A new way to keep up with what's going on in the Oregon Conference —without wasting paper.
e Communiqué JUNE/JULY | 2015 | VOL.NO. 65
Oregon youth leaders have found that rock climbing offers experiences that help teens find a connection with God. PAGE 2
After camp meeting this summer, ABC flyers are going paperless! Read how you can still stay in the ABC-sale know! PAGE 3
Bits of news from around the Conference and around the world that we thought you might find interesting. PAGE 4
With summer comes the season of transition, it seems. Read who will be joining us in the OC and who will be starting a new adventure. PAGE 6
Beth Reimche
Members in ministry...
...we all have our place to serve
By Al Reimche
God’s goodness is when the storm and amazing he wind blew, the rain fell, the lightning flashed, the thunder rolled … and the sun sunset happened. The staff left their sharing and shone brilliantly through all that as it slipped be- quietly went out to watch the drama unfold. As hind the trees on the western horizon, covering the they stood arm in arm and singing praises, my evening with a surreal sense of wonderment. That heart was filled with a peace and depth of assurevening was the dedication service of the Big Lake ance that God’s presence was there. Youth Camp staff as they begin their intense summer I was reminded again that As I write this, there is a huge focus around the of ministry to thousands of children and parents. It wherever we are...that God's world on the upcoming Conference Sesstarted with the directors spirit is very real...and He will General sion and on the church washing the feet of each of the camp staff at the bless us as we share His love business that will be taking place. This session will take waterfront, while the two with everyone we meet. place in San Antonio, Texdocks echoed each other’s as, a huge city, thousands songs. This worship was followed by an agape supper in a beautifully of miles away from Oregon. I know without a decorated lodge where many of the staff shared doubt that God’s presence will be very real there how they had personally seen God working in as well, and that He will bless the church as it their lives even that week. The Holy Spirit was moves into the next quinquennium. in that place. It was during this quiet exchange of c o n t i n u e d o n pa g e 2...
Oregon Conference of Seventh-day Adventists • 19800 Oatfield Rd • Gladstone, OR 97027 • 503-850-3500 • www.OregonConference.org
Beth Reimche
TEENS FIND GOD ON THE ROCKS Our place to serve c o n t i n u e d f ro m pa g e
Back to Big Lake Youth Camp – as the sun settled in the western sky and the light faded, the staff again came together in the lodge. It was powerful to hear the staff pray for each other and dedicate each area of camp and the staff that will be involved in that activity or place. It was clear that they have a conviction and commitment that their role in working with each camper and parent is to show Jesus, and to share Him with each person they interact with this summer. It takes an enormous amount of energy to be on duty and responsible for such a huge endeavor, but these staff are up to the challenge. There is an authenticity and genuineness among them and they are truly frontline Members in Ministry. It was an unforgettable and cherished moment when the staff surrounded my wife and me along with the other conference office staff and prayed for all the leadership in this conference that supports the youth and the work of bringing young people to know and love and serve God. I was reminded again that wherever we are— up in the mountains or attending meetings in a large city—that God’s Spirit is very real when hearts are open to Him, and He will bless us as we share His love with everyone we meet. We need to follow the example of the Big Lake Youth Camp staff and pray for each other, encourage and affirm each other, and go forth with God’s energy to live His love. If you are the parent of a camper, if you are a staff member, if you know a child who is going to camp, be assured that God is in that place. Keep each of the staff in your prayers daily so that they can continue to personally know God, and that even among the stress and fatigue that they all experience, they will feel the joy of service. I hope that they will remember the evening of the dedication – that even when life becomes stormy and threatening, the Son will continue to shine through and create beauty out of darkness. I pray each of us in the Oregon Conference will follow the model I witnessed: pray for each other, encourage each other, and always remember that God’s love is like a sunset that pierces the dark times. Members in Ministry – we all have our place to serve.
By Rachel Scribner Imagine dangling from a cliff in a harness, holding on to your rope. The view is incredible, but it’s strange to see treetops and clouds below you. Feel the sun on your back, the flutter in your stomach, and the wind in your hair. Now let out some rope, and jump down the rock face as you watch the world go flying by. Is it exhilarating? Terrifying? A little of both?
