Oregon Wild Summer 2010 Volume 37, Number 2
Can we end the Timber Wars in eastern Oregon?
Summer 2010 Volume 37, Number 2
Formerly Oregon Natural Resources Council (ONRC) Working to protect and restore Oregon’s wildlands, wildlife, and waters as an enduring legacy.
Main Office 5825 N Greeley Avenue Portland, OR 97217 Phone: 503.283.6343 Fax: 503.283.0756 www.oregonwild.org
Western Field Office P.O. Box 11648 Eugene, OR 97440 454 Willamette, Suite 203 Phone 541.344.0675 Fax: 541.343.0996
The e-mail address for each Oregon Wild staff member: initials@oregonwild.org (for example: rm@oregonwild.org)
Conservation & Restoration Coord. Doug Heiken x 1 Old Growth Campaign Coordinator Chandra LeGue x 2
Wilderness Coordinator Director of Finance & Admin. Healthy Rivers Campaign Coord. Development Assistant Roadless Wildlands Advocate Development Coordinator Executive Director Grants Coordinator Conservation Director Communications Associate Wildlands Interpreter
Erik Fernandez x 202 Candice Guth x 219 Ani Kame’enui x 205 Denise Kayser x 213 Rob Klavins x 210 Kristina Leamy x 224 Regna Merritt x 214 Allison Oseth x 200 Steve Pedery x 212 Sean Stevens x 211 Wendell Wood x 200
Eastern Field Office 16 NW Kansas Avenue, Bend, OR 97701 Phone: 541.382.2616 Fax: 541.385.3370
Oregon Wild Board of Directors President Vice President/Treasurer Secretary
Gary Guttormsen Megan Gibb Rand Schenck
Susan Applegate Pat Clancy Leslie Logan William Sullivan
Jim Baker Mike Helm Daniel Robertson Jan Wilson
Eastern OR Wildlands Advocate
Tim Lillebo
OWCLF Board of Directors President Treasurer Secretary
Pat Clancy Megan Gibb Jan Wilson
Susan Applegate Gary Guttormsen Rand Schenck
Eastern Oregon old growth campaign
Oregon Wild Summer hikes schedule
Bill’s Excellent Adventures
Jim Baker Leslie Logan
Oregon Wild is a tax-exempt, non-profit charitable organization. Oregon Wild Conservation Leaders Fund (formerly ONRC Action) is a tax-exempt, non-profit social welfare organization. Contributions to Oregon Wild are tax-deductible for those who itemize; contributions to OWCLF are not. Staff are employees of Oregon Wild, which contracts with OWCLF to carry out its activities. Portions of this newsletter are paid for by OWCLF.
co v e r p h o t o : B r e t t C ole A n i n q u i s i t i v e m u l e d e e r p e a k s o u t f r o m b e h i n d a n o l d - g r o w t h Ponderosa pine. Find out more about eastern O regon forests on page 4.
This newsletter is printed on New Leaf 100% recycled, 50% post-consumer, FSC-certified paper with soy-based inks.
Summer 2010 Volume 37, Number 2
From the Director’s Desk
A time of transition Regna Merritt
A legacy of achievement Oregon Wild under Regna Merritt R e g n a M e rri t t, t h e n N o r t hwe st F i e l d Representative, circa 1996
Dear Friends, Oregon Wild is in a time of important transition. After my many years with the organization, including over ten years as Executive Director, we are fully engaged in the process of securing new executive leadership. At the same time, our mission, goals, and commitment remain constant. For nearly two decades, I’ve happily given most of my waking hours to Oregon Wild. Now, with exciting conservation victories on the horizon and a great staff and board in place, the time is right to transition to new leadership. Last year, I made a quiet decision to enter a new cycle, with time to more
As an activist, Northwest Field Representative, and Executive Director, Regna Merritt has celebrated many victories—both large and small—at Oregon Wild. Here are some highlights: fully enjoy family, friends, music and the amazing places Oregon Wild has protected! Board and staff, with expert support from the non-profit consultant TREC, are working hard to ensure a smooth transition. I will remain in my position until we have secured a great new Executive Director.
Oregon and across the Pacific Northwest during eight very dark years. You protected the places that wildlife need to survive and thrive. And today, you and I are well positioned to forever protect and restore 8.3 million acres of Oregon’s old-growth forests east of the Cascades.
I am so proud of what we have accomplished together.
Because of you, Oregon Wild will always be my favorite organization. I will continue to support our common goals in every way possible. Indeed, in this time of climate change, our mission is more important than ever. And I count on you to support Oregon Wild as we move together into a bright future.
