OSIA Convention Marconi Journal 2013

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Order Sons of Italy in America®

53rd Biennial National Convention & Guglielmo Marconi Award Gala Commemorative Journal

Certificate of Recognition from U.S. Senator Pat Toomey (PA).................................2 Greetings from Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett...................................................3 Greetings from Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter......................................................4 Greetings from Philadelphia City Councilman Mark Squilla......................................5 A Message from Joseph J. DiTrapani, OSIA National President.................................6

Welcome: Convention and Marconi Gala Chairs..............................................................7 The Guglielmo Marconi Award: History and Recipients..............................................8

2013 Marconi Award Honoree: The Hon. Tom Marino................................................9 Marconi Gala Menu................................................................................................................... 10

Marconi Gala Program............................................................................................................. 11 2013 Sellaro Award Honoree: Angelo R. Bianchi, Esq............................................... 12 2013 Sports Award Honoree: Jennifer Rizzotti............................................................ 13

OSIA National Officers............................................................................................................. 14 OSIA National Past Presidents............................................................................................. 16

In Memoriam............................................................................................................................... 18

The Order Sons of Italy in America®. ................................................................................ 19

The Sons of Italy Foundation®. ............................................................................................ 24 The Commission for Social Justice®................................................................................... 28

Convention Events Sponsors................................................................................................ 30

Marconi Gala Sponsors............................................................................................................ 31

© Cover photo courtesy Philadelphia Convention & Visitors Bureau


Order Sons of Italy in AmericaÂŽ

Biennial National Convention & Marconi Gala Commemorative Journal



Order Sons of Italy in AmericaÂŽ

Biennial National Convention & Marconi Gala Commemorative Journal


Order Sons of Italy in America® National President

A Message of Thanks

Guglielmo Marconi Award & Biennial National Convention Chairs



s I close out my term as your National President, I do so with equal measures of pride, humility, and relief, as well as an abundance of gratitude. Pride in having served as your OSIA National President for four years. Humility in knowing that you have entrusted this singular responsibility to me. A sense of sincere relief that I have done my best, with the invaluable help of my colleagues on the Supreme Council and OSIA members, to complete what I set out to do in 2009 and to continue in 2011. Finally, the utmost gratitude for the support that has been offered to me by all our leaders and members throughout my term. I think we have been true to our mission.

Over the last four years, we underscored the “oneness” of our national organization by conducting Executive and Joseph J. DiTrapani Plenary Sessions, and now two National Conventions in National President 2009-2013 various cities and areas of our country. By doing so, we celebrated OSIA’s unique position as the one truly national and most prominent voice on behalf of the nation’s Italian Americans. At our gatherings, we discussed issues of great importance to the future of OSIA and the Italian American community in a democratic and civil manner. We emphasized fraternity, fairness, and politeness.

We advanced the mission of the Order in so many ways and on all levels within OSIA. From utilizing technology to expand our outreach to members and providing a more inclusive membership experience to increasing our philanthropic presence and finding new ways to help our communities, the nation and the world – particularly the United States and Italy – we are determined to hold fast to the conviction that we can make the planet a better place. A special note of thanks and a salute goes to my father, Sam, who probably, more than anyone else, would have been the proudest of my role in OSIA. Finally, I could have done none of this without the tireless support and love of my wife, Carol, and my entire family.

I am deeply proud and honored that you have afforded me this opportunity to serve these past four years. From the bottom of my heart, please accept my gratitude, and know that I will always cherish these memories – even as I work hard to build new ones with you and OSIA. I extend my best wishes to our new and returning state and national leaders. I wish you all much success in the work you will do to carry out our mission; you will have my devoted support. Together, let us firmly commit to preserving the legacy of OSIA, while ensuring its vibrant future. Sempre Avanti! 6

Order Sons of Italy in America®

Joanne L. Strollo National President 1993-1995 Chairwoman, Guglielmo Marconi Award Committee

Paul S. Polo, Sr. National President 1995-1997 Marconi Award Honoree 2007 Chairman, 53rd Biennial National Convention


elcome to the Order Sons of Italy in America’s 53rd Biennial National Convention and the Guglielmo Marconi Award Gala. Keeping with the long-standing tradition, we are gathered here in convention as leaders and delegates to call upon the principles of our beloved Order – Liberty, Equality, Fraternity – to guide us in making decisions that will steer the course of the organization over the next two years.

We are a national organization, our members and supporters reaching coast to coast and north to south. Although we are unified through our common Italian ancestry, our experiences with our heritage and OSIA vary. This convention provides the opportunity to get together and share stories, exchange ideas, and forge new friendships that will facilitate working together as brothers and sisters. Tonight, we conclude our convention with a wonderful banquet, the Guglielmo Marconi Award Gala, during which we proudly present OSIA’s highest honor. Named for the Italian inventor of wireless telegraphy, the Guglielmo Marconi Award is given to those who have made important contributions to the United States, exemplifying the ideals of the Order.

This year we honor U.S. Congressman Thomas Marino of Pennsylvania’s 10th congressional district. A member of OSIA for nearly 10 years, Mr. Marino works diligently to promote the Italian culture and tradition, working closely with the Italian-American community throughout Pennsylvania and exemplifying the philanthropic and humanitarian mission of OSIA.

We are proud of Mr. Marino’s accomplishments and pleased that you have joined us to honor him tonight at this dinner which formally ends our 53rd Biennial National Convention. Enjoy the evening!

Biennial National Convention & Marconi Gala Commemorative Journal


Guglielmo Marconi Award

Guglielmo Marconi Award - 2013 Honoree

Previous Recipients


The Hon. Tom Marino

he Guglielmo Marconi Award is named for the Nobel Prize-winning Italian physicist who invented wireless telegraphy. It is the Sons of Italy’s highest honor, presented biennially to a person who has made significant contributions to the United States.

1955 1959 1961 1963 1965 1967 1971 1973 1975 1977 1981 1983 1985 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011



nited States Congressman Tom Marino is a husband, father, attorney, three-time cancer-survivor, Sons of Italy member, and Pennsylvanian. He has been the representative for Pennsylvania’s 10th congressional district since 2010.

