A new way to keep up with what's going on in the Oregon Conference —without wasting paper.
e Communiqué MARCH | 2014 | VOL.NO. 51
Photo provided by Judy Johnson
There are a lot of young people in the Oregon Conference who are committed and passionate about their churches and faith. PAGE 2
Learn about Adventist Health's new PAD screening. Answering a few simple questions might just save your life! PAGE 3
Orchards church is celebrating the new members who made the committment of baptism in February! Learn more about their stories. PAGE 3
Bits of news from around the Conference and around the world that we thought you might find interesting. PAGE 4
A Snowy day at church One congregation braves "Snowlandia 2014"
By Judy Johnson
his past weekend was quite the adventure! At first we didn’t even think we would get the snow that was predicted. The clouds looked so high and light. At noon, however, the first flakes began to fall, and by late afternoon, it was falling thick and fast. I was at an elderly lady’s home, taking care of her. She was out of bread, so I ran out to the store to get more. I was driving my truck, but could feel the wheels spin and slide a little when the lights turned green. I knew it was time to head home.
When we heard that the Vancouver deaf congregation had canceled their services we became worried that we should do the same. Sabbath morning, our small group video-phoned each other and decided to go ahead with services. We agreed to drive only the 4x4 vehicles we had; those who did not have four-wheel drive would be picked up. You see, we had a special guest speaker who had arrived late Friday night from Michigan and we didn’t want to waste the money we had spent, or our speaker’s time.
...I needed to get home before it got any worse.
I left the woman with three loaves of bread, and told her I needed to head home before it got any worse. After picking up a few things for dinner and Sabbath potluck, I drove toward home at a creeping 40 mph though the snow. Praise the Lord, I had no trouble getting home.
While the church was still closed for hearing people, our little crazy deaf group went ahead and came to church in our snow boots, heavy sweaters, and casual clothes. God watched over us in our four-wheel drive as we picked up a stranded couple whose battery had died. Everyone got there safely, nine of us in all. c o n t i n u e d o n pa g e
Oregon Conference of Seventh-day Adventists • 19800 Oatfield Rd • Gladstone, OR 97027 • 503-850-3500 • www.OregonConference.org
Photo provided by Judy Johnson
SNOW DAY c o n t i n u e d f ro m pa g e
COMMITTED and Passionate
One poor lady missed the memo and came in church clothes, dress, heels, and all! She was cold and soaked by time she arrived, so we turned up the heat and she smiled as she put her coat over her legs. We all really enjoyed the presentation by Alan Meis, our guest speaker. His parents are deaf, though he is not. He signs very well and his amazing message kept us on the edge of our seats, wide-eyed as he used multiple Bible stories to address the question "Is Anything Hard for God?" After the first presentation, we started putting our haystack potluck together. We quickly realized that since the whole group had not been able to come, we had a food shortage on our hands! We went home and went through cupboards and fridges, bringing back all the haystack fixings we had. We found we had just about all the needed ingredients! And we had leftovers! So much so that most of us had seconds! God is so good! Near 4 o'clock, the second presentation finished and someone mentioned that it was very icy outside. We packed up all of our things and quickly headed toward home. The ice was so thick we had to scrape it off our cars as we said hurried farewells and gave hugs. I held onto the dash as we tried to get Alan to the airport as quickly, and as safely, as possible. He made one of the last flights out of Portland, as most of the flights were cancelled as the ice thickened. We arrived home safely, and stayed there, as the ice turned everything into a skating rink. As I write this on Sunday morning, it’s still very icy. I didn’t go to work today because of the ice. I hope the elderly lady will be alright with the extra bread I left her. I can’t wait to check on her tomorrow, once things start to thaw. I hope things do not flood as the ice and snow melts. Thank God for his blessings!
By Al Reimche There are many things that I could write about this month. Executive committee decisions, town hall meetings, visits to different churches, and the Conference Bible Experience for Pathfinders all have stories to tell or information to share, but the standouts for me were two events, both on the same day last week.
a reality. One of the 16-year-old youth, spent last summer working to earn enough to purchase his first car. Throughout the summer he had been able to save $800 and was dreaming of what he could buy with these funds. I am sure it was a difficult decision to make but after hearing the need he made one of the biggest sacrifices of his life by giving those $800 to help his church with the purchase.