My heartfelt thanks go to you for your advocacy and financial support. You contributed mightily to many successes, including legislation to protect Bull Run, Opal Creek, the Little Sandy, Mount Hood Wilderness and Wild Rivers – plus you successfully defended amazing old-growth and roadless forests in
With love and gratitude,
1996: Opal Creek Wilderness protection – standing with hundreds of activists to permanently protect thousands of acres of a n c i e n t f o r e s t f r o m c h a i n s a w s ( C h and r a LeGue)
1996 and 2001: Bull Run and Little Sandy Prote cti o n Act – ke e ping Po r tl and ’s drinking w a t e r c l e a n a n d p u r e ( S am B eebe / E co t r u s t )
2009: Lewis and Clark Mount Hood Wilderness – g a i n i n g p r o t e c t i o n s f o r 1 2 7, 0 0 0 a c r e s o f Wilderness and 83 miles of Wild & Scenic Rivers around Mount Hood and the Columbia G o r g e ( Tom K los t e r ) 2 0 0 9 : D e f e a t i n g t h e B u s h a d m i n i s t r a t i o n W O PR logging plan – protecting over 2 million acres of western Oregon BLM forests from increased c l e a r - c u t t i n g ( D o u g He i ken )
Summer 2010 Volume 37, Number 2
Deep roots: How the old-growth forest protection movement has grown Chandra LeGue
In October of 1991, the Northwest
forest wars had reached a fever pitch. The year before, the federal government had finally listed the northern spotted owl as a threatened species and a furious debate raged over how much critical old-growth habitat to set aside. The future of western Oregon’s ancient forests hung in the balance. Over on the drier side of the state—where spotted owls seldom ranged and the national media spotlight did not shine—a handful of dedicated activists continued their work to protect the imperiled Ponderosa pine old-growth forests of eastern Oregon. One of those activists was Tim Lillebo of Oregon Wild. A Bend Bulletin headline from that month reads: Foes of Augur Creek timber sale will file appeal. Oregon Wild and others were gearing up for a court battle to defend 2,000 acres of pristine pine and fir forest inside a roadless area. In the article, Lillebo was quoted: “Whatever it takes to keep the area in a natural condition, we’ll do it.” E l i z abe t h F e r y l T i m L i l l e b o , E a s t e r n O r e g o n W i l d l a n d s A d v o c a t e , c i r c a 1 9 9 0 .
Summer 2010 Volume 37, Number 2
Whatever it takes. 4
For three-and-a-half decades, Lillebo has been doing whatever it takes to protect our dwindling old-growth forest ecosystems. For years that meant driving all over eastern Oregon documenting old-growth logging, challenging illegal logging sales in court, and going head to head with the Forest Service and the timber industry in public debates and the media. For Oregon Wild, science has provided the guiding principles over the years. When ecologists said that Wilderness areas and roadless forests were the last, best places for native
wildlife we fought to protect them. When biologists warned of the dire impacts streamside logging would inflict on threatened salmon and trout we worked to protect important riparian areas. Protecting our remaining wild areas is essential. But it’s not enough. Now, the best available science tells us something new. We must also restore the places and processes altered through past management.
History of Abuse Viewed from the air, both eastern and western Oregon show the painful
S and y L onsdale O l d - g r o w t h p i n e l o g g i n g i n t h e 1 9 8 0 s n e a r B l a c k B u t t e , D e s c h u t e s National Forest. An estimated 10% of eastern Oregon old-growth Ponderosa remains.
legacy of 100 years of intensive logging – a patchwork of clear-cuts and a spider web of logging roads. In addition, eastern Oregon forests have long been starved of natural fire and subject to extensive livestock grazing that has seriously degraded natural vegetation and streams. In the 1980s, billions of board feet of old-growth trees were cut in eastern Oregon’s federal forests. Well into the 1990s, timber sales like the one at Augur Creek were the norm, as the Forest Service and timber industry continued to demand old-growth logs for Oregon mills, despite the drastic reduction of older forests on federal lands. By the time the logging receded only 10% of ancient forests remained across the 9 million acres of National Forest land east of the Cascade crest.
A Welcome Change In the heyday of old-growth logging there was virtually no agreement between conservation groups like Oregon Wild and the agencies and companies destroying forest habitat. Streams were muddied, landscapes carved-up by roads, wildlife species brought to the brink of extinction, and our heritage forests converted to dense, unhealthy plantations. Fortunately, things have changed since the 1980s. Due to consistent pressure from Oregon Wild and others, and an increased
understanding and appreciation of ecological science by the Forest Service, the unsustainable practices of the past have lessened significantly. Today, there is common ground between conservationists, the Forest Service, and some in the timber industry around two ideas: 1) Oregon’s old-growth forests are too few and too important to continue logging; and 2) restoration thinning in certain areas can improve forest health, and provide jobs and wood products for rural economies for decades to come. But common ground is not enough, and the tenuous administrative safeguards for old-growth forests could disappear with the next misguided forest plan amendment.
Need for Restoration Oregon Wild has been working to promote restoration of dense, young plantations and degraded streams west of the Cascades for more than a decade. But eastern Oregon forests— especially dry, Ponderosa pinedominated areas that have been most drastically altered—are also in need of restoration. Restoration activities can include fuels reduction around homes and communities, thinning small trees that have grown in since natural fires last burned (and now pose a threat to old-growth trees), and prescribed burns to restore a more natural fire cycle. Watershed restoration activities like road removal and streamside
S and y L onsdale M u r d e r e r ’ s C r e e k , i n t h e M a l h e u r N a t i o n a l Fo re st, su p p o r ts h e a l t h y st re a m s i d e ve g eta t i o n a n d c l e a n water in protected and restored areas.
C h and r a L e G u e C h a i n s a w s a t w o r k ! ? R e s t o r a t i o n o f Ponderosa pine forests in the Metolius River basin can include removing small tre es around old- grow th..