Sabbath morning, groups rotated through 10 spiritually-themed stations including rappelling, prayer, and a balancing slack line that taught teens to stay focused on their goal. When teens explored a dark chasm, group leaders reminded them that even if they couldn’t see the light, it was still there. “When life seems dark … don’t lose hope,” Kielman says. “God never leaves you or forsakes you.”
Rock climbing can be an emotional experience, especially for teens. And according to teen event planner Bob Gaede, that’s precisely why extreme adventures help teens open up about God.
“It’s a hands on experience … a spiritual journey,” says Gaede, who has lead teen events for 20 years. “The spiritual part is the most important.”
“[The] kid’s about 6’2”, but he’s scared to death,” Gaede says.
This year, Michael Gregory planned Oregon’s Pathfinder Teen Rock Climbing event with Gaede and his team. Teen Pathfinders converged at Smith Rock State Park from April 24-26 to scramble, swing, and rappel up, down and across the imposing rock faces. And as the teens exercised their muscles on the cliffs, group leaders shared applications to stretch them spiritually. Taylor Kielman planned the spiritual applications with his wife Crystal, Gregory, and Gregory’s wife Lauren. Kielman and his team brainstormed aspects of climbing that relate to the Christian walk. The team asked group leaders to “bring up spiritual conversations” with their teens through the weekend. “I wanted to talk about how God can save us even though sometimes we may fall,” Kielman says.
Friday night, teens divided into groups to learn skills they’d need for climbing, such as knot tying, always with a spiritual side.
One year, Gaede recalls, a 15-year-old non-Adventist Pathfinder panicked and refused to step off the cliff and start repelling.
Gaede suggested a prayer, but the young man said he didn’t know how to pray. “So I just prayed a simple prayer, ‘Lord … he doesn’t have the courage to go over the edge, and he needs that right now, amen,’” Gaede says. Gaede finished his prayer and turned to the young man. “I said, ‘You ready to go?’ He said ‘Yeah,’ and he stepped back and he went over the edge.” Gaede’s eyes light up as he smiles. “That’s the kind of experience that makes you want to come back again and again,” he says. “And those kind of experiences happen every year.”
gladstone campJulymeeting 21-25, 2015
This year’s speakers include:
Lee Venden Jon Paulien Carla Gober Park
Learn more at www.OregonConference.org
called to
members in ministry
Tracy Wood Accepts Call to the NAD
Note Worthy... GC Session Daily Updates
The Gleaner is your source for Northwest reports from the GC Session in San Antonio, Texas. Daily reports will be sent via email during the session through GleanerWeekly with firsthand perspectives from Northwest delegates. Sign up for our e-newsletter at www.gleanerweekly.com.
Statement on the Tragic Shooting in Charleston, SC
The president of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America, Daniel R. Jackson, issued the following statement on June 18, 2015 in response to the shooting death of nine people at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church in Charleston, South Carolina:
“The Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America is heartbroken by the senseless killing of the Reverend Clementa Pinckney and eight other worshipers during Wednesday evening service in their church. We are saddened by the heartache it has caused their family, the members of the Emanuel AME Church, and the Charleston community. We extend our deepest condolences and continue to pray for the victims and their families. The Seventh-day Adventist Church condemns not only the killing of any person, but also the hatred, based on a person's race, that apparently motivated this shooting. We believe that God loves all of His children equally, regardless of race, gender, religion, or lifestyle, and we are called to do the same. We again call for open, honest, and civil conversation about the realities of the racial divide that continues to plague this country. This conversation must focus on the rights and equality of every member of our communities. We stand with the people of Charleston and indeed across North America that strive to be agents of peace, love, and grace in their communities.