Brig. Gen. David S. Sarnoff, President and Chairman of the Board, R.C.A. He was born and raised in Lycoming County, Pa., and later graduated from Lycoming College before attaining his Juris Doctorate from the Dickinson Judge Eugene V. Alessandroni, Grand Venerable, Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania School of Law. He served two terms as the Lycoming County District Hon. John A. Volpe, Governor of Massachusetts Attorney. He went on to become a U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of Hon. John O. Pastore, U.S. Senator from Rhode Island Pennsylvania, where he became known for his diligent work to crack down on organized crime and drug trafficking. He returned to work for two years Hon. Anthony J. Celebrezze, Judge of U.S. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, as a private attorney before a need to make a positive impact on the country former U.S. Secretary of Health, Education & Welfare pulled him toward public service in the national arena. Hon. Peter W. Rodino, U.S. Congressman Mr. Marino ran for Congress in 2010, defeating a two-term incumbent for Hon. Richard M. Nixon, President of the United States the position. He was re-elected in 2012 after winning the election with 66 Hon. Ella T. Grasso, Governor of Connecticut percent of the vote. He serves on three House committees, Foreign Affairs, Homeland Security and Judiciary, as well as six sub-committees. Mr. Marino Hon. John Scali, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations also serves as co-chairman of the Cystic Fibrosis Caucus, Congressional Hon. Frank Annunzio, U.S. Congressman Kidney Caucus, and the Congressional Caucus of Foster Youth. Hon. Pete Domenici, U.S. Senator from New Mexico Congressman Marino grew up in a working class family; his father worked Dr. Augustine Verrengia, Deputy Manager, Program Planning, as a janitor and a fireman, and his mother as a homemaker. After working in June 11, 2013 RECORD —RECORD Extensions of Remarks E843 Space Shuttle Program, NASA June CONGRESSIONAL 11, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL — Extensions of Remarks E843 the manufacturing field for a number of years, he went back to college at age The dedication demonstrated by Yatzire THE HONORING THEITALY SONS OF ITALYCONGRATULATING CONGRATULATING MICHAEL The dedication demonstrated by Yatzire HONORING SONS OF MICHAEL Hon. Frank J. Montemuro, Jr., National Past President, Aguirre is exemplary of the type of achieveROSEN 30, earningROSEN his bachelor’s and law degrees five years later. He was the first Aguirre is exemplary of thement type of achievethat can be attained with hard work and HON. TOM MARINO ment that can be attained with hard work and perseverance. It is essential students at all Order Sons of Italy in America® U.S. Attorney to attend the Top Gun PA X, a drug enforcement training class HON. TOM MARINO HON. JANICE D. SCHAKOWSKY perseverance. It is essential students allthe most of their edulevels strive to at make cation of andtheir develop a work ethic which will co-sponsored by seven state law enforcement agencies and associations, OF PENNSYLVANIA HON. JANICE D. SCHAKOWSKY levels strive to make the most eduIN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Hon. Peter Secchia, U.S. Ambassador to Italy guide them for the rest of their lives. cation and develop a work ethic which will IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tuesday, June 11, 2013 IN completed THEOF HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ILLINOIS I extend my deepest congratulations to and he a National Security Seminar at the U.S. Army War College guide them for the rest of their lives. Yatzire Aguirre for winning the Arvada Wheat Mariapia Fanfani, President, Together For Peace Foundation Mr. MARINO. Mr. Speaker, the Sons of Italy Tuesday, June 11, 2013 June 11, 2013 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I extend my deepest Ridge congratulations to at the Carlisle Barracks. Service Ambassadors for Youth Tuesday, award. is the largest and oldest nationally-recognized haveArvada no doubtWheat she will exhibit the same dedi- organization in the United States for people of Yatzire Aguirre for winning Ithe Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to Mr. MARINO. Mr. Speaker, the Sons of Italy Joseph Cicippio, American Hero Tuesday,Michael June 11, 2013 and character of her future ac- Italian heritage. congratulate Rosen as he receives Ridge Service Ambassadorscation for Youth award.in all is the largest and oldest nationally-recognized complishments. the inaugural Patient ImpactMr. Legacy Award For nearly ten years, Marino has been a member of the Sons of Italy® For 100 years, the Sons of Italy Grand I have no doubt she will exhibit the same dedi- organization in the United Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to States for people of Jeno F. Paulucci, Chairman, Paulucci Enterprises estab- from the Cures Within Reach Foundation for f cation and character in all of her future ac- Italian heritage. Lodge of Pennsylvania has worked to congratulate Michael Rosen as he the receives (OSIA) Celebrando il over Nostro Lodge 2786 in Williamsport. Tom his work in the BioSciences last Retaggio 30 lish over 150 lodges throughout the commoncomplishments. TRIBUTE TO TRISHFor MORRISyears. Patient Impact Legacy Award all dedicated to the Grand promotion the of Italian inaugural 100 years,wealth, the Sons of Italy Anthony Cardinal Bevilacqua, Archbishop of Philadelphia served the lodge as Orator and spent two years as state treasurer for the YAMBA culture, has traditions, and legacy. Reach for MichaelWithin Rosen has been Foundation chosen to receive Lodge of Pennsylvania worked to estab- from the Cures f With support from their members, the Sons this inaugural Legacy Award based on 30 his his work in the BioSciences over the last former Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania. In addition to working at lodge events, lish over 150 lodges throughout the commonGeorge L. Graziadio, Chairman, Imperial Bank of Italy has raised over $35 million for numer- leadership and involvement in the BioScience HON. DONALD M. PAYNE, JR. TRIBUTE TO TRISH MORRISyears. wealth, all dedicated the promotion of Italian oustocharities including the Alzheimer’s Assoindustry and his interest in the betterment of including all festivals and dinners, he was instrumental in securing a club YAMBA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES culture, traditions, and legacy. ciation, the Doug Flutie Junior Foundation for theRosen regionalhas community. Currentlytothe Senior Michael been chosen receive Hon. Argeo Paul Cellucci, U.S. Ambassador to Canada, Autism and Cooley’s Anemia Foundation. theoflodge. The original Sons of Italy® building, constructed in the Vice for President the Forest City Science With Tuesday, June 11, 2013support from their members, the Sons this house inaugural Legacy Award based on his+ The organization has also given $117 milTechnology Group, Rosen is responsible for former Governor of Massachusetts HON. DONALD M. PAYNE, JR. Mr. Speaker, of Italy has over $35 million for numerMr. PAYNE. I ask myraised col- lion leadership and involvement in the BioScience in donations to scholarships, medical1930s, re- developing nowmarketing servesstrategies as housing for Forest for the Williamsport Lodge 2786. ous charities including Alzheimer’s Assoleagues here in the House of Representative OF NEW JERSEY search,the cultural preservation and disaster re- and industry interest in the betterment of City’s his biotech projects across the United to join me as I rise to recognize a Flutie ciation,and thehonor Doug Junior Foundation for the regional lief. Gen. Anthony Zinni, USMC (Ret.), former Commander in Chief, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES States and serves as their liaison the life community. Currently thetoSenior dedicated public servant, Trish Morris-Yamba Autism and Cooley’sThrough Anemiatheir Foundation. commission for socialVice justice, science industry developing relationships with InPresident his efforts increase state of the to Forest City Science +and national membership, promote Italian who 2013 is retiring from the Newark Day Center Tuesday, June 11, Sons of Italy has fought racism, prejudice clients and major research universities. Forest U.S. Central Command The organizationThe has also givenof$117 mil-religions after 32 years of service. Mrs. Morris-Yamba’s Technology Group, Rosen is responsible for and the stereotyping all races, and City Science + Technology Group is exemplify one of culture and tradition, and the philanthropic and humanitarian Mr. PAYNE. Mr. Speaker, I ask journey to thismy postcolencompassed levels to scholarships, medical re- developing lion in many donations marketing strategies Forest cultures. the country’s leading developersfor & owners of launching the Livingston Day preservation and disaster reof Representative Michael Massimino, Ph.D., Astronaut, Shuttle mission specialist, NASAleagues here in the House including search,College cultural mission OSIA, Tom has worked closely with members of the Italian As an Italian-American myself, I amCity’s honored biotech projects across theleading United science of parks associated with reCare Center, classroom teacher, principal at to join me as I rise to recognize and honor a lief. Sons of and search-based universities. He is also a foundserves as their liaison to the life the Chen School in Newark, overseeing the to offer my congratulations to the States dedicated public servant, Trish Morris-Yamba American community throughout the commonwealth. He has committed Italy, and praise their devotion to the preservaing member, current board member and Paul S. Polo, Sr., President Emeritus, Sons of Italy Foundation Newark Fresh Air fund and Executive ThroughDirector their commission for social justice, science industry developing relationships with tion of Italian-American heritage. who is retiring from the Newark Day Center former vice-chairman of IBIO, the Illinois Bioat the Newark Day Center. a result of has TheAs Sons of Italy fought racism, prejudice clients himself to the cause of this organization and remains dedicated to ensuring and major research universities. Forest ® technology Industry Organization, and chairafter 32 years of service. Mrs. Morris-Yamba’s these experiences, Mrs. Morris-Yamba was National Past President, Order Sons of Italy in America and the stereotyping of all races, religions and City Science f Technology Group is one man of+ its predecessor organization. Prior of to definitelymany in a position journey to this post encompassed levelsto make a difference in its continued growth and advancement. cultures. Forest City, Mr. Rosen spent 32 years as an the livesCollege of our most TRIBUTE TO WORLD WARthe II country’s leading developers & owners of including launching the Livingston Dayprecious resources, our Joe Mantegna, Award‐Winning Actor of the Stage and Screen in the pharmaceutical, biotech reand children. As an Italian-American myself, I OF amTHE honored science executive parks associated with leading VETERANS USS TIDE Care Center, classroom teacher, principal at medical device industries in the U.S. and Mrs. Morris-Yamba attended Rutgers Unito both offer my congratulations to the Sons of search-based universities. He is also aand found® Born the son of Vivian and Joseph Marino in Williamsport, Pa., he is a second the Chen School in Newark, overseeing the versity where she received a Bachelors abroad working in Europe, Asia Latin Frank J. DeSantis, National Past President, Order Sons of Italy in America Italy, and to the preservaing member, Masters Degree in education. Mrs.praise Morris- their devotion HON. SHELLEY MOORE CAPITO America.current board member and Newark Fresh Air fund and and Executive Director OF PENNSYLVANIA