What gets protected in the Wyden eastside bill?
What gets restored in the Wyden eastside bill?
Streams and wildlife – Murderer’s Creek
Scenic landscapes – Metolius River
Healthy streams and riparian areas in eastern Oregon offer food, shelter and important travel corridors for deer, elk, beaver, and songbirds and provide the cool, clear water required by salmon and steelhead. Under the Wyden eastside bill, Murderer’s Creek – which runs through wildlands in the Malheur National Forest – and hundreds of miles of other salmon and steelhead streams would gain permanent protection from damaging activities like logging and road building. Current restoration efforts to improve watershed health would also get a major boost.
The Metolius River is well known for its beautiful old-growth pines and crystal clear water. The forests in the Metolius, and many like it in eastern Oregon, have been altered by decades of fire suppression, grazing, and logging. Under the Wyden eastside bill, dry pine forests like these would be a top priority for restoration.
Provisions in the legislation would provide permanent protections for riparian areas and establish a minimum standard for future management. The new law would delineate buffers around streams and wetlands where ground-disturbing activities wouldn’t be allowed. Outside of these areas, limits on road building and directives to reduce roads would also benefit streams. In addition, all restoration activities must be science-based and benefit the long-term recovery of the area.
To restore healthy forests and watersheds, active restoration would be encouraged under the new legislation. Projects would include the removal of smaller trees for restoration purposes, reintroduction of fire, and the enhancement of fish and wildlife habitat in and near streams. The Metolius Thinning Project (featured on OPB’s Oregon Field Guide in 2009) serves as a good example. The project was carefully designed to use low-impact equipment to thin trees encroaching on old-growth pines and reduce unnaturally dense fuels. The project retained all old and large trees, and structures important for wildlife. These activities will improve forest health over the long-term and enhance the scenic qualities that make the Metolius such a special place.
Summer 2010 Volume 37, Number 2
Wyden eastside bill vs. Status quo Over the past decade, Forest Service management in eastern Oregon has generally improved. However, a focus on restoration is far from universal and old-growth forests still lack permanent protection. Under the Wyden eastside legislation, the role of science is enhanced and restoration-based management becomes the baseline paradigm.
B r e t t C ole P r e s c r i b e d b u r n n e a r B l a c k B u t t e R a n c h i n t h e D e s c h u t e s N a t i o n a l Forest. Fire, long missing from the landscape, is an essential natural tool in maintaining forest health.
vegetation improvements to benefit of fish are also needed. In 2005, Oregon Wild initiated a project near Black Butte Ranch in the Deschutes National Forest to serve as a model for future restoration initiatives. The Glaze Forest Restoration Project demonstrates how old-growth pines, meadows, and unique aspen groves can be restored in conjunction with hazardous fuels reduction near homes and communities. Working with the U.S. Forest Service, the Warm Springs Tribes, and other community stakeholders, Oregon Wild helped forge consensus around the project. Crews began implementation in 2008 with restoration thinning commencing in winter 2009. Summer 2010 Volume 37, Number 2
Status Quo
Under Wyden eastside bill
Large and old tree protection
Interim policy should protect live trees over 21” in most circumstances, but forest plan amendments frequently allow removal of trees over 21”.
Protects live trees over 21” and gives implicit protection for smaller trees with old-growth characteristics. Exceptions to protections are defined by the science panel using best available science.
New roads, permanent and temporary, can be built with proper environmental analysis. Temporary roads do not have to be decommissioned.
No new permanent roads are allowed and temporary roads are significantly restricted. Net reduction of roads is required, and all new temporary roads must be fully decommissioned.
Restoration goals
Multiple-use goals including timber, economics, and forest health.
Sets new ecological restoration goals. All logging and other projects must meet these goals and improve forest and watershed health.
Science guidance
Scientific analysis, including effects on endangered fish and wildlife, required at the project level.
Current requirements still apply. In addition, management and planning specifically guided by “Best Available Science.” A scientific advisory panel will direct and constrain management at both the landscape and project level.
Stakeholder collaboration
Collaboration happens sporadically and with no specific guidelines.
Collaboration defined and encouraged through early involvement of diverse groups on project development and in monitoring.
An Historic Opportunity In December 2009, our decades-long efforts to protect Oregon’s old-growth forests and encourage ecologicallyresponsible restoration culminated in work with Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) to develop the Oregon Eastside Forest Restoration, Old-Growth Protection, and Jobs Act. This legislation fundamentally changes the way eastern Oregon’s public forests are managed. The Wyden eastside forest bill builds on common ground reached between conservationists and the timber industry, while securing protections for old-growth forests that conservationists have sought for decades. The legislation directs the Forest Service to use the best available science to develop ecologically-based restoration plans at a landscape scale,
protect sensitive streamside vegetation, restore fish habitat, and reduce damaging roads. It also ushers in a new era of collaboration, encouraging the type of consensusdriven process used in the Glaze Project. Oregon Wild has always done whatever it takes to protect our wildlands, wildlife, and waters. In the years to come we’ll fight as hard as ever to designate Wilderness areas and Wild & Scenic rivers, ensure roadless areas remain intact, and keep our remaining old-growth forests standing tall to pass on to future generations. In addition, we’re now
committed to doing whatever it takes to restore forests in eastern Oregon that can one day become the ancient Ponderosa forests lost to a century of misguided forestry.