Pastor Tracy Wood, Oregon Conference director of Youth & Young Adult Ministries has accepted a call to join the North American Division (NAD) team for Youth & Young Adult Ministries. Tracy will serve as Director for Young Adults and Adventist Christian Fellowship - North America (the ministry for Adventist Students on Public Campuses). Tracy will also assist with Teen Leadership Training (TLT), given his doctoral research in this area. He will join Armando Miranda, Jr., who is joining the team from Texas, and James Black, Sr., current director for Youth & Young Adult Ministries, who will now focus on serving senior youth – which includes camps, high school, AYS, federations, convention planning, resource development, and department chair. Tracy's wife, Angelina, current director of Oregon Conference Risk Management, will be transitioning to the east coast this fall to be with Tracy. More information about her transition will be shared as it becomes available.
New Book By WWU Faculty Member
A Time to Forgive by Darold Bigger, Walla Walla University professor of theology, tells the heart breaking story of pain turned to forgiveness in the events surrounding their daughter Shannon's death. In its three parts, the book tells the difficult story, gives an in-depth look at forgiveness, and offers an unique and helpful look at love. The book provides a perspective that enables the reader to more easily love their enemies and forgive them. To see a brief interview with Bigger and learn more about his new book, visit the Adventist Book Center online at www.adventistbookcenter.com/.
Historic Volume of Early Adventism Unveiled
The Voice of Truth, a hardcover volume containing nearly three years of weekly newsletters published in Rochester, N.Y., between October 1844 and June 1847, is now on display to view. The newsletters are part of a 10,000-volume collection at the H.M.S. Richards Library at La Sierra University in Riverside, Calif. The Voice of Truth newsletter volume was discovered last summer in a storage unit maintained by the Richards family. The first newsletter in the collection was published just 12 days prior to the Great Disappointment of Oct. 22, 1844. Of all the historic artifacts in the Richards library, the newsletter volume is among the most significant because of its insights into the very roots of Seventh-day Adventist history. Read more about The Voice of Truth and additional artifacts in the library from Adventist Review online at http://bit.ly/1C9VPbm.
To bring a lasting change we, as a church, must always treat all people with the love and compassion that Jesus modeled for us. While last night in Charleston, hate took the lives of nine innocent people, we know that in the end love will win.
Statement on Supreme Court Decision on Same-Sex Marriage
“We once again pray for the day when all of God’s children will treat each other without suspicion, bias and hatred. As the Apostle Paul reminds us: ‘There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. (Galatians 3:28, NKJV)’”
Even with the Supreme Court’s decision, the Seventh-day Adventist Church maintains its fundamental belief that marriage was divinely established in Eden and affirmed by Jesus to be a lifelong union between a man and a woman.
Judge Rules Man Was Fired for Refusal to Work Sabbath
A U.S. federal judge has ruled that a Seventh-day Adventist employee was fired in apparent retaliation for his refusal to work on Sabbath and awarded him more than $150,000 in back pay. Sean Mohammed lost his job as assistant manager at Mini Price Storage, a chain of self-storage businesses based in Virginia Beach, Va., in 2011 after a run-in with a new supervisor over Sabbath work, The Virginian-Pilot newspaper reported Thursday. The judge noted that Mohammed had been found to be an “excellent” employee in “secret shop evaluations” from 2008 to 2010. Read more in the Adventist Review at http://bit.ly/1JvRSgQ.
The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday, June 26, released its decision legalizing same-sex marriage across the United States.
While the church respects the opinions of those who may differ, it will continue to teach and promote its biblically-based belief of marriage between a man and a woman. The Seventh-day Adventist Church believes that all people, regardless of race, gender, and sexual orientation are God’s children and should be treated with civility, compassion, and Christ-like love. More information on the Adventist Church’s belief on marriage can be found at http://bit.ly/1IOhL8S. For additional news visit http://www.oregonconference.org/news_entries.
For more announcement & event information, visit http://bit.ly/1eN3VpV. This page is updated each week.
What: Positions open now Location: Submit application info to Ore. Con. HR Thanks to two one-time special donations, the Member Ministries Department is hiring two part-time field coordinators. One will work in the area of Disaster Response and the other in Women’s Ministries. Both will report to Cheri Corder, our Associate Director of Member Ministries, who oversees these areas. For more info, visit www.OregonConference.org> Resources>Employment or follow this link: http://www.oregonconference.org/employment-home FILIPINOS! YOU'RE INVITED TO CAMP MEETING!
