A new way to keep up with what's going on in the Oregon Conference —without wasting paper.
The best websites follow five practices to make their sites easy to read and to find information on. Learn how they do it. PAGE 2
Learn how the senior class this year at Milo took their class motto to heart, and how it changed them. PAGE 3
Camp meeting is just around the corner now. Learn what you can expect and where to learn more in this quick rundown. PAGE 3
Bits of news from around the Conference and around the world that we thought you might find interesting. PAGE 4
CHANGE – It's inevitable
By Al Reimche
t seems like the only stable thing in our world. The moment we get comfortable with a situation or plan, or even people, we find ourselves dealing with change. It is the inevitable constant of life. Gail Sheehy is quoted as saying, “If we don’t change we don’t grow. If we don’t grow we aren’t really living.” Changes from wet to dry, cool to warm, from school days to summer vacation would have been enough for one month, but that was not to be the case.
schools and educators. Our office is also losing Dale Milam who has served with distinction as an associate superintendent for the last two years. Dale has decided to re-join the faculty at Milo Academy. We have been blessed to have both of these men working for the best of our schools.
“If we don’t change we don’t grow. If we don’t grow we aren’t really living.”
Changes – Wayne Wentland, who has been serving as interim Vice President for Education, begins his retirement. He has served for over nine years in our education department, first as associate education director, then for the past two years as VP for Education. We have appreciated his passion for our
Changes – Gale Crosby, recent principal of Portland Adventist Academy, has stepped into the vacancy left by Wayne, and Matthew Butte, recent principal of Columbia Adventist Academy, will be joining the team in the education department in place of Dale Milam. David Davies, an educator from southern Oregon, will also be spending some time working with our schools as a part-time associate superintendent. c o n t i n u e d o n pa g e
Oregon Conference of Seventh-day Adventists • 19800 Oatfield Rd • Gladstone, OR 97027 • 503-850-3500 • www.OregonConference.org
CHANGE c o n t i n u e d f ro m pa g e
Change – Another change affecting the Conference has been Monte Torkelsen's decision to transition from Youth Director in charge of Big Lake Youth Camp to chaplain and Bible teacher at Portland Adventist Academy by the end of July. As a result, we have asked Tracy Wood to fill the position as Youth Director, and we will begin the search for an Associate Youth Director who will also serve as the Big Lake Youth Camp Director. Monte has served with distinction within our youth department for 20 years and has been a major influence in the lives of youth throughout our Conference. Even though he will be missed, his ministry to our youth at PAA will continue. Change – Just a couple of weeks ago, I met with three churches who had decided to explore the possibility of merging. Though other congregations within our conference have done this, it is still very uncommon. That Sabbath evening, all three churches (Columbia Gorge, Gresham, and Open Arms) met, and after prayerful discussion, voted to form one church. The members of the newlyformed church understand that their territory has just been expanded and the reason for this merger is to develop a stronger team to address the commission God has given. Changes can be hard, and yet in some cases, good. The transitions to different assignments, or different settings, or different stages of life can be difficult to experience but are a part of “really living.” Even in the New Earth we will be dealing with change – the growing knowledge and understanding of the plan of salvation, the joy of ever discovering and growing in our grasp and knowing Jesus and His love for us. Difficult as it is, I want to be “really living.” In fact, I can’t wait for that “twinkling of an eye” change that Jesus has waiting for us.
The 5 Best Practices for Successful Church & School Websites Developing a website can be a daunting task. The huge amount of information available online can quickly become overwhelming, and it's easy to get bogged down in technical details that have little to do with a successful site. Fortunately, creating a site that attracts visitors and brings them to your church or school does not depend on learning HTML, PHP, web server maintenance, or any of the other intimidating technical details. (Services like AdventistChurchConnect.org exist to do all of that for you.) The success of your site depends on just five best practices. Four of them can be implemented by nearly anyone who is willing to put some time and thought into the effort, and Good News Advocates can help you with the fifth.
1. Focus On Your Visitors
By David Sharpe • Is the look and feel the same on all pages? • Is the information consistent on each page? If the homepage says that church starts at 11:00 am, does another page say 11:15?
3. Be Clear Each page should have user-friendly flow that is clear and easy to follow. Answer these questions from the visitor's perspective: • Where am I (on the website)? • Who are you? • What do you offer? • How does it help me? • How do I navigate the site? • Where do I go next? • How do I learn more? • Is the information accurate/current?
