NELA Gala Journal 2016

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k The Sons


Italy Foundation

28 Annual National Education & Leadership Awards Gala th

May 26, 2016 – The National Building Museum – Washington, D.C.

Table of Contents

A Proclamation from President Barack Obama. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Welcome from the Sons of Italy Foundation (SIF). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 “Making It Better” by Philip R. Piccigallo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 The 2016 SIF NELA Gala Menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


The 2016 SIF NELA Gala Program. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


SIF Honoree Dr. Condoleezza Rice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 SIF Honoree Nicholas E. Calio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 SIF Honoree Joseph M. Mattone, Sr.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 SIF Honoree Mary Ann Pessolano Mattone, RN/MPH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 SIF Honoree Paul Rinaldi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 The 2016 Sons of Italy Foundation Scholarship Sponsors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 The 2016 National Leadership Grant Recipients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Master of Ceremonies Joe Mantegna. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Sons of Italy Foundation CEO Philip R. Piccigallo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Featured Performer: Michael Amante. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 National Anthems: Maria Fassio Pignati. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Special Guest: Gary Sinise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Help Our Military Heroes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Highlights from Past NELA Galas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 The Sons of Italy Foundation: Making a Difference. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 SIF Past Honorees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 The Order Sons of Italy in America® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 The Commission for Social Justice® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 The SIF Board and Committees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 The SIF Staff and Volunteers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Acknowledgments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 The 2016 NELA Gala Sponsors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39


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k Presidential Proclamation - Columbus Day, 2015


A Proclamation

Over half a millennium ago, Christopher Columbus -- an ambitious navigator native to Genoa, Italy -- set sail for new horizons. Aboard the Niña, the Pinta, and the Santa María, his expedition went west for a months-long journey. Though his first of four voyages across the Atlantic did not end at his desired destination of Asia, Columbus’s adventure reflected the insatiable thirst for exploration that continues to drive us as a people. Columbus’s legacy is embodied in the spirit of our Nation. Determined and curious, the young explorer persevered after having been doubted by many of his potential patrons. Once opportunity struck, when Ferdinand II and Isabella I agreed to sponsor his trip, he seized the moment and pursued what he knew to be possible. Columbus’s arrival in the New World inspired many and allowed for generations of Italians to follow -people whose Italian-American heritage contributes in immeasurable ways to making our country what it is, and who continue to help strengthen the friendship between the United States and Italy. Though these early travels expanded the realm of European exploration, to many they also marked a time that forever changed the world for the indigenous peoples of North America. Previously unseen disease, devastation, and violence were introduced to their lives -- and as we pay tribute to the ways in which Columbus pursued ambitious goals -- we also recognize the suffering inflicted upon Native Americans and we recommit to strengthening tribal sovereignty and maintaining our strong ties. In the years since Columbus’s time, the legacy of early explorers has carried on in the wide eyes of aspiring young dreamers and doers, eager to make their own journeys and to continue reaching for the unknown and unlocking new potential. In commemoration of Christopher Columbus’s historic voyage 523 years ago, the Congress, by joint resolution of April 30, 1934, and modified in 1968 (36 U.S.C. 107), as amended, has requested the President proclaim the second Monday of October of each year as “Columbus Day.” NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim October 12, 2015, as Columbus Day. I call upon the people of the United States to observe this day with appropriate ceremonies and activities. I also direct that the flag of the United States be displayed on all public buildings on the appointed day in honor of our diverse history and all who have contributed to shaping this Nation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ninth day of October, in the year of our Lord two thousand fifteen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and fortieth.


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From The Sons of Italy Foundation Leadership

Joseph J. DiTrapani, President

Daniel J. Longo, Chairman

Welcome to the 28th Annual National Education & Leadership Awards (NELA) Gala. Tonight, we proudly honor five extraordinary Americans and leaders in their respective fields: 66th Secretary of State Dr. Condoleezza Rice; business leader Nicholas E. Calio; real estate developer Joseph M. Mattone, Sr.; philanthropist Mary Ann Pessolano Mattone, RN/MPH; and labor leader Paul Rinaldi. We are also extremely happy to have awardwinning actor Gary Sinise here on behalf of his Gary Sinise Foundation, which helps severely wounded veterans. Along with the outstanding honorees, we celebrate the promising future of our Italian-American youth. This year’s SIF scholarship winners were selected for a combination of exemplary academic performance, school leadership, and community service. The Sons of Italy Foundation and its national scholarship program are proud to contribute to the future of such students as they pursue higher education that will lead them to many accomplishments down the road. Finally, we come together on this night to recognize the Sons of Italy and its Foundation. To date, members have raised more than $165 million for charities and scholarships. For example, the SIF has donated: • Nearly $2 million to the Alzheimer’s Association • Nearly $3 million to the Cooley’s Anemia Foundation • Nearly $300,000 to Doug Flutie, Jr. Foundation for Autism, Inc. • $13.5 million to the March of Dimes The SIF was the largest non-police, non-corporate sponsor of the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial, and was a founding underwriter of the National September 11 Memorial & Museum and the World War II Memorial. It has also been—and continues to be—a leading sponsor of veterans’ causes, such as the Wounded Warrior Project, Help Our Military Heroes, Luke’s Wings, and the aforementioned Gary Sinise Foundation. On this evening, we celebrate this long history of philanthropy while looking toward the future and the many ways in which we will continue to help those in need.


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Making It Better By

Philip R. Piccigallo, Ph.D. National Executive Director/CEO OSIA/Sons of Italy Foundation

The Heart of Our Mission Given Life: The National Education & Leadership Awards (NELA) Gala

A Memorable Beginning …

The twenty-eight annual National Education & Leadership Awards Galas—or as it is popularly known, “The NELA”—will forever hold a special place in my memory and heart. Every Gala is unique, a sort of Summer Stock stage production undertaken each year with different actors, plot changes, nuanced performances, highs and lows, and budgets. The NELA began, humbly, as a breakfast for eighty-eight people in the U.S. House Appropriations Committee Room. The solitary honoree, Congressman Silvio Conte (R–MA), spoke eloquently of his coming of age after World War II via a college and law school education provided under the G.I. Bill of Rights. President George H.W. Bush sent a personal letter of congratulations, that I proudly read, in which he apologized for not being able to attend. Eight members of the influential Appropriations Committee attended along with Minority Leader Bob Michel. Congressman Conte later said in an interview that his “only regret was that we didn’t sing God Bless America” at the end. Since then some 26,000 “movers and shakers” have attended the NELA Galas. While designed to highlight publicly the accomplishments of Italian Americans in all walks of life, and to extol the importance of education, the Gala is annually graced by world renowned leaders. President Bill Clinton attended seven times (four as President), joined in later years by President George W. Bush; Vice Presidents Joe Biden and Al Gore; Secretaries of State Hillary Clinton, Colin Powell, and Condoleezza Rice; Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi; presidential and vice presidential candidates Geraldine Ferraro, Bob Dole, Christopher Dodd, and Steve Forbes; President of Italy Giorgio Napolitano; Italian Prime Ministers Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, Silvio Berlusconi, and Romano Prodi; countless ambassadors; Supreme Court Justices Antonin Scalia and Samuel Alito; immunologists Drs. Anthony S. Fauci and Robert Gallo; military leaders Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Peter Pace and Chief 5

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k of the U.S. Army General Raymond T. Odierno; U.S. Senators and Representatives; labor leaders Richard Trumka, Robert Scardelletti, and Terry O’Sullivan; and corporate titans Joseph Grano, Joseph Plumeri, Steve Wynn, and Sergio Marchionne. While certainly not its central focus, the Gala has attracted swarms of celebrities and globally recognized entertainers and sports figures, including Frank Sinatra, Tony Bennett (four times), Connie Stevens and daughters Joely and Tricia Leigh Fisher, Tony LoBianco, Gary Sinise, Joe Pantoliano, Dennis Miller, Mario Andretti, Andy Granatelli, Doug Flutie, and our own Gala emcee of some fourteen years, Joe Mantegna. Certainly there were many memorable highlights, among them Frank Sinatra, Jr.’s rousing rendition of “That’s Life” and popular crooner Vic Damone’s extended final public performance in 2000. Perhaps most indelible was Tony Bennett eulogizing the recently passed Sinatra in 1998 with a moving rendition of “The Music Never Ends,” and the legendary Quincy Jones introducing 2010 honoree Bill Clinton as “his brother from another mother.” With Young Students and Education Always Central …

In essence, however, the real “stars” of the Gala are the more than 300 exceptional young students who, selected from a fiercely rigorous and independent application process, received the prestigious National Leadership Grants (NLG) each year. The NLG recipients received more than $2.3 million at the various NELA Galas over the years. Indeed, there are few things I am more proud of than our insistence on maintaining these scholarship presentations as the bedrock purpose of the Gala itself. Among the more than 200 young people I have mentored during my career, many are NLG winners. President Clinton insisted on meeting these students as a prerequisite of his attendance.

