Apostolic Accent Nov/Dec 2014

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WCWC Testimonies | Missionaries in 2015 | Ladies Conference Pictures | Making Disciples | Electronic Parents

The Official Magazine of the Oregon District UPCI


November/December 2014

Oregon District Apostolic Accent Volume 50, Number 11

www.ORUPC.com Editor……………………..........…………….Kassie Meyer kassiemeyer@hotmail.com (503) 689-3589 District Officials Superintendent……………......……………Ted Graves Secretary/Treasurer……..........……..Dan Sargeant Presbyters Section 1…………………......…..…………Gary Gleason Section 2……………………........…M. Dennis Johnson Section 3………………………......……..Kevin Goodwin Section 4…………………………......Steven L. Johnson Honorary Board Member M. David Johnson North American Missions Director…………………………….......…..Steve Hanson Secretary…………………….……….....…Virgil Alldritt Global Missions Director…………………………….......David Reynolds Apostolic Man Director……………………………..……......Mark Edday Ladies Ministries Director…………………………......….Geanice Langley Secretary…………………...…….....…….Rachel Sparks Sunday School Director………………………….…......…Darrell Sparks Secretary…………....………………….....…..Joe Higgins Oregon Youth President…………………………..........…Shane Graves Secretary……………………………….....Jordan Orazio Spanish Ministries Director……………………………………......Fito Avenia Life in Focus Coordinator…........... Prison Ministry Coordinator….....….Doug Lethin Media Missions Director……......David P. Johnson A.C.T.S. President………...….......M. Dennis Johnson Senior Quiz Coordinator.…......…..Brian Huffman Junior Quiz Coordinator.…......…Jonathan Toews

Editors Note Who are the wounded among us? Who are the fallen among us? What have we done to help those who are wounded or those who need restoring, those who have fallen or those who have needed their brother or sister by their side saying, “You will make it!” Have we prayed for them? Have we fasted on their behalf? Have we encouraged them? Have we been a listening and trusting ear when they needed us? We are the body of Christ and we are called to love! When you love someone, you don’t abandon them but you stick by their side. When an army is out fighting a battle, they stick together, they don’t abandon one another. If there is a wounded, they don’t leave them there but they help them and try to bring them to a place of safety or to someone who can help them so that they can be healed. We are an army! We must not abandon our wounded or fallen soldiers. We all have faults. We all have temptations. But if we pray for one another and If we are accountable to one another and strengthen one another, it makes the army of Christ that much stronger. The Bible says in James 5:16, “Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” Galatians 6:1, “Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.” I Corinthians 12:20-21, “But now are they many members, yet but one body. And the eye cannot say unto the hand, I have no need of thee: nor again the head to the feet, I have no need of you.” I Corinthians 12:26, ”And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it; or one member be honoured, all the members rejoice with it.” I know a man who fell into sin many years ago. I didn’t know him well but I did know him and his wife and when I found out he had fallen into sin, my heart broke. This was a man of God, a preacher of the gospel and I could only imagine what it did to his family. Too many times you see something like this happen and they are abandoned by the ones who meant the most to them. I’m so thankful to report that even amongst those who left this wounded family alongside the road, there was a man and his family who cared for these souls. A man who took this family under his wings and helped in the restoration process of this

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Inside this Issue Articles/Columns 2 Editors Note KASSIE MEYER 4 WCWC Testimonies JOLENE VANDEVENDER & DOT


11 Electronic Parents DAVID REYNOLDS

Promotions/Photos 6 WCWC Pictures LADIES

8 Missionaries in 2015




WCWC Testimonies




adies’ Conference 2014 was wonderful! My husband and I moved to Oregon in 2012 and I have had the privilege to attend Ladies’ Conference each year since then. This year was no exception. The speakers, Sis. Lumpkin and Sis. Coltharp, delivered some heartfelt messages that hit home. Some of the ladies of our church were also able to attend and were blessed immensely. One young lady especially was seeking for the Holy Ghost and continues to thirst after the Word of God. It was so neat to see and experience the generosity expressed by everyone through their giving! What a blessing! There were hundreds of ladies who marched to the front with offerings of cash toward Missions. The pile of money was enormous! I don’t remember ever seeing anything like it. What an inspiration! Even more than the services I was thrilled to see my sisters in Christ! How I love to fellowship with the sweet family of God! It lets me know I am not alone in this battle and reminds me how we need each other. The Oregon district has opened their arms to us here in Southern Oregon and we are grateful. May God bless each lady that attended the West Coast Women’s Conference and those who organized it. I am looking forward to next year and can’t wait to see what God will do amongst us in the coming year! ~Sis. Jolene Vandevender