generation Italian-American. Tom married his high school sweetheart, Edie; Italian-American heritage. Yamba to ensure that of Newark’s preformer vice-chairman of IBIO, the Illinois OF WEST VIRGINIA at the Newark Day Center. As sought a result of tion The Cures Within Reach Midwest BioBioschool children received both quality daycare technology Industry Organization, and Science Industry Campaign event willchairoccur and currently reside in Cogan Station, Pa. these experiences, Mrs. Morris-Yamba was IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES they have two adopted children and education. Her influence can be seen in annually to celebrate both the industry in our predecessor organization. Prior to definitely in a position to make a difference in spearheaded, like thef the many programs she Tuesday, June 11, 2013 man of its region, and its commitment to life-changing Forest City, Mr. Rosen spent 32 years as an Freshresources, Air Fund that of chilthe lives of our most ®precious oursends hundreds solutions for patients. Cures Within Reach was TRIBUTE TO WORLD WAR II Mrs. CAPITO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to dren every year to summer camp and the pro- Convention & Marconi Gala executive Order Sonschildren. of Italy in America Biennial National Commemorative Journal in theinpharmaceutical, biotechnot-forand 2005 as a Chicago-based MarkUSS Zangara who has established founded VETERANS OF THE TIDE grams that help seniors, single parents and recognize medical device industries in the U.S. and Mrs. Morris-Yamba attended Rutgers Unipeople out of work or returning to work. Fortu- a 501(c)3 in Harpers Ferry, called ‘‘World War profit organization helping patients by of this working repurposinginFDA-approved drugs and and devices versity where she receivednately, both for a Bachelors Europe, Asia Latin those who had the opportunity to Two History Archives’’. The purposeabroad organization is to honor WW2 Vets to deliver fast, safe and affordable treatments work with her,MorrisMrs. Morris-Yamba was SHELLEY gen- non-profit and Masters Degree in education. Mrs. HON. MOORE CAPITO America. with oral history interviews as well as comfor diseases and rare disorders that have inerousNewark’s with sharingpreher knowledge and her sigYamba sought to ensure that memoration of WW2 military service. OF WEST VIRGINIA sufficientWithin or nonexistent therapies. Cures BioWithThe Cures Reach Midwest


Guglielmo Marconi Award Gala

Guglielmo Marconi Award Gala



Reception Balsamic Mushroom Bruschetta

Cranberry and Walnut Brie in Phyllo Philly Cheesesteak Egg Rolls


Paul S. Polo, Sr. National Past President, OSIA President Emeritus, SIF Chairman, 2013 Convention Committee 2007 Marconi Honoree


The Rev. R. Adam Forno National Chaplain, OSIA

Singing of the National Anthems


Asparagus and Truffle Gnocchi

Caesar Salad with Traditional Dressing

Filet and Crab Cake with Caper Cabernet Sauce


Chocolate Trio of Pots du Crème, Hazelnut Torte and Cannoli Coffee & Tazo Tea Service Wines

Canvas by Michael Mondavi, Chardonnay , California


Introduction of Dais

Paul S. Polo, Sr.

Introduction of Guglielmo Marconi Award Honoree

Joanne L. Strollo National Past President, OSIA Marconi Committee Chairwoman

Presentation of Mrs. Edie Marino

Carol DiTrapani National First Lady, OSIA

Presentation to Guglielmo Marconi Joseph J. DiTrapani Award Honoree National President, OSIA & Joanne L. Strollo

Canvas by Michael Mondavi, Merlot, California

Remarks Closing Remarks 10

Maria Fassio Pignati Immediate Past State President, Grand Lodge of California

Order Sons of Italy in America®

Biennial National Convention & Marconi Gala Commemorative Journal

The Hon. Tom Marino U.S. Congressman, Pennsylvania’s 10th District 2013 Guglielmo Marconi Award Recipient Paul S. Polo, Sr. Dancing


Vincenzo Sellaro Award - 2013 Honoree

Sports Award - 2013 Honoree

Angelo R. Bianchi, Esq.


ngelo R. Bianchi, Esq., has had a life full of personal and professional success and dedication to his Italian-American heritage. He was elected president of the national Commission for Social Justice® on August 26, 1997, and served as president until 1999. His presidency was preceded by his terms as CSJ vice president from 1989-1997. He is presently a member of the Sons of Italy Foundation® Board of Trustees. Angelo also founded the Cavaliere Dottore Angelo R. Bianchi Sr. Lodge 2654, one of the largest filial lodges in the state of New Jersey, named after his grandfather.

In addition to his leadership positions in OSIA, Bianchi became the first Italian-American to be appointed Commissioner of Banking for the state of New Jersey in 1978. Two years later, he became the first Italian-American to become president and chairman of the Board of the Conference of State Bank Supervisors. He is also a past president of the Columbian Foundation, an organization for leading Italian-American professionals and businessmen in New Jersey. In addition, he is a member of the ItalianAmerican Hall of Fame and sits on the Board of Trustees for the Center for Italian and Italian-American Culture. Founder of the Law Offices of Angelo R. Bianchi, LLC, in West Caldwell, N.J., he is a member of the Essex County, N.J., and American Bar Associations. Angelo served in numerous capacities for the Democratic Party in New Jersey and was a member of the Electoral College for the 2000 Presidential Election. He is a former chairman of fundraising dinners on behalf of St. Rocco’s Church in Newark, N.J., and is a chairman of State Employees’ Fund Drives for United States Savings Bonds and the United Way.