When and Where it Mattered: Philanthropy To Improve Lives and Relieve Harm …

In all, the Sons of Italy Foundation and its parent organization, the Order Sons of Italy in America (OSIA), has raised more than $165 million for medical research (particularly the Cooley’s Anemia Foundation, Alzheimer’s Association, autism, and the March of Dimes), international and domestic relief efforts, cultural preservation, and such praiseworthy patriotic causes as the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial, the World War II Memorial, the 9/11 Memorial & Museum, and the Wounded Warrior Project. The SIF/OSIA has given nearly $65 million to scholarships. Guided by an inclusionary and universal vision to improve world conditions, the SIF helped victims of earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, and other natural cataclysms in Italy, Mexico, Ethiopia, Japan, Western Europe, and, of course, the United States. We in the SIF, manifested throughout the NELA Gala, exerted every possible effort to establish and maintain an unparalleled standard of excellence, professionalism, and philanthropic vision. Through it all we strove TO MAKE IT BETTER.


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And Seek Fairness For Italian Americans and Others …

We have also mounted many formidable and worthy campaigns for social and ethnic justice, realization of the American Dream, and the eternal pursuit of quintessential American values of freedom, fairness, and equality of opportunity. When they have exaggerated or exploited the myth of Italian-American organized crime involvement, we took Hollywood and the media to task. We joined global campaigns for ethnic and religious freedom, and we worked tirelessly and collaboratively on behalf of social justice with numerous groups, notably the Anti-Defamation League of B’Nai B’Rith, the NAACP, the Arab American Foundation, AHEPA, the Jewish American Congress, and the Irish American Fund. We regularly worked efficaciously on important diplomatic issues with the Italian government in Rome and its Embassy in Washington, D.C., notably the collecting of 100,000 signatures to ensure Italy’s deserving role in the United Nations Security Council, which I personally transported and delivered to the U.N. in 2006.

The Enduring Tribute: Patriotism and A Better America We have generously celebrated American courage, patriotism, and the extraordinary role of women in our nation and community. Certainly, there were many highlights and unforgettable moments. Who can ever forget decorated 82nd Airborne veteran and U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D–RI) saluting Congressional Medal of Honor recipient SSgt. Sal Giunta from the stage podium? “It is the tradition,” said Reed, “to salute a Congressional Medal of Honor recipient whenever he/she is present.” Or hero Anthony Odierno, who lost his arm in Iraq, being introduced by his father, who flew in from his command post in Iraq to personally recognize Anthony? Or the presentation of a customized SUV to a severely wounded soldier and his family, chosen by a charity entitled Help Our Military Heroes, founded and courageously operated by two military moms? Unquestionably my favorite photo over twenty-eight years is that celebrating the “Female Firsts”: first VP candidate Geraldine Ferraro, first Secretary of State Madeline Albright, first Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, first U.S. Senator from Louisiana Mary Landrieu and First Lady and N.Y. Senator Hillary Clinton. And to honor Sil Conte’s memory, we did, indeed, close each Gala with a spirited and moving rendition of “God Bless America.” Some traditions should never die. As we do tonight, and have done all these years, we fought the Good Fight. We ran the good race. We made it better.


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k T h e S o n s Of It a ly F o u n d a t i o n


Hors d’Oeuvres Tomato Bruschetta Port Wine Soaked Fig with Blue Cheese and Prosciutto Petite Crab Cakes with Red Pepper Remoulade Wild Mushroom Beggar’s Purse

Salad Butter Lettuce Salad, Sun Dried Cherries, Chevre and Toasted Almond with a Cabernet Sauvignon Dressing Sweet Potato Bread Display with Butter

Entrée Braised Short Ribs of Beef with Stoneground Polenta, Haricot Verte and Glazed Baby Carrots

Vegetarian Entrée Napoleon of Grilled Seasonal Squashes, Baby Eggplant and Yellow Tomato over Spring Onion Polenta

Dessert Chocolate Praline Crunch, Salted Caramel

Fresh Roasted Coffee This Evening’s Featured Wines Hidden Vines Chianti Riserva 2011 Leone d’Oro Gavi 2014

The wines served this evening were provided by Votto Vines and bear the “Figli d’Italia” label, the Sons of Italy’s for-profit corporation.


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k T h e S o n s Of It a ly F o u n d a t i o n

“Fratelli d’Italia”


Maria Fassio Pignati

Presentation of the Colors Takoma Park (MD) Police Department Honor Guard

“The Star Spangled Banner”


Maria Fassio Pignati Joe Mantegna, Master of Ceremonies

2016 SIF National Scholarship Presentations


Rev. R. Adam Forno DINNER SERVED


Joseph J. DiTrapani, President, Sons of Italy Foundation


Gary Sinise Founder, Gary Sinise Foundation

2016 Humanitarian Award

Paul Rinaldi President, National Air Traffic Controllers Association

Presented by: Robert A. Scardelletti National President, Transportation Communications Union 2009 Honoree, SIF Humanitarian Award

Tribute to the late U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia

2016 Award for Excellence in Business

Daniel J. Longo National President, Order Sons of Italy in America Chairman, Sons of Italy Foundation Nicholas Calio President and CEO, Airlines for America

Presented by: Alfred Grasso President & CEO, The MITRE Corporation 2015 Honoree, SIF Humanitarian Award Musical Interlude Michael Amante “Faithfully” “You’ll Never Walk Alone/I Believe” “Nessun Dorma” from Puccini’s Turandot

2016 National Education & Leadership Award

Joseph M. Mattone, Sr. Chairman and CEO, The Mattone Group Mary Ann Pessolano Mattone, RN/MPH Philanthropist and Community Leader

Presented by: Joseph J. DiTrapani, SIF President Daniel J. Longo, SIF Chairman Joseph Sciame, SIF Trustee

2016 SIF Lifetime Achievement Award for Public Service

Condoleezza Rice, Ph.D. 66th U.S. Secretary of State

I ntroduction (via video): President George W. Bush Roger Goodell, Commissioner of the NFL Presented by: Joseph J. DiTrapani, SIF President


Finale: “God Bless America”

Maria Fassio Pignati

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Dr. Condoleezza Rice 66th U.S. Secretary of State

Thomas and Barbara Stephenson Senior Fellow on Public Policy, the Hoover Institution, Stanford University THE 2016 SIF LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD FOR PUBLIC SERVICE

Dr. Condoleezza Rice served as the 66th U.S. Secretary of State from 2005 to 2009 under President George W. Bush. She was the second woman and first African-American woman to serve as Secretary of State. Prior to holding this position, Dr. Rice served as President Bush’s National Security Advisor (2001 – 2005) and on President George H. W. Bush’s National Security Council staff (1989 – 1991). From 1993 to 1999, Dr. Rice served as Stanford University’s provost, responsible for a $1.5 billion budget, 1,400 faculty members, and 14,000 students. Today, Dr. Rice is the Denning Professor in Global Business and the Economy at the Stanford Graduate School of Business; the Thomas and Barbara Stephenson Senior Fellow on Public Policy at the Hoover Institution; and a professor of political science at Stanford University. Dr. Rice was born in Birmingham, Alabama. She received her bachelor’s degree in political science from the University of Denver, her master’s degree from the University of Notre Dame, and her doctorate from the Graduate School of International Studies at the University of Denver.