Last Wednesday David Freedman and I were asked to look at a church which our Russian congregation is interested in purchasing. We drove to the site and took a tour of the building which would give the congregation the opportunity to have a church to call home after renting for a number of years. The building looked well maintained, newly renovated, and appeared to be just what they needed. After the tour we sat together and discussed the financial challenge of the potential purchase. The members explained the need for a home base to continue expanding the kingdom in the Portland area. They talked about the work they were currently involved in with both radio and television in reaching Russian families in the community. They talked about the immigrant nature of the church, how many have just recently come to America and are struggling to make ends meet in their new home. Many of the youth in the church are working hard to gain an education so that they can be productive members in this new country.
The church is still $300,000 short of the required funds, but we cannot lose sight of that example of eadership by a member of our youth. I also heard about a young girl who brought her piggy bank to her parents and asked, "Would this be enough to buy the church?" It is going to take a miracle for this purchase to happen, but God is capable of taking the leadership and sacrifice of these young people and multiplying it for His glory. If you want to be part of this miracle, send your gift to the Oregon Conference Russian Building Fund.
I was also told about a young girl who brought her piggy bank to her parents and asked, "Would this be enough to buy the church?"
It became apparent as we talked that though this church facility would be a great blessing for the congregation, they were struggling to find the necessary funds to make the required down payment. It was in this setting that they told me the story of how this possibility had been shared with the congregation and members had begun digging deep to find ways to make this dream
Later the same day I was privileged to listen as a group of young adults met at the Newberg church to share their dreams and passion for their church at the 180° Symposium. For over two hours, these young adults described their affirmations of their church homes and then talked about their vision for the church they want to lead. The major themes of the evening's conversation included their desire for involvement, the need for older, experienced mentors, and opportunities for service. I asked a question toward the end of the discussion about what the church would look like if they were given the chance to lead. The ideas that flowed from the group were inspiring and insightful. They shared ideas about organization, such as having more flexibility in the programming, changing the format (e.g., study/Sabbath c o n t i n u e d o n n e x t pa g e ...
c o n t i n u e d f ro m pa g e
School following the worship service), changing the start-time to later in the morning, and finding a way to involve everyone and their talents. They shared ideas about sermons and preaching which included having the sermon topic available for study before the sermon and following up afterward with engaged study, having fewer stand-alone sermon topics with more sermon series, inviting church members to preach (which would allow for more sharing of stories of God's impact in their lives), and keeping the sermon short in order to put more emphasis on fellowship. And finally, there were ideas about the overall spiritual direction of the church. These young adults want to see that the gospel is at the center of everything done, and that leadership is wholly consecrated and focused on discipleship. One of the thoughts that was a major take-away from the night came part way through the two-hour discussion. When asked if entertainment was what they expected from their church, the young adults in this "180 degree symposium" stated that they would rather have an opportunity to bond and minister together than be entertained. As one said, "You can find happiness in a community without entertainment when you have a purpose." With youth and young adults committed and passionate for God, our church is and will be in good hands.
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Answering a few simple questions could save your life
t won't replace a visit to your doctor, but our free screening can give you a good idea of your risk for peripheral artierial disease (PAD), which is a potentially dangerous—but treatable—disorder. Just scan the code at the right or visit http://NWRegionalHeart.com and take a few minutes to answer the questions. If you answers indicate you have elevated numbers, we'll call you to schedule a free vascular test at Northwest Regional Heart and Vascular! A little time, a lot of peace of mind and zero cost to you. What more could you ask for? Take the test today. Visit NWRegionalHeart.com to complete your screening. Or you can simply scan the QR code below with your mobile device to access the screening.
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Orchards celebrates Baptisms Over the weekend of FebThis photo ruary 15, 22 people were includes 2 baptized at Orcha 0 of the 22 peo baptized at Orchards Adple rds o February 15. (Mid ver the weekend ventist Church in Vancouof dle: Duan e McKey. ) ver, Wash. The baptisms were the result of a series held January 24-February 15, by Duane McKey. The meetings were held on Friday evenings, Sabbath mornings, Sabbath evenings, Sunday evenings and Monday evenings. Approximately 67,500 postcards were sent out to the surrounding community to advertise the meetings and close to 65 people attended at least once because of the postcard they had received. Those baptized included a family who came to know church members through the summer Sidewalk Kids program, and an attendee of the Discover Bible School, which was held last November.