4. Remember That “Conversion” Has More Than One Meaning
One of the most common problems I see with business websites is the tendency to focus on the company rather than the customer. “XYZ, Inc. has been in business for 127 years, and is the thought leader in left-handed widgets....” and so on. Unfortunately, it's also a common problem for church and school websites.
Online marketers use “conversion rates” to measure how many visitors are persuaded to sign up for a newsletter, make contact by email or phone, make a purchase, etc. Your website has a slightly different purpose, but you still want people to do something when they visit your site.
As you develop your site, be sure that all of your keywords and content are geared toward the way your visitors are thinking when they search online:
Here's how to get them to take that action—be sure that every page has:
• A clear promise or message • What are they looking for? What words did they • A presentation of benefits, not just features • Proof and credibility that supports the message on use in the search engine to find you? • What needs are you supplying? What solutions are that page • A clear “call to action” which can be unique to each you offering? • How can you help them in the most efficient way? page, but must be consistent (see #5) • Is it easy for them to learn more, find your facility, • Links for easy access to other pages on the site. contact a real person, etc?
5. Think Competitively
2. Be Consistent Your site needs to be consistent within itself. Look at your site from a “big picture” perspective: • Look for a smooth, logical flow that connects pages and messages to each other and to the rest of the site. • Is the “voice” the same across all pages?
Show how your church or school offers the best solution available. Demonstrate that you are unique, and provide value that other churches or schools do not offer. In addition to showing how you are unique, your site should play by search engines' rules. This includes using keywords that help seekers find your site first in the search engines. Looking at your site from a search c o n t i n u e d o n pa g e
Ivan Cruz, jr. c o n t i n u e d f ro m pa g e
engine's perspective is a specialized process, and you may want to get some help to ensure that it's being done properly.
A Website That Works It may seem a bit simplistic, but let someone else deal with the technical issues; if you focus on these five concepts, your site will look better and be more effective than others in your local area. Good News Advocates (GNA) is available to help you implement any of these Best Practices. To make use of our free services, go to http://www.AskGNA.org and let us know: How can we help you? David Sharpe is the Communications Director for Good News Advocates. To learn more about GNA and its services, email davids@goodnewsadvocates.org or 406-646-6070. Note: David Sharpe will be presenting a workshop at Gladstone Camp Meeting this year on setting up and using a website for your school or church. To learn more about this seminar, visit www.OregonConference.org.
his year the Oregon Conference will host its 135th camp meeting, and its 84th camp meeting at Gladstone! – And it’s going to be a great year! Hispanic Camp Meeting will be held July 11th-13th this year, and Gladstone Camp Meeting will begin the evening of July 16th and run through the 20th. Come for the fellowship, the spiritual enrichment, the education, and the fun! – There is always a lot of fun! From the corn dogs you can find at the Pathfinder-run Snack Shack, to the waterslide and obstacle course near the Children’s Amphitheater, there is something for every age group to enjoy. This year’s speakers and presenters come from a wide range of backgrounds and disciplines, and we think everyone will find something of particular blessing in the presentation lineup.
A MOT TO INSPIRES AN AMAZING GIF T By Viktoria Kolpacoff & Fonda Cox
ilo Adventist Academy’s senior class waited in eager anticipation. Graduation day had finally come, and every member was there to take part in the festivities, to walk across the stage and receive their diploma. Even though the class wasn’t exactly the same as when it started freshmen year, there was a unique bond between these graduating students. That bond was strengthened over Senior Survival, where students had to work together to complete various team building activities. However, that wasn’t the only thing that united the seniors. Working together in classes also brought them closer together. One such class that made a rather large impact on them was Bible 4, taught by Mrs. Carol Sumerlin. They listened to sermons by Lee Venden, Dick Deurksen, Anil Kanda, and others. One thing in particular stood out from the many concepts and ideas they learned. One thing seemed to strike a chord with each student and helped them grow in their relationship with God. Their class motto, taken from a Lee Venden quote, “It’s not what you do, it’s who you know and who you know will change what you do” summed up this class’s goals. Not only was the class united in learning about God, but they also wanted to help others. Toward the end of the year, they discovered that several seniors had large school bills to pay off before participating in graduation. In order to make sure everyone could be involved in graduation, and to decrease the financial burden on their classmates, the class voted to give up a special class trip to help out their classmates. They donated their funds to help a few students’ school bills. They worked to help each other, united in God’s desire for their lives.