CWC 2014 was a mashup of anointing. Sister Coltharp talked about her mama sacrificing the little she had to help the kingdom of God, relating to us you are never poor when you have enough, a far cry from society’s thinking. I felt so connected with her as I understand poverty, I remember as a child, not having enough money to even buy good fitting shoes, and my crooked feet tell the story. I’ve struggled with believing when it comes to money but God has proven himself faithful time and time again. Recently God miraculously showed me, when I finally got the courage to sacrificially give my house payment to Mother’s Memorial, he blessed me 2000%. Sister Lumpkin hit the nail on the head with spiritual warfare. It wasn’t a shout, we didn’t need to shout. God was not in the shout but in the still small voice. She dove right into our emotional, physical and spiritual lives. Recently I dealt with 6 months of no sleep and after doctor’s, pills and still no answer I fasted and discovered that I had hatred harbored in my heart. She explained that unresolved negative feelings need to be expressed and when they are not any little issue in our life can trigger them, everything is recorded in our

DNA. I have gone through many of the experiences she talked about and have held it all in from family, friends and saints pretending to be have it all together. I didn’t want to come this year because of depression but God had other plans. As a pastor’s wife, I felt that I had to be strong in the face of my peers so they could be strong; it was good to see others in leadership who were not afraid to be vulnerable. I felt my heart was hollowed out and replaced with a whole new one. Life and death are in the power of the tongue and I had been speaking horrible things into my life; at one point I said I wished I were dead and that night a spirit of death came to my bedroom in my dream and asked God if it could take my life because I had given it permission so when she began to touch on spiritual warfare and told the story of her sickness and how the doctor asked her if she believed in dark spirits, I was all ears. Since last fall when my husband and I returned from the ministers conference in Mississippi where we learned about taking our city from Satan and defeating strongholds, we had researched the first native American settlers in our area and what they believed and began to war in the spirit against those demons. Sister Lumpkin said don’t do this alone, well in ignorance we had done it alone and were paying the price for it. Yes we began to have revival but we also awakened an arena of spiritual wickedness I had never experienced before and by woman’s conference I was ready to resign. I’ve never been a quitter but then again, I’ve never dealt with this either so when I went to conference I had two questions for God; do you really love me and do you want me to continue. The bible says the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much but I had reached my limit and was waiting for God now. On the last day after hearing the testimony of the flower, the butterfly and the penny I thought, God I need a confirmation but it has to be something that doesn’t happen every day, I need to know assuredly, do you really love me and do you want me to continue. I said God, I’ve never ask for signs but I’m asking today because I have never felt so rejected and alone as I do right now. Before I could even finish my thought I was called to the front and presented a beautiful leather jacket, just my size, just my color and just my price, a gift from someone. I don’t know who did that for me but it doesn’t matter, it was from God who heard my heart and it was exactly what I needed. Thank you Jesus for West Coast Women’s Conference 2014. ~Sis. Dot Haskett


West Coast Women’s Conference



Oregon Missionaries in 2015 Schedule Missionaries Now For 2015

• February 10-15 • March 3-8 • March 10-15 • Mar 31 –Apr 5 • May 5 -9 • May 27-31 • June 9-14 • June 30-July 5 • July 28- Aug 2 • Sept. 15-20 • Sept.29-Oct 4 • Nov 10-15 • Nov 17-22

Ken Cantrell Chris Gibbs Brad Schreckhise Randy Adams Daniel Rushing Monte Showalter Trecina Anderson Peter Gration Micheal Walmer James Corbin Craig Sully Larry Decker Steve Drost

- Burkina Faso - Malawi - Honduras - French Africa - South Korea - Int. Evangelist - Spain - Vanuatu - Uruguay - Bangladesh - Senegal - Panama - Mexico

Contact: David Reynolds apostolicfamilies@gmail.com 503 830-6950

Making Disciples Read II Tim. 2:2 You’ve got to be prepared by someone. People make disciples. We are commissioned to evangelize, disciple and to equip. This is the responsibility of the church. The church is to equip the disciples in an area they are gifted. Jesus discipled 12 men. He equipped them. He spent most of His time discipling. Reaching and keeping souls is building relationships and discipling them. God set a principle in reproduction. Reproducing after your kind. We are involved in the reproduction process. We must… 1- Develop self-feeding Christians 2- Develop mature Christians who are capable of equipping other for the work of the ministry. Nature of making disciplesDisciple making is achieved through the relationship and intimate interaction of two people who are committed to each other. The nature of a disciple maker is comprised of four elements: Teaching, mentoring, modeling, equipping Eph. 4:11-14 Identify two primary areas that the ministry should achieve: 1- The perfecting of the saintswe are not making people perfect but maturing of saints 2- Edifying of the body of Christ The ultimate purpose: That we henceforth be no more children, or simply stated, that we continue to mature. We want them to become fruitful.

by JR Meyer

If babies are not taken care of within 3 days, they will die. New babies in Christ cannot take care of themselves, they need people to nurture them. It takes time to grow new babes. It takes more than just food and clothes to nurture babies. They need the nurturing and relationship. Building relationships should be a top priority in evangelism and disciple making. 3 contacts with that new personal contact within 3 days. Call or follow up within 24 hrs. Get to know them. Goal: fellowship and love. Different stages of making disciples: #1 Teaching the new disciplegroup or individual setting. Mirror the beliefs of the teacher. Every church needs an ongoing disciple making class. Luke 6:39 This class should cover prayer, giving, the relationship of the disciple to the pastor and other authority, worship, faithfulness, discovering gifts and talents, soulwinning, spiritual warfare and holiness. #2 Mentoring or modeling Informal learning and formal learning need to take place. Real learning is the state of being able to adopt and adapt what you know and can do- what you have acquired through formal learning- under various informal circumstances. We only get 25 percent or less from formal learning. 75 percent comes from informal learning. Prov. 27:17 Our new converts learn through others. They watch and learn through the informal learning.