Jeopardy Features Oakwood Student
Note Worthy... Animal Encounters
As part of the Adventist church's 2014 emphasis on creation, the General Conference is releasing an 11 episode TV series titled Animal Encounters. The series was filmed in southern Africa and follows three friends as they tour some of the big game parks the region is famous for. Using stunning videography, each 25-minute episode highlights a different animal, from diving with sharks in the wild to learning to trust wolves. The series will be airing on the Hope Channel, and can be purchased in DVD format through the Adventist Book Center. Additionally the series is being released online with four of the 11 episodes currently online. Start watching Animal Encounters today at http://bit.ly/1o9hPWx!
Ellen White Portrayer Dies Unexpectedly
Rita Hoshino, widely known by North American Adventists for portraying Ellen G. White, died unexpectedly last week from complications of kidney disease and pneumonia. She was 58. Hoshino’s portrayal of Ellen White took her across the nation, bringing “Ellen” back to life for such events as the Hiram Edson Farm dedication, Loma Linda University Hospital’s centennial anniversary, and the 2010 General Conference session in Atlanta, Ga. She was also a favorite at Pathfinder camporees, church services, schools and camp meetings. With the approval of the Ellen G. White Estate, Hoshino was invited to be a representative of Adventist Heritage Ministry. Read more at http://bit.ly/1o9hYcG.
Innovative Evangelism
Web and communication professionals from around the world gathered recently to explore new methods of communicating the Adventist message. The annual Global Adventist Internet Network (GAiN) conference was keynoted by Martha Gabriel, who challenged participants to know their audience and find innovative ways to make the message relevant to them. Attendees were challenged by talks about content, gamification and social media. The final morning, Antonio Monteiro, the pastor recently released from a Togo prison after nearly two years, shared his story and how social media and the "Pray for Togo" campaign encouraged him. Learn more about the conference at http://bit.ly/1hEctRb.
Mt. Ellis Selects New Principal
The Montana Conference board of education has named Michael Lee as the next principal of Mount Ellis Academy (MEA), effective July 2014. Bruce Lane will then return to retirement after generously stepping in for a year as interim principal. Lee is a 2001 graduate of MEA and will be the second alumnus to serve as principal. He will finish the current school year in his present role at Hawaiian Mission Academy (HMA) where he teaches choir and religion and serves as the campus chaplain. Prior to joining HMA, Lee taught English in Thailand, and received a master's degree in teaching from Walla Walla University following undergraduate degrees there in religion and biblical languages. Read more at http://bit.ly/1bPp31I.
Trans-European Division President Retires
On February 12, Dr. Bertil Wiklander, President of the Trans-European Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church (TED), informed the Union Presidents and Division Office staff that he is planning to retire as of July 31 this year. Dr Wiklander announced his decision at the staff devotional on Wednesday morning during two days of leadership training for union presidents. Prior to coming to the TED, Dr. Wiklander served in his native Sweden as principal of Ekebyholm School, Union Executive Secretary and President.
This week featured a unique Jeopardy program on television as Kenesha Bennet from Oakwood University joined students from Berkeley and Princeton on the "College Champions" show. In response to questions from the host, she shared why the religious influence on the Adventist campus is a blessing to her. Watch a video clip of her response on the show at http://on.fb.me/1eBBc5m.
European Coalition Seeks Work-Free Sundays
The European Sunday Alliance continues to push for the European Union (EU) parliament to promote legislation for work-free Sundays, with the acknowledgement of a collective day of rest. Behind the movement is an effort to promote decent working hours and safeguard the health and well-being of families across the continent. Adventists and other groups, however, are speaking out with concerns. Read more from Adventist News Network at http://bit.ly/1fXdd1m.