Angelo has received numerous accolades including Newark, Maplewood, and West Essex Man of the Year Awards; Monsignor Thomas G. Fahy Award as an outstanding alumnus of Seton Hall Preparatory School; Peter Rodino Law Society Outstanding Alumnus Award; Filippo Mazzei Memorial Award for years of outstanding public service; and the Columbian Foundation Distinguished Achievement Award.

Angelo was born in Newark, N.J., to Anthony R. Bianchi and Jean Santoro. He was married to Dorothy Pilone for 52 years and together they have two children, Jean Ann and Robert. Jean Ann is currently the president of the Cavaliere Dottore Angelo R. Bianchi Sr. Lodge. Robert recently served as the interim national orator for OSIA.


Order Sons of Italy in America®

Jennifer Rizzotti


n 14 years with the University of Hartford, head coach Jennifer Rizzotti has built the women’s basketball program into an America East power and a nationally-recognized program. She is a three-time America East Coach of the Year Award winner, and has led the Hawks to four regular season championships over the past eight years, five tournament championships in 11 years, and six trips to the NCAA Tournament. Ms. Rizzotti was inducted into the Women’s Basketball Hall of Fame as part of the class of 2013 last June. Coach Rizzotti has led Hartford to many firsts and has individually reached the top of record books. Her 276 career victories are the most among any past or present America East head coaches. In addition, she holds the record for most victories in conference tournament action with 23, as well as the most conference titles for a single coach in conference history, with five. In the 2009-10 season, she led Hartford to a perfect 16-0 conference record and the program’s first ever national ranking. Coach Rizzotti capped off a great year by becoming one of 10 finalists for the 2010 Kay Yow National Coach of the Year Award. Additional highlights of Coach Rizzotti’s career include the 2005-06 season when she led Hartford to a then-school record 27 victories and their first ever NCAA tournament victory. Her success as a head coach has extended internationally as she has coached multiple successful USA teams, including the USA Basketball U-19 women’s national team at the FIBA World Basketball Championships. Ms. Rizzotti played eight seasons of professional basketball after graduating from the University of Connecticut in 1996. In addition to five years in the WNBA, she played three seasons for the New England Blizzard in the American Basketball League, making the all-star team twice. As a point guard at the University of Connecticut, she was the 1996 Associated Press National Player of the Year and the ‘96 Wade Trophy winner as college basketball’s most outstanding player. She played a big role helping the Huskies to their first ever undefeated season and a national championship in 1995, and was featured on the cover of Sports Illustrated after the season. Ms. Rizzotti is a 1992 graduate of New Fairfield High School in Connecticut, where she was part of two state championship teams. She married her husband Bill Sullivan in 1999 and they have two sons, Holden and Conor.

Biennial National Convention & Marconi Gala Commemorative Journal


Order Sons of Italy in America®

Order Sons of Italy in America®

2011-2013 National Officers

2011-2013 National Trustees & State Presidents National Trustees

Santina Haemmerle President, Commission for Social Justice®


Joseph J. DiTrapani National President

Vincent Sarno President, Sons of Italy Foundation®

Alfred A. Affinito National Immediate Past President

Anthony J. Baratta National 1st Vice President

Joseph Russo National 2nd Vice President

Daniel J. Longo National 3rd Vice President

Anthony F.M. Spaziani National 4th Vice President

Vera Girolami National 5th Vice President

Raymond Dettore, Jr. National Orator

Rita Maletta Robak National Recording Secretary

Frank J. Panessa National Financial Secretary

Nancy DiFiore Quinn National Treasurer

Richard Della Croce National Historian

The Rev. R. Adam Forno National Chaplain

Order Sons of Italy in America®

Joseph LaBanca, CA Carlo Carlozzi, Jr., CT Mark DeNunzio, FL Florence Ferullo Kane, MA Anita Lombardi-Riley, MD Philip Sconyo, NJ Bruce Lankewish, NY Marianne Principe-O’Neil, NY Marlene Palazzo, WA Francesca Franchina, OH Samuel Cerrato, Jr., PA Vincent A. Turco, PA Joseph Fratus, RI

State Presidents

John Protocollo, AZ Maria Fassio Pignati, CA Michael G. Salardino, CO Michael S. Polo, CT Joseph Facciolo, DE Edward Mottola, Jr., FL Marie Marsalli, IL/WI James DiStefano, MA Vincent A. Zaccaria, MD Ronald Graham, MI Charles Turco, NE Louis R. Santoro, NJ Tony Bisceglia Anderson, NW Thom A. Lupo, NY Terry Lattavo, OH Michael P. Creedon, PA Jeanette Restivo, RI Marie F. Siebeking, VA Nick Ameli, Jr., WV

Biennial National Convention & Marconi Gala Commemorative Journal


Order Sons of Italy in America®

Order Sons of Italy in America®

National Past Presidents

National Past Presidents



Vincenzo Sellaro 1905‐1908

Antonio Rubino 1908‐1909

Achille Sabatino 1909‐1912

Francis Mezzatesta 1912‐1914

John G. Spatuzza 1975‐1977

Frank J. Montemuro, Jr. 1977‐1981

Aldo A. Caira 1981‐1985

Bruno S. Giuffrida 1985‐1987

Vincent Buffa 1914‐1916

Francesco Palleria 1916‐1917

Stefano Miele 1917‐1921 & 1935‐1940

Giovanni M. Di Silvestro 1921‐1935

S. Joseph Avara 1987‐1989

Albert J. Riccelli, Sr. 1989‐1991

Peter R. Zuzolo 1991‐1993

Joanne L. Strollo 1993‐1995

Felix Forte 1940‐1947

George J. Spatuzza 1947‐1957

Frank J. Gimino 1957‐1957

Joseph Gorrasi 1957‐1961

Paul S. Polo, Sr. 1995‐1997

Frank J. DeSantis 1997‐1999

Philip R. Boncore 1999‐2001

Robert A. Messa 2001‐2003

John Ottaviano, Jr. 1961‐1965

Peter J. Bertoglio 1965‐1969

Americo V. Cortese 1969‐1973

Peter B. Gay 1973‐1975

Joseph Sciame 2003‐2005

Vincent Sarno 2005‐2007

Alfred A. Affinito 2007‐2009

Joseph J. DiTrapani 2009‐2013

Order Sons of Italy in America®

Biennial National Convention & Marconi Gala Commemorative Journal


Order Sons of Italy in America®

In Memoriam

108 Years of Liberty, Equality, Fraternity


is the oldest (established 1905) and largest organization representing Americans of Italian heritage in the United States, with hundreds of thousands of family members located in all fifty states and the District of Columbia. Our mission is to serve as the leading organizational voice on behalf of the cultural, social, political and economic issues of importance to Americans of Italian heritage.