With Special Video Introductions By: Roger Goodell Commissioner of the National Football League


George W. Bush 43rd President of the United States of America

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Nicholas E. Calio President and CEO Airlines for America


Nicholas E. Calio is President and CEO of Airlines for America (A4A), the trade association for the nation’s leading airlines, whose members and affiliates transport more than ninety percent of all United States airline passenger and cargo traffic. Prior to assuming this position in 2011, Mr. Calio was Citigroup’s Executive Vice President for Global Government Affairs. From 2001 to 2003, Mr. Calio served as Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs for President George W. Bush, a position he’d previously held with President George H. W. Bush. In 1993, Mr. Calio co-founded O’Brien*Calio, a law and lobbying firm. The firm was rated as one of “the ten most powerful” in Washington, D.C. in Forbes Magazine. Mr. Calio’s paternal grandparents, Giuseppe and Lena Calio, emigrated from Saint Agata Militello in Sicily in 1906. His maternal grandfather, Nicola Storto, came to the United States in 1909 from Castelina del Biferno in Campobasso and journeyed back and forth to Italy. His grandmother, Grazia, his mother and her siblings arrived at Ellis Island in 1929. The records show that his mom, Assuntina, was 6 years old and had $6 in her pocket. “My Italian heritage has played a major role in defining who I am. ‘Being Italian,’ and growing up surrounded and nurtured by a clan of relatives, gave me a sense of identity and self-worth that has driven everything I have done. The values that were ingrained, the importance of family, have shaped the way Lydia and I have raised our kids and the focus we have put on traditions that I hope will be passed down to my grandchildren and beyond.” Mr. Calio received his undergraduate degree from Ohio Wesleyan University and his law degree from Case Western Reserve University School of Law. 11

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Joseph M. Mattone, Sr. Chairman and CEO The Mattone Group


Joseph M. Mattone, Sr. is Chairman and CEO of The Mattone Group, a development, construction, and property management company in Queens, New York. He has been involved in real estate development for more than 60 years, both individually and under The Mattone Group banner. Mr. Mattone has developed more than 70 commercial, industrial, and residential properties and still holds a major interest in over 30 properties. He has built and leased to tenants such as McDonald’s, Burger King, Texaco, Exxon, Mobil, Chemical Bank, and Home Federal Savings and Loan. Mr. Mattone also serves as Senior Partner in the law firm of Mattone, Mattone, Mattone, Mattone, Mattone, Megna and Todd, a full service Queens-based law firm that represents 12 major commercial and thrift institutions as outside counsel. Mr. Mattone is currently a member of the New York State Bar Association, American Bar Association, and Queens County Bar Association. Recognized many times over his impressive life and career, Mr. Mattone’s countless special appointments, offices, and honors include being honored as Man of the Year by both United Cerebral Palsy and Italian Charities of America. In 1991, he was the recipient of the Legion of Merit Award, as Cavaliere, by the President of the Republic of Italy, receiving it in recognition of his philanthropy and contributions on behalf of the Italo-American community. In 2001, Mr. Mattone was honored by the Eleanor Roosevelt Regular Democratic Club, received the Good Scout Award from the Queens Council Boy Scouts of America, and received the 2001 Progress of Peoples Achievement Award from Catholic Charities at the Fifty-Third Annual Bishop’s Testimonial Award Dinner. In 2009, Mr. Mattone was co-honored with former New York Governor Mario Cuomo at the St. John’s Preparatory School 60th Annual Reunion. That same year, he was elevated to the Rank of Commander with Star by the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem. In 2013, he was made an honoree at the Columbus Citizens Foundation Annual Gala as well as the Columbus Day Parade. On November 1, 2015, Mr. Mattone was bestowed Papal Honors of the Order of St. Gregory the Great. Mr. Mattone has also been honored several times by his alma mater, St. John’s University, from which he earned his bachelor’s and law degrees in five years total, graduating fifth in his class at law school. In 1985, he received the President’s Medal. In 1993, he was awarded the Medal of Honor; and the following year he was presented an Honorary Doctorate of Law. A St. John’s board trustee, Mr. Mattone is a major donor in creating the Real Estate Institute at St. John’s University School of Law. On June 16, 2016, he will be honored at the St. John’s University School of Law 90th Anniversary Gala. Mr. Mattone is a longtime member of the Order Sons of Italy in America (OSIA). In 1988, he was the recipient of the Sons of Italy Golden Lion Award from the Grand Lodge of New York. In 2013, he was honored by the OSIA Petrosino Lodge #285. Mr. Mattone’s paternal grandparents emigrated from Salerno, Italy; his maternal grandfather also emigrated from Salerno while his maternal grandmother emigrated from Naples. Born in Brooklyn, the last of nine children, Mr. Mattone has gone on to have seven children of his own, along with 27 grandchildren, and one great-grandchild. He is married to Mary Ann Pessolano Mattone. 12

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Mary Ann Pessolano Mattone, RN/MPH Philanthropist and Community Leader


Mary Ann Pessolano Mattone is a registered nurse with a Master’s degree in public health who focused her career in academia before moving to the corporate sector in 1982. After graduating with her nursing degree, Mrs. Mattone worked as a psychiatric nurse at the Albert Einstein Hospital College of Medicine before serving as Research Coordinator for Neuroendocrine studies in depression. She has co-authored 26 scientific articles in the field of psychiatric research. In 1982, Mrs. Mattone transitioned into the corporate sector when she was recruited by Wall Street to work as a broker in both the domestic and foreign exchange money markets. Two years later, she entered the real estate business, managing multi-unit properties and coordinating the renovation of buildings into condominiums in the New Jersey, New York, and Connecticut areas. Mrs. Mattone has also been involved in fundraising for many causes, such as the New York Mentoring Program (initiated by Mario Cuomo’s wife, Matilda) and victims of the L’Aquila earthquake in Abruzzo, Italy. In 2009, she was confirmed by Pope Benedict XVI to receive the Knighthood in the Order of St. Gregory the Great, an award given for her efforts to help others in the community who are less fortunate. On June 2, 2016, Mrs. Mattone will be receiving the Cavaliere del’Ordine della Stella d’Italia from the Republic of Italy. Mrs. Mattone was born in Manhattan, New York. She earned her nursing degree from Lenox Hill School of Nursing, her Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from Marymount College, and her Master’s in Public Health from Columbia University. She is married to Joseph M. Mattone, Sr.


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Paul Rinaldi

President National Air Traffic Controllers Association THE 2016 SIF HUMANITARIAN AWARD

Paul Rinaldi is serving his third three-year term as President of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association (NATCA), representing over 20,000 air traffic controllers and aviation safety professionals. He is the first NATCA president to be elected for three terms. Mr. Rinaldi has dedicated his career to enhancing the safety of our National Airspace System (NAS). He has prioritized modernizing our country’s aging air traffic control infrastructure, equipment, and procedures by working at the forefront of NextGen. His leadership has lead to unprecedented collaboration between the Union and the Federal Aviation Administration, resulting in safety programs such as voluntary safety reporting, fatigue mitigation, and a robust professional standards program. Mr. Rinaldi is also committed to fighting for stable, predictable funding for air traffic control operations and to ensure the NAS remains the safest and most efficient in the world. Through his work, Mr. Rinaldi has garnered widespread respect and support for labor and the air traffic control profession. Mr. Rinaldi is a native of Island Park, New York, where his father settled after emigrating from Pontelandolfo, a small mountain town in the Campania region, in 1958. His grandfather, Domenico, had previously worked for eight years in Venezuela before settling in New York and earning enough to bring the rest of his family over. “We were raised as proud Americans, but because we were first generation Americans, it was with very strong roots to our ancestors’ culture from Europe. Because of how hard the family needed to work to get to this country and succeed, the mantra in our house was always this: Each next generation must work hard to be better than the previous.” Mr. Rinaldi currently resides in Manassas, Virginia. 14

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The 2016 SIF National Leadership Grant Donors The Sons of Italy Foundation Deeply Thanks the SIF Perpetual Scholarship Donors

Giulia Besozzi Scholarship

Giovanni & Emilia Glessi Memorial Scholarship

Boncore Family Scholarship

George L. Graziadio/SIF Scholarship

Cappellotti Family Scholarship

Polo Family Scholarship

Carlone Family Scholarship

Frank D. Privitera Scholarship

Lou Carnesecca Scholarship

Henry F. Salvatori Memorial Scholarship

Esposito Family Scholarship

Pietro Secchia Scholarship

The Charles Evans Scholarship

George J. Spatuzza Scholarship

Simone & Bruno Giuffrida Memorial Scholarship

Angelo Tomasso Sr. Scholarship

The SIF thanks the donors of this year’s additional scholarships: The OSIA Grand Lodge of New York Scholarship The OSIA Grand Lodge of Ohio/Italian Language Scholarship The National Italian American Bar Association & Sons of Italy Foundation Scholarship The OSIA Grand Lodge of Maryland Scholarship The Antonio DiStefano & John Maura, Jr. Family Scholarship The Mantegna Family Scholarship The Anthony J. & Eldora B. Perfilio Scholarship The Columbus Citizen’s Foundation & NYS Grand Lodge Foundation, Inc. Grant The Wounded Warrior Project & Sons of Italy Foundation Scholarship

The SIF also acknowledges the generous contributions of OSIA Past National Presidents Frank J. DeSantis and Joseph Sciame to The 2016 National Education & Leadership Award

THE CHARLES EVANS SCHOLARSHIP For the seventh year, the Sons of Italy Foundation® (SIF) is proud to award The Charles Evans Scholarship, a perpetual scholarship funded by an endowment from the Charles Evans Foundation. A successful businessman, U.S. veteran, and philanthropist, Charles Evans co-founded the fashion house Evan-Picone and was executive producer of the Academy Award-winning film, “Tootsie.” Mr. Evans crusaded for causes close to his heart, namely fire detection safety and Alzheimer’s disease research, and served as national director of the Alzheimer’s Association. The SIF is grateful to the Charles Evans Foundation and Linda Munson Rothkopf, for having made this Charles Evans (1926-2007)


perpetual scholarship possible.

