1997, he founded the Panetta Institute for Public Policy and in February 2013, he returned to California to co-direct his Institute. EDUCATION
• Santa Clara University School of Law
am the son of
Calabria. Like millions of other immigrants, they decided to build a new life here in the United States. When I was a young boy, I used to ask my father, what made them travel from
thousands of miles to a strange new land, leaving the comfort of family and friends, and arriving in
with no money, no skills and little language ability.
always told me
that he and my mother came here because they believed they could give their children a better life. the
American Dream. That
spirit of
hope and sacrifice is what being ian is all about.
the spirit
ItalI feel
every time my family gathers around my dining room table, in the home my parents built.
love of family,
the joy of good food, the guidance of faith and the principle of sacrifice, this is what being meant to me.
lowed me to live the
26 t h A n n u a l N EL A
has always
it is what has al-
American Dream.”
CAREER HIGHLIGHTS • First Lieutenant, U.S. Army
• Director, U.S. Office for Civil Rights, where he was responsible for enforcing equal education laws • Elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1976 where he worked on agriculture, healthcare, marine, and federal budget issues • Chaired the House Budget Committee where he authored legislation, including the Hunger Prevention Act of 1988; and Medicare and Medicaid coverage for hospice care for the terminally ill • Director of the Office of Management and Budget for the incoming Clinton Administration in 1993, where he helped develop the policies that balanced the federal budget and led to budget surpluses • Chief of Staff to President Clinton from 1994 to 1997 • Founded with wife, Sylvia, the Panetta Institute for Public Policy in 1997, based at California State University, Monterey Bay • Director of the CIA from 2009-2011, where he was responsible for overseeing the operation that resulted in bringing Osama bin Laden to justice • U.S. Secretary of Defense from 2011-2013, where he oversaw the final removal of American troops from Iraq as well as the beginning of troop withdrawals from Afghanistan 11
The Officers, Staff and Members of
The Sons of Italy Foundation
*** CONGRATULATIONS to Our Dear Friend Distinguished Honoree
Harry Lombardo and Co-Honorees
Sen. Christopher J. Dodd and
Lt. General Flora D. Darpino
PITTA BISHOP DEL GIORNO & GIBLIN LLC LOBBYING * CONSULTING * GOVERNMENT RELATIONS * CAMPAIGN FINANCE COMPLIANCE 111 Washington Ave, St. 401 Albany, New York 12210 Telephone (518) 449-3320 Facsimile (518) 449-5812
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and their
26th National Education & Leadership Awards Gala
HARRY LOMBARDO International President, Transport Workers Union
Former United States Senator - Connecticut
THE HON. LEON PANETTA Former U.S. Secretary of Defense Former Director, CIA Former White House Chief of Staff
LIEUTENANT GENERAL FLORA D. DARPINO 39th Judge Advocate General of the U.S. Army
Lawrence J. Hanley, International President Javier M. Perez, Jr., International Exec. Vice President Oscar Owens, International Secretary-Treasurer
BOSTON MUTUAL - Big Enough to Matter,
Small Enough to Care
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Worksite Portfolio: H
Disability Insurance
Critical Illness
The 2014 SIF National Leadership Grant Recipients CHRISTOPHER GIULIANO The George J. Spatuzza Scholarship Hometown: Hauppage, NY School: Stonybrook University, New York State
• Valedictorian of graduating class and an AP Scholar with Distinction. • President of Science Olympiad, Public Relations of Art Club, National Honor Society Member, and member of National Spanish Honor Society. • Received 2nd Place at the Long Island Science and Engineering Fair and Recipient of American Psychological Association Letter of Recognition for Research Involving Behavioral Epigenetic Inheritance.
JOHN CHERICHELLO The Italian Language Scholarship Hometown: Livingston, NJ School: Bard College-Annandale-on-Hudson, NY
• Head of Bard College’s Italian Club, Circolo Italiano. • Received the Book Award in the Italian Language at Bard College Spring 2013. • Member of the Bard College Chamber Singers and Club Head of student-run a cappella group, the Orcapelicans.
JENA NEUSCHELER The National Italian Bar Association/Sons of Italy Foundation Scholarship Hometown: Stamford, CT School: Stanford Law School-Stanford, CA
• Graduated summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa from Duke University, majoring in Women’s Studies & U.S. History. • Interned at Women’s Legal Centre in Cape Town, South Africa, co-authoring international advocacy toolkit on women’s rights. • Co-President of Stanford Law Students for Reproductive Justice.
JUSTINA VALGENTO The Frank J. DeSantis Scholarship Hometown: Scottsdale, AZ School: Washington State University Graduate School-Pullman, WA
• Authored research project about the ethical ramifications of xenotransplantation in The Triple Helix: The Science in Society Review. • Previously an adjunct faculty for the chemistry and physiology labs at alma mater, Grand Canyon University. • Classically trained opera singer and retired competitive figure skater.
LEAH RAGNO The Henry F. Salvatori Memorial Scholarship Hometown: Massapequa, NY School: University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
• Intern for the Patient Escort Service at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York City • AP Scholar with Honor and Valedictorian of high school class. • Volunteer at North Shore-LIJ Southside Hospital and Syosset Hospital.
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SARAH GIORDANO The OSIA Grand Lodge of Illinois/Wisconsin-OSIA Scholarship Hometown: Waukesha, WI School: Vanderbilt University-Nashville, TN
• President of Student Council and leader of successful food drive for the Salvation Army. • Class Valedictorian, National Merit Finalist, and scored a perfect ACT score of 36. • Plays piano and trombone and is section leader in a top Wisconsin marching band.
DANIEL LAURIOLA Dr. Vincenzo Sellaro/The Grand Lodge of New York Scholarship Hometown: Rome City, IN School: Rose Hulman Institute
Technology– Terre Haute, IN
• Currently a double major in Engineering Physics, and Optical Engineering at Rose Hulman Institute of Technology where his scholarship will be applied • Graduated with honors (100/100) from the Liceo Scientifico A. Gramsci in Ivrea, Italy in 2013. • Member and Activities Director of the Delta Sigma Phi fraternity, member of the Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society. • Competed internationally with the Italian Slalom Kayak Team, earning three Italian Championship titles and numerous medals, 2010-2013.
MARISA MITRANO The Charles Evans Scholarship Hometown: West Hartford, CT School: University of Notre Dame-Notre Dame, IN
• Presidential Scholar Semi-Finalist, AP Scholar with Distinction, and scored a perfect 36 on the ACTs. • Captain of Varsity Softball team and named to All-Conference and All-Academic Teams. • First Bassoonist for Concert Band & First Trombonist for nationally-acclaimed Concert Jazz Band that toured Europe in 2012 and 2014.
MADELINE SAVIANO The 2014 National Education & Leadership Grant Hometown: Whitefish Bay, WI School: Stanford University, California
• A National Merit Scholar and also achieved a perfect SAT Score of 2400. • Conducted and published astrophysics research which tracked the Near Earth Asteroid 1998 QE2 during six-week Summer Science Program. • Class Valedictorian, Editor-in-Chief of school newspaper, and Captain of Varsity Math Team. The Sons of Italy Foundation and the Wounded Warriors Project jointly fund a $10,000 scholarship for a wounded veteran. The 2014 recipient had not been named when the dinner journal went to press.