Just a few of the 30 speakers this year are John Bradshaw, John McVay, Bernie Anderson, Russell Burrill, Gordon Pifher, Sasha Bolotnikov, Stephen Dickie, and Jason Worf! We’re particularly excited about two speakers who will be presenting workshops on sharing the hope of Jesus’ soon coming with followers of two religions very different from our own – Islam and Judaism. In the children's divisions they will be learning more about Jesus' love on SonTreasure Island, through activities, crafts, music, stories, and the new friends they make! We hope you’ll be able to join us this summer in Gladstone. To learn more, visit www.OregonConference.org or call 503-850-3500.
Ivan Cruz,
Holocaust Survivor Speaks at NPUC Office
NOTE WORTHY... Monte Torkelsen to Join PAA Team
Monte Torkelsen will assume the role of Portland Adventist Academy (PAA) chaplain for the coming 2013-14 school year. He will also serve as the school’s director of development. Torkelsen has worked with the Oregon Conference for 20 years, where he most recently has directed youth ministries and Big Lake Youth Camp. Prior to his service in the Oregon Conference he held ministry roles in Milton-Freewater, Ore., and Perth, Australia, where he was also youth director. Torkelsen is a graduate of PAA, Walla Walla University and Andrews University. He and his wife, Darla, have three sons — two are currently attending WWU and one a student at PAA.
Kenya Rules in Favor of Adventist Students
Kenya’s High Court has issued an interim order for public schools to exempt Seventh-day Adventist students from attending classes on Saturday, the day Adventists observe as the biblical Sabbath. The immediate order comes during a case involving the Adventist Church’s Kenya Union Mission against the Ministry of Education and 26 schools it said have not followed constitutional guarantee of practicing one’s religion. The court’s presiding justice addressed the case again on June 6.
NAD Appoints New Public Affairs and Religious Liberty Directory
The North American Division (NAD) recently appointed Orlan Johnson, an attorney and former partner at Saul Ewing, to lead the Public Affairs and Religious Liberty department. In 2009, Johnson was appointed chair of the Securities Investor Protection Corporation. In that role, he successfully recovered $7.2 billion for investors of the Bernie Madoff scam. Greg Hamilton, Northwest Religious Liberty Association president, says Johnson "will bring that same type of savvy in endeavoring to restore Religious Freedom Ministry in the local church, and particularly in the vital public arenas of government and public relations…"
Mark Finley Facing Health Challenges
Adventist Church evangelist Mark Finley, who is currently assisting with the "Revelations of Hope" meetings in New York City, has recently been facing some health challenges and is requesting prayer. In an public email sent in June from Dan Jackson, North American Division president, and Dr. Peter Landless, General Conference health ministries director, members were informed that Finley has premyeloma. The condition, known as MGUS (monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance), is not cancer, but is caused by a small number of abnormal cells in the bone marrow. Finley, and his wife, Teenie, are of good courage and praying God will be glorified through this. Please keep them in your prayers.
Publishing Houses Asked to Consider Merger
According to a report issued in June through the Adventist News Network, the boards of Pacific Press Publishing Association in Nampa, Idaho, and Review and Herald Publishing Association in Hagerstown, Md., have agreed this week to consider a yet-to-be-developed proposal toward a merger. This action is in response to a request from General Conference (GC) and North American Division (NAD) administrators following analysis of the current publishing setting and related distribution systems. It builds upon work already done by study groups throughout the past several years. The request also suggests a potential transfer of identity of North American-wide publishing work from GC-sponsorship to NAD-sponsorship. Each publishing house board has authorized its chair and president to represent the institution on a taskforce assigned to develop a detailed merger proposal for future consideration by the boards and constituents.
Holocaust survivor Alter Weiner spoke at the North Pacific Union Conference office this week. In an hour and a half presentation, Weiner shared his story of being arrested in his native Poland when the Nazi army invaded. He spent the rest of the war in five different prison camps, eventually being freed by the Soviets. For years afterward, Weiner never spoke publicly about his time as a prisoner. It was only after he retired to Hillsboro, Ore., that he was encouraged to speak and write about his ordeal. He says his motivation for speaking is to share what has happened in the past and ensure it doesn't happen again. Watch the video of his presentation at http://bit.ly/19TZrzf.