Eastern Oregon National Forests The Wyden eastside bill will protect old-growth and restore forests across 8.3 million acres of public land. map by Erik Fernandez
Take Action! Contact Senator Wyden to thank him for supporting this important legislation (S.2895) to protect and restore eastern Oregon’s forests and ask him to move it forward quickly. Contact your Representative and ask them to support it too. Go to www. oregonwild.org/oregon_forests to take action.
M a t t h ew P r e u sc h ( T h e O r egon i an ) T i m L i l l e b o e x p l a i n s t h e p r i n c i p l e s o f f o r e s t restoration in the Glaze Project near Black Butte.
Summer 2010 Volume 37, Number 2
All outings are guided by experts and require online reservations. Please leave pets at home. For your comfort and safety, wear appropriate attire and bring plenty of water, snacks, and a lunch. Children are welcome but must be accompanied by an adult. Saturday, June 19 Cloud Cap Saddle Hike #1 Leader: Margo Earley
Sunday, June 20 Columbia River Gorge Waterfall Hike Leader: Rob Klavins
Oregon Wild proudly presents
Oregon Wild
summer 2010 Visit the places you want to see with the people who know them best! Register for hikes and outings at www.oregonwild.org or call 503.283.6343 ext. 210 Special thanks to The Mazamas and Willamette Week!
(Moderate, 3.3 miles, elevation gain 780 feet, Mount Hood National Forest) You can’t beat the free-flowing scenery on this Columbia River Gorge hike to three signature cascading cataracts. (Members only) Molalla River/Rooster Rock Hike Leader: Sean Stevens
(Moderate, 5.0 miles, elevation gain 1,100 feet, Salem BLM) Journey to the headwaters of the Molalla River and explore the unique basalt formations of the Table Rock Wilderness. (Free and open)
G r eg L i ef
Saturday, June 26 Cloud Cap Saddle Hike #2 Leader: Margo Earley
(Moderate to Strenuous, 6.0 miles, elevation gain 2,200 feet, Mount Hood National Forest) Your second chance to explore the sub-alpine forests beneath Mount Hood’s largest glacier. (Free and open) Saturday, July 10 Tidbits Mountain Hike Leader: Chandra LeGue
(Moderate, 4.5 miles, elevation gain 1,100 feet, Willamette National Forest) Hike up many-pinnacled Tidbits Mountain through spectacular oldgrowth on the way to an amazing mountain view, rocky outcrops and wildflowers galore. (Free and open)
(Moderate to Strenuous, 6.0 miles, elevation gain 2,200 feet, Mount Hood National Forest) Hike through newly-designated Wilderness which burned during a lightning-sparked forest fire in autumn 2008, and see the dramatic re-growth in every direction. (Free and open)
register at S ean S t e v ens
[July 10, continued]
Hunchback Mountain to Great Pyramid Hike Leader: Ani Kame’enui
(Strenuous, 9.0 miles, elevation gain 2,900 feet, Mount Hood National Forest) Cruise the ridge of Hunchback Mountain for perfect views of both Salmon-Huckleberry and Mt. Hood Wilderness areas. (Free and open) Rogue River/Rainie Falls Hike Leader: Gabe Howe
(Moderate, 5-7 miles, minimal elevation gain, Medford BLM) Explore the spectacular Wild and Scenic Rogue River canyon’s unique geography, plants, and wildlife. (Free and open)
register at
Sunday, July 11 Opal Creek Ancient Forest Hike Leader: Regna Merritt
(Moderate, 5-7 miles, minimal elevation gain, Willamette National Forest) Visit towering groves of 500-year-old trees and marvel at the pristine waters of Opal Creek. (Reserve with hike fee) North Umpqua Trail Hike Leader: Doug Heiken
(Moderate, 5-8 miles, elevation gain depends on length, Umpqua National Forest) Enjoy the scenery and the season along the famed North Umpqua River. (Free and open) Saturday, July 24 Timberline Lodge & Mt. Hood Meadows Hike Leader: Wendell Wood
Sunday, August 1 Tom, Dick & Harry Mountain Summit Hike Leader: Sean Stevens
(Moderate to Strenuous, 5.0 miles, elevation gain 1,600 feet, Mount Hood National Forest) Enjoy the pleasure of a perfect blooming wildflower and the view from a grand vista on this Wilderness hike. (Members only) Saturday, August 7 Boulder Lake Hike Leader: Erik Fernandez
(Moderate, 5.0 miles, elevation gain 1,100 feet, Mount Hood National Forest) Discover the aquamarine waters of one of the Mount Hood National Forest’s best-kept secrets! (Reserve with hike fee)
(Easy to Moderate, 2.0 miles total, elevation gain is minimal, Mount Hood National Forest) Two, slow go, wildflower identification hikes on the Timberline Trail and near Umbrella Falls. (Members only) Monday, July 26 Mirror Lake Wildflower Hike Leader: Wendell Wood
(Easy to Moderate, 3.5 miles, elevation gain 780 feet, Mount Hood National Forest) Hike to scenic Mirror Lake for views of intricate wildflowers and the grand vista of Mount Hood. (Reserve with hike fee) G r eg L i ef
r ob kla v i ns
Saturday, August 14 Memaloose Lake Family Hike Leader: Sean Stevens
(Easy, 2.6 miles, elevation gain 650 feet, Mount Hood National Forest) The kids will love this quick trip through a stunning old-growth forest trail leading to a lake teeming with salamanders. (Free and open) Saturday, August 21 Mount Bailey Hike Leader: Chandra LeGue
(Strenuous, 10 miles, elevation gain 3,130 feet, Umpqua National Forest) Climb one of the Cascades’ most accessible mountains on this challenging trek within the Crater Lake Wilderness proposal. (Reserve with hike fee)
register at
Keeping it wild Featuring the supporters, foundations, businesses, and volunteers that make our work possible. This issue’s focus: new members.