Seattle Hosts The One Project
The One Project drew more than 700 Adventist pastors, students, teachers and other interested individuals to its gathering in Seattle on Feb.10 and 11. The project, an affiliated effort of Adventist collegiate chaplains and pastors, seeks to revive urgency among church leaders and members to focus on the centrality of Jesus in spiritual life. During the meetings, encountered short presentations and videos, shared their own dreams for the church and joined small group discussions. The gathering will be held in Riverside, Calif. this fall, San Diego in February 2015, and will return to Seattle in 2016.
Dr. Leona Running Passes Away
Gone but not forgotten — Dr. Leona Running, 1916-2014, the first woman professor at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary (SDATS), died on January 22, at the age of 97. She was professor of Biblical Languages from 1955 until her retirement in 1981, and continued to teach various language classes for the Old Testament Department after retiring.
Dead Sea Scrolls Now Available on the Web
In December 2012, the Israel Antiquities Authority, in collaboration with Google, launched The Leon Levy Dead Sea Scrolls Digital Library, a website allowing users to view and search high-resolution images of the complete Dead Sea Scrolls archive online. In February 2014, the IAA updated their library to include “10,000 new photographs of unprecedented quality.” Check out this important piece of Bible history at http://www.deadseascrolls.org.il/home.
Want to Get Your Film Screened?
Submissions are now being accepted for the 2014 SONscreen Film Festival. Now in it's 12th year, the festival's theme is "Celebrating Creativity," and will be held March 20-22 at Southern Adventist University, in Collegedale, Tenn. This year's categories include: Drama, Documentary, Animation, Public Service Announcement and High School. This year also includes a new category, “Seventh-day Adventists: United for Mission,” sponsored by the General Conference. While the festival is designed to encourage and showcase the work of students, professionals are also welcome to enter. Learn more about entering and attending the festival at www.SONscreen.com.
Adventist Posthumously Awarded
The Anti-Defamation League has announced it will issue a posthumous Jan Karski Courage to Care award to an Adventist man credited for saving over 1,000 Jewish men, women, and children, Allied pilots, and political opponents of the Nazis during World War II. John Weidner, who died in 1994, founded Dutch-Paris, which became the largest and most successful underground network rescuing people being persecuted for their faith or race. Weidner’s experiences were featured in the book Flee the Captor, first published in 1966 and still available through sources such as Amazon. For additional news visit http://www.oregonconference.org/news_entries.
When: March 15, 2:30 pm Location: Pleasant Valley Adventist Church
When: April 26, 3:00 pm Location: Yakima Adventist Church
When: March 15, 10:00 am-4:00 pm Location: Sunset Lake Camp, Wilkeson, Wash.
Today’s technology has a lot of benefits, but it’s also making it hard to protect kids from pornography, addictive games, and distorted social relationships. Attend ”Help! Technology is Invading My Home!” to learn how to raise awareness, strengthen relationships, set helpful boundaries, and create teachable moments. Reduce the chance that your kids will be caught by the negatives of technology. Register for this free seminar, presented by Project PATCH, happening at 2:30 pm on March 15 at the Pleasant Valley Adventist Church, located at 11125 SE 172nd Ave. in Happy Valley, Ore. Free childcare is provided. For more information call 503-658-2248.
Dr. Jay Sloop, Upper Columbia Conference’s health ministries director, disappeared in Ukraine nine months ago while helping Adventists in Kiev establish a lifestyle center in the Ukrainian capital. Dr. Sloop’s family announced this past week they plan to hold a “Celebration of a Life of Faith” service April 26 at 3:00 pm at the Yakima Adventist Church. Dr. Sloop touched countless lives, both as a physician and as health ministries director.
Sunset Lake Camp (Wilkeson, Wash.) is excited to welcome Dwight K. Nelson to our first-ever RE-fresh weekend on March 15 from 10:00 am - 4:00 pm. The day will feature inspiring music from across the conference and powerful, Christ-centered preaching. It’s like spring cleaning for the soul! Children’s programming will also be provided. Cabins are available. Sabbath breakfast and lunch will also be provided at $10 per plate, or participants can bring their own meals. The event is free of charge. RSVP by calling Sunset Lake at 360-829-0311.