When: July 21-25, 2015 Location: Gladstone, Ore. Attention, all Filipinos of the Oregon Conference: You are invited to attend Gladstone Camp Meeting in Gladstone, Ore., from Tuesday July 21 to Sabbath July 25! The Filipinos of the Oregon Conference will be doing the program in the Big Tent, on that Wednesday, at the 7:00 pm meeting. Please come and give your support and wear your Filipiniana at the Wednesday evening meeting. For the Sabbath potluck lunch, there is a plan to meet under the covered play area at the Rivergate Adventist School. Bring your own chairs. Magkita tayo doon. (Let’s see each other there.) CAMP MEETING BLOOD DRIVE
When: July 23 & 24, 2015 Location: Reserve your appointment time now! You can reserve your blood donation appointment time for Thursday, July 23 or Friday, July 24 now! Choose appointments between 10:30 am and 4:30 pm either day. To schedule an appointment, go to www.redcrossblood.org. Call 1-800-RED-CROSS or contact Jeanie at Jeanie.Greisser@redcross.org or 503-866-2023 for assistance. For eligibility info call the Eligibility Hotline at 1-866-236-3276. If you are not eligible to donate, please consider helping as a recruiting, registration, or canteen volunteer July 21-24. Sponsor code: SDAConference.
When: Now through July 16 Location: Wherever you are!
When: July 27-31, 2015 Location: Hood View Adventist Church
Getting ready for Oregon Camp Meeting? More important than arranging your schedule, preparing the RV or tent, or checking the weather forecast, is prayer. To join others in praying, visit www.Called2Pray.org or www.facebook.com/OCCalled2Pray. Pray for God's blessing on the speakers as they prepare, and that God will prepare our minds for the blessings He will give at camp meeting. Together let’s ask God to do some extraordinary things at camp meeting this month. SEEING JESUS THROUGH MUSLIM EYES
Join us in Hometown Nazareth July 27-31, 9:30 am-11:30 am each morning, where we'll explore what life was like when Jesus was a kid! You'll craft cool projects in the marketplace, laugh as you play Bibletimes games, visit with Jesus' mom, Mary, and eat foods just like Jesus ate. Plus, you'll meet lots of new friends! Ages 4 yrs-4th grade welcome. All other ages welcome with an adult. For more information and to register, go to www.hoodviewchurch.org. Hood View Adventist Church is located at 26775 SE Kelso Road in Boring, Ore.
When: July 18, 2015 Location: McMinnville Adventist Church
Join us for a seminar in training and equipping the body of Christ to reach Muslims for Jesus (Isa). Seeing Jesus Through Muslim Eyes will be presented by A Sure Harvest Ministries on July 18, beginning at 2:00 pm at the McMinnville Adventist Church. A mini piano concert will be presented before the seminar begins. The McMinnville Adventist Church is located at 1500 SW Old Sheridan Road in McMinnville, Ore. Call 503-472-7841 for more information. YOU'RE INVITED TO SING WITH BELLE CANTORI
When: July 24, 2015 Location: Gladstone Camp Meeting A special invitation to women.... If you are a woman who loves to sing, as a chorus member or soloist, please consider this your personal invitation to sing for the Friday evening service at Gladstone Camp Meeting, July 24! No vocal training required. This is your opportunity for the very special experience and blessing of joining your voice with a larger women’s chorus. Give God the opportunity to gift you and others a special blessing! You will be singing with Belle Cantori from Meadowglade and with ladies from Sunnyside. Please provide your name, the vocal part you are comfortable singing, your email address, the church community from which you come, and your phone number at manatiuk@yahoo.com or 360-666-9684.