Kristina Leamy can appreciate the value of living in a place where the land, air, and water are treasures and living among people who feel the same way. Oregon Wild: What is your
favorite hiking spot in Oregon?
c h and r a leg u e
Name: Sandor Lau Age: 35 Location: Eugene Membership Level: Individual Joined: 2008 Oregon Wild: How long have you lived in Oregon? Sandor Lau: Three years. Not
long enough.
Oregon Wild: Why do you call Oregon home? Sandor: My two little nephews are the most important things to me here. After traveling the world and seeing the impact of mismanaged land, air, and water in many countries, I Summer 2010 Volume 37, Number 2
Sandor: Whenever I get a chance, I head to Sweet Creek just outside Mapleton. It’s an easy hike where I can take my parents who are in their sixties or people with kids, and still get some great exercise while enjoying miles of trail along a creek that’s basically nothing but waterfalls. Cape Perpetua and the hikes surrounding it are a close second. Oregon Wild: Which Oregon
Wild campaign is most important to you?
Sandor: I went to Crater Lake for the first time last summer and my friends have been wishing I would shut up about it ever since. It’s a National Park, not an amusement park. A helicopter ride for four
people ruins the experience for dozens or hundreds of others. The campaign is basically about protecting the equal rights of all people to enjoy this place that belongs to all of us. Oregon Wild: Why do you think it is important to support Oregon Wild? Sandor: Oregon Wild is
vigilant in looking after the interests of the land and all of us who would prefer to continue living on it. Oregon Wild: When you are not enjoying the outdoors, what keeps you busy? Sandor: When I am not enjoying the outdoors, I am planning my next film and outdoor adventure. I’m a documentary filmmaker and probably my best known work is a film called Behaviors of the Backpacker. It’s the story of my 300 mile walk across New Zealand getting to know the land and the people who live on it. My next big mission is to walk the Oregon Trail and do a
film and a book on the experience. Oregon Wild: What is your favorite Oregon animal? Sandor: Salmon. They’re both inspiring in their single minded dedication to their journey and goal, and also a good reminder to take it easy and enjoy yourself as there’s no sense in reaching your goals at the expense of flaying your body to bits on the rocks.
Ways to celebrate the wild Tribute and memorial gifts c h e r y l h i ll
Sandor: Chanterelles! They taste way better on pizza than western red cedar.
Tribute gifts are a thoughtful way to celebrate a birthday, wedding, new baby, graduation, holiday, or any occasion. They may also serve as a way to honor the memory of a friend or relative. Make a tribute or memorial gift in honor of someone special in your life to acknowledge their love of Oregon’s wildlands, wildlife, and waters.
Join today and meet like-minded people who share your interest in keeping Oregon a great place to live, work, and play. Membership starts at only $35 and includes exciting benefits at each level. Visit www.oregonwild.org/ membership or call 503.283.6343 ext 224 to become a member today.
Visit www.oregonwild.org/donate or call 503.283.6343 ext 224 to make a tribute or memorial gift by credit card. You may also send us a letter including the name of the person who you wish to honor, the occasion (if any), and the name and address of the person you would like to be notified of your gift. Please remember to include your own name and address so that we may properly acknowledge your gift. The amount of your gift will be confidential and tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.
Oregon Wild: What is your favorite Oregon plant?