THE CHARLES EVANS SCHOLARSHIP For the fourth year, the Sons of Italy Foundation (SIF) is proud to award The Charles Evans Scholarship, a perpetual scholarship funded by an endowment from the Charles Evans Foundation. A successful businessman, U.S. veteran, and philanthropist, Charles Evans co-founded the fashion house Evan-Picone and was executive producer of the Academy Award-winning film, “Tootsie.” Mr. Evans crusaded for causes close to his heart, namely fire detection safety and Alzheimer’s disease research, and served as national director of the Alzheimer’s Association. The SIF is grateful Charles Evans (1926-2007) 26 t h A n n u a l N EL A
to the Charles Evans Foundation for making this perpetual scholarship possible. 13
Where Are They Now? Profiles of 10 past Sons of Italy Foundation Scholarship Recipients
1989 ROB BENEDETTO Education: B.S. in Mathematics from Harvard College (magna cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa). Ph.D. in Mathematics from Brown University in Boston. Career: Associate Professor of Mathematics at Amherst College in Massachusetts. Honors: National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Research Grant at Boston University.
1990 CHRISTINE LATTANZIO Education: B.A. from the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor; a J.D. from the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, and an LL.M. in Taxation from the New York University School of Law. Career: A partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers where she heads leads its New York Metro Real Estate Tax practice and is co-leader of its National Real Estate Tax practice. Also active in company’s mentoring programs for young women and low-income youth.
1993 EDMUND LOPRESTI Education: B.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. Ph.D. in Bioengineering from the University of Pittsburgh. Career: Owner, AT Sciences, a small business dedicated to research, development, and commercialization of technology for people with disabilities. Also teaches at the University of Pittsburgh, matching people with disabilities with appropriate technologies.
1994 AURELIO TELEMAN Education: B.S. in biochemistry from Harvard College (summa cum laude). Ph.D. in developmental biology at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Heidelberg, Germany. Career: Heads a division at the German Cancer Research Center, the largest biomedical research institute in Germany where he studies how normal cells and tumor cells control their growth. Honors: Has received several awards and prizes, including the European Research Council Starting Grant; the EMBO Young Investigator Award and the WaltherFlemming Medal.
1995 DOMINIC A. RICCI Education: B.Sc. in physics from MIT. Ph.D. in physics from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Career: Head of market risk management for emerging market & structured product businesses for HSBC Financial Services in New York.
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1996 Corey Ciocchetti Education: B.A. in Business Administration, University of Denver; M.A. in Religious Studies, University of Denver; Juris Doctorate, Duke University Law School in Durham, N.C. Career: Professor of business ethics at the University of Denver. Also inspirational speaker on developing life and character. Honors: Outstanding Professor of the Year, University of Denver
1998 ELISABETH GAMBINO Education: B.A. Hampshire College in Massachusetts with a major in studio arts, writing, and social change; MFA from the Savannah College of Art and Design. Career: Teaches underprivileged youth and severely emotionally disturbed elementary school students in Baltimore by integrating the arts into all subject areas. Now also trains teachers to deliver similar programs and is developing similar curricula for college faculties. Honors: 2011 Elementary Art Teacher of the Year for Baltimore City Public Schools.
1998 MICHELANGELO D’AGOSTINO Education: B.S. in physics from Harvard College. Ph.D. in astroparticle physics from the University of California, Berkeley. Career: Data scientist at Braintree, a Chicago-based startup that processes credit card payments for some of the most exciting web and mobile startups like Uber, Airbnb, and Living Social. Honors: Research expeditions to Antarctica and the South Pole. Co-authored over twenty scientific papers and has written about popular science and technology for the Economist.
2001 NICOLE GERARDO Education: Ph.D. in Ecology and Evolutionary biology at the University of Texas at Austin. Completed post-doctoral training at the University of Arizona. Career: Assistant professor at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, where she runs a research lab focusing on the evolution and ecology of insect-microbe interactions. Honors: Post-doctoral fellowship from the National Institutes of Health
2003 JOE PASQUALICHIO Education: MBA from Harvard Business School. Career: Employed by a major investment management company in Boston. Honors: President of the Harvard Graduate Student Government, overseeing the 12 Harvard Graduate and Professional Schools (including Law, Business and the Kennedy School of Government.)
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The 2014 SIF National Leadership Grant Donors The Son s of I ta ly F o u n dat i o n D eeply T h a n k s th e S I F Per pe t ua l Sc h o l a r sh i p D o n o r s Giulia Besozzi Scholarship Boncore Family Scholarship Cappellotti Family Scholarship Carlone Family Scholarship Lou Carnesecca Scholarship Esposito Family Scholarship The Charles Evans Scholarship Simone & Bruno Giuffrida Memorial Scholarship Giovanni & Emilia Glessi Memorial Scholarship George L. Graziadio/SIF Scholarship Polo Family Scholarship Frank D. Privitera Scholarship Henry F. Salvatori Memorial Scholarship Pietro Secchia Scholarship George J. Spatuzza Scholarship Angelo Tomasso Sr. Scholarship
The SIF t hanks th e donor s o f t h i s y ea r ’ s a d d i t i o na l sc h o l a r s h i p s : The Frank J. De Santis Scholarship The Italian Language Scholarship The National Italian American Bar Association/Sons of Italy Foundation Scholarship The OSIA Grand Lodge of Illinois/Wisconsin-OSIA Scholarship The OSIA Grand Lodge of New York Vincenzo Sellaro Scholarship The Wounded Warrior/Sons of Italy Foundation Scholarship SIF Trustee Dr. Mark DeNunzio
T he SIF a ls o ackn owled g es t h e g en ero u s c o n t r i but i o n s o f Anthony J. Baratta Jeb Balise Joseph A. Russo and Paul S. Polo to The 2014 National Education & Leadership Awards 16 T h e S o n s
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Justice Samuel A. Alito, Jr. Associate Justice, United States Supreme Court Special G uest Speaker Justice Samuel A. Alito, Jr. has served on the U.S. Supreme Court since 2006, an appointment that crowned a long and distinguished career in law. A graduate of Princeton and Yale universities for his undergraduate and law degrees, respectively, Justice Alito began his legal career as an assistant U.S. attorney for New Jersey where he prosecuted cases of drug trafficking and organized crime. Later, as assistant to the U.S. solicitor general, he argued 12 cases before the Supreme Court for the federal government and went on to become the deputy assistant attorney general and then the U.S. attorney for the District of New Jersey. In 1990, President George H. W. Bush nominated him to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit where he wrote notable opinions on Constitutional amendments and civil rights. After fifteen years there, President George W. Bush nominated him in 2005 to Sandra Day O’Connor’s seat on the U.S. Supreme Court. He was confirmed by the U.S. Senate in January, 2006. Justice Alito was born and raised in New Jersey, where his father was a director of research for the New Jersey Legislature, and his mother was a teacher. He and his wife, Martha-Ann have two children, Philip and Laura.