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The 2016 SIF National Leadership Grant Recipients

JULIA AMATO - The OSIA Grand Lodge of New York Scholarship Hometown: Eastchester, NY School: Boston College-Boston, MA

• A 2016 National Merit Commended Scholar for performance on the Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test. • Received the Fairfield University Book Award in recognition of being in the top 10% of high school class. • Regularly volunteered at her local elementary school to work with special needs students.

JENNAH ROMANSKY - The OSIA Grand Lodge of Ohio/Italian Language Scholarship Hometown: Cuyahoga Falls, OH School: University of Rochester-Rochester, NY

• Double Major in International Relations and Vocal Jazz Performance with Eastman School of Music and double minors in Italian and French. • Interned with Grammy award-winning professor, Nathaniel Laube, assisting in writing scores for an upcoming movie and vocal training for perspective students. • Teaches Italian to youths in Rochester and taught English to Italian youths in Arezzo, Italy last Fall.

JOSEPH MALIGNO - The National Italian Bar Association & Sons of Italy Foundation


Hometown: Staten Island, NY School: Fordham University School of Law-New York, NY Undergraduate Degree from College of Staten Island-Staten Island, NY

• Received the Best Oral Advocates Awards, along with Best Opening Argument Award during the Trial Advocacy completion. • A quarterfinalist in the 2015 Maurice Wormser Memorial Moot Court Competition. • President of the Columbian Lawyers Association and Federalist Society.

JAKE GIGLIOTTI - The Henry F. Salvatori Memorial Scholarship Hometown: Winston-Salem, NC Accepted Schools: Duke University, Washington & Lee University, & University of North Carolina

• National Merit Scholar; will graduate with high school diploma as well as an Associate of Arts and an Associate of Science with a perfect 4.0 in all classes. • Served as Director of Technology for Drama Club, Treasurer of National Honor Society, and Founding member of both the Math Club and the Red Cross Club. • An Eagle Scout and Aquatics Merit Badge Instructor, certified by the Red Cross.

ANDREW DENUCCI - The OSIA Grand Lodge of Maryland Scholarship Hometown: Newton, MA School: Massachusetts Institute of Technology-Cambridge, MA

• Currently majoring in Aerospace Engineering at MIT and plays varsity football and lacrosse. • An AP Scholar with Distinction; placed second in National Italian Exam in 2012, 2014, 2015; Italian Student of the Year 2015. • National Football Foundation Scholar-Athlete Award, Boston Globe All Scholastic, Lacrosse Academic AllAmerican, member of Student-Athlete Advisory Committee at MIT.

JULIAN VITTO - The Antonio DiStefano & John Maura, Jr. Family Scholarship Hometown: Canfield, OH School: Georgia Institute of Technology-Atlanta GA

• Completed 12 college courses while still in high school and graduated first in class with a 4.48 GPA. • Creating a mobile app to assist children and adults with ADHD and other neurological conditions, and will be working with a team of biomedical engineers at the Cleveland Clinic this summer. • President of the National Honor Society and has worked on volunteer projects with Habitat for Humanity and the American Diabetes Association.


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The 2016 SIF National Leadership Grant Recipients

LUCA GUASTAFERRO - The Mantegna Family Scholarship

Hometown: Van Nuys, CA School: University of Arizona-Tucson, AZ Undergraduate Degree from California State University Northridge-Northridge, CA

• Graduated with Honors from California State University, Northridge with a Bachelor’s degree in Urban Planning. • Will intern this summer at the Tucson Department of Transportation; his specialty in his Urban Planning Studies. • As a person with Asperger Syndrome, was honored when asked to advise undergrad students on the autistic spectrum through the University of Arizona’s Strategic Alternative Learning Techniques Program.

NATHAN BRUSCHI - The Anthony J. & Eldora B. Perfilio Scholarship Hometown: Cambridge, MA School: Harvard Business School-Boston, MA Master in Public Policy from Harvard University-Boston, MA Undergraduate Degree from Dartmouth College-Hanover, MA

• Served as an Officer in the United States Navy in Japan, deploying on deterrence patrols onboard the aircraft carrier USS George Washington. • Led a humanitarian mission to stem the 2014 Central American Migration Crisis by rebuilding infrastructure, delivering medical care, and bolstering law enforcement capabilities in Belize, Guatemala, and Honduras. • Founded the Dartmouth Uniformed Service Alumni, a non-profit that honors the achievements of veterans, helps veterans attend college, and inspires more students to serve their country.

RACHEL REOLFI - The Charles Evans Scholarship Hometown: North Canton, OH School: Carnegie Mellon University-Pittsburgh, PA

• A four-time all-Ohio runner between cross country and track, placing 4th in both the mile and 4x800 relay at last year’s OHSAA state track championships. Captain of Varsity Softball team and named to AllConference and All-Academic Teams. • Commended as a National Merit Scholar, President of National Honor Society, and Class Valedictorian. • Has earned several state awards in clothing designs and operates LegitKnitz, an online Etsy store for knit accessories.

AMANDA FERRARO - The 2016 National Education & Leadership Grant Hometown: West Nyack, NY School: University of Notre Dame-Notre Dame, IN

• An AP Scholar and the Recipient of The Farmers’ Museum Award at the National History Day New York State Competition. • Elected to Executive Board for Centerstage Drama Club, Assistant Choreographer for spring musicals, member of Troubadours Club (select vocal ensemble), selected to NYSSMA Area All-State Music Festival, accomplished pianist and accompanist for high school chorus concerts, participated in selective summer intensive dance programs at STEPS in NYC and the Boston Ballet. • Has volunteered as a Teaching Assistant for first grade religion class and a Music/Drama Counselor at a children’s summer camp.

SGT. Tavia Baldwin, U.S. Marine Corps - The Wounded Warrior Project/

Sons of Italy Foundation Scholarship

Hometown: Homer, Alaska School: The American College of Healthcare Sciences Undergraduate Degree from Georgetown University

• Joined the United State Marine Corps in 2005 and served as a combat flight instructor and aircrew member, eventually achieving the rank of Sergeant. •Conducted deployments to both Afghanistan and Iraq. She was injured in Afghanistan in 2009 and was treated at Walter Reed Military Hospital in 2010. •Attended Georgetown University for her undergraduate degree and graduated cum laude in 2015 with a Bachelor of Arts in Liberal and Classical Studies and Political Science. Currently pursuing her Master of Science in Clinical Alternative Medicine while completing her volunteer medical training with the McLean Fire Department. 17

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Joe Mantegna

Master of Ceremonies

A Tony and Emmy award-winning American actor, producer, writer, and director, Joe Mantegna has more than 40 years of performance experience, earning him a star on Hollywood’s Walk of Fame. He is best known for roles in box-office hits such as David Mamet’s highly acclaimed “House of Games,” “Forget Paris,” and “CARS 2.” He currently stars in the CBS television series “Criminal Minds.” As father of an autistic daughter, Mr. Mantegna has spent many years helping autistic children and families through ACT for Military Families, Easter Seals, and Autism Speaks. He has received numerous awards for his work with various veterans’ and military organizations and the USO. In 2012, he was named the National Spokesperson for the campaign to build the United States Army Museum in Ft. Belvoir, Virginia. This year marks his 14th consecutive year as host of the National Memorial Day Concert and the SIF NELA Gala.

Philip R. Piccigallo, Ph.D.

National Executive Director & CEO, The Sons of Italy Foundation® & National Executive Director, Order Sons of Italy in America®

Since 1988, Dr. Philip R. Piccigallo has led the Sons of Italy in Washington, DC where his efforts have strengthened ties between Italian Americans and leaders in government and public policy. He started the Sons of Italy Foundation’s NELA Gala in 1988, making this year’s NELA the 27th that he has directed. Dr. Piccigallo brought OSIA a background in unions, specifically the American Federation of Teachers, the Seafarers International Union, and the Maritime Trades Department, AFL-CIO. Born and raised in New York City, he holds a B.A. in Economics, an M.A. in Economic History, and a Ph.D. in History and International Affairs from the City University of New York. He has written two books on U.S. foreign policy as well as articles on education, politics, and international affairs. He and his wife, Rose, have two children, Jacqueline and Paul.