New Members Glen Esler Aron Faegre Bridget Fahrland Christine and Charles Farrington Peter Feldman Gavin Ferris Tim Foley Jo Foteff j e r e t t d u f r esne
William Aegerter Marge and Ralph Alig Vik Anantha Meadow Anderson Nancy Anderson Shari and Ted Anderson M.E. Andre Kris Anell Shannon Applegate and Daniel Robertson Jonathan Arlook Anthony Arnell Gloria Baca Andrew Baird Linda Baker Nathan Baker Stephen Baker Charles S. Baum Mechelle Beama Harriet Behm Thomas Bell John Bentley Dale Berg Michael Berger Carey Black James Black Eric Boggs Kristin Bott Jane and James Brown Lenard Bryer Joseph A. Budde Judy Burchell
Natalia Burgess Colby Buswell James Chase Clint Chiavarini Amy Chinitz Roberta L. Chord Matt Clark Andrew Coke Jessica Colby Philip Conti Cindy Correll Darcy and Kevin Cronin Laura Crosby Caroline Crumpacker Christine Cunningham and Pete Peterson Noralyn Danielle Michael Davalt Pam and Bob Davee Patricia and Michael Davidson Rande DeGidio Pam and Milo Denham Naomi Derner Devin Dimeo-Ediger Claudia Dissel Daniel Dizney M Dorton John Earl Shirley Edmison Madeline Edwards Joell Ellis
Eileen and Peter Galen Emily Garcia Shannon Gearry Bob Gillespie Jeff Graham David Gray Carolyn Greene Sherrie Guilmette Bill Guthrie Molly Rogers and Christopher Hagerman Madelyn Hall Marie Hall Victoria Hall Jeff Hanson Amy Haroldson Richard Harris Kathleen Hart John Hartman Keith Hatch Peter Hazel Martin Heim Polly Helm and Scott Nelson Susan and Jurgen Hess Christopher Hill Robert Hoehne Henry Holmes JoLynn Holton James Honeycutt Edwin Hooker Liz Howell Wendy Hudson Margot and Jon Hull Strauhal Carol Hurn and Barry Hensley Leah Ilem
Oregon Wild welcomes our newest members who joined March 31, 2009 - March 31, 2010. Thank you for joining our cause!
Robin Jacobs Molly James-Bartel Joana Jansen Sarina Jepsen Jesse Kaminash Donna Kennedy Yasmin Khajavi and Aaron Poresky Greg Kirschner Katherine and Randy Kohlschmidt Kirill Kurguzov Penelope Lapham Mark Leas Anne Leong Adinah Lieberman Leslie Lihou Grace Lim Newton H. Loken Patricia Lovejoy Rebecca Loveman Linda Lovett Janai and Tim Lowenstein Sarah Luther Stephen Madore Sara Manifold Chris Marks Tina and Mike McGill Linda and Hugh McMahan Adell McMillan Becky Megerssa James Melican Susan Merrell Anne Millman Terry Mills David Mitchell Erik Mitchell Mary Montgomery Kelly Morgan Jill Mosteller Catherine Muccigrosso Barbara and Paul Muller Pat Muller 11
Elizabeth Neighbor Smith Annette Newman Emily Olson Evan O’Neill Kelly O’Rourke Katie Pearmine Lee Perlow Renee Pirkl Jon Plummer M. Alex Reed Dawn Regier Diane Rempe Lisa Renard Karen Roberson and Clay Baumgartner Brian Robinson John Robinson JoAnn Robison Cornelius Wendy Rodgers Becky Rose Suzanne Rosen and Colin Park Erick Russ Martha Rutan Georgia Schell James Sellers Barry Shaw
Kathy Shayler Toni Shearer Gabriel Sheridan Lisa and John Silliman Ian Smethurst Joe D. Smith Toni Smith Paul Spies Simon Springall Jennifer Spurlock Beth Stebbins Broc Stennman Aron Stephens Heather Sterling Joan Sterrett Christine Stock Peter Stolpe Darcy Strange Jacqueline Sutton Asha Swem
Bryan Turner Kathrine Turner Carol Turtle
Diana Talcott and Larry Hon Kristi and Aaron Theisen Charles Thomas Nancy Toth Pepper Trail Brian Tryon Alexis and Andrew Turley-Byers
Florence Zeller
Robert Unrath Bethany Valachi Mark Van Ryzin Greg Vaughn Alice Vincent Jeremey Wade W. Sterling Wall Doug Warr Richard L Weil Ted Weintraut Jessica White Christen Williams Alice Williamson Greg Winterowd James Withgott Dennis and Cam Wolff
Every effort has been made to ensure that this list is accurate. If you have any questions, please email membership@oregonwild.org.
Are your friends and family Oregon Wild members?
h e r be r t e v e r e t t
Take a minute to ask them to join you in supporting the important work of Oregon Wild. Each new member increases our ability to protect and restore Oregon’s wildlands, wildlife, and waters. Ask them to become a member today by visiting www.oregonwild.org/membership or by calling 503.283.6343 ext 224. Summer 2010 Volume 37, Number 2
Creature Feature: American White Pelican Ani Kame’enui p h o t os b y b r e t t cole
Unique characteristic:
During breeding season (spring), American White Pelicans develop bright, vivid orange bills, feet, and skin around their eyes. At this time, the pelicans also develop a distinct hormoneinduced growth on their bills. The growth or horn-like feature is usually on their upper bill, a couple inches long, narrow, with a round top. These horns are shed after the birds have mated and laid eggs. In focus: The American
Creature: American White
Pelican (Pelecanus erythrorhynchos)
Where you can find it: Klamath Basin By the numbers: Large white bird, about 11-20 pounds in weight, 50-67 inches in length with beaks of 13-14 inches on males and 10-13 inches on females. Wingspan is about 95-120 inches.