General Raymond T. Odierno Chief of Staff of the Army Special Guest Presenter Gen. Raymond T. Odierno serves as the 38th and current Chief of Staff of the Army. Previously he was commander, U.S. Joint Forces Command (USJFCOM), in Norfolk, Virginia and before that, was the commanding general of U.S. forces in Iraq where he served three tours of duty. Gen. Odierno and his men fought in the Sunni Triangle, north of Baghdad, one of the most violent regions of Iraq. There in December 2003, his troops captured Saddam Hussein. The general is also the deservedly proud father of a past SIF honoree, Capt. Anthony K. Odierno (U.S. Army Ret.). Gen. Odierno was born and raised in New Jersey and is a 1976 graduate of West Point. He has had a long and distinguished military career and earned many honors. He also holds masters degrees in nuclear effects engineering from North Carolina State University and National security and strategy from the Naval War College. We are honored that he is with us tonight to introduce Lt. Gen. Flora Darpino, receipient of the 2014 SIF Special Award for Military Justice.
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Joe Mantegna Master
A Tony and Emmy award winning American actor, producer, writer and director of Italian heritage, Joe Mantegna’s more than 40 years of performance experience, both on the screen and behind it, has earned him a star on Hollywood’s Walk of Fame. He is best known for roles in box-office hits such as “The Godfather Part III,” “Forget Paris” and “CARS 2,” and he currently stars in the CBS television series “Criminal Minds.” As father of an autistic daughter, Mr. Mantegna has spent many years helping autistic children and families through ACT for Military Families, Easter Seals and Autism Speaks, among others. Joe has received a number of awards over the years for his work with various veterans’ and military organizations and the USO. In 2012 Joe was named the National Spokesperson for the campaign to build the United States Army Museum in Ft. Belvoir Virginia, and 2014 marks his 13th consecutive year with the National Memorial Day Concert and host of the SIF NELA Gala.
Philip R. Piccigallo, Ph.D. National Executive Director & CEO, The Sons of Italy Foundation & N ational Executive Director, Order Sons of Italy in America Since 1988, Dr. Philip R. Piccigallo has led the Sons of Italy in Washington, DC where his efforts have strengthened ties between Italian Americans and leaders in government and public policy. He began the Sons of Italy Foundation’s NELA gala in 1988 and was delighted last year to celebrate its silver anniversary.
Dr. Piccigallo brought to the Order a background in unions and specifically
the American Federation of Teachers, the Seafarers International Union and the Maritime Trades Department, AFL-CIO.
Born and raised in New York City, he holds a B.A. in economics; an M.A.
in economic history and a Ph.D. in history and international affairs from the City University of New York. He has written two books on U.S. foreign policy, and articles on education, politics and international affairs. He and wife, Rose have two children, Jacqueline and Paul.
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Sean Harris Tenor Sean Harris started singing at the age of 10 and professionally at the age of 16. He attended Bowen High School, where he studied music. After graduation, he furthered his education at Roosevelt University and the University of Illinois at Chicago. Mr. Harris has worked with the Italian American Foundation, the Sons of Italy, the Clark Johnson Orchestra, and the Illinois Philharmonic Orchestra. He has also performed for the South Shore Opera Company, the Joe Vito Orchestra, the Jazz Faure Project, and the AR LEAK Broadcast. Other credits include Unity in Rogers Park with the Peter Polsak, University Church in Hyde Park, Christ Church in Lake Forest and “Our Three Tenors” at Grant Memorial AME Church, where he is currently a member. Mr. Harris is currently studying with Dr. Edna Williams. He also is compiling a CD; preparing concerts; and developing several other projects he finds exciting. His extensive vocal repertoire includes jazz and French cabaret, Italian Neapolitan love songs, operetta, oratorio, art songs, Broadway musicals and sacred music.
Maria Fassio Pignati Featured Performer Performing the American and Italian national anthems for us this evening is soprano Maria Fassio Pignati of San Francisco. She earned a B.A. in Music with a minor in Italian and then studied voice and piano at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music. Ms. Fassio Pignati is a well-known soprano soloist, who regularly performs in various venues and is a member of the “Trio Amore” opera ensemble. She and tenor Peter Girardot have recorded a collection of classic Italian love songs, La Vita Bella, available on CD. Active in the Italian American community for 40 years, Ms. Fassio Pignati is the former state president of the Sons of Italy’s Grand Lodge of California, which has 61 lodges in California, southern Oregon and western Nevada and is a current national trustee. She also serves on the boards of several organizations, including the San Francisco Columbus Day Celebration, Italian Community Services and the School of Italian Language and Culture in South San Francisco. For her service to her city’s Italian community, Maria Fassio Pignati was made a knight of the Italian republic with the title, “Cavaliere nell’Ordine della Stella della Solidarietà.”
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The IBEW joins the Sons of Italy Foundation in celebrating the honorees of the 26th National Educational and Leadership Awards Gala
The power professionals of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers are committed to quality workmanship, top-notch training, and building stronger communities. We believe that empowering workers encourages them to be the best they can be both on and off the job, helping working families to live better and fuller lives.
Edwin D. Hill
International President
Salvatore J. Chilia
International Secretary-Treasurer
Congratulations to This Year’s Honorees: HARRY LOMBARDO
International President, Transport Workers Union of America Humanitarian Award
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Motion Picture Association of America Former United States Senator (CT) Lifetime Achievement Award for Public Service
LIEUTENANT GENERAL FLORA D. DARPINO 39th Judge Advocate General of the U.S. Army Special Award for Military Justice
Former U.S. Secretary of Defense, Former Director, CIA, Former White House Chief of Staff National Education & Leadership Award
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The Sons of Italy Foundation The S ons of I taly F oundation (SIF) is the philanthropic arm of the O rder S ons of I taly in A merica (OSIA). E stablished in 1959, the SIF has given more than $128 million to scholarships , philanthropy , medical research , disaster relief and cultural preservation .
SCHOLARSHIPS Every year, the SIF gives $100,000 in scholarships to promising young Italian Americans at NELA. Since 1959, it has given out $58 million in scholarships at the local, state and national levels.
