Emerald ad mock up

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5.22.12 » The future of news » dailyemerald.com

Emerald Monday

california formed The influx from down south and how it’s shifting Oregon’s culture p12


Debt, stress and its effect on students p10 POLICE BLOTTER

Casual knife bearers and human battering rams p6 ASUO

Ben Eckstein, Katie Taylor will not be removed from office p6

5.22.12 » The future of news » dailyemerald.com

Emerald GameDay

Senior defensive end Terrell Turner puts on a smile for his last season of play p12

IN THE LIMELIGHT “You have our attention. At my metro newspaper and all the others. We’ve been waiting for someone to wake up. Now, give it all you got.” — Editor in the Midwest

“Even in its nascent stage, the Emerald’s creation should serve as an instructional, inspirational model for other professional and student news outlets seeking to reinvent, truly reinvent, in the digital age.” — Dan Reimold, College Media Matters

“WOW. I am incredibly impressed with the University of Oregon’s student newspaper’s digital reinvention. Smarter than most pros.” — Carrie Brown-Smith, University of Memphis

The Oregon Daily Emerald’s 92year streak as a Monday-to-Friday newspaper will end soon. But the Emerald Media Group’s run has just begun. Next fall, we will launch a new Emerald completely rebuilt for the digital age. The daily newspaper will be replaced by a modern college media company. We know what you’re thinking: Another college daily goes down, buckling under the pressure of advancing technology and retreating readership. That’s not our story. Yes, we confront the same challenges as every American media company, but this is not a move made out of financial desperation. The Emerald, as a nonprofit organization, is having its best year financially in more than a decade. We have no debt and a solid reserve fund. We are adapting to a new model to deliver on our mission to serve our community and prepare our student staff for the professional world. We will continue to offer the independent, student-led journalism that has won us national recognition. But we will also offer much more. This is a big change. We know. It wasn’t a decision we made lightly. We did our homework and concluded that this is the best approach for our readers, our staff and our campus.

PRINT Two weekly print editions — Emerald Monday and Emerald Weekend — modeled after alternative weeklies, such as Willamette Week in Portland and The Stranger in Seattle.

WEB & MOBILE Real-time news, community engagement, photo galleries and video on the web and social media. New web and mobile apps to serve students.

EVENTS A marketing division — Emerald Presents — to help create events that make college life better.

ADVERTISING & MARKETING A suite of marketing services the help our clients reach the UO community across multiple platforms: print, web, mobile, social media and street teams.

1/2 5x12

1/12 3.3x2.9

1/8 5x2.9

Reach Campus 20,631 undergraduates 3,816 graduate students 4,700 faculty & staff Alumni 210,000 worldwide

1/4 5x5.9

Print 6,000 circulation 125+ distribution points 3-7 day shelf life Website Monthly average* 46,411 unique visitors 149,965 pageviews *January to June 2012

Social media Twitter 6,240 followers @dailyemerald @odesports Facebook 1,600 likes

Emerald Media Group Brittney Reynolds Advertising director 541.346.5511 x303 breynolds@dailyemerald.com

Sizes listed in inches wide by inches tall. See rate card for more sizes and rates. dailyemerald.com/ratecard

5.22.12 » The future of news » dailyemerald.com

Emerald Wknd


How Saturday market vendor and University senior Erica Hardin uses clay to make people hungry p12

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