Summer 2010 Volume 37, Number 2
White Pelican is one of our nation’s most charismatic water birds. Some suggest they symbolize the old West and the freedom and wildness of pre-settlement America. Like homesteaders of the early 20th Century, the American White Pelican has adapted to changing environments, including altered wetland habitats, where they originally thrived. Though adaptable, pelicans have undergone a significant decline throughout the last century. Much of the population reduction can be directly
attributed to loss of habitat due to water diversions and agricultural development. In the Klamath Basin, pelicans can be seen around Upper Klamath Lake and the basin’s National Wildlife Refuges, including Lower Klamath, Tule Lake, and Clear Lake. Typically, pelicans nest in colonies that include hundreds of pairs. In the Klamath Basin this pairing often takes place on Clear Lake National Wildlife Refuge’s nesting islands. Parents must protect young pelicans from predators and drought while the fledgling birds develop the necessary muscles and feathers to take flight. When surrounded by plentiful water, Clear Lake’s nesting islands provide an ideal protected home for these young birds. Unfortunately, with the 2010 low water year in the Klamath Basin, the pelican breeding pairs and young may face significant hardship heading into what is predicted to be a hot and dry summer.
A dry water year coupled with decades of agricultural development have reduced habitat for the American White Pelican.
Bring the sounds of the Klamath to your phone
b r e t t cole
From the beginning of spring migration until the tail end of the fall exodus, the Klamath Basin National Wildlife Refuges are alive with the sounds of birdlife. The cacophony of thousands of snow geese taking flight. The eerie “thunder pumper” call of the American Bittern. The hoots of a Great Horned Owl interrupting the crisp night air. Now you can take the wondrous sounds of the Everglades of the West with you wherever you go. Head to the Oregon Wild website to download a ring tone of your favorite Klamath bird call: www.oregonwild.org/waters/klamath/ring-tones
still allowed and are available for those who need them. Other exemptions include emergency landings or watercraft used for official purposes such as search and rescue, law enforcement, and fire suppression. This rule will effectively implement the U.S. Forest Service’s plan to create the largest motor-free lake in Oregon.
M a r k T i mb y Q u i e t m o d e s o f r e c r e a t i o n h a v e a l w a y s b e e n t h e p r e f e r r e d c h o i c e a t W a l d o L a k e .
In an era of conflict between state and federal governments (think health care reform!) it’s heartening to see the state of Oregon and the U.S. government working together to protect Waldo
Lake for current and future generations. However, there are rumors that the pro-motor advocates may take the issue back to court. Their last lawsuit was ostensibly based on “states’ rights” but now that the state has agreed to prohibit gas motors they’ll have to find a new argument. It appears the new claim is that Oregon’s scenic waterway law (counterintuitively) grants the Marine Board less authority to protect special places like Waldo Lake. While you try and figure out that paradox, make sure to get yourself to Waldo Lake this summer and soak in the silence!
Is this the year motors fall silent at Waldo Lake? Doug Heiken
aldo Lake is the crown jewel of the Oregon Cascades. Forming the headwaters of the Willamette River which weaves through the lives of the majority of Oregonians, Waldo Lake exhibits globally significant water quality and beauty. Waldo’s deep blue water is as pure as almost any large lake in the entire world. Oregon Wild has long advocated protection of Waldo Lake. In 1984 we helped to secure Wilderness protection for much of the watershed. Since then
we’ve argued for the elimination of noisy and polluting internal combustion engines on the lake itself.
about whether Waldo is “owned” by the State of Oregon or the federal government.
There are hundreds of lakes in Oregon, and many in the Cascade Mountains, where gas motor boats dominate. After years of discussion, the Willamette National Forest finally decided in 2007 to phase out motors on Waldo Lake only to have this effort sidetracked by a pro-motor lawsuit. The result was confusion
Earlier this year, the state and federal governments reached an accord about management of Waldo Lake. Subsequently, the Oregon State Marine Board proposed and adopted new rules to phase out gas motors and float planes on Waldo Lake. The proposed rule has reasonable exceptions. Quiet electric motors are 13
B r i z z M edd i ngs Tw o c a m p e r s e n j o y t h e n o w - q u i e t s h o r e s o f W a l d o L a k e , a t t h e e d g e of wilderness.
Summer 2010 Volume 37, Number 2
Bill’s Excellent Adventures
Alberta Gerould – a life of activism
Touring the state’s best trails with the guru of Oregon hiking Featuring: Eight Dollar Mountain William Sullivan
We honor the life of Alberta
so infertile that plants have struggled to adapt.
W endell W ood A W h i t e v e i n P y r o l a ( P y r o l a picta) clings to the slope of Eight Dollar Mountain.
lmost perfectly conical, this 3-mile-wide mountain rises above the Illinois River in the heart of the Klamath Mountains of Southwest Oregon. Although it looks like a volcano, it’s actually an erosional remnant that includes some of Oregon’s oldest rocks. The reddish peridotite here produces a soil
As a result, Eight Dollar Mountain is an island of botanical diversity, home to odd bogs and an astonishing variety of rare flowers. You can sample the area with a half-mile stroll along a new boardwalk.
With the purchase of 650 acres by the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department last year, all of Eight Dollar Mountain is now in public or non-profit ownership. The landscape here is strange in many ways. Although Eight Dollar Mountain receives more than 60 inches of rain a year,
Summer 2010 Volume 37, Number 2
the rock has so few nutrients that pine trees here are sparse and stunted. At first glance some slopes resemble a desert.