We remember our OSIA brothers and sisters who we have lost since our last Biennial National Convention, especially:

Alfred A. Affinito, OSIA National Immediate Past President

Justice Frank J. Montemuro, Jr., OSIA National Past President Raymond Dettore, OSIA National Orator

Richard Furia, OSIA past National Orator

Salvatore D’Alessandro, past National Trustee Janet Capello, past SIF Trustee

Linda Fabiano, OSIA Past State President, Michigan and all our brothers and sisters who have been dear to the Sons of Italy on the local, state and national levels, including: Mari Betz Herm Chmel Antoinette (Nettie) Innella Tina Piasio


C Order Sons of Italy in America®

elebrating Our Culture and Preserving Our History • The backbone of OSIA is Italian heritage. The celebration and record of that heritage is found in the historical Garibaldi-Meucci Museum, OSIA’s archives at the Immigration History Research Center, the beautiful Italian America magazine and with lodge memebrs across the country, like those gathered to honor OSIA’s centennial in 2005.

Biennial National Convention & Marconi Gala Commemorative Journal


Order Sons of Italy in America®

Order Sons of Italy in America®

108 Years of Liberty, Equality, Fraternity

108 Years of Liberty, Equality, Fraternity


overnment and International Relations • As the largest group representing Italian Americans, OSIA’s role in keeping close relationships with government leaders is important, whether it’s OSIA’s National President meeting with the president of the United States or the National Executive Director meeting with Italy’s president and ambassador.


ember and Public Communcations for Today’s World • OSIA keeps in touch with members and supporters through a variety of communications, including OSIA.org and social media like Facebook and Twitter. “Questo Mese,” the monthly OSIA National email newsletter, is a member favorite.


Andrea K. Beach Office Manager


nnovative Fundraising Beyond Dues • Recognizing the need to create revenue beyond dues, OSIA leaders are always evaluating projects that have the potential to derive income, as well as provide a cultural, historical or educational benefit. The 2010 OSIA Album and For the Love of Italian Cooking have proven successful.


Diane Crespy Director of Development Marconi Journal editor Carol Cummings Staff Assistant

Philip R. Piccigallo, Ph.D. National Executive Director

Dona DeSanctis, Ph.D. Editor-in-Chief, Italian America magazine, NELA Gala Journal

Krystyne Hayes Social Media & Communications Coordinator

Laura Kelly Administrative Assistant Elisa Wilkinson Administrative Assistant Brandon Pinto Summer Intern

Special thanks to Krystyne Hayes, Dona DeSanctis, Carol Cummings and Brandon Pinto for their valuable assistance preparing content and advertisements for this journal.

Order Sons of Italy in America®

Biennial National Convention & Marconi Gala Commemorative Journal


Order Sons of Italy in America®

Order Sons of Italy in America®

June 22 – OSIA founded as “Figli d’Italia” at 203 Grand Street in New York City at the office and residence of Dr. Vincenzo Sellaro. (Later renamed “L’Ordine Figli d’Italia in America.”) A week later, Dr. Sellaro is elected first “Supreme Venerable” or president. 1911 The Grand Lodge of New York becomes first state chapter; puts a representative on Ellis Island to help new Italian immigrants. 1913 OSIA encourages members to join unions and support labor protests such as the Paterson textile workers strike in New Jersey. 1914 OSIA holds first convention in Paterson, N.J. Beginning in 1917 in Cleveland, OSIA begins holding conventions every two years. 1915 OSIA publishes the weekly “Bollettino Ufficiale.” In 1946, the Bollettino is replaced with OSIA News, a monthly newspaper. In 1996, the newspaper is replaced with Italian America, a full-color quarterly magazine free to all members. 1917 President Woodrow Wilson receives OSIA leaders at the White House. Since then, every U.S. president has publicly acknowledged the contributions of OSIA, including Herbert Hoover, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard M. Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. 1918 An estimated 28,000 OSIA members serve in the U.S. armed forces during WWI. Of these 1,278 are wounded and 975 killed. OSIA gives subsidies to servicemen’s families. • OSIA lodges contribute $2 million and 3.5 million lire for war victims, Liberty Loans (war bonds), the Red Cross and post-war loans to Italian government. • OSIA establishes free English language and citizenship classes for members. 1919 OSIA takes over administration of Antonio Meucci’s home on Staten Island, N.Y. In 1956, OSIA turns the home into the Garibaldi-Meucci Museum, a center for Italian culture and language learning. Today it is one of only two ethnic museums in the United States with landmark status. [Ed. note: the actual date of the OSIA takeover is disputed. It may have been in 1913 or 1914.] 1922 The government of Italy designates OSIA its official representative of Italians in the United States. OSIA sponsors student exchanges and annual pilgrimages to Italy where OSIA leaders meet with the Pope, the king of Italy and government leaders. 1927 OSIA protests the execution of Sacco and Vanzetti. 1930 OSIA membership peaks at 350,000 in more than 1,000 lodges coast to coast. 1931 Louise Porreca becomes first woman to serve on Supreme Council when she is elected a Supreme trustee. 1932 OSIA founder, Dr. Vincenzo Sellaro dies on November 28 of diabetes and heart disease at age 64. • OSIA enrolls 1,500 young Italian Americans in 12 youth lodges during a mass meeting in New York City. Eventually 366 youth lodges were created, 132 of them in Massachusetts. 1942 OSIA hires Leonard Pasqualicchio as its first national deputy to lobby in Washington, D.C. He served until 1957. Among his achievements, he convinces the government to drop wartime “enemy alien” designation of non-naturalized Italians living in America and presses successfully for the federal government to include Italy in the Marshall Plan to rebuild post-war Italy. 1947 OSIA launches letter-writing campaign urging members’ relatives in Italy not to vote Communist in the first democratic election in Italy’s history. 1954 OSIA steps up campaign to make Columbus Day a federal holiday. In 1932 the Order began lobbying Congress and the White House for this holiday. 1959 OSIA establishes the Sons of Italy Foundation® (SIF), its philanthropic arm. 1965 Grace Grenco is elected president of the Grand Lodge of Florida, becoming the first woman to hold the office of grand lodge president. • OSIA supports passage of the 1965 Immigration Act which abolishes the 1924 McCarran-Walter Act that discriminated against southern Europeans by establishing unfairly low quotas. 1968 President Lyndon B. Johnson signs law designating the second Monday in October as “Columbus Day” and a federal