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Michael Amante Featured Performer

The Sons of Italy Foundation is pleased to welcome tenor Michael Amante in what is his ninth performance at the annual National Education & Leadership Awards Gala. Mr. Amante is affectionately known as “the Prince of High C’s” for his ability to hit and hold one of the highest notes of a tenor’s voice. Apart from his high C’s, his repertoire showcases his vocal versatility. It includes pieces from The Phantom of the Opera; Puccini’s La Boheme; rock and gospel songs; and classic Neapolitan ballads. A classically trained opera performer, Mr. Amante has had leading roles in Madama Butterfly, La Traviata, and La Boheme. He has also performed in staged versions of Grease, West Side Story, and Jesus Christ, Superstar. Michael Amante’s singing has drawn praise from the late great tenors Luciano Pavarotti and Franco Corelli as well as Tony Bennett, President Bill Clinton, and Regis Philbin. He has appeared on national and international television, receiving and Emmy nomination. The New York Times writes, “The swashbuckling Italian tenor exhibits both the voice and the charisma of a crossover star.”

Maria Fassio Pignati Featured Performer

Performing the American and Italian national anthems for us this evening is soprano Maria Fassio Pignati of San Francisco. She earned a B.A. in Music with a minor in Italian prior to studying voice and piano at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music. Ms. Fassio Pignati is a well-known soprano soloist who performs in various venues and is a member of the “Trio Amore” opera ensemble. She and tenor Peter Girardot have recorded a collection of classic Italian love songs entitled La Vita Bella. She has also performed the National Anthem for the San Francisco Giants, Oakland Athletics, and Golden State Warriors. Active in the Italian-American community for more than forty years, Ms. Fassio Pignati is the former state president of the Sons of Italy’s Grand Lodge of California, which consists of fifty-three lodges in California, southern Oregon, and western Nevada. She also serves on the boards of several organizations, including the San Francisco Columbus Day Celebration, Italian Community Services, and the School of Italian Language and Culture. For her service to her city’s Italian community, Maria Fassio Pignati was recently made a Commander of the Italian Republic with the title “Commendatore dell’Ordine della Stella d’Italia.”


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Gary Sinise Special Guest

For more than thirty years, Gary Sinise has been dedicated to our nation’s active duty defenders, veterans, and first responders. His portrayal of Lt. Dan Taylor in the landmark film “Forrest Gump” formed an enduring connection with servicemen and women throughout the military community. After embarking on USO handshake tours in 2003, Sinise formed the “Lt. Dan Band” which now performs nearly 50 concerts a year for military bases, charities and fundraisers. In June 2011, Mr. Sinise launched the Gary Sinise Foundation, whose mission is to serve and honor our nation’s defenders, veterans, first responders, their families and those in need by creating and supporting unique programs designed to entertain, educate, inspire, strengthen and build communities. In 2012, the Foundation began building specially adapted custom smart homes for America’s severely wounded veterans. Each home features automated amenities to ease the daily challenges these heroes face. Two years ago, the Sons of Italy Foundation donated $15,000 to the Gary Sinise Foundation. Mr. Sinise was honored at the 2013 NELA Gala with the Sons of Italy Foundation Award for Courage & Patriotism.

Help Our Military Heroes

“Improving the lives of our wounded military heroes through mobility and independence” Help Our Military Heroes (HOMH) is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing fully equipped, adaptive minivans to our country’s most severely wounded, injured, and ill service men and women who sustained their injuries while on active duty since the start of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. HOMH works with each individual to provide a minivan with modifications specific to his or her needs. It was co-founded in 2009 by Laurie and Ted Hollander and Marybeth Vandergrift. In 2014, the Sons of Italy Foundation donated $20,000 to HOMH, which helped provide a fully adapted minivan to CPL Josh Himan, U.S. Army (Ret). This year, the Sons of Italy Foundation again donated $20,000, which will help provide another fully equipped, modified van to one of our country’s wounded service members.

In April 2016, SIF Treasurer Frank Panessa hands the keys of a modified minivan to SSG (Ret) Adam Keys, U.S. Army. 20

Thanks to the SIF’s 2014 donation, CPL (Ret) Josh Himan, U.S. Army sits behind the wheel of his modified minivan for the very first time. The Sons


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N ELA Highlights Honorees & Special Guests

U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia talks with scholarship recipient Candice Aitken at the 1991 NELA Italy’s then-President Giorgio Napolitano addresses the 2010 NELA

(L. to R.) Honoree Gary Sinise, Honoree Colin Powell, Alma Powell, and Philip Piccigallo at the 2013 NELA


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(L. to R.) SIF President Joseph DiTrapani, Capt. Anthony Odierno (U.S. Army, Ret.), Gen. Raymond T. Odierno, and SIF President Emeritus Paul S. Polo. (L. to R.) SIF President Joseph J. DiTrapani, FIAT/Chrysler CEO Sergio Marchionne, and SIF Past President Vincent Sarno at the 2013 NELA

Geraldine Ferraro (L.) and actress Connie Stevens at the 2001 NELA

Philip Piccigallo greets Vice President Joe Biden at the 2009 NELA 22

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women trailblazers at the

2007 NELA

(L. to R.) Madeleine Albright, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Geraldine Ferraro, Nancy Pelosi and Mary Landrieu

Tony Bennett with a young fan at the 1998 NELA

AIDS & Cancer Researcher Dr. Robert Gallo accepts the 2002 NELA Award

(L. to R.) Justice Samuel Alito, Secretary Leon Panetta and Philip Piccigallo at the 2014 NELA


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Sam Donaldson with Joe Mantegna at the 2002 NELA

Music Producer Quincy Jones introduces Honoree President Bill Clinton at the 2010 NELA

Denise Austin and Mario Andretti flex their muscles at the 2000 NELA

The 2015 SIF scholarship winners with Philip Piccigallo and Scholarship Coordinator Laura Kelly (far right) 24

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(L. to R.) New York State Representative Susan Molinari, Glen Funicello, OSIA National Past President Joanne Stollo, Annette Funicello, and OSIA National Past President Peter Zuzolo at the 1993 NELA

SRT CEO Ralph Gillies (L.) with Bob Johnson, founder of Black Entertainment Television (BET), at the 2013 NELA

President George W. Bush addresses the 2004 NELA Gala guests Philip Piccigallo with President Bill Clinton at the 2010 NELA


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U.S. Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA) at the 1989 NELA dinner

Vice President Al Gore speaks at the 1995 NELA (L. to R.) Honoree Tommy LaSorda, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Philip Piccigallo, and former Chief of Staff John Podesta at the 1997 NELA

(L. to R.) Doug Flutie, Franco Nuschese, Sergio Marchionne, Philip Piccigallo and Anthony Fauci at the 2013 NELA

Tenor Michael Amante performs at the 2015 NELA 26

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Philip Piccigallo with Bill and Hillary Clinton at the 2006 NELA

Current Governor of New York Andrew Cuomo speaks at the 1995 NELA Senator Bob Dole at the 1996 NELA

The NELA ballroom at the National Building Museum. About 1,000 guests attend annually. 27

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Making a Difference The Sons


Italy Foundation

The Sons of Italy Foundation (SIF) is the philanthropic arm of the Order Sons of Italy in America (OSIA). Established in 1959, the SIF has given nearly $165 million to scholarships, philanthropy, medical research, cultural projects, disaster relief efforts, veterans’ causes and other special projects.

SCHOLARSHIPS, EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES & SUPPORT Every year, the SIF and OSIA lodges give scholarships to promising ItalianAmerican students. Since 1959, the SIF has given nearly $65 million in scholarships at the local, state and national levels.

MEDICAL RESEARCH The SIF supports research to help national charities find cures for the most devastating diseases like Alzheimer’s disease, autism, and Cooley’s anemia.

Photo Courtesy of Jeremy Hiebert

DISASTER RELIEF The SIF donates generously to disaster relief in the U.S. and abroad. This includes a $25,000 contribution to relief efforts for Hurricane Sandy, which struck the east coast in 2012. Photo Courtesy of the Toms River Fire Department


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k CULTURAL PRESERVATION & IMMIGRATION HISTORY The SIF’s Garibaldi-Meucci Museum is a center of Italian culture on Staten Island, NY. The SIF also contributes to preserving Italian immigrant documents at the Immigration History Research Center in Minnesota and now has partnered with to broaden its impact.

HONORING AND ASSISTING THOSE WHO PROTECT AND SERVE The SIF helped fund the creation of the World War II Memorial and the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial. In recent years, the SIF has given tens of thousands of dollars to various groups that support veterans’ causes, including the Wounded Warrior Project, the Gary Sinise Foundation, Help Our Military Heroes and Luke’s Wing’s, among others. Photo Courtesy of Mark Fischer

SPECIAL PROJECTS The SIF supports the establishment and restoration of U.S. monuments, including the Statue of Liberty, the World War II Memorial, and National 9/11 Memorial & Museum in New York City.