Gerould, who passed in January at the age of 92. Alberta was an avid hiker, photographer, letter writer, and conservationist. She worked closely with Regna Merritt, Dr. Joe
The mountain is so conical that it has virtually no creeks. Instead runoff oozes downhill through vast fens, boggy slopes punctuated with the baseball-bat shapes of pitcher plants – a carnivorous plant that creates its own fertilizer by catching and dissolving insects. To drive here from Grants Pass, take Highway 199 south 24 miles. At milepost 24, turn right on Eight Dollar Road for 0.9 mile to a marked gravel parking area on the left. Walk up a paved road to the right 200 yards to find the start of the 0.2-mile boardwalk. For more information about this and other trails in the Klamath Mountains, check out William L. Sullivan’s new third edition of “100 Hikes in Southern Oregon.”
Miller and other friends to protect the Bull Run and Little Sandy. She participated in lively demonstrations while also researching and cataloging reference materials, and ensuring their preservation in the Multnomah County Library. Alberta was a dedicated advocate for the newly-designated Roaring River Wilderness in the Mount Hood National Forest. She and her beloved companion John Saeman traveled far beyond their “backyard” forests. Together they enjoyed, and captured pictures of, threatened forests throughout the West. We offer our condolences to her family while celebrating Alberta’s adventurous, generous spirit and her enduring love for Oregon’s ancient forests. Contributions made to Oregon Wild in memory of Alberta Gerould:
Catherine Ellison
P. Janye Lebsack
p e t e r sc h Ü t t e
Stephen Gerould
Laurel and Larry Roberts H. Gerrit Rosenthal Catherine Vergara
Where in Oregon
Inside Oregon Wild
We know our readers love to get outdoors into the wildlands of Oregon. Many of our supporters know the state like the back of their hand. With that in mind, we’re introducing a new feature this issue: “Where in Oregon?”
Staff comings and goings
Think you know where in Oregon this picture was taken? Want to send us a photo of yourself with the newsletter and see if you can stump us all? (No pun intended!)
em i ly kla v i ns
O r egon W i ld B oa r d and S t aff B a c k r o w ( l e f t t o r i g h t ) : S e a n S t e v e n s , D a n i e l R o b e r t s o n , T i m L i l l e b o , M e g an Gi bb, Susan A ppl e g ate, A ni Kam e’e nui, K risti na Le amy, Lesli e Lo g an, Pat Cl ancy, R and Sch e nck, R e g n a M e rri t t, R o b K l a v i n s, Ca n d i c e G u t h, M i ke H e l m, S teve Pe d e ry. Fro nt row (l e f t to ri g ht): D o u g H e i ke n, C h a n d r a L e G u e , J a n W i l s o n , E r i k F e r n a n d e z , G a r y G u t t o r m s e n . N o t p i c t u r e d : J i m B a k e r, D e n i s e K a y s e r, We nde ll Wo o d.
2010 has been a year of change for Oregon Wild. In February we bid a fond farewell to Membership Coordinator Cheryl Lohrmann, who is now working to kick-start her own non-profit Create Plenty. In April, Development Director Allison Oseth left Oregon Wild to pursue new opportunities in the Bay Area, and will be working part time to coordinate grant work.
Send your guess or a photo to newsletter@ oregonwild.org and you could win great prizes. The first person to correctly guess the location of this issue’s photo wins a copy of William Sullivan’s Atlas of Oregon Wilderness. You’ll also get a copy of the book if we publish your newsletter photo in our next edition!
Stepping into the role of Development Coordinator is Kristina Leamy. Prior to Oregon Wild, Kristina 15
amassed nearly a decade of non-profit fundraising experience at museums in Los Angeles and New York. Working with Kristina is our new Development Assistant Denise Kayser. Together, Denise and Kristina can answer any question you might have about membership, donations, or other ways to support Oregon Wild. We’re also excited to welcome two new members of the Oregon Wild Board of Directors. In January, Daniel Robertson of Yoncalla was elected to the Board. Daniel brings over
20 years experience as a non-profit administrator and a legal expertise honed as a partner in the law firm of Aller Morrison Roberston. In May, the Board welcomed to its ranks a familiar face to Oregon hikers, William Sullivan – author of the “100 Hikes” series and over a dozen books on exploring Oregon. See a selected hike from one of his books in our “Bill’s Excellent Adventures” feature. We’d also like to extend a belated welcome to Board member Leslie Logan and happy trails to former Board member Chad Kromm.
Summer 2010 Volume 37, Number 2
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5825 N. Greeley Ave. Portland, OR 97217
Thanks to our sponsor
2010 Oregon Wild
Outdoor Photo Contest All submissions due by September 30, 2010 Grab your camera, pick up your map, and hit the trail in search of the winning image in our 6th annual Outdoor Photo Contest. Your chance to capture and share the beauty of Oregon is here. We have fantastic prizes for winners in all
categories including this year’s Endangered Places category starring…YOU! That’s right, this year we’re looking for photos of people enjoying Oregon’s wildlands, wildlife, and waters just how generations of Oregonians have – taking part in
traditional recreation like hiking, camping, swimming, hunting, fishing, canoeing, kayaking, and more. See contest rules and submit your photos at www.oregonwild.org/ photo-contest.
t y le r r oeme r