No Injuries in Alaska WWU Plane Accident
A Walla Walla University staff member and student are safe and uninjured following an airplane accident June 19 near Dillingham, Alaska. Kerry Straub, director of aircraft maintenance for the WWU aviation program, was piloting WWU-owned plane, when he made an emergency landing due to mechanical difficulties. Straub, and freshman aviation student Brianna Eckler, were transported to Dillingham where they will join other WWU students working in a commercial fishing camp for a brief period this summer. Special tracking sytems installed in all WWU-owned planes alerted both university aviation personnel and Alaska emergency teams, allowing for such quick and safe response.
Tillamook Hospital to Change Name
Tillamook County General Hospital in Tillamook, Ore., will change its official name to Tillamook Regional Medical Center, effective June 3. The hospital, first opened in 1950, has operated under a lease arrangement with Adventist Health since 1973 — an agreement recently extended to 2045. The new name will more effectively reflect the hospital’s expanded services, including five rural health clinics, four locations with 24/7 Advanced Life Support ambulance services, and home health and hospice care in patient homes throughout Tillamook County. “This name change represents our confident looking forward to the advancing future of health and wellness services in our region,” says Larry Davy, hospital president.
Transition Manager Named for Adventist Media Center
The North American Division (NAD) has named Max Treviño as transition manager for the Adventist Media Center (AMC). Treviño, retired Southwestern Union Conference president, was appointed to this position after the April 29 vote of the AMC board to allow the media ministries to relocate from Simi Valley, Calif. In this position, he will work on behalf of the NAD to oversee all matters relating to the transition at the AMC.
Adventist Health to Build East Portland Center
A future medical facility will take shape in the Parkrose area of east Portland, Ore., to provide enhanced health care for future Adventist Health patients. A groundbreaking ceremony was held May 30 with Portland-area civic leaders. The new 23,000 square foot complex, expected to open during the first quarter of 2014, will include an urgent care center, physical therapy clinic, laboratory services and digital imaging center. It will employ approximately 80 staff positions.
WWU Appoints New Vice President
David Richardson Jr. will be the new Walla Walla University (WWU) vice president for student life and mission beginning July 1. Richardson comes to WWU from Riverside, Calif., where he served Concorde Career Colleges as director of student affairs on seven campuses. Richardson is also a pastor and has served the Southeastern California Conference in church growth and evangelism. He holds a doctoral degree in educational leadership from Argosy University and a Master of Divinity from Andrews University. He will replace George Bennett, who has been serving as an interim vice president for the past year. He and his wife, Melanie, have two school-age sons. For additional news visit http://www.oregonconference.org/news_entries
When: July 6, 7:00 pm Location: Milwaukie Spanish Adventist Church
When: July 16-20, 2013 Location: Gladstone, Ore.
When: July 29-August 2, 9:30-11:30 am Location: Hood View Adventist Church
Join us for a special summer series presented by youth for youth! Worship Fest is the first of many uplifting events created on purpose with a purpose of offering meaningful and exciting opportunities for youth to serve God! ALL are welcomed. Come July 6 at 7:00 pm for this great worship experience. The Milwaukie Spanish Adventist Church is located at 7903 Otty Rd, Milwaukie Ore.
Join us for the 135th Oregon Camp Meeting and the 84th camp meeting held at Gladstone Park! This year's Gladstone Camp Meeting will begin the evening of July 16 and will run through the evening of the 20th. Come for the fellowship, spiritual enrichment, the education, and the fun! There will be activities for every age group. Featured speakers this year include John Bradshaw, Russell Burrill, Gordon Pifher, John McVay, Bernie Anderson, and Alex "Sasha" Bolotnikov. Come for the day, week, or just for a few hours. Learn more at www.OregonConference.org.
Escape to Athens with Paul! Learn about Paul and some of his adventures during his second missionary journey. Experience music, crafts, games and meet Paul and his friends through drama; all of which will spread the life-changing truth of God’s love. Register now to be part of this Athens VBS July 29-August 2! To register go to www.hoodviewchurch.org and click on the “Ministries” tab at the top of the page. Click on VBS 2013 and then on the Cat and you are ready to register. Hood View Adventist Church is located at 26775 SE Kelso Rd in Boring, Oregon.