Photo Courtesy of Amy Dreher


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A History of Giving The Sons

9/11 Disaster Relief Academic Year in America (AYA) Alzheimer’s Association American Cancer Society, Coaches vs. Cancer American Fund for Dental Health American Institute for Foreign Study (AIFS) American Italian Cancer Foundation American Italian Historical Association (AIHA) American Red Cross Annette Funicello Fund for Neurological Disorders Arab American Institute Arthritis Foundation Assisi Earthquake Relief Barbara Sinatra Children’s Center Bard College Boy Scouts of America Boys Town of Italy Business Council for International Understanding California State University Catholic Relief Services (Naples earthquake relief) Catholics United Cavaliere Ufficiale Aldo Mancusi Center for Italian & Italian-American Culture, Inc. Center for Migration Studies CES Foundation Children’s Inn at NIH Christopher Columbus Catholic Center Commission for Social Justice® (CSJ) Concordia Language Villages Cooley’s Anemia Foundation COPILAS Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America Dante School for Children DC Friends of Ireland Doctors Without Borders Don Orione Home & Madonna Queen National Shrine Doug Flutie Jr., Foundation for Autism Ethiopian Famine Relief FIERI International Florentine Flood Relief Fox Chase Cancer Center Garibaldi-Meucci Museum Gene Upshaw Memorial Fund Help Our Military Heroes Hoop Dreams Scholarship Fund Hurricane Andrew Relief Immigration History Research Center 30


Italy Foundation

In Italiano Language Program International Seamen’s Center of Wilmington, N.C. Istituto Italiano di Cultura Italian Americana Italian Flood Relief Italian Hospital Society Italian Musicale Italian Welfare League Italian-American Cultural Center John Cabot University (JCU) John. D. Calandra Italian American Institute L’Aquila Earthquake Relief Lombardi Cancer Center at George Washington University Medical Center Luke’s Wings March of Dimes Mentoring and Internships Mexican Earthquake Relief Michael Bolton Charities Multiple Sclerosis National Brain Tumor Society National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial National Leadership Grants (SIF’s scholarship program) National Policy Association National September 11 Memorial & Museum National World War II Memorial Oklahoma City Bombing Relief OSIA National Student Summit Penfed Foundation Rienzi Foundation for Cochlear Implant Surgery Saint Pio Foundation Seton Hall University School of Diplomacy and International Relations SLE (Lupus) Foundation & Elizabeth Fund Special Olympics The American Foundation for St. George Hospital The College Board The Daniel Pitino Foundation The Gary Sinise Foundation The Isaac Hayes Foundation The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts The Statue of Liberty Restoration Project / Ellis Island Foundation (American Immigration Wall of Honor) The V Foundation U.S. State Department (American Embassy & Villa Taverna in Rome) Washington Revels Washington, DC Police Foundation William J. Clinton Foundation Wounded Warrior Project The Sons


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Contribution Highlights The Sons


Italy Foundation

1959 Sons of Italy Foundation (SIF) established as the philanthropic arm of the Order Sons of Italy in America, the nation’s oldest and biggest organization for people of Italian heritage. 1964 $25,000 for flood victims in Belluno, Italy 1966 $200,000 for flood victims in Florence and Venice 1967 Designates March of Dimes as one of its official charities and donates more than $14 million over the next two decades 1968 $127,000 for earthquake victims in Sicily 1974 Names Cooley’s Anemia Foundation as an official charity. To date, donated nearly $3 million. 1976 $217,000 for earthquake victims in Friuli, Italy 1981 $3 million in funds plus medicine and clothing to victims of the 1980 Irpinia earthquake in southern Italy 1985 Contributes to restoration of Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty 1987 $30,000 to earthquake victims in Mexico 1989 Holds first National Education & Leadership Award (NELA) event in Washington, DC 1990 $50,000 to establish the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial in Washington, DC 1993 Names the Alzheimer’s Association one of its official charities and donates $1 million over the next 10 years. Pledges another $1 million donation by 2015 1998 $50,000 to Barbara Sinatra Hospital for Abused Children 2003 $66,000 to establish an Advanced Placement program in Italian; Gave additional $50,000 in 2010 to re-instate the program. 2004 $100,000 to establish a World War II memorial in Washington, DC 2005 $15,000 to the Tsunami Emergency Relieve effort in Asia 2006 $35,000 for Hurricane Katrina Relief 2007 $100,000 to the National September 11 Memorial & Museum in NYC 2007 $100,000 to Coaches vs. Cancer 2008 $100,000 over past four years to the Rienzi Foundation to cure deafness through cochlear implants 2009 Collects an estimated $300,000 in relief funds to aid victims of the L’Aquila earthquake in the Abruzzi region 2010 The Charles Evans Foundation, formed by Evan-Picone fashion house co-founder Charles Evans, selects the SIF to receive a quarter-million-dollar endowment to establish the perpetual Charles Evans Scholarship. 2010 $100,000 to build the World Trade Center Museum & Memorial in New York City 2010 $10,000 scholarship to Medal of Honor recipient Salvatore Giunta 2011 $235,000 to help rebuild the Fondazione Il Cireneo Onlus per L’Autismo, a center for autistic children, destroyed by the 2009 L’Aquila earthquake. 2011 $24,600 to new national charity, the Doug Flutie, Jr. Foundation for Autism, Inc. 2011 Pledges a second $1 million contribution to the Alzheimer’s Association 2012 Answers the call of natural disaster victims in Italy and the U.S., launching fundraising campaigns for Emilia-Romagna earthquake relief and Hurricane Sandy relief 2013 $25,000 to Super Storm Sandy Relief; $15,000 to the Gary Sinise Foundation; and $50,000 since 2008 to the Columbus Citizens Foundation 2014 $20,000 was donated to Help Our Military Heroes 2015 SIF/OSIA gives more than $300,000 to Alzheimer’s Association; Doug Flutie, Jr. Foundation for Austim, Inc.; and Cooley’s Anemia Foundation. 2016 $10,000 donated to the Gary Sinise Foundation 2016 $20,000 donated to Help Our Military Heroes 31

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k The Sons

Italy Foundation

The SIF Award Recipients 1989-2015 of

The Sons of Italy Foundation (SIF) Awards are given annually at the SIF’s NELA Gala held every May in Washington, D.C. 2015

Gen. Raymond T. Odierno Chief of Staff, United States Army The National Education & Leadership Award (NELA) Terry O’Sullivan General President, Laborers’ International Union of North America The SIF Lifetime Achievement Award for Public Service Anthony S. Fauci, M.D. Director, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, NIH Special Recognition Award for Science & Medicine Alfred Grasso President & CEO, The MITRE Corporation Humanitarian Award Geno Auriemma Head Coach, University of Connecticut Women’s Basketball Special Award for Excellence in Sports Leadership 2014

The Hon. Leon Panetta Former U.S. Secretary of Defense Former Director, CIA Former White House Chief of Staff National Education & Leadership Award (NELA) U.S. Senator Christopher J. Dodd Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, Motion Picture Association of America Former United States Senator (CT) Lifetime Achievement Award for Public Service Harry Lombardo International President, Transport Workers Union Humanitarian Award Lt. Gen. Flora D. Darpino 39th Judge Advocate General of the U.S. Army Special Award for Military Justice 2013

Robert F. Corrao Chairman & CEO, Ski TV Network National Education & Leadership Award (NELA) Sergio Marchionne Chairman & CEO, Chrysler Group LLC, CEO, FIAT S.p.A Award for Excellence in Global Business Gen. Colin L. Powell (USA Ret.) 65th U.S. Secretary of State & 12th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Lifetime Achievement Award for Public Service 32

Gary Sinise Actor, Activist, & Founder, the Gary Sinise Foundation Award for Courage & Patriotism 2012

Hillary Rodham Clinton U.S. Secretary of State Lifetime Achievement Award for Public Service Armand Sabitoni General Secretary, Laborers International Union of North America Humanitarian Award Claudio Bozzo President, Mediterranean Shipping Company, Inc. Award for Excellence in Business Gen. Peter Pace, U.S. Marine Corps. (Ret.) 16th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Award for Courage & Patriotism 2011

Carmen Policy Founder & Proprietor, Casa Piena Vineyard Former Owner & CEO, San Francisco 49ers National Education & Leadership Award (NELA) Jack Reed U.S. Senator from Rhode Island Veteran, U.S. Army 82nd Airborne Division Lifetime Achievement Award for Public Service Pier F. Guarguaglini Chairman & CEO, Finmeccanica SpA Award for Excellence in Global Business Steven Nardizzi, Esq. Executive Director, Wounded Warrior Project Special Award for Courage & Patriotism 2010