MEDICA L R E S E A RC H The SIF supports research to cure Cooley’s anemia, Alzheimer’s disease, Autism, and other serious threats to life and health
donates generously to
disaster relief in the
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CULT UR A L P R ES ERVAT I O N The SIF’s GaribaldiMeucci Museum is a center of Italian culture on Staten Island, NY
I M M I G R A N T H I S TO RY The SIF contributes to preserving Italian immigrant documents at the Immigration History Research Center in Minnesota and now has partnered with ANCESTRY.Com to broaden its impact
U.S. monuments, including the Statue of Liberty, the WW II memorial and the tribute to 9/11 in New York City restoration of
26 t h A n n u a l N EL A
The Sons
of I taly
A History of Giving
Medical Research & Social Services Alzheimer’s Association American Fund for Dental Health American Italian Cancer Foundation The American Foundation for St. George Hospital, Inc. Annette Funicello Fund for Neurological Disorders Arthritis Foundation Barbara Sinatra Children’s Center Boys Town of Italy CES Foundation Children’s Inn at NIH The W.J. Clinton Foundation Coaches vs. Cancer Cooley’s Anemia Foundation Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America The Daniel Pitino Children’s Health Foundation Disabled Veterans of America The Doug Flutie Foundation Doctors Without Borders The Fondazione Il Cireneo Onlus per l’Autismo Fox Chase Cancer Center The Gary Sinise Foundation Gene Upshaw Memorial Fund for Brain Cancer Help Our Military Heroes The Italian Hospital Society Lombardi Cancer Center Luke’s Wings Lupis Foundation & Elizabeth Fund March of Dimes The Metropolitan DC Police Foundation Michael Bolton Charities For Battered Women Multiple Sclerosis Smile Train Special Olympics St. Joseph’s Indian School St. Jude Research Hospital for Children
Cultural Preservation & the Arts American Italian Historical Association Center for Migration Studies Columbus Citizens Foundation Commission for Social Justice Concordia Language Villages Italian Program Council for the Promotion of Italian Language in American Schools FIERI National Garibaldi-Meucci Museum In Italiano language program Istituto Italiano di Cultura Italian Americana Italian American Cultural Center Italian American Welfare League Italian Cultural Society Italian Musicale John D. Calandra Italian-American Institute The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts SIF Patron of the Arts & Culture program U.S. State Department/American Embassy in Rome Washington Revels Education American Institute for Foreign Study & Academic Year in America exchange programs American University of Rome Bard College The Charles Evans Foundation The College Board Advanced Placement Program in Italian Dante School for Children Hoop Dreams Italian Studies Chair at California State University John Cabot University Mentoring and Internships Order Sons of Italy in America National Student Summit Pepperdine University Seton Hall University School of Diplomacy & International Relations The SIF National Leadership Grant Competition
Disaster Relief American Red Cross (Hurricane Andrew relief ) Assisi earthquake relief Cassino Memorial Orphanage Rebuilding Catholic Relief Services Ethiopian famine relief Florentine flood relief Haiti Earthquake Relief Katrina Relief Fund Mexican earthquake relief Naples earthquake relief Oklahoma City Bombing Super Storm Sandy Relief SIF/OSIA 911 Disaster Relief Fund Tsunami Relief (Indonesia) L’Aquila Earthquake in Abruzzo, Italy Other Special Projects Arab American Institute The Boys Scouts of America The Business Council for International Understanding Catholics United Christopher Columbus Catholic Center DC Friends of Ireland DC Metropolitan Police Department Foundation Don Orione Home & Madonna Queen National Shrine Ellis Island Foundation Greater Washington Urban League, Inc. Hoop Dreams of Washington, D.C. Immigration History Research Center The Isaac Hayes Foundation National Football League Players Association National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial National Policy Association National World War II Memorial The Statue of Liberty Restoration Project TF Peace Foundation The World Trade Center Museum and Memorial The Wounded Warrior Project
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The Sons
of I taly
Contribution Highlights
1959 Sons of Italy Foundation (SIF) established as the philanthropic arm of the Order Sons of Italy in America, the nation’s oldest and biggest organization for people of Italian heritage. 1964
$25,000 for flood victims in Belluno, Italy
$200,000 for flood victims in Florence and Venice
Designates March of Dimes as one of its official charities and donates more than $14 million over the next two decades
$127,000 for earthquake victims in Sicily
Names Cooley’s Anemia Foundation as an official charity. To date, donated nearly $3 million.
$217,000 for earthquake victims in Friuli, Italy
$3 million in funds plus medicine and clothing to victims of 1980 quake in southern Italy
Contributes to restoration of Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty
$30,000 to earthquake victims in Mexico
Holds first National Education & Leadership Award (NELA) event in Washington, DC
$50,000 to establish the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial in Washington, DC
Names the Alzheimer’s Association one of its official charities and donates $1 million over the next 10 years. Pledges another $1 million donation by 2015
$50,000 to Barbara Sinatra Hospital for Abused Children
$66,000 to establish an Advanced Placement program in Italian; Gave additional $50,000 in 2010 to re-instate the program.
$100,000 to establish a World War II memorial in Washington, DC
$15,000 to the Tsunami Emergency Relieve effort in Asia
$35,000 for Hurricane Katrina Relief
$100,000 to the National September 11 Memorial & Museum in NYC
$100,000 to Coaches vs. Cancer
$100,000 over past four years to the Rienzi Foundation to cure deafness through cochlear implants
Collects an estimated $300,000 in relief funds to aid victims of Abruzzi earthquake
The Charles Evans Foundation, formed by Evan-Picone fashion house co-founder Charles Evans, selects the SIF to receive a quarter-million-dollar endowment to establish the perpetual Charles Evans Scholarship.
$100,000 to build the World Trade Center Museum & Memorial in New York City
$10,000 scholarship to Medal of Honor recipient Salvatore Giunta
$235,000 to help rebuild the Fondazione Il Cireneo Onlus per L’Autismo, a center for autistic children, destroyed by the 2009 earthquake that struck L’Aquila in Abruzzi.
$24,600 to new national charity, the Doug Flutie, Jr. Foundation for Autism, Inc.