Converts learn from you and by rubbing shoulders with you. Be the role model they need you to be in your worship, prayer, etc. Mentoring- when someone takes another person under their wing and shapes and molds that person into who they become. Everyone needs mentors in their lives. A convert does not become a disciple by sitting in a pew and listening to preaching and you are not a disciple maker because you support a local congregation. Disciples are made through established relationships. Take someone under your wing. #3 Equipping – everyone should be equipped. - Everyone needs to be trained to be a soul winner - Everyone needs to have an opportunity to find their specific talents, and then be given training to develop them Programs to help equip: - Apostolic Training Institute - PC Minister - Purpose Institute Why did you drop out of church? Did not feel like I was part of the group What would most influence your choice of a new church home? Friendliness of the people They need friends and need to feel a part of things. It takes time to make disciples. ____________________________ JR Meyer is a North American Missionary and the pastor of Grace Point Ministries in Portland, Oregon. He also serves as the Section 1 North American Mission Director for the Oregon District. He graduated with a Bachelor of Theology degree from Christian Life College in Stockton, California and has been in the ministry for almost 20 years.


Upcoming Calendar of Events November 6th-7th: District Fall Planning family. When they were abandoned by so many- God placed a man in their lives who prayed with them, who loved them and cared for them, who helped support them financially when they had nothing left and this man was there to see life brought back into this family. There was a restoration process and today these people are some of the finest I know. Yes, there was a mess up along the way but the beautiful thing is that God forgives and He blots out our sins. We need more men and women who love people like Christ loved. I am reminded of the women at the well who had had many husbands and the man she was with then was not her husband…Jesus still showed love to this woman. He still cared for her soul. This was a woman He did not know. We have



November 17th-22nd: Christmas for Christ Banquets November 27th: Thanksgiving Day brothers and sisters all around us that we do know and we should show love to them and we should care about their souls... We should be that army praying for them and being there for them no matter how great the battle is. We don’t want to see the enemy swallow them up. Let’s encourage our brothers and sisters, let’s go to battle with them and show God’s love. He says in His word, “I will not fail thee nor forsake thee…”

Kassie Meyer

Electronic Parents By David Reynold

“In the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves,... disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection,...lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God;....” 2 Timothy 3:1-4


ave you ever wondered why our schools, our families and our nation are going down morally? Some time ago I was handed a pamphlet called Unplugged. The statistics are so interesting I thought I would pass some of them on to you. • Number of minutes per week parents spent in meaningful conversations with their children: 38.5 minutes. • Number of minutes per week that the average child watches TV: 1,680 minutes. • 99% of households have a TV. • 66% have 3 or more TV sets. • 66% watch TV while eating dinner. • Number of hours per day that TV is on in a home: 6 hours, 45 minutes. • Number of videos rented daily: 6 Million • 70% of day care centers use TV and videos during the day. • 73% of parents would like to limit their children’s TV watching. • 54% of 4-6 year-olds when asked, preferred watching TV before spending time with their fathers • 54% of American children have a TV in their bedroom. • Numbers of murders seen on TV by the time an

average American child finishes elementary school: 8,000. • Number of violent acts seen on TV by age 18: 2,000,000. • 79% of Americans believe that TV causes real life mayhem. • Chances that an American parent requires that their children do their homework before watching TV: 1-12 Add to this the availability of personal computers, I-pads and Smart phones. Where is the time for a personal relationship with God and with family? Need I say more? Compiled by: TV-Free America, 1611 Connecticut Ave., NW-Suite 3A. Washington, DC 200009◊ ___________________________________________ David Reynolds has been the Minister of Discipleship at Portland Pentecostals since 2007. He is a graduate of Conquerors Bible College, Cascade College, Portland State University and post graduate work at the University of Oregon. He served as a teacher, assistant Principle & Principle. Since retiring from public education he has traveled extensively to over 37 countries preaching & teaching in Bible Schools and has written several books on Education, The Family & Parenting.

Nov./Dec. 2014 APOSTOLIC ACCENT 11

North American Missions Oregon’s November Giving to North American Missions Apostolic Worship Center $50.00 Apostolics of Portland $50.00 Bend, True Gospel U.P.C. $90.00 Corvallis, United Pentecostal Church $25.00 Cottage Grove, Hope Fellowship UPC $25.00 Grace Point Ministries $25.00 Hillsboro, Bethel U.P.C. $50.00 Klamath Falls, United Pentecostal Church $50.00 Newport, Lighthouse U.P.C. $50.00 Redmond, Heights Pentecostals $50.00 TOTAL $465.00



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