Lewis C. Merletti Former Director, United States Secret Service National Education & Leadership Award (NELA) President Bill Clinton Founder, William J. Clinton Foundation Lifetime Achievement Award for Public Service Capt. Anthony Odierno (U.S. Army, Ret.) Manager, Stadium Operations, NY Yankees Special Award for Courage & Patriotism

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Joseph R. Biden, Jr. Vice President of the United States SIF Lifetime Achievement Award for Public Service Arthur J. Gajarsa Federal Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals Lifetime Achievement Award in Jurisprudence Robert A. Scardelletti International President, Transportation Communications Union/IAM SIF Humanitarian Award Mary Ann Esposito Host/Creator, “Ciao Italia” PBS TV Lifetime Achievement Award in the Culinary Arts


Dana Gioia Chairman, National Endowment For the Arts National Education & Leadership Award (NELA) Joseph Battipaglia CIO, Ryan Beck & Co. Business Award Karen Ignagni President & CEO, America’s Health Insurance Plans Lifetime Achievement in Management Joseph G. Procacci CEO, Procacci Brothers Sales Corp. OSIA Centennial Award 2004


Joseph Plumeri Chairman & CEO, Willis Group National Education & Leadership Award (NELA) Steve Wynn Chairman & CEO, Wynn Resorts Award for Global Vision & Philanthropy Michael Petruzzello Founder & Managing Partner, Qorvis Communications Award Excellence in Business Alfred Rotondaro, PhD Sr. Fellow, Center for American Progress Humanitarian Award

Joseph Grano Chairman, UBS Financial Services National Education & Leadership Award (NELA) Silvio Berlusconi Prime Minister of Italy International Leadership Award John De Gioia President, Georgetown University Excellence in Academia Award Frances Visco President, National Breast Cancer Coalition Humanitarian Award 2003


Nicholas Donofrio Executive VP, IBM National Education & Leadership Award (NELA) Geraldine Ferraro Former Congresswoman from New York Lifetime Achievement Award for Public Service Frank Giordano President, Union League of Philadelphia Humanitarian Award The Rienzi Foundation Making A Difference Award 2006

Michael Rienzi President & Founder, Rienzi & Sons National Education & Leadership Award (NELA) Franco Nuschese President, Georgetown Entertainment Group, LLC Excellence in Business Robert E. Juliano Chairman, Robert E. Juliano Associates Humanitarian Award


Charles Gargano Chairman, Empire State Development Corp. National Education & Leadership Award (NELA) Andy Granatelli Automotive designer, driver & engineer Lifetime Achievement Award Richard L. Trumka Secretary-Treasurer, AFL-CIO Humanitarian Award 2002

Robert Gallo, M.D. AIDS & Cancer researcher National Education & Leadership Award (NELA) Martin J. Maddaloni General President, United Association Humanitarian Award Joe Mantegna Actor Excellence in Media Award

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John F. Mariani Chairman, Banfi Vintners National Education & Leadership Award (NELA) Robert A. Georgine Chairman, President & CEO, ULLICO, Inc. Humanitarian Award Regis Philbin Television Host Lifetime Achievement Award 2000

Mario Andretti Racing Legend & Business Entrepreneur National Education & Leadership Award (NELA) Connie Stevens Actress & Businesswoman Humanitarian Award 1999

Andrew A. Giancamilli Former President & General Merchandise Manager, Kmart Corporation National Education & Leadership Award (NELA) Tony Bennett Legendary Entertainer Humanitarian Award 1998

Phil Guarascio Former Vice President & General Manager of North American Marketing & Advertising, General Motors Corporation National Education & Leadership Award (NELA) Frank Sinatra Legendary Entertainer, Producer & Philanthropist Humanitarian Award


Joe Paterno Head Football Coach, Pennsylvania State University National Education & Leadership Award (NELA) Alfred A. Checchi Former Co-Chairman, Northwest Airlines Corporation National Education & Leadership Award (NELA) 1995

Joseph E. Antonini President, JEA Enterprises, Inc. National Education & Leadership Award (NELA) 1994

The Honorable Louis J. Freeh Senior Vice Chairman of Administrative & Legal Affairs, MBNA America, Inc. National Education & Leadership Award (NELA) 1993

Annette Funicello Entertainer National Education & Leadership Award (NELA) 1992

Dr. Anthony S. Fauci Director, the National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases at the NIH National Education & Leadership Award (NELA) 1991

The Honorable Antonin Scalia U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice National Education & Leadership Award (NELA) 1990

The Honorable Silvio O. Conte U.S. Congressman from Massachusetts National Education & Leadership Award (NELA)


Peter F. Secchi Chairman, Universal Forest Products, Inc. & Former U.S. Ambassador to Italy National Education & Leadership Award (NELA) Tommy Lasorda Vice President/Former Manager, LA Dodgers Humanitarian Award



Lou Carnesecca St. John’s University Head Basketball Coach (Ret.) National Education & Leadership Award (NELA)

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The Order Sons of Italy in America® Founded in 1905

The Order Sons of Italy in America (OSIA) is the oldest and largest national organization for men and women of Italian heritage in the United States. Established to help the early Italian immigrants, today OSIA is the nation’s leading Italian-American service and advocacy organization. It has a network of hundreds of thousands of family members in all 50 states plus the District of Columbia and has lodges extending across the country and into Canada. Its programs include: • ITALIAN AMERICA® MAGAZINE, the most widely read magazine in the U.S. for people of Italian heritage • PASSPORT TO ITALY, low-cost group tours to Italy and its cultural patrimony arranged by OSIA’s travel bureau • SCHOLARSHIPS, financial support for young Italian Americans attending college and graduate school • STUDY ABROAD PARTNERSHIPS OPPORTUNITIES, a program for students and adults to study or work while living in Italy • THE SONS OF ITALY NATIONAL BOOK CLUB, a committee that promotes fiction and non-fiction works by and about Italian Americans • INTERNSHIPS/MENTORING PROGRAM, National Office in Washington, D.C. Use your mobile device to scan the QR code to join our e-mail list! Receive our monthly newsletter, event information, news, exciting announcements and special offers! Or text OSIA to 22828 to join!

The Sons of Italy Commission for Social Justice® Founded in 1979

• The CSJ’s mission is to fight the stereotyping of Italian Americans by the entertainment, advertising, and news industries. It collaborates with other groups to ensure that people of all races, religions, and cultures are treated fairly. • The CSJ monitors the entertainment, advertising and news industries; contacts offending parties by letter and/or telephone; and encourages other Italian-American organizations, e-mail networks, and concerned individuals to take action as well. • Through its Positive Image Program, the CSJ regularly informs the media and general public about Italian-American achievements, contributions, history, and culture. • As part of its Positive Image Program, the CSJ conducts research and produces studies, teaching tools, pamphlets, exhibits and other materials on the achievements and contributions of Italian Americans. 35

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Italy Foundation

Board and Committees BOARD OF TRUSTEES

Resource Persons

Daniel J. Longo Chairman

Lynn Lawrence-Murphy Antonio Sestito Carolyn Reres Mac Comparetto

Joseph J. DiTrapani President Vera Girolami Vice President Dr. Mark S. DeNunzio Recording Secretary Thom A. Lupo Financial Secretary Frank J. Panessa Treasurer

National Executive Director/CEO Philip R. Piccigallo, Ph.D. 2016 SIF SCHOLARSHIP SELECTION COMMITTEE

Michele Ment, Chair Joseph Facciolo Joanne Strollo Carolyn Reres 2016 SIF SCHOLARSHIP SELECTION CONSULTANTS

President Emeritus Paul S. Polo

Mark Lindenmeyer Loyola University, Maryland


Gene Logan American University, Washington, D.C.