When: July 1-26, 2013 Location: Hood View Adventist Church
When: August 10, 7:30 pm Location: Hood View Adventist Church
CAMP SAFARI is a Christian summer day camp for ages 6-12, serving the families on the east side of Portland. The philosophy, programming, and facilities are designed to create a dynamic, exciting opportunity for Christian growth, learning and friendship. Camp Safari is not designed to merely ‘kid sit’ children for a few weeks during the summer, but instead it is a place where kids can adventure into a better understanding of God, their world, family and themselves. This is done through various classes and adventure days. Each week offers a unique and varied program of classes and adventure days! We hope to see your children at Camp Safari this summer! This year's camps run July 1-26. Camp Safari is sponsored by the Hood View Adventist Church in Boring, Oregon. To learn more, visit www.campsafarinw.org.
Hood View Church will host a piano concert on Saturday, August 10 at 7:30 pm. Alicia and Matthew Dellens were blessed to have been taught and mentored by internationally known artist and performer, Dr. Tamara Orlovsky. They offer a unique experience by performing solo and two piano duets, which provides a wonderful environment for the whole family. Please come join us for a free concert at Hood View Church located 26775 SE Kelso Rd, in Boring, Oregon.
When: July 7-11 7:00-8:30 pm Location: Klamath Falls Adventist Church A stop smoking clinic will be held July 7-11, Sunday through Thursday, 7:00 pm-8:30 pm at the Klamath Falls Church for our community. This will be held in the Fellowship Hall and will feature the DVD series by Dr. Arthur Weaver, a cancer surgeon, with guest appearances from our local church doctors as well. Anyone is invited to be a participant. Cost is $20 with partial sponsorships available while they last. Pre-register by July 1st by calling the church office at 541-882-2466. HEALTH, HOPE, & HEALING SEMINAR
When: July 10-20, 2013 Location: Stone Tower Church Free lectures & open to the public, Health, Hope & Healing seminar with Thomas Jackson, PhD and Laverne Jackson, PhD. Wednesday, July 10, 6:45 pm – Life without These Diseases (heart, high blood pressure, cancer and diabetes); Thursday, July 11, 6:45 pm – Protecting Your Heart; Friday, July 12, 6:45 pm – What to Do About Cancer; Saturday, July 13, 2:30 pm – Disarming Diabetes; Sunday, July 14, 2:30 pm – Exercise tips, cooking demonstrations, food samples, and natural remedy presentation. The first 50 people will receive a gift. Join us at Stone Tower Adventist Church located at 3010 NE Holladay St. in Portland. For more Information, call 503-893-9022. Register at urbanhealthnw.com.
for more announcement
When: July 11-12, 9:00 am-5:00 pm Location: Open Arms Adventist Church Handcrafted items, food, raffles, and tons of fun. Visit the Bazaar July 11-12, 9-5 am to find your special item, participate in the raffles, and/or get some good eats. Open Arms Adventist Church is located at 15150 NE Glisan St. Portland, Ore. Funds raised will go towards a new church sign.
When: July 18 & 19, 10:00 am - 7:00 pm Location: One Day Church Building near ABC Start going through your books now to donate books for the Used Book Sale during Gladstone Camp Meeting! Portland Adventist Community Services (PACS) and the Adventist Book Center (ABC) and are sponsoring a used book sale at campmeeting and will split the proceeds. This year's sale will be held in the One Day Church Building on Thursday July 18 and Friday July 19, 10:00 am - 7:00 pm. The stacks of books will be sold for $2.00 per inch. Help by bringing your donations of books to either the ABC or PACS by Wednesday July 17. Then come and find some great books for reading and sharing when the sale is going on!
Continued on next page...
& event information please visit www.oregonconference.org/announcements – this page is updated weekly.
When: August 6-September 24, 6:30 pm Location: Castle Rock Adventist Church Christian Berdahl the director of Shepherd’s Call Ministry will be featured in a free 6-week video presentation at Castle Rock Adventist Church, each Tuesday, August 6 – September 24, 2013, at 6:30 pm. The series is titled Distraction Dilemma-Exposing Distractions & Dangers in Music. To conclude the series, Christian Berdahl will speak in person September 27 & 28. A fellowship dinner will be held on the 28th with a sacred concert by Christian Berdahl in the evening. Castle Rock Adventist Church is located at 7531 Old Pacific Hwy. N., Castle Rock, Wash. For more information please call Wanda at 360-9672165 or Jeanne at 360-274-6709. for more announcement
When: July 13, 7:00 pm Location: Hood View Adventist Church
When: July 26, 6:30 pm Location: Castle Rock Adventist Church
Join us on July 13 at 7:00pm for this special concert! These gospel music singers from Tennessee will share a story of love and hope through a combination of Brandon’s captivating thoughts and stories, mixed with Chrysta’s soaring vocal capabilities. They offer their audience more than just entertainment, they offer the hope that is found in Jesus! The Hood View Adventist Church is located at 26775 SE Kelso Rd in Boring, Oregon.