When: March 8, 7:00 pm Location: Hood View Adventist Church
When: March 6 & 7, 2014 Location: Castle Rock Elementary School Hell and Mr. Fudge is a movie based on the true life story of well-respected author and theologian Edward Fudge. It will be shown in Castle Rock, Wash. on March 6 at 7:00 pm and March 9 at 4:00 pm. this is inspirational account of a man who risked losing his family, friends, and career over the simple question: “What is Hell?” Bring a friend and join us at the Castle Rock Elementary School, 700 Huntington Ave. So. Tickets may be purchased at the door; $5 each or $10 family. Register with Wanda at 360-967-2165 or Jeanne at 360-355-2549. NEW BEGINNINGS SEMINAR SERIES
When: March 13-16, 7:00 pm Location: Castle Rock Adventist Church “New Beginnings” a 10-part seminar will be presented at the Castle Rock Adventist Church March 13 -16, at 7:00 pm each night with additional nights to follow. New Beginnings is a dynamic multimedia seminar designed to answer questions you have asked all your life, including “How to know the future”, “Signs you can’t ignore”, and “The great escape.” Our presenters will be F. Ben Moor and Bob Henricksen. For information call 360-967-2165 or 360-355-2549. for more announcement
When: March 7, 7:00 pm Location: Salem Central Adventist Church
When: March 22, 7:00 pm Location: Eugene Adventist Church You are invited to join Matt & Josie Minikus for acoustic concerts featuring a beautiful blend of vocals, guitar, piano, and including many of their original songs. Their music and stories will take you on a journey into a deeper understanding of the love, faithfulness, and beauty of God. To hear samples of their music visit http://bit.ly/Mzt4eH. Come and be blessed! ALTER WIENER, HOLOCAUST SURVIVOR
When: March 8, 5:00 pm Location: Pleasant Valley Adventist Church Alter Wiener is one of the very few Holocaust survivors still living in the Portland area. He moved to Oregon in 2000 and has since shared his life story in more than 800 high schools, churches, synagogues, and prisons. Mr. Wiener published his autobiography, 64735: From A Name to A Number, in April 2007 and is the recipient of various honorary degrees and prestigious awards. Join us at Pleasant Valley Adventist Church to hear his incredible story first-hand on March 8 at 5:00 pm. This event is free and open to the public. Plan to come early as a full house is expected.
When: March 25, 6:30-8:30 pm Location: Eugene Adventist Church The next offering in our FREE Vegan Cooking Class Series will be on Tuesday, March 25 from 6:308:30 pm at the Eugene Adventist Church, 1275 Polk St., Eugene (corner of 13th and Polk). "The Protein Myth Exposed" with chef Brian Igarta and Crystal DuBoyce. Join us for this fun and informational class where we not only share easy and delicious recipes, but also how foods can heal and help us to be the healthiest we can be, and more. For more information, contact Crystal at 541-863-9706 (call or text) or email at veggiechefCD@aol.com. KAY RIZZO SPEAKING AT THE ROCKWOOD WOMEN'S RETREAT
When: May 16-18, 2014 Location: Menucha Retreat Center, Corbett, Ore. Kay Rizzo, a gifted, humorous speaker and a fantastic author, will be the guest speaker at the Rockwood Women's Retreat May 16-18, 2014. The retreat will be held at the Menucha Retreat Center, overlooking the Columbia Gorge in Corbett, Oregon. The cost is $140 per lady. Delicious vegetarian meals will be provided. To register please call 503-6614100 (Rockwood Church) or 503-667-0230 (Shirley Jordan). Please register by March 31. Continued on next page...
& event information please visit www.oregonconference.org/announcements – this page is updated weekly.