Angelo R. Bianchi, Esq. Al DeNapoli, Esq. Joseph LaBanca Bruce Lankewish Salvatore Lanzilotta Michael S. Polo Marianne Principe-O’Neil Philip J. Privitera, Esq. Joseph Sciame Joanne L. Strollo Trustee Emeritus Valentino Ciullo

Lucio D’Andrea President Emeritus, The Abruzzo & Molise Heritage Society Washington, D.C. Edvige D’Andrea The Abruzzo & Molise Heritage Society Washington, D.C. Joseph Sena, Jr. President, National Italian American Bar Association

In Memoriam

John G. Spatuzza OSIA National President Emeritus


Robert A. Messa OSIA National President Emeritus SIF President Emeritus The Sons


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k The Sons


Italy Foundation

Staff, Consultants & NELA gala Volunteers




Philip R. Piccigallo, Ph.D. National Executive Director/CEO

Dan Ashwell, Printing Solutions, Inc. Printing

Jessica Abeshouse

Andrea K. Beach Office Manager Diane Crespy Program & Development Director Miles Ryan Fisher Editor, Italian America Magazine Editor, NELA Gala Commemorative Journal Laura Kelly Administrative & Scholarship Coordinator Katie Vivian Executive Assistant Carly Jerome Social Media & Communications Consultant

Jacqueline Adair David Burkhard

Steve Baughan, Monumental Affairs Catering

Anna Hiltajczuk

Erik Duran, Duran Floral Design, LLC Flowers

Nick Kelley

Lynn Kessler, L.K. Productions, LLC Video

Anne Katzer

Neil Kuhn Kenny Lewis Jackie Piccigallo Lisa Rosenberger

Carlo Tamburro, Williams/Gerard Productions, Inc. Event Producer

Ashley Ailsworth Sterling

Max Taylor Photography

Eric Zurita

Adrienne Ward

Diane Vincent Graphic Design

The Sons of Italy Foundation’s National Headquarters in Washington, D.C. 37

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The Sons of Italy Foundation expresses its sincere gratitude to the following individuals and organizations for their help in making the 28th Annual National Education & Leadership Awards Gala a success

Airlines for America

Joseph M. Mattone, Sr. & Mary Ann Pessolano Mattone

Alzheimer’s Association

Anita McBride

Michael Amante

Lt. Col. Matthew McCarville (USA, Ret.)

American Italian Cancer Foundation and Massimo Ferragamo

National Air Traffic Controllers Association

The American Labor Movement

Franco Nuschese, Café Milano & Georgetown Entertainment

President George W. Bush

The Order Sons of Italy in America Grand Lodge of New York

Nicholas Calio

Vincent Panvini

Colavita USA

Maria Fassio Pignati

Cooley’s Anemia Foundation

Carmen and Gail Policy

DelGrosso Foods

Dr. Condoleezza Rice

The Embassy of Italy

Paul Rinaldi

Rev. R. Adam Forno

Linda Munson Rothkopf, President & The Charles Evans Foundation

Roger Goodell, NFL Commissioner

Robert A. Scardelletti

Alfred Grasso

Gary Sinise

International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers (SMART)

Takoma Park (MD) Police Department Honor Guard


Votto Vines, provider of Leone d’Oro® wines

Joe Mantegna

The Wounded Warrior Project®

And all the sponsors and guests of the 2016 NELA Gala

Special thanks to: Dan Ashwell, Printing Solutions, Inc. · Steve Baughan, Monumental Affairs Erik Duran, Duran Floral Design LLC · Chris Frame, National Building Museum Lynn Kessler, LK Productions, LLC · Carlo Tamburro, Williams/Gerard Productions Max Taylor, Photography · Diane Vincent, Graphic Design


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2016 N ELA Gala Sponsors Platinum

Airlines for America –

Colavita Extra Virgin Olive Oil –

Cooley’s Anemia Foundation –

Joseph & Mary Ann Mattone – Mattone Group, LLC

National Air Traffic Controllers Association

OSIA New York Grand Lodge Foundation, Inc.

The Charles Evans Foundation Scholarship Presented by Linda Munson Rothkopf


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k Gold American Airlines AT&T Services, Inc. Columbus Citizens Foundation – Forbes Tate Partners, LLC International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers – Laborers’ International Union of North America – Roberti Global – Squire Patton Boggs – Local Connections, Global Influence Subject Matter Wounded Warrior Project® –

Silver AFL-CIO, America’s Unions American-Italian Cancer Foundation American Maritime Officers Service – American Resort Development Association – Arab American Institute – Atlas Air Worldwide Café Milano – Georgetown Entertainment Group – Franco Nuschese FedEx Express Ford Motor Company Harris Corporation


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k Silver Harry & Kathy Melikian International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers – John M. Williams, Managing Director-Wealth Management, Private Wealth Advisor – Morgan Stanley Private Wealth Management La Famiglia DelGrosso Ultra-Premium Pasta Sauce – Lido Civic Club of Washington, D.C. – My Italian Family, The No. 1 Source for your Family Roots and Italian Dual Citizenship Support – National Italian American Foundation – Nick and Lydia Calio Peduzzi Associates, LTD Seafarers International Union – Michael Sacco, President – Sons of Italy Grand Lodge of New Jersey Sons of Italy Grand Lodge of Ohio Southwest Airlines – The Boeing Company The MITRE Corporation – Transportation Communications Union/IAM – Robert A. Scardelletti, National President –

Bronze AFGE, AFL-CIO Air Traffic Control Association (ATCA), Dedicated to the progress of air traffic control and management since 1956 – Air Line Pilots Association, International –


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k Bronze International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers – Midwest Air Traffic Control Service, Inc. Naden/Lean, LLC, Jeff Drake, CPA OSIA Grand Lodge of Illinois/Wisconsin – Marie Marsalli, President and Richard R. Della Croce, OSIA National Historian Paul Leone Ristorante Tosca – Sons of Italy Foundation Trustees Joseph LaBanca; Bruce Lankewish; Salvatore Lanzilotta; Michael S. Polo; Marianne Principe-O’Neil; Philip J. Privitera, Esq.; Joseph Sciame; Joanne Strollo Sons of Italy National Past Presidents: Philip R. Boncore, Esq.; Frank J. DeSantis; Joseph J. DiTrapani; Paul S. Polo, Sr.; Vincent Sarno; Joseph Sciame; Joanne Strollo; Peter R. Zuzolo Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO United Airlines United Mineworkers of America –

Sponsor Aireon Anita & Nick Donofrio Arlene Nunziati, Sons of Italy Grand Lodge of California State First Vice President & Vera Girolami, Sons of Italy National First Vice President Canadian Air Traffic Controllers DeMatteis Organizations Doug & Pat Allen


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k Sponsor Dr. Mark DeNunzio, OSIA National Recording Secretary Gail & Carmen Policy – Casa Piena Winery – Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, OSIA – Inserra Shop-Rite Supermarkets International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) – Italian Welfare League – Joe & Kathy Grano Joseph & Elham Cicippio Law Offices of Kevin G. Curtin Lt Gen Sam and Marci Angelella, USAF (ret) Mario & Dee Ann Andretti National Law Enforcement Officer’s Memorial & Museum – National Organization of Italian American Women, Board of Directors – Order Sons of Italy in America – SIF Trustee Joseph LaBanca & Mary LaBanca Sons & Daughters of Italy, Myrtle Beach Lodge #2662 Sons of Italy Christopher Columbus Lodge #1199 (Charleston, West Virginia) Sons of Italy Grand Lodge of Connecticut Sons of Italy National Vice Presidents: Vera Girolami; Nancy Di Fiore Quinn; Robert A. Bianchi, Esq.; Joseph A. Boncore, Esq.; Michael G. Polo The Breakers Palm Beach The Gartenstein Family


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Thank you to the following individuals and organizations that have sponsored active members of the armed service, veterans, and wounded warriors at this year’s NELA Gala. Dr. Mark DeNunzio, OSIA National Recording Secretary Hyatt Hotels & Resorts OSIA New York Grand Lodge Foundation, Inc. – Michael G. Polo, OSIA National Fifth Vice President Paul S. Polo, SIF President Emeritus SIF Trustee Joseph LaBanca & Mary LaBanca Sons of Italy Annapolis Lodge #2225 Sons of Italy Grand Lodge of California Sons of Italy Grand Lodge of Connecticut Sons of Italy Grand Lodge of Delaware Sons of Italy Grand Lodge of Illinois/Wisconsin Sons of Italy Grand Lodge of Maryland Sons of Italy Grand Lodge of Nebraska Sons of Italy Grand Lodge of New Jersey Sons of Italy Grand Lodge of Ohio Sons of Italy Grand Lodge of the Northwest Sons of Italy Grand Lodge of Virginia

With gratitude to the Sons of Italy Foundation’s longtime partner in progress, the Alzheimer’s Association.


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We Humbly Accept the Honor of


SONS OF ITALY FOUNDATION It is our Hope that many of you will Appreciate, Share and Contribute to its Mission

We thank our Family & Friends for joining us and for their Constant Love and Support.

This Recognition is a Testament not to us, but to All our Grandparents and Parents. Their Courage, Wisdom & Love propel us to fulfill their dreams.

GRAZIE MILLE TO ALL OF YOU, not for who you are but for WHAT YOU DO FOR OTHERS through GOD’S GRACE and for our ITALIAN HERITAGE.



The Sons


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