Over 5 years of experiences in marketing communications & creative design from brand and agency fields with experience in various industries such as Financial services
Focusing on Customer centric and Bussiness Growth as a Communication Marketer
Experienced and knowledgeable marketing with extensive practice in advertising industry where I can put my marketing skills & creative skills. Moreover designing skill & management skill to use & help a business expand its client.
Mobile 065 979 9729
Email kunlaya.plo@gmail.com
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/kunlaya.oum
Instagram ordinaryoum
Address 99/527 Life sathorn sierra Condo
Talad Phlu Thonburi Ratchapuek Rd 10600
Chulalongkorn University
Master degree Integrated Communications Management
G.P.A 3.75
Thesis Topic
Thai Travel Bloggers on Facebook and their Consumers: From Characteristics, to Brand Engagement, Trust And Thai Consumers’s Behavior on touristic products
Silpakorn University
Bachelor Degree - ICT Communication Arts
Journalism Major
G.P.A. 3.66 , 1st class honors
Suksanari School
Senior High School - Arts-Math
G.P.A. 3.60
Thai Native speaker
English Good working knowledge
Time management
Collaborative Skill
Presentation Skill
strategic and marketing skill
Adobe photoshop & Illustration
Adobe Premier Pro & after effect
Adobe Indesign
Microsoft office program
Online Marketing
Creative & Design & Photography
User Experience
Travel & Sightseeing
Living & Home
Book & Magazine
Copywriting & Content, Future Skill Thailand
Digital Marketing, Future Skill Thailand
Strategic Planning, Future Skill Thailand
Agile management, Strategic Center
Sep 2022 - Current
Central JD Fintech
Marketing Communication executive
Financial Service
Develop and implement marketing communication campaign including Online and Offline channel
Ensuring All of marketing communication campaign is successful launch of brand & promotion and Brand building of Dolfin Application Platform
Creating Communication & Design through effective channels including online and offline channels
Track and Analyze customer journey, Flow and Performance providing data reports and Identify improvement areas
Coordinate with marketing Campaign department and business partner interms of media
Update competitors, market trends and marketing activities
Buddy review Manager Influencer strategic planner
Influencer marketing agency
Silpakorn university - Lecturer
Preparing and delivering knowledge about printing design and new media
Providing support to students
The Regent Group
ra ge oishi Est Cola Ne n e c h ick h e n, L a ct a s oy S co t ch,
Hott a Cool Gr ey h oun d, Domi n o Piz za, Gussd a m n goo d
I nsu ra n ce Sompo I n su ra n ce Ti p s Insu ra n ce
Touri s m & H os p it a li t y BN H, C ou n t r yar d b y M a rriot, B an g kok A i r w ay s
I T & Ga d g et Wirtual A p p
D ev eloping Influen cer and KOLs S t ra t e gy, target a u d ien ce , b udg e t allo cation t o w ard Clie n t ’ s KPI an d communi ca tio n objecti ve
Selecting & Planning influencer for marketing campaign
M a n a gi n g campaig n eg. d etaile d sc h e d ules a n d tim e li n es with o p e ratio n t e a m a n d updati n g p roj ec t p rogr e ss
D ev eloping a n d cu ra ting cre a ti ve con t e nt id e as i n clud e v isual and con t e nt o n so c i a l m e dia plat f orm
A n aly z e campaign re p orts a n d optimizi n g p e r f orm a n ces f or gr o wt h
Ma k e good relationship with Influen cer and KOLs
Al w ay s up d a t e d on emerging tr en ds t ec hnologi e s, and influen cer mar ketin g
Colla b o ra t e closely with Accou n t exe c uti v e, C a m p aig n ope ra tion m a n a gemen t
Gui d ing a nd maintaini n g the Propos a l d e sig n t empla t e and con t e nt i d e a . Ensure that all communi catio n s are a ligned with cor p o ra t e gui d elin e an d ma ke it cle a r t o present with clients
B e a n A ssistant direc t or o f plan ne r f or m e eti n g and skill d ev elopment f or influen cer st ra t egic pla n ner t e am.
Apr - Jun 2021
Marketing Communication Executive (Contract)
Hospitality & tourism
Responsible for I VALA HUAHIN & Regent Chaam
Initiate and planning the Communications to improve marketing performance for VALA Huahin, Regent Chaam
Ensure that all communications are aligned with guideline, brand personality, and in compliance with rules and regulations
Research, plan and brief creative content that encourages engagementon our social media platforms across all channels
Manage and Collaborate media partnership including influencer, Credit cardPublic relations, Small luxury hotel and MICE Partner
Coordinate with internal and external stakeholders to flawlessly implement the plan
Create engaging posts for various social networks, including Facebook and Instagram
2017 - June 2020
Traveloka Thailand Visual communication designer
Online travel agency
Responsible for I Hotel Bussiness
Created ideas and concept that can be used across various platforms to support accommodation business unit including creative campaign, feature lunch and special promotion
Create visual for distributing through online and offline channels such as brand communication, creative contents, ATL and BTL promotions, Traveloka blog and PR content
Worked closely with Managing editor, Copy writer and Marketing Team
Phoinikas Agency Graphic Designer
Digital agency
Client I Makro, Dtac and V gif
Created brand visual for online channels. Worked closely with Strategic planner, Copy writer
Happiness Collector Thailand (Facebook & Instagram)
Happiness Creator & Founder
U.made.myday (Instagram)
Supervised branding, Content plan and data monitoring
Created visual and copy for distributing through online channels.
Manage optimization of facebook ads platform
objective sharing knowledges, Inspire creativity and Record ideas on-the-go
Supervised branding, content
Created visual and copy for distributing through Medium
Create portrait drawing
THANK YOU looking forward to see you soon : )