2011 Pledges a second $2 million contribution to the Alzheimer’s Association 2012
Answers the call of natural disaster victims in Italy and the U.S., launching fund-raising campaigns for Emilia-Romagna earthquake relief and Hurricane Sandy relief
$25,000 to Super Storm Sandy Relief; $15,000 to the Gary Sinise Foundation; and $50,000 since 2008 to the Columbus Citizens Foundation
$20,000 will be donated this year to Help Our Military Heroes
26 t h A n n u a l N EL A
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United Mine Workers of America Congratulates
Harry Lombardo
International President, TWU Recipient of the 2014 Humanitarian Award
Hon. Christopher J. Dodd
Chairman and CEO, MPAA Recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award for Public Service
Lt. Gen. Flora D. Darpino
39th Judge Advocate General, U.S. Army Recipient of the Special Award for Military Justice
Hon. Leon Panetta
Former U.S. Secretary of Defense and Director of the CIA
For Their Many Years of Outstanding Leadership and Service Cecil E. Roberts International President Daniel J. Kane International Secretary-Treasurer
The National Past Presidents of the Order Sons of Italy in America Philip R. Boncore, Esq. Frank J. DeSantis Joseph J. DiTrapani The Hon. Robert A. Messa Paul S. Polo, Sr. Vincent Sarno Joseph Sciame John G. Spatuzza Joanne L. Strollo Peter R. Zuzolo Congratulate the Sons of Italy Foundation on its 26th NELA Gala Best wishes to the 2014 Honorees & Scholarship Recipients
The Law Office of Phillips, Richard & Rind, P.A. PRACTICING IN THE AREAS OF LABOR, EMPLOYMENT & ERISA
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The Early Years
U.S. Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA) at the 1989 NELA dinner
Former Congresswoman Geraldine Ferraro, U.S. Ambassador to Italy Tom Foglietta and SIF CEO Philip Piccigallo at the 1996 NELA at the Andrew Mellon Auditorium
Baseball’s Tommy Lasorda, a 1997 honoree, with singer Vic Damone
Tony Bennett received the SIF Humanitarian Award in 1999 24 T h e S o n s
I ta ly F o u n dat i o n
President Bill Clinton has attended many NELAs over the years
Legendary Speaker of the House Tip O’Neill (D-MA) addresses the 1992 NELA held on Capitol Hill
Former FBI Director Louis Freeh, honored in 1994, with U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) U.S. House of Representatives Minority Leader Robert Michel (R-IL) at a 1990 NELA Breakfast 26 t h A n n u a l N EL A
The NELA 1996 honoree, the legendary Joe Paterno (L) with Senator Bob Dole U.S. Senator Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) greets 1994 NELA guests on Capitol Hill
Television’s Larry King was a NELA Master of Ceremonies in 1999
1990 Honoree U.S. Representative Silvio Conte with an early SIF scholarship winner, Jane Cirigliano
Leon Panetta, former congressman and later head of the CIA, was a NELA keynote speaker at the 1995 NELA at the National Press Club and the 2014 SIF NELA honoree
Scientist and AIDS researcher Anthony Fauci, M.D. received the 1992 NELA honor
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U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia received the 1991 NELA honor
Then-Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell (D-ME) with Joanne Strollo, OSIA’s first woman president, celebrate the 1994 NELA
U.S. Senator Bill Bradley (D-NJ) welcomes guests at the 1989 NELA gala
Then-Vice President Al Gore spoke at the 1994 NELA 26 t h A n n u a l N EL A
Congratulations to the marvelous honorees who are so justly deserving of the SIF’s prestigious awards. GAIL & CARMEN POLICY ALONG WITH THE TEAM OF CASA PIENA WINERY
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The Sons of Italy Foundation Trustees
Angelo R. Bianchi, Esq. Richard R. Della Croce Al DeNapoli Dr. Mark DeNunzio Joseph LaBanca Bruce Lankewish Salvatore Lanzilotta Michael G. Polo Marianne Principe-O’Neil
Congratulate the 2014 Honorees & Scholarship Recipients
Transportation Trades Department, AFL‐CIO is proud to support the
The Sons of Italy Foundation and congratulate tonight’s honorees, including labor’s very own TWU International President Harry Lombardo for their generosity to students across the nation 815 16th St. NW, Washington, D.C. 20006 202‐628‐9262 www.TTD.org
NELA Highlights
Honorees & Special Guests
SIF CEO/Executive Director Philip Piccigallo with Mr. and Mrs. Clinton at the 2005 NELA
Gen. Raymond Odierno, Army Chief of Staff, at the 2011 NELA
Racing Legend & Honoree Mario Andretti with actress Connie Stevens at the 2000 NELA
Philip Piccigallo with President Bill Clinton at the 2010 NELA
President George W. Bush at the 2004 NELA
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TV’s Regis Philbin was honored in 2001
Past NELA M.C., newsman Sam Donaldson (L) and current M.C., actor Joe Mantegna
Hillary Rodham Clinton with former Democratic National Committee chair, Terry McAuliffe at the 2002 NELA
2012 SIF honoree, Gen. Peter Pace (ret.) and Anita McBride, past chief of staff to first lady Laura Bush.
The NELA ballroom at the National Building Museum. About 1,000 guests attend annually. 26 t h A n n u a l N EL A
Five women trailblazers at the 2007 NELA. (L. to R.) Madeleine Albright; Hillary Rodham Clinton; Geraldine Ferraro; Nancy Pelosi and Mary Landrieu
The SIF’s Philip Piccigallo with honoree V.P. Joe Biden at the 2009 NELA
Tenor Michael Amante has been a frequent NELA per-
The 2013 NELA: (L. to R.) Doug Flutie; Franco Nuschese; Sergio Marchionne; Philip Piccigallo and Anthony Fauci
The 2013 NELA scholarship winners 30 T h e S o n s
I ta ly F o u n dat i o n
The Sons
of I taly
The SIF Award Recipients 2013 - 1989 The Sons of Italy Foundation (SIF) Awards are given annually at the SIF’s Gala Dinner, held every May in Washington, D.C. 2013
Robert F. Corrao Chairman & CEO, Ski TV Network The National Education & Leadership Award (NELA) Sergio Marchionne Chairman & CEO, Chrysler Group LLC, CEO, FIAT S.p.A The SIF Award for Excellence in Global Business Gen. Colin L. Powell (USA Ret.) 65th U.S. Secretary of State & 12th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff The SIF Lifetime Achievement Award for Public Service Gary Sinise Actor, Activist, & Founder, the Gary Sinise Foundation
Lewis C. Merletti Former Director, United States Secret Service NELA President Bill Clinton Founder, William J. Clinton Foundation SIF Lifetime Achievement Award for Public Service Capt. Anthony Odierno (U.S. Army, Ret.) Manager, Stadium Operations, NY Yankees SIF Special Award for Courage & Patriotism
The SIF Award for Courage & Patriotism 2012
Hillary Rodham Clinton U.S. Secretary of State The SIF Lifetime Achievement Award for Public Service Armand Sabitoni General Secretary, Laborers International Union of North America The SIF Humanitarian Award Claudio Bozzo President, Mediterranean Shipping Company, Inc. The SIF Award for Excellence in Business Gen. Peter Pace, U.S. Marine Corps. (Ret.) 16th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff The SIF Award for Courage & Patriotism 2011
Carmen Policy Founder & Proprietor, Casa Piena Vineyard Former owner & CEO, San Francisco 49ers The National Education & Leadership Award (NELA) Jack Reed U.S. Senator from Rhode Island Veteran, U.S. Army 82nd Airborne Division SIF Lifetime Achievement Award for Public Service Pier F. Guarguaglini Chairman & CEO, Finmeccanica SpA Excellence in Global Business Steven Nardizzi, Esq. Executive Director, Wounded Warrior Project Special Award for Courage & Patriotism
26 t h A n n u a l N EL A