Simply Cooking with Ronni Reinecke will feature "Breakfast is Served" on July 26, at 6:30 pm. These plant-based recipe demonstrations and samples are tasty and free. Please call to register with Wanda at 360-967-2165 or Jeanne at 360-274-6709. The Castle Rock Adventist Church is located at 7531 Old Pacific Hwy. N., Castle Rock, Wash.
All links are clickable here and elsewhere in the eCommuniqué.
& event information please visit www.oregonconference.org/announcements – this page is updated weekly.
Come Unto Me
Gladstone Camp Meeting July 16 - 20, 2013
Transitions Abraham Acosta (Natalya) has joined the Hispanic Ministries team for the month of July, then will transition to Bible Worker for the Portland-area Spanish churches.
David Schmidt (Donna) is retiring from his position as pastor of the Grand Ronde/Sheridan/River's Edge district.
Brian Gang (Sarah) is joining the Oregon Conference as Principal for Hood View Junior Academy from the Washington Conference.
Natalya Acosta (Abraham) has joined the Oregon Conference office staff as Payroll Administrative Assistant.
Jim Osborne (Melody) is retiring from his position as pastor of the Albany church.
Larry Aldred (Susan) is retiring from his position as Principal/Teacher at Rogue Valley Adventist Academy.
Chad Reisig (Michelle) has accepted the position as pastor of the Milo church.
Ann Campbell will be transitioning from her position as Principal of Rivergate Adventist School to that of Principal for Rogue Valley Adventist Academy.
VJ Puccinelli (Marilyn) has filled the position of interim pastor for Tabernacle church. Brent Plubell has joined the Oregon Conference as an auditor. Wayne Wentland (Birdena) has retired from his position as Vice President for Education. Gale Crosby (Sharon) is joining the Oregon Conference Vice President for Education from his position as principal of Portland Adventist Academy. Daniel Nicola (Jane) is transitioning to the position of Principal for Portland Adventist Academy from the Southeast California Conference.
David Perrin (Bambi) has joined the Oregon Conference office as Director of Human Resources from Adventist Health. Monte Torkelsen (Darla) is transitioning from his position as Youth/Big Lake Director to that of Chaplain/Development Director for Portland Adventist Academy. Tracy Wood (Angelina) will be transitioning from Associate Youth Director to Youth Director for the Oregon Conference. Will Aylsworth (Becky) has resigned his position with the Gladstone ABC.
Dale Milam (Darla) has transitioned from the postion of Associate Education Superintendent to that of Vice President of Student Affairs at Milo.
Bruce Schmidt (Gwen) is retiring from his position as Principal/Teacher at McMinnville Adventist Christian School.
Matthew Butte (Michelle) is transitioning from Principal at Columbia Adventist Academy to Associate Education Superintendent for the Oregon Conference.
Holley Bryant (Matt) will be transitioning from her position as Principal of Hood View Junior Academy to Walla Walla University.
S U N SET CAL ENDAR Bend Eugene Hood River Longview Medford Newport Portland
Chris Tait (Tae) is transitioning from the position of Principal/Teacher for Emerald Adventist Academy to that of Principal for Rivergate Adventist School. Philip Ermshar (Cheri) has accepted the position of Principal for Grants Pass Adventist School from Southeast California Conference. Bob McDonald (Lorraine) has retired from his position as Principal for Portland Adventist Elementary. Barbara Plubell (Dennis) has accepted the position of Principal for Portland Adventist Elementary from the Chesapeake Conference. Brenda Zollbrecht (Tim) is joining the Oregon Conference as an auditor in addition to her work as Portland Adventist Community Services (PACS) and the Tabernacle church.
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A publication of the Oregon Conference Communication Department • Gary McLain, director • Krissy Barber, administrative assistant To submit stories, announcements, or to get in touch with us please email us at krissy.barber@oc.npuc.org or call 503.850.3500 To subscribe to the eCommuniqué visit www.OregonConference.org. Click on the green "Subscribe to the eCommuniqué" button.