Events...continued HELL & MR. FUDGE SCREENING AT HOOD VIEW CHURCH When: March 22, 6:00 pm Location: Hood View Church “Hell and Mr. Fudge” the movie based on the true life story of well-respected author, and theologian Edward Fudge, will be shown in the Hood View Church sanctuary on Sabbath, March 22 at 6:00 pm. This story is an inspirational account of a man who risked losing his family, friends, and career over the simple question: “What is Hell?” Bring a friend and join us. The Hood View Adventist Church is located at 26775 SE Kelso Rd, Boring, Ore. RESCUE IN CONCERT
When: March 8, 7:00 pm Location: Sunnyside Adventist Church RESCUE, a national award-winning vocal group, will be in concert at Sunnyside Adventist Church, March 8 at 7:00 pm. Invite family and friends for an inspiring evening of music and testimony. Admission is free. Learn more about RESCUE at www.rescuemusic.com. LINCOLN CITY SAFETY WORKSHOP
When: March 16, 9:30 am-4:40 pm Location: Lincoln City Adventist Church Attend this safety workshop at the Lincoln City Adventist Church in Lincoln City, Ore. on March 16, from 9:30 am-4:30 pm. This safety wokshop is for everyone who works with children. It's free for members of the Adventist churches in Lincoln City or Nestucca – but $20 for everyone else. To register, call the church office at 541-994-6096. 2014 OREGON MEN'S RETREAT
When: May 2-4, 2014 Location: Grove Christian Camp Join us May 2-4 at the beautiful Grove Christian Camp outside of Cottage Grove, Ore. for the annual Oregon Men's Retreat. Mike Tucker, Speaker/Director of Faith For Today will speak on "Your Identity In Christ." For more info visit: http://bit.ly/1c9pDYd.
for more announcement
When: April 13-17, 2014 Location: Vancouver Adventist Church
When: March 28-30, 2014 Location: Twin Rocks Camp, Rockaway Beach, Ore.
Learn secrets to a healthy garden with Lynn Hoag of Sun Country Gardens, April 13-17. Grow nutritious foods year-round using methods given by inspiration over 100 years ago. Invite your friends and neighbors! Sunday class will be 1:00-7:00 pm. Tuesday-Thursday classes will be 6:00-8:00 pm. $50 per person, $75 per couple. Reserve your place with early registration. Contact Marilyn Puccinelli at 360-609-1461 or email marilyn.puccinelli@gmail.com.
The 2014 Oregon Prayer Conference, featuring Pastor Pavel Goia, will be held on March 28-30 at the Twin Rocks Friends Camp at Rockaway Beach, Ore. Pastor Goia is a powerful speaker on the subject of prayer, sharing several miracles that God has done in his own life. He is the subject of Greg Budd's book, One Miracle After Another. For more info go to http://bit.ly/1iIavTN.
All links are clickable here and elsewhere in the eCommuniqué.
When: March 16, 2014 Location: Spring Hill Country Club Join us on March 16 at the Spring Hill Country Club in Albany for a special women's ministry event. The keynote speaker will be Lisa Marie Buster. Lisa has devoted her life to going out into the streets and lanes to see that the poor and crippled of heart find the kind of love and healing that only Jesus can give. Break out presenters and titles to be announced. Cost is $36 per person. Space is limited. To register for this event, contact Jackie Johnson at macwomensministry@gmail. com. Or you can mail your information to: McMinnville Seventh-day Adventist Church, Attn: Jackie Johnson, PO Box 448, McMinnville, OR 97128. NORTHWEST PRISON MINISTRY RETREAT
When: March 14-16, 2014 Location: Ore. Conference Holden Convention Ctr. For those who may have felt a divine nudge to join the volunteers who bring hope and joy to the incarcerated – and for those who are faithfully going behind prison bars week after week who might need a boost, a refreshment, or a new idea – come to the Northwest Prison Ministries Retreat, March 14-16 at the Oregon Conference Holden Convention Center. Vist www.NWPrisonRetreat.evenbrite.com to learn more.
& event information please visit www.oregonconference.org/announcements – this page is updated weekly.
Transitions John Rengifo (Denny) will be joining the Oregon Conference from from the Pennsylvania Conference to pastor at the Shady Point and Central Point churches.
Lee Larson (Erma) is serving as interim pastor for the Silverton and Stayton churches.
Kang Soo Lee (Hea) is on special assignment, and is no longer pastoring the Central Korean church.
Memories of summer By Jeremy Barber
S u n set Ca l e nda r Bend Eugene Hood River Longview Medford Newport Portland
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A publication of the Oregon Conference Communication Department • Gary McLain, director • Krissy Barber, administrative assistant To submit stories, announcements, or to get in touch with us please email us at krissy.barber@oc.npuc.org or call 503.850.3500 To subscribe to the eCommuniqué visit www.OregonConference.org. Click on the green "Subscribe to the eCommuniqué" button.