holiday. 1971 President Richard Nixon receives the OSIA Marconi Award during a ceremony at the White House. 1973 OSIA helps create the Italian American Congressional Caucus, uniting for the first time all the Italian Americans serving in the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate. • OSIA helps found the National Italian American Coordinating Association, a federation of national Italian-American organizations now known as the Conference of Presidents of Major Italian American Organizations. 1979 President Jimmy Carter addresses OSIA’S 36th Biennial Convention in Baltimore. 1980 OSIA celebrates 75th anniversary; Congress proclaims June 22 “National Italian American Day” • President Jimmy Carter awards OSIA member & WWII veteran Anthony Casamento the Medal of Honor, following OSIA’s three-year campaign. 1981 OSIA purchases a building for its national headquarters and hires a full-time national executive director in Washington, D.C. From 1905 to 1955, the headquarters was in New York City and, later, Philadelphia. • OSIA establishes the Commission for Social Justice® (CSJ), its anti-defamation arm. 1984 SIF approves $100,000 project to record and preserve OSIA archives at the University of Minnesota’s Immigration History Research Center (IHRC). 1989 SIF holds first National Education & Leadership Awards (NELA) Gala in Washington, D.C. to honor outstanding Italian American students and leaders. • OSIA archives at the University of Minnesota’s IHRC opens. Its 1,200-plus linear feet make it the largest Italian American resource materials collection in the United States. 1993 Joanne L. Strollo is elected OSIA’s first, and presently the only, woman national president. 1998 President Bill Clinton becomes the first U.S. president to attend the NELA Gala and attends again in 1999 and 2000, and post-presidency in 2006 and 2010. 2002 OSIA delegation makes first official visit of 21st century to Italy to meet with Italian government, business and culture leaders including the president of Italy, Carlo Azeglio Ciampi. 2004 President George W. Bush and Italy’s Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi attend the NELA Gala. It was the first time a sitting U.S. president and a prime minister of Italy attended a major non-profit event in America together. • OSIA holds pilgrimage to Italy to kick off upcoming centennial year celebrations. Delegation meets with then-Pope John Paul II, President Carlo Azeglio Ciampi and other government officials and holds gala dinner in Rome. • Grand Street in New York City is re-named “Sons of Italy Way.” 2005 OSIA celebrates its 100th anniversary. Since its founding it has established more than 2,800 lodges in 43 states and the District of Columbia. 2009 U.S. Vice President Joseph R. Biden becomes first nonItalian American to receive the SIF Lifetime Achievement Award for Public Service. Accepting the award, he calls it “one of the finest honors” he’s received. 2010 Former President Bill Clinton accepts the second SIF Lifetime Achievement Award for Public Service at the NELA Gala. • Italian President Giorgio Napolitano travels to the United States to attend the NELA. • The College Board reinstates the Advanced Placement (AP) Italian Language and Culture Program, thanks to $3 million raised by the Sons of Italy and other organizations. 2011 SIF presents a $10,000 scholarship to SSgt. Salvatore Giunta, the first living American serviceman to receive the Medal of Honor since Vietnam; he is introduced by four-star Army General Raymond Odierno 2012 Then-Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Peter Pace, USMC (Ret.), are honored by the SIF at the NELA Gala. 2013 The Sons of Italy® attracts the attention of global auto powerhouse Chrysler and Italian automaker Fiat, and their CEO Sergio Marchionne accepts the SIF’s Award for Excellence in Global Business at he NELA Gala. Also recognized at the Gala are former Secretary of State and former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Colin Powell, USA (Ret.), and actor/veteran’s activist Gary Sinise.

Historical Timeline

Historical Timeline



Order Sons of Italy in America®

Biennial National Convention & Marconi Gala Commemorative Journal


The Sons of Italy Foundation®

The Sons of Italy Foundation®

Making a Difference

Making A Difference


he Sons of Italy Foundation® (SIF) is the philanthropic arm of OSIA. The SIF was founded in 1959 as a private, grant-making institution with the purpose of preserving Italian American culture, encouraging educational excellence among Italian Americans and improving lives in other areas. To date, the SIF has given more than $125 million to these efforts.


onoring and Assisting Those Who Protect and Serve • The SIF helped fund the creation of the National World War II Memorial and the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial. In recent years, the SIF has given tens of thousands of dollars to various groups that support wounded service members like Mark Lalli, who participates in programs offered through the Wounded Warrior Project (WWP). In addition to WWP, the SIF has made donations to the Gary Sinise Foundation and Luke’s Wing’s, among others.


edical Research, Support and Social Services • Members work hard raising money to help OSIA/SIF national charities find cures for the most devastating diseases like Cooley’s anemia, which affects the lives of little Gabriella and her family.

pecial Projects • The SIF supports the establishment and restoration of U.S. monuments and memorials, including the National 9/11 Memorial. [photo by Amy Dreher]

[WWII Memorial photo © Richard Latoff/Latoff.com; Mark Lalli photo courtesy Wounded Warrior Project]


cholarships, Educational Opportunities and Support • The SIF and OSIA lodges give thousands of scholarships each year to bright Italian-American students. The 2013 SIF National Leadership Grant recipients are an outstanding group! [photo © Max Taylor]


ustaining the SIF’s Important Philanthropic Efforts • The SIF relies on individual fundraising programs to sustain its efforts, including legacy giving, matching gifts, memorial & tribute giving and recurring giving – The Sustaining Patrons Circle.

R D 24

isaster Relief • SIF efforts to raise money for L’Aquila earthquake relief resulted in this school for children with autism being rebuilt after the devastation.

Order Sons of Italy in America®

ecognizing Extraordinary Achievement and Supporting the Mission • The SIF’s NELA Gala annually attracts leaders in government, business and philanthropy, as well as corporate sponsors. Above, SIF CEO Philip R. Piccigallo is pictured with 2013 SIF honorees Gary Sinise and General Colin Powell, and Alma Powell. [photo © Max Taylor]

Biennial National Convention & Marconi Gala Commemorative Journal

Sustaining Patrons Circle Honor Roll Nick & Jeanne Ameli Louis Petrella Tony Bisceglia Anderson Philip R. Piccigallo Anthony J. Baratta Maria Fassio Pignati Michael G. Polo Anthony & Carolyn Cianciotta Michael S. Polo Joseph & Carol DiTrapani Paul S. Polo, Sr. Mark DeNunzio Nancy DiFiore Quinn & John Quinn Judge Al Girolami Rose Carolyn Rizza & Vera Girolami Gregory Romano Richard & Santina Haemmerle Vincent & Paul Sarno Joseph Sciame Robert A. Messa Diane Y. Scillo Arlene Nunziati


The Sons of Italy Foundation®

The Sons of Italy Foundation®

History of Philanthropy

Snapshot of Philanthropic Giving

Sons of Italy Foundation® (SIF) established as the philanthropic arm of the Order Sons of Italy in America®, the nation’s oldest and largest organization for people of Italian heritage. 1964 Donates $25,000 for flood victims in Belluno, Italy 1966 Donates $200,000 for flood victims in Florence and Venice 1967 Designates March of Dimes as one of its official charities and donates more than $14 million over the next two decades 1968 Raises more than $127,000 for earthquake victims in Sicily 1974 Names Cooley’s Anemia Foundation as an official charity; donations to date equal more than $3 million. 1976 Raises $217,000 for earthquake victims in Friuli, Italy 1981 Donates $3 million in funds and sends medicine and clothing to 97 southern Italian towns devastated by 1980 earthquake 1985 Contributes to restoration of Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty 1987 Donates $30,000 to earthquake victims in Mexico 1989 Holds first National Education & Leadership Awards (NELA) Gala in Washington, D.C. 1990 Contributes $50,000 to establish the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial in Washington, D.C. 1993 Names the Alzheimer’s Association one of its official charities and donates $1 million over the next 10 years 1998 Donates $50,000 to Barbara Sinatra Hospital for Abused Children 2003 Contributes $66,000 to help establish an Advanced Placement program in Italian 2004 Donates $100,000 to help build the National World War II Memorial in Washington, D.C. 2005 Donates $15,000 to the Tsunami emergency relief effort in Indonesia 2006 Donates $35,000 for Hurricane Katrina Relief 2007 Pledges $100,000 to the National September 11 Memorial & Museum in New York City • Donates $100,000 to Coaches vs. Cancer 2008 Donates $100,000 between 2004-2008 to the Rienzi Foundation to cure deafness through cochlear implants 2009 Collects an estimated $300,000 in relief funds to aid victims of Abruzzo earthquake 2010 Selected by The Charles Evans Foundation, formed by Evan-Picone fashion house co-founder Charles Evans, to receive a quarter-million-dollar endowment to establish the perpetual Charles Evans Scholarship, presented by the SIF annually at the NELA Gala • Fulfills its pledge, giving $100,000 to build the National September 11 Memorial & Museum • Gives a special $10,000 scholarship to Medal of Honor recipient SSgt. Salvatore Giunta • Raises additional $50,000 to re-instate the Advanced Placement Program in Italian Language and Culture 2011 Donates $235,000 to help rebuild the Fondazione Il Cireneo Onlus per L’Autismo, a center for children with autism, destroyed by the 2009 earthquake that struck L’Aquila • Makes first gift of $24,600 to newly-selected official charity, the Doug Flutie, Jr. Foundation for Autism, Inc. • Pledges a second $2 million contribution to the Alzheimer’s Association 2012 Answers the call of natural disaster victims in Italy and the United States, launching fund-raising campaigns for Emilia-Romagna earthquake relief and Hurricane Sandy relief 2013 Donates $25,000 to Super Storm Sandy relief • Makes a $15,000 gift to The Gary Sinise Foundation • From 2008-2013, makes $50,000 in gifts to the Columbus Citizens Foundation