When: Needed now Location: Throughout the Portland area Did you know that hospice is also about living life? Make a difference. Adventist Hospice patients need your gift of a little time as a volunteer! Are you good with tools, play an instrument, like to garden, or like to play cards? Does it feed you to make people feel better? Help me match you with a waiting need. Caregivers need breaks to “recharge” their energies to tend to their loved one. Hospice patients with no family, especially, are greatly moved by your presence. You will be treated as an employee of Adventist Hospice and held with the honor that you deserve. If you feel called, please contact the Adventist Health Hospice Volunteer Coordinator at 503-251-6192 to learn more about the application process! Training to be offered in August. Date forthcoming. MEDIA ON THE BRAIN
When: August 1, 2015 Location: Whipple Creek Adventist Church The Whipple Creek Seventh-day Adventist Church is hosting Scott Ritsema of Belt of Truth Ministries on August 1 for Media on the Brain. The pre-registration special ends July 5. Registration is now open at www.whipplecreekadventist.org. Contact Jon Beaty at 503-567-2777 with questions. All links are clickable here and elsewhere in the eCommuniqué.
Transitions Bryce Bowman (Sandy) will be joining the Oregon Conference from the Indiana Conference as the pastor for the Bandon/Coquille distict.
Edwin Vargas (Lisanette) is transitioning from Remix and Canby Spanish to Remix and planting a Portland/Tigard area Spanish congregation with Marco Quarteroli.
Luis Fajardo (Katia) is no longer pastoring the Salem Spanish church.
Steve Wall (Janice) is no longer pastoring the Seaside/Long Beach/Astoria district.
Sam Moreno (Wendy) has returned from seminary, and is pastoring the Keizer Spanish company, as well as helping start a multi-ethnic congregation in the Keizer area.
Toni Williams (Gary) has fully retired from her position in the Trust/Legal department.
Arthur Ordelheide is moving from his teaching position at the Tillamook School to the year-round program director for Big Lake Youth Camp. Juan Pacheco (Patricia) is transitioning from the Tillamook Spanish congregation to the Tualatin Spanish church, but will continue pastoring at the Beaverton Spanish church. Marco Quarteroli is adding a Portland/Tigard area Spanish church plant to his current assignment with the Mosaic congregation. He will be working with Edwin Vargas on the project. Samuel Tahay (Teresa) is transitioning from the Keizer and Tualatin Spanish congregations to the Canby and Tillamook Spanish congregations. Tracy Wood (Angelina) is transitioning from his position as director of Youth and Young Adults Ministries and Pathfinders for the Oregon Conference to be NAD director of Young Adult Ministries.
Liesl Schnibbe is working half-time in each the HR and Trust/Legal departments. Hector Alvarez (Julie) is transitioning from his principal position at the Tillamook Adventist School to the Northern California Conference. Kimberly Cornette (Richard) is transitioning from Rogue Valley Adventist Academy to a principal/ teacher position at the Scappoose Adventist School. Bobi Crenshaw (Douglas) is transitioning out of the Oregon Conference from her head teacher position at Klamath Falls Adventist Christian School. Bobbi DeWeber is transitioning from her head teacher position at Central Valley Christian School to Klamath Falls School. Holly Dysart (Cory) is transitioning out of the Oregon Conference from her head teacher position at West Valley Christian School.
Su n set Calendar Bend Eugene Hood River Longview Medford Newport Portland
Sharilyn Smith is moving into the principal positon at Rivergate Adventist School. Mike LeSage (Luanne) is joining the Oregon Conference from Texas, to be the principal at Central Valley Christian School. Gayle Norton (Armetta) is joining the Oregon Conference from Walla Walla Valley Academy, to be the principal at Tillamook Adventist School. Gordon Smith (Flor) is transitioning out of the Oregon Conference from his principal position at Scappoose Adventist School. Chris Tait (Tae Sun) is transitioning out of the Oregon Conference from his principal position at Rivergate Adventist School.
Member Ministries Dept. Offering Two Part-time Positions Thanks to two special donations, the Oregon Conference Member Ministries Department is hiring two part-time field coordinators. One will work in the area of Disaster Response, the other in Women’s Ministries. Both will report to Cheri Corder, associate director of Member Ministries. Visit http://bit.ly/1kIioVq to learn more.
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A publication of the Oregon Conference Communication Department • Gary McLain, director • Krissy Barber, administrative assistant To submit stories, announcements, or to get in touch with us please email us at krissy.barber@oc.npuc.org or call 503.850.3500 To subscribe to the eCommuniqué visit www.OregonConference.org. Click on the green "Subscribe to the eCommuniqué" button.