Joseph R. Biden, Jr. Vice President of the United States SIF Lifetime Achievement Award for Public Service Arthur J. Gajarsa Federal Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals SIF Lifetime Achievement Award in Jurisprudence Robert A. Scardelletti International President, Transportation Communications Union/IAM SIF Humanitarian Award Mary Ann Esposito Host/Creator, “Ciao Italia” PBS TV SIF Lifetime Achievement Award Culinary Arts 2008
Joseph Plumeri Chairman & CEO, Willis Group NELA Steve Wynn Chairman & CEO, Wynn Resorts SIF Award for Global Vision & Philanthropy Michael Petruzzello Founder & Managing Partner, Qorvis Communications SIF Award Excellence in Business Alfred Rotondaro, PhD Sr. Fellow, Center for American Progress SIF Humanitarian Award 2007
Nicholas Donofrio Executive VP, IBM NELA Geraldine Ferraro Former Congresswoman from New York Lifetime Achievement Award for Public Service Frank Giordano President, Union League of Philadelphia Humanitarian Award The Rienzi Foundation Making A Difference Award 31
Michael Rienzi President & Founder, Rienzi & Sons NELA Franco Nuschese President, Georgetown Entertainment Group, LLC Excellence in Business Robert E. Juliano Chairman, Robert E. Juliano Associates SIF Humanitarian
Robert Gallo, M.D. AIDS & Cancer researcher NELA Martin J. Maddaloni General President, United Association Humanitarian Award Joe Mantegna Actor Excellence in Media Award
Dana Gioia Chairman, National Endowment For the Arts NELA Joseph Battipaglia CIO, Ryan Beck & Co. Business Award Karen Ignagni President & CEO, America’s Health Insurance Plans Lifetime Achievement in Management Joseph G. Procacci CEO, Procacci Brothers Sales Corp. OSIA Centennial Award
John F. Mariani Chairman, Banfi Vintners NELA Robert A. Georgine Chairman, President & CEO, ULLICO, Inc. Humanitarian Award Regis Philbin Television Host Lifetime Achievement Award
Joseph Grano Chairman, UBS Financial Services NELA Silvio Berlusconi Prime Minister of Italy International Leadership Award John De Gioia President, Georgetown University Excellence in Academia Award Frances Visco President, National Breast Cancer Coalition Humanitarian Award 2003
Charles Gargano Chairman, Empire State Development Corp. NELA Andy Granatelli Automotive designer, driver & engineer Lifetime Achievement Richard L. Trumka Secretary-Treasurer, AFL-CIO Humanitarian Award
Mario Andretti Racing Legend & Business Entrepreneur NELA Phil Guarascio Former Vice President & General Manager of North American Marketing & Advertising, General Motors Corporation Crystal Lion Recognition Connie Stevens Actress & Businesswoman Humanitarian Award 1999
Andrew A. Giancamilli Former President & General Merchandise Manager, Kmart Corporation NELA Tony Bennett Legendary Entertainer Humanitarian Award 1998
Phil Guarascio Former Vice President & General Manager of North American Marketing & Advertising, General Motors Corporation NELA Frank Sinatra Legendary Entertainer, Producer & Philanthropist Humanitarian Award
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Peter F. Secchia Chairman, Universal Forest Products, Inc. & Former U.S. Ambassador to Italy NELA Tommy Lasorda Vice President/Former Manager, LA Dodgers Humanitarian Award
Annette Funicello Entertainer NELA
Joe Paterno Head Football Coach, Pennsylvania State University NELA Alfred A. Checchi Former Co-Chairman, Northwest Airlines Corporation NELA 1995
Joseph E. Antonini President, JEA Enterprises, Inc. NELA 1994
The Honorable Louis J. Freeh Senior Vice Chairman of Administrative & Legal Affairs, MBNA America, Inc. NELA
26 t h A n n u a l N EL A
Dr. Anthony S. Fauci Director, the National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases at the NIH NELA 1991
The Honorable Antonin Scalia U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice NELA 1990
The Honorable Silvio O. Conte U.S. Congressman from Massachusetts NELA 1989
Lou Carnesecca St. John’s University Head Basketball Coach (Ret.) NELA
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Virtue comes not from chance, but long study. ~ Italian Proverb The Communications Workers of America is proud to support the Sons of Italy Foundation and their 26th Annual National Education & Leadership Awards. We salute this year’s winners and honor them for their outstanding work. The Hon. Leon Panetta Former U.S. Secretary of Defense; Former Director, CIA; Former White House Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Flora D. Darpino 39th Judge Advocate General of the U.S. Army Sen. Christopher J. Dodd Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Motion Picture Association of America and Former United States Senator (CT) Harry Lombardo International President, Transport Workers Union
President Larry Cohen Secretary Treasurer Annie Hill Chris Shelton, Vice President, District 1 Ed Mooney, Vice President, District 2-13 Judy Dennis, Vice President, District 3 Linda Hinton, Vice President, District 4 Claude Cummings, Jr., Vice President, District 6 Mary Taylor, Vice President, District 7 Laura Reynolds, Vice President, District 9 Bill Bates, Vice President, Telecommunications & Technologies Brooks Sunkett, Vice President, Public, Health Care and Education Workers
Jim Joyce, Vice President, NABET-CWA Bernie Lunzer, Vice President, The Newspaper Guild-CWA Jim Clark, Vice President, IUE-CWA Industrial Division Veda Shook, International President, Association of Flight Attendants-CWA Dan Wasser, Executive Officer, Printing, Publishing and Media Workers Sector Martin O’Hanlon, Director, CWA-SCA Canada At-Large Members: Madelyn Elder, president, Local 7901 Greg Wynn, president, Local 4100 Nestor Soto, president, Local 33225 Carolyn Wade, president, Local 1040
The Union for the Information Age
The Sons
of I taly
B oa rd a n d C o mm i t t ees
Resource Persons
Anthony J. Baratta Chairman Joseph DiTrapani President
Edmund Restivo Angela Harrington Carmelito Bello Joseph Rondinelli Lynn Lawrence-Murphy
Joseph A. Russo Vice President
National Executive Director/CEO Philip R. Piccigallo, Ph.D.
James DiStefano Recording Secretary
Thom. A. Lupo Financial Secretary
Michele Ment, Chair Louis F. Cappelli, Sr. Joseph Facciolo Joanne Strollo
Frank J. Panessa Treasurer Presidents Emeriti Robert A. Messa Paul S. Polo
Mark Lindenmeyer Loyola University, Maryland Gene Logan American University, Washington, D.C.
Angelo Bianchi Richard Della Croce Albert De Napoli Mark DeNunzio Joseph LaBanca Bruce Lankewish Salvatore Lanzalotta Michael G. Polo Marianne Principe-O’Neil Philip Privitera Joseph Sciame
Lucio D’Andrea President Emeritus, The Abruzzo & Molise Heritage Society Washington, D.C. Edvige D’Andrea The Abruzzo & Molise Heritage Society Washington, D.C. Dino Mazzone President, National Italian American Bar Association
34 T h e S o n s
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The Sons
of I taly
S ta ff, Cons ulta n t s & N EL A Vo lun t eer s
Philip R. Piccigallo, Ph.D. National Executive Director/CEO
Dan Ashwell, Printing Solutions, Inc. Printing
Jackie Adair
Andrea K. Beach Office Manager
Steve Baughan, Monumental Affairs Catering
Diane Crespy Director of Development
Lynn Kessler, L.K.Producations, LLC Video
Dona De Sanctis, Ph.D. Editor, NELA Dinner Journal
Jack H. Lucky, Floral Design, Inc. Flowers
Krystyne Hayes Social Media & Communications Coordinator/NELA Dinner Journal
Carlo Tamburro, Williams/Gerard Productions, Inc. Event Producer
Laura Kelly Administrative Assistant/Scholarship Coordinator/NELA Dinner Journal
Max Taylor Photography
Margaret O’Rourke
Diane Vincent Graphic Design
Jackie Piccigallo
Elisa Wilkinson Administrative Assistant to the Executive Director/NELA Dinner Journal
Robert Corrado Carol Cummings Rob D’Onofrio Anna DeLuca Stephanie Eggleston Anthony Garcia Megan Gorenflo Beth Greenberg Tara Justice Nick Kelley Neil Kuhn Andrew O’Rourke Adrienne Ward
The Sons of Italy Foundation’s National Headquarters in Washington, D.C.