The list below represents the broad scope of charities, causes and programs to which the Sons of Italy Foundation has given its support. It is not all-inclusive.



Order Sons of Italy in America®


EDICAL RESEARCH, SUPPORT & SOCIAL SERVICES Alzheimer’s Association American Fund for Dental Health American Italian Cancer Foundation The American Foundation for St. George Hospital, Inc. Annette Funicello Fund for Neurological Disorders Arthritis Foundation Barbara Sinatra Children’s Center Boys Town of Italy CES Foundation Children’s Inn at NIH Coaches vs. Cancer Cooley’s Anemia Foundation Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America The Daniel Pitino Children’s Health Foundation The Doug Flutie Jr. Foundation for Autism The Fondazione Il Cireneo Onlus per l’Autismo Fox Chase Cancer Center The Italian Hospital Society Lombardi Cancer Center Lupis Foundation & Elizabeth Fund March of Dimes Michael Bolton Charities for Battered Women Multiple Sclerosis Smile Train Special Olympics St. Jude Research Hospital for Children The V Foundation ULTURAL PRESERVATION & THE ARTS American Italian Historical Association Center for Migration Studies Columbus Citizens Foundation Commission for Social Justice Concordia Language Villages Italian Program Council for the Promotion of Italian Language in American Schools FIERI National Garibaldi-Meucci Museum In Italiano language program Istituto Italiano di Cultura Italian Americana Italian American Cultural Center Italian American Welfare League Italian Cultural Society Italian Musicale John D. Calandra Italian-American Institute U.S. State Department/American Embassy in Rome


Biennial National Convention & Marconi Gala Commemorative Journal


DUCATION AIFS & Academic Year in America exchange programs American University of Rome Bard College College Board Advanced Placement Program in Italian Dante School for Children Italian Studies Chair at California State University John Cabot University Mentoring and Internships OSIA National Student Summit Pepperdine University The SIF National Leadership Grant Competition ISASTER RELIEF 9/11 disaster relief American Red Cross (Hurricane Andrew relief) Assisi earthquake relief Cassino Memorial Orphanage Rebuilding Catholic Relief Services Ethiopian famine relief Florentine flood relief Haiti Earthquake Relief Katrina Relief Fund Mexican earthquake relief Naples earthquake relief Oklahoma City bombing relief Tsunami relief (Indonesia) L’Aquila earthquake relief Emilia-Romanga earthquake relief THER SPECIAL PROJECTS Arab American Institute Foundation The Business Council for International Understanding Christopher Columbus Catholic Center Don Orione Home & Madonna Queen National Shrine Ellis Island Foundation The Gary Sinise Foundation Immigration History Research Center Luke’s Wings National Football League Players Association National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial National Policy Association The National September 11 Memorial & Museum National World War II Memorial The PenFed Foundation The Statue of Liberty Restoration Project TF Peace Foundation The William J. Clinton Foundation The Wounded Warrior Project



The Commission for Social Justice®

The Commission for Social Justice®

Protecting Our Heritage


Historical Timeline

he Commission for Social Justice® (CSJ) is the anti-defamation arm of the Order Sons of Italy in America® (OSIA). It was established to fight the stereotyping of Italian Americans by the entertainment, advertising and news industries. It also collaborates with other groups to ensure that people of all races, religions and cultures are treated fairly. A precursor to the CSJ was established as early as 1970, evolving into the CSJ, as it exists in its current form, in 1981. The CSJ monitors the entertainment, advertising and news industries, contacts offending parties and encourages other Italian-American organizations, e-mail networks and concerned individuals to take action. Through its Positive Image Program, the CSJ regularly informs the media and general public about positive Italian-American achievements, contributions, history and culture. This program was established to counter the negative depictions that are pervasive in media, advertising and pop culture.

As part of its Positive Image Program, the CSJ conducts research, produces studies, teaching tools, pamphlets, exhibits and other materials on the achievements and contributions of Italian Americans.

Some reports and studies that the CSJ has conducted or commissioned and are available to the public include: • Italian Americans in Law Enforcement • Columbus: Fact vs. Fiction • With Justice for All: Italian Americans & Civil Rights • Honoring Diversity: A Selection of Commemorative U.S. Postage Stamps • Italian American Stereotypes in U.S. Advertising • Public Image of Italian Americans: A Survey The CSJ conducts campaigns at both the community and the national level that support cultural and social issues of importance to Italian Americans (legislation, commemorative stamps, Columbus Day/Heritage Month, etc.).

To achieve its objectives, the CSJ engages in community and government relations as well as in grassroots campaigns and fund-raising efforts. However, given its non-profit status, the CSJ cannot offer legal advice or assistance in lawsuits. 28

Order Sons of Italy in America®


OSIA establishes its national Anti-Defamation Committee under Judge P. Vincent Landi, president of the Grand Lodge of New York. 1971 The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania establishes a Commission on Anti-Defamation under its state president, Justice Frank J. Montemuro, Jr. 1978 OSIA renames its national AntiDefamation Committee “the Institute for Liberty and Justice.” Justice Frank J. Montemuro, Jr. becomes its first chairman. 1980 The Grand Lodge of New York’s Institute for Liberty and Justice is renamed the Commission for Social Justice. 1981 OSIA renames its national Institute for Liberty and Justice to the Commission for Social Justice® (CSJ). Justice Frank J. Montemuro, Jr. becomes first CSJ national president. CSJ receives tax-exempt status. 1983 CSJ National co-sponsors national media conference with the National Italian American Foundation in New York City on Italian Americans and the Media. 1984 The CSJ hosts reception in Washington, D.C., for ItalianAmerican members of Congress. 1999 Under CSJ National President John Dabbene, the CSJ launches its Positive Image Campaign to research and publish information about Italian-American history, achievements and CSJ leaders, OSIA members and others in the Italian-American contributions. The program includes reports community protest outside HBO headquarters in 2000. and promotional and educational materials such as bookmarks, pamphlets and posters. 2004 OSIA/CSJ co-found the Coalition Against Racial, Religious and Ethnic Stereotyping (CARRES), an alliance of more than 30 Italian-American organizations, that marks the first time so many Italian American organizations united to fight stereotyping. 2009 Under the leadership of CSJ National President Anthony Baratta, within six months, the CSJ successfully campaigns to remove three offensive national ad campaigns by Verizon, Denny’s and Miller/Coors Beer. 2010 CSJ officials meet with MTV producers to discuss negative stereotypes in the television show “Jersey Shore.” Thanks to the efforts of National CSJ President Santina Haemmerle, President Emeritus John Dabbene and NY CSJ President Stella Grillo MTV executives agree to remove Italian imagery from the house. 2011 On Sept. 20, CSJ National urged New Jersey Governor Chris Christie to veto a $420,000 proposed tax credit to the company that produces “Jersey Shore.” Governor Christie responds and vetoes the tax credit. 2013 In February the Grand Lodge of California and CSJ National successfully lobby California Assemblyman Roger Hernandez to amend his proposed bill that would replace Columbus Day with Native American Day. Assemblyman Herandez, responding to the request, amends his bill to propose Native American Day as a separate holiday, maintaining the status of Columbus Day in the state of California.