26 t h A n n u a l N EL A
The Order Sons of Italy in America The Order Sons of Italy in America (OSIA) is the oldest and largest national organization for Italian American men and women in the United States.
in 1905 to help the early Italian immigrants, today OSIA is the nation’s leading Italian American service and advocacy organization, with a grass roots network of hundreds of thousands of family members in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Its programs include: • Italian America Magazine the most widely read quarterly in the U.S. for people of Italian heritage • Passport To Italy OSIA’s travel bureau arranges low-cost group tours to Italy and its cultural patrimony • Scholarships Financial support for young Italian Americans attending college and graduate school • Study Abroad Partnerships Opportunities for students and adults to study, live and work in Italy • the Sons of Italy National Book Club Promotes fiction and non-fiction works by and about Italian Americans • INTERNSHIPS/MENTORING PROGRAM National Office in Washington, D.C.
The Sons of Italy Commission for Social Justice • The CSJ was founded in 1979 to fight the stereotyping of Italian Americans by the entertainment, advertising, and news industries. It also collaborates with other groups to ensure that people of all races, religions and cultures are treated fairly. • The CSJ monitors the entertainment, advertising and news industries, contacts offending parties by letter and/or telephone and encourages other Italian American organizations, e-mail networks and concerned individuals to take action. • Through its Positive Image Program, the CSJ regularly informs the media and general public about Italian American achievements, contributions, history and culture. • As part of its Positive Image Program, the CSJ conducts research, produces studies, teaching tools, pamphlets, exhibits and other materials on the achievements and contributions of Italian Americans.
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I ta ly F o u n dat i o n
Acknowledgements The Sons
I ta ly F o u n dat i o n
e x pr e s s e s i t s s i nc e r e g r at i t u d e t o t h e f o l l o w i n g
2 6 t h A nn u a l N at i o n a l s u cc e s s .
i n d i v i d u a l s a n d o rg a n i z at i o n s f o r t h e i r h e l p i n m a k i n g t h e
E d u c at i o n & L e a d e r s h i p A wa r d s G a l a
Justice Samuel Alito
Joe Mantegna
Alzheimer’s Association
Lt. Col. Matthew McCarville (USA, Ret.)
The American Labor Movement
Harry Melikian, HSM Advisors
The Charles Evans Foundation & Linda Munson, President
The Motion Picture Association of America
Colavita USA
Franco Nuschese, Café Milano & Georgetown Entertainment
Cooley’s Anemia Foundation
Gen. Raymond T. Odierno, USA
Lt. Gen. Flora D. Darpino, USA
Secretary Leon Panetta & The Panetta Institute
D.C. Metropolitan Police Department Ceremonial Honor Guard
Vincent Panvini Maria Fassio Pignati
DelGrosso Foods
Robert A. Scardelletti
Senator Christopher Dodd The Embassy of Italy
International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers (SMART)
Rev. R. Adam Forno
Transportation Communications Union/IAM
Sean Harris
Transport Workers Union
Laborers’ International Union of North America (LIUNA!)
Washington Speakers Bureau The Wounded Warrior Project®
Harry Lombardo
And all the sponsors and guests of the 2014 NELA Gala And
Dan Ashwell, Printing Solutions, Inc. · Steve Baughan, Monumental Affairs Chris Frame, National Building Museum · Lynn Kessler, LK Productions, LLC Jack Lucky, Jack H. Lucky Floral Designs, Inc. · Carlo Tamburro, Williams/Gerard Productions Max Taylor, Photography · Diane Vincent, Graphic Design
26 t h A n n u a l N EL A
Order Sons of Italy in America has partnered with Votto Vines Importing to bring you the Leone D’Oro line of fine Italian wines. Each is hand selected for its quality and elegance and is produced by the finest vineyards in Italy.
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For more information and to order the Leone d'Oro wines, please visit vottovines.com
38 T h e S o n s
I ta ly F o u n dat i o n
We Salute The Sons of Italy Foundation for your dedication to being a voice for issues of importance to Americans of Italian heritage. Congratulations to Harry Lombardo and tonight’s other distinguished honorees. We know that care is what makes up the cornerstone of a community. Thank you again for the care you have shown to us all.
Joe & Kathy Grano are proud to support The Sons of Italy Foundation and congratulate this year’s honorees, Leon E. Panetta Sen. Christopher J. Dodd Lt. General Flora D. Darpino & Harry Lombardo
The National Vice Presidents of the Order Sons of Italy in America Joseph A. Russo Daniel J. Longo Anthony F. M. Spaziani Vera Girolami Nancy Di Fiore Quinn
Congratulate the Sons of Italy Foundation on its 26th NELA Gala Best wishes to the 2014 Honorees & Scholarship Recipients
2014 NELA Gala Sponsors Platinum Alzheimer’s Association – alz.org
Colavita Extra Virgin Olive Oil – colavita.com
Cooley’s Anemia Foundation – cooleysanemia.org
Henry Lewis Foundation International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers – smwia.org OSIA New York Grand Lodge Foundation, Inc. – nysosia.org Transport Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO – Harry Lombardo, International President – twu.org
The Charles Evans Foundation
Gold Cafe Milano – Georgetown Entertainment Group – Franco Nuschese Columbus Citizens Foundation – columbuscitizensfd.org Lufthansa German Airlines – lufthansa.com Sons of Italy Annapolis Lodge 2225 – Sons of Italy Grand Lodge of Maryland Transportation Communications Union/IAM - Robert A. Scardelletti, National President – TCUnion.org TWU Local 1400 - Representing Employees of the Port Authority of New York & New Jersey Union Benefit Planners, Inc. Wounded Warrior Project® – woundedwarriorproject.org 40 T h e S o n s
I ta ly F o u n dat i o n
Silver American-Italian Cancer Foundation – americanitaliancancer.org Arab American Institute – aaiusa.org Jeb Balise Charitable and Educational Trust, Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, OSIA – osiama.org DelGrosso Foods – delgrossosauce.com International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers – goiam.org Laborers’ International Union of North America (LIUNA) – liuna.org Lido Civic Club of Washington, DC – lidocivicclub.com National Italian American Foundation – niaf.org Peduzzi Associates, LTD Pitta & Giblin LLP, Pitta Bishop Del Giorno & Giblin LLC Sons of Italy Grand Lodge of Connecticut Sons of Italy Grand Lodge of Illinois/Wisconsin Sons of Italy Grand Lodge of New Jersey – njsonsofitaly.com Sons of Italy Grand Lodge of Ohio – ohiosonsofitaly.org TWU Local 100 – twulocal100.org Votto Vines Importing, Inc. – vottovines.com Wells Fargo Home Mortgage
Bronze AIG Benefit Solutions – aigbenefitsolutions.com Alpha Phi Delta Italian Heritage Fraternity Amalgamated Transit Union – atu.org Boston Mutual Life – bostonmutual.com Salvatore Joseph Bruno Cohen, Weiss and Simon LLP – cwsny.com D.C. Friends of Ireland Hon. Arthur & Mrs. Melanie Gajarsa International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers – bacweb.org 26 t h A n n u a l N EL A