Biennial National Convention & Marconi Gala Commemorative Journal


OSIA 53rd Biennial National Convention

Event Sponsors

Thank you to the following for sponsoring special Convention events: Grand Lodge of California Grand Lodge of Maryland

Grand Lodge of New Jersey

Grand Lodge of the Northwest Grand Lodge of New York Grand Lodge of Ohio

Special thanks to MyItalianFamily.com for donating a research project to be given away to one lucky attendee at the Marconi Gala! See the next page for more information about the two projects from which the winner can choose: Research “5 Generations Back” or your “Living Relatives.”


Order Sons of Italy in America®

Biennial National Convention & Marconi Gala Commemorative Journal


Our Sincere Congratulations



Congressman Tom Marino

1914 - 2013

Guglielmo Marconi Award Recipient


Angelo R. Bianchi, Esq. Vincenzo Sellaro Award Recipient

And Jennifer Rizzotti Sports Award Recipient

ORDER SONS OF ITALY IN AMERICA 2011-2013 National Trustees



Carlo Carlozzi Jr.

Neil A. Velleca Jr.



Marc Garofalo

Daniel Onofrio



Susan Velleca

Ann St.Amand



Patricia Velleca

Rev. Frederick Aniello

STATE TRUSTEES John Sargent Marilyn Giglio Jordan Correia

Maurizio Sicalis Lorenzo Durante Richard Pawlich-Pagliccio

PAST STATE PRESIDENTS Carlo Carlozzi Jr. Neil A. Velleca Sr. John W. Troy Jo-Ann Gaugher

Samuel Cerrato, Jr., PA Francesca Franchina, OH Florence Kane, MA Joseph LaBanca, CA Bruce Lankewish, NY


Anita Lombardi-Riley, MD Marlene Palazzo, NW Marianne Principe-O’Neil, NY Philip Sconyo, NJ Vincent A. Turco, PA

Order Sons of Italy in America®

Frank M. Grazioso Robert J. Della Donna John Vigilante Angelo Santaniello

NATIONAL OFFICERS Past Nat.Pres. Paul S. Polo Sr,

Nat. Trustee, Neil A. Velleca Sr.

Nat. S.F.I. Trustee, Michael G. Polo

STATE EMERITUS OFFICERS Elizabeth Licata Rev. Joseph Castaldi

Terry Gabucci Frances Lovallo

Biennial National Convention & Marconi Gala Commemorative Journal

Marie A. Buonocore


CONGRATULATIONS REP. TOM MARINO Pennsylvania's 10th Congressional District 2013 Recipient of the Guglielmo Marconi Award


THE HON. THOMAS A. MARINO 2013 Guglielmo Marconi Award Winner

OSIA National President & First Lady, 2009-2013 Joseph & Carol DiTrapani It’s been an honor and a privilege to serve the Supreme Lodge as National President and First Lady.

August 17, 2013


Michael G. Polo Sons of Italy Foundation Trustee Grand Lodge of Connecticut Order Sons of Italy in America

Dr. Mark DeNunzio National Trustee Grand Lodge of Florida


Order Sons of Italy in America®

Biennial National Convention & Marconi Gala Commemorative Journal


The Grand Lodge of New Jersey Congratulates

The Honorable Tom Marino

2013Guglielmo Marconi Award Recipient Dominic Pucci- State President Robert Bianchi, Esq - State 1st Vice President Ralph Capaccio - State 2nd Vice President Frank Gattuso, Esq - State 3rd Vice President Vincent Sarno - Past National President & SIF President Philip Sconyo, P.E. - National Trustee

Frank Boultinghouse - National Delegate Frank Froio - National Delegate Angelo R. Bianchi,Esq. - National SIF Trustee Grace Olivo- National CSJ Vice President Rosemary Feterik - National CSJ Rec. Secretary

The Grand Lodge of Massachusetts Delegation Congratulates

U. S. Congressman Tom Marino

Mary Ann Bello Joseph Boncore, Esq. Stephen Cozzaglio

2013 Guglielmo Marconi Award Honoree


National Delegates State President Carmelita Bello


James DiStefano Denise Furnari Ronald Hill

Marie Jackson Anthony J. Panaggio Jr. Antonio Sestito

National Officers National Second Vice President – Joseph A. Russo National Recording Secretary – Rita Maletta-Robak National Trustee – Florence Ferullo Kane National Past President – Philip R. Boncore, Esq.


National Foundation Trustees Albert DeNapoli, Esq. Philip Privitera, Esq.



Order Sons of Italy in America®

Biennial National Convention & Marconi Gala Commemorative Journal


Congratulations to Congressman Tom Marino!


(2013 Marconi Award Winner)

Sincere Congratulations to

CONGRESSMAN THOMAS A. MARINO 2013 Marconi Award Recipient

Angelo R. Bianchi, Esq. 2013 Vincenzo Sellaro Award Recipient Sons of Italy Foundation Trustee President, CSJ 1997-1999



2013 Marconi Award Recipient



Rep. Tom Marino U.S. Congressman

≈≈≈ We thank you for your dedication to Our Italian heritage and culture ≈≈≈

Carlo Matteucci and Sal Lanzilotta


From the Grand Lodge of Rhode Island

Sons of Italy Foundation Trustees

Ernest M. Strollo Lodge #683



Takes pride in congratulating Congressman Thomas A. Marino from our state of Pennsylvania on receiving the well deserved 2013 Guglielmo Marconi Award


Celebrando il Nostro Retaggio Lodge 2786 is proud of you


Home Lodge: Samuel A. Cerrato, Jr., National Trustee Robert A. Messa, National Past President Joanne L. Strollo, National Past President

Order Sons of Italy in America®

Order Sons of Italy of CanadaJosie Cumbo, National President OSIA Grand Lodge of Virginia – Pauline Moroni, President

OSIA Grand Lodge of Illinois/Wisconsin OSIA Grand Lodge of the Northwest


Biennial National Convention & Marconi Gala Commemorative Journal


OSIA 53rd Biennial National Convention

Autographs & Notes


Order Sons of Italy in AmericaÂŽ

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