Bronze International Union of Painters and Allied Trades – IUPAT.ORG MagnaCare – Michael Jordan, President Labor & and Strategic Accounts Division – magnacare.com MetLife – U.S. Sponsored Direct Business – metlife.com My Italian Family, the No. 1 Source for your Family Roots – myitalianfamily.com Naden/Lean, LLC, Jeff Drake, CPA Phillips, Richard & Rind, P.A. – Your Proud Labor Lawyers Gail & Carmen Policy – Casa Piena Winery – casapiena.com Sons of Italy Foundation Trustees: Angelo R. Bianchi, Esq.; Richard R. Della Croce; Al DeNapoli; Dr. Mark DeNunzio; Joseph LaBanca; Bruce Lankewish; Salvatore Lanzilotta; Michael G. Polo; Marianne Principe-O’Neil Sons of Italy National Past Presidents: Philip R. Boncore, Esq.; Frank J. DeSantis; Joseph J. DiTrapani; The Hon. Robert A. Messa; Paul S. Polo, Sr.; Vincent Sarno; Joseph Sciame; John G. Spatuzza; Joanne L. Strollo; Peter R. Zuzolo United Mine Workers America – umwa.org Unum Insurance – Better Benefits at Work Wealth By Design – Craig C. Bartlett, Managing Partner – wealthbydesigngroup.com
Sponsor AFL-CIO – aflcio.org Doug & Pat Allen Allstate Benefits Mario & Dee Ann Andretti The Breakers Palm Beach Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen
Cuisinart Golf Resort & Spa Nicholas M. Donofrio Joe & Kathy Grano The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America – Mike Matthews, Executive Sales Consultant
HSM Advisors, LLC/HSM Investments, LLC – Harry S. Melikian Inserra Shop-Rite Supermarkets Francesco Isgro, Esq. Italian Welfare League – italianwelfareleague. org
Bill Karazsia, previous SIF scholarship recipient The MITRE Corporation National Law Enforcement Officer’s Memorial & Museum – nleomf.org National Organization of Italian American Women – noiaw.org Order Sons of Italy in America – www.osia.org
42 T h e S o n s
I ta ly F o u n dat i o n
Sponsor Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin L. Palumbo
SIF Trustee Joseph LaBanca & Mary LaBanca
PG Ventures LLC – Phil Guarascio
Sons of Italy Grand Lodge of Rhode Island – osiari.org
RIAA Cokie Roberts
Sons of Italy National Vice Presidents: Joseph A. Russo; Daniel J. Longo; Anthony F.M. Spaziani;
Schneider’s of Capitol Hill – Fine Wines & Spirits – cellar.com
Vera Girolami; Nancy Di Fiore Quinn
The Hon. Donna Shalala SIF Trustee Dr. Mark DeNunzio
TWU Local 252 – President Patricia Bowden Vizual, Inc. – vizual.com
Thanks also to these additional supporters: Behavioral Medicine Associates, Dr. Howard M. Rombom — Colleran, O’Hara & Mills, LLP International Franchise Association, Steve Caldeira — Philadelphia Council, AFL-CIO The Standard — TWU Local 2019 — TWU Local 2054 — TWU Railroad Division Local 2001 Thank you to the following individuals and organizations that have sponsored active members of the armed services, veterans and wounded warriors at this year’s NELA Gala. Nick & Jeanne Ameli
Sons of Italy Grand Lodge of Nebraska
Hon. Al & Vera Girolami
Sons of Italy Grand Lodge of New York
Hyatt Hotels & Resorts
Sons of Italy Grand Lodge of the Northwest
Lawrence & Ellen Ragone, Jr.
Sons of Italy Grand Lodge of Ohio
SIF Trustee Joseph LaBanca & Mary LaBanca
Sons of Italy Grand Strand Lodge 2868
Sons of Italy Annapolis Lodge 2225
Sons of Italy National Past President Robert A. Messa
Sons of Italy Cataldo Lodge 2280 Sons of Italy Grand Lodge of California Sons of Italy Grand Lodge of Connecticut Sons of Italy Grand Lodge of Florida Sons of Italy Grand Lodge of Maryland 26 t h A n n u a l N EL A
Sons of Italy Seattle Fedele Lodge 1390 Sons of Italy Sno-King Lodge 2611 Sons of Italy State President Tony Bisceglia Anderson & Linda Anderson Sons of Italy Western Foundation, Grand Lodge of California 43
t h An n u a l Na t i o n a l E d u c a t i o n&Le a d e r s h i p Aw a r d s G a l a 2 6 THANKYOUTO THES PONS ORSBELOW, I N ADDI TI ON TO THOS ELI S TED I N THECOMMEMORATI VENELAGALAJ OURNAL
The MITRE Corporation congratulates the Sons of Italy Foundation’s 26th Annual National Education of Leadership Honorees MITRE is deeply committed to advancing Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM education in the United States. We have a long history of engaging students and inspiring teachers to nurture the next generation of engineers and scientists. We sponsor hundreds of co-ops and interns each year; allocate hours for employees to volunteer in support of STEM initiatives in their communities; and host workshops for teachers and students of all ages in areas from robotics to cybersecurity to engineering.
We Congratulate
Richard Bloomingdale, President Frank Snyder, Secretary-Treasurer
Congratulations 2014 National Education and Leadership Grant Winners
Vizual, Inc. is proud to support the Sons of Italy Foundation’s 26th Annual National Education & Leadership Awards Gala. We are also honored to have designed and maintained OSIA’s website since 2000 and we look forward to our continued relationship with the organization.
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Wounded Warrior Project
“The g r eatest ca sua lt y i s b ei n g f o rg ot t en ® ” Wounded Warrior Project® (WWP) exists to foster the most successful, well-adjusted generation of wounded service members in our nation’s history. With a mission to honor and empower Wounded Warriors, WWP raises awareness and enlists the public’s aid for the needs of injured service members; helps injured servicemen and women aid and assist each other; and provides unique, direct programs and services to meet their needs. Wounded Warrior Project began when several veterans and friends, moved by stories of the first wounded service members returning home from Afghanistan and Iraq, took action to help others in need. What started as a desire to provide comfort items to wounded service members at Walter Reed Army Medical Center has grown into a holistic rehabilitative effort to assist warriors with visible and invisible wounds as they recover and transition back to civilian life. Tens of thousands of Wounded Warriors, family members, and caregivers receive support each year through WWP programs. Our 18 programs are specifically structured to engage warriors, nurture their minds and bodies, and encourage their economic empowerment. Warrior families and caregivers are provided comfort, care, and education to help support the recovery of their Wounded Warriors. All programs are provided free of charge for warriors and their families. G et I nvolved
When you support Wounded Warrior Project, you’re supporting an organization whose broad appeal reaches across demographic, geographic, and political boundaries. WWP is an apolitical organization by design – it’s not about the war; it’s about the warrior. We offer a variety of ways to get involved and help support our nation’s heroes and their families. Every little bit helps, and your support can take many forms from spreading the word about the needs of injured veterans to joining our monthly giving program. To learn more, visit woundedwarriorproject.org.
44 T